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SBC Generations are periods of time that each member on SBC is classified based on their registration date. Officially, they're classified by the August 15th date (the date which SBC was created) over a three year period. As long as the user had a consistent period of activity within the given timeframe without a ban, they are part of that generation.

SBC Generations
Current: Generation 5
Next Generation: August 15th, 2024

Generation Dates

Here is an official list of generation periods:

  • Generation 4: August 15th, 2018 - August 14th, 2021
  • Generation 5: August 15th, 2021 - August 14th, 2024
    • Notable members: Omni, Dbryde

Notable Exceptions

There are some exceptions to the generation periods. Members who join shortly before the August 15th date are left to the discretion of their activity to determine their generation.

  • HawkbitAlpha is classified as a Generation 3 member because while he had decent periods of activity in the first two generations, both tenures ended in bans. His return since March 2018 onward marks a clean tenure.
  • Storm is classified as a Generation 3 member because while he had decent periods of activity before his bans, his return date in July 2018 marks a clean tenure.
  • RDSP and Carotte are classified as Generation 3 members because although both joined in July 2015, they did not become truly active on the site until 2018.
  • Salmon is classified as a Generation 4 member because although he joined SBC as "A Sponge Fan" in May 2013, he quickly abandoned the account and did not truly become active until he rejoined the site in October 2018.
  • G4y is classified as a Generation 4 member because although he joined SBC in April 2015, he did not become truly active on the site until December 2018.