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Storm Racers

Jjs Goodman

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65. Battle World Part I: The Brawl Begins

The episode opens with the gang on Senato, and at their base. Darsun was in there a bit worried.

"Attention everyone....I have to go somewhere...important, for a few days. Until then, stay on your guard, and protect Senato from anything, including my brother," Darsun said.

"Well, that's abrupt," Laneld said.

"Uh...okay then. You have fun with that," Dash said.

"Well...whatever is going on, we'll do our best?" Nathan said, confused.

"I'm sorry...I can't really explain. I would, but just trust me, it's for the best," Darsun said, as she walked away.

"I thought she stopped with the hiding act," Nora said.

"She did, but maybe this is seriously important?" Zelleo wondered.

"I think we should investigate, in case she gets in danger!" PJ said.

"I don't know man, I think we should respect her privacy," Nathan said.

"Eh...I know, but I'm kind of curious, and what if she could be in danger?" Nora wondered.

"Alright fine, we can have one quick peek, but that is it," Nathan said.

"Hooray, stakeout!" Laneld said, and they all snuck outside.

They saw Darsun heading behind the Council Building.

"Uh...why is she going there?" Kane asked.

They all followed her without being seen, and saw her behind the building. She was drawing a bunch of weird symbols on the wall with chalk, and she began muttering some strange words.

"What the..." Nathan said quietly.

The symbols began glowing, and a portal formed in front of it. It was basically the shape of a giant door, but transparent blue. Darsun walked into it, and the portal collapsed to the ground, and the symbols written on the wall disappeared. Everyone just stared confused.

"Okay, I've seen a lot of weird things in our adventures...but what the heck just happened?" Laneld asked.

"I wish I could answer that.." Zelleo said.

"Something is definitely not right here then..." Nathan said.

"Is it possible we can re-create that portal?" PJ asked.

"Maybe...using my scanner, I can see for marks of the symbols in the heat tracings of the wall, and re-create it. Then we can try to chant whatever Darsun said," Zelleo said.

"I don't understand what half of that meant, but sure," Dash said.

Zelleo then used a scanner on his armor to detect the symbols, and he began using the chalk to re-trace the symbols. Nathan than began mumbling the words Darsun said, and the portal opened.

"Hey, it worked...now to find out what is going on," Nathan said.

"I hope for our sakes we can breath in there...I don't want to become fish food!" Laneld said.

"Just go inside," Dash said, pushing him in.

"WAAAH!" Laneld yelled, as he went falling through the portal.

The rest jumped through, and they came into a large grass area. There were bonsai trees unlike anything they have ever seen, and there was trees everywhere, with some large town near them in the distance.

"Is this a zone or another planet?" Nora asked, confused.

"I honestly have no idea anymore...my scanners say nothing. If only we had our vehicles, I could know," Zelleo said.

"Ugh, I hope this isn't an area that requires vehicles...remember the last time we had no vehicles?" Dash said, referring to Curse of Snatilla and Birth of the Blades.

"Yeah...but we have no idea what to expect here." Nathan said, on his guard.

"Besides, we survived on Slithra without vehicles, so we can hopefully do fine," Kane said.

Just then, five of the old trees around them began to become mobile, and attacked the Undersea Force!

"What the...sentient trees?!" Dash asked, pulling out his sword. "At least we still have these!"

"And these!" PJ said, getting his white shield and charge gun.

"Oh right, maybe this won't be so bad!" Dash laughed, as he blasted charge blasts at the tree figures, and they shot sharp stick spikes at everyone, and they attacked with their weapons.

"I don't know what these creatures are, but those spikes will definitely hurt!" Zelleo said, slicing some in half with his blue sword, and he blasted a tree alien with his charge gun.

The tree creatures kept attacking, but Kane blasted some charges at the other two, while Nathan jumped up and began kicking one in the stomach, making it fall down.

"At least we can breath here, thank you space laws!" PJ said, kicking one more down, and all five were down.

"Is that it?" Dash asked.

Just then, Gimino (from Episode 61) appeared out of thin air.

"Hey...you," Laneld said.

"And the Aquaguarians have won the round against the Treechermans!" Gimino announced, waving his paddle.

"Uh....buddy, you just blowing in from confusing town?" Dash asked.

"Hey, he's the guy from your battle with the Ultimate Warrior, Nathan!" Nora said.

"Oh right, the guy who had us trapped in a bubble." Dash said. "Yeah, I remember too well..."

"Wait a second...you are not the Aquaguarians!" Gimino said. "Oh my, this must be a mistake. I'll have to reschedule the match."

"Match? What is going on here?" Kane asked.

"Look, I'm sorry Mr...Gimino, was it? We just came here to see Darsun, and it seems like we got ourselves into something we shouldn't have seen," Nathan said.

"Darsun? If you wanted to be guests, you should have entered in as guests," Gimino said.

"Look buddy, we don't know where we are or what is going on," PJ said.

"We just came to see Darsun," Nora said.

"Very well then, you are in Battle World. Every year, aliens and people from across the universe and galaxies came to this nexus world - the Battle World. Everyone tests their strengths, and battles each other to become the Battle World Champion." Gimino said.

"Huh, too bad we can't enter, I would win!" Laneld said.

"Someone's got an ego," Dash said.

Gimino then made a puddle appear beneath all seven, and it began sucking them in.

"Oh no, not this again!" Laneld screamed, and they all popped out into some jungle where Darsun was fighting some giant warrior alien. He was big, had golden armor, and a giant hammer.

"What the...DARSUN, LOOK OUT!" Dash yelled, as the alien swung his hammer at her, but she dodged, and kicked him in the face.

"I think she can handle herself fine alone.." Nora said, watching.

Darsun then looked over and gasped when she saw them all with Gimino.

"What are you all doing here? I told you to stay at the base!" Darsun said, dodging the alien's hammer again.

"Uh...curiosity got the best of us," PJ said.

"Sorry Darsun...we just wanted to make sure you were okay, we didn't know this would all happen," Nathan said.

"Alright, look, I can't explain right now, just let me finish this match," Darsun said.

"Need a break?" the alien asked.

"No, I do not," Darsun said.

"Do you want me to transport these intruders back from where they came?" Gimino asked.

"No, leave them," Darsun said, and continued the fight.

The warrior alien threw his fists toward Darsun, but she dodged, and launched psychic aquatic blasts at him, and she kicked him in the stomach multiple times, knocking him to the ground.

"And Darsun has won the match!" Gimino announced.

"Well I'll be, you've still got what it takes," the warrior alien said, getting up, and laughing. "Pleasure battling you again Darsun."

"Darsun, who is this guy?" Nathan asked.

"That is Gratan, an old friend of mine," Darsun said.

"That's right kids, and she still has got the power!" Gratan laughed.

"So...can you explain to us what the heck is going on?!" Laneld asked.

"We already know about this Battle World stuff...but wow, we didn't know you were a warrior yourself," Nathan said.

"Yes, it is true, Darsun here has been battling in this for years!" Gratan laughed.

"Yes, Master Daksas once won this years and years ago, but he has retired now. He wanted me to follow in his foot steps, and I have been doing so ever since, training my hardest," Darsun said.

"Heh, girl power!" Nora said.

"Have you won any of these?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I won a match five years ago, well, in your years anyways, before I met any of you," Darsun said. "I did not participate in the past few years due to Senato's destruction and then me eventually meeting you, my guardians."

"What the...HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD US!? THAT'S AWESOME!" Laneld yelled.

"Restoring Senato was more important. I had to give up the tournament, but now that Senato has both Sentients civilizations in harmony again, I can continue." Darsun said.

"Time sure does fly," PJ said.

"If you haven't participated in one for five years, how are your skills still so dang good?" Dash asked.

"I never stopped training, or caring," Darsun said.

"Here is another interesting tale: When Darsun won her match five years ago, her final round was up against a fierce competitor. She was up against a dragon alien named Draco, but he was not exactly...the nicest guy around here," Gratan said.

We then see a flashback to five years ago, with Darsun facing Draco.

"It is time I win this, Blue Sentient!" Draco laughed.

"Bring it on, Draco!" Darsun said.

"This is it folks...the final match," an announcer said, with the crowd cheering. We see Blue Sentients and Red Sentients in the crowd.

Draco blasted a nasty fire at Darsun, but she countered it with an aqua blast. Draco then used his tail to grab Darsun and smash her against the rocky stadium wall. She tried to get up, but her foot was sprained.

"Time out!" Gimino said, entering the battle arena. "Darsun, do you need time to heal? Or do you forfeit?"

"I can do this," Darsun said, as she used a rock from the smashed wall, and wrapped it at the bottom of her foot, and she was standing still again.

"That is settled, now let the final match continue!" Gimino announced, disappearing, and the crowd went wild.

