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Spin-Off/Lit Reviews!


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Total Cartoon Global Cruise - F



It's been awhile since I've actually done a review.  Maybe due to the fact that I review everything but spin-offs and lits now it feels like.  Sure we've come across some joke stories that are worthy of mocking/riffing and sure we have one note stories that have no real reason to exist (see MS's review above).  Today I think this needs to be said about a spin-off that we all know gets hated on way too much and actually managed to improve...somewhat.  I still am not a fan of this show but I will admit that 4EverGreen managed to actually improve on his criticisms and kinda gave us an original ending instead of the rehashing the series is well known for.



Yes we are all aware that 4EG's current running work has always been poked fun of too often or gets overhated since so many people comment on the giant walls of text or the fact that it constantly borrows elements of the Total Drama series word for word, plot for plot, etc.  But there lies a real problem with Total Cartoon World Tour's present season.  The amount of characters.  The fact that this has 50+ characters is daring because that means 4EG needs to commit heavily into establishing them in his present universe that he has set upon himself.  Right?  Well here's the thing.  It's not working.  I know I've gotten on Bikini Top and SBCPU in riffing theater for having way too many characters, but holy crap.  At least 70s and Jjs managed to have a plan for their characters in each episode.  At least 4EG in the past has been able to make his characters established, even if they were Total Drama carbon copies, in his previous two seasons.  This season so far has been all about establishing 4EverGreen into his own universe he's been building upon for himself and it fails.  Badly at that.  He gives himself way too much focus that he doesn’t help establish everyone else around him.  After all, he added 25 or so other contests, so you would figure that he would try to establish them too right?  No.  I mean we get even more love triangles, including 4EG and Marlene…what?  Seriously what?  I know the series has some incredibly awkward romantic triangles but an actual human and an otter is one too many.  It’s bad that that’s the only thing I know about Marlene in general.  I literally know nothing about any of these characters except they are carbon copies.  It would be nice to establish more than just yourself because why should we care about any of these characters?  You are making Timmy Turner into Ezekiel.  Why?  You are making Otto Rocket into Duncan because he doesn’t want to sing.  Why?  This is just hard to read and it’s making me cringe when I’m trying to read it.



Even then, these episodes are becoming way too much.  It’s one thing for them to become the giant walls of texts that we tend to expect from the Total Cartoon franchise, but it’s another thing entirely when you have characters this poorly established, rehashing forced musical numbers, and massive what the fuck non Total Drama based plot lines (the teams are fighting some DBZ type villain what?).  Total Cartoon Global Cruise is just becoming incredibly hard to read.  Much harder than usual.  I don’t want to say all hope is loss or anything.  This season is still young and does have potential to fix these mistakes, but I honestly don’t think this will be resolved at all.  It’s impossible to build up these characters after being introduced this badly (get to know your contestants wouldn’t have fixed these problems either), this storyline will become a season long problem and it’s really bad, and the musical numbers won’t go away because it’s based off being a carbon copy of TDWT.  I know how hated this series gets and I understand why people hate it.  Sometimes it does get overhated despite being still considered bad, but honestly.  This season so far is the worst thing the show has ever done and someone needs to say it now before it gets even worse and harder to read than it is now.



Also, isn’t this supposed to be a global cruise?  Because if it’s a cruise, why is it still on a plane?  Just saying.



Criticism number one, Captain Retro isn't ACTUALLY me, it's supposed to be a representation of me. Second, Captain Retro (in this season) is SPECIFICALLY stated to be a dog from another dimension with super-powers, NOT A HUMAN!!!! Pay more attention to what I'm WRITING!!!! Also, I added in Zarbon from "Dragonball Z" in order to make the show more interesting, and I thought it would actually be an improvement if I had ACTUAL hit songs being played, instead of just copies from the "Total Drama" show. For the record, at the VERY least, Marlene, Norbert, Dog, Randolph, Bulma, Super Chum, Chameleon, Keswick, Gonard, Kaput, and Po aren't supposed to be carbon copies of any "Total Drama" character, they're supposed to be themselves in this season! I know I have been borrowing HEAVILY on elements from "Total Drama," but I STILL actually have to WRITE the full thing! YOU try writing a show with 50+ contestants on a somewhat regular basis! I'm only one guy, for crying out loud! Finally, I am aware that having so many characters is a problem! Obviously, I'm not going to be able to focus on every character as much as I would like! The one thing I WILL say, is that I WILL focus on creating more NEW, original story ideas, and the story is going to be shifted away from Captain Retro and Marlene to some of the other characters! I write wherever I feel like the characters are taking me. I'm trying to make it a show where they make their OWN decisions, and not be too out of character.


