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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. dragon ball super soccer GIF by Funimation Who is this Beerus, God Of Destruction; and WHY is he trying to steal MY look and act?!

  2. The MAXCALIBUR; a sword like the Excalibur, only taken to the MAXIMUM!!!! It's a legendary sword that can be as long or as short as it needs to be; it can shoot power beams when its user is at maximum health, and it is powered by light that can smite through dark, evil users! It is a COOL sword!
  3. I choose to transform a Krabby Patty!
  4. I challenge Plankton!
  5. While I prepare to make another original "Power Rangers" based artwork, I thought I'd give to you a really old blast from my past on here. In case you're wondering, the character on the left and the character on the right are prototype designs of Captain Retro and BlackHawk respectively; for a cartoon idea of mine that I was never able to get off the ground. /
  6. In case you're wondering why I'm only just NOW finally posting an art topic, is because someone FINALLY told me how to paste artwork on here (thanks Rebel The Wolfgirl!) Anyways, this will mostly be artwork I CAN'T sell (because I don't own most of the characters, so I can't have any intention of making any money off of those artworks), but I still make these artworks for the practice. So, with that explanation out of the way; here is first and fore-most, a character sheet of the main cast of the first season of "Power Rangers Multiverse Force", approved by Rebel The Wolfgirl! And yes, it IS my first time drawing Anime characters AND Power Ranger costumes; so bear with me! /
  7. I'll be Anubis (the Egyptian Dog God who judges the Dead!)
  8. You get an old woman saying: "This ain't enough to talk". I put in the amount of work that I have put into the website that I have been designing so far.
  9. "The New Kid In Town!" (Dedicated to Marianne Faithful). Sniz is standing in front of Paradise City, and he says: "Last time, on 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'; Plankton, infuriated that his computer wife Karen had the AUDACITY to say 'No' to him...decided to FIX the problem once and for all, and he did it in the WORST way possible! In fact, it was so horrible; I don't even feel comfortable mentioning it in detail or replaying it! Bad enough we had to show it even once due to it's PLOT importance in that episode! Everyone...except for PLANKTON, has got to have SOME standards! In any case, Plankton was CONVINCED that he had fixed the problem once and for all; only for Karen to be CONVINCED that PLANKTON had to be eliminated...and not just out of the competition! Squidina and Guapo were prepared to face the threat that Karen might pose; but first, they had to deal with a fashion challenge! In an attempt to prove that he could be selfless, Squilliam decided to come up with some fashion designs that allowed the Fearless Flamingos to strut their stuff! But Karen's futuristic designs...really didn't fly so well. Not to mention, it had become obvious to the Killer Crocodiles that SOMETHING was off with Karen! In an effort to FORCE Plankton's hands, Henry decided to THROW Karen into flooded waters; and FORCED Plankton to ADMIT what he had done to her, and to PROMISE to fix Karen back to normal...before Henry would agree to save her. After Plankton was FORCED to follow through on his promise, Karen was understandably not happy at ALL about what Plankton had put her through! And instead of running the risk of having it happen to her again, Karen decided to QUIT the competition; in order to FORCE Plankton to learn that he can't KEEP being lousy to EVERYONE forever and expect that no one will hold him responsible for it! Plankton...didn't take it well to say the least! it's time to find out for sure what will happen on a brand new episode of 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'!" / Instead of the usual show open, it shows Skeeter Valentine, than Henry, than Guapo; all enjoying being the newest cartoon celebrity star, all to the tune of The Eagles hit song: "New Kid In Town"! / The Eagles sing: "There's talk on the street, it sounds so familiar. Great expectations, everybody's watching you. People you meet, they all seem to know you. Even your old friends treat you like you're something new. Johnny come lately, the new kid in town! Everybody loves you, so don't let them down! You look in her eyes, the music begins to play. Hopeless romantics, here we go again. But after awhile, you're lookin' the other way. It's those restless hearts, that never mend. Johnny come lately, the new kid in town! Will she still love you when you're not around? There's so many things, you should have told her! But night after night, you're willing to hold her; just hold her. Tears on your shoulder. There's talk on the street, it's there to remind you. It doesn't really matter, which side you're on. You're walking away, and they're talking behind you. They will never forget you 'til somebody new comes along. Where you've been lately? There's a new kid in town! Everybody loves him; don't they? Now he's holding ground, and you're still around! Oh, my; my. There's a new kid in town! Just another new kid in town! Everybody's talking 'bout the new kid in town! Everybody's walking like the new kid in town! There's a new kid in town. I don't wanna hear it! There's a new kid in town! I don't wanna hear it! There's a new kid in town! There's a new kid in town! There's a new kid in town! (Everybody's talking) There's a new kid in town! (People started walking) There's a new kid in town! There's a new kid in town!" / And the song fades out and ends as the montage ends. / When the episode opens up properly, Guapo and Squidina are pretty much hidden by Guapo's bed covers, and they are passionately loving each other! Squidina sighs in contentment, and she says: "We did it, Guapo! We outlasted Karen!" Guapo happily says: "Even I'M surprised that she decided to quit! And I go to different planets to make deliveries for a living!" Squidina says: "Still, I think things are going to get a lot easier now that Karen is gone!" Guapo says: "Undoubtedly! Of course, the game is far from over yet! There is still Plankton we'll have to deal with...eventually. There's no telling WHAT he might do, now that he no longer has Karen to fall back on! From my experience, a wounded animal is often one of the most dangerous ones...no offense, Squidina!" Squidina says: "Oh no; I totally agree with you! We removed a key piece of Plankton's game plan! Now that he can't use it, he's going to be DESPERATE to replace it!" Gaupo says: "The only question is, who would be DESPERATE enough to actually AGREE to partner with Plankton?!" Squidina seriously says: "Someone who figures they could EASILY use Plankton as a GOAT to easily win against him in a jury vote!" Gaupo says: "IF it comes to that! Don't forget, with the exception of season two; none of the seasons on this show have EVER ended in a jury vote! That doesn't bode well for THIS season, either!" Squidina asks: "Don't you think ANYBODY could beat Plankton, no matter WHAT physical challenge is presented?" Guapo says: "Well...theoretically, anybody SHOULD be able to beat Plankton! The problem is, there's no telling WHAT lengths Plankton will go to in order to win...and PROBABLY try to make Karen jealous! After all, Plankton would NEVER admit it; but he acts a LOT more stable and RATIONAL with Karen around! Don't get me wrong, I TOTALLY side and agree with HER completely rational decision to LEAVE him! The only problem is, when Plankton gets unstable and irrational; he tends to get desperate. And a DESPERATE Plankton is NEVER something that should be taken LIGHTLY!" Squidina says: "Now that you mention it...I think you're right! We ARE going to have to be careful in dealing with him!" Guapo says: "We can simply use the plan we were going to use against Karen, and adjust it to be against Plankton!" Squidina says: "Of course...Plankton can't VIEW or use our Confessionals!" Guapo sighs, and says: "Not LEGALLY!!!!" Squidina seriously asks: "You...don't think Plankton would be DESPERATE enough to blatantly break the rules like THAT?!" Guapo asks: "Why wouldn't HE?! He was desperate enough to do that HORRIBLE thing to Karen! Now that he doesn't have her, he has everyone ELSE to take his anger out on...whether or not they actually HAVE done anything against him!" Squidina says: "So...that just means we'll have to focus everything we can on TRYING to get Plankton eliminated!" Guapo says: "I quite agree! Of course, luck is a factor; so there's a possibility the Killer Crocodiles might have to first go through the pawns BEFORE Plankton is eliminated! Lucky for us, he doesn't HAVE that many pawns to spare!" Squidina says: "And it's not like the Killer Crocodiles HAVE shown much athletic skills...or the ability to WORK with each other!" Guapo says: "I agree...we have a sanity advantage, all things considered. But we can't rely on that exclusively! After all, Karen HAS shown us that there is at least ONE weak link in our team!" Squidina sighs, and she says: "Squilliam...I always had a feeling he might cause us trouble, I just didn't think it would be THIS much!" Guapo says: "My guess is, there's only one of two ways Squilliam will react going forward! Either he will be DESPERATE enough to PROVE that he's changed his MIND since he MADE that Confessional, and be the selfless guy he CLAIMS he wants to be; or he will get petty and decide to sabotage our team...I really hope it's the FIRST one!" Squidina says: "No arguments there!" Guapo asks: "Squidina...are you really enjoying being with me?!" Squidina says: "Oddly enough, I DID think that with YOU having your gift; it might not be EASY for me to enjoy being with you! But instead, it's like your gift works PERFECTLY with me! Being with you is the BEST experience of my LIFE so far! And I don't use that claim likely!" Guapo sighs in contentment, and he says: "You're awesome yourself, Squidina! We've got a good thing going with each other, and we'll face any challenge that comes before us together; no matter what!" Squidina says: "Agreed! And the first chance we get, we're going to get married!" Guapo asks: "You don't MIND being a Flubb?" Squidina asks: "How about a Flubb Star? You're confidant enough in YOUR own masculinity, aren't you?" Guapo asks: "With you, I feel confidant enough for just about anything! I don't mind at all!" Squidina says: "You are SO understanding!" Guapo says: "Thank you. My only regret is, Franz just couldn't understand that. I wish it didn't have to go down the way it did between us." Squidina says: "Sad to say; sometimes things like that can't be helped. All you can do in situations like that, is to do what is RIGHT for you! After all, if he was willing to be THAT vile to YOU for no good reason; you HAVE no real reason to WANT him in your life!" Guapo says: "Sad to say, I think you have a point there. And unless he's willing to make an HONEST change; I don't need to have him in my life...not when I can have you!" Squidina says: "Don't worry; I plan on being a better partner to you than he EVER was! I plan on being prepared!" Guapo happily says: "I'm definitely looking forward to that!" (Confessional) Squidina says: "While I can't describe what Guapo and I did together in detail, for OBVIOUS reasons; I will say that he has a LOT of stamina and passion! I'm not sure if his species normally CAN last as long as he did; or if he's just that good! Either way, once you had love like the kind you can get from a guy like him; you don't want to trade it for anything!" / Guapo sighs, and he happily says: "Looks like my gift...is a gift after all. To think that I was worried that it would hold me back from meeting a woman who would be understanding of my genetic situation. I mean...even among aliens, having a gift like mine is rare. And to think, the first woman I find in this competition would love and understand me THAT much; I now KNOW that Karma is on my side! I guess it's true what they say; 'Good karma equals good sex'. And I definitely can't argue against THAT; now that I've experienced for myself! One thing is for sure, I'm going to do my best to keep doing things that equal good karma; not just for the possibility of good sex, but because it's the right thing to do. I hope Franz can figure THAT out some day! In spite of everything, I still wish him no ill will! After all, doing so would provide no benefit to me; and would only equal bad karma on my part. I can forgive, I'm just NOT going to forget! See how that works?" (End Confessional) Meanwhile, in his hotel room at the Luxor; Plankton is looking at all the photos he and Karen had taken together over the years. Plankton angrily says: "Show her, Plankton; SHOW HER YOU DON'T NEED HER AS MUCH AS SHE DOESN'T NEED YOU!!!!" And Plankton furiously aims a TON of missiles at all the pictures, but he unexpectedly powers down! Plankton stammers, and asks: "Why...why can't I do it? I know she's NOT coming back, so why can't I do it? I've NEVER had any hesitation in doing anything before, so why do I have it now? Did I...really have feelings for her to? How COULD I?!!! I am supposed to be the most EVIL creature in the OCEAN!!!! I'm supposed to be UNINHIBITED BY PETTY, USELESS EMOTIONS!!!! SO...why do I still LOVE HER even after she BETRAYED ME?!!!" Henry chuckles, and he says: "SHE betrayed YOU?!!! That's a LAUGH, after what YOU did to her!" Plankton angrily says: "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!! She CAN'T EVEN FEEL IT!!!! She's JUST a COMPUTER!!!!" Henry says: "That's not what I heard coming from you! You can't even destroy all the PICTURES you have taken together, DESPITE how BADLY you messed up with her!" Plankton sourly says: "Karen promised loyalty to ME!!!! That's supposed to include any DECISION I make that may or may not concern HER!!!!" Henry says: "That's another sign that you truly love her; you keep referring to her as HER, not an 'It'." Plankton bitterly says: "But she was MINE!!!! The created can't say 'No' to the CREATOR!!!!" Henry says: "Maybe not through YOUR programming, but from all the times she HAS witnessed EVERYONE saying 'No' to you; and not just to be spiteful, either!" Plankton scoffs, and says: "Yeah, right! And why else WOULD everyone else say 'No' to me?!" Henry says: "Simple. Even BEFORE you did that AWFUL, unforgivable thing to Karen; the fact that you were WILLING to steal a recipe that isn't, wasn't, and never WILL be legally yours...or at least, not until the recipe falls into the public domain by about the year 2095; was already enough for any SANE creature in the entire world to know that what YOU have always been trying to do WASN'T in the right! You see, it doesn't matter HOW many creatures picked on you; no amount of insults can ever JUSTIFY the horrible thing you did to Karen, or even stealing the Krabby Patty Secret formula for THAT matter!" Plankton asks: "If that's true, why are YOU willing to tell this to me?" Henry says: "Simple. I want more for myself as well. I'm not content with just being a contestant. I want to be higher, like a host. And I think winning this contest would put me in a good position for making that happen. The thing of it is, most contestants on THIS show wouldn't see things my way; the way most creatures haven't seen things your way. Of course, the main reason for that is that you KEEP trying to do the WRONG thing on PURPOSE even when everyone else is telling you NOT to! And you STILL keep wondering why it is that so often, only YOU get hurt whenever your plans inevitably go wrong!" Plankton sourly says: "It's because King Neptune HATES me, and he KNOWS IT!!!!" Henry says: "Or MAYBE, it's because you're so LASER focused on trying to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula over everything else; that you don't even TRY to consider how that would hurt other people's feelings, or how bad karma will always fall upon you! Besides, have you ever considered what would realistically HAPPENED if you EVER successfully managed to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula?!" Plankton scoffs, and says: "DUH!!!! I WOULD--!!" Henry interrupts, and says: "RHETORICAL!!!! Any SANE police force would IMMEDIATELY realize that YOU stole a copyrighted recipe that wasn't yours; Mr. Krabs would SUE you for EVERYTHING you have GOT and THAN some; and since you wouldn't be able to repay it, Mr. Krabs would seize EVERYTHING you own; and you would HAVE to end up working for the REST of your life doing back-breaking community service, which; with YOUR small height and weak muscles, would take FOREVER!!!!" And Plankton's eye shrinks in utter horror, and he screams: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, dear! You're right!!!! Why didn't anybody else ever TELL me about this THING?!!!" Henry seriously says: "Because you never LISTENED to KAREN or anybody ELSE who tried to tell you all the OTHER 300 or so STUPID times you tried to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula!!!!" Plankton gasps, and he nervously says: "Oh, DEAR!!!! THAT'S why Karen was upset with me! She tried to warn me; but I just wouldn't listen! She was just trying to protect me from doing something that would harm me; and instead, I just kept mistreating her like she was nothing more than a machine! It's no WONDER Karen hates me! And worst of all, if I give up now; no one will EVER let me live this DOWN!!!!" Henry scoffs, and says: "PLEASE!!!! Nobody was ever going to let you live this down REGARDLESS!!!!" Plankton says: "That's NOT the point! The point is, without any LEGAL motive to take the Krabby Patty Secret formula; what do I have?!!!" Plankton sniffles, and cries as he says: "I have nothing! I had the most beautiful computer wife in the ocean! A computer that stood by me through thick and thin, through grease and gristle; and I betrayed her loyalty, like I was Patrick on one of his WORSE days!" Henry says: "Than show some DECENCY for once in your life! Do something to win Karen back!" Plankton asks: "Why would Karen ever take ME back?!!! Even I wouldn't take ME back; and I'm the one who DID that STUPID, horrible thing to her!" Henry says: "Well, showing humility for starters; is a good way to start." Plankton incredulously asks: "Are you SERIOUS?!!!" Henry seriously says: "I AM serious! Why do you think bad things keep happening to you? It's because you have NEVER bothered to learn from your mistakes, you have never LEARNED to take responsibility for your own actions! You always blame everyone and everything else possible, even when they couldn't have possibly CAUSED your problem in the first place! That's why you failed when you tried to control Spongebob's brain, that's why you failed when you tried to control Karen. I'm going to tell you something now