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Spin-Off/Lit Reviews!


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I appreciate you taking the time to review and make your points tvman. I do appreciate the constructive criticism but there are some points to your review that I just want to make clear....

First note is....its called Spin-off Island: Redemption Isle.....not A Spin-off Isle 428899.gif


The Setting - I agree that I could have gone into more context then just stranding them on an island. As the season progresses, they will learn more about their setting. Out of all the constructive criticism given, this is definitely the one that I agree with the most.

Characters - I haven't fully gotten to develop their characters in Part 1 primarily because I spent the first portion of the spin-off explaining how the game is going to be played. Trust me, I plan on focusing on that if not the next episode, the episode after that. As for characters out of context, Skodwarde is suppose to hate everybody. I do plan on making Mud Man fun, but in case you forgot, he has a reason to hate Shin Fu because he was defeated by the characters of Team Spongebob.

And a carbon copy of SOA? In case you are forgetting, SOA was originally my show. I am writing SOI in the same style as I wrote SOA on tv.com. As someone who has watched Survivor, Total Drama, all those other shows, alliances are usually made right off the back. You didn't have a problem with this during the one complete episode I made of Season 5, so I don't see why you are hating on it now.

Format - I have learned through the screenwriting courses I have been taking that script format is heavily favored over other formats of writing. That is why I have installed them into my lits and spin-offs. Whenever I have people speaking, I do it in script format just because I have gotten use to that format. Sorry if you guys don't like it, but that's just how my writing has changed thanks to screenwriting. =/

Plot - Lazily splitting it into two parts......that just bugged the hell out of me not because of what you said, its because of my own personal style. I have a confession to make that I have already told Ex and then made clear in my thread about a hour ago. In case you haven't noticed, I hate writing long spin-offs. I have been driven to write so many 5-10 page papers in my college life that I am fucking sick of writing shit that long. The reason I got into spin-off writing on tv.com was to unwind from writing longer works. Now everyone seems to be making their spin-offs longer these days. You, Wumbo, 70s, Steel, Ex, etc. Dude it honestly feels like a chore to write them as long as you guys do. It made me lose passion in why I enjoyed writing spin-offs. That 30 page one full episode and that 15 page part 1 of the second episode fucking drained me out creatively. I learned during my brief retirement that its not the way I write. Everyone writes spin-offs there own way and I love writing my length and I am not going to change. If four-five pages means the plot isn't going to be there the way you want it to be, then I'm sorry, but no one else seems to mind it. I really don't feel that the plot is rushed whatsoever. Maybe the tension between Skodwarde and Spongepool yes, but like I said earlier, Skodwarde hates everybody especially his neighbors.

And the final nitpick is the final grade. A+, A, C+, C, F = D? That makes no fucking sense if you average it out. I would understand if this was a C, but a D makes your review sound like you want to dislike it for the sake of disliking it. Sorry tvguy, but that's how I truly feel. I just want to figure out why everyone else I have talked to enjoys this except you. Maybe its just truly not your cup of tea like you said earlier.

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lol I chatted with you on the Xat, and I don't really have anything else to say... I've already voiced my opinion and that's really it.

But that's how I rate. Plot is much more important to me than Format and Dialogue, so if you score badly on Plot, it drags the grade down. =) That's just my personal rating system though. Some categories matter more than others.

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I request a review for Kamen Rider Kizuna(The first epi, atleast)

Well, I guess this looks like a job for me.

Kamen Rider Kizuna- B+

That was good. It was funny for the most part, I enjoyed reading it, and there were no actual flaws that I can think of. Nice job. Yeah, short review, I know.

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BT newest episode = A.

I just want to start off saying I loved it, and it inspired me to write Robot Trout, kind of. Anyway, this isn't going to be too long, because you want me to rate the songs -.- 428899.gif

Anyway, I discussed with you basically everything about this episode, soo...Why am I reviewing it? Oh, right, the songs/.