Of course, I guess I'm probably a little biased. Perhaps I was biting off more than I could chew by trying to make myself both a new image and create a character with the same name on a season of my show. I thought people would be able to tell the difference! From now on, Captain Retro will only exist as a character, not my name! I shall go back to 4EverGreen soon. I have nothing else to say to this comment.

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Criticism number one, Captain Retro isn't ACTUALLY me, it's supposed to be a representation of me. Second, Captain Retro (in this season) is SPECIFICALLY stated to be a dog from another dimension with super-powers, NOT A HUMAN!!!! Pay more attention to what I'm WRITING!!!! Also, I added in Zarbon from "Dragonball Z" in order to make the show more interesting, and I thought it would actually be an improvement if I had ACTUAL hit songs being played, instead of just copies from the "Total Drama" show. For the record, at the VERY least, Marlene, Norbert, Dog, Randolph, Bulma, Super Chum, Chameleon, Keswick, Gonard, Kaput, and Po aren't supposed to be carbon copies of any "Total Drama" character, they're supposed to be themselves in this season! I know I have been borrowing HEAVILY on elements from "Total Drama," but I STILL actually have to WRITE the full thing! YOU try writing a show with 50+ contestants on a somewhat regular basis! I'm only one guy, for crying out loud! Finally, I am aware that having so many characters is a problem! Obviously, I'm not going to be able to focus on every character as much as I would like! The one thing I WILL say, is that I WILL focus on creating more NEW, original story ideas, and the story is going to be shifted away from Captain Retro and Marlene to some of the other characters! I write wherever I feel like the characters are taking me. I'm trying to make it a show where they make their OWN decisions, and not be too out of character.

Of course, I guess I'm probably a little biased. Perhaps I was biting off more than I could chew by trying to make myself both a new image and create a character with the same name on a season of my show. I thought people would be able to tell the difference! From now on, Captain Retro will only exist as a character, not my name! I shall go back to 4EverGreen soon. I have nothing else to say to this comment.

I know he's a representation of you and I know the character is a dog. That's the point I was getting at and the whole human bit was a typo I didn't realize I made. So my apologies, I should have re-read my review before posting it because Hayden pointed that out when I was conversing with him about it.

All that being said, the way you are handling such a large amount of characters by focusing on a select group and establishing the ones that you want to focus on is not a good strategy. Otherwise, why should we care when you eliminate the ones you want to eliminate when you decide to take where the characters take you? Part of what makes Total Drama such a good show (when it wants to be) is by developing their characters and actually make us connect to them before eliminating them. I know first hand writing 50 plus characters is hard, but the way you are writing them (especially the ones you are eliminating) is by making them one note with no real connection to your readers at all. You've done better previously with a smaller amount of characters. If you actually read the first paragraph I actually commended you for finishing the second season better and an improvement in general.

But what I would like to say and the main reason I'm replying more in depth to this than I probably should is the way you are handling criticism right now. Primarily your newest episode (or at least first part) going after "your haters". Going after critics via nitpicking and making it a primary point of your latest episode is always a bad strategy to go about it. Like I cringed reading the first half of that. Not because I didn't like the jabs at my review. I really don't care if you didn't like my review or not. But having your characters break the fourth wall THAT badly and then driving it into your storyline only for it to not have anything to do with the plot is just really bad writing. I have no problem with breaking the fourth wall (hell I do it in my own writing) but only if there was an actual purpose for it. Your fourth wall breaks came off as incredibly forced and petty. It's like you were saying, "I don't care what my critics think, I'll just keep doing my own thing." Which is all fine and dandy. Keep doing your thing. The problem is that you are obviously being effected by the criticism and you are letting if affect your writing. Why else would you change your name back to 4EverGreen? Why else would you acknowledge that Retro is a dog? Why else would you point out my comments about your love triangles? Why else would you point out what the season title stands for?  And if you think these questions are nitpicking, that entire first part might just be some of the worst writing I've seen from your show period.  Your first part was THAT bad.

