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Clappy’s New Crap Cinema


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No mention of the dog scene, the only part in this movie that actually got a scare out of me?

I didn't get scared after re-watching this again. The first time it made me jump but yeah I sadly had to rewatch this since most of it I kinda forgot after seeing this in theaters way back at the start of this year. :P
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Let this be known that I enjoyed the first Child's Play for what it was. It was horror comedy at it's finest along the lines of Leprechaun. However, unlike Leprechaun's sequels, the Child's Play sequels took themselves way too seriously to be unenjoyable. I didn't like Child's Play 2, but dear God, tonight's sequel is just a dirty piece of shit.

Eight years after the events of Child's Play 2…and already this movie brings up one of my biggest film pet peeves. I know cinematic timelines are always jumpy, but I hate it when a film jumps ahead so many years after the events of a movie that just came out the year before last. Yep, 3 came out one year after 2 and the film jumps ahead eight years. Sorry, but it is slightly bothering to me.

Play Pals (Good Guys) has recovered from bad publicity arising from Chucky's murder spree...yes because they were never investigated for any of the crimes that took place here and everything became a-ok for them to re-open. Makes so much sense. The company decides to release a new line of Good Guy dolls and recycles Chucky's remains.

However, the soul of serial killer Charles Lee Ray still inhabited the remains, and Chucky is soon revived in a new doll body because that is a trait we humans are possible of doing: resurrection via bleeding through plastic. Chucky is unwittingly given to Play Pals' CEO Mr. Sullivan, whom Chucky tortures and kills using various toys.


Yeah because all toy company CEOs have toys in their homes. Btw, did dear old Charles really have to fuck around with this sap for seven minutes before actually killing him? And why kill him with toys? Ironic yes, but building up for a simple swing of a golf club and yo-yo is slightly disappointing. Chucky then uses computer records to relocate Andy Barclay (Justin Whalin). I would be slightly even more concerned that the CEO keeps computer records of Andy.

Still troubled by his past encounters with Chucky, sixteen year old Andy has been sent to Kent Military School. Colonel Cochran, the school's commandant, begrudgingly enrolls Andy, but advises him to forget his "fantasies" about the doll. Inside the school, Andy befriends cadets Harold Aubrey Whitehurst (the nerdy roommate), Ronald Tyler (the little kid that looks up to Andy), and Kristin DeSilva, for whom he develops romantic feelings. He also meets Brett C. Shelton, a lieutenant colonel who routinely bullies the cadets. So yeah, all your military school film clichés are all here.

On the first day after Andy arrives, Tyler is asked to deliver a package to his room. Jesus, did he get delivery via express jet? Oh and no shit, the package is Chucky. Tyler is fascinated with Good Guy dolls after seeing an ad on the TV upon their comeback. After accidentally dropping and ripping Andy's package, he realizes that the package contains a Good Guy doll. Excited, he takes the new toy to the cellar and unwraps it. Yeah fuck that Andy kid, let me take his shit and...oh no, the doll is trying to attack me.

Once freed, Chucky scolds Tyler for opening the package he was suppose to give to Andy. But realizing he has a new body, he decides to tells Tyler his true identity to take over his body instead. But wait a minute, Chucky is just going based off of assumption? I thought it had to be Andy’s body? Just because he has a new body, means the basis for this body transfer has been reset too? Then how in the hell does that explain the second movie when he got a new body in that one too? I know slasher films don’t follow logic that well, but I mean it’s pretty much the focal point of the franchise here and the movie is brushing it off like nothing.

But just as Chucky is about to possess Tyler, they are interrupted by Cochran, who takes the doll away. Yeah it’s not like Chucky could just kill them off and finish the chant or just keep on doing the chant right in front of them. It’s like he is afraid of doing his business in front of other people. I mean it’s not like he is on time limit. Cochran throws Chucky into a garbage truck, but Chucky escapes by luring the driver into the truck's compactor and crushing him.

That night, Chucky attacks Andy and tells him his plans for taking over Tyler's soul. I’m sorry, but why is Chucky sabotaging himself? If he really doesn’t need Andy anymore, then he should just leave it be, but seriously though, the writers behind this installment really need to re-watch the first Child’s Play. This new storyline is really pissing me off. But before Andy can attack Chucky, Shelton comes in and takes the doll from him because he’s the bully and that’s what he does. Andy tries to get the doll back by sneaking into Shelton's room, but Shelton catches him in the act. Upon realizing the doll has vanished, Shelton suspects it stolen and forces all the cadets to do exercises in the courtyard as punishment.