1.Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

2. Liar Liar by Christina Grimmie

3.I want to hold your hand by The Beatles

4 Louder by Charice

5. Take Me or Leave Me

6.Songbird by Fleetwood Mac

7. Rolling in the Deep by Adele

8. Nevr Going Back Again by Fleetwood Mac

9. Hair by Lady GaGa

10. "Rest in Peace" by the Buffy Cast

11. Get it Right by Glee

12. Secrets by One Republic

13 Mad World by Gary Jules

14. Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

15. If i Die Young by The Band Perry

16. My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion

17.Schei?ƒe" by Lady Gaga

18. Last Friday Night(TGIF) by Katy Perry

Nothing else really, I mean, I told you everything on xat 428899.gif

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Bikini Top, Episode 41, "Sing It Out"

Overall: Overall, I didn't really enjoy this episode. I got bored very easily. I, however, loved the music selection which was perfected to perfection. B

Plot: I LOVE relationships, and the Bryan+Jackie storyline is awesome. I also enjoyed the decent cliffhanger. Finally, I (to an extent) liked the scene where most of the main cast is together again. It makes me nostalgic for the pre-vampire crap even though they were there to discuss vampires. HOWEVER... everything I felt you tried to perfect TOO much. I didn't enjoy it at all, it was boring and kind of lazy compared to other episodes, which is funny because other amazing episodes have taken WAY less time to write than this one. C

Music: Perfect. A+

Dialogue: It was good, really shows the character's personalities. A

Final: Although the plot (besides the highlights I pointed out) was terrible, I did enjoy some new developments and the music was awesome, so... B!

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Ugh, fine, Calvin. >.>

1. Sheisse by Lady Gaga

2. Louder by Charice

3. Hair by Lady Gaga

4. Rolling in the Deep by Adele

5. Liar Liar by Christina Grimmie

6. My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion

7. Secrets by OneRepublic

8. Get It Right by Glee Cast

9. Take Me or Leave Me by RENT

10. Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

11. TGIF by Katy Perry

12. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

13. If I Die Young by The Band Perry

14. Rest in Peace by Buffy Cast

15. Mad World by Gary Jules

16. Songbird by Fleetwood Mac

17. Never Going Back Again by Fleetwood Mac

18. I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles

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Ugh, fine, Calvin. >.>

1. Sheisse by Lady Gaga

2. Louder by Charice

3. Hair by Lady Gaga

4. Rolling in the Deep by Adele

5. Liar Liar by Christina Grimmie

6. My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion

7. Secrets by OneRepublic

8. Get It Right by Glee Cast

9. Take Me or Leave Me by RENT

10. Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

11. TGIF by Katy Perry

12. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

13. If I Die Young by The Band Perry

14. Rest in Peace by Buffy Cast

15. Mad World by Gary Jules

16. Songbird by Fleetwood Mac

17. Never Going Back Again by Fleetwood Mac

18. I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles

Okay, how the fuck do Lady Gaga and Kety Perry get 1 and 3(for Gaga) and 11(for Katy), while the Fleetwood songs get 12, 16, and 17? And IWHYH at 18? Holy shit D: And I will never accept Last Friday Night getting higher than FUCKING Landslide, that is just...ugh. ( i know it's your personal taste, but dude.) oh, and TGIF, Sheibe, and Hair were so useless to the ep, and their ranked pretty high, yet the FM songs(And IWHYH...And Rest In Piece) are ranked lower, while they were important D:
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Okay, how the fuck do Lady Gaga and Kety Perry get 1 and 3(for Gaga) and 11(for Katy), while the Fleetwood songs get 12, 16, and 17? And IWHYH at 18? Holy shit D: And I will never accept Last Friday Night getting higher than FUCKING Landslide, that is just...ugh. ( i know it's your personal taste, but dude.) oh, and TGIF, Sheibe, and Hair were so useless to the ep, and their ranked pretty high, yet the FM songs(And IWHYH...And Rest In Piece) are ranked lower, while they were important D:

I seriously beg to differ. Shei?ƒe was pretty fucking important with the Molly+Anna plotline. But I digress; wasn't the point of this to rate the songs on how much we PERSONALLY enjoyed them and not how important they are to the episode? :/ Sorry for having a different opinion than everybody else, but I'm not a Beatles or Fleetwood Mac fan. And I really don't care if Landslide is supposed to be some legendary, amazing song... I prefer Last Friday Night. I enjoy it more, and that's the point of music. I don't enjoy IWHYH at ALL, or really any Beatles song for that matter.

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Coming from you, a guy who listens to music made for lulz? Okay, brah.

Review for Robot Trout:

Overall: I haven't kept up with this show, but the episodes I have read have been pretty funny parodies of some of my favorite spin offs. I'd give it a solid A

Episodes: Each episode is pretty decent. There have been a few in which I've only chuckled, while others I've LOL'D. For the most part however I LOL, and I like the show. I like that there's a variety of parodied shows instead of just focusing on a few of the more mainstream spin offs.