None of this is meant to be personal. This is meant to be constructive criticism which is why I wrote the review in the first place. It's up to you how you interpret it.

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Criticism number one, Captain Retro isn't ACTUALLY me, it's supposed to be a representation of me. Second, Captain Retro (in this season) is SPECIFICALLY stated to be a dog from another dimension with super-powers, NOT A HUMAN!!!! Pay more attention to what I'm WRITING!!!! Also, I added in Zarbon from "Dragonball Z" in order to make the show more interesting, and I thought it would actually be an improvement if I had ACTUAL hit songs being played, instead of just copies from the "Total Drama" show. For the record, at the VERY least, Marlene, Norbert, Dog, Randolph, Bulma, Super Chum, Chameleon, Keswick, Gonard, Kaput, and Po aren't supposed to be carbon copies of any "Total Drama" character, they're supposed to be themselves in this season! I know I have been borrowing HEAVILY on elements from "Total Drama," but I STILL actually have to WRITE the full thing! YOU try writing a show with 50+ contestants on a somewhat regular basis! I'm only one guy, for crying out loud! Finally, I am aware that having so many characters is a problem! Obviously, I'm not going to be able to focus on every character as much as I would like! The one thing I WILL say, is that I WILL focus on creating more NEW, original story ideas, and the story is going to be shifted away from Captain Retro and Marlene to some of the other characters! I write wherever I feel like the characters are taking me. I'm trying to make it a show where they make their OWN decisions, and not be too out of character.


Of course, I guess I'm probably a little biased. Perhaps I was biting off more than I could chew by trying to make myself both a new image and create a character with the same name on a season of my show. I thought people would be able to tell the difference! From now on, Captain Retro will only exist as a character, not my name! I shall go back to 4EverGreen soon. I have nothing else to say to this comment.


You're cute when you're mad.

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Storm Racers - A


great spin-off, jjs


hahaha, geddit, referencing SOF? because that never gets old


For starters, you’re probably wondering why I’m reviewing Storm Racers now of all times. Hasn’t it ended now? Didn’t I already review it way back almost four years ago? Who’s that emo chick in my avatar? The answers to those questions, respectively, are…


Yes, but thanks to me being a bad (actually, just lazy) friend of jjs, I did not get around to seriously reading Storm Racers until just last month. SOF and teenj are shaking their heads in shame, I know.


Yes I did review it...after only reading five episodes. Now I’ve read five seasons. I feel that combined with the drastic change in my writing and reviewing style since then is enough to demand an updated review going into more detail and depth.


Lulu, the goth girl from Final Fantasy X, a game I’m certain people on SBC other than me have played. That makes it an original choice for an avatar, obviously.


In all seriousness, let’s get on with the fucking review the fair and honest critique.


For those of you who used to be like me, having not read Storm Racers, I’ll give you the as spoiler free as possible (oh yeah, and spoiler alert, the only actual, major spoilers in the review will be covered and optional to read) slip. Storm Racers is a spin-off made by jjsthekid that involves five friends who, upon meeting an alien who bestows them each with a vehicle capable of traversing the galaxy, go on various adventures throughout space.


That being the simplest summary of the show’s plot I can give without spoiling anything major, I’ll go on to say that the show is actually nowhere near as simple as that summary made it sound. It’s a plot-heavy show written in gaiden style, meaning that every episode, discounting filler episodes, contributes to the main story and continues it in at least some form. The main story is not incredibly complicated though either. The first two seasons of the show both follow a fairly basic plotline and there are more than a handful of filler episodes spread throughout. Even the later seasons have their share. So even if story arc shows are not your thing, that alone will not stop you from being able to get into the story.


From what I know, the first two seasons of Storm Racers are generally considered to not be as strong as the following three seasons. Jjs himself cites the reason for this as the first two seasons being where the plot hasn’t picked up yet. The plotline the first season follows concerns the main characters traveling through various zones of the galaxy collecting keys before another group of villains is able to. The plotline of the second season is more or less the same, but throws new villains and plot elements into the mix. The third season is where the “key quest” portion of the story falls to the wayside in favor of putting more focus on the action element of the spin-off, as the episodes get lengthier, both the writing and the story’s flow improve, the battle scenes grow more intense, and the villains become more threatening. Most fans, I can imagine at least, are probably glad actually that the key collecting part of the story, minor spoiler, gets phased out completely after the fourth season. The fourth season is where even the filler episodes start to become a pastime, as much of the season serves to develop the main characters and villains. The fifth season only has two filler episodes, maybe three if memory serves me wrong. I’m serious, mostly everything by then is vital exposition for the grand finale, which, another minor spoiler, is absolutely fantastic.


