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Clappy’s New Crap Cinema


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I was never a fan of Horton Hears a Who as a book or a film.


The Lorax was ok, but it just lacked anything distinctive or memorable.  They played it far too safe to the point of making it a movie worth remembering.


I have a weird love for the new Lorax movie. It's one of three movies where I wanted to rewatch it immediately after finishing it (the other two being The Fifth Element and Treasure Planet, for anyone curious), and I think I've since watched it three or four times. I'm always in the mood for it. I just loved all the designs and the songs and the characters and everything. It's bizarre.


Man, I wanna watch it again now.

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I still think it was better than Dark of the Moon, at least. I need to re-watch Revenge of the Fallen in full again. The human characters were actually not as grating this time around. Wahlberg was being Wahlberg, of course they kill off the most likeable one early on tho, the whole thing between Cade's daughter and her Irish boyfriend could've been worst tbh, Joyce had a few moments and I love Kelsey Grammer and Titus Welliver so that made them a big step up from Patrick Dempsey on villain side. It felt like a refreshing change of pace from Shia & Pals. I even think they made more of an effort to actually put some of the spotlight on the autobots that aren't BUMBLEBEEEE and OPTIMUSSSSS this time around. Of course, there are the things that make a Michael Bay film a Michael Bay film, but I came into this expecting a Michael Bay film from the explosive action, to the stereotypes, to the lackluster story, to how he tries to make these things as fucking long as he can possibly make them be (like I finally rewatched DotM a few days ago on FX and it was like four hours long, which is more than likely what this'll be once it hits the airwaves. That's almost like watching Titanic on TV).

I can't imagine something Transformers without Megatron being thrown in somehow, but I felt he didn't have that big of a role compared to co-big bad, Lockdown. He seemed mostly in the shadows this time around. He had just like that one fight with Optimus on the highway in the middle of the movie and that was pretty much to show Optimus that "I'm back mothafuckaaaa!" and goes off to keep up with the charade that he's still under the government's control (that whole "you have no soul" bit was pretty badass too, if you ask me) while articulating his grandmaster plan from behind the comfort of our government. He was also pretty much a non-factor during the final battle, just watching from the sidelines off-screen as the Dinobots fuck up all his new toys and Lockdown dry humps Hong Kong I guess, and only showing up the very end to pretty much say "I'm still here muthafuckaaaaa!" literally from behind their backs.

I do agree that the Dinobots weren't utilized as well as they could have, but at least they left the door open for more from them in more inevitable sequels. I mean what, they're just gonna release them out into the world, go off to Jurassic Park or some shit and not have them come back? Also, it's ridiculously funny to see how much product placement and stuff you can point out in this one. There was even a pony at one point.

I'm more than likely in the minority, but what can I say, I'm easily entertained :P

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I still think it was better than Dark of the Moon, at least. I need to re-watch Revenge of the Fallen in full again. The human characters were actually not as grating this time around. Wahlberg was being Wahlberg, of course they kill off the most likeable one early on tho, the whole thing between Cade's daughter and her Irish boyfriend could've been worst tbh, Joyce had a few moments and I love Kelsey Grammer and Titus Welliver so that made them a big step up from Patrick Dempsey on villain side. It felt like a refreshing change of pace from Shia & Pals. I even think they made more of an effort to actually put some of the spotlight on the autobots that aren't BUMBLEBEEEE and OPTIMUSSSSS this time around. Of course, there are the things that make a Michael Bay film a Michael Bay film, but I came into this expecting a Michael Bay film from the explosive action, to the stereotypes, to the lackluster story, to how he tries to make these things as fucking long as he can possibly make them be (like I finally rewatched DotM a few days ago on FX and it was like four hours long, which is more than likely what this'll be once it hits the airwaves. That's almost like watching Titanic on TV).