Draco was angrier than before, and he kept breathing fire, but Darsun countered with aqua blasts, and she blasted one to his face. She then began kicking him in the stomach multiple times, with her foot with the rock hitting the most damages. Draco eventually fell to the ground, and Darsun had won, as the crowd cheered. The flashback ended, as Gratan finished telling the tale.

"Wow...awesome," Zelleo said.

"That Draco guy sounded like a jerk, but you did it," Nora said.

"That's some pretty cool stuff," Dash said.

"Well, I'm proud of you, Darsun," Nathan said.

"But...I'm afraid there is more to the story," Darsun said.

"Yes," Gratan said, and had another flashback.

We see Darsun walking through the Battle World Town Square, and it was night time. She had won her Battle World trophy, and was headed to an aftermath dinner with the people in charge. However, darkness was afoot. Draco could not let this go unanswered. He hired a bunch of dark assassins to kill Darsun. When nobody else was in the streets, the assassins ganged up on her, and attacked. However, a samurai rabbit alien named Ragau was there just in time, and he came to her rescue, helping her defeat off the evil assassins. The flashback ended and Gratan finished his story again.

"Yes, and I owe my life to Ragau, wherever he is.." Darsun said.

"Man, I hope I don't see this Draco guy.." Kane said.

"I do, I'll give him a whooping for messing with Darsun," Dash said.

"That was five years ago, I doubt he still has a grudge," Nathan said.

"...or does he?" Laneld questioned.

"Now then, Darsun, I must ask you. Do you want your guardians as guests or do you want me to send them away?" Gimino asked.

"I'd prefer them as guests...but.." Darsun said.

"Can we participate in it?" Laneld asked.

"I don't mind, but we have to respect rules if we can't," Nathan said.

"Well...the Aquaguarians haven't shown up at all, so I figured you were them, so I apologize for the confusion. I suppose you could fill in for them, but you would be against each other, that is, if Darsun is okay with it," Gimino said.

"Please please please let us?" Laneld asked.

"Don't mind him, if we can't, it's cool...but it'd be really cool if we can," Dash said.

"..Sure, why not?" Darsun said.

"YES!" Laneld yelled. "I'm gonna win this!"

"You keep telling yourself that, buddy," Dash said.

"Now, let me enter them in, and escort them to the Daimyo," Gimino said.

"The who and the what now?" Nora asked.

"The Daimyo is the Ultimate Warrior's father, who is in charge of these games," Darsun said. "That is how I knew him."

"What the...Ultimate Warrior!? That guy...gah," Dash said.

"I hope we don't see him again.." PJ said.

Gimino escorted them to a museum of some sort in the Battle World stadium.

"Here, you can see statues of past winners," Gimino said.

"There's Darsun!" Laneld said, seeing her statue.

"And there's....oh boy," Dash said, pointing to a statue of Korax.

"Yeah...gonna pretend I didn't see that," Nathan said.

"Yes...sadly, even my brother participated in these once.." Darsun said, walking along.

We then see the Ultimate Warrior and his father, The Daimyo appear at the exit of the museum.

"Hello, Darsun, and your guardians," The Daimyo said. "Pleased to see you again. I sensed I'd be seeing you after my son's battle with Nathan."

"Yes, and I am pleased to say they will be entering," Darsun smiled.

"Excellent, perhaps one of your guardians can win," The Daimyo said.

"That'll be me!" Nora said.

"No me!" Laneld said.

"I'll win!" PJ said.

"Eh, I'll give it a shot," Zelleo said.

"I can do this, and we definitely don't need vehicles now!" Dash said.

"It is hard to tell who will win, but you all have a fair chance," Darsun said.

"Well, this is going to be an interesting tournament.." Nathan said.

"That's for sure," the Ultimate Warrior said, approaching Nathan. "Pleased to see you again."

"Yeah...you too," Nathan said, shaking hands with him, a bit wary though.

"Do not worry, I apologize for my actions from last time. I promise nothing devious will happen again," Ultimate Warrior said.

"Well, okay then," Kane said.

"I still don't trust that guy much." Nora said, whispering to Nathan.

"I know, but let's not start any trouble," Nathan said.

"Trouble is what he is going to get if he pulls something fishy," Dash said, whispering back.

"Wait a minute...is this what you hinted to after my battle with Ultimate Warrior?" Nathan asked to Darsun.

"Of course, the reason it was done was for preparations of these games," Darsun said. "I did not think you would enter, but it ended up being foreshadowing after all."

"So uh...why was it done?" PJ asked.

"My son wanted to challenge him, as not a part of the Battle World tournament, but to prepare himself," The Daimyo said. "Of course...he did dishonor my legacy a bit, but I can forgive him, he is my son."

"It is okay father, I promise this will not happen again," Ultimate Warrior.

"Good, now then, is everyone ready to prepare for the battles outside?" The Daimyo asked.

"Of course," Darsun said.

"If you don't mind, I want to stay behind, just to see these great warriors," Nathan said.

"Fine, but be out soon, slowpoke!" Dash said, as they all headed out.

"Don't get into any trouble," Nora said.

"What is there to be worried about?" Laneld asked. "Nothing bad is gonna happen, that Draco guy can't hold a grudge forever."

Nathan kept looking at all the statues of past winners, fascinated.

"Hopefully I can be in this wall of great warriors, or at least, one of my great friends," Nathan said.

However, just then, from behind a statue, we see an evil assassin from Gratan's flashback. He was staring at Nathan, and he pointed a bow and arrow to him...

To Be Continued...


-Character Debuts: Gratan, Draco, Assassins, Treechermans, Aquaguarians (mentioned), and Ragau
-Area Debuts: Battle World
-We learn about the Battle World tournament, a tournament held once every year across the galaxy.
-Darsun won a Battle World tournament five years ago. Korax also once won one, but it is unknown when.
-We learn the Ultimate Warrior's father is named "The Daimyo".
-The Undersea Force have been entered into the Battle World tournament.
-Second time the gang goes to a place without their vehicles (first time was to Slithra in the Curse of Snatilla and Birth of the Blades two-parter).

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That episode was pretty okay as the start of the Battle World stuff. I liked the history behind it and the history between Darsun and that Draco guy who I sense will come back for revenge. Also, it was interesting seeing Ultimate Warrior again. Him and Nathan's battle last time was pretty awesome.

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66. Battle World Part II: Chaos Commences

The episode opens at the Battle World stadium, and in the center we see tons of fighters, with the Daimyo staring down at them from a balcony.

"Attention to all who seek to become the new Battle World champion, the time is approaching," the Daimyo announced, and the fighters and crowd began cheering.

We see the Undersea Force with the Ultimate Warrior and Darsun behind the crowd.

"Jeez, it is so packed!" Laneld whined.

"I don't care, I'm going to take down all these losers!" Dash smiled.

"Hey, is that Argoron?" Zelleo asked, referring to Argoron and his gang.

"Well, can't say I'm surprised they are here," Nora said, as they approached them.

"Ah, if it isn't our aquatic friends!" Natcher said.

"Yes, hello, allies!" Argoron smiled.

"Feels awkward talking to you guys like this," Kane said.

"We wish you the best of luck," Crink said.

"Maybe one of us will win...or one of you," Argoron said. "Either way, we will spread some of our glory to you, my allies!"

"Yes, and hopefully I can challenge you again," Squidstrictor laughed.

"We'll see about that," Argoron said, smiling.

"Well, we wish you the best of luck nonetheless," Straus said, and the five walked away.

"No worries, because I'm going to win!" Laneld laughed.

"If you did, there's something definitely not right with this tournament.." Nora said.

"You got that right," Dash said.

"Whatever you say, but I got this in the bag!" Laneld said smugly, and he was walking. "You never know what to expect next in life, anything could happen-"

Just as he said that, as he was walking backwards, his armor rammed into the back of someone, and they went falling to the ground.

"Oooooohhh!" the person yelled.

"Bet you didn't expect that to happen," Dash said.

"Great going Laneld, we haven't even started the tournament and you already potentially injured someone," Nora said, as they all went to see who got knocked down.

"Oh my, is he okay?" some alien warriors asked.

"Hey, I didn't know! He just came out of nowhere!" Laneld yelled.

The person Laneld accidentally hit was...Slitter-O (from Curse of Snatilla and Birth of the Blades)?

"Oh my.." Slitter-O said, getting up with his tail.

"Hey...Slitter-O?" Zelleo asked.

"The Undersea Force?" Slitter-O asked, surprised. "Well...long time, no see!"

"Ah yes...who is this?" Darsun asked.

"He was the guy on Slithra digging for Korax's sword, and he enslaved a bunch of aliens!" Zelleo said.

"Dang, that's insane!" PJ said.

"No no no no, I'm not that kind of guy anymore," Slitter-O smiled. "I'm just here to compete in a friendly competition like the rest of you."

"Mhm...sure," Nora said, staring at him blankly.

"Oh my..uh dude, your skin is a bit...cracked," Kane said, looking at Slitter-O's back, and his skin had cracks all over it.