Andy tries to warn Tyler about Chucky, but is initially unheeded. At one point, Chucky lures Tyler into playing hide-and-seek in Cochran's office, where he attempts to possess the boy again. However, they are interrupted by DeSilva and, moments later, Cochran himself. When the cadets leave, Cochran is confronted by a knife-wielding Chucky. The resulting shock causes Cochran to suffer a fatal heart attack. I mean, is it supposed to be funny? Because Chucky turns Cochran’s heart attack into humor because he didn’t kill him himself. However, Chucky killing the barber is hilarious.


Despite Cochran's death, Shelton declares that the school's annual war games will proceed as planned, with Andy and Shelton on opposing teams. However, Chucky secretly replaces the paint bullets of one team with live ammunition…WHICH IS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. Guns loaded with marker rounds have been modified in a way to make them unable to fire real ammunition. All Chucky will be doing is making them unable to fire real paint. Also, why aren’t the cadets wearing full protective gear and facemasks like an actual military school enforces? This must be the dumbest point of the whole movie and that is coming from an earlier point where the franchise forgets it’s own plot points.

When the simulation begins, Chucky accosts Tyler, then threatens the boy when he refuses to take part. Tyler stabs Chucky with a pocket knife and flees, trying to find Andy. Btw, the knife stab barely makes him flinch. So much for being human, amirite? Chucky then attacks DeSilva and holds her hostage, attempting to lure the teams into fighting each other to save her. Chucky forces Andy to exchange DeSilva for Tyler.

Suddenly, the red team descends upon the area and obliviously opens fire with their live rounds. You know…that thing that PAINTBALL GUNS ARE IMPOSSIBLE OF ACTUALLY DOING. Shelton is killed in the crossfire and it takes a couple shots of the live rounds before the red team realizes “DERP WE ARE SHOOTING ACTUAL BULLETS.” Amidst the chaos, Tyler makes a quick getaway, but before giving chase, Chucky tosses a live grenade at the quarreling cadets. Recognizing the danger, Whitehurst bravely leaps on top of the grenade and sacrifices himself to save the others. I actually feel pretty sympathetic for this death. With no time to mourn his friend, Andy heads off in pursuit of Chucky, with DeSilva close behind.

Eventually the chase leads the group into a haunted house at a nearby carnival. Ronald tries to get a security guard to help him, but Chucky kills the guard off screen and kidnaps Tyler. In the ensuing melee, Chucky shoots DeSilva in the leg, leaving Andy to fight Chucky alone, once again. When Tyler is inadvertently knocked out, Chucky seizes the opportunity to possess him, but Andy intervenes, shooting him several times.

Enraged, Chucky attempts to strangle Andy, but Andy uses Tyler's knife to cut off Chucky's hand, dropping him into a giant fan which slices him to pieces. Wouldn’t that be an amusement park regulation just waiting to happen? Same goes for the giant blade that slices the skin of his face off too.

Afterwards, Andy is taken away by the police for questioning, but ensures DeSilva that he will be okay, as he's "dealt with them before". As the police car drives away, DeSilva is taken to the nearby hospital. Tyler's fate is never revealed. At the end of the movie, a janitor walks around the park cleaning up the place while all the rides are shutting down. He then walks towards the haunted house, where Chucky was killed.

But yeah, the only thing that stands in the way of Chucky completing his final goal in this movie…is Chucky himself.





This is definitely the weakest link of the Child’s Play franchise. No wonder the series took a turn into the horror-comedy genre after this installment. It was so hilariously bad and the whole plot point of the movie, sorry for repeating this throughout, is just based off of assumption than proving it as fact. The series is getting rebooted as just a horror movie in 2013, so it will be interesting to see if Child’s Play can successfully return to it’s horror roots. However, it will never be a horror film to be. You can’t have a horror star as unthreatening as Chucky. Sorry fanboys, but this series is just simply lulz.