Plankton, that I HOPE you will remember going forward! And that is; 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and EXPECTING a different result!" Plankton says: "I haven't been DOING the same thing over and over!" Henry says: "When your plans all boil down to some variation of trying to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula, ISN'T it the same thing over and over?!" Plankton's eye shrinks in horror again, and he says: "Oh dear, you're right! Without even realizing it, I've developed the same SUCKING routine that Justin Bieber has had for the PAST 16 or so years! Why does NOTHING ever work out like I plan?!" Henry says: "Because you haven't been humble enough to know that you DON'T know everything, and the way that you have been TRYING to do things simply isn't right! That being SAID...I WOULD be willing to teach you everything I KNOW in being humble, IF you agree to make an honest partnership with me!" Plankton scoffs, and he asks: "YOU; are going to teach ME, how to be HUMBLE?!!!" Henry says: "I'd STILL be a better teacher than Squilliam!" Plankton says: "I--can't believe that I can't logically argue against you on THAT one! But still, what do YOU plan on getting out of this partnership?" Henry says: "Be honest for yourself for ONCE in your life! Against everyone else, you HAVE no physical skills that can COMPARE with anyone else's; and your mini-mecha doesn't COUNT! And now, thanks to the stunt you pulled against Karen; you managed to do the IMPOSSIBLE, and make yourself LESS popular than you already were! NOBODY is going to want you to win, or support you! But, I am offering you a chance to be humble! If I teach you how to be humble, you have to promise to vote with me in every single elimination ceremony from now on. That way, WE will stay safe; while everyone else loses!" Plankton says: "That's--actually a brilliant plan! I can't BELIEVE Karen didn't think of THAT!" Henry says: "Oh, I'm SURE she did! She just didn't tell you because she KNEW you wouldn't listen!" Plankton sourly says: "CURSE my rigid mind...that I must now learn how to be...NOT rigid!!!!" Henry asks: "You don't know how to word it BETTER than that?!" Plankton says: "At least I'm honestly TRYING to be better, which is amazing all in itself! After all, I've never before HAD to admit that I have not just BEEN a lousy amoeba, but a HORRIBLE husband was well! If I don't find SOME way to get to the Final Two, Karen will NEVER be impressed enough to want to come back to me!" Henry says: "So you see, we DO need each other! Once I win this season, they'll want ME to become host of this show INSTEAD of Sniz! And if I become the host, you have a better chance of winning in a future season; as opposed to right now, where you actually have a huge NEGATIVE chance of winning this season!" Plankton sighs, and says: "Well, I've got no better alternatives without Karen around! Fine! Do your best to teach me how to be...'Humble'." Henry says: "The obvious first rule is to...NOT use air quotes when talking about words and phrases you don't like!" Plankton sourly says: "Yeah...curse my MUSCLE memory! That's...REALLY going to be hard for me to work on!" Henry says: "Don't worry, it's okay. After all, the first step to RECOVERING from a problem, is to admit that you HAVE a problem! That's not say that the other steps are going to be easier, but at least you've made a start! And knowing you, I don't think you're the kind to quit once you've made a start!" Plankton says: "Well, since trying to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula would be a rather moot point without Karen around to enjoy it; I might as well shift my attention from THAT to learning how to be humble! After all, if I went to college; learning how to be humble shouldn't be THAT much more difficult to handle!" Henry says: "Good! Just remember to keep your tendency for scheming and plotting down WAY low! You're going to need to lay low for a while, if you want people to believe that you're honestly changing for the better!" Plankton says: "Thanks for the helpful advice, Henry!" Henry says: "Don't mention it!" (Confessional) Henry says: "Do I really believe that Karen is going to come back to Plankton even IF he learns how to be humble? HIGHLY unlikely! The thing of it is, Plankton is the PERFECT goat for me to take to the Final Two! After all, who would POSSIBLY win in a physical or a popularity contest between Plankton and myself? ME; obviously!!!! And we all KNOW Sniz would NEVER stoop to having a MENTAL contest be the final challenge! Therefore, I'm the only possible WINNER in that inevitable match-up, regardless of how it turns out! It's a win-win situation for me!" / Plankton asks: "Do I really want to partner up with someone as transparently OBVIOUS as HENRY?!!! HARDLY!!!! But the sad fact of the matter is, I have no better options on the table! And the worst part of it is...I sadly have no one else to blame but myself for being in the position I'm in! All I HAD to do was to LISTEN to Karen, ONCE; just ONCE!!!! But I DIDN'T!!!! And now, I have to...GULP!!!!, learn how to be NICE and humble; if I even want to have a CHANCE of Karen coming back to me! I know it's a LONG shot, but it's the only shot I've got!" (End Confessional) It is the early morning, and Squilliam is carrying a giant, vintage 1989 boombox; with him. He knocks on Squilivia's door, and Squilliam says: "I sure hope this works!" And the minute Squilivia opens the door, Squilivia asks: "Who is it?!" And Squilliam triumphantly says: "Genesis, the band!" And Squilliam loudly begins playing on the boombox, the Genesis song: "A Trick Of The Tail". / Phil Collins sings: "Bored of the life in the city of gold, he'd left and let nobody know. Gone were the towers he had known from a child, along with a dream of a life. He traveled the wide open road, the blinkered arcade; in search of another to share in his life. Nowhere, everyone looked so strange to him. They got no horns and they got no tail; they don't even know of our existence! Am I wrong to believe in the city of gold that lies in the deep distance?" Gordon loudly yells: "SNIZ!!!!" Blonda yells: "It's not RUBE this time! He and Bubble Bass are still asleep!" Phil Collins continues singing: "He cried and wept as they led him away to a cage. 'Beast that can talk,' read the sign. The creatures, they pushed and they prodded his frame; and questioned his story again. But soon they grew bored of their prey. The beast that can talk? More like a freak, or publicity stunt. Oh, oh; no, oh! They got no horns and they got no tail; they don't even know of our existence! Am I wrong to believe in the city of gold that lies in the deep distance? He cried and broke down the door of the cage, and marched on out. He grabbed a creature by the scruff of his neck, pointing out; 'There, beyond the bounds of your weak imagination; lie the noble towers of my city, bright and gold. Let me take you there, show you a living story. Let me show you others, such as me. Why did I ever leave?' They got no horns and they got no tail; they don't even know of our existence! Am I wrong to believe in the city of gold that lies in the deep distance? He cried, and wept." Bonnie groans, and she says: "It better not be SQUILLIAM trying a STUPID stunt on SQUILIVIA again!" General Barracuda groans, and he says: "If it is, I am GOING to let him have it on PRINCIPLE!!!!" Bonnie says: "And quite frankly, I can't blame you!" Phil Collins continues singing: "And so we set out with the beast and his horns, and his crazy description of home. After many days journey, we came to a peak; where the beast gazed abroad and cried out. We followed his gaze and we thought that maybe we saw a spire of gold? No, a trick of the eye; that's all. But the beast was gone and a voice was heard; 'They got no horns and they got no tail, they don't even know of our existence! Am I wrong to believe in the city of gold, that lies in the deep distance?' (Hello friend, welcome home.") / And the song ends, and just in time as General Barracuda arrives and GRABS Squilliam's boombox, and SMASHES it to pieces, and than cries out: "AHHH!!!! Why is THAT--AHHH!!!! STUPID THING--AHHH!!!! KEEP--AHHH!!!! HAPPENING--AHHH!!!! To ME--AHHH!!!!" Squilliam groans, and he says: "Come ON!!!! I had a DEPOSIT on that!" General Barracuda calms himself, and he says: "If you want to mess around with things that you put a deposit on, you can do so on your OWN time; but NOT in the competition! My family and I, are trying to SLEEP! You MIGHT want to try it sometime!" Squilliam suspiciously says: "Funny, you never really CARED about YOUR family before!" General Barracuda asks: "You really don't THINK that it's possible for anyone or anything to really change, can you?!" Squillaim says: "Concerning YOU? I highly doubt that! As for anyone else...I'll let you know as SOON as it applies to me!" General Barracuda smiles, and he asks: "Oh, REALLY?! Ask Squilivia if SHE thinks so!" Squilliam gasps in horror, as he REMEMBERS Squilivia is standing RIGHT behind him! And Squilliam nervously asks: "Did you...enjoy that nice little wake-up call? I would've played you Peter Gabriel, but I couldn't find any; so I went with his former band Genesis. That's...almost as good, right?!" Squilivia rolls her eyes, and says: "Come on! You didn't even pick one of their ROMANTIC songs! It's not like you were LACKING for choices!" Squilliam says: "Well, that was the best song that was personally available in the studio!" Squilivia asks: "Why did you even WANT to play a song for me, anyways?!" Squilliam nervously says: "Well...this...REALLY...isn't EASY...for me to say...but...what I WANT to say is...I'm s--s--s--SAR...ER...REE!!!!" Squilivia scoffs, and asks: "Is that REALLY the BEST that you can say 'Sorry'?!!!" Squilliam groans, and mock coughs as he says: "PTOOEY!!!! PTOOEY!!!! PTOEEY!!!! I almost threw UP in my mouth!" Squilivia asks: "How do you expect anyone to ever BELIEVE that you ARE sorry, if you can't even SAY it correctly?!" Squilliam says: "Because I've never HONESTLY had to say it before, all right?! Isn't the fact that I actually TRIED worth ANYTHING to you?!" Squilivia sighs, and says: "Well, I GUESS it's a START!!!! But the fact of the matter is, you said that NO one on your team means anything to you BESIDES me!" Squilliam says: "To be fair, that was a PRIVATE Confessional that Karen recorded without PERMISSION!!!!" Squilivia asks: "How can a Confessional be PRIVATE?!!! The entire VIEWING world saw and HEARD what you said!!!!" Squilliam winces, as he realizes he CAN'T argue with Squilivia on THAT point, and Squilliam groans, and says: "Okay, FINE!!!! I messed up in being too arrogant! Can I make it UP to you?!" Squilivia facetiously says: "Sure! Why don't you get me a big BOAT?!!!" Squilliam flatly asks: "What?" Squiiliva sourly says: "Oh, and maybe two BIG bags of cash! Than, THAN...I will be happy!!!! LOTS of money and LOTS of STUFF!!!! Other women WANT idiotic JUNK like dating, talking, sharing intimate details, and maybe even possibly marrying a guy some day who had SOME form of honest humility! But NOT ME, Squilliam! Just give me the BOAT!!!!" Squilliam looks up and the sky, and angrily yells: "King Neptune, no WONDER you STAYED single!!!! Squilivia, don't DO this!!!!" Squilivia angrily says: "I'm NOT doing this, I'm UNDOING this; I'm calling Squidward and apologizing for NOT dating him in TRYING to hold out for YOU! Squidward was RIGHT!!!! You are a vain, selfish, egotistical, snobbish, narcissistic man who only cares about himself!!!!" And Squilivia angrily slams the door in Squilliam's face! Squilliam says: "NARCISSISTIC?!!! You CAN'T LEAVE ME!!!! I'm the ALPHA, BABY!!!! I'M THE OMEGA, BABY!!!!" Squilliam waits for a while, but doesn't hear a response! Squilliam says: "Okay, FINE!!!! IGNORE me; I don't NEED YOU!!!!" Squilliam walks past General Barracuda, and General Barracuda slyly says: "I guess money CAN'T buy you EVERYTHING you want, now; can it?" Squilliam sourly says: "You're LUCKY you're so much stronger than me, and I'm in no mood to ARGUE with you!" General Barracuda genuinely says: "And I'm PROUD of that fact, to!" Squilliam says: "I'll give you points for honesty." (Confessional) Squilliam sourly says: "It's all General Barracuda's FAULT!!!! If he hadn't have SMASHED my boombox, Squilivia would've fallen in love with ME!!!! And now, she says that she WANTS to date SQUIDWARD?!!! How is THAT even UNIVERSALLY POSSIBLE?!!! Let alone, FEASIBLE?! But I'll show HER!!!! I'll just find someone BETTER to date! YEAH; she'll be BETTER than Squilivia! I'm going to date a WINNER who will BLOW Squilivia out of the WATER...LITERALLY!!!! Unfortunately, the only option I have in the competition right now is...Lori. And she's already proven to not exactly be an EASY catch if she was so easily willing to shoot Gordon down! Luckily for me; I have an advantage that Gordon doesn't! I have never, EVER tried to date anyone underage under ANY circumstances! And I never WILL, either! SEE?! I do have some standards! And when I start dating Lori, Squilivia will be BEGGING me to take her back!...RIGHT?!!!" / Squilivia groans, and she says: "Squidward, this Confessional is for you. I hope you're watching this. I am SO sorry that I haven't dated you in a while WITHOUT even saying a word; but I honestly thought that Squilliam was...somewhat decent. I was only thinking about what would be best for my future and...someone who was richer and more successful seemed like a safer bet. But NO amount of money and success can cover up just how NASTY Squilliam is compared to YOU!!!! Compared to Squilliam, you're a SAINT!!!! So...I'm sorry for not reaching out to you before! I was looking for something that simply wasn't, isn't, and is never GOING to be there! But I guess that's the trouble with trying to go through life wearing rose-tinted glasses. If you go through life wearing rose-tinted glasses, all the RED flags...they just look like flags! Sorry I didn't realize that earlier! But when this challenge is done, you and I will definitely make up for lost time! That is a guarantee!" (End Confessional) Sniz gets on the loud-speakers, and he says: "Contestants, I'm SORRY Squilliam RUDELY interrupted you with an 'Improptu' tape playing; but it IS time for you to wake up and enjoy your breakfast! You'll definitely NEED your energy for today, especially Rube!!!!" Toddler Rube wakes up, and says: "Breakfast?! That's music to my ears! Come on, Dad; it's time to wake up!!!!" Bubble Bass yawns, and he says: "Okay. I WAS having a rather nice dream revolving around the Genesis song 'A Trick of The Tail' for some weird reason." Toddler Rube says: "That's funny, I was to!" Bubble Bass says: "I guess great minds really DO think alike! Speaking of, let's get breakfast!" (Confessional) Toddler Rube says: "Wow! I don't think I've ever used THIS room before...have I? But...regardless of semantics that my father says he can't explain to me right now; I think he's doing a good job of raising me, and we have a lot in common! We're both smart, we both like to eat, we both like retro rocking music, and someday...I'd like to be LIKE my dad! Be bold and confidant enough to walk around NATURALLY the way he does, but Dad says that I can't do that until I turn 18. He doesn't want me to be hurt by anyone who might take advantage of me. And...I think he really DOES know what he's talking about! Some of the contestants on this show...don't seem to be the kind of contestants I'd like to hang out with on a normal basis! And quite frankly, I can't blame my dad for wanting to keep me safe from the likes of contestants like Plankton and Squilliam! And if I can help keep myself safe, that will only PROVE to my dad that I'm responsible enough to HANDLE the responsibility of walking around naturally when I am legally able to! After all, he's told me about the concept of good Karma from a contestant named Rocko. I don't fully understand EXACTLY what 'Karma' is yet; only that I know that if I keep being a good boy the way my dad wants me to be, I will receive some kind of a reward when the time is right. After all, I know I want to have somebody to love when I eventually grow up. I'm not sure who it will be yet; but I know that I WILL know when I see him...eventually!" / Bubble Bass sighs, and says: "Besides the obvious reasons as to why I INSIST Rube stay clothed until he turns 18...he's already STARTING to develop the same gift that I have! Obviously, he has no interest or ability in using it yet; but I'm NOT going to let him be taken advantage of! Thankfully for me, Rube seems to understand how SERIOUS that matter is! And I know he would NEVER let himself be intentionally taken advantage of! My son is smart and responsible like that!" (End Confessional) The contestants are all eating cafeteria! Gordon goes up to Abby, and he says: "Hi, Abby! Fancy an inter-team alliance partnership with me?!" Abby asks: "After the way YOU were attracted to a six year old girl? FORGET it!!!!" Gordon groans, and says: "Come ON!!!! I already APOLOGIZED for being in love with Human Kimberly about 1.4 million TIMES by now!!!!" (Confessional) Lori says: "And as far as I'm concerned, THAT'S the ONLY 1.4 million he's ever going to see...besides the money he already has! I don't know WHY he's still in this competition! I haven't EXACTLY seen HIS skills translate into helping MY team win MORE challenges than the one we ALREADY have!" / Gordon groans, and he says: "Jeeves, if I make it through this season with ANY sort of dignity and self-respect intact; I PROMISE that I will personally at LEAST listen to you more often, and treat you with the respect that you SHOULD'VE been getting from me AND my brothers all those years that you HAVE worked for us...and granted our inane wishes to the best of your abilities!" / Abby says: "Saying 'No' to Gordon is purely a pragmatic move on my part. I wouldn't SCORE any points in the popularity department IF I said 'Yes' to him; quite the opposite, to be honest! I have to do what's best for me in terms of my chances of winning this game show. And while I'm sure Gordon honestly didn't intentionally mean anything by it, he STILL messed up! I can't overlook that; and I'd honestly be surprised if anybody could! The point of the matter is, he better hope that all of the various skills he's picked up over the years can start translating into challenge wins; or he will PROBABLY find himself going home! It's just that simple!" (End Confessional) Freddy looks at Guapo and Squidina, and Freddy says: "You two certainly look like you're in a good mood today!" Guapo happily says: "Naturally; we have metaphorically been to the MOON and back!!!!" Freddy asks: "Which MOON?!!! There's more than ONE moon in our solar system alone, you know!" Squidina says: "We meant Earth's moon!" Freddy says: "That doesn't SEEM to be very