Now that I’ve said that, what better time to start discussing the show’s flaws...


Another reason why the first two seasons are not as enjoyable as the others are because they have a formulaic feel (fight the bad guys, get the key, rinse and repeat). I remember when Clappy said once that at that point, it just felt like jjs’ version of Hot Wheels Battle Force 5, while the later seasons felt more like his own work, not him using a TV show as the show’s blueprint. That’s not to say that the later seasons didn’t take inspiration from other stuff like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Scooby-Doo, and...The Dark Knight? Yeah, the villain with the burnt face and the coin...no doubt that’s Harvey Dent. But entertainment is very derivative, and jjs shows that he can take what’s already been done and make something great of his own out of it, especially at that point.


Bringing up flaws with that point, you can see that I don’t think the later seasons are perfect, despite being an improvement over the first two. The entire show’s way of storytelling is telling a story that’s planned, but subject to being changed. Many of the show’s plotlines and new characters actually end up being introduced in filler episodes, strong evidence supporting that much of the story is actually “banked”, meaning that many of those plotlines and characters are added in because they will potentially impact the main story. There’s no guarantee though, which is why said plotlines and characters might only end up contributing to the inclusion of more filler, or...creating red herrings, minor plotholes. That would explain why certain aspects of the story, such as the aforementioned phased out key quest, Natcher’s “betrayal”, and Bishop’s “cure con” for example, have no effect on the main story. Their impact wasn’t planned. But I don’t think everything in the story that was planned was perfectly written either, for example,



Korax getting unfrozen in Season 3. I’m sorry jjs, as soon as I read the part where he got frozen at the end of Season 2, I got a strong feeling that you were going to re-use the same plot element from...that show. I’ll definitely give you kudos though for leaving him frozen for good after Season 3.


However, that aside, I feel that the story of Storm Racers is overall more than satisfying. The flaws can’t ruin my enjoyment of it, especially not when the action got heated. Yeah...creatures getting beaten, cut, gashed, sliced in half...ripped to shreds...crushed...having parts of them fall off...exploding...holy crap, just throw in some blood, and this show would have an M rating without a contest. But it was fascinating. And so were the characters involved in the massacre…


The five friends I mentioned in the summary are, you guessed it, the show’s five heroes, Nathan, Nora, Laneld, Dash, and Zelleo. After a short while, they get joined by two other friends, Kane and PJ, who become permanent members of their team, and every ally they come across after that only temporarily joins them for certain parts of the story (there’s also an element of party members having to stay behind, but that’s another story altogether). That being said, I’m only going to talk about the main characters, the seven team members. Although Storm Racers’ character cast is very large with a wide variety of secondary characters who are important to the plot, this review would become derailed and go on for far too long if I were to try and talk about all of them.


In the first two seasons, the characters’ personalities are, like the initial plotline, fairly basic. Nathan is the strong leader, Nora is the tough chick, Laneld is the goofball, Dash is the tough guy, Zelleo is the brains, Kane is the nice Southerner, and...the other brains, and PJ is the cool guy...cuz he’s cool as ICE!


But getting serious, these characters are worth more than what I’ve giving them right now. As the story of the show develops, so do they. For example, Dash went from being just this guy who made me think of Rainbow Dash from MLP: FiM, kind of a jerk but true to his team, to a guy who was true to his team because of a strong passion for good formed by a bond with his mentor. Nathan went from being the obligatory leader character to a character who was willing to be led, disciplining himself for the sake of the world and learning things that inspired me personally to change some things about myself. And Laneld, the kind of character who usually gets on my nerves in shows like this...ended up being my favorite character. He just has way too many funny lines, and more importantly, he shows more and more as the story goes on that beyond being the joker of the group, he actually cares about his friends and is more than willing to help them protect the peace.