"Oh dear, that armor really hit it hard!" Slitter-O said.

"Jeez man, sorry," Laneld said. "Didn't realize this armor was that strong.."

"My apologies, Slitter-O. Is there anything we can do to help you?" Darsun asked.

"Oh no no no, you don't need to go all that trouble...I'll just walk to the hospital in the stadium rooms," Slitter-O said, as he slowly slittered away, groaning.

"Well, you sure did win Laneld, you already knocked a guy out into the hospital with your armor," Dash laughed.

"It wasn't my fault, he just came out of nowhere, like I said before! I'll apologize to him later, I'm just waiting for the stupid battle to start!" Laneld yelled.

"Why do we even have to apologize to this guy? As buffoonish Laneld was, he enslaved a bunch of aliens once.." Nora said.

"Because you all have already gotten into enough trouble by just being here," Darsun said. "We don't need anymore issues."

"On another note...where the heck is Nathan?" PJ asked.

We cut back to the winner hall Nathan was in, and we see the shadow assassin still pointing his bow and arrow at him. He then fired at it, and Nathan grabbed the arrow, and looked around.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Nathan demanded, pulling out his sword.

We then see some more shadow assassins crawling around the statues, stalking Nathan. They sprung down and pulled out swords, as Nathan countered them, but they disappeared again.

"I don't know who you guys are, but I have a tournament to get to! You won't ruin it!" Nathan yelled.

Three more shadow assassins appeared out of the shadows, and as they were ready to attack Nathan, someone got in his way and countered their attacks with two swords. The person was a rabbit like alien with blue robes and resembled a samurai.

"Thank you...whoever you are!" Nathan said, as he kicked an assassin away and clashed swords with another.

"No problem, it is the least I could do for the guardian of Darsun," the rabbit alien said. "My name is Ragau."

"I know you...you are the guy who saved Darsun years ago!" Nathan said, punching another assassin away.

"Yes, it is indeed, Nathan. I was walking to the arena, and I was coming here to look at past champions again, but I saw you being attacked," Ragau said, and kicked another assassin into a statue.

"How do you know me?" Nathan asked, as he tossed another assassin aside into a statue.

"I am a wise warrior, and it is no secret you head the Council of Five on Senato. I am honored to fight alongside you!" Ragau said, and kicked away the last assassin, as they all disappeared.

"I owe you my life, Ragau. What is it with these assassins? Is Draco back?" Nathan asked.

"I see Darsun told you. It could be Draco...but I don't see why he would return after all these years. Perhaps it is someone else.." Ragau said.

"I have some good guesses...but anyways, thanks again," Nathan said, as he shook his fin with Ragau's paw.

"Hopefully we duel each other in a noble battle like this one," Ragau said, bowing to him, and headed off to the arena.

We then cut to the Battle World Hospital - it was a building in the arena across from the Daimyo's area. Laneld was visiting Slitter-O with Nora, and they were outside his room.

"Ugh, why do I have to visit this guy?" Laneld asked.

"I don't trust him either, but you did damage his skin, so.." Nora said. "We've got to apologize and see if he is okay."

"Fine, but I got my eyes on that slippery little devil. Remember when we were forced to impersonate slaves to invade his mines?" Laneld said.

"Yeah, I remember, not that I want to," Nora said.

They entered in his room, and saw him lying on a bed, healing.

"Well, hello, fish creatures," Slitter-O said.

"Hi there, how is your...snake skin?" Nora asked.

"Well, it's a lot worse than we imagined," Slitter-O said. "Apparently the impact smashed my spine, so the charges might be costing quite a bit..."

"How much?" Nora asked.

"Well, your little purple armored friend might be looking at....10,000 coins," Slitter-O said. Laneld gulped upon hearing that.

"Um...do you accept doubloons?" Laneld asked nervously.

"Oh no, that would be no good to me. These space coins of ourselves would do just perfect," Slitter-O smiled.

"Uh...we don't have any coins that you speak of," Nora said.

"Oh dear, what a shame. Looks like you might have to sell something to get that much," Slitter-O said. "Maybe purple armor could sell his sword and gun."

"You can't be serious, the battle begins in eighteen minutes, and I need these to fight!" Laneld said.

"What a shame. I feel bad, but that's the way of life. You never know what to expect next in life," Slitter-O said smugly.

"I know, I know," Laneld said, muttering "Fine, I'll sell them off."

"You can find plenty of merchant stores outside the arena, and time is ticking...you've got fifteen minutes till the tournament starts, what a shame I won't be playing," Slitter-O said, as the two began to leave the room.

Slitter-O then began laughing evilly, and the two checked back into the room, and he held his mouth when they did.

"Were you just laughing evilly?" Nora asked.

"You were laughing like some evil cartoon villain," Laneld said.

"Don't be silly, I mean, do I really look like a cartoon villain?" Slitter-O asked, smiling.

"Um...well, you did enslave a bunch of aliens to dig for a sword," Nora said. "Whatever..we'll just be on our way."

As they left, Slitter-O began laughing again.

They were walking along the stands, and came to a merchant.

"What would you like?" the Merchant asked.


"Look pal, I need to sell off this sword and gun to pay off some stuff," Laneld said, selling it to him.

"Are you sure?" The Merchant asked. "These seem very high quality...why would you sell them?"

"No time, how much are they worth?" Laneld asked.

"Well, a lot," the Merchant said.

"Fine, keep them! Look man, I just need the money," Laneld said.

"I swear, you are the worst bargainer," Nora said.

The Merchant gave him a huge bag of coins, even though he was very confused, and took the weapons away.

"Thanks..?" The Merchant said, confused.

The two went back to the Slitter-O's hospital room, and they threw the bag of coins onto his bed.

"Happy now?" Nora asked.

"Yes, very," Slitter-O said. "Run along now, you have a battle to compete in."

"Yeah, we will," Nora said, as they went to the arena.

"No matter, I can win this without weapons!" Laneld said, getting ready for the battle.

"Oh boy," Nora said to herself.

We then see they met up with Nathan, Ragau, and the others.

"Hey there Nathan, where were you?" Dash asked.

"And who is the rabbit?" PJ asked.

"I know him, that is Ragau - the one who saved me from Draco's assassins long ago," Darsun said. "Pleased to see you again."

"Yes, a pleasure seeing you as well, Darsun," Ragau said. "I rescued Nathan from an assassin attack."

"Assassin attack? Slitter-O? Can this day get any more confusing?" Laneld asked.

"While I was browsing the hall of winners, I was attacked by some assassins," Nathan said.

"I bet it was Slitter-O, that jerk conned me out of my weapons!" Laneld said.

"Gee, and I wonder why he conned you of all people," Dash said.

"Whether or not if Slitter-O and the assassins have a connection is unknown. For now, let us enjoy this battle, and good luck to you all," Darsun said, as they all put their hands together and got ready.

"What is this? Assassins?" the Ultimate Warrior asked, overhearing their conversation.

"Yeah, a bunch of assassins tried to attack me, but Ragau and I fought them off," Nathan said.

"This is terrible, do not fret Nathan, I will look into this at once," Ultimate Warrior said, walking off.

"I still don't trust that guy. I say it was either him or Slitter-O that sent the goons," Dash said.

"We'll find out later, because I think the battle is starting!" PJ said.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE: THE CONTEST IS BEGINNING," the Daimyo's voice boomed across the stadium.

Everyone got into the circle arena, and Ragau bumped into his friend Eragan, an elephant alien.

"Well hello Ragau, may the best man win, eh?" Eragan laughed.

"Yes, I wish you the best of luck, my friend," Ragau said.

"Now my friends...be strong, be proud, and most importantly, be careful," Darsun said.

"We'll do our best!" the Undersea Force all yelled.

We then see the Daimyo shoot an electric beam from his war staff, and it made a spark shoot around the center arena, and it began dividing players into sixteen different sections, with two people in each of them. The battles begun.

We start off with Nathan's fight, and he was up against Natcher.

"This will be fun!" Natcher laughed, and charged at him with his claws, as Nathan attacked him.

We then see Nora was stuck with Slitter-O.

"Wait a second...I thought you were just in the hospital? You said you broke your back. How are you here?" Nora asked.

"Well uh...you see...that gold you gave me healed me!" Slitter-O said.

"Yeah, I know what you are up, you filthy liar!" Nora yelled, as she jumped and tried to attack him with her sword, but he used his tail to slam her aside into the wall, and she disappeared in a blue glow, into the hospital waiting room.

"What the...where am I?" Nora asked.

"All defeated players in the tournament get magically sent here," Straus said, who had been already defeated with some other warriors.

"Ugh..I just hope that snake gets what is coming to him," Nora said.

We then see Laneld fighting a steel alien with tons of sharp objects, named Stivuli.

"Hello, I am Stivuli, and you are about to lose!" Stivuli said, as she began jabbing weapons at Laneld.

