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Opinions on social media


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What do y'all think of social media? Do you have it or do you not care for it? A few years ago I dismissed social media...I never had a MySpace page and a friend had to convince me to get Facebook. But now I embrace it. I'm well aware of the drawbacks and flaws of social media (and the fact that I  sometimes get jealous when I see the cool stuff my pals are doing), but for the most part it's fun. I can keep up with old friends and I've made new friends through social media as well. Facebook has lost its luster to me but I love Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter, and Snapchat is aight too. 

Edited by Katniss
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I used to be all about MySpace back in the day, sprucing up my profile and shit. That, and I e-fedded a lot on there back when they had groups and I made plenty friends from that too. Now MySpace is old news and a shell of a what it once was, so my account there is ancient history. I have a Facebook and I used to be on point with it back when like Mafia Wars and FarmVille and all that shit was the rage. Then stuff with my friends would mix in with stuff with my fam and that would turn into a hot mess. Like this one time my mom and sisters gave me so much shit because they thought this girl friend of mine, who posted one of those "like this status and I'll tell you what I really think of you" posts, was actually my girlfriend and said some pretty jarring things to the point she unfriended me. Family drama in general turns me away from social media nowadays, family members making ass of themselves for the rest to see is freakin sad. I'd unfriend some of em if I could, but that'll probs just cause more. Mainly use it to just keep up, update my movie/show/game/sports tastes and FB message friends nowadays.

Twitter always felt dumb to me, Tumblr doesn't really appeal to me, I ain't photo crazy nor photogenic when it comes to Instagram like a lot of my friends and family are, and I don't feel interesting nor witty to snapchat.

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I have Facebook but I only use it on special occasions or to post on the groups i'm part of. I really don't like posting personal stuff in it since people will follow me everywhere and I like having personal space. Basically the only thing I post is reminding people i'm still around. I prefer to comment on other people's profiles than the other way around.

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I really like Snapchat. I never use Twitter, I never got the appeal. Tumblr is good, but I haven't used it in a while. I only use Facebook for one group chat. I can't stand Instagram. Vine is cool when people use it right.

As a whole, I don't mind social media, but I do find it annoying when people are too worried about showing off things that happen to them on it. It's fine to do that, just don't document every single neat thing you do, not that many people care.

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There are some pretty funny Tumblr blogs and Twitter accounts out there but I never really have joined either site for good or have been consistently active on them, so I just lurk both. I don't use Facebook since nobody I know uses it anymore and I hate Instagram. Snapchat is pretty dumb but I talk to my friends on there and send things to them since they never text >:<

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Don't really use social media as much as I once did.  I get on Twitter every other day or so just to see what's trending.  I probably get on Facebook and Instagram one or two times a week.  Don't know if Snapchat counts, but I probably use the chat feature more than taking pictures if I use it at all...which isn't as much, but still occasionally.  I think that's it...if anything I'm using Pokemon Go ten times more than I'm using any of my social media apps at the moment.

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I'm kinda on and off with social media these days, use some of mostly to check up on things (such as Facebook) but I just don't use it too much now. Facebook and Instagram in particular I browse, but rarely actually update (my Instagram is polluted solely with ugly selfies of 15-year old me, yeah). I always liked the idea of Tumblr tho.

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I use Facebook Messenger mainly to talk to internet friends I'm really close to; I have their phone numbers but texting on my phone is a pain in the butt compared to typing on a laptop. Same with Twitter in that I use it to talk to one person on DM because I hate texting lmao. I don't use FB or Twitter for their actual social media aspects omf. I also really enjoy Tumblr as I've gotten into my mode there and have followed a good amount of blogs, but otherwise I really couldn't care less about it.

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