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Cartoon Network

Steel Sponge

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Teen Titans 2003


Thank you for clarifying. The "Uh...me?" part of my post is still relevant, however. I wasn't criticizing the show as a reboot, or even a spin-off, the latter of which IS what it is. I was criticizing it for being a show that isn't good. :P

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Clearence is a guilty pleasure for me. It's a bit too immature for my tastes, but I don't know why, it just kind of has this child-like magic to me. I watch it every once in a while.


Yeah, I can see why people would like it. It's just not my kind of show really.

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Since Cartoon Network has changed a bit since this topic died three years ago, and since I'm bored, Imma gonna bump it with my opinions on its current primetime programming. I'll give my brief thoughts on each show in order from least favorite to favorite...


7. Teen Titans Go! (For some reason, I don't feel like the small fanbase for this show on this site is going to give me a lot of flack for saying that the overall quality of this show at the moment is mediocre. For every decent episode I've seen like Mr. Butt, Brian, and Friendship, I've also seen facepalm-inducing garbage like Body Adventure, Salty Codgers, and Boys vs Girls. Oh yeah, and the slice-of-life problem turning into something surreal or something that can only be solved with supernatural and/or magical means premise I've been seeing in a lot of their episodes now is making me feel like I'm watching a less funny version of Regular Show. Hate to sound elitist, but I'm not ranking this any higher on my list until I see actual improvement.)


6. Clarence (Sorry guys, but I just find this show to be kind of boring and irritating. I feel most of its love comes from people seeing it as the "modern-day Hey Arnold!". While I've never seen an unbearably bad episode of it, I still don't get its sense of humor and the only episode of it I've truly liked so far is the one where Sumo was building a boat.)


5. Uncle Grandpa (Don't really get the hatred for this show, it's not that bad. Just because it's insane nonsense doesn't mean it's awful. Nothing great, but I don't mind it when there's nothing else on.)


4. The Amazing World of Gumball (Season 3 of this show has actually been kinda good, especially with some gems like The Kids, The Mirror, The Void, and The Question, and the whole show in general I kind of like for being like a kids version of a trippy Adult Swim show. :P Unfortunately, CN STILL hasn't learned their lesson with overplaying the fudge out of some episodes until they finally wear out their welcome. If I see The Dream, The Pony, or The Sidekick on there one more time...)


3. Regular Show (Still pretty good. I think everyone already knows that I've not truly kept up with this show in a while, but the more recent episodes that I have seen of it have been fine. I also finally saw Thomas Fights Back and really liked it.)


2. Steven Universe (This show is really cool, I've been enjoying it a lot more than the other former Adventure Time worker show on CN right now, as you can plainly see. I just love all the characters and the all-together mix of action, slice-of life, and supernatural stuff. Oh yeah, and that fusion episode with Steven and Connie was great.)


1. Adventure Time (...Kind of what I said about Regular Show, only I've liked the more recent episodes I've seen of it better. Seriously, that computer glitch episode and the one where Finn went to that pillow world blew me away. Pretty fascinating stuff.)


Yeah...I think Cartoon Network has improved a lot since the dark days of 2009-2011. Seriously, for the first time in a long time, I don't think any show they're airing regularly is truly terrible.

What about Over the Garden Wall?

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Hm. I might as well join in.

7. Uncle Grandpa. Tries too hard to be "lolsorandumb" and ends up lacking any actual substance or humor.

6. Teen Titans Go. Overhated to the extreme. It personally falls into the "so okay it's average" territory. I've yet to seen the 2003 Titans series, so that could be a factor to my complete apathy.

5. Clarence. Just not my thing, as Metal Snake stated. There's a few good episodes, but overall I don't dig the angle. It irritates me more often than not.

4. Regular Show. It's decent, I guess. I've never seen past S1, therefore I cannot articulate an opinion. I remember finding S1 alright, though.

3. The Amazing World of Gumball. The humor is not my style, but I admire the amount of effort and love put into it. It can be a good time killer.

2. Adventure Time. A rollercoaster altogether. One episode can be complete trash and the next can be one of the best in the series. As far as I can tell, it isn't as cringeworthy as late S5-early S6. Jake the Brick and The Cooler are good examples of the storytelling used to develop the character. Princess Day and James II are the opposite. And some (like Breezy) are in between.

1. Steven Universe. It isn't without its flaws, but it's the most consistent in quality.

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Ignore the clickbaity video title, but this seriously proves Cartoon Network's heavy reliance with Teen Titans Go! as of recent. I'm not a huge detractor for the show, but let's take a moment to evaluate this, and contrast it with Nickelodeon's weekly showings for SpongeBob. How many times is Teen Titans Go being aired in a weekly basis, as of now? With the episodes of the shows being split into 11 minute individual segments, Teen Titans Go is being shown 178 times, filling 89 30-minute slots on CN's full weekly schedule, not counting Adult Swim. From what I've seen from Nick's current schedule, SpongeBob fills 50 of those slots in Nick's weekly schedule, being shown roughly 100 times or, 95-100 times if any of the slots include a 30-minute special. While Nickelodeon has more a wide variety with Nick Jr., Nick At Nite, and TeenNick shows, but still, according to the current CN schedule, what they're doing is basically overkill. You know how many episodes of Adventure Time, Regular Show, Clarence, We Bare Bears, Uncle Grandpa, and Mighty Magiswords are being aired in this week's schedule? ZERO. Do you know how many reruns of PPG 2016 and Steven Universe are being show in this week's schedule? One after an airing of a new episode, but thereafter, ZERO. This scheduling tactic will probably change sooner or later, but this is just ridiculous.