I can't imagine something Transformers without Megatron being thrown in somehow, but I felt he didn't have that big of a role compared to co-big bad, Lockdown. He seemed mostly in the shadows this time around. He had just like that one fight with Optimus on the highway in the middle of the movie and that was pretty much to show Optimus that "I'm back mothafuckaaaa!" and goes off to keep up with the charade that he's still under the government's control (that whole "you have no soul" bit was pretty badass too, if you ask me) while articulating his grandmaster plan from behind the comfort of our government. He was also pretty much a non-factor during the final battle, just watching from the sidelines off-screen as the Dinobots fuck up all his new toys and Lockdown dry humps Hong Kong I guess, and only showing up the very end to pretty much say "I'm still here muthafuckaaaaa!" literally from behind their backs.

I do agree that the Dinobots weren't utilized as well as they could have, but at least they left the door open for more from them in more inevitable sequels. I mean what, they're just gonna release them out into the world, go off to Jurassic Park or some shit and not have them come back? Also, it's ridiculously funny to see how much product placement and stuff you can point out in this one. There was even a pony at one point.

I'm more than likely in the minority, but what can I say, I'm easily entertained :P

Appreciate the feedback mang.  Love a good debate.


Didn't really get to put feedback on Kelsey Grammer's performance, but I think he did fine as the human antagonist.  Definitely a lot better than Dempsey did and he was a more believable antagonist because of how he acted.


I should have realized that having a Transformers movie without Megatron in some format was impossible for the fanbase's part since Megatron is the epitome of the big bad guy.  However, they've killed him off so many times, that I would definitely be far more open to just a new bad guy in general which was why Lockdown was definitely a breathe of fresh air.


I dunno if I would say that the other Autobots were as well built compared to the big two, but they definitely did a better job introducing them this time around with aforementioned side quest to get the band of Autobots back together.


Oh and thank you for pointing out the product placement.  Something I didn't touch up upon.  By far the biggest whoring out Paramount has ever done for a Transformers movie.  Almost as unsubtle as Man of Steel's product placement last year within the movie.

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With perpetual lateness, I present my latest film review...ignore the October comment.  This was meant to be posted last weekend.


So since it’s October, I guess that means I should be reviewing a horror movie….right?  Over the course of the past year, I feel like I’ve been reviewing movies less and less in favor of more music reviews.  Well that’s because I feel like music reviews are much easier to write since it is easier to summarize my thoughts on a three-four minute song than a hour and a half movie.  BUT that doesn’t not mean I prefer music over movies because I still adore movies and I am constantly fascinated by them. Which I can’t say the same about music because lord knows that I can get rather bored with listening to the same hit songs multiple times.


Plus I’m still the only fool who keeps his movie reviews thread alive.


Anyway, it’s October and I should be reviewing something scary.  Well guys, I have something scary for ya.




Yep, it’s about time I tackle The Twilight Saga.  I mean it’s only one of the most successful film franchises of all time.  I have never seen such a successful franchise get so much venom spewing hatred as this one.  But I want to tackle this film review differently compared to previous ones.  Instead of writing full length reviews of every single film, I want to make this more of an opinionated piece….while still inserting my thoughts on every single Twilight film.  So I want to ask you all this question.





Now I know what some of you guys are thinking.  Doug Walker asked something similar to this in one of his editorials.  Well, he has a point.  Something that he touched upon that really proves how minimal our hatred of this film series truly is in retrospect.  How long of a lasting impact these films will have on society growing up.  I mean it’s only been two years since these films have ended and I’ve been noticing things in those two years.  No one really gives a damn about Twilight anymore.  Like I don’t see the fandom brought up nearly as much.  It’s like once Part 2 of the finale was released; the series quickly disappeared from people’s subconscious.  Heck, when I mentioned last night on the XAT that this was what I will be reviewing for my next Crap Cinema installment, that was the first time I’ve seen anybody really talk about how bad Twilight was in those two years.  So with that I say to you people.  Do you really hate Twilight as much as you say you do or is it quickly fading from your minds as a stupid series you grew up with that really won’t last with you forever and ever?  Sit back as I give my quick thoughts on every single one of these movies before I ask my readers the same question again.