Regarding humor, I was kinda stunned that most of the comic relief in this show was good. Some of it was corny, like with the laughing at the end of every episode and Laneld getting chased by Waspbits, which admittedly got old. But I got genuine smiles and chuckles out of the slapstick and jokes in the dialogue. Also, please don’t tell me that I’m the only one who thought that that scene where


Korax came out and realized that his ship was going to explode in the Season 3 finale was f’ing hilarious.

In conclusion, Storm Racers is a brilliantly made spin-off that did more than entertain and impress me. It gave me hope. The fact that I can look back on its flaws and still really enjoy it gives me hope that I’m not going to look back on it three or five years from now and see it as the next Bikini Top/Down Under/SBC Parallel Universe. Great work, jjs.

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5 hours ago, BenPaz said:

Can someone review mine please. I want to know people's thoughts on it


My Life Story - B

I'll confess that when I first looked at this spin-off, I wasn't too impressed. I was one of the members who got callbacks from the dreaded joke spin-off phase of 2013 upon reading it initially. But as the show went on, I noticed a change. Not a drastic one that made me view the show as a masterpiece, but one that made me realize the show had a lot more potential than I once believed. Watching you listen to criticism and begin pouring effort into developing the show far more by fleshing out its story and timing your jokes is what gave me hope for that potential. However, while I am well aware that this is a joke spin-off, I still feel there are some flaws that you could improve upon, the two main ones being...

1. Length. I feel your episodes are...a bit too short. That may sound hypocritical coming from the creator of SBC Honest Trailers, where every episode is only three or four paragraphs long, but with SBC Honest Trailers, the short length of the episodes is the only way the series could work, as both the series it models and the real-life trailers said series parodies are of short length. This show, on the other hand, is an action fantasy series, leaving you with much room to give more meat to your episodes than just two paragraphs. I'd recommend increasing the length to at least the equivalent of five paragraphs and spacing out the dialogue of the characters.

2. Details. Coming from someone who used to read trollfics a lot, even I get confused on what is happening in your show at times due to the lack of elaboration on what's going on. I can tell that what your show is going for is trying to be a parody of a fast-paced action fantasy show, but still...

"His eyes had become a bright white. It sliced Abney in half while Cookie fell into a coma. 7 days pass. Cookie wakes up in Fire Nation clothing wondering what happened. "Cookie," a voice said "You've become the Fire Lord" "

"The attack was starting to hit him. The whining made it go extremely slow due to its immense power. Then it hit him. He was immune to annoying whining and the elements. The wall started to be built once again as the whining seemed to reverse time."

"Mak answered "You know you killed him when that brief revolution happened." "Damn that revolution I need to get stronger" Cookie answered. "Give me a year or so. I'll come back stronger than ever." "

Do you see the problem with these examples of the show being...um...too fast-paced are? They make the story difficult to follow and hurt both its development and enjoyment as rushing the story in this manner makes it too short, meaning less story for the readers to engage in. Take notes from teenj's Team Spongebob and Jjs' Mystic Guardians, where not a scene of dialogue or action goes without elaboration. In that regard, I'm not asking you to try to replicate these shows exactly, just try to follow their example if you're looking for help.

All in all, I do like this show and see it as genuine, lulzy fun, but I also see room for it to improve further. So long as you keep doing what you're doing by listening to our criticism, I'm sure that you will make the show even better. :)


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On 6/10/2016 at 2:07 AM, Metal Snake said:


My Life Story - B

I'll confess that when I first looked at this spin-off, I wasn't too impressed. I was one of the members who got callbacks from the dreaded joke spin-off phase of 2013 upon reading it initially. But as the show went on, I noticed a change. Not a drastic one that made me view the show as a masterpiece, but one that made me realize the show had a lot more potential than I once believed. Watching you listen to criticism and begin pouring effort into developing the show far more by fleshing out its story and timing your jokes is what gave me hope for that potential. However, while I am well aware that this is a joke spin-off, I still feel there are some flaws that you could improve upon, the two main ones being...

1. Length. I feel your episodes are...a bit too short. That may sound hypocritical coming from the creator of SBC Honest Trailers, where every episode is only three or four paragraphs long, but with SBC Honest Trailers, the short length of the episodes is the only way the series could work, as both the series it models and the real-life trailers said series parodies are of short length. This show, on the other hand, is an action fantasy series, leaving you with much room to give more meat to your episodes than just two paragraphs. I'd recommend increasing the length to at least the equivalent of five paragraphs and spacing out the dialogue of the characters.