"Um..let's see, what to do with no weapons...aha!" Laneld said, as he jumped up from behind her and kicked her to the ground, as she disappeared in a glow. "Huh, that was easier than I expected."

We then cut to Zelleo, who was facing Darsun.

"Darsun...I don't know if I can do this," Zelleo said.

"Do not worry, you deserve to go on. Therefore, I forfeit," Darsun said, sitting on the ground.

"Darsun, you don't have to. Are you sure?" Zelleo asked.

"Yes, I am sure. I just wanted to help you all get further into the game, and I wish you the best of luck," Darsun smiled.

Gimino then appeared in their block.

"If Darsun has truly quit, Zelleo still must deliver the final blow," Gimino said.

Zelleo was hesitant but he pulled out his blue sword and lightly tapped Darsun with it, making her disappear, and she appeared next to the Daimyo on his throne.

"Heh, throwing in the towel for one of your guardians, eh Darsun?" the Daimyo asked.

"Yes, I figured I'd let them in the spotlight," Darsun said, watching.

We then see Dash facing Argoron in a fierce battle.

"I admit, you have improved since our last duel, but is it enough?!" Argoron asked, as he clashed Fangis with Dash's yellow sword, and both were fighting hard.

"I won't quit!" Dash yelled, as he kicked him aside, but he still got up, and tussled with Dash.

"I admire your courage...but think fast!" Argoron laughed, as he punched Dash aside, and he went falling to the ground. He was then sent away in the blue glow to the hospital, and he was on a bench with other warriors.

"Dang, Argoron is a tough one," Dash said. "I just hope Laneld doesn't make it farther than me, now that would be embarrassing."

"No worries, you're in the same boat as me," Nora sighed.

We then see a montage of the battles. Nathan facing Natcher, but Nathan kicked Natcher into the wall, and he was sent away to the hospital. Crink was facing some beast warrior, but Crink was overpowered. Squidstrictor was facing some other beast like alien, but Squidstrictor was able to defeat him with his use of tentacles. Ragau was facing some big alien, but he was able to do many karate kicks into his stomach, causing him to tumble down. Eragan was facing some heavy armored alien, but he was able to beat him. We then see other various aliens fighting each other, with all the winners. There was one last duel going on.

PJ was facing off Kane, in a sword duel.

"It's not easy going up against your own teammate, but I will prevail!" Kane said, kicking PJ in the stomach, but PJ would not let Kane prevail, as he picked up Kane and tossed him to the ground.

"Sorry bud," PJ said, as Kane was sent away to the hospital in the blue glow.

"That concludes Round 1!" Gimino announced. "Round 2 will be beginning soon, all winners may take a break. The next battle will begin in two hours."

The Undersea Force all met outside the hospital. Their armors, charge guns, and swords were all in weaponry with everyone else's weapons. All warriors had been required to put their weapons in there after rounds for safety precautions.

"I can't believe Laneld is still in, but not me! What kind of a tournament is this?!" Dash asked.

"I know, and I didn't even have any weapons. I guess I got the easy guy, sorry Dash," Laneld smiled, as he patted Dash on the back, but he was still angry.

"Congratulations my guardians, I am glad some of you did continue to go on," Darsun said.

"Alright guys, Slitter-O is up to something. He told Laneld and I he wouldn't be in the tournament due to his "cracked" back, but he just fought me in the tournament!" Nora said. "He's up to something, maybe he did hire the assassins."

"That means he just scammed me out of my weapons!" Laneld said.

"Slitter-O...quite a sneaky one," Ragau said, approaching them. "I can help you expose him."

"Laneld, come with me and Ragau, we're going to do some investigating," Nathan said.

"Fine, but I better get my weapons back!" Laneld said.

"We will, but first, let me shall you two to the Battle World Library," Ragau said, as they followed him.

"So uh...thanks again Darsun for letting me win," Zelleo said.

"It was no problem, I know each and every one of you can win this," Darsun said.

"Well, Nora, Kane, and I kind of can't," Dash said.

"You all had potential in my eyes," Darsun said.

"Eh, whatever, but I'm still upset that lunatic is still in, but not me.." Dash groaned.

We then see Ragau with Nathan and Laneld in the library, investigating documents.

"What are we looking for?" Laneld asked.

"Found it," Ragau said, as he put down some Battle World newspaper articles on the table.

"What is all of this?" Nathan asked, examining them.

All the papers had mentioned Slitter-O and some fighter accidentally injuring him. All the articles mentioned the fighters lost a lot of their money, and some even lost their weapons in order to get the money to pay off Slitter-O's damages. Every year at the Battle World this would happen to somebody.

"Well well well, looks like our naughty little snake friend has been doing some dirty work all these years.." Nathan said.

"I always thought these were suspicious, but nobody ever had the courage to tell the Daimyo, or investigate like we are," Ragau said.

"I think it's time we clear the air then and tell the truth," Nathan said, grabbing the articles. "I have a plan..."

We see Slitter-O slithering down the town streets, and he entered his own hut. Every fighter was given their own small hut, and he entered his. He turned the lights on, and saw Nathan and Laneld.

"Oh my...hello fish friends!" Slitter-O said. "What brings you here?"

"We're shutting down your little "game", it's gone on for far too long!" Nathan said, slapping some newspapers they found onto the table.

"Yeah, I want my sword and charge gun back!" Laneld demanded.

"Why, what could you possibly be talking about?" Slitter-O asked nervously.

"I see you can walk just fine, and your back is fine too. What's this...a fake skin back?" Nathan said, examining a fake skin back he had on a table.

"Uh...I can explain.." Slitter-O said.

"It's obvious, you just wanted money, so you scammed it out of all these fighters to ruin the tournament. Come on Laneld, we're going to the Daimyo," Nathan said, picking up the fake skin.

"I wouldn't do that.." Slitter-O said, as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Nathan and Laneld. "Fins up, both of you."

Nathan and Laneld both raised their fins in the air.

"Now, slide the skin over here," Slitter-O said, as he closed the door. Nathan did so.

"Don't you dare pull anything boys, or I'll fire," Slitter-O smiled, with the gun still pointed at them.

"I hate how we were forced to take off our armor too," Laneld said nervously. "Those were bullet proof! They'd be helpful for situations like this!"

"Indeed, which is why I took advantage of it, by keeping this gun in a safe place. I wasn't planning for you young purple suited fish to be my victim, it's just all a matter of who bumps into me," Slitter-O smiled to Laneld.

"You forced me to give away my weapons! You monster, you brute!" Laneld cried.

"Well, I have to hand it to you Slitter-O, you are truly a criminal mastermind. If you don't mind me asking, how did you come up with this? First forcing aliens to dig for a sword, and now scamming fighters out of their money by pretending to be hurt," Nathan said.

"Well, since I was about to shoot the both of you anyways, I guess there's no harm in telling," Slitter-O said, as he sat down on his table, with the gun still aimed at Nathan and Laneld. "You see, I crave for money and power. I had big dreams on Slithra, and-"

Just then, Ragau appeared from behind the shadows and kicked Slitter-O into the wall, as the gun went flying, and Laneld grabbed it.

"Hold onto that," Nathan said.

"Will do...and I'll try not to shoot anyone!" Laneld said, trying to hold it.

Nathan then approached Slitter-O on the ground, and we see he had cracked his back a bit for real.

"Aww, did somebody crack their back?" Nathan asked.

"Oww..." Slitter-O said, frowning.

We then see some Samurai Guards outside Slitter-O's house, and they were taking him away back to Slithra.

"Thank you for apprehending this fiend, his tricks will not plague the tournament anymore," the Daimyo said.

"As I promised Nathan, we would find out who sent those assassins, and the culprit has been caught," Ultimate Warrior said.

"What assassins?" Slitter-O asked. "All I did was just pull off the same scheme for the past six years at this tournament!"

"Sure, now get out of my sight," the Daimyo said, as he went flying into a portal back to Slithra, and it closed.

"Now that Slitter-O is disqualified, things might be a bit uneven, sir," Gimino said.

"Oh well, we'll figure something out. Thank you for finally exposing this crook, Nathan and Ragau," the Daimyo said.

"No problem Daimyo, and thank you for your help again, Ragau. Two saves twice in a day, even though we planned it out this time," Nathan said.

"It seems as if it I am your bodyguard," Ragau smiled. "Let's see how you fare if you face me in the tournament."

"I'll be waiting," Nathan said.

We then cut to Round 2 at the arena, which was just starting. Laneld had gotten his weapons back from the merchant, and was excited to start. The Daimyo was separating everyone into eight sections. Due to Slitter-O's disqualification, one alien had to sit out to make it fair. We see the other Undersea Force members in the audience, watching from the stone bleachers around the stadium.

"I hope PJ, Nathan, Zelleo, and/or Laneld can win this," Nora said. "Glad that stupid snake was finally exposed."

"I hope Laneld doesn't continue to brag on forever to me," Dash groaned.

