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38 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you see yourself as?

    • Undecided
    • Denominational Protestant (Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc.)
    • Non-Denominational Protestant (Unaffiliated with any other sect of Christianity)
    • Catholic
    • Judaism
    • Islam
    • Buddhism
    • Hinduism
    • Taoism
    • Shinto
    • Atheist
    • Agnostic

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I don't think my family's identified with a particular sect even though we've been to Pentecostal, Seventh-Day Adventist, and Baptist churches before with extended family. The church we go to regularly is non-denominational.


already have a topic but tbf it's old

I was raised Christian, however, I became a lot more atheistic in my general thinking as I got older. I still keep my mind open to spiritual thought and the idea of God, but I've long lost my interest in religion.

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Right now, I lean toward secular Buddhism. I would argue that Buddhism is not a religion and is actually a philosophy (it's even compatible with most religious beliefs, including Christianity). Buddhism focuses on acceptance of the present, and having a non-judgmental worldview. I practice meditation often and I find that it brings inner peace and serenity. I can reflect on why I do the things that I do, and it helps me to understand the perspectives of other people and events around me.

In terms of actual religious belief (whether a deity exists), I would say I'm agnostic. This has changed since the old topic Metal Snake linked us to -- idk. I find myself questioning a lot these days.

This sums me up pretty well:

Buddhism does not say if gods exist or not, but one can read many stories about gods in some Buddhist books. Buddhists do not believe that people should look to gods to save them or bring them enlightenment.[5] The gods may have power over world events and they might help people, or they might not. But it's up to each person to get to enlightenment.

On a side note, why is apatheist not an option? It's the "I don't know and I don't care" option. I know a few people that fall in that category hehe


Right now, I lean toward Buddhism. I would argue that Buddhism is not a religion and is actually a philosophy (it's even compatible with most religious beliefs, including Christianity). Buddhism focuses on acceptance of the present, and having a non-judgmental worldview. I practice meditation often and I find that it brings inner peace and serenity. I can reflect on why I do the things that I do, and it helps me to understand the perspectives of other people and events around me.

This sums me up pretty well:

In terms of actual religious belief (whether a deity exists), I would say I'm agnostic. This has changed since the old topic Metal Snake linked us to -- idk. I find myself questioning a lot these days.

On a side note, why is apatheist not an option? It's the "I don't know and I don't care" option. I know a few people that fall in that category hehe

I've also seen plenty of apatheists, hehe. I'm not Buddhist, but I do meditate.

Agnostic, I'm more of a "need definitive proof" kind of person.

Yeah, that was the biggest part of my loss of interest in religion. Like I said, I'm open, but...that's all I am currently.


My immediate family are Christians, so that's pretty much what I've been raised as. Nowadays, I'm not really sure. I don't heavily practice religion and I go to church once in a blue moon. I think agnostic would fit me better now.

Guest hilaryfan80

Just plugging this in: Christianity opens up a lot of questions. I hope I'm not stepping on toes, but the Bible contradicts itself in many ways. Why are we told not to murder anyone, yet God can kill thousands of innocent first born children in Egypt to prove a point? Why does the Bible tell us that God loves everyone, but thinks homosexuality, a form of love, is a sin? Why did God answer people's prayers directly back then, but not anymore? I'm sorry, but these questions are not okay, and I refuse to accept "You just have to believe in God!" and "He knows best!" as acceptable answers. If God is truly powerful enough, then he didn't have to kill thousands of innocent children to make his will known - he could have simply made the pharaoh allow the Jews to leave Egypt, or even better, end the slavery. It's not good enough, sorry.

As for my own religion, I'm not entirely sure of what my religion is right now. Certainly it's not Christianity, I can tell you that now.


I'm surprised a group that makes up 71% of Americans only makes up 25% of SBCers lol.


I've been agnostic since I was 9. I'm open to proof but I think the logic of Christianity is so heavily flawed that I can't buy it anymore.

My other family members are somewhat religious however.


I was raised Catholic and I have no problem with religion and Christianity (unless, of course, it's used as an excuse for bigotry). But I don't really connect with it or any religion I've come across. I won't go as far to call myself an atheist or even agnostic, so I went with undecided. 

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I was born and raised Episcopalian.  I feel pretty strong about my religion and am actually a Sunday School teacher.  I've always believed God has had a plan for me and even during the toughest of times, I remind myself that everything happens for a reason and pray for guidance.

Now that being said, that doesn't mean I'm not open to other views.  I am a pretty open minded person and even when people have contrasting viewpoints from myself, I can definitely understand where they are coming from.  As long as everyone is proud of their stance, then I'm happy for them.  Religion is not a subject I like to debate or really converse about because who am I to judge what someone believes in.

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my family is religious but I'm undecided and not that dedicated to have one currently. I think I believe in god. 

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