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Jjs Goodman

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Status Replies posted by Jjs Goodman

  1. My gosh I joined here like grade school. Now I'm revisiting as a college student. Coming back here is making me really happy :') 

  2. Admittedly a little self-conscious about seeming self-centered on here. Do I seem self-centered, or is it all in my head?

  3. Whale Watching was a really good Squidward and Pearl bonding episode with many great jokes and Krusty Cleaners pretty funny, while kind of mindless and all over the place.

  4. @jjsthekid @Young Nug

    Which one of you flatfoots is the real Loafy?

  5. I finally got discord lol

  6. So, a certain squid we all know and love shot me an email yesterday saying I should come back. Let's just say I took his advice. :P

  7. why am i banned from xat

  8. why am i banned from xat

  9. This sof thing is confusing me

  10. This sof thing is confusing me

  11. you can buy me a burrito with some beans and rice but that won't get you into pants paradise 

  12. Will this link work for you? Can still add it to your list if it does and you hate it http://www.nick.com/spongebob-squarepants/videos/ink-lemonade-s11-ep18-full-episode/

  13. jjs got arrested for tax evasion today. 

  14. I was on my way to my solid gold mansion next to my solid gold lake, when I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane.

  15. How come we users can't delete posts? There's somethin' I'd like to delete in one of my topics but I can't seem to.

  16. How come we users can't delete posts? There's somethin' I'd like to delete in one of my topics but I can't seem to.

  17. How come we users can't delete posts? There's somethin' I'd like to delete in one of my topics but I can't seem to.

  18. I don't suppose this place has a theme with dark colors? All this white is making my eyes hurt.

  19. Would any of you be interested in reading me review episodes/seasons of cartoons I like? Mostly Simpsons/South Park and a few others.

  20. So, the dudes behind the Game of Thrones tv series are officially force throwing their hats into the Star Wars universe. Don't really watch Game of Thrones myself, but as a Star Wars fan, color me intrigued with whatever the hell it is they're doing.

  21. so I finally watched ninja steel and...yikes

  22. daily reminder that vailskibum94 is terrible

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