So let’s begin with the movie that started it all and honestly….it’s the most mediocre of them all.  As you will soon see, half of the series will get much better while the other half gets much worse.  Director Catherine Hardwicke deserves a lot of credit for keeping Twilight away from the crash and burn other films in this series rightfully deserve. This movie is fairly shallow material that we have all come to expect years later.  Unfortunately Hardwicke didn’t have a bigger budget and was forced to do the best she can with what she has. The result is a film which feels more like the pilot for a television series than a movie going experience. There’s just not enough going on here. On television Twilight could have been the new Beauty & the Beast and critics might have hailed it as one of the best things ever. As a movie it’s merely not terrible. It’s just simply forgettable but not particularly painful.


Twilight would be the same movie with or without vampires. Edward is attracted to Bella because she smells delicious, but he could just as easily have been attracted to her because she’s attractive...because that’s the only thing Kristen Stewart has going for her since we all know how great of an actress she is.



Bella on the other hand, is attracted to Edward for the same reason all teenage girls seem to be attracted to bad boys. I don’t know what that reason is, but the female lust for jerks is something of a universal constant, and it’s on full display here. This is a story of a nice girl attracted to a brooding, edgy, asshole. The vampire stuff is there only to provide a little extra eye candy, because it’s obviously a gimmick.  Vampires don’t sparkle.


But yeah, I think in the chronology of this series, the original Twilight isn’t as bad as it could have been.  Besides the lousy acting, terrible screen writing, and lack of chemistry between our two leads, I can’t think of any other complaint than it’s boring; and all of the complaints I did list off we all grew accustom to as the series progresses.



New Moon




Now the second film on the other hand is easily the worst.  Like dear god this movie is just terrible.  The characters in this movie should be arrested for loitering with intent to moan. Never have teenagers been in greater need of a jump-start and it all falls back on the character of Bella once again.  This movie takes everything that made the first film bad and multiplies the extremities of every single character by triple.  But do you seriously want to know what makes this movie so unbearable?  Bella.


Bella is a reactive character and her every action is based on what either Edward or Jacob does.  She behaves recklessly, not as a way to escape from her pain, but so she can keep seeing ghost-Edward.  Later, she tries to kill herself and then cover it up with the excuse she was cliff-diving.  But even that isn’t as disturbing as when Jacob confesses to Bella that now because he’s a werewolf, just a split second of anger could cause him to lose control and seriously hurt her.  Her response: “That will never happen because I will always tell you how special you are.”  This is a girl who will never argue or even question a man she loves because otherwise he may lose control and beat her to within an inch of her life.  It won’t be his fault; he just has a monster inside him he can’t control.  And why does Edward leave?  Because he’s afraid his presence will hurt Bella.  Of course, his big realization is that by leaving Bella, he put her in more harm.  Because Bella is too one dimensional as a character to even think for a second that she is her own person.


And that’s not even what I find most offensive!  I am appalled that there’s not even a hint of a moment where Bella has an interest of her own other than whether or not a man can protect her and what she can do to serve him.  I find it offensive that Bella is so selfish that she doesn’t care if she hurts her kind and devoted father or pulls away from people who were supposedly her friends.  Is this really the kind of role model you want for your child?  And women who see this as fantasy, is this really what you find exhilarating?  I guess the female psyche thinks about their attraction to hot guys but plenty of other movies and stories offer that without the repulsive moral values.  You know this wouldn’t be as bad in the other films if 90% of the entire film focuses on Bella’s male dependency, but that’s exactly what New Moon does and why it fucking blows.  Worst of the Twilight films easily.