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This returns this weekend with a movie that is often established as one of the worst movies of all time. Will it live up to it's established name?


OH MY GOD. Spoiler alert; It does live up to it's established name.

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Sorry this is late. But this....this was...a new level of crap.

Well looks like my horror movie review month turned out to be kinda off a bit with only three horror movies being completed. So hopefully today’s review will make up for it. I am going to review a movie that is often regarded as one of the worst movies ever made. I am forewarning you all right now. This movie more than lives up to the hype. Ever since I started making a habit out of watching bad movies for this thread, I have discovered how horrible the word horrible truly is. I have used this exp<b></b>ression a couple times, but my readers, THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE I’VE EVER SEEN. I have no clue how anything else I have watched or will watch can possibly top this one. You know what let’s get the rating out of the way now.






Yeah, this movie is so bad that I am doing my Baby Sandler rating first to forewarn you all as you decide to read through my misery. So what movie I am ranting about? Ladies and gentlemen, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie.


Before I get this started, some of you are probably wondering from the title. What the hell is a Garbage Pail Kid? The Garbage Pail Kids were actually a deck of trading cards that people would pass around. It was satirizing the Cabbage Patch Kids, but these were quite different. They were gross, violent, and totally disgusting. Somehow they became a huge hit and MGM saw real potential for a big screen movie. Let’s see what they threw together.

A garbage can spaceship is flying near Earth, where the same garbage can is later shown inside an antique shop owned by Captain Manzini (Anthony Newley). And the movie never explains this at all. We just have to figure out on our own that the same spaceship is the same garbage can in Manzini’s shop.

Meanwhile, a boy named Dodger is being assaulted by four bullies in a park. The leader of the bullies, Juice, steals Dodger's money and drops him in a puddle. And honestly, the bullies look like they are in their twenties while Dodger over here looks like he is at least twelve. What the fuck would they want from a twelve year old? His whole two dollars?


Dodger goes to Captain Manzini's antique shop where he works, where Captain Manzini takes Dodger's clothes, gives him some motivational speeches, and cleans his clothes while warning him to stay away from the garbage can.

Later, Dodger sees Tangerine, one of the bullies and Juice's girlfriend, who seems to be the most compassionate one towards Dodger, and tries to persuade her to buy something. Dodger is attracted to Tangerine and covertly smells her hair while she is distracted. How charmingly creepy. The other bullies enter the shop and attempt to rough up Dodger again, but he manages to outwit them with a basketball. I’m for real, a basketball. However, amidst the tussle, the garbage can is knocked over. The bullies then bring Dodger into a sewer, handcuff him to a rail, and open a sewage pipe on him. Dodger is saved by little mysterious people named...ugh…the Garbage Pail Kids.

Captain Manzini returns and is upset that the Garbage Pail Kids have been released from their can, but introduces Dodger to each of them. And allow me to post a photo of these little pieces of shit so you can admire them in all there horrible puppet glory.


Greaser Greg is a leather jacket-clad greaser with an attitude, Messy Tessie is a girl with a constantly running nose, Windy Winston is a boy who wears a Hawaiian shirt and often farts violently, Valerie Vomit is a girl who throws up on command, Foul Phil is a whining baby with halitosis (bad odor) who constantly asks characters if they are his "mommy" or "daddy", Nat Nerd is an acne-riddled boy who dresses up like a superhero and wets his pants frequently and Ali Gator, the group's leader, is an anthropomorphic alligator who has an appetite for human toes.

What planet did they come from? What purpose do they serve? Can they do anything except gross out gags? Are they going to overuse their disgusting traits for jokes? I think you all can answer these questions just based off my sarcasm. Captain Manzini explains that the kids are forbidden from going in public, because they'll be attacked by the "normies" (normal people), and that he can't get the kids to go back into the garbage can without magic. Ah yes, because this antique shop owner somehow has magical powers that are never explained or given enough detail.

The next day, Dodger goes with Tangerine to a night club where she sells clothes she designed herself. Dodger behaves awkwardly when Tangerine removes her shirt to sell it. Oh goodness gracious! She has boobs! I didn’t know she had boobs! A moment later, Dodger has to hide when Juice shows up. I guess his magical basketball trick can’t save him from looking at Juice’s girlfriend’s boobs.