Characters: They're funny, and I love that you make fun of them and the show itself. Solid A+ here

Format: I'm fine with the format. A+

Show: This is why it didn't get a solid A+. It's basically a Robot Chicken carbon copy, which is what it's intended to be (I think) but it's still sorta meh. I don't really like shows that directly copy others, but RT is an exception in that I really like the humor

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Bikini Top: Season Finale OMGOMG: A-fucking-+

No, I am not just saying that because BT is awesome. This finale was...Phenomenal. My jaw would've dropped to hell if I didn't know most of the spoiler-y stuff was going to happen 428899.gif. But still. However, I did say that one scene felt like the characters under-reacted, and the episode itself felt a little un-finished. But you know what, don't care. This episode did so much right, that, honestly, who CARES about what it did wrong?

Also, you know what it did right? It felt like the first season of BT, before the vampires and stuff. It felt like a teen drama, and I loved every minute of it. The only supernatural thing that outright happened was when Buffalo Bill-I mean Joseph chained up Nude!Miranda and she turned into a wolf. But that scene made me lol, so it's fine.

Final thoughts: Loved it, Melvin0s! Loved every minute of it! Can't wait for S3 of BT, a show i've followed since the first episode came out 893573.gif125508.gif

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Bikini Top

Speeding Cars

Not an A+, probably something a million grades up from an A+


This episode is quite possibly the best thing I've read in my life, which says a lot, considering I was quite the bookworm as a kid and I still occasionally am at my current age. There are so many things--- no, everything is right about this spin off. It's unheard of when someone can't find something to nitpick in something, but... this was phenomenal. Maybe I loved it more because it touched me in personal places, but I doubt that's the case. It's just... so good. The single best episode of the series, and probably of any spin off or book, or TV series, or movie, or piece of music I've ever seen/heard/read.


I seriously was watering up at the Jake/Bryan scene, the ending scene, and the Molly/Anna scene. Those three really stood out to me emotionally. The Jake/Bryan scene was probably the biggest, mainly for personal reasons. Not because because of a fight with one of my friends, but for a happy reason. But these scenes made me realize how many friends there are in my life that I love that I never want to lose (also that I'm lucky enough to have quality friends), and the music really helped accomplish the overall feel. The Molly/Anna scene was emotionally touching because... you just really feel bad for Molly and you want them to get back together. They're such a good couple, and it's sad to see the way Anna's acting towards her even though she may have meaningful reasoning. Lastly, the ending scene is incredibly sad and touching for obvious reasons and this scene was the closest that came to causing me to cry. I can't say too much without giving it away, but it really is heart-touching scene.


The music for this episode is NOTHING short of perfect. It fits like a piece of a puzzle for each scene, and... some of this music alone reminds me of the scenes and makes me want to bawl my eyes out. I just can't describe how well this music fit. I don't think any other spin off or fan fic I've read has or will ever match the flawlessness 'Speeding Cars' achieved. I can now proudly say I'm addicted to all of the songs featured in the episode. I can't listening to the songs, and they really are great and just as jaw dropping as the episode itself.

Dialogue and Shockers

The shockers will (as Ex described) make your draw drop, literally to hell. I actually flinched when I read a scene, because it caught me THAT off guard. Speeding Cars is PACKED full of surprises, all of which keep reeling you in further and further. You really feel like you're just relaxing and watching a spectacular show; but nope. Your heart is racing as you inch closer and closer towards the screen, scrolling downward on the page until you reach the end of the page and curse because you have to wait until Season 3. This episode is like a bonbon; delicious, completely satisfying, perfect in every way, coated in sweet layer before giving way to raw goodness within. It also leaves you clawing for more, also like bonbons. The dialogue is very real and (also as Ex said) I don't feel any character "underreacted" at all. They reacted perfectly normally, and it was extremely realistic, which is also something that made it very enjoyable. BT isn't a spin off with stiff characters, but VERY real and nearly 4D.


