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dragiiin123 last won the day on February 2 2023

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About dragiiin123

  • Birthday 02/22/1998


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  1. boomer check
  2. boomer check
  3. game is pretty fantastic, main campaign is around 8 hours and moving around feels great + the levels are real fun!! lots of collectables. shit ton of deep cut references. fred is actually in the game referred to as fred and has lines talking to spongebob,,, shit crazy ^^
  4. i need every SBC boomer to post in this thread, and if no one does i will be be bumping it every month until you assholes post in here. i miss yall. wheres clappy? wumbo? spongeseb? kizuna? aquatic nuggets? FORUMOTION GANG GANG? god forbid i say tv.com. where tf whaleblubber at? i know where jjs is i talk that motherfucker like tonight. SOF also. yall heard jelly got married and had a kid? shit craaaaazy. what people called shitposting now was spamming back in the day and i did a shit ton of it. CDCB? you there? i'm schizofrenic in this bitch. post in here so i dont feel like an asshole. and if this thread devolves into 12 pages of me saying "BOOMER CHECK" by myself i still love all of you. but also fuck you
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