" I sense...something is still not right, even with Slitter-O's defeat," Darsun said, thinking.

We see Nathan was facing Ragau in a section.

"Well...it has finally come to this, Nathan," Ragau said, bowing.

"I will fight my hardest," Nathan said, bowing back.

Just then though, from a top a tower, we see Ultimate Warrior and some hooded figure.

"Was the snake taken care of?" the figure asked.

"Yes, he will not prevent out plans now," Ultimate Warrior laughed, as he pulled out some tube, and put a tranquilizer dart in it. He then aimed it at Nathan...

To Be Continued...

-Character Debuts: Merchant, Stivuli, Samurai Guards, and Unnamed Contestants
-Area Debuts: Battle World Hospital, Battle World Market, Battle World Library, and Slitter-O's Hut
-First time Slitter-O appears since the Curse of Snatilla and Birth of the Blades two parter. It is revealed he has been going to Battle World for many years, and has been scamming warriors' out of their weapons by having them "accidentally" injure him.

Round 1 Results:
Nathan vs. Natcher (Winner: Natcher)
Nora vs. Slitter-O (Winner: Slitter-O, but is later disqualified)
Dash vs. Argoron (Winner: Argoron)
Laneld vs. Stivuli (Winner: Laneld)
PJ vs. Kane (Winner: PJ)
Zelleo vs. Darsun (Winner: Zelleo)
Straus vs. Unknown Alien (Winner: Unknown Alien)
Crink vs. Unknown Alien (Winner: Unknown Alien)
Squidstrictor vs. Unknown Alien (Winner: Squidstrictor)
Ragau vs. Unknown Alien (Winner: Ragau)
Eragan vs. Unknown Alien (Winner: Eragan)
Rest of the battles are unknown aliens, bringing the amount of duels up to 16.

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Great episode! The Battle Competitions are interesting, but the most entertaining part of the episode was surprisingly, Slitter-O. I kinda enjoyed his scheme :P. Also, Ultimate Warrior turning out to be up to no good was an interesting reveal, I can't wait to see how this turns out.

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67. Battle World Part III: Treachery Brewing


Picking up from the events of the previous part, with the Ultimate Warrior aiming a tranquilizer dart at Nathan. As Nathan was battling Ragau, the Ultimate Warrior blew into the tube, and it shot the tranquilizer dart at Nathan's shoulder in the battle. He then slowly collapsed to the ground.


"Nathan...what happened?!" Ragau asked, picking him up.


"What the heck was that?!" Dash asked, seeing the dart hit Nathan from the audience.


"He has been struck with some poisonous dart.." Darsun said, examining it from the distance.


"Well is he going to be okay?" Nora asked, nervously.


"I..do not know," Darsun said, worried.


"Excellent," Ultimate Warrior said, laughing from atop the tower. "My revenge on Nathan has been fulfilled, the poison shall fill his aquatic veins. Next I shall take down my father and steal the throne from him. He thinks these outdated traditions are still accepted. I shall be the one to rule the universe!"


Ultimate Warrior laughed and headed back inside the tower, and the hooded figure he was with began growling a bit.


We see Zelleo had lost his battle with Eragan, and as he was teleported to the hospital, he saw the commotion going on, and he went down to the arena to see what happened.


"Is everything okay?" Gimino asked, appearing in Ragau and Nathan's match.


"Nathan was somehow struck down with a mysterious dart..I do not know where it came from," Ragau said.


"Your match shall be nullified then until further notice, and Nathan shall be taken to the Healer," Gimino said.


"Step away from him!" Zelleo yelled to Ragau, entering the match, and pointed a sword to Ragau.


"What is Zelleo doing?" Nora asked from the audience.


"I don't care, they need to get Nathan to the hospital place right away!" Dash said.


"The only question is...who shot the dart at Nathan?" Kane asked.


"It was that Ultimate Warrior punk, I know it," Dash said.


"Relax, I did not harm your friend, I want to help him as well," Ragau said to Zelleo.


"I'm sorry, I was just so angry..." Zelleo said.


"We will find out who did this, but for now, he must go to the Healer," Ragau said, as Gimino teleported the four of them away in a bubble. 


Round 2 had ended. The winners were: Laneld, Argoron, Squidstrictor, Eragan, and three unnamed aliens.


"OHH YEAAH!!" Laneld yelled. "You can't defeat me!"


"Enjoy your victory while it lasts fish creature, it may get overtaken soon," Eragan laughed, patting him on the back


"I can't wait until we battle each other," Squidstrictor smiled to Argoron.


"Bring it on, if we do battle each other, be prepared for the beating of a life time!" Argoron joked.


"We'll see about that," Squidstrictor said.




We then see the gang getting up from the audience seats, and headed toward the hospital to see Nathan.


"I don't know what I am more concerned about: The fact Laneld is somehow in the final seven, or if Nathan might die," Nora said.


"I'd say the second one for now!" Kane said.


"Hey guys," PJ said, coming out from the hospital path, as they bumped into him. "What happened with Nathan?"


"He got struck by some poisonous dart, and he is now in the hospital," Kane said.


"What!? Who did this?!" PJ asked.


"We do not know...but I have my suspicions on who.." Darsun said.


"Well come on, let's go visit him!" Nora said, as they entered the hospital building, and in the first floor, they see Zelleo, Ragau, and Gimino with Nathan.


"Healer...we need your help. A warrior has been injured, and needs your aid," Gimino said.


"Bring him to me," the Healer said, and they placed him on a bed.


The other gang members entered in to see Nathan.


"Is Nathan going to be okay?" Kane asked.


"Glad you guys are here..but I don't know if Nathan is going to be okay," Zelleo frowned.


"Oh no..I hope we are not too late.." Darsun said. "Please be okay, my guardian!"


Laneld had bursted into the hospital out of nowhere.


"NATHAN BUDDY, PLEASE BE OKAY!" Laneld yelled. "I heard about the incident with some dudes at the market and came here as soon as possibl-"


"Dude, calm down," Nora said, cutting him off.


"Sorry, I was so excited I am in the final seven, and I needed to make sure Nathan is okay!" Laneld said.


"Moron," Dash said to him.


"Hey, I am insulted! You should treat me better, I am in the final seven!" Laneld said. "I also feel bad for Nathan.."


"Let the healer do his work, please be quiet," Gimino said.


The Healer then placed his hand on Nathan's head, and was sending some blue glow into Nathan, as the Healer was glowing himself. The others approached the two.


"I promise you all he will be under good care," Ragau said.


"I hope so.." Kane said.


"Don't worry Nathan, it's going to be okay buddy," Dash said.


"What is he doing?" Zelleo asked.


"He is trying to connect with Nathan to determine the nature of the dart and what it will do," Ragau said.


The Healer was then blasted away from Nathan.


"He has indeed been poisoned, but the source of the toxin alludes me," the Healer said.


"Nathan poisoned? What fiend would do such a thing?" the Ultimate Warrior asked, entering the room.


"Funny you should ask, it's pretty obvious it was you, buddy!" Dash said, glaring at him, but PJ and Kane restrained him.


"I would never do such a thing. Rest assured Nathan's friends, I shall get to the bottom of this, I promise!" Ultimate Warrior said.


"I will return shortly, I must speak with the Daimyo," Darsun said, walking away, as the Ultimate Warrior smiled.


"You really buy this goon?" Nora asked to Darsun, stopping her.


"Just leave him be," Darsun said. "Zelleo, stay here with Nathan."


"Will do, boss," Zelleo said.


"What about us?" PJ asked.


"I think we should just go," Nora said, as they all exited. "Be okay, Nathan."


"If Nathan is dead, I'm going to beat up that Ultimate Warrior guy so badly!!" Laneld yelled.


"Don't say things like that," Kane said.


"About Nathan being dead or me beating up the Ultimate Warrior?" Laneld asked.


"You're a big boy, you can figure it out," Dash said.


"...Oh," Laneld said. "Well, I better get training for the finals. Nathan, I will win for you, I swear!"


"It's still a mystery to me how he even got to the finals.." Nora said.


"That's a mystery not even the greatest detectives could solve," Dash said as they all walked away.


We then cut to the Daimyo's throne room, he was alone in there, meditating with smoke coming out of two pots. He was tapping a scroll against his legs.


"What is keeping my son so long? His message said this was an urgent matter," the Daimyo said.


Just then, some black smoke began to rise out of the center of the room, and the Daimyo got up, confused. He was about to grab his war staff, but a chain grabbed it from him, and dragged it onto the floor.


"What is the meaning of this?" the Daimyo asked.


Just then, a bunch of shadow assassins hopped down from the roof and came out of hiding from other places in the room.


"GUARDS!" the Daimyo yelled, but a shadow assassin pulled out a sword and attacked the Daimyo with it, and he groaned in pain.