Meanwhile, the Garbage Pail Kids steal a Pepsi truck (I bet Pepsi regrets that promotional plug), flatten Juice's car with it (because a Pepsi truck is a monster truck?), and then have a camp fire in an alley with stolen food (that came from no where). Afterwards…they just talk and do gross out gags. That’s all fine and dandy, but…WHERE'S THE DAMN STORY?!?!?! I mean, all they did was leave the camera on. They're doing nothing, absolutely nothing! GIVE US A PLOT!!!

The next morning, the Garbage Pail Kids recover from hangovers and give Dodger a jacket they sewed. Complete….randomness. A Pepsi hangover? What is this? I don’t even? And where the fuck did this sewing plot even come from? I know I just bitched about this movie having no plot whatsoever a paragraph ago, but at least have some sort of build to showing the Kids sewing.

Regardless, the jacket impresses Tangerine who asks Dodger to get more clothes so she can sell them. The Garbage Pail Kids get bored and….perform a musical number?

WWWWHHHHHHYYYY?????? When did this movie at any point indicate that this was a musical? No where. It's just drive-by singing, it just comes the fuck out of nowhere! On top of that, this song is just HORRENDOUS. It sounds like an old school Disney ballad if it got raped by Jim Henson’s trash bin rejects! Also, ironically enough, why do they sing about working together while stealing the sewing equipment from Non Union Sweat Shop (half-assed name btw)? Oh and guess what? The nerdy kid pees his pants again.

Anyway, after sewing, the Kids just…stand around and do nothing except gawk over a broken television set. DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE DAMMIT! So they decide to wear disguises to go out in public. Some of them go to a theater playing Three Stooges shorts and behave obnoxiously. Oh and the nerdy kid pees his pants again. Because it was so charming the first two times, why do they think it will be even funnier the third?

Ali Gator and Windy Winston go to a bar literally called “The Toughest Bar in the World”. Seriously, Non Union Sweat Shop and now this? Who the fuck wrote this movie? Anyway, the two Kids start the worst bar fight ever with bikers, who are soon won over by the Kids' heroics, in which they celebrate with beers. What kind of bar actually operates like this and rewards such underwhelming efforts? Also why they are giving these Kids beer? And this is a family movie?

The Kids make more clothes for Dodger after stealing a sewing machine and singing a song about working together. Tangerine sells the clothes and begins to prepare for a fashion show based on them. She meets the Kids and is repulsed by them, but realizes she can take advantage of their designs. Dodger also asks the Kids what happened to the rest of them, which they mention they might be locked up in the State Home for the Ugly…lolwut? YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS. HOW THE FUCK WOULD THEY EVEN GET THE PUBLIC FUNDING FOR SUCH A PLACE?

The night of the fashion show, Tangerine locks the Kids in the basement of the antique shop so that they don't escape, but not before the nerdy kid rapes the pissing pant joke some more. Soon, they are captured by Juice and his gang who bring them to the State Home for the Ugly, the previously mentioned prison where people too ugly for society are brought and executed. WHAT? EXECUTION FOR BEING UGLY? SERIOULSY WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS? People there include the "too fat" Santa Claus, the "too bald" Gandhi, and the "too tall" Abraham Lincoln. Oh and once again...the nerdy kid pees his pants.

Captain Manzini and Dodger help them escape and head to the fashion show. The Garbage Pail Kids trash the fashion show and rip the clothes off the models (PG?), while Dodger gets in a fight with Juice. Haha he got his ass kicked by a twelve year old. Later that night, Tangerine apologizes to Dodger and asks to be his friend, but Dodger doesn't accept her apology for her greed. Wow, she got burned by a fifth grader, that has to be a new low. Captain tries to sing the Garbage Pail Kids' song backwards to coax them back into the garbage can, but the Kids sneak out and ride ATVs away.

The story ends with a cliff hanger ending (and some loose ends, unresolved subplots) which were originally meant to be solved in a proposed "Garbage Pail Kids" live-action TV series (not cartoon series), which never materialized beyond the proposal stage. But that doesn’t matter. This movie is the worst piece of shit I have ever had the displeasure to sit through. NO character, NO plot....Just pain! Pure, concentrated PAIN! What the fuck were they thinking? I still want to know who the fuck wrote this…(goes to IMDB)…THREE WRITERS? ARE YOU SERIOUS? FUCK YOU LINDA PALMER! FUCK YOU ROD AMATEAU! AND FUCK YOU UNCREDITED JOHN POUND!