2. Details. Coming from someone who used to read trollfics a lot, even I get confused on what is happening in your show at times due to the lack of elaboration on what's going on. I can tell that what your show is going for is trying to be a parody of a fast-paced action fantasy show, but still...

"His eyes had become a bright white. It sliced Abney in half while Cookie fell into a coma. 7 days pass. Cookie wakes up in Fire Nation clothing wondering what happened. "Cookie," a voice said "You've become the Fire Lord" "

"The attack was starting to hit him. The whining made it go extremely slow due to its immense power. Then it hit him. He was immune to annoying whining and the elements. The wall started to be built once again as the whining seemed to reverse time."

"Mak answered "You know you killed him when that brief revolution happened." "Damn that revolution I need to get stronger" Cookie answered. "Give me a year or so. I'll come back stronger than ever." "

Do you see the problem with these examples of the show being...um...too fast-paced are? They make the story difficult to follow and hurt both its development and enjoyment as rushing the story in this manner makes it too short, meaning less story for the readers to engage in. Take notes from teenj's Team Spongebob and Jjs' Mystic Guardians, where not a scene of dialogue or action goes without elaboration. In that regard, I'm not asking you to try to replicate these shows exactly, just try to follow their example if you're looking for help.

All in all, I do like this show and see it as genuine, lulzy fun, but I also see room for it to improve further. So long as you keep doing what you're doing by listening to our criticism, I'm sure that you will make the show even better. :)


Snek, can you review my lit?

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The Marvelous Misadventures of Patback - A (Hilarious intro, Great length, funny plots and great writing. it's very funny and I definitely recommended it)

The SBC Show - A (Nice plots, Great length, Great writing with funny jokes. it's pretty good and I recommend it)

Someone should review Spingebill's Adventure ;)

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On 10/6/2016 at 6:53 PM, Ol Evil and Scary said:

The Marvelous Misadventures of Patback - A (Hilarious intro, Great length, funny plots and great writing. it's very funny and I definitely recommended it)

The SBC Show - B+ (Nice plots, Decent length, great writing with some funny jokes. it's pretty good and I recommend it)

Someone should review Spingebill's Adventure ;)

SpingeBill's Adventure - B (Funny, although it uses bad grammar (for example, only capital letters and no punctuations) and also references one of the worst shows ever (in my opinion). I recommend it.)

i never even asked for a review of the sbc show

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On 10/13/2016 at 7:10 PM, Halloweenhead said:

SpingeBill's Adventure - B (Funny, although it uses bad grammar (for example, only capital letters and no punctuations) and also references one of the worst shows ever (in my opinion). I recommend it.)

i never even asked for a review of the sbc show

Can you also review Halloween Adventures With Gary The Snail :)

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On 10/13/2016 at 4:10 PM, Halloweenhead said:

SpingeBill's Adventure - B (Funny, although it uses bad grammar (for example, only capital letters and no punctuations) and also references one of the worst shows ever (in my opinion). I recommend it.)

i never even asked for a review of the sbc show

Hey, Halloweenhead, can you review both my lits?

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17 hours ago, Renegade the Spookycorn said:

Hey, Halloweenhead, can you review both my lits?


Cerebus the Aardvark - A+ (AMAZING writing and length, I don't sense as much jokes as others but it is awesome.)

Power Rangers: Multiverse Force - A- (It is action-packed with the same good writing and length as CTA, but some of the main "Power Rangers" I don't like.)

18 hours ago, Ol Evil and Scary said:

Can you also review Halloween Adventures With Gary The Snail :)


Halloween Adventures with Gary The Snail - C (The story is nice and funny, but the length of them is not as good)

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On 10/15/2016 at 7:12 PM, Halloweenhead said:


Cerebus the Aardvark - A+ (AMAZING writing and length, I don't sense as much jokes as others but it is awesome.)

Power Rangers: Multiverse Force - A- (It is action-packed with the same good writing and length as CTA, but some of the main "Power Rangers" I don't like.)


Halloween Adventures with Gary The Snail - C (The story is nice and funny, but the length of them is not as good)

Can you also review some episodes of SpingeBill's Adventure :)



Also changed The SBC Show rating from A- to A

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