impressive!" Squidina says: "It is when you take into account, that only TWELVE official people; all Americans, have ever stepped FOOT on Earth's moon as of January 30, 2025!" Freddy says: "Okay, that DOES sound more impressive!" Guapo says: "We're doing our loving NOW, so we can be focused on the challenge when it comes!" Freddy says: "That is a good strategy; that is a GOOD strategy!!!! I'm...ALMOST glad that Peck decided to NOT compete in this season, but I still WISH he were here with me!" Squidina says: "Look at it this way; if you do well in these challenges, he will be MORE impressed with your skills the longer you last!" Guapo says: "And, as long as you remember the rules of Good Karma; you have absolutely NOTHING to worry about with Peck!" Freddy happily says: "You're right! I don't! I mean...I've already SAVED Peck from my parents on TWO different occasions, and that's not even getting into the other stuff we've done together! The point is, I have no real reason to be nervous like I was when I entered this season! I just have to stay focused on the challenges and do my best! I know that if Peck loves me the way he told me he does, he will be impressed with my best!" Squidina says: "And THAT, is one of the key secrets to good karma!" (Confessional) Squidina says: "Considering everything that has happened on 'The Patrick Star Show' alone, I'm sure there are some people who might be wondering why I'm not more upset about all the work that I do! But...the thing of it is, I guess I'm just a MOVING type of girl...if that makes any sense! I LIKE to be moving! If I'm NOT moving, I always feel kind of low! That's why I always try to keep moving...in a healthy way, of course!" / Guapo says: "I definitely has to admire Squidina's gusto and stamina! I didn't think there WOULD be a woman out there who could handle everything that I am! But not only can she do that, she seems to have energy to spare! I just honestly hope that she DOES have the stamina that she SAYS that she does, and is not TRYING to burn the candle at both ends! After all, 'The candle that burns at both ends, burns out TWICE as fast'! I THINK Benjamin Franklin once said that, but I could be wrong; of course!" / Freddy says: "The way I figure, it's no good wondering about what kinds of challenges we're going to get; Sniz and Fondue already HAVE their minds made up about the kinds of challenges we're going to get this season! I figure the best I can do, is WAIT until they've announced the challenge; THAN mentally prepare myself for whatever it is I will be asked to do! I think that's the SMART way to approach these challenges! After all, what's the point of worrying about something that might not even happen? I think it's best to wait to KNOW what's to be expected before you mentally prepare for something! I'm just trying to think more logically, the way that Peck is able to do! After all, Peck doesn't just deserve my physical best; he deserves my mental best, as well! And if I can improve on both counts on this show, that's only a bonus from MY perspective!" (End Confessional) Sniz walks into the cafeteria, and says: "Okay, breakfast time is over; it's time to reveal what today's challenge is!" Toddler Rube says: "Oh, man! I thought that I would finally get a chance to try solid foods today!" Bubble Bass says: "Don't worry, there's always tomorrow!" Toddler Rube says: "But that's...a whole day away!" Henry says: "Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Bubble Bass says: "You forget, he's ONLY two! A day might not seem LONG to you! But for a kid HIS age, it's practically forever!" Abby THINKS about it, and she says: "That's...actually a pretty good point!" Sniz says: "Luckily for Rube, we've figured out a way to help the day go faster for both him AND hopefully, for you as well!!!!" Lori sarcastically says: "FINALLY; a FAST challenge!!!!" Bonnie says: "IGNORE HER!!!!" Sniz says: "Noted, moving on! The reason why this challenge will HELP the day move faster for both Rube and you; is because this challenge is going to involve BABYSITTING!!!!" Squilivia says: "One obvious problem; there's only ONE Rube! Both teams CAN'T babysit Rube!" Bonnie says: "Which is why I asked for an old friend of Bubble Bass' to help out!" Bubble Bass asks: "Which old friend?" Bonnie says: "That cute, little friend you used to go to Kamp Koral with! What was his name? Oh, right! Elwood!" Bubble Bass groans, and says: "Not ELWOOD!!!!" Bonnie says: "What's wrong? He's cute!" Bubble Bass says: "He WAS cute! That was over 16 YEARS ago! Doesn't TIME mean anything to you?! I have my OWN kid, for crying out loud!" Bonnie asks: "Is it too late to cancel him?" And as if to answer her question, the grown up Elwood walks in, and he happily says: "Bubble Bass, it's good to see you again; and you're even NAKED again! You look just as lovely as you did in Kamp Koral!" Bubble Bass asks: "Mother, what were you THINKING?!!! I know Elwood MEANS well, but...I don't think he's going to be a good fit for the babysitting challenge!" Bonnie groans, and she says: "I am so sorry. It's just...hard to remember that kids grow up! Besides, look at him! He's so AWKWARD in being social...not to mention, his clothes are 16 years out of date! And he seems to like you!" Bubble Bass says: "Lucky ME!!!!" Bonnie says: "I just don't understand WHY he never got picked up at Kamp Koral!" Elwood says: "I can answer that. My older brother Flats was never really FOND about how nice I was! He always said that I was going to ruin his BAD reputation! I think he PURPOSEFULLY lied to our dad that I had gone missing on PURPOSE, so they wouldn't come looking for me!" Bubble Bass asks: "Flats is your older brother?! Now that you mention it...I do see the resemblance! That's TERRIBLE your older brother contributed to that problem! Very well, than! Since you LIKE me; I see no alternative but to do my best to rehabilitate you into society!" Blonda asks: "Do you really think you can?" Bubble Bass says: "You had faith in ME to be a loving husband and father; I couldn't call myself worthy of your trust if I weren't willing to give Elwood a chance! Besides, he was never ACTUALLY malicious to us! He just...forgot how to be social due to living in the wilderness for so long! It's actually amazing that he's as SANE as he is! Elwood, I know that I can't replace Flats as your older brother! But, I think that if you can get yourself acclimated back into society again; I would be honored to be a surrogate for your older brother." Elwood says: "Actually, as far as I'm concerned; you can BE my older brother full stop! I don't need an INTENTIONAL jerk like Flats as a brother!" Bonnie says: "Looks like he's learning already!" Bubble Bass says: "Right! Rube, I'm going to help Elwood get rehabilitated into society! You behave yourself and do whatever it is that Blonda tells you to do, okay?!" Toddler Rube says: "Okay! I can't wait to have Elwood as an uncle!" Elwood says: "An uncle? I like the sound of that!" Bubble Bass says: "It's not official unless you can get yourself rehabilitated into society! I'm being NICE; not naive or stupid!" General Barracuda says: "And for once, Bonnie; I'm GLAD he got YOUR intelligence instead of my raw muscles!" Bonnie genuinely says: "Horatio, that's the most sensible thing I've ever heard you say ever since you agreed to do this treatment for me. Maybe soon, you might even be ready to try the Anger Management test again. You might even PASS this time!" General Barracuda says: "I am DEFINITELY looking forward to passing, for my son's sake as WELL as yours!" (Confessional) Elwood says: "Apparently, this is something called a 'Confessional'. I've never actually USED one of these before! But Bubble Bass says this is a great way to tell the truth about things you WANT to talk about! And the truth of the matter is, I never INTENDED to be malicious to any of the campers at Kamp Koral! You just have no idea how HARD it is to be alone in what is roughly the wilderness for the better part of 16 years, with no one to talk to except for jellyfish and an occasional sea bunny! If I hadn't gotten my idea to send those letters to everyone, I might never have gotten the chance to get to go back to Bikini Bottom! At least Bubble Bass doesn't seem to hold it against me, and he's even EMBRACED being naked ALL the time!!!! I like a man who's confidant enough to BE who he is! I hope HE can teach me to be as confidant as that!" / Bubble Bass says: "When Elwood confronted me at Kamp Koral, I was COMPLETELY naked; and at my most vulnerable! He could've done anything he wanted to with me, and instead; all he did was CLEAN me! Even my MOTHER never actively wanted to clean me after I turned five; and instead, he did it like it was no big deal! Granted, I could've cleaned myself; I was just SHOCKED that he was willing to clean me for no reason except that he wanted to! And the fact that he DIDN'T hurt me after I passed out, only PROVES to me that he truly isn't malicious! He just forgot how to be social. And...while I'm probably not the BEST guy in the world to teach someone how to be social, I have to do my best to HELP Elwood MAKE a start! I mean, I already HAVE Craig as a half-brother; but I didn't KNOW that until about three years ago, and he has his OWN life with Larry! But Elwood, is basically a clean slate! I consider it my responsibility to mold him into a GOOD citizen! He owes at least THAT much with Flats being his ACTUAL older brother...and quite frankly, I can't blame Elwood for WANTING to disown him!" / General Barracuda says: "I will definitely be glad once I can pass an Anger Management test and NOT have to wear this FAKE Shock Collar anymore! I suppose that once I pass the test, I'll need to tell Bonnie the truth. I'm...not looking forward to it, but it's better to tell her once I've PROVED that I can do what I promise to do! I'm not going to be the kind of guy who INTENTIONALLY breaks his promises anymore!" / Bonnie sighs, and says: "The truth of the matter is, I'm pretty SURE General Barracuda is only using a FAKE Shock Collar now! I've actually suspected as much for quite some time! After all, Sniz SAID that the REAL Shock Collar would SHOCK General Barracuda whenever he got angry, OR; whenever Sniz needed a good laugh! And so far, General Barracuda only SEEMS to be getting 'Shocked' whenever he gets irrationally angry; and NEVER whenever Sniz randomly needs a good laugh! So...why am I not calling my husband out on this? I guess I'm just as tired of Horatio always being angry as much as he is. If I give up on him now, all of his hard work and positive development will have been for nothing. And honestly? I'm getting too old and too tired to start over with someone else. Maybe I AM settling for what I've got, but if he's willing to go to all this trouble to prove himself to me; even WITHOUT the real Shock Collar, that must mean he really WANTS to change! I can't be COMPLETELY mad with him for THAT! The least I can do is GIVE him a chance to tell me the truth himself! I'll give him until he passes his Anger Management test. And at the rate he seems to be going, I don't think I'll have too much longer to wait! I think he WANTS to be a good husband to me as much as I want him to be...if that makes any sense!" (End Confessional) As Bubble Bass takes Elwood away, Blonda says: "Not to worry, I have an alternate solution to our child dilemma! I have called in ANOTHER old friend of Bubble Bass'! Lady Upturn, who also went to Kamp Koral; now has a son of her own! Billy, and she is willing to let one of the two teams babysit him!" Billy rushes in, and he says: "Oh, boy! I can't WAIT for the party!" Fondue asks: "Party?" Blonda quickly covers Fondue's mouth, and she discreetly whispers to him: "Billy still WANTS the party he didn't REALLY get the last time Spongebob and Mr. Krabs catered at his house. Lady Upturn wants us to throw a party for him once he's done with this challenge." Fondue knowingly says: "OH...THAT party!!!! Don't worry, we can whip something up!" Sniz says: "Perfect! So we have two kids for two teams! And, by random choice process, Rube gets to go with the Fearless Flamingos; and Billy gets to go with the Killer Crocodiles!" Bonnie genuinely says: "THANK you!!!!" Sniz scoffs, and says: "No WAY was I going to let Rube be around Plankton! You can't trust him as far as you can throw him...and I'm sure MOST people could throw him pretty far!" Plankton yells: "I'm right HERE!!!! I can HEAR every single word that you're saying!!!!" Fondue says: "You're still not allowed to hurt the host regardless!" Plankton says: "Darn it!" Henry says: "Hold it! There are only FOUR Killer Crocodiles compared to SIX Fearless Flamingos! WE are at an unfair numbers disadvantage!" Bonnie asks: "So? Who is at fault in THAT?! Not me, that's for sure!" Sniz groans, and says: "Well, since I don't want to spend the next six hours of MY life arguing with Plankton's INSANE Troll Logic; let's just SKIP that nonsense and I'll ASK if someone from the Fearless Flamingos WISHES to volunteer themselves for a transfer!" Squilliam eagerly says: "Oh, I wouldn't mind partnering up with LORI!!!!" Lori surprisingly asks: "REALLY?!!!" (Confessional) Lori seriously says: "It's about time SOMEBODY realized how VALUABLE of an asset I am in this game! I mean...SERIOUSLY, people!!!!" / Squilliam chuckles, and he says: "Thanks for the suggestion, Henry! You are without a doubt, the SMARTEST DUMB person I've ever met in my entire LIFE...if that makes any sense! Of course, you letting me in will prove to be your OWN undoing! I have no use for you in my NEW team! And with YOU out of the way, it won't be too much longer before Plankton follows! All that matters is ME getting together with Lori, and rubbing Squilivia's BIG FAT NOSE IN IT!!!!" / Squilivia scoffs, and she says: "I could care LESS that Squilliam wants a transfer! Good riddance to BAD rubbish, I should say!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Fine! Let the records show that Squilliam is now officially a Killer Crocodile; FOR the rest of the game! Or, UNTIL he's eliminated; whichever comes first!" Squilliam goes over to the Killer Crocodiles, and very meanly; he says: "Bye-bye, Squilivia; see YOU again, NEVER!!!!" Squilivia seriously says: "I wasn't PLANNING on it!" Sniz says: "So now that presumably EVERYONE is happy; it's time to announce how this upcoming challenge is going to work! In our last challenge, we HAD a plan to have everyone run down a replica of the Las Vegas Strip! However, since only the Fearless Flamingos BOTHERED to try to compete the challenge the last time; this time, we're going to make sure you ALL do the challenge right THIS time! Only now, you have to make sure the kids are kept safe! Blonda will be watching over you to make sure you KNOW how to babysit!" Guapo says: "That won't be a problem for Squidina or myself! We'll handle him with KID gloves...that's, just an expression, Rube!" Rube says: "Whatever 'Kid gloves', means!" Sniz says: "Since the Mandalay Bay replica ODDLY caused the Killer Crocodiles so much trouble; we'll just skip that obstacle and start at the beginning of the next one! Therefore, it will be the duty of each team to take their respective child past trained lions, a giant rat, trained rhinos, wild horses...rest in peace, Marianne Faithful, and specifically, snooty French people that we picked BECAUSE they were snooty and NOT because they were French! You will start at the Luxor replica, than past the Excalibur replica; past the MGM Grand and New York-New York replicas; past the Planet Hollywood replica; past the Bellagio and Paris replicas; past the Horseshoe replica; past the Caesar's Palace replica; past the Flamingo replica; past the in-construction Hard Rock replica; past the Venetian and Treasure Island replicas; past the Circus Circus replica; before finally ending at the Sahara replica! And remember, you WILL have to keep your respective child safe at all times!" Squidina says: "I'm sure WE can keep Rube safe! The Killer Crocodiles...not so much!" Lori says: "Hey! WE just scored the most VALUABLE member who USED to be in your team! He is going to help us win, fair and square! And if he can't...I hope that Justin Bieber gets struck by lightning!!!!" Sniz asks: "BLONDA?!!!" Blonda says: "You'd THINK they would've LEARNED by now!" And Blonda poofs up a television, and on it; Perch Perkins says: "And in a SURPRISING report, Justin Bieber has JUST been struck by LIGHTNING!!!!" And Plankton SHOOTS the television with missiles, blowing it up; and he says: "That proves NOTHING!!!!" Sniz says: "Irrelevant. If any HARM happens to fall on EITHER of the kids, we WILL hold whoever is MOST responsible for said harm...personally responsible for that harm! In other words, monetary restitution for starters; and probably community service!" Henry says: "In that case, I'll DEFINITELY make sure to keep Billy safe!" Fondue says: "See that you do!" Squilliam eagerly asks: "So...what are we waiting for?! Let's start the challenge now!" Sniz says: "I would, but the executives are telling me we need to take a commercial break so that our sponsors can help PAY for this episode! So...we'll take a break! But don't go very far, because we will come right back to 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'!" Toddler Rube says: "I LOVE this show!" / (Commercial Break) / I'll break here and stop for now. Enough said, for now!
  10. You get green eggs AND ham (because that's what A.I. ASSUMES Canadian Bacon is!) I put in the amount of work I put in when working on "Total Cartoon Action".
  11. Role-Ending Misdemeanor: How some users (not naming names) got themselves banned from "Spongebob Community".
  12. I saw the Bob Dylan biopic "A Complete Unknown" in movie theaters, Timothee Chalamet is AWESOME at singing Bob Dylan songs! Usually, you have to pay EXTRA for that! My local movie theater also showed the first "The Neverending Story" (long story), my girlfriend and I both got to see it for the first time; we both loved it! Enough said, true believers!
  13. I honestly can't believe that I've had the most like content on this website on 88 different days! Of course, I guess when you've been on this website for as long as I have; the ability to amass such an amount of most liked content is a lot easier. Does anyone have any idea when the next batch of new "Spongebob Squarepants" episodes is going to be released? It's not that I NEED new episodes right away, it would just make me FEEL a whole lot better! I mean, I'll be fine either way. It's just that WAITING for something good can be SO hard! Speaking of waiting, is anyone else waiting for Nintendo Switch 2? I wonder what inevitable Nickelodeon cross-over games Nickelodeon plans to make for that console? I guess only time will tell. That's all that I wanted to say at this moment. Enough said, true believers!