The plot? Effortlessly woven. 70s makes it look so easy; it's not. The work hardly shows on the spin off, which is a good thing. It's like he hasn't tried, when really he's spent a LONG time writing it out, and pumping out a truly amazing episode. The episode felt just like the first days of Bikini Top and it achieved a maximum climate without full-fledged war or violence in the least. The plot is like a maze, and you're being led through it by 70s... 70s knows the route, but you're left pondering several things and soon you're lost, surprises at every turn. The episode's plot, I cannot stress enough, just really did something great. It relied on sole emotion, and it really exploded in success. This episode is just pure gold and everything more. I can't wait for Season 3; like at all. I'll be fidgeting, waiting for it to premiere. "Speeding Cars" definitely renewed my faith in BT so much that I'll probably read it until the very end and then annoy 70s until he orders 12 more seasons.

Thank you for creating such an unbelievably amazing piece of art. It touched me, grabbed me, and held me the very end. I can't wait until the next episode. <3

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Post Fiction: A

Post Fiction, one of my favorite lit.s, and not saying it because i'm in it 428899.gif. It's usually so EPIC! There are flaws, but who cares? I mean, it's such a wide story for all of these SBC members, and usually a great read. Oh, and this is all on an iPhone? Holeh shit, brah!

Also, the length. Not too long, not too short. Love it! I wish it was longer though...Thursday might start that? 893573.gif Anehway, the story is so engrossing. So many different members, leads to an awesome cast. Also, Edmasterchaos? Damn, brings back memories... But, about the members...

A lot of the members are NOTHING like they are on here, and for some it's good, but for a couple... Eh. like, sbiscool? Sbs1fan? I can see where you're going with it, though; Not trying to leave anyone out. I like it. Just bugged me a little, that's all brah.

Oh, and thank god that this isn't a full on lulz-fest anymore. I admit, hated it when it first came out, but then you made it longer, and a bit more serious. A great choice, because if that didn't happen, I wouldn't like it and wouldn't be writing this review-Well, I probably would, but it wouldn't be nice.

Good enough, OMJ? 428899.gif

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Post Fiction: A+

Wow. A true achievement in the genre of fiction literature, Post Fiction (Formerly known as Imposter SOF's Mallet Massacre) truly represents how far mankind has evolved when it comes to writing.

In the first chapter, our protagonist (called Imposter SOF) enters a Starbucks with a blood curdling smirk, foreshadowing the rest of the story. He then begins attacking everyone with his so-called "Me Mallet," and most of them wind up dead. This is to symbolize how us as a society have come to accept violence as an everyday occurrence nearly anywhere (such as in a coffee shop, of all places.

In the second installment, we open with Imposter SOF opening a door, asking "WHAT'S YER OFFER?" This non sequitor is clearly a homage to the surrealists of the 1920's and 30's, and the cult classic Cartoon Network show Courage the Cowardly Dog. After that, another character is described. He is referred to as OMJ. Whether that stands for something, i'm not sure. It turns out, OMJ is a Hawaiian man under the age of 62. He asks to use Imposter SOF's phone, to which SOF replies "WE DON'T WANT ANY!?!?" and slams the door. After that, Imposter SOF goes to his computer to pick a fight with Justin Bieber fans on Youtube. It is clear here that the writer wants to add in a dash of realism, and succeeds in doing so. After, this OMJ breaks open the door and asks to use the phone again, and SOF continues to refuse. After that, Imposter SOF yells "OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!" in a possible reference to the video game series known as Crash Bandicoot. This angers OMJ, who refers to him as a racist. After this, they break into a fight. It clearly symbolizes how upset us as human beings get over small things, like words. We end with OMJ being defeated and Imposter SOF being victorious. This sets us up for the next chapter.

The rest of the series is this repeated, but with different, genius, results every time. If you are reading this, please take the time to read as many installments of this series as you can.

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Coming from you, a guy who listens to music made for lulz? Okay, brah.

Review for Robot Trout:

Overall: I haven't kept up with this show, but the episodes I have read have been pretty funny parodies of some of my favorite spin offs. I'd give it a solid A

Episodes: Each episode is pretty decent. There have been a few in which I've only chuckled, while others I've LOL'D. For the most part however I LOL, and I like the show. I like that there's a variety of parodied shows instead of just focusing on a few of the more mainstream spin offs.

Characters: They're funny, and I love that you make fun of them and the show itself. Solid A+ here

Format: I'm fine with the format. A+

Show: This is why it didn't get a solid A+. It's basically a Robot Chicken carbon copy, which is what it's intended to be (I think) but it's still sorta meh. I don't really like shows that directly copy others, but RT is an exception in that I really like the humor

radiohead and chiptune are not made for lulz, broface.

also fuck you 70s for killing charlea

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