"It is time to introduce the finalists!" Gimino announced at the tournament side. "Introducing our final seven: Eragan from planet Isoli, Squidstrictor from planet Senato, Argoron from planet Senato, Laneld from planet Earth, Thun from planet Verra, Swen from planet Trugun, and Raxor from planet Roin." 


The audience all began cheering, and the Undersea Force seemed worried.


"So Nathan is poisoned, and we have to rely on Laneld to win the tournament for us.." Nora said.


"Laneld winning...nah, impossible," Dash said. "That's crazy talk."


"Or is it? You never know," Kane said.


"You gotta be kidding me, that wimp winning this would be the most unfair game ever!" Dash said.


"Just relax Dash, for Nathan," PJ said, and he calmed down.


"WOO YEAH!" Laneld yelled, cheering to the crowd back.


"Now, the finals shall begin in one hour, this gives the finalists and their friends and family time to prepare," Gimino announced, as the finalists and audience were dismissed.


Darsun then busted into the throne room to see the shadow assassins surrounding the Daimyo's body on the ground.


"Stay away from him!" Darsun yelled, as the assassins threw dart spikes at Darsun, but she blasted them away with water blasts, and tried to attack the assassins, but they busted through a window and all jumped away, as Darsun stared at the ground below.


"D-Darsun.." the Daimyo said, trying to speak.


"Do not speak my old friend, I will get you help," Darsun said, aiding him.


"Step away from the Daimyo, NOW!" some Samurai Guards commanded, pointing swords at Darsun. "We have the intruder, my lord."


"Wait, you misunderstand!" Darsun said.


"Father....no!" the Ultimate Warrior said, as he collapsed to the ground, "upset" at his father's pain. "Take him to the Healer at once. My father trusted you Darsun. He called you his friend, and you betray him like this?!"


"Darsun.." the Daimyo said, crying out her name in pain, as the guards carried him away.


"See how he points to the assassin?" the Ultimate Warrior said, lying. "Throw this Sentient in the dungeon!"


The guards carried Darsun away, and she did not say a word. The Ultimate Warrior smiled, as he put his red mask back on.


We then cut to the hospital, and see the guards burst in with the Daimyo.


"Healer, your assistance is needed at once, the Daimyo has been attacked!" the guards said.


"Wait, what about Nathan?" Zelleo asked, as he put a wet rag on Nathan's head.


The Healer then entered another room with the guards and the Daimyo though, ignoring Zelleo.


"Sigh...what can I do? I am just a technician, not a doctor," Zelleo said. 


Just then, Ragau put his paw out to touch Nathan, but Zelleo yelled, "Don't you dare touch him!"


"Please, I only wish to examine Nathan, I do not mean any harm," Ragau said, putting his two swords down on the counter.


"Fine, but I'll be watching," Zelleo said.


"Would you be kind enough to hold this for me, like this?" Ragau asked, as he handed his lantern to Zelleo, and he held it over Nathan.


Ragau then pulled out some crystal.


"Observe," Ragau said, as the crystal shined onto Nathan's neck, and revealed some spot.


"What is it?" Zelleo asked.


"This is the entry point of the dissolving poison dart, a rarely used weapon nearly impossible to detect, even by a trained healer," Ragau explained. "Now that we have located the entry point of the toxin, I have some medicine that may help...with your permission."


Zelleo nodded, and Ragau placed the bag on the spot. "Now all we can do is wait.."


We cut to the Battle World markets, and see Laneld with the finalists.


"Make way, finalists coming through!" Laneld yelled. He then bumped into Dash, who seemed annoyed.


"How the heck did you make it to the finals, seriously?" Dash asked.


"I dunno, luck I guess, or I'm just really good!" Laneld smiled.


"I highly doubt either of those," Dash said.


"Aww, you're just jealous you're not in the finals," Laneld teased.


"Shut up," Dash said, as they walked through the markets. "Anyways, I'm worried for Nathan..."


"I know, it sucks he got poisoned," Laneld said.


"Do you even care?" Dash asked.


"Dude, of course! It's just that between coming into the finals and him being poisoned, I have to juggle both!" Laneld said. "It's not easy!"


"Well, I doubt you'll be lasting much longer," Dash smirked.


"Oh yeah?!" Laneld asked, arguing with him.


"Psst, fish creatures," Eragan said from the shadows. "Care to place a wager on me in the finals? I think the odds have favored 3 to 1."


"Beat it, elephant. Find some other sucker," Dash said, walking away.


"Wait, what are the odds on me?" Laneld asked.


"The long shot? Hah! 200 to 1," Eragan laughed.


"Long shot?! Me? Whoa...I got to get in on that action," Laneld said. "Hey Dash, break me off some bank."


"Forget it, and you can go shove your trunk up someone else's business, elephant," Dash said.


"Hey hey hey, what were you thinking?! 200 to 1, I had a perfect chance!" Laneld said.


"More like the worst chance," Dash said.


"HEY! You don't think I'm a contender? Do you think I'm a creep, a liar, a weakling, a moron, a buffoon, a knucklehead mcspazatron, a nerd, a baby...you can stop me now," Laneld said.


"I will when I disagree with ya," Dash said.


"Oh well, I will still win!" Laneld laughed.


"Sure sure, now we have other things to worry about, like Nathan getting poisoned, and where Darsun is...she said she'd be with the Daimyo for a short time, and she hasn't come back," Dash said.


"I'm sure Nathan will be okay...right?" Laneld asked, as he backed into a cart and it spilled food all over Raxor, who was a small brown and green alien. He began growling gibberish.


"I think that's universal language for "I'm going to kick your butt"," Dash said.


"This little shrimp? Beating me up? Ha!" Laneld laughed.


Just then, Raxor began to grow in size, and he became giant. He then smiled.


"Uh oh.." Laneld said.


We then cut to where Darsun was. She was in a jail in the palace dungeon, all lonely. The Ultimate Warrior and the hooded figure from earlier approached her.


"How can one remain calm under such serious charges?" Ultimate Warrior asked to Darsun.


"I could never bring harm to the Daimyo, as you should know," Darsun said.


"All too well, as I was the one who ordered the attack on my father," Ultimate Warrior laughed, and Darsun looked up nervously.


"Oh yes, even as we speak, your friend the Daimyo is in the Healer's area of the hospital, not long from this world. If you didn't figure it out yet, your guardian Nathan was poisoned by my hand as well. My father forced me to bow before you and your guardians, now you will bow before me, as I am the Daimyo now!" Ultimate Warrior said, pulling out the war staff.


"You will never earn that title!" Darsun said, getting up. "You know nothing of honor!"


"Honor?" the hooded figure said in a deep voice. "This has nothing to do with honor little Sentient, this has to do with power...power and vengeance!"


The hooded figure tore off their cloth to reveal Draco, the red dragon alien Darsun fought long ago.


"Draco!" Darsun said, surprised.


'Yes, I am pleased you remember me. How's the leg?" Draco smiled, and Darsun was angry.


We then cut to Laneld fighting Raxor, and he had picked up Laneld.


"Uh...did you know that where I come from, little shrimp is a term of endearment? I call it to my friends all the time, isn't that right Dash, you little shrimp?" Laneld said nervously.


"If you're asking me for help, you've got the wrong guy," Dash said.




"We'll finish this in the battle.." Raxor smiled to Laneld, and he threw him down to the ground, with Laneld nervous, and Dash smiling at him.


The final seven entered the tournament.


"Round 3 will be determined by random lottery," Gimino said, making a bubble appear. "You will select flags from this bubble. Due to an uneven amount, whoever gets the red flag will automatically advance to the next round."


The finalists drew their flags. Eragan got the red flag, meaning he would advance to the next round.

"Hah, you should have bet on me when you had the chance!" Eragan laughed to Laneld.


Laneld and Raxor both got the yellow flags, much to Laneld's disappointment, and to Raxor's happiness. Swen and Thun got the blue flags, while Argoron and Squidstrictor got the green flags.


"This should be fun," Argoron said.


Laneld then secretly grabbed Swen's blue flag, and replaced it with his yellow flag. Raxor looked at Swen confused, but before anything could be said, they were teleported into the matches.


"If I was still in this tournament, man would I have put the beat down on Laneld," Dash sighed.


The battles had begun. Thun had a big temper, and kept swinging his fists to Laneld, who kept dodging. Laneld kept taunting Thun though, and it kept irritating him. Eventually, Thun went slamming into a wall, and he was teleported to the hospital. Raxor was fighting with Swen, and gave Swen a beat down. Argoron was able to defeat Squidstrictor, and the final four was now Laneld, Raxor, Argoron, and Eragan.


"We have our results! The final four have made it to the end, and the semi-finals shall begin soon!" Gimino announced.


"Laneld made it to the final four...oh no...WHAT IF LANELD ACTUALLY WINS?!" Dash panicked, picking up an alien and bobbing his head back and forth.


"First Nathan gets poisoned, then Laneld might potentially win...and hey, where is Darsun?" Nora asked.