Now I have to admit something quite embarrassing.  I found myself enjoying Eclipse a lot more than I should have.  Since I know this is Crap Cinema and you guys want me to focus more on the bad than the good, so I’m probably going to keep this summary on my thoughts rather short.  What works for Eclipse is easily the direction of this.  David Slade is one of the better horror film directors working today and has made multiple vampire flicks in the past.  Highly recommend 30 Days and Nights for those of you who are interested in a very good vampire flick.  What makes this one stand out above the rest are all the action sequences.  Sure we get the same shit that we all constantly complain about from The Twilight Saga, but I’m willing to forgive that for some decent action sequences and we actually get some decently done ones.  Am I saying that I like this movie?  Eh, not really.  But I think it’s actually ok.  Probably the best thing I’ve reviewed for Crap Cinema which is really saying something about how much this one surprised me.



Breaking Dawn Parts 1 and 2


No trailers here.  Not even splitting both of these into the movies they rightfully are.  I’m absolutely sick of this cash grab attempt that studios are doing these days.  Not even going to show bias to the Harry Potter series which I adore both parts.  I hate the trend it started.  For everything that the last Harry Potter movies did right, both Breaking Dawns did wrong.


I will admit though, at long last, “The Twilight Saga” sinks utterly into camp with both Breaking Dawns.  When you’re not laughing at the unintentional jokes — and this is the first film in this absurdly self-serious series to take itself lightly — you’ll be rolling your eyes at the dull melodramatics, or rolling on the floor at the big doggie debate amongst the digital wolves.


If I can give both movies any credit whatsoever, it’s for the twist ending trying to differentiate itself amongst the books.  That’s clever and it actually works.  Granted I’ve never read any of the books and don’t plan to anytime soon, I like it when things work out when trying to differentiate itself from the source material.  Maybe that’s why I wish, as much as I love the Harry Potter series, the movies took more risks.  I heavily enjoyed the movies, but at times, the movies were way too faithful to the source material.


Otherwise, I have to give my condolences to the bed where Edward and Bella had sex in.




What a brave soul for sacrificing itself in the line of duty like that.



So yeah, that’s the Twilight series in a nutshell.  If I must use Baby Sandler rating systems, I will for each movie.


Twilight – 2 Baby Sandlers


New Moon – 4 Baby Sandlers


Eclipse – 0

Breaking Dawn Part 1 – 3 Baby Sandlers


Breaking Dawn Part 2 – 2 Baby Sandlers



So yeah, that probably averages itself out to about 2 Baby Sandlers as a whole.  Which means Twilight Saga is not the worst thing ever.  As a matter of fact, as I stated earlier, I think everyone hates Twilight more for being an awful fad in our time period.  But as we’ve grown to learn over the years, awful fads fade from our memory banks over time.  I mean it wasn’t so long ago that people were considering the object below the worst thing Nickelodeon has ever conceived:




But now, I actually have seen people say once or twice on the XAT that they actually liked Mr. Meaty in retrospect.  I mean hell, let’s flash forward two or three years into the future and I think people were start defending Fan Boy and Chum Chum for not being entirely awful.  You see my friends, this is what I like to call “nostalgia”.  We become nostalgic for things of yesteryear no matter how bad they may be.  I mean I don’t see people really bitching about Twilight as much anymore.  In due time, I think people will look back at Twilight and just shake their heads thinking I can’t believe this shmuck made so much money.  So ladies and gentlemen, please save your disgust and anger for something that is far worse than Twilight is and ever will be:




I’m the Nostalgia Clap and I remember it so you dont have to….dear god please do not go see this mommy porn.  

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It's January.  You know what that means?




Yep, I'm going to review at least one of the Wayans Brothers awful awful movies.  But I can't make up my mind on which one I want to review so that's why I want you, my loyal readers to pick my poison.  Each of these is on Netflix or for streaming, so please vote in the poll above as to which one of these atrocious movies you want me to suffer through.  Heads up, I've already seen all of them.

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