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079b. Squid Wood


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Ok before everyone goes "ZOMG! I HATE SQUIDWARD ABUSE, SO LET'S RATE THIS EPISODE POORLY", I want to say that this is one of the best episodes of Season 4 to me, so I want to counteract all the hate towards this episode.

I mean you have to love how absurd it is that SpongeBob created a dummy version of Squidward because he wanted to play with him that bad. Then SpongeBob being able to hit Squidward's mannerisms down perfectly with the dummy. The only thing the dummy is that Squidward isn't is nice towards others. I mean I laughed at the dummy getting a 300 dollar tip, so random that it's funny. Plus the dance scene (while it was overly long) was pretty cute. Oh and how a dummy plays the clarinet? Odd, but I found it clever. Then, the dummy getting a contract and being able to achieve fame and fortune? Priceless.

Technically the only form of abuse Squidward actually got was the normal SpongeBob annoyance and people calling him mean and grouchy Squidward, which are true traits of Squidward. I am a Squidward fan, but in this aspect, the dummy never caused any actual abuse towards Squidward. Did the dummy cause Squidward physical harm? No. Did the dummy harass Squidward? While Squidward got annoyed by the dummy, it was just mere imitation of Squidward, so no. The only abuse in this episode Squidward (minus the bits I stated two sentences ago) can only be blamed on Squidward's personality. I don't see how the dummy being able to achieve fame and fortune while Squidward gets none is Squidward abuse. I mean yes it is Squidward's dreams that are crushed, but it's not the dummy's fault. So much hate towards Mini-Squidward is just absolute nonsense to me.

You can hate the episode all you want. I am not trying to make people change their minds. I just want to offer a different approach.

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I can't stand this pile of garbage. Let's start with the plot. Spongebob wants to play with Squi-Wait, what?! He wants to play with Squidward? WHAT THE (DOLPHIN NOISE) HAPPENED TO PATRICK? Anyways, the fact that a puppet ruined Squidward's life is stupid. Very stupid. The humor-nonexistent. There's nothing funny about this episode. A Squid Wood rant isn't a Squid Wood rant if you don't mention the horrible and boring dance filler. Last time I saw this, I nearly fell asleep. It's actually a little disturbing. I mean, they're shaking their butts right in front of the camera! This episode's also actually a little creepy. It just has that cringing feeling, and also, in the beginning if you don't remember, Spongebob is creepily staring Squidward while Squid was NAKED. That was seriously one of the creepiest faces on the show, but Boating Buddies beats all. Oh yeah, I HAVE to mention the ending. The music critic-I wanted to shoot him and stuff his bloody remains in a crowded box along with Le Spatula. They'd make good friends. Even I could be a better music critic. Oh yeah, when Spongebob introduced his puppet of HIMSELF, I literally wanted to cry. Anyways, just about every character in this episode was terrible. In conclusion. This is an awful episode, and if this isn't on your bottom 33, I'm sorry, but you're very sick.

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I think Squidward fans will try to destory me after they see this review. To be honest, I actually liked this episode. I know this is a Squidward abuse episode and I hate Squidward abuse just like other Squidward fans hate it too but this episode was funny in my opinion. This episode still has problems though. Too much Squidward abuse in this episode, I really hated Bikini Bottomies in this episode and SpongeBob staring at Squidward while Squidward was in bathtub was just creepy. Some parts in this episode made me laugh like SpongeBob wanting to play games with Squidward at the begining, Patrick's cameo, the dance part (this part is very underrated and I really enjoyed watching that part) and the ending. It's not one of the best season 4 episodes but It's still a good episode in my opinion and I'd rather watch this episode than The Thing and Squid's Visit. 8/10

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