"Yeah, we haven't seen her since we visited Nathan," PJ said.


"Oh, you guys did not hear?" Straus said. "Apparently Darsun is in trouble for attempting to assassinate the Daimyo."


"WHAT?!" they all asked.


We then cut to the hospital, and on the ground floor. We see the Healer was chanting on the Daimyo in their room and guards were in there. Just then, smoke filled the room, knocking out the guards and Healer. 


We saw two shadow assassins appear, and they were headed to the Daimyo's room. One stopped next to Nathan however.


"What are you doing? Our orders were to finish the Daimyo," the other assassin said.


"Yes, and so we shall..but we shall make it look as if the fish creature finished the work Darsun started," the other one said, grabbing Nathan's red sword.


Both approached the Daimyo's body on the bed, with one using Nathan's sword and the other their own sword. They were about to attack the Daimyo with their swords, but a sword stopped their attack; it was Ragau.


Zelleo then used his blue sword to attack the assassins with Ragau and they kicked them out into the other room. One of them grabbed a chain and threw it at Ragau, but he sliced it in half, and kicked him aside. The other one tried to use his sword to finish the Daimyo again, but Zelleo jumped on him and tossed his sword aside, with his blue sword held toward the assassin's neck.


"Great job Ragau," Zelleo said.


"You too, Zelleo. Now, tell us who you work for assassin, or feel the wrath of my blade," Ragau said, with his sword pointed. The assassin refused to speak.


"Ragau...do you get the feeling he is not telling us something?" Zelleo asked, as in the room behind them, a bunch of shadow assassins were jumping down from the ceiling.


"Yes...and I get the feeling we are about to be in the fight of our lives.." Ragau said, as he and Zelleo were cornered by the assassins.


To Be Continued...





-Character Debuts: Raxor, Swen, Thun, and Healer

-Area Debuts: Dungeon, Isoli (mentioned), Trugon (mentioned), and Roin (mentioned)

-It is revealed Draco is working with the Ultimate Warrior to kill the Daimyo so they can rule the Battle World and universe. They also framed Darsun for the attack on the Daimyo and poisoned Nathan.

-Final Four: Laneld, Argoron, Eragan, and Raxor


Round 2 Results:

Nathan vs Ragau (Winner: None, interrupted due to Ultimate Warrior's poison dart)

Eragan vs Zelleo (Winner: Eragan)

Thun vs PJ (Winner: Thun)

Argoron vs Unknown Alien (Winner: Argoron)

Raxor vs Unknown Alien (Winner: Raxor)

Laneld vs Unknown Alien (Winner: Laneld)

Squidstrictor vs Unknown Alien (Winner: Squidstrictor)

Swen had to sit out due to the uneven amount.


Round 3 Results:

Laneld vs Thun (Winner: Laneld)

Argoron vs Squidstrictor (Winner: Argoron)

Swen vs Raxor (Winner: Raxor)

Eragan had to sit out due to the uneven amount.

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To make up for my laziness, might as well finish up the Battle World arc now.

68. Battle World Part IV: Minds Collide

Picking off from the previous episode, Ragau and Zelleo are cornered by the shadow assassins, ready to fight.

"We must protect the Daimyo!" Ragau said to Zelleo.

"And if we fail..?" Zelleo gulped.

"Then we shall perish with honor," Ragau said.

"Let's try no to use the whole "perish" bit, alright?" Zelleo asked, throwing his sword at assassins and punching them down.

The assassins kept attacking, as Ragau pulled out both of his swords to counter them, but there were too many. Zelleo used his Charge Gun to blast some blue bolts at them all, and it worked.

"Fascinating technology," Ragau remarked to Zelleo, kicking more assassins aside and punching them.

"Thanks, Darsun made it for us!" Zelleo said, as he blasted more away.

"Ugh.." Nathan said in his bed, trying to get up, and shaking his head.

"Nathan?" Zelleo asked, but an assassin jumped from behind and kicked Zelleo into a pillar, but he got back up.

The same assassin appeared behind Ragau and tried to attack with others appearing, but Zelleo thought fast and flung some blankets from the beds with his sword at them, knocking the assassins down. Four remaining ones then slowly crept into the Daimyo's room.

"The Daimyo!" Ragau yelled.

We then cut to the tournament aside, and the Undersea Force was asking Straus about what he told them in the previous episode.

"Yup, apparently she tried to assassinate the Daimyo, and is now in custody," Straus said. "That's what I heard anyways."

"What the heck...Darsun would never do that!" Dash said.

"First Nathan gets poisoned, then Laneld somehow is in the finals, and now Darsun is in the dungeon? We have to rescue her!" Nora commanded.

"I'm going to miss seeing Laneld get beaten up...but this is serious," Dash said, as they all walked away from the crowd and headed toward the Daimyo's Palace.

We then see the Ultimate Warrior with Gimino looking down on the tournament.

"Attention noble warriors, creatures, and friends, it is my unfortunate announcement to say that according to the Healer, my father, the Daimyo, will not live.." Ultimate Warrior said, with the crowd extremely upset. "But...I shall continue the tournament, as he would have wanted. We are here with the final four warriors who are competing for the ultimate prize. In honor of my father, let the Battle World tournament proceed!"

"Wait...the Daimyo is dead?" Laneld asked, shocked, as the crowd cheered from Ultimate Warrior's speech.

"I hear there was some assassination attempt on his life," Argoron said.

"I heard it was by some Blue Sentient," Eragan said.

"Wait...Darsun?!" Laneld said to himself, extremely confused and shocked. "I don't know what is going on, but I can't leave now. I just know Darsun wouldn't do that."

"Finalists, it is time to start the semi-finals," Gimino said, making a portal appear. "You four shall enter this portal, and you will appear against another warrior randomly. Good luck."

Argoron, Eragan, and Raxor entered in first. Laneld was last, and he put his fin into it, curious.

"Well..it's now or never...WOO!" Laneld yelled, as he jumped into the portal. Raxor was up against Eragan, and Argoron was up against Laneld in the small stone arena.

"Well hello purple suited one, a battle against two aquatic creatures?" Argoron laughed. "I shall fight nobly, my ally."

"Eh, at least you're not the big guy," Laneld said, referring to Raxor, as he began to battle Argoron.

Eragan was battling Raxor, and Raxor had a giant staff which he clashed Eragan's sword with, while Laneld was on the other side tussling with Argoron.

"You are a tough match my friend, but will it be enough?!" Argoron asked, with Fangis clashing against Laneld's purple sword.

We then see Ultimate Warrior watching the battle from above.

"Gimino, if you excuse me, I have some matters to attend to," Ultimate Warrior said, and Gimino nodded.

Ultimate Warrior headed back inside the palace, and Draco approached him.

"My lord, all is going to plan. I think now is the time for you to return your end of the deal, by giving me the war staff," Draco said, a bit impatient.

"Patience Draco, the staff is in a safe place, and I will only give it to you when every part of the plan is done, and when I am officially declared Daimyo," Ultimate Warrior said, walking away. Draco was a bit annoyed.

"Gah, my patience, is coming to an end, "my lord".." Draco said, growling.

We then see the other Undersea Force members were in the market area, and Straus was holding up a merchant.

"I told you guys, I don't know where this Darsun is!" the merchant cried.

"Well then, our friend Straus is pretty hungry I believe," Dash smiled.

Straus slipped his stingray tongue out a bit, and stared at him.

"Okay fine, she's in the Daimyo's Palace, in the dungeon!" the merchant said, and Straus dropped him down.

"There, was that so hard?" Dash asked.

We then cut to the hospital, and see the shadow assassins approaching the Daimyo on the ground, with swords.

"Stop assassins!" Ragau yelled, as he began punching and kicking the four into the walls, while clashing his two swords with the assassins.

While in the other room, Zelleo was fighting off some more, but they escaped into the Daimyo's room, and while chasing them, Zelleo quickly checked Nathan's pulse to see if he was okay.

Zelleo approached behind an assassin, tapped on his shoulder, and punched him to the ground, as the other assassins stared at Zelleo, and Zelleo clenched his fins together. Just then, an assassin kicked Ragau into a wooden pole, and threw a chain around Ragau, tying him to it.

"Time to kill the rabbit," the assassin said, as he approached Ragau with a sword.

"Ragau, no!" Zelleo yelled, but the other assassins cornered him.

The assassin approached Ragau with the sword, and Ragau was ready for the worst, but just then, a red sword clashed with the assassin's sword, it was Nathan.

"You didn't let me miss out on the fun did you?" Nathan asked, as he clashed swords with the assassin's, and kicked him into the air.

"Glad you are feeling better, Nathan-san," Ragau said.

"Maybe not exactly better, but I am walking and breathing!" Nathan said, as he cut Ragau's chains open.

"Good, now let us finish these foes!" Ragau said.

Zelleo was still trying to fight off the assassins, but Nathan and Ragau jumped in and began attacking, aiding him.

