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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of the best shows of all-time. I'm seriously not joking. After Turn Turn Turn episode, the show gets so impressive with each season being better than last. Season 4 is overall mind blown since it got split in 3 arcs and stories tie in so amazingly and I can't wait for last two episodes. I hope this show gets renewed for one last season. It deserves another season to wrap up all and give it a nice conclusion.

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Haven't shared any of these in awhile.  Let's get them rolling:

-Iron Fist > Luke Cage.  As much as I don't really care for the ongoing Marvel/Netflix-verse (two unpopular opinions for the price of one), I thought Iron Fist was just a far more entertaining show while Luke Cage took itself too self seriously for my liking.

-I don't think this really is an unpopular opinion anymore, but I miss when pop music had big personalities like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, etc. because seeing artists like Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, and The Chainsmokers topping the charts in 2017 just makes me feel like pop music doesn't matter anymore as the dominant mainstream radio genre.

-I feel like there will be a Star Wars backlash in the next year or two, if there isn't one already.  What Disney is planning to do with this extended universe is terrible.

-Jurassic World has not held up well two years later.  Outside of five scenes, the movie is mostly boring and at times laughable.  Still better than Lost World and JP3 though.

-The Austin Powers franchise is incredibly underrated.

-Probably my most heartbreaking unpopular opinion yet, but at this point in time, I think Jennifer Lawrence has become unbearable.  I think her ego has become supremely massive about how quirky she is and that she's always "real" to the point that she has started to become annoying.  Everything I've read about her as of late makes her come off as her shit doesn't stink.  So pretty much she's become just another celebrity to me, nothing special.  

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I recently caught Logan and it was...okay? I feel that I didn't resonate with the story as much as other people (internet) had set it out to be, which kinda made me more disappointed. I definitely enjoyed The Wolverine more.

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American Dad is fantastic. I know it's recognized as Seth MacFarlane's best show, but I'm not kidding when I legitimately call it a pretty great show. It starts out rough but it just gets better as it goes on. The show has actual characters which I all really like and a lot less flashback jokes, which the jokes tend to rely on the plot and character interactions, which is how I like my comedy in television shows. As I said it starts out rough as a kind of show without much of a identity and just kind of goes for political jokes, but as it went on it became a show that runs on it's own absurdity for plot lines and I like that a lot. It's far from perfect or a masterpiece but it fulfills what it wants to be very well; an enjoyable and pretty funny at times show.  

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unpopular opinion: I like both Thor movies. they aren't great but they are cute, funny movies. First one has such a great development for Thor, whereas second one had more space and it was fun. I get why people would dislike them, especially the second one but I like both. At least third movie gonna be the first great Thor movie, I hope so.

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1 minute ago, Lettuce said:

Vegans are illogical.


its one thing to personally not want to engage in that lifestyle but it's another to call them "illogical"

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On 30.05.2017 at 9:42 PM, E.V.I.L said:

I'm so tired of romance being everywhere consuming both the media and peoples lives.


Seriously, I had enough with romance taking over the shows. I'm okay with people having a romantic relationship, as long as they don't rub it on my face but dear god, TV shows have been using romance so often, It got me so tired to the point I wanna quit my shows but I love my shows so much. I'm fine with romance being a side story and If romance is actually sweet and compelling like Fits/Simmons in Agents of SHIELD, then fine but other times like Barry/Iris shit taking over the whole third season of The Flash or Regular Show doing a cringe worthy love triangle in season 6, romance just ruins shows for me. Another thing about that, I know Jashi has fans in Samurai Jack fandom but dear god, not every male and female lead need a fucking relationship. Why can't they have just friendship? Save for like 2-3 hints, I never felt any chemistry between Jack and Ashi and the way 8th episode of 5th season developed the romance felt so awkward, weirdly-paced and out of place for this show.


Another thing, unrelated to the reply.

TTG sucks but it didn't ruin CN. It's SpongeBob all over. CN wanted a high rated show to be milked, so they picked TTG for it's high ratings and there you go. Yeah, TTG is sometimes clickbaity but again, CN ruined itself with making TTG it's focus, not TTG itself.

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3 minutes ago, Bryan Errin said:

Unpopular Perspective: I'm single and understand how romance is a natural healthy part of society. Of course it's going to happen in mature cartoons.

It's not like I don't want them to stop making romance stories. Just tone them down or make them compelling, not forced or rushed. There's more to tell than mostly a romance.

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10 hours ago, Bryan Errin said:

Unpopular Perspective: I'm single and understand how romance is a natural healthy part of society. Of course it's going to happen in mature cartoons.

Yes and friendship is also a natural healthy part of society and friendship not involving romance taking up 70% of the plot is also a natural healthy part of society so maybe pairing every woman and man friend up ever is also kinda unrealistic.

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13 minutes ago, E.V.I.L said:

Yes and friendship is also a natural healthy part of society and friendship not involving romance taking up 70% of the plot is also a natural healthy part of society so maybe pairing every woman and man friend up ever is also kinda unrealistic.

I seriously want more female/male (that aren't related) friendships in tv shows. Is that too much to ask?

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3 hours ago, The Who said:

I seriously want more female/male (that aren't related) friendships in tv shows. Is that too much to ask?

Yes. Romance creates drama. Drama creates story. Story creates episodes. We may have amazingly weird and strong friendships in real life with the opposite sex, but just because something like that works in real life doesn't mean it'd be able to carry (roughly) three dozen A-plots over the course of a show (could be more, could be less, three dozen would be about three seasons and would still leave another three dozen episodes free for other plots). It's inherently more interesting (not to mention easier to write) if a couple breaks up and tries to remain friends and then ends up back together (or not) than if they're just friends the entire time because we can go through ups and downs and be invested in the relationship and get both perspectives and root for them to either succeed or fail.

In my opinion (and you touched on this a bit a few posts ago) the problem mostly stems from poor writing more than anything else. In order to create those stories, the writers have to kind of find loopholes and jump through hoops and have their characters not communicate properly so they get into arguments - which is fine to a point, but too much of it does get overwhelming (I think Jack/Ashi needed to happen so there was weight to the finale, but I also think it felt like Genndy only realized towards the end of production that he needed to do that and kind of yadda-yadda'd the build up). However, doing that is still better than the alternative of having a nice stable friendship be the center of everything - and if it's not stable... then what's the point? I won't speak for everyone, but I'm not going to get invested in an on-again/off-again friendship with awkward platonic tension; I'm not gonna tune in each week to see if they finally get that coffee or if they decide they'd be better off as acquaintances.

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