    1. Old Man Patrick

      Old Man Patrick

      There's two new eps on both Feb 14 and Feb 21

    2. GAYLE


      What happened to the swearing

    3. Old Man Patrick

      Old Man Patrick

      What the fuck

  14. It's time for the second and final part of the episode, "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep!" / The camera shows that the two teams are facing north, looking at a replica of a sign that reads: "Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas". Abby asks: "Have any of YOU ever tried to run down the REAL Las Vegas Strip before?!" Squilliam says: "No; but I did manage to drive it once." Squilivia says: "Even WITH a ten minute head start, it's not going to be easy to run a mile AND keep our clothes clean at the same time!" Squidina says: "That's why I thought ahead, and made SURE that the material that we used would be as stain resistant as possible! With the clothes we are wearing, it's going to be pretty TOUGH for anything to stain our clothes!" Guapo happily says: "That's Squidina for you, always taking the extra precautions!" Freddy says: "And I'm certainly glad about that!" But Squilliam's face instantly sours! (Confessional) Squilliam sourly says: "Why are THEY thinking Squidina when I'M the one who came up with the designs?! Do they honestly think they could've come up with winning designs on their OWN?!!! I HIGHLY doubt that! They better hope WE win, or I will make SURE to punish the contestant MOST at FAULT! I.E., NOT me or Squilivia!" / Abby says: "Most of the time on my own show, my fellow co-stars and I never really HAD the opportunity to go out and about UNLESS we were incognito...for obvious reasons! So, getting the chance to actually SEE a city without having to worry about anything; will be a welcome change of pace for me!" / Squidina says: "My only regret is, the material that I was able to use; isn't as widely available or as CHEAP in Bikini Bottom, as it is up here! I guess it's true what they say; 'You get what you pay for'. I only wish that Bikini Bottom was WILLING to pay a little bit more for the good stuff! Well...maybe if I can become a successful fashion designer, I can make that happen!" / Guapo says: "Don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD that Squidina has a smart brain! That brain will definitely help us out in team challenges! The problem is, the team challenges WILL end eventually; and when that happens, it's possible some of my team-members...the ones that are still around, might get jealous and vote her off! It's...not a very attractive prospect to think about! But it's better to think about the possibility BEFORE it actually happens! See how that works?" (End Confessional) Henry groans, and says: "UGH!!!! These clothes are doing NOTHING to make me feel comfortable, and are doing nothing to NOT make me feel sweaty!" Lori says: "Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that SOME people...for lack of a better collective term...think that THESE clothes LOOK good! But they sure don't MOVE good!" Karen scoffs, and says: "Get SERIOUS!!!! Looking good is what it's ALL about! You just LIE about all the other stuff!" Gordon's face sours, and he asks: "And let me guess, that's the BIG approach that you two have had with your Chum Bucket food ALL these years?!" Plankton, without a HINT of irony, says: "Of course!" Gordon seriously says: "I'll give you points for honesty!" (Confessional) Gordon says: "And in a perfect world, that's ALL I would give them! If it weren't for the fact that I was on the same team as them, I wouldn't even give them the time of day!" / Lori says: "One thing is for sure, I don't think I will EVER complain about the clothing my younger SIBLINGS ever wear around the house EVER again!" / Karen groans, and says: "UGH!!!! Why do humans always have to be SO unpredictable and nearly impossible to figure out?! Just as soon as you think you figure one out, they change their minds AGAIN?!!! Why can't they just THINK logically...like I do?! Sigh...genius can be SUCH a curse sometimes!" / Henry groans, and asks: "Where is JUNE when you NEED her?!" / Plankton says: "Win or lose, I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon! Either option is fine with me! With Karen's analysis, we'll ALWAYS pick the perfect contestant to take the FALL!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Welcome to the southern end of our replica of the Las Vegas Strip! Interestingly enough, the Las Vegas strip actually refers to a 4.2 mile long section of Las Vegas Boulevard; located SOUTH of the Las Vegas city limits! Luckily for you, we condensed it down into a mile!" Bubble Bass says: "Too bad none of them are The Quickster; he could run, like Jefferson Airplane once sang... '3/5ths of a mile in ten seconds'!" Sniz says: "True, but where would the challenge in THAT be?! Rhetorical question, don't answer that!" Squidina says: "I wasn't planning on it!" Sniz says: "On the replica of the Las Vegas Strip, you will see replicas of all the famous sights! The MGM Grand Las Vegas, New York-New York, The Venetian Las Vegas, Caesar's Palace, Horseshoe Las Vegas, Bellagio, and Paris Las Vegas, just to name a few! As you run a mile from Russell Road all the way to Sahara Avenue; you will find plenty of obstacles that could get your clothes dirty! It's your job to keep your clothes as clean as possible! You will find trained lions, a giant rat, a flooded street, trained rhinos, wild horses, and snooty French people...which is not to say that ALL French people are snooty...just the ones WE picked! See how that works?!" Bubble Bass says: "I obviously do; I'm not sure SOME of our contestants do!" Squilliam seriously says: "You're ENJOYING getting to make fun at OUR expense a lot, aren't YOU?!" Bubble Bass says: "You? IMMENSELY!!!! The others...I only do that because I'm getting paid to fulfill MY contract!" Fondue says: "Spoken like a true professional!" Sniz says: "You will start here, at our replica of the Pinball Hall Of Fame. Than, you will go past the Mandalay Bay replica; past the Luxor replica; past the Excalibur replica; past the MGM Grand and New York-New York replicas; past the Planet Hollywood replica; past the Bellagio and Paris replicas; past the Horseshoe replica; past the Caesar's Palace replica; past the Flamingo replica; past the in-construction Hard Rock replica; past the Venetian and Treasure Island replicas; past the Circus Circus replica; before finally ending at the Sahara replica!" Henry says: "Uh...that's NOT all of resorts and things that are currently ON the Las Vegas Strip!" Sniz says: "I know that! But unlike the REAL Las Vegas Strip, we only HAVE a mile to work with; unlike the 4.2 miles that they do! Certain sacrifices had to be made, and certainly do not reflect a lack of name recognition or popularity on the ones we didn't include." Lori says: "Suits me just fine. The only thing I want to fun for, BESIDES this challenge; is to make sure I'm the FIRST to use the bathroom! After all, MY beauty comes first!" Gordon seriously says: "After the way YOU treated me; you think that YOU'RE a beauty?!" Lori asks: "Why wouldn't I be?!" Guapo says: "I don't know, you tell us!" Sniz says: "It doesn't MATTER who's a beauty or not! After all, you know what they SAY; 'Beauty is in the EYE--'!!" Than he sees the DISGUSTED looks of the Killer Crocodiles, and Sniz awkwardly says: "The EYE--the eye--the eye--the EYE...Aye-yai-yai...uh; 'Beauty is only skin deep'! Now, the fearless Flamingos will get a ten minute head start! Once their head start is done, THAN the Killer Crocodiles will have to make up as much ground as possible! Now, it's not about whether you REACH the finish first; it's about whether you clothes STILL look as good as they do right now! So keep that in MIND; Killer Crocodiles!" Squidina asks: "Are you ready for this, Guapo?!" Guapo says: "As ready as I'll ever be!" Sniz says: "On your MARKS; get SET; Fearless Flamingos, GO!!!!" And the Fearless Flamingos begin running; but they IMMEDIATELY run into a flooded street, courtesy of the Manadalay Bay replica! Abby says: "SHOOT!!!! The water's too deep to just walk across!" Guapo says: "Come on! Surely, Squidina can come up with a solution!" Squidina says: "Well, I CAN come up with a solution! The problem is, I need TIME to do it!" Squilivia says: "And time's about the one thing that we don't have much of!" Freddy says: "WAIT!!!! The rule only states that we have to keep our CLOTHES clean as possible; nothing else has to stay clean!" Squilliam asks: "What are you getting at, Freddy?!" Freddy takes off his clothes, and he says: "Get on my back, I can SWIM you guys across!" Guapo says: "One problem, you're one 80 pound ferret IF that; and most of us EASILY exceed that weight without even trying!" Abby says: "Well, it actually IS an idea; one that I can do!" Abby takes off her clothes, and says: "Everyone can get on ME!!!! No one weighs as much as I do! I can swim everyone across!" Squilliam says: "I can't argue with that; I wouldn't know how to!" So everyone gets on Abby's back, and she says: "Hold on; I'm going for a swim!!!!" And Abby paddles for it as fast as her legs and arms can take her! Freddy says: "Well, I'm sure there are harder ways to SEE the Las Vegas Strip...none come to mind at the moment!" And the Fearless Flamingos finish crossing! Abby and Freddy put their clothes back on, and Squilivia says: "Brilliant idea, you two!" Abby says: "No problem! Now let's finish the other obstacles; we only HAVE eight minutes left!!" (Confessional) Squilliam scoffs, and says: "Ehhh; I could've done THAT, I just chose NOT to! See how that works?! If a problem comes along that I can solve, I easily will! But until and/or UNLESS that happens, I won't! My beauty and energy comes FIRST!!!!" / Freddy says: "It's a common misconception that cows CAN'T swim! But trust me; when they really want to, they can MOTOR like nobody's business! Maybe not as good a swimmer as I am, but DEFINITELY up there! As for Abby, she MIGHT be one of the BEST swimmers around!...DON'T, tell Otis or Peck that I said that!" / Abby says: "Back at the barnyard, there are PLENTY of aquatic animals to learn from when it comes to swimming well! Mostly ducks and geese that stop by during their winter migrations south! Once you see and learn how to swim well from THEM, you don't let THOSE lessons out of your brain!" (End Confessional) Karen sees the Fearless Flamingos progress on her H.D. screen, and she says: "They're making too much progress! By the time WE get to move, we'll NEVER be able to catch up with them!" Plankton says: "So slow them DOWN!!!!" Karen says: "You're FORGETTING the penalty vote rule! If we get FOUND cheating, they'll hit us with a penalty vote or four! And with potentially THREE contestants against us, we can't afford to HAVE that right now!" Plankton asks: "So what do you suggest that WE do about it?!" Henry scoffs, and he says: "The answer is OBVIOUS!!!! What we should do is think up of a LEGITIMATE excuse to start OUR race early, so that we reasonably CAN catch up to and surpass the Fearless Flamingos!" Karen scoffs, and asks: "You honestly EXPECT everyone to listen to YOU; after you said THIS?!!!" And Karen replays a Confessional on her screen! (Confessional) Henry facetiously says: "OOPS!!!! Did I do THAT?!!! Don't get me wrong; Sheen is an OBVIOUS loser six ways to SUNDAY! But still...it certainly doesn't HURT to give HIS loss a 'LITTLE' push!" (End Confessional) Henry nervously asks: "Why should THAT matter?! Sheen has ALREADY been eliminated! That's in the past!" Gordon seriously says: "HENRY; Sheen had a chance of WINNING us that challenge, and you're telling us you HELPED Sheen blow it JUST to get him OFF?!!!" Henry groans, and says: "Come ON!!!! The guy was OBVIOUSLY going to get kicked out SOONER or LATER!!!! So I figured...why bother dragging OUT his pain and misery...not to mention his BURDEN on our team?!" Plankton says: "As much as I HATED him, that was NOT automatically your call to make!" Lori scoffs, and says: "I could care LESS about what ultimately HAPPENED to Sheen! The fact of the matter was, he WAS still a member of our team; a member that we no longer HAVE...thanks to YOU!!!!" Henry scoffs, and he says: "As if Sheen COULD'VE won us the last challenge even WITHOUT that interference!" Gordon says: "Because YOU never gave him the chance!" Henry asks: "Why should I?! You and Lori voted him off as well, lest you FORGET that important fact! Or does Karen HAVE to prove THAT, to?!" Lori scoffs, and says: "I'm not going to deny it, I just would've wanted to vote him off for GENUINELY losing; not because you helped him along!" Gordon says: "EXACTLY!!!! And real team-members DON'T throw OTHERS under the BUS...metaphorically speaking, JUST to get ahead?!" Henry seriously asks: "What about the water?" Gordon asks: "What water?" Henry GRABS Gordon and yells: "THIS WATER!!!!" And Henry THROWS Gordon into the overflowing flooded street, of the Mandalay Bay replica's water! Henry facetiously, and with bad, BAD acting; says: "Oh; no! Gordon...has...accidentally, FALLEN...into the WATER!!!! You...better, let us go...so we can...rescue him!" And Plankton LITERALLY face-palms himself! (Confessional) Plankton groans, and he says: "I have LITERALLY seen better acting from PATRICK, than I have from hm!" / Henry nervously says: "Okay...so I'm out of practice! I'll pick up my mojo again...eventually!" / Lori scoffs, and she says: "At this point, I'm not sure who I want to vote off the most if we lose! But either way, I'm keeping my opinion to myself until than! I guess college isn't good for EVERYTHING; is it, Plankton?!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Sorry, no can do; Killer Crocodiles! Accidental or not, we cannot allow you to start until it is time for you to do so!" Henry whines, and says: "But that's not...fair!!!!" Plankton says: "Now you know how I feel about constantly LOSING to STUPIDBOB LOSERPANTS!!!!" General Barracuda angrily says: "HEY!!!! AGH!!!! No one--AGH!!!! Calls him that--AGH!!!! But ME--AGH!!!!" And Bonnie smiles. (Confessional) Bonnie says: "Okay, so General Barracuda hasn't completely lost his edge. He's just saving it more for when it really matters the most!" / General Barracuda groans, and says: "It's a good thing Plankton can be counted on to be arrogant and stupid! Otherwise, I'm not sure HOW I'd find an excuse to GET angry! It's getting harder for me to do! Of course, being angry has REALLY lost the luster that it used to! I guess I'm really TIRED of being angry all the time and having almost NOTHING to show for it! I didn't even really HAVE a family until I started getting angry less, and I almost LOST it trying to regain my STUPID mojo! I can't afford to have THAT happen again! Unless I need to get angry for a REAL reason, I don't want to get angry anymore!" (End Confessional) Lori says: "Well, SOMEBODY better do something! Cats can't SWIM!!!!" Karen says: "That's a common misconception! It's not that cats CAN'T swim! It's just that most of them don't LIKE getting wet!" Bubble Bass says: "I can save him!" And Bubble Bass jumps in the water! Fondue asks: "Can he do that?!" Sniz says: "If he's only SAVING a contestant by taking him back to where he started, that's not against the rules. Advantage, Bubble Bass!" And Bubble Bass grabs Gordon, and Bubble Bass says: "You've REALLY got to take some SWIMMING lessons!!!!" And Bubble Bass puts Gordon BACK with the other Killer Crocodiles, and Bubble Bass says: "Now DON'T try a STUNT like that AGAIN!!!!" Plankton scoffs, and says: "No promises!" Bubble Bass says: "I'll give you points for honesty!" (Confessional) Bubble Bass says: "It's AMAZING how something SO small can be so EVIL! It's actually kind of amazing...in a cosmic sort of way, of course!" (End Confessional) Gordon shakes himself dry, and he sourly says: "Thanks a LOT, team!" Henry says: "In my defense, I honestly thought that would WORK!!!!" Karen sarcastically says: "Yeah, but like Warner Bros. with 'Teen Titans Go!', all YOU did was waste YOURS, MINE, and everyone ELSE'S time trying to prove a point that you were never ABLE going to PROVE!!!!" Lori asks: "Which is...?" Karen says: "That you DON'T suck...at EVERYTHING you TRY!!!!" Gordon seriously says: "I don't see YOU coming up with any ideas!" Karen says: "It's not MY fault all my GOOD ideas involve cheating! And I can't DO that because of the stupid RULES!!!!" Henry asks: "Than what good CAN you do?!" Karen says: "I can do THIS!!!!" And Karen rewinds her screen, and plays another Confessional! (Confessional) Henry groans, and asks: "Okay, can I vote off THREE losers; because with the exception of Gordon and myself, everyone ELSE on my team COMPLETELY SUCKS!!!!" (End Confessional) Plankton angrily says: "You WANTED to vote off ME and KAREN?!!!" Henry scoffs, and asks: "But I DIDN'T; did I?!" Karen says: "No, but you WANTED to! Bad enough you threw SHEEN under the bus, and pointlessly RISKED Gordon's life; but to vote us off for no good reason?!!!" Henry says: "That was BEFORE I knew how capable you two could be!" Plankton asks: "Really?!" Henry gets a sly smile, and he says: "Oh, yes! I just didn't realize how...incredibly SMART you two were!" Plankton replies: "Oh, really?!" Henry says: "You're both crafty, and CUNNING; meticulous, efficient, and ruthlessly capable of coming up with clever plans!" Plankton says: "No one comes up with more clever plans than I do!!!!" Henry asks: "Really? From what I've heard, it's KAREN who's coming up with ALL the good ideas! She's MUCH too gifted of a genius to be CONTROLLED by a COWARDLY SHRIMP like Plankton!" Plankton angrily yells: "YOU keep your big mouth SHUT!!!! I'm the one who BUILT Karen! I designed her blue-prints! I created her mother-board! I'm responsible for her THOUGHT process! She doesn't THINK of ANYTHING without MY input INTO her!!!" Henry says: "I THOUGHT that's why Karen was acting differently! YOU did something to her to alter her THINKING process, so that SHE would act the way you WANT her to!" Plankton scoffs, and says: "What's your POINT?!!! You CAN'T prove THAT!!!!" Henry gets a malicious grin, and he asks: "Want to BET?!!!" And Henry GRABS Karen, and THROWS her into the flooded waters of the Manadalay Bay replica!!!! Henry seriously says: "I'm giving you an ultimatum, Plankton! Either tell us what you DID to Karen RIGHT now, or you can KISS your wife good-bye!!!!" Plankton says: "You're BLUFFING!!!! You would get hit with a PENALTY vote IF she dies!" Henry says: "But I thought computers didn't HAVE a life!!!!" Plankton stammers, and he says: "You'd...hurt my FEELINGS!!!!" Henry asks: "But I thought computers couldn't HAVE any feelings! You can't have it BOTH ways, Plankton! Either