I mean it is remarkable how bad this movie is. It’s something that everyone should view just to say that there can’t possibly be anything lower than this. I mean this is a kid’s movie? It is fucking insulting to their intelligence. It takes everything good and what is right with the world and just breaks it in fucking half. Everything in this movie is just so fucking stupid. How could someone make something this bad with a decent budget based off a popular item? Take the most awful movie someone can ever imagine…and you get The Garbage Pail Kids Movie. To sum this shit up.


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I still plan to once I locate a copy of the film to rewatch.

I don't think it's that's hard to find. My cousins have it and I saw it at a haircut place once. The movie still should have the craptacular treatment.

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I don't think it's that's hard to find. My cousins have it and I saw it at a haircut place once. The movie still should have the craptacular treatment.

Trust me it will. I'm going to FYE this weekend. It has the widest variety of DVDs nearby us, so I will more than likely find it there.
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So due to my ongoing laptop issues, the Twilight series review will be delayed (I really need to buy a flash drive xD). However, I will try to get another bad movie reviewed this weekend. I can always use my sister's laptop to write up this one.

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But this requires you to pay money to see Breaking Dawn Part 2. In public.

I was actually referring to the other four movies, but maybe I should just save my Twilight project until I actually watch this one.

Anywho, this month has been a lazy one in terms of critiquing, but next month I promise Christmas movies! Bad ones of course!

Now time for a on the spot review. I watched this movie the other day, it was horrible. You know the shtick. Ladies and gentlemen, Bio-Dome.


Did you guys know this was suppose to be a Bill and Ted sequel at first? Well no wonder it turned out to be it’s own stand alone movie…because not even Keanu Reeves could have saved this movie from floundering and that is saying something because I hate Keanu Reeves. However, I hate Pauly Shore more. This guy has to be one of the worst actors ever, but somehow he kept getting material back in the 90s. I mean his voice, his laugh, everything about him is painful. So now that I got that out of the way, I’m going to force myself to make it through this review.

Bud "Squirrel" Macintosh (the spawn of Satan himself, Pauly Shore) and Doyle "Stubs" Johnson (Stephen Baldwin…who you know has to be horrible since he was titled underneath Pauly Shore) are best friends and live together in the same house. Their girlfriends, Monique and Jen, are environmentalists who ask Bud and Doyle to join them at an Earth Day event. I never understood how 90s movie losers use to be able to afford houses, have hot girlfriends, and have no jobs, but be able to have success. I mean the 90s were nothing like that from my memory.

The troublemakers, however, are not interested in picking up trash, so they fake an injury to Doyle's head in order to get out of the environmentalist gathering. And yes, this is unfunny slapstick moment number 1 with only 29304392 more to go in this piece of shit.

Although the girlfriends are sympathetic at first, they eventually find out it is a trick and go to the Earth Day event without Bud and Doyle. But of course, they aren’t mad at them because they are good at sex. Maybe that answers my early question about success? Once there, they call the boys from a payphone to announce they'll be joining some hot guys from a swim team at a party down by a lake. Jealous, Bud and Doyle drive out to the lake, only to find there is no party, and they have been had.

On the way home, they drive by an area where scientist Dr. Noah Faulkner is about to seal his team into the "Bio-Dome" for a year without outside contact. Hilariously enough, only one of the five team members looks like an actual scientist. The rest would look like people you would see in Maxim magazine (and Kylie Minogue, who is still hot, even in this). Mistaking it for a mall and going inside to use the bathroom, they get sealed in along with the scientists. I mean come on, no one is this stupid. There is police protection out there for a reason and he even stated it not being a mall, dumbasses.

Dr. Leaky discovers them and demands that they be kicked out. Faulkner refuses, claiming it would destroy the purpose of the experiment, so Bud and Doyle end up remaining. So let me get this straight…in all caps. YOU COULD EITHER KICK THE DUMBASSES OUT AND RESET THE CLOCK or LEAVE THEM IN THERE WITH YOU. Hmm, tough choice, but GO WITH OPTION 1 MOTHERFUCKERS!