"Nathan, you're okay!" Zelleo said, as they all continued battling the assassins.

We cut to outside the Daimyo's Palace. Nora, PJ, Kane, Dash, and Straus were all outside, trying to sneak in.

"So uh...are you Vandalators good at climbing walls?" Kane asked to Straus, and Straus looked up a bit strangely.

We then cut back to the semi-finals match, and see Laneld was still battling Argoron as hard as he could, with Argoron swinging Fangis at Laneld, but he kept dodging.

"I get the feeling I might be in too deep!" Laneld said, worried, as he clashed his purple sword with Argoron's.

"You are a tricky one to beat, I admit!" Argoron laughed, as he kept attacking Laneld, but Laneld kept jumping up.

Raxor's giant staff was clashing with Eragan's sword in their section of the small arena cage.

"I wonder if it is too late to change my bets..and put it on this guy!" Eragan said, as he dodged Raxor's punch to the ground, and he kept clashing with Raxor.

"Look pal, I could rake in some serious cash if I win this thing, and I could split it with ya...60-40..?" Eragan offered, but Raxor growled. "How about 50-50?"

"Tell you what, I'll cut you in 50-50. Top half and bottom half or even left half and right half," Raxor smiled.

"No need to be harsh about it!" Eragan said, as he got away from Raxor and he kept swinging his staff, and as Eragan tried to escape, Raxor hit Eragan with it, and it teleported him away.

Laneld was still dodging Argoron, but he managed to knock Fangis out of his hands, and he slid on the ground and knocked Argoron over. As he got back up, Laneld hit him one last time with his purple sword, and Argoron teleported away.

"That's right, I saw, I came, I beat down the leader of the Vandalators and I'm now in the final two!" Laneld said, bowing to the cheering crowd. "I COULD WIN THIS!"

Raxor then approached Laneld.

"Oh great...my final match is the big ugly brown guy?" Laneld asked.

Raxor then tapped his staff into his other hand, and smiled at Laneld.

"Uh oh!" Laneld said.

Just then, Gimino appeared.

"It is time," he announced.

"Time for me to win already?" Laneld asked.

"No, time to give you two a proper battling field," Gimino said, and teleported them away. The stadium had changed. It was now a beautiful arena with a golden floor, water was shooting out of two statues, above, making water surround the arena, and torches lit up the center. The crowd was still cheering.

"Here today competing for the title of Battle World champion...Laneld of planet Earth, and Raxor of planet Roin!" Gimino announced.

We then cut to the palace, and in some hall. Just then, Straus jumped through the window, carrying Dash and Nora, and PJ and Kane followed behind.

"Well, that worked," PJ said.

They then approached some stairs in the center of the hall, and Dash noticed the curtain on the ground.

"Bring the curtain, I have an idea," Dash said.

We then see Draco fighting off guards in the throne room, and scorching them with fire. He slammed some away with his tail, and scratched some with his claws. He approached the war staff on a stand, and as he was about to grab it, Ultimate Warrior appeared form behind a curtain and laughed, grabbing the staff from Draco.

"Oh Draco, I knew you would try to betray me," Ultimate Warrior said. "I just wanted to see the look on your face when you failed! Now you will pay with your life for your treason!"

He tried to make the war staff shoot red energy, but it was acting odd, and it wasn't cooperating with Ultimate Warrior.

"What!? The war staff refuses to accept me?!" Ultimate Warrior said in rage, and it kept shooting beams everywhere, but Draco dodged them and blasted fire everywhere.

"You always were an incompetent fool," Draco said, as he growled and charged at Ultimate Warrior, and the staff went flying behind them. Draco then picked it up and laughed.

"It's a shame really. You should have spent time learning how to control the war staff before using it. I on the other hand have been spending years studying its power on my planet, and I know how to control its immense power," Draco said, and as Ultimate Warrior began to flee the room, Draco blasted a red beam at him, making him fall to the ground. Draco approached him, laughing.

We then cut to the dungeon, and two samurai guards were in front of Darsun's cell. Darsun was meditating inside her cell. Just then, a hooded figure wearing the curtain appeared - Dash and Straus were under it.

"I come to speak to the captain," Dash said.

"By order of the Daimyo, you shall not pass," one guard said.

"We don't want any trouble...or do we?" Dash laughed, as Straus tore open the curtain and punched both of the guards into the wall. Nora, PJ, and Kane appeared from behind them.

"This is easier than I expected," Nora said.

The five all approached Darsun's cell.

"Darsun!" PJ, Kane, Laneld, and Nora yelled.

"My guardians!" Darsun said, pleased. "And...Straus?"

"Allow me," Straus said, and he was able to bend open the cell bars, allowing Darsun to get out.

"I could have done that too," PJ said.

"Thank you, nobel Vandalator," Darsun said.

"Glad you are okay Darsun, but what the heck is going on here? This place is getting weird," Dash said.

"I will explain later, but we must hurry and get to the Daimyo and Nathan," Darsun said.

We then cut back to Laneld and Raxor's match.

"BEGIN!" Gimino commanded, and he disappeared into a bubble.

"I am going to crush you so hard little fish," Raxor laughed, as he swung his staff at Laneld.

"Uh..did anybody ever tell you that brown looks good on you? It says...rage," Laneld said, as Raxor punched the grown and Laneld was luckily able to dodge.

"You are gonna get the beating of a life time, fish boy," Raxor growled and charged at him.

Just then, above their battle, we see Ultimate Warrior dodging blue energy blasts from Draco. He fell to the ground above the match.

"You still think you can become Daimyo of the Battle World?" Draco laughed, and he blasted Ultimate Warrior again straight into the arena below, and he fell on top of Raxor as he was about to attack Laneld, and fell to the ground.

"What the.." Laneld said.

Draco then flew down into the arena with his wings and roared.

"Draco, stop this at once! That staff is my right as family!" Ultimate Warrior said.

Gimino then appeared, and halted the battle.

"Stop this at once, only Battle World contestants are allowed in the arena-" Gimino said, but Draco blasted him to the ground with the staff, and the crowd gasped and began panicking.

"Any other rules you want to state?" Draco laughed.

We then see Darsun, Argoron, Ragau, and Nathan carrying the Daimyo outside. The rest of the Vandalators and Undersea Force were aiding them too.

"You must be strong Daimyo, there is a situation that needs your power," Darsun said.

He then looked into the arena and saw Draco blasting beams at the Ultimate Warrior, and he fell to the ground, as his mask fell off.

"Draco..has returned? And with my war staff? This is terrible. The war staff focuses energy from the heart, and with an evil heart like Draco's, there is no telling what it could do.." The Daimyo said. "We must stop him!"

The Daimyo then made a bubble appear around everywhere, and sent them into the arena. Draco was blasting fire from his mouth at the Ultimate Warrior, and it gave him many burns.

"Guys, you made it!" Laneld yelled, seeing the Undersea Force, Daimyo, and Vandalators. "Why did these two goons interrupt my battle?! I could have won!"

"In that case, I think it's a good thing they interrupted it now!" Dash said.

"Laneld, we're in serious danger!" Zelleo said.

"Oh my..the one time we decide to go to a Battle World tournament and this has to happen!" Natcher said.

"That fool has no idea what the staff can do!" Argoron growled.

"Draco, stop!" The others yelled.

Just then, the war staff's energy began to turn red, and Draco was having a hard time controlling it.

"What is happening?!" Draco asked.

"Draco, no!" The Daimyo yelled, but the staff blasted a large black and red energy substance into the sky, and the aliens in the crowd began leaving in fear.

"What the heck is that?!" Dash asked.

"Draco's evil energy has made a rip between worlds. The multidimensional wound could destroy anything it touches!" The Daimyo gasped.

"Don't worry, closing portals is our specialty...but I don't know about this one!" Nathan panicked.

Draco lost control of the staff, and it felt flying to the ground.

"The staff is mine!" Ultimate Warrior yelled, as he charged for it.

"What, no!" Draco yelled. "No, my war staff!"

The Undersea Force with the Daimyo, Ragau and Vandalators, Ultimate Warrior, and Draco all charged for the staff at once, but it got knocked aside as everyone fell. Squidtstrictor and Kane both got up to grab it, but just then, the wound began sucking everything into it, making everyone slightly rise off the ground. The staff was about to fly into it.

"The staff!" Dash yelled, as he jumped toward it and jammed his sword into the ground, stopping it from floating, but Dash was being held upward toward the portal, as he held onto his sword.

"Wah...woah!" Laneld yelled, as he was being sucked up, but he jabbed his sword into the ground, keeping him from falling into it. Raxor was about to flying, but Laneld fired a grappling hook around his leg, keeping him suspended.

All the Vandalators were getting sucked upward, but they managed to shoot their weapons into the ground as well, preventing them from falling into it. Just then, Gimino went flying up into the portal, but unfortunately nobody could save him. He was vaporized into the portal as he