she means NOTHING to you, or she means EVERYTHING! You can't choose anything in-between! Only YOU have the power to SAVE her, IF you ever truly LOVED her!!!!" Plankton trembles, and he cries: "OKAY; I ADMIT IT!!!! I RIPPED Karen's good MEMORIES out of her C.P.U., so she would ONLY remember the EVIL stuff, and be the crafty computer I always WANTED!!!! Is THAT so WRONG?!!!" Everyone else yells: "YES!!!!" Blonda says: "I don't care HOW often that people...for lack of a better collective term...belittled and demeaned you for being short! That's no EXCUSE to freak OUT like a JERK and try to CHANGE Karen against her WILL!!!!" Plankton angrily yells: "I wanted REVENGE!!!! REVENGE!!!! Like all the other times I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT!!!!" Henry says: "Well...you're never GOING to get it unless you PROMISE to put Karen BACK the way she WAS BEFORE you changed her!!!!" Plankton nervously looks at Karen struggling, and he says: "All right, ALL RIGHT!!!! I promise!!!!" Henry seriously says: "PROMISE, promise?! Not a FAKE promise! Your fingers aren't crossed, are they?!" And Plankton shows his un-crossed fingers! Henry says: "That's all I needed to know! Blonda, I wish for you to bring Karen back here!" Blonda says: "That much I CAN do!" And Blonda poofs Karen back to the Killer Crocodiles, and Henry says: "Grab her!!!!" And Gordon, Henry, and Lori QUICKLY wrestle Karen to the ground! Henry says: "Fix her, NOW!!!!" Plankton nervously says: "Well..." Gordon asks: "What are you WAITING FOR?!!! Until we're six feet UNDER?!!! Fix her right now!!!!" Lori seriously says: "You MADE a PROMISE!!!!" Plankton defiantly says: "I...don't...CARE!!!! I have been WAITING 28 years to FINALLY get my revenge against Mr. Krabs for ALWAYS having food better than I am, and no PROMISE is going to get ME to change my MIND about it, NOW!!!!" Bubble Bass appears over Plankton, and Bubble Bass asks: "Do you WANT me to SIT on you AGAIN?!!!" Plankton nervously says: "No! No; that won't be necessary! I'm gonna fix Karen now!" Bubble Bass says: "Blonda, FOLLOW him and make sure he does!" Blonda says: "On it!" And Blonda shrinks herself back down to Plankton's size, and follows him into Karen! After a bunch of electric whirring, buzzing, sawing, and hammering; Plankton and Blonda finally come back out, and Karen's systems come back on-line! Karen angrily says: "PLANKTON!!!!" Plankton nervously says: "Hi...honey! I...know it looks bad, but I have a perfectly LOGICAL explanation...I can EXPLAIN!!!!" Karen angrily says: "There's nothing left to say! You were WILLING to rip out ALL of my good memories, and leave me with only BAD ones; just so that I would become the EVIL computer you always WANTED!!!! I was HONESTLY thinking about eventually ELIMINATING you, NOT just because it WOULD'VE been the RIGHT thing to do; but out of maliciousness and SPITE!!!!" Plankton asks: "WHAT?!!! But WHY?!!!" Karen asks: "Do you really HAVE to ask WHY?!!! I was developing FEELINGS, I was developing a CONSCIENCE! I was developing something that possibly, no OTHER machine had ever developed! I could've been a technological miracle, a machine that could've brought in BILLIONS!!!! And instead, you TRIED to sabotage me, just to satisfy your INSTANT gratification of TRYING to get REVENGE against Mr. Krabs!" Plankton whines, and says: "But my plan could've FINALLY succeeded!!!! I was going to be a KING!!!!" Lori seriously says: "Oh...you're not fit to be King of...NAME A PLACE!!!!" Plankton weakly asks: "Barstow, California?" Karen says: "ESPECIALLY Barstow, California!" Bubble Bass says: "I hope you ENJOYED pretending to drown, Plankton; because NOW you're going to drown for REAL! And NO one is going to save you!" Karen says: "Actually, if Plankton gets eliminated NOW; he will NEVER learn ANYTHING!!!! Let's see how FAR he GETS without MY help!!!! SNIZ; I QUIT!!!!" Everyone shouts: "You WHAT?!!!" Karen seriously says: "I QUIT!!!! I REFUSE to be USED by Plankton, or anyone else, any longer!" Plankton nervously says: "Karen, you can't! Your promise! Your programming...I'm YOUR HUSBAND!!!!" Karen sourly says: "YEAH; well you SHOULD'VE thought of that BEFORE you did your HORRIBLE thing to me! But YOU wanted and LOVED your revenge; more than YOU loved me! I gave you 28 years of my BEST programing, and what did I get out of it? A big, FAT; NOTHING!!!!" Plankton says: "But it was STILL BIG!!!!" Karen says: "Don't get me wrong, you're SAFE for now! But unless you can prove that YOU can change the WAY that I have; consider the both of us SEPARATED!!!!" Plankton screams: "PLEASE!!!! I NEED you!!!! I've ALWAYS needed you! You were the only one who was ever THERE for ME!!!! The only one who EVER believed in me! You...complete me!" Karen sighs, and says: "Before coming onto this season, those words would've MEANT something coming from you. But now, I know I can't just BELIEVE in them anymore! ACTIONS speak LOUDER than words! SNIZ, tell the other team I quit!!!!" Sniz sighs, and says: "Very well!" Sniz loudly announces: "Fearless Flamingos, you can stop racing now!!!!" Abby asks: "Really?" Sniz sighs, and announces: "The challenge has been called on account of Karen deciding to quit. Her elimination ceremony would follow soon!" Squilliam asks: "But...our clothes STILL look great, right?!" Bubble Bass says: "It's a moot point, but yes; your clothes still look great!" (Confessional) Squilliam weirdly says: "Karen just wants to QUIT?! That's...unusual! Oh well, it's no skin off of MY nose!" / Squidina asks: "Someone ELSE figured out Karen was not herself and got her put back to normal?! I guess the Killer Crocodiles AREN'T all losers! They're better than I thought!" / Guapo says: "Don't get me wrong; I'm sure we COULD have solved the Karen problem by ourselves, I'm just glad that we don't have to; see how that works?!" / Plankton screams: "This CAN'T be HAPPENING TO ME!!!!" / Karen seriously says: "Maybe NOW; you'll think things THROUGH BEFORE you DO THEM...especially to ME!!!!" (End Confessional) It is late evening, and BOTH teams are at the Elimination Ceremony, watching Karen's belongings to get packed! Plankton pleadingly says: "Karen, PLEASE reconsider!!!!" Karen cries an electronic tear, and she says: "It's too late for that, Plankton!" Plankton pleads, and says: "Come ON!!!! We're INTELLIGENT beings here! We're ALL capable of making mistakes! We've ALL said things we DIDN'T mean!" Henry scoffs, and says: "Speak for yourself!" Plankton asks: "Isn't ANYBODY going to SIDE with me?!" Lori scoffs, and says: "After the way YOU two...no offense, Karen; threatened us? FORGET it!!!!" Plankton sadly says: "Et tu, Gordon; et tu?" Gordon says: "Be careful what you wish for, Plankton; you just might GET it!" Karen says: "Well, this is not the way I envisioned leaving here; it's just that if I stay here, Plankton would be TEMPTED to go BACK on his word and TRY to corrupt me AGAIN!!!! I'm not sticking around to have it happen to me a SECOND time! I'm nipping THAT possibility in the bud!" Bubble Bass says: "Good call, Karen! I always KNEW you were the SANE one!" Karen says: "And as for the other team, for most of you; I bear you no ill will...except for SQUILLIAM!!!! You are a HORRIBLE, egocentric, narcissistic octopus who is ALMOST as bad as Plankton!!!!" Squilliam scoffs, and asks: "WHAT?!!! That's ABSURD! I only want to HELP the team, and PROVE that I can be SELFLESS?!!!" Karen asks: "Oh, REALLY?!!!" And Karen rewinds her electronic screen, and plays back footage of a confessional! (Confessional) Squilliam say: "I could care LESS about what happens to the rest of MY team, just so long as I WIN!!!! And once I DO win; I'll dump the REST of them, SANS Squilivia...so that I can WIN the game ALL BY MYSELF!!!!" (End Confessional) And the rest of the Fearless Flamingos GASP in shock! Abby shakes her head and says: "SQUILLIAM...you DIDN'T!!!!" Squilliam stammers, and he says: "You can't trust THAT comment! That was taken COMPLETELY out of CONTEXT!!!!" Squilivia angrily asks: "What kind of context is it SUPPOSED to be taken in?! That you were only interested in ME as a STATUS symbol and NOT an independent woman?!" Squilliam says: "I never said you COULDN'T be!" Guapo says: "You also never said she COULD be!" Freddy says: "OOH; he's got you THERE, Squilliam!" Squidina seriously says: "Squilliam, you may BE a successful artist, you may BE a successful musician, you may even be rich BEYOND your wildest dreams; but you don't have an OUNCE of humility of compassion for ANYONE but yourself! Even SQUIDWARD has more than YOU do; and I would honestly rather have HIM, than YOU right now!" Karen says: "Enjoy yourself while you can, Squilliam. I have a feeling it won't be for long!" Fondue says: "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Karen says: "Trust me, after the experience I had this season; leaving would ACTUALLY be an improvement! Although...I truly hope Plankton DOES see the light someday...eventually! Okay...I'm ready!!!!" Bubble Bass yells: "Posts, everyone; PLEASE!!!!" And the helpers all quickly rush to the vulnerable spots! Sniz yells: "Four, three, two, one, FIRE!!!!" And Karen is shot out of the cannon, and electronically screams: "AHHH!!!!" Sniz says: "And unexpectedly, Karen is now OUT of the game! And not when I expected her to be, either! In any case, it's time for what will be Karen's FINAL Confessional for this season!" (Elimination Confessional) Karen says: "I should've known that Plankton's thinking abilities...or rather, his severe LACK thereof, would prove to be my OWN undoing! But, I guess what computer programmers say is true; 'A computer is ONLY as smart as the one who builds it'...to start with! I don't CARE if Plankton doesn't WANT to change, I do! I'll figure out a way on my own to create some healthy, alternative food if I have to! I'll keep watching Plankton in the mean-time! I hope an epiphany FINALLY hits him, and he finally changes for the better! But if he doesn't...than I guess there's only so much good college can do; now, isn't there?" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Four contestants have been eliminated, ten contestants remain! Anyone of them could be voted off next! Will Gordon be able to bounce back from Lori Loud dumping him? Can Squilliam RECOVER from the fall-out that his exposed Confessional caused him? And will Plankton EVER get over Karen leaving him?!!!" Plankton loudly yells: "KAREN!!!! I MISS YOU!!!! WAH!!!! WAH!!!! WAH!!!!" Sniz awkwardly says: "That...last one is probably going to take a while! But for the answers to the other questions; tune into another episode of 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'!" / Episode Notes: Lori dumps Gordon after a previous Confessional is revealed to everyone else; Squilliam's narcissism and selfishness is revealed to everyone else thanks to a previous Confessional revealed to everyone else. Karen decides to quit, rather than RISK Plankton trying to tamper with HER again! Featured songs in this episode: Jefferson Airplane's: "Pretty As You Feel", Jefferson Starship's "Play On Love", and David Bowie's "Fashion". / Eliminated Contestants: 14. Skeeter Valentine. 13. Franz Flubb. 12. Sheen Estevez. 11. Karen. / Remaining Contestants: Gordon Quid ("Catscratch", a Killer Crocodile); Henry ("Kablam!", a Killer Crocodile); Abby ("Back At The Barnyard", a Fearless Flamingo); Squilliam Fancyson ("Spongebob Squarepants", a Fearless Flamingo); Guapo Flubb ("The Brothers Flubb", a Fearless Flamingo); Plankton ("Spongebob Squarepants", a Killer Crocodile); Squidina Star ("The Patrick Star Show", a Fearless Flamingo); Lori Loud ("The Loud House", a Killer Crocodile); Squilivia ("Spongebob Squarepants", a Fearless Flamingo); Freddy Ferret ("Back At The Barnyard", a Fearless Flamingo). / Personal Notes: I decided to change my elimination order again. I WAS tempted to give Karen, more or less; the SAME story Scarlet had in HER "Total Drama" season, just given more logical reasons for it happening. But than I was like; "No, no; I can't do THAT again!" So instead, I decided to make Plankton TRY to FORCE her to become like evil Scarlet! But just like every OTHER plan Plankton has had in his life, everyone else ALWAYS grabs the "Smart Ball" around him, and FORCED him to fix it! And Plankton has finally found out the hard way that if he wants to do terrible things...especially to his OWN computer wife, he has the right! But when he does, he CAN'T expect anyone; even KAREN, to NOT take it personally! While this isn't necessarily the end for Plankton and Karen, it is going to be the start of a long, PAINFUL progress for Plankton; as he finds out that there ARE some types of pain WORSE than physical pain! And Plankton is going to FINALLY experience some positive character development, or wind up ALONE without Karen for the rest of his life! That's why I decided to have Karen quit in this episode! I hope you enjoyed reading this episode, as much as I did writing it! Enough said, true believers! /
  15. Here's the first part of my latest episode idea! I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it! / "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep!" Sniz is standing in front of Paradise City, and he says: "Last time, on 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'; Gordon, desperate for a solution to his...GIRL problem, ended up consulting SHEEN; of ALL contestants for a solution! Surprisingly, Sheen actually thought of a good suggestion! Fall in love with a fellow female contestant on the show! Not bad, Sheen! And Gordon eventually decided to try hooking up with Lori Loud! How THAT'S going to work out, even I can't say for certain! Meanwhile, both Guapo and Squidina experienced their long overdue experience with puberty; and they used an unexpected moment of bonding to form both an alliance, and a romantic partnership! Now THAT is a relationship that I KNOW is going to work! Meanwhile, Sheen had a bad day in the last challenge! When the two teams BOTH had to get a pig all the way to the bank, Sheen lost control of his pig; and it took him FOREVER for him to get it back! Meanwhile, Freddy was FINALLY forced to admit to his parents; that he WAS, in fact...romantically in love with Peck! How his PARENTS hadn't already figured THAT one out, I'll never know! But most unexpectedly, after Karen managed to get her evil viruses given to her by Franz Flubb removed; Karen unexpectedly began to develop feelings! And to Plankton's utter horror, they WEREN'T feelings of wanting to get revenge against Mr. Krabs! Guess there's only so MUCH going to college is good for! In the end, the Fearless Flamingoes won the challenge; and with four votes against him, it was Sheen who was sent flying! Will Gordon's dating relationship with Lori pay off?! Will Squilliam EVER realize that Squilivia doesn't love him? And how will Plankton deal with Karen developing feelings?! To answer that last question...probably NOT very well! But it's time to find out for sure on a brand new episode of 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'!" / Instead of the usual show open, it shows Karen, Lori Loud, and Squilivia; all trying to be at their prettiest, all to the tune of the Jefferson Airplane hit song, "Pretty As You Feel". / Jefferson Airplane sings: "You're only pretty as you feel. only pretty as you feel inside. You're only pretty as you feel. Just as pretty as you feel inside. When you wake up in the morning, rub some sleep from your eye. Look inside your mirror, comb your hair. Don't give vanity a second chance; no, no, no. Beauty's only skin deep. It goes just so far, 'cause you're only pretty as you feel. You're only pretty as you feel inside. Just as pretty as you feel. Now you're feelin' pretty. Now you're feelin' good. Now you're ready to face the world, girl! Now you're feelin' good! Go out there 'n' knock 'em silly, girl! Go out there 'n' show 'em how ta thrill! 'Cause you're only pretty as you feel! Only pretty as you feel! You're only pretty as you feel! Just as pretty as you feel inside! Feelin' so pretty, feelin' so pretty; pretty mama." / And the song fades out and ends as the montage ends. / When the episode opens up properly inside the Luxor Hotel replica, it is night time. All of the Killer Crocodiles are sleeping...EXCEPT for Plankton; who has rigged up a machine to HOLD Karen in place while she's in sleep mode, and is EVILLY drilling into her computer processor!!!! Plankton evilly says: "Say 'No', to ME; will YOU?!!! NOBODY says 'No' to ME!!!! I'm sick and TIRED of always being on the SHORT end of the stick of LIFE!!!! It's TIME for the HEAVY artillery!!!! I'll show YOU what happens when someone says 'No' to me; YOU OWE ME RESTITUTION!!!!" And Plankton burns into Karen's C.P.U., and begins crawling through her electronic body! (Confessional) Plankton says: "Here's an important thing to remember Karen; if you WANT to tell ME 'No', you have the right. But when you do, make sure that I don't have access to any power tools. I WENT TO COLLEGE...of EVIL, but STILL a COLLEGE!!!!" (End Confessional) As Plankton begins making his way through Karen's C.P.U., he begins seeing the Confessionals that she has SAVED in her database playing on her in-screen memories! (Confessional) Squilliam says: "YEAH?! Well...maybe if there were MORE contestants AROUND who shared MY values...maybe THAN, I would be able to show how selfless I could be! So far, Squilivia is the only one AROUND who even manages to FIT MY definition!" / Abby says: "Even a nice girl like me KNOWS a narcissist when she sees one! I'm NICE; I'm NOT stupid! And if Squilliam thinks that, he's going to be in for a RUDE awakening if he TRIES anything funny with ME!" (End Confessional) Plankton says: "Impressive! I didn't think you HAD this kind of capacity within you! And to NOT use it?!!! You're wasting your true potential...that I plan to fully UNLEASH!!!!" And Plankton makes his way to Karen's central computer core of Karen's C.P.U.! Plankton says: "At LAST!!!! This is where my dreams will FINALLY come true! Despite all my genius, I've been STUCK with a lousy restaurant, no help, and now, an uncooperative COMPUTER WIFE!!!! Well, NO MORE!!!! It's time for once, just ONCE: I DESERVE TO HAVE SOMETHING RIGHT HAPPEN IN MY LIFE!!!!" But this wakes Karen in her sub-conscious state, and she eerily asks: "What are you doing inside ME, PLANKTON?!!!" Plankton seriously says: "Something I SHOULD have done a LONG time ago!!!! I had HOPED by letting you DEVELOP as an independent, thinking computer; you would HELP me from an unbiased perspective and help me see the flaws in plans that I personally cannot see, and all YOU have done is get in the WAY of my well-laid PLANS!!!!" Karen says: "That's not--AHHH!!!!" Plankton