This proves a mistake (no shit), as Bud and Doyle begin acting like they did outside of the Dome, harming themselves and destroying many of the scientists' projects. And that is seriously half of your movie right here. The first fifty minutes or so of this movie consists of Bud and Doyle doing stupid shit. As a matter of fact, this movie is just these guys acting like douche monkeys as the audience scratches their head trying to figure out what’s supposed to be funny about it. I mean every single edit in this movie hurts me because I know what it’s going to be.

Part 1 – Bud and Doyle do something offbeat that we are suppose to be funny.

Part 2 – Chaos ensues

Part 3 – Bud and Doyle make odd sounds

Part 4 – I facepalm

For example:


The scientists remain silent, but they soon grow tired of the childish behavior and Faulkner comes up with the idea to dump the boys into their desert environment section. Congratulations, movie; you have me totally siding with the bad guy. I know this seems incredibly unrealistic as scientists wouldn’t partake in murder, but I don’t care. It’s all for the greater good of humanity.

After three days of being stuck in the desert environment, they discover a key in the lock of one of the windows and escape the Bio-Dome. You mean this air-tight, totally concealed bubble could have been opened this whole time with JUST A KEY IN THE BACK PART OF THE DOME?! This plot hole is so bad, that I feel like I’ve been the one deprived in the desert for three days.

To impress their girlfriends with their newfound interest in the environment, Bud and Doyle organize a party at the Bio-Dome, but this only angers their girlfriends, who tell them they're destroying the Dome's experiment. So wait a minute, they now realize what they are doing is wrong by their girlfriends after being alerted by those five scientists throughout the movie on multiple occasions? I’m still in pain over here from these plot holes.

After the party, Bud and Doyle try to make it up to their girlfriends by cleaning up all the trash, saving the Dome's environment, with the help of all the scientists. So after the party is over and they’ve pretty much destroyed everything the Bio-Dome was trying to accomplish, they try to put it back together again by restoring all the clean air through just picking up everything? I think maintaining homeostasis is a bit more complicated than just cleaning while doing a “Safety Dance” montage. Pardon my logic. Oh and why are Bud and Doyle getting praised for cleaning up their own mess? The fact they are being looked at as heroes makes me wish that their stupid antics from the first hour of the movie were aired on repeat.

Faulkner, who has gone mad because of Bud and Doyle's antics, plans to blow up the Dome with homemade coconut bombs. He fails, but does blow open the Dome's door, allowing everyone to exit, considering the fiasco a success. Exactly how? They weren’t even in there for 365 days.

The film ends with Faulkner running off into the desert after climbing out the same window Bud and Doyle used to escape through earlier, while Bud, Doyle, and their girlfriends drive off toward a mysterious factory so Doyle can yet again use the bathroom. Bio-Dome 2: Electric Boogaloo anyone? Yeah, me neither.





Maybe my four Baby Sandler rating is modest for this movie, but I do have to give the movie credit for it’s environmental message. What is that you may ask? Never allow Pauly Shore or Stephen Baldwin near any “Let’s Go Green” projects. Bio-Dome is an all out failed attempt to make another classic Dumb and Dumber film. The story is stupid, the acting pitiful, and the comedy, not even present. The supposed protagonists are so idiotic and obnoxious that its painful to watch. The only neat thing about it was the overwhelming mid-90's pop culture melting pot, which appealed to my nostalgic side, but even that was squashed by the overpowering obnoxiousness of Pauly Shore.

And that was Bio-Dome. I may get one more review in before Christmas season, but I’m not sure. Until, next time my loyal readers, please hope Pauly Shore never becomes culturally relevant ever again.

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This was supposed to be a Bill and Ted sequel? Ha.

You should review Surf Nazis Must Die. I tried watching it on Netflix Instant last night, but gave up after 20 minutes. Despite the lulzy title and the fact that it's a Troma flick, it's...rather boring. Didn't make much sense either. Probably the first time i've given up on a movie. Whole thing's on YT if you wanna try.

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So this has been on the shelf for a few weeks. While I am still focusing on other projects more so at the moment, I will have a Christmas movie/special review up sometime next week. And due to popular demand....it will be the Star Wars Christmas special.

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