Edited by Steel Sponge
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It's a sad sad thing that Cartoon Network has pretty much become "Teen Titans Go Network" and is neglecting to give hardly any airtime to good shows like Adventure Time or Steven Universe until they decide to cancel them entirely because they think Teen Titans Go is what kids only want to watch.

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All I have to say is Johnny Test, I'm so sorry.  I didn't realize how great we had it in terms of variety back in the early 2010s.

Apparently the word "diminishing returns" doesn't exist to Cartoon Network is airing one show 178 times a week.

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As much as I think Teen Titans Go is overhated, jesus christ, cut back on airing it a little bit, CN.


Here's the thing. Although it is a very prominent show that gets great ratings and all that jazz, it shouldn't eat up the time slots of almost every CN show, and other programs should have some good breathing room, which I don't think they're giving. Hell, I even feel the same way about Spongebob. But what do I know, this is stuff I've all heard about. I haven't actually turned on Cartoon Network in at least over two years, since I've been watching Regular Show online. Watchcartoononline is your friend.

Edited by CyanideFishbone
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But at least we have Gumball! And an overplayed movie that isn't relevant anymore. And an overplayed movie that was hardly ever good. Yup, the prophesied dark age has come.

I know what's on the mind of every CN defender.




ha ha ha ha ha, i don't know what happened to billy and mandy or robot jones

No. I like Gumball. A lot. And I don't like how it's devouring all these time slots either. For fuck's sake, I have even defended Teen Titans Go!'s right to exist as well as its right to be played often in the past. But this is just insane.

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14 minutes ago, Metal Snake said:


But at least we have Gumball! And an overplayed movie that isn't relevant anymore. And an overplayed movie that was hardly ever good. Yup, the prophesied dark age has come.

I know what's on the mind of every CN defender.




ha ha ha ha ha, i don't know what happened to billy and mandy or robot jones

No. I like Gumball. A lot. And I don't like how it's devouring all these time slots either. For fuck's sake, I have even defended Teen Titans Go!'s right to exist as well as its right to be played often in the past. But this is just insane.

Oh, so no credit that I'm the one who showed you the schedule? :Laugh:

But still, this is insane. Vishnuuse should be fired right now, cause he's horrible at his job.

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1 hour ago, Metal Snake said:


But at least we have Gumball! And an overplayed movie that isn't relevant anymore. And an overplayed movie that was hardly ever good. Yup, the prophesied dark age has come.

I know what's on the mind of every CN defender.




ha ha ha ha ha, i don't know what happened to billy and mandy or robot jones

No. I like Gumball. A lot. And I don't like how it's devouring all these time slots either. For fuck's sake, I have even defended Teen Titans Go!'s right to exist as well as its right to be played often in the past. But this is just insane.

Jesus christ, when people said Gumball and TTG got too many slots, they weren't fucking lying. This is unacceptable. This makes Nick look tame with Spongebob.

Edited by CyanideFishbone
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On 11/24/2016 at 9:40 AM, Fred Rechid said:

I kind of admit that I have nostalgia bias towards 2011 CN. Besides late 2010 around the time Regular Show premiered, it was the year I decided to get into Cartoon Network again. I mean, sure, it did have stuff like Problem Solverz and all of the Canadian imports that weren't Total Drama (Not to mention that Johnny Test continued to exist), but on the other hand, I did like Gumball, The Looney Tunes Show, heck, I even liked Secret Mountain Fort Awesome, along with the shows from late 2010 that still remained like Adventure Time and Regular Show. Mad was also one of my guilty pleasures too so chalk that up to the list.


It definitely wasn't the best year for Cartoon Network but I'd rather take it over tiring marathons of Teen Titans Go every day.

Still standing by this post. 2011 and 2008 are WAY better years for CN than this one.

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If Vishnu was fired, then Cartoon Network would be well on the right track.

4 hours ago, NegiSpongie said:

Even SpongeBob wasn't played this much.

I don't remember Johnny Test being played this much, either.

Edited by Metal Snake
Please don't double post.
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Turns out the information I was giving out was from last week. This week's schedule...yeah, this is definitely worse. The person in-charge of Nickelodeon's scheduling is probably cringing in fear of how Vishnu is airing what is practically his "new favorite show" for 44 1/2 hours a week previously, comparing to the former airing SpongeBob for 25 hours a week.

Also, why the guy has high expectations for the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs prequel TV series is beyond me. While, from what I've seen, I thought the series was mostly mediocre for a very decent series of two films. (Seriously, for such a silly premise that the sequel had, that's at least a lot more interesting to watch.) Seriously, someone needs to apply for a job at CN based on program scheduling practices and eventually take Vishnu's place, cuz' these timeslots are an eyesore, even despite Gumball being a good show.

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