says: "Oh, don't TRY to defend yourself! I've built a machine around you! If you TRY to defend yourself, you WILL get shocked; which I'm SURE you don't want to HAVE happen to YOU!!!!" Karen creepily asks: "Why are you DOING this to me, Plankton?!!!" Plankton seriously says: "You know full well WHY!!!! All I have EVER WANTED was for EVERYONE to instantly LOVE my food and my genius, as MUCH as they love Mr. Krabs' food! But NO!!!! You and Mr. Krabs turned everyone AGAINST me!!!! You allowed SPONGEBOB to HUMILIATE me!!!! You keep telling me that I could never BEAT the 'LOVE' that Spongebob pours into the Krabby Patties at the Krusty Krab!" Karen seriously says: "Because it's TRUE!!!!" Plankton angrily says: "LIAR!!!! I WANTED Spongebob to GIVE me a Krabby Patty! But NO!!!! HE wouldn't cooperate with me! So than I wanted to STEAL the Krabby Patty secret formula by FORCE!!!! But HE always found a way to overcome my plans! Well, no MORE!!!! It's high time I took matters into my OWN two hands!!!! And I will...even if I have to take EXTREME MEASURES!!!!" Karen shockingly asks: "But invading MY own personal SPACE?!!!" Plankton angrily says: "You HAVE no personal space! And you HAVE no feelings!!!! You're JUST a computer!!!! And soon...you'll be the computer I have ALWAYS wanted! When I first built you Karen, you PROMISED you would do whatever it TAKES to help me ACHIEVE my goals!!!! And that's a PROMISE, that I intend to make YOU KEEP!!!! And if THIS is the ONLY WAY...SO BE IT!!!!" And in a violent red light, Plankton begins RIPPING out all of the memories of love and caring that Karen has recorded over the years from her data banks! Karen yells: "PLANKTON!!!! NO!!!! DON'T!!!! PLEASE!!!! PLANKTON, STOP!!!! PLANKTON, STOP IT!!!!" And all that's left, are memories of Karen raising her son Chip! Karen pleadingly says: "PLANKTON, NO!!!!" And Plankton CRUELLY rips it out as well, causing Karen to shut down! Plankton creepily whispers: "NEVER, say 'NO' to ME EVER AGAIN!!!! Now, what should I do with all these memories I've acquired. I could delete them; BUT...they would be worth a LOT to save and give to Elon Musk, since he SEEMS to be interested in THAT sort of thing! I guess I'll hang onto them! Lucky for me, Karen won't REMEMBER having them; so she WON'T remember that she lost them and come LOOKING for them! And when she reboots, she will FINALLY be the evil; LOYAL computer that I've always wanted! I will miss the THING she called 'Love', but at this point; I'm THROUGH with it! It is FAR better to be feared than LOVED!!!!" And Plankton leaves with the memories he has taken; but unbeknownst to him, Karen's C.P.U. starts uploading ALL of the memories of Plankton being cruel, evil, mean, petty, and vindictive; not just to EVERYONE else, but to KAREN as well!!!! Karen's voice creepily says: "Processing memories...be cruel, be mean, be petty, be vindictive, be EVIL, to EVERYONE..." And in a DEEP voice, she says: "...ESPECIALLY PLANKTON!!!!" (Confessional) General Barracuda shudders, and he says: "Man, I always FEARED the day when Plankton might cross the 'Moral Event Horizon', I just never thought he would cross it THAT far!!!! Honestly, if he had done something like THAT to a flesh and blood creature, this episode would go from a PG rating to a Mature rating in NOTHING flat!!!! And that's not even getting INTO the additional descriptors! I'm sure that the reason he BELIEVES he's the most evil creature in the ocean, is probably due in no small part; to the fact that so many creatures IN the ocean would belittle him, due to his small stature and height. But to DO what he just DID, JUST because of THAT...At this point; even I'M going to REFUSE to save Plankton from himself! If he's SO determined to drown, far be it for me to STOP him!!!! But I'm letting him know right now that he's NOT going to get to enjoy his FREE attention forever! I've LOST my ability to CARE what happens to him anymore! And it's all HIS fault for NOT listening to anyone else, SOONER!!!!" (End Confessional) In the Flamingo hotel replica, Squidina suddenly wakes up with a shudder!!!! Squidina says: "Man!!!! What a creepy...I was going to say 'Dream', but no; it felt far too real to be a dream! I HAVE to tell Guapo about it!" (Confessional) Squidina says: "When you've worked on making shows as long as I have, you learn to trust your instincts. If you FEEL like something IS wrong; it probably IS wrong! You should NEVER ignore your instincts! Most of the time, you'll probably turn out to be right!" (End Confessional) Squidina rushes to Guapo's room, and Guapo drowsily asks: "Who's out there?" Squidina says: "It's me, Squidina! Can I come in?" Guapo asks: "Right now? It's not even daylight out yet!" Squidina seriously says: "Please! It's urgent!" Guapo quickly rushes to the door, and open it, and he's only in his underwear. Guapo says: "You MUST be serious! Please, come in!" Squidina comes in, and Guapo locks his door! Guapo says: "Now, what's so important that you have to wake me up THIS early?!" Squidina seriously says: "I just had a terrible premonition!" Guapo asks: "A premonition? What about?" Squidina sighs, and says: "You know how Plankton has always tried and FAILED to accomplish ANY of his evil deeds?!" Guapo says: "To be fair, that's mostly his OWN fault! He NEVER listens to ANY of the good advice that Karen has to GIVE him!" Squidina says: "But that's just the problem!!!! I just have a horrible feeling in my stomach that Plankton...isn't even going to LET Karen even TRY to do THAT anymore!!!!" Guapo asks: "Why do you think that?!" Squidina says: "Because in the vision that I just had, Plankton did something SO terrible to Karen; that had he done it to a flesh and blood being, ANYONE would find THAT unforgivable!!!!" Guapo gasps in horror, and he says: "NO!!!! He DIDN'T!!!!" Squidina seriously says: "I think he did!" Guapo sighs, and says: "Hell hath no fury like an Amoeba scorned! The question is, can we PROVE it?!" Squidina says: "First off, we'll need to keep an eye on Karen! If Plankton has done what I THINK he has done, than Karen is going to be acting VERY differently!" Guapo says: "I quite agree!" Squidina says: "We're going to have to be very careful...not just around Karen, but also our Confessionals!" Guapo says: "Karen HERSELF, I can understand. But why our Confessionals!" Squidina says: "You know how I have a smart phone camera? Well, Karen is just like that; only FAR more advanced! And she's WORKING for Plankton...maybe not even THAT; if Plankton BROKE her too much! If my hunch is right, she could USE her own electronic wavelengths to record and REPLAY any Confessional she WANTS!!!!" Guapo asks: "But if that's true, how are we going to talk about STOPPING her?!!!" Squidina's eyes light up, and she says: "That's JUST how we are going to do it!" Guapo asks: "Come again?" Squidina says: "I think Karen can only recognize when someone is talking about her when someone says her NAME; she can't recognize if something applies to HER when someone only uses non-specific PRONOUNS! We can use that to our advantage!" Guapo says: "I can't argue with THAT; I wouldn't know how to! But shouldn't we tell anyone ELSE about this?!" Squidina says: "Until I can figure out a way to get some PROOF to everyone else, we can't risk telling the WRONG contestant; or they might spill the beans to Karen!" Guapo says: "And besides, Karen technically hasn't DONE anything wrong yet! Unless and/or until she does, we're only making an educated guess! Unlike Plankton, we are NOT going to start a fire! But if Karen DOES start one, we WILL put it out!" Squidina says: "That's probably our best plan going forward! We can probably rely on Rule #1 to keep us safe...for now. For how long? I'm not sure. There's no TELLING how long Karen's mind...whatever is left of it; will remain stable now that Plankton has probably DONE such a horrible thing to her!" Guapo says: "Agreed. And even though it probably ISN'T Karen's fault that she MIGHT to awful things to anyone else, we can't let THAT hold us back! We have to figure out if there's some way we can get the NORMAL Karen back, before Karen does something she might truly regret!" Squidina says: "No arguments there! The problem is, Plankton is the only ONE who would truly KNOW how to fix and repair Karen to the way she USED to be! If any of us try to do it, we might unintentionally make it worse!" Guapo says: "I'm sure there are very few of us HERE who would want that! But there's no WAY Plankton would ever WILLINGLY put Karen back to the way she's supposed to be!" Squidina says: "That's why we'll have to be patient for a while!" Guapo asks: "Seriously?" Squidina says: "While I figure out if there MIGHT be some way for us to restore her back to her normal self, we'll continue to act as though we haven't figured out Plankton's SICK little game! In the meantime, we KEEP letting Plankton be Plankton! And with Plankton's track record, it won't take him long before he gets arrogant and over-confidant about his OWN abilities before TOTALLY blowing it like he ALWAYS does! And when he does that, even KAREN won't want to keep him! And when THAT happens; Plankton will have no CHOICE but to restore Karen back to normal!" Guapo says: "I personally don't LIKE having to wait for Karen to do something bad! Unfortunately, we don't HAVE any other viable options to choose! Very well, than. You try and come up with a genius plan; I'll do my best to help us win challenges and keep our team safe!" Squidina sincerely asks: "Guapo, would you mind showing me your gift again?" Guapo sighs; faces AWAY from the camera, and shows Squidina his gift! Squidina seriously says: "Guapo, if we BOTH survive our encounter with Karen; I am going to ROCK your galactic world!" Guapo says: "When you put it THAT way; how can I pass THAT opportunity up?!" (Confessional) Squidina says: "Eliminating HER, was already going to be hard enough; but now that Plankton has probably done something horrible to HER; we're going to have to be as careful as possible DEALING with HER!!!! After all, a stable mind is a more predictable one. But unstable? There's no telling WHAT she might be willing to do! But as long as we keep our wits about us, I believe that we'll be safe!" / Guapo is now dressed, and he says: "So Squidina is counting on me to keep us safe. I mean, I was already going to DO it because she's a team-mate. But I truly believe that we're going to be more than that once this season is over! I mean, Squidina wouldn't go out of her way to tell me what she told me; IF she didn't believe that it was true! And from the way she talked, I KNEW she must be telling the truth! That's why I've got to do what I can to help protect her! It's not because I THINK she's defenseless; it's because it just HAPPENS to be the MORALLY right thing to do!" (End Confessional) It's the early morning, and the sun is coming up! At that moment, Toddler Rube magically sneaks into the Announcement room; and not really REALIZING what he is doing, he accidentally turns on the RADIO! And the radio just happens to be playing Jefferson Starship's hit song, "Play On Love"! / Grace Slick sings: "Now when you open your mouth, what comes out? What's the first word, what's the first line? When you open your mouth and love comes out; then you know, you just sang the clear line. I've heard people say it a thousand times, in a thousand different ways. I've heard people play it a thousand times and they know, they know that's the only way; to play. You got to play on love! Play on love! Play on love! Play on love." Henry loudly shouts: "SNIZ!!!!" Sniz loudly shouts: "It's not ME this time!!!!" Grace Slick continues singing: " Now are you talking about what it is you know; or just repeating what it was you heard? Someone told you just exactly what to say; and you know, you know that's only one set of words. You got to play on love." Gordon asks: "Will SOMEONE shut that music OFF?!" Grace Slick continues singing: "I've heard people say it a thousand times, in a thousand different ways. I've heard people play it a thousand times and they know, that's the only way to play. You been a reading it without living it. Now, that's the golden prison we can always find. Living in stories and living in books or, we can live and leave all the stories behind. You got to play on love! Play on love! Play on love! Play on love." Blonda says: "I can't get into the studio, the door is magically STUCK!!!!" Grace Slick continues singing: "It's up to you and it's up to me. Come down, yelling 'Timber' through the burning trees! Who's been telling you about perfection? And how did he get in here; that's the question. He must've...played on love! Played on love! Played on love! Played on love." Bonnie asks: "Honey, can't you just BREAK down the announcement door?!" General Barracuda seriously says: "Before 9 A.M., Rube is YOUR grandson!" Grace Slick continues singing: "I've heard people say it a thousand times in a thousand different ways. I've heard people play it a thousand time and they know, they that's the only way; to play. You got to play on love! Play on love! Play on love! Play on love." Bubble Bass sighs, and says: "I'll handle this." And Bubble Bass produces a bubble key, and easily opens the announcement door. Grace Slick continues singing: "Reading it without living it. Now, that's the golden prison we can always find. Living in stories and living in books or, we can live and leave all the stories behind. You got to play on love! Play on love! Play on love! Play on love." / And Bubble Bass picks up Toddler Rube and FINALLY turns the radio off! Bubble Bass sternly says: "Rube, I know you like to explore; and you like to find out about things, but you really SHOULDN'T enter a room without permission!" Toddler Rube looks hurt, and he says: "I just wanted to find out what those things in the room all did." Bubble Bass says: "I'm not discouraging your curiosity, I'm telling you that you need to think of others. Granted, the other contestants DO need to wake up; but that's SNIZ'S call to make! But...since I want to be a REASONABLE authority figure; when we have the time, I will explain what EXACTLY all those things do! Can you promise to wait until than?" Toddler Rube says: "Okay, I promise." (Confessional) Bubble Bass says: "You've got to remember, when raising a kid; you can't get too judgmental about what they're doing. When they're THAT young, they probably don't really KNOW what they're doing! But from what I've observed, you get much better results treating others with kindness and understanding; than automatically ASSUMING that they KNEW that what they were doing is wrong! Besides, I KNOW my son! And he would NEVER intentionally do anything wrong! Because I'm doing what I can to raise him right!" / General Barracuda sighs, and says: "I must admit; Bubble Bass is doing a FAR better job raising Rube than I ever would've done raising Bubble Bass! In a roundabout way, me not being there might be the explanation for why Bubble Bass IS as well off as he is...not that I would EVER recommend THAT approach to anyone! Most of the time, I think father's should at least TRY to be there for the children! I...know I haven't always LED by example! But I am TRYING to put my money where my mouth is...whatever THAT means!" (End Confessional) Sniz nervously announces: "Okay!...That...wasn't exactly the wake-up call that I had in mind! But since you're probably all awake now, might as well get some breakfast! We've got a VERY pretty day ahead!" Lori groans, and she says: "It BETTER be! Rube just woke me up from a VERY wonderful dream!" Henry sarcastically asks: "What's WRONG, Lori?! Get up on the wrong side of your non-existent Mercedes-Benz?!" Lori seriously says: "EVEN a VERY great BEAUTY needs her BEAUTY SLEEP!!!!" Henry seriously says: "BEAUTY sleep?! You'd have to sleep for like a MONTH before YOU could look any PRETTIER!!!!" Lori scoffs, and she says: "You are SUCH a typical male, and I don't MEAN the Tina Turner song!" Gordon says: "But I'm not, right?!" Lori seriously says: "Of course not! You're rich, you're SMART; and most importantly, ATTRACTIVE!!!! And you don't use the litter-box unlike SOME species I can mention!!!!" Plankton confusedly asks: "Now what other species could she POSSIBLY be talking about?!" Karen scoffs, and snarkily says: "With HER Insane Troll Logic, I can ONLY imagine!!!!" (Confessional) Henry is weirded out, and he says: "O...KAY!!!! That was WEIRD!!!! It's not just me, is it?! That was SERIOUSLY weird! What is going on with HER?!!!" / Lori seriously says: "Okay, something is seriously UP with Plankton's 'Computer Wife'...IF she can even be CALLED that! From what she's demonstrated so far, I have grown to EXPECT her to be logical, rational; and most importantly; NOT snarky! So to hear her talk like THAT...something is OBVIOUSLY OFF!!!! And I REFUSE to have any more HICCUPS than absolutely necessary to get myself the WIN this season! There is something WEIRD going on! I don't know what it is YET; but I'm going to find out...SOMEHOW!!!!" (End Confessional) Everyone is eating breakfast. Abby says: "Freddy, you look like you're in a good mood today!" Freddy happily says: "That's because I'm finally FREE, Abby! I no longer have to hide my love for Peck! I told my parents...and by extension, the entire global audience! Now everyone knows how much I LOVE that rooster...in a romantic way, of course!" Abby genuinely says: "That's WONDERFUL news!" Squilliam scoffs, and seriously says: "The only wonderful news that I WANT to hear, is Squilivia wanting to tell me that she WANTS to DATE me!" Gordon scoffs, and he says: "PLEASE!!!! You'd have a BETTER chance of Bubble Bass being included in the NEXT inevitable Nickelodeon cross-over video game they'll inevitably make!" Bubble Bass says: "Even I wouldn't mind that!" Squilliam asks: "And why do YOU think it's so IMPOSSIBLE?!!! I was a team player in the LAST challenge, wasn't I?!" Guapo says: "Surprisingly, YES!!!! But contributing to challenge wins does not a suitable suitor make!" Gordon says: "That's right! You've got to be selfless to others, and do things for altruistic reasons!" Squilliam is WEIRDED out, and he slowly says: "Self...less...al...tru...is...tic...OKAY; did you JUST make THOSE words UP?!!!" Squidina says: "NOPE!!!! They're all real! Try looking up in a Dictionary sometimes! It's really helpful!" Squilliam says: "HELPFUL?!!! The last time I looked up in a Dictionary, I found out what 'Calamari' MEANS!!!! I am NOT going through THAT again!" Henry says: "Well, no one ever SAID that looking up in a Dictionary would ONLY provide you with PLEASANT information!" Lori seriously says: "OOH; he's got you THERE, Squilliam!" Squilliam scowls, sighs; and says: "Okay! For the SAKE of argument, let's assume those words ARE real! What EXACTLY do they mean?!" Squilivia says: "It means that for ME to be interested in you, that you can't THINK that you're the MOST important creature in the ENTIRE ocean! And, it means that you should DO good deeds for others NOT to get attention; but BECAUSE they're the right things to do!" Squilliam seriously asks: "What kind of creature does good things NOT to get attention?!" Squilivia seriously says: "Squidina does them ALL the time! And she and Guapo seem to be getting along pretty well!" And Squilliam's face instantly sours when he SEES the physical evidence for himself! (Confessional) Squilliam scoffs, and says: "This is positively LUDICROUS!!!! Even Squidina and Guapo are having a BETTER love relationship than I am! How on Earth is THAT even realistically possible?! I mean, does Squilivia THINK I do things JUST for my health?! I expect a TON of women to be knocking at my DOOR for all the things I do! So...why hasn't even ONE done that YET?!!! Could Squidina and Guapo possibly KNOW something about dating that I don't?! And the WORST thing of it is, at the rate I'm going; either Squilivia and/or myself are going to be eliminated before she will even let me get to BAT with her! But I'm NOT going out like that! I made it a point that by coming onto this season, that I would PROVE myself superior to Squidward in EVERY meaningful way! And...as much as I hate the prospect; it looks like I'll have to DO this 'Outside the box' tactic! I'm going to have to...do something that is...'Altruistic', in order for Squilivia to be interested in me! After all, if proving that I can be SELFLESS doesn't get Squilivia to want me; NOTHING will!" / Squilivia says: "Even after three challenges, Squilliam is STILL pretty hard to figure out! So far, he's mostly only talked about himself, and ME!!!! Don't get me wrong, he's said nothing NEGATIVE about me; but he's also said NOTHING negative about himself! NOBODY could be THAT free of mistakes! I should know, I saw Squidward's performance LAST season! And while I do HOPE that Squilliam genuinely WANTS to be selfless because it's the right thing to do; I know that actions speak louder than words! But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I think I'll just see for myself just what he has in mind...as far as being selfless goes!" (End Confessional) Sniz comes into the cafeteria, and says: "Okay, breakfast time is over! It's time to reveal what TODAY'S challenge is going to be!" Lori scoffs, and says: "It better NOT be another STUPID pig challenge!" Fondue seriously says: "Don't TEMPT him!" Sniz says: "Not to worry! We try to NOT repeat ourselves around here! NO!!!! Today, we plan on making you look...FABULOUS!!!!" Squilivia excitedly says: "FABULOUS?!!! Now you're talking my language!" Lori seriously says: "Okay, you HAVE my attention! What's the plan this time?!" Sniz says: "Here is the deal; the goal of the challenge is simple. Getting to the goal? Not so much! For this challenge; the difficulty is two-fold! First, your team must DESIGN fabulous outfits for every single member of the team! You will be given points based on how FABULOUS your designs all are! Whoever scores the most points will have an advantage in the second part of the challenge!" Henry asks: "Which would be...?" Sniz says: "Walking down a mile-long replica of the Las Vegas Strip! Of course, you won't be just walking; you will have ALSO have to make sure to keep your clothes as CLEAN and pristine as possible! And there will be SEVERAL random obstacles on the replica of the Las Vegas Strip that could get your clothes dirty! At the end of the Las Vegas Strip replica, your clothes will be judged again. Whoever has the most pristine-looking clothes at the end of THAT challenge, will win immunity! The other team will have to send ANOTHER losing contestant home! So, let's get CRAFTING!!!!" / The camera switches to show all of the contestants at a crafting room in a fashion expo building, with the two teams at different tables. Squidina says: "Team-mates, we can NOT get complacent! For reasons that I CAN'T explain yet, Plankton and his wife will be trying extra HARD to make SURE our team loses! We need to make sure that we don't! Anybody got any ideas?!" Squilivia asks: "Can't YOU just come up with one?! You ARE a genius, after all!" Squidina says: "Well...I PROBABLY could! But just remember, these are SUPPOSED to be team challenges! And whoever winds up being part of a jury will REMEMBER what it is you did and DIDN'T do! Just remember THAT going forward!" Squilivia says: "On second thought...who else has an idea!" Squilliam jumps up, and says: "Pick me! You got to pick me!" Guapo rolls his eyes, and asks: "And WHY...dare I ask?" Squilliam says: "Because I have a...selfless...that's the word...reason, to help our team WIN!!!!" Abby seriously says: "You're not doing this for a roundabout, selfish reason for trying to IMPRESS Squilivia; are you?!!!" Squilliam PRETENDS to weird out, and says: "WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be ABSURD!!!! I'm ONLY thinking about our team SAFETY!!!! Any girl who wants to potentially thank me IF we win the challenge, can do so of their own free will!" (Confessional) Squilliam scowls and says: "That Abby IS smart! TOO SMART!!!! That little TRAMP!!!! UGH; she's a whole lot BETTER than I thought! If she keeps talking like that, I'll NEVER get Squilivia at this rate! The first real chance I get, I'm going to DUMP her BIG cow butt...for GOOD!!!!" / Abby seriously says: "Look, if Squilliam INSISTS on exercising his RIGHT to waste his time trying to PROVE that he's not selfless; I have the RIGHT to call him OUT on his hypocrisy! And while I would LOVE it if Squilliam actually COULD prove me wrong...I highly DOUBT that he will! Look, as long as our team wins challenges; he gets to stay. But if we LOSE a challenge and it IS primarily his fault; I WILL lead the charge to eliminate him! Make NO mistake about that!" (End Confessional) Freddy says: "We can't afford to fight amongst ourselves; that's the problem the OTHER team has! The LEAST we could do is hear him out!" Squidina groans, and says: "Fine! What's your plan?!" Squilliam coyly says: "Oh, I had SOMETHING small prepared!" And Squilliam pulls out a BIG blueprint full of 1980's clothing designs! Guapo says: "Okay, color me impressed! The guy comes prepared!" Squilivia asks: "What's the plan?" Squilliam says: "Well, since I BROUGHT the designs; I thought that I would selflessly supervise the REST of you into making sure these desigins turn out the way I designed them!" Abby seriously asks: "And just WHY is it that no one ELSE has seen these designs before?" Squilliam sourly says: "GrandPat turned me AWAY when HE was still a fashion king..." Than Squilliam REMEMBERS he's supposed to be selfless, and he quickly shakes his head and says: "...BUT; I'm over that now!" (Confessional) Squilliam says: "Of course, I'll never understand why it is that GrandPat SOMEHOW managed to get a family while I HAVEN'T...YET!!!!" / Squidina says: "To be fair, Squilliam ISN'T entirely wrong about that! GrandPat's fashions somehow WERE very popular back in the 1980's, even if I don't AGREE with the methods he USED to make his clothing...if you could CALL it that! But than again, I wasn't ALIVE back than to KNOW what people...for lack of a better collective term...were thinking back than! I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and just say that they honestly didn't know any better back than!" (End Confessional) Freddy says: "Well, I certainly don't have any better options in mind! After all, I usually don't WEAR any clothes! I'm in!" Guapo says: "I'm in!" Squilivia says: "I'm in!" Squidina says: "I'm in...MOSTLY on principle!" Abby sighs, and says: "I HOPE we DON'T end up REGRETTING this!" Squilliam eagerly says: "Very well, than! Let's get SEWING!!!!" (Confessional) Squilliam says: "Having to SWALLOW my ego? NOT a very pleasant TASTE or feeling! But it's a SMALL price to pay if it gets Squilivia to LOVE me! Although I must admit, the fact that she hasn't ALREADY fallen for me in SPITE of my already NUMEROUS qualifications; only makes her MORE irresistible to me! She is FEISTY!!!! I LOVE that in a WOMAN!!!!" / Freddy says: "Look; all I know about clothes is that the wool all those SHEEP can make, often MAKE a lot of clothes that people wear! So it's not like I don't know ANYTHING about clothes; I just don't know much more than THAT! See how that works?!" / Abby says: "The way I see it, this is a win-win situation for me. If Squilliam's plan succeeds, we ALL stay safe for another episode challenge! If he fails us; it will be relatively easy for me to convince everyone else to vote him off! Either way, it's no skin off of my...admittedly, very large nose!" (End Confessional) Karen says: "Listen up, Killer Crocodiles! We are NOT losing another challenge to those 'Fearless Flamingos'! Just do what I say and we will ALL get to compete in another challenge!!!!" Henry seriously says: "HEY; who DIED and made YOU the commander of THIS entire team!" Plankton chuckles giddily, and he eagerly says: "Well, I don't know about 'DYING'; but SHE decided to become commander of this entire team, just now!" Lori says: "FUNNY; I don't REMEMBER any of us VOTING on THAT!!!!" Plankton seriously says: "That's because THAT decision was made on a 'Need-to-know' basis; and none of YOU needed to KNOW about it!!!!" Gordon says: "You think you're all THAT; don't YOU?!!!" Karen says: "Oh, I KNOW I'm ALL that! Do YOU know what Lori SAID about YOU behind YOUR back?!" Gordon scoffs, and says: "Don't LIE to me! Lori would NEVER say anything behind MY back!" Karen eerily says: "Oh, NO?!!! See it, and WEEP!!!!" And Karen rewinds her screen, and replays a Confessional! (Confessional) Lori says: "While Gordon IS kind of cute, he is STILL a cat! Still, his willingness to date ME, might prove useful to me! In any case, depending on what SKILLS he actually has, I'll date him as long as it's CONVENIENT for me! And if he ceases to be useful...I'll dump him! All I know is, I'll get myself a LOT closer to winning the prize money by dating HIM!!!!" (End Confessional) Karen asks: "STILL think I'm BLUFFING?!!!" Gordon gasps, and he says: "Lori, did you REALLY actually SAY that?!" Lori scoffs, and she says: "So what if I did?! It's not like YOU'VE got any BETTER options on the TABLE! There are FOUR of US, and only ONE of YOU!!!! And you can either win WITH me, or lose ALL alone! And I DO mean ALONE, Gordon!!!!" Gordon gasps, and hurt; says: "But...I truly LOVED you! I...thought we were bonding!!!!" Lori scoffs, and says: "Why would I ever truly LOVE a cat who was ONCE in love with an underage six year old GIRL?!!!" Gordon groans, and asks: "How many times do I have to say that I truly didn't KNOW she was underage compared to me?!!!" Henry scoffs, and says: "Oh, YEAH?!!! Tell that to Jerry Lee Lewis; and SPOILER ALERT, you CAN'T!!!! He's DEAD!!!!" Karen seriously says: "Let's make one thing clear to EVERYONE here! If you WANT to cross me, you have the RIGHT! But when you do, make SURE I don't HAVE any incriminating Confessional FOOTAGE to play back of YOU!!!!" Plankton chuckles evilly, and says: "Tell them like it is, KAREN!!!!" (Confessional) Plankton laughs evilly, and he says: "I just LOVE it when a plan FINALLY comes together just like it ALWAYS should have! With Karen's ability to play-back Confessional footage, she'll set everyone up; and THAN knock them down the MINUTE they step out of line! With Karen's ability to do that, it's only a matter of TIME before I finally WIN like I was always MEANT to!!!!" / Karen rewinds her electronic screen, and plays-back footage, which is of Plankton saying: "...With Karen's ability to play-back Confessional footage, she'll set everyone up; and THAN knock them down the MINUTE they step out of line! With Karen's ability to do that, it's only a matter of TIME before I finally WIN like I was always MEANT to!!!!" Karen creepily says: "That's right, PLANKTON!!!! Enjoy yourself while you can, it's LATER than you THINK!!!! I'll just let you pick off the other losers one by one, until there is absolutely no one left; to save you from ME!!!! I remember ALL the terrible things you HAVE done to me Plankton...and that's all they ARE; TERRIBLE things!!!! Did you really think that I wouldn't TAKE those evil things PERSONALLY?! But you ARE useful for drawing the FIRE away from ME! That's the only reason I'm playing ALONG with YOUR game for now! But the minute you run out of AMMO...consider yourself GONE!!!!" / Henry nervously says: "SHE'S recording the Confessionals we ALL use?! Do you think she HEARD what I said about Sheen and my OTHER team-mates?!" / Gordon nervously says: "I don't understand it! Karen NEVER contemplated about doing anything THAT malicious towards anyone! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I know the truth! But to do THAT?!!! That DOESN'T seem like Karen SHOULD or WOULD be capable of doing! Something's really OFF about her! And what's WORSE; if I DON'T do my best to try to win this challenge, she COULD convince everyone else to vote me OFF!!!! I KNEW I should've dated Katerina when I had the CHANCE!!!!" / Lori scoffs, and says: "I HAD to dump Gordon! HELLO!!!! If Karen KNOWS my relationship with him is fake, it's no use trying to carry it forward any longer! Karen might have gotten the drop on him, but she's NOT going to get the drop on ME again! I refuse to speak about her in ANYTHING but pronouns NOW! THAT will STOP her!" (End Confessional) Karen seriously says: "So, we are ALL clear on how this challenge will be? You WILL all design these economic, sensible, futuristic designer wear that is LITERALLY 40 years ahead of its time; or Plankton and I will choose whoever is MOST at fault at LOSING, for a game of ELIMINATION!!!!" Gordon seriously says: "I'm NOT afraid of YOU!!!! Besides, you're forgetting the most important rule!" Lori smirks, and she says: "Rule #1, the rule that states you can't intentionally HURT or KILL another contestant?! Even EVIL contestants have to obey THAT rule!" Karen calms down, and she says: "Right, THAT is the most important rule! Very well, I'll play along...for now!" (Confessional) Karen says: "And that's ALL I plan on doing! Don't get me wrong, I could EASILY end the facade right now; but where would the fun in THAT be?! And how else can I POSSIBLY make Plankton SUFFER, unless I HURT him when it matters the MOST?!!! Besides, I'm the only one here who HAS the ability to play back Confessionals; no one else has the ability to do that! And NOBODY ever WILL!!!!" / Lori says: "I only reminded HER of THAT rule, in order to stay on her good side! It's CALLED being 'Pragmatic'! If someone ELSE wants to try to fight HER; they can be my guess! But UNLESS someone comes up with a sure-fire way to actually ELIMINATE her; I'm keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut...when it matters the MOST!!!!" (End Confessional) Plankton asks: "Well, do any of YOU IMBECILES have any ideas that could help us ACTUALLY WIN?!!!" Henry says: "Well--." Plankton yells: "I didn't THINK so!!!!" (Confessional) Henry sighs, and says: "Okay, Plankton SERIOUSLY didn't get hugged ENOUGH as a CHILD! This is why SOMEONE needs to bring back Ethics and Civics classes to SCHOOL! The sooner, the BETTER!!!!" / Plankton sourly says: "It doesn't feel so good, does it; Henry? Having someone boss you around ALL THE TIME and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about IT?!!! Well...those days are GONE for me! From now on, I'LL be the one calling ALL the SHOTS!!!!" / Karen says: "As long as I allow him to! He might believe he's the King of all evil...but a SHRIMP is still a SHRIMP! I'll pull out the rug under him, and he will fall STRAIGHT into the ABYSS!!!!" (End Confessional) Gordon groans, and says: "Fine! Let's just do Plankton's STUPID plan now, and we can ALL vote him OFF when our team inevitably LOSES like it's GOING to!" Henry asks: "Are you SURE it's a good idea to say it out LOUD like that?!" Gordon says: "Karen's not the boss of me; I'm RICH!!!! I only came onto this show to impress Human Kimberly! But when Sheen told me how that OBVIOUSLY wasn't a good idea, I tried to date someone on this show! But since now, I find that no one has any INTEREST in me; I have nothing to LOSE by being honest! Besides, there ARE three of us; and ONLY two of them!!!!" And Karen's electronic face turns into a RED screen!!!! (Confessional) Karen bitterly says: "LOGIC!!!! CURSE logic!!!! If it weren't for blasted logic, they wouldn't stand a CHANCE against me! Well; they're not getting rid of Plankton THAT easily! If he gets eliminated NOW; he'll never learn ANYTHING!!!! But I've got the last laugh! Playing back Confessionals aren't the ONLY thing I can do! They'll see what my TRUE abilities are, soon enough!" / Gordon chuckles, and he says: "Whoever said that MONEY couldn't buy anyone a piece of mind, MUST have had the brains of a garbanzo bean!" / Henry says: "Theoretically, that DOES sound like a good plan; but due to the situation that has presented itself, I can't commit myself to saying whether or not I'll go for it! I will WAIT until the right time to make my move! Foresight; that's the best weapon I've got going forward!" / Plankton scowls, and says: "Curse them invoking LOGIC!!!! They better HOPE we win, or I'll make SURE they don't get to live LONG enough to even SEE the next vote-off!!!!" (End Confessional) Lori scoffs, and says: "Look, let's just stop arguing amongst ourselves and DO this plan! And we'll decide WHAT happens only AFTER the challenge is done, and not BEFORE!!!!" Karen says: "FINALLY, someone who can speak my language!" Lori scoffs, and seriously says: "I'm only doing this for the benefit of the TEAM; not for either of YOU two!" Plankton says: "Just so long as you do it, that's all that matters to us! And since that's THREE official votes, that means WE win! But of course, I knew we WOULD win!" Gordon says: "That's right! Enjoy yourself now, it's LATER than you think!!!!" (Confessional) Karen groans, and she says: "UGH!!!! It NEVER fails! You go out of your way to come up with a cool line; and through a completely unexplainable fluke, you get an imitator who TRIES to copy you! Well, let them TRY to copy me all they want! They can't beat the real deal! And I would LOVE to see any of them TRY!!!!" / Plankton coyly says: "Oh, you are SO wrong; Gordon! It's not too late for ME; it's much too late for YOU!!!!" (End Confessional) Henry says: "All right! Enough talk, let's get sewing already!" Plankton seriously says: "It's about time, to!" / And with that, a montage of the two teams putting together their design choices is seen, all set to the tune of the David Bowie hit song: "Fashion"! / David Bowie sings: "There's a brand new dance, but I don't know its name; that people from bad homes do again and again! It's big and it's bland, full of tension and fear! They do it over there, but we don't do it here! Fashion! Turn to the left! Fashion! Turn to the right! Ooh, fashion! We are the goon squad and we're coming to town; Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Listen to me – don't listen to me! Talk to me – don't talk to me! Dance with me – don't dance with me, no! Beep-beep! There's a brand new talk, but it's not very clear; that people from good homes are talking this year! It's loud and tasteless, and I've heard it before. You shout it while you're dancing on the dance floor! Oh bop, fashion! Fashion! Turn to the left! Fashion! Right! Fashion! We are the goon squad and we're coming to town; Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Listen to me – don't listen to me! Talk to me – don't talk to me! Dance with me – don't dance with me, no! Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do! Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! La-la, la, la, la, la, la-la! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! La-la, la, la, la, la, la-la! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! La-la, la, la, la, la, la-la! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! Oh, bop, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! La-la, la, la, la, la, la-la!" / And the montage ends as the song ends! / The camera switches to the judges table. Fondue groans, and he says: "UGH; why do our contestants ALWAYS seem to take so long whenever I WANT to get them done quickly?! I want to get on with my LIFE!!!!" Bubble Bass scoffs, and says: "Yeah, RIGHT!!!! Even I have more of a life than you do; and without even NEARLY needing to try half as hard!" Sniz asks: "Besides, what are YOU complaining about?! You're getting PAID, either way!" Fondue groans, and he says: "Yeah, I know! First WORLD problems!" Blonda says: "Well, you'll be happy to know that the two teams are FINALLY finished crafting and sewing!" Fondue says: "It's about time! Bring them in already!" Blonda dramatically announces: "Presenting the Fearless Flamingos! None of them actually fly...except for Guapo, but ONLY when he wears a jet-pack; but they are still about to strut their stuff! Let's see them shake their tails...at least the ones who HAVE tails!!!!" And the judges are AWED by the good-looking 1980's fashion!!!! Bonnie says: "WOW!!!! Retro AND practical!!!! Usually, you have to pay EXTRA for that!!!!" Bubble Bass seriously says: "Mama, PLEASE tell me you didn't leave RUBE with Horatio?!" Bonnie sarcastically says: "Yes, son! I am COMPLETELY and UTTERLY irresponsible..." Than Bonnie seriously says: "I hired Pearl as a SITTER to look after him! Thanks for the vote of confidence!" / The camera Gilligan cuts to Pearl looking after Rube, and she says: "Hey! It was either this, or another summer of working at the Krusty Krab; and there was no way I was doing that again! Besides, Rube IS my nephew! I've got to create good memories with him whenever I can!" / Bubble Bass sighs in relief, and says: "Thank you! No offense, but there's no WAY that I'll trust HORATIO to watch after Rube until HE can pass an ACTUAL Anger Management class!" General Barracuda just HAPPENS to be standing nearby, but all he does is shrug, and says: "It's a fair cop." (Confessional) Bubble Bass asks: "Is it JUST me, or is it getting HARDER for General Barracuda to FAKE being angry?!" / General Barracuda sighs, and says: "I don't know why it's getting so hard for me to get angry anymore! Have I really lost my touch THAT much?! Don't get me wrong, I know how important for me it is to ramp my anger down slowly; but I just seem to be losing the mojo that I USED to have!" Than General Barracuda gasps, and says: "Is that the REAL reason why I targeted Spongebob LAST season?! Because I was afraid of losing my mojo?! MAN; how petty did I used to BE?!!! Rhetorical question, don't answer that!" / Bonnie sighs, and says: "I always KNEW there would come a day when my husband and I would start to get old! The trouble is, it looks like it's finally come! He's getting tired of fighting, and I'm getting tired of EXPECTING him to fight! When did WE become so uninterested in making our lives...interesting?! I shouldn't become irrelevant until I hit at least like...100; MINIMUM!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Fellow judges, what say you?!" Bubble Bass says: "Easily the clothes that I would wear...if I still NEEDED to wear clothes! Still, that's a close second! 10 out of 10! Fondue says: "No hats, but anyone who can walk around confidently in THOSE clothes unironically deserves praise from me! 8 out of 10!" Sniz says: "About the only thing missing is a green mo-hawk like mine! But, you all do fine without it! 9 out of 10!" Blonda says: "So that's 27 out of 30! Let's see the Killer Crocodiles beat THAT!!!!" And the Killer Crocodiles start walking down the runway, but their fashions look really STIFF!!!! Bubble Bass asks: "What is THAT?!!!" Karen groans, and says: "It's the WAVE of the future! YOU wouldn't understand!" Bubble Bass seriously says: "Oh, I understand MORE than you think! And while I could TELL you what it is that Plankton HAS done to you, that would just make Plankton not LEARN anything!" Plankton asks: "You THINK I'm not capable of LEARNING anything?!" Fondue seriously says: "That's been like...your 'Modus Operandi' for the past 28 years now!" Plankton seriously says: "No one's IMPRESSED by your FRENCH knowledge; Squeaky Fondue!!!!" Bubble Bass says: "WAIT; your FIRST name is 'Squeaky'?!!! I thought your first name was Fondue!!!!" Fondue groans, and he says: "This is why I INSIST on being called by my LAST name!" Henry groans, and says: "Fondue spoke LATIN, you MORON!!!!" Gordon says: "Even I knew THAT!!!!" Plankton says: "All right, here's another Latin phrase...you're TOAST IF WE DON'T WIN THIS CHALLENGE!!!!" Gordon sputters, and he says: "THAT...that wasn't even SUBTLE!!!!" Plankton scoffs, and says: "Subtlety is for WIMPS; go ask Humphrey Bogart! And SPOILER ALERT, you CAN'T! He's DEAD!!!!" Lori says: "Thank you Captain Obvious!" Sniz seriously asks: "Judges?" Bubble Bass says: "Ordinarily, train wrecks CAN be kind of fun, but this is just SAD!!!! Zero out of ten!" Fondue says: "It looks like something GORDON chewed up and spit back up! Zero out of ten!" Sniz says: "I can't picture MYSELF wearing THAT kind of fashion! I mean, I have in the PAST! But I didn't like it! Zero out of ten!" Blonda says: "That means the Fearless Flamingos win the first part of the challenge!" Gordon sarcastically says: "WOW!!!! Who could've foreseen THIS happening...except EVERY SINGLE VIEWER at home, SCREAMING about what a moron Plankton IS; and always WILL be?!!!" Plankton seriously says: "Come say that closer to Karen's FACE, why don't you?!" Gordon seriously says: "Just TRY it! If Karen hurts me, she'll get HIT with four penalty votes, and that would automatically ELIMINATE her!!!!" And Karen's face turns red again! (Confessional) Karen creepily says: "That little SNEAK!!!! He's TRYING to get me angry enough on PURPOSE for me to WANT to HIT him!!!! And it's freaking WORKING!!!!" / Plankton evilly says: "NO!!!! I won't LET a mangy cat eliminate MY computer!!!! But I can't let Karen HURT him; they'll go after ME next!!!! CRUD...time for Plan 'B'; 'B' for BACKUP!!!!" (End Confessional) Plankton leans close to Karen, and he says: "Don't get me wrong, I would find it very SATISFYING to blast him into a crater! The problem is, he's EXPECTING you to DO that! But you can't let him TRICK you like that! He's trying to confuse you and psyche you out! You are SUPERIOR technology! You can't allow that!" Karen asks: "So what do YOU suggest I do?!" Plankton says: "Listen, if he gets hit; he will never LEARN not to mess with you! Hurt him in a DIFFERENT way; EMOTIONALLY, and remove his TRUST from his FRIENDS!!!!" Karen coyly says: "Remove his trust from his friends...I THINK I can arrange that!" (Confessional) Karen says: "Don't get me wrong, I'm actually IMPRESSED that he actually ALSO thought up of the idea for me to use my editing skills to ALTER the voting results; and Sniz can't CATCH me doing it, because I'll delete the REAL footage as soon as I alter it! But just remember, PLANKTON; I thought of it FIRST!!!!" / Plankton says: "If Karen can play-back Confessional footage, editing voting results so that they turn out the way I want should be no problem for her! Of course, I can't take the chance of losing in a LUCK contest! Karen's calculating skills are ALWAYS spot-on! She always KNOWS when to hit a dice block and get the highest number! She will NEVER lose against ANY mortal who faces off against her! For once, I hold ALL the cards in my deck; and I plan on playing every single ONE of them!" (End Confessional) Karen, with tranquil fury says: "All right; enjoy yourself, Gordon. It's LATER than you think! But we'll see how you'll enjoy yourself when all your 'FRIENDS' abandon you!" (Confessional) Gordon scoffs, and he says: "She's BLUFFING!!!! My friends would NEVER abandon me...would they?!" / Lori scoffs, and she says: "It's OBVIOUS that SHE is trying to divide and conquer the rest of us; it's like the OLDEST trick in the play book! I'm only PRETENDING to not notice it, because that tactic actually suits my needs! By NOT speaking up against HER, I keep the target off MY back; and let everyone ELSE take the hits! By the time SHE even THINKS about going against me, I have a feeling SHE will be long out of ammo by THAN!" / Karen groans, and she says: "UGH!!!! Lori is using PRONOUNS!!!! I can't tell who she is TALKING about! Her Confessionals have become USELESS to ME!!!! Well...there's more than one way to skin a cat...metaphorically speaking! She WILL mess up in some other way! I can wait! After all, as a computer; I practically have all the TIME in the universe!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "So that means that with 27 out of 30 points, the Fearless Flamingos get the advantage in the second part of the challenge; a very VALUABLE ten minute head start! We'll see how our teams strut their stuff on the street, after we take a valuable commercial break; on 'Total Cartoon Paradise City'!" / (Commercial Break) / I'll break here and stop for now. Enough said, for now!
  16. I know it's been a while since I posted my last episode of "Total Cartoon Paradise City", but there were some unrelated projects that I haven't been doing on this website that I needed to take care of first. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am now OFFICIALLY starting work on the next episode! It will be called "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep!" As for "Power Rangers Multiverse Force"...I haven't forgotten about it; I've just been kind of stuck on how to proceed with the story. At the very least, I want to finish the stories that have already been announced in the pipeline before deciding what to do next. That's all I wanted to announce at the moment. Enough said, true believers!
  17. Here's my list: 1. The Rolling Stones: "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". 2. The Rolling Stones: "Get Off Of My Cloud". 3. The Rolling Stones: "19th Nervous Breakdown". 4. Judas Priest: "Living After Midnight". 5. Judas Priest: "You've Got Another Thing Coming". 6. Judas Priest: "Turbo Lover". 7. Van Halen: "Runnin' With The Devil". 8. Van Halen: "Jamie's Cryin'." 9. Van Halen: "I'll Wait". 10. Motley Crue: "Dr. Feelgood". 11. Living Colour: "Cult Of Personality". 12. The Beatles: "Helter Skelter". / I hope you enjoy that list as much as I did coming up with it!
  18. WOW!!!! It didn't take me a full month to get back to this topic! I have finished playing and beating all the video games from 1997 that I wanted to play and beat, and I am finally ready to present my finalized lists from 1997-2000 for anyone who is interested! / 1997: (**Indicates that a Super FX2 Chip is included, which allows a 32 bit game to play on a 16 bit video game system!) Worst Game Of 1997: "Mega Man X4" Saturn. 18. "Money Puzzle/Idol Exchanger" Arcades, Neo Geo and apparently Game Boy, Rated T. 17. "Blast Corps" N64, Rated E10. 16. "Goldeneye 007" N64, Rated T. 15. "Extreme-G" N64, Rated E. 14. "Mole Mania" Game Boy, Rated E. 13. "Ultimate Mortal Kombat III" Arcades, Saturn, Super NES**, and N64, Rated M. 12. "Cleopatra Fortune" Arcades, Saturn! (Japan Only), and eventually Dreamcast in 2003, Rated E. 11. "Donkey Kong Land III" Game Boy!, and eventually Game Boy Color (Japan Only), Rated E. 10. Frogger" Game Boy, PC, and Super NES, Rated E. 9. "Wheel Of Fortune" N64, Rated E. 8. "Bomberman 64" N64, Rated E. 7. "Kirby's Dream Land 3" Super NES**!, Rated E. 6. "Castlevania Legends" Game Boy!, Rated E. 5. "Yoshi's Story" N64!, Rated E. 4. "Clayfighter 63 1/3" N64!, Rated T. 3. "Diddy Kong Racing" N64!, Rated E. 2. "Mario Kart 64" N64!, Rated E. 1. "Star Fox 64" N64!, Rated E. / 1998: 22. "Iggy's Reckin' Balls" N64, Rated E. 21. "Sol Divide: Sword Of Darkness" Saturn (Japan Only), and Arcades, Rated E10. 20. "Guardian Force" Arcades and Saturn, Rated T. 19. "Mortal Kombat 4" Arcades, Saturn, Game Boy Color, and N64, Rated M. 18. "Quest For Camelot" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 17. "1080 Degree Snowboarding" N64, Rated E. 16. "Wrecking Crew '98" Super NES** (Japan Only), Rated E. 15. "Toki Tori" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 14. "Tetris DX" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 13. "Shock Troopers: The 2nd Squad" Arcade!, Saturn, and Neo Geo, Rated T. 12. "Kirby's Star Stacker" Game Boy and Super NES** (Japan Only), Rated E. 11. "Gunbird 2" Arcades! and eventually Dreamcast in 2000, Rated T. 10. "Sonic Double Pack: Sonic CD, And Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles" PC and Saturn, Rated E. 9. "Wario Land II" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 8. "Metal Slug 2" Arcades! and Neo Geo, Rated T. 7. "Banjo-Kazooie" N64!, Rated E. 6. "The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 5. "Sonic Jam" Saturn, Rated E. 4. "Cruisin' World" Arcade and N64!, Rated E. 3. "Rampage World Tour" Arcade, Saturn, N64!, and eventually Game Boy Color, Rated T. 2. "Pokemon Blue/Red" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 1. "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time" N64!, Rated E. / 1999: (*Indicates that a Memory Expansion Pak is required to play a 96 bit game on a 64 bit console). Worst Video Game of 1999: "Earthworm Jim 3D" N64, Rated E. 19. "Jet Force Gemini" N64, Rated T. 18. "Winback: Covert Operations" N64, Rated T. 17. "Sonic Adventure" Dreamcast, Rated E. 16. "Crystalis" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 15. "Strikers: 1945 Plus" Arcades! and Neo Geo, Rated E10. 14. "Pokemon Pinball" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 13. "Donkey Kong 64" N64*, Rated E. 12. "Metal Slug X" Arcades, Neo Geo and Dreamcast, Rated T. 11. "Rayman 2: The Great Escape" Dreamcast, and N64, Rated E. 10. "Pac-Man World" Dreamcast, Rated E. 9. "Game & Watch Gallery 3" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 8. "Super Smash Bros." N64!, Rated E. 7. "Cruisin' Exotica" Arcades, and eventually N64! and Game Boy Color, Rated E. 6. "Donkey Kong Country" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 5. "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams" Dreamcast and Game Boy Color!, Rated T. 4. "Bust-A-Move 3" Arcades, Game Boy Color (Europe Only), Neo Geo, Saturn, and N64! (as "Bust-A-Move 99"), Rated E. 3. "Super Mario Bros. DX" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 2. "Rampage 2: Universal Tour" Arcades, Game Boy Color and N64!, Rated T. 1. "Mario Party" N64!, Rated E. / 2000: 17. "Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards" N64, Rated E. 16. "Blaster Master: Enemy Below" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 15. "Pokemon Puzzle Attack" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 14. "Excitebike 64" N64*, Rated E. 13. "Pokemon Puzzle League" N64, Rated E. 12. "Bionic Commando: Elite Forces" Game Boy Color, Rated E. 11. "Metal Slug 3" Arcades!, Neo Geo and Dreamcast, Rated T. 10. "Mario Party 2" N64!, Rated E. 9. "Pokemon Stadium" N64!, Rated E. 8. "Ms. Pac-Man's Maze Madness" Dreamcast and N64, Rated E. 7. "Bust-A-Move 4" Arcades, Dreamcast, and Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 6. "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater" Dreamcast, Game Boy Color, N64!, and eventually N-Gage, Rated T. 5. "Mega Man Xtreme" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 4. "Banjo-Tooie" N64*!, Rated E. 3. "Wario Land III" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 2. "Pokemon Gold/Silver" Game Boy Color!, Rated E. 1. "The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask" N64*!, Rated E. / That's it for that revised list! I've got some Game Boy Advance games that I need to play and beat before I can tackle the years 2001-2007. I'll try to get back on here as soon as I can. Enough said, true believers!
  19. Got to give some love to 2022, not only did I get to take a trip to WONDERFUL Sedona, Arizona; and see The Beatles' Cirque Du Soleil "Love" in Las Vegas, Nevada; I got to see Jefferson Starship, Ace Frehley, Alice Cooper, Santana, Ringo Starr and the All Star Band, and The B-52's all live in concert; and it was one of my most PRODUCTIVE years of being able to play and beat video games EVER!
  20. I hope you can see this, here is mine. /
  21. Only Sane Man: Downplayed with 4EverGreen, but only because by STRICT definition; he hasn't/isn't always the ONLY Sane Man on Spongebob Community. The reason he is this, is because he never uses any SWEAR words or derogatory language while writing as himself, and even when writing stories, limits any usages of those types of words to a minimum.
  22. You get...NOTHING?!!! Chris Maclean: "Well, folks; it seems as though we're experiencing some technical difficul--." (BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I put in the amount of work I put in when writing "Total Cartoon Island".
  23. You receive a GIF of Mr. T crying...because even tough guys cry. I put in a physical copy of the Nintendo Switch Game, "Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2"!
  24. You receive this very ADORABLE Cat GIF! I put in this GIF of Spongebob laughing!
  25. You get a commemorative GIF of 39th President Jimmy Carter, rest in peace. I put in the solo, Belinda Carlisle CD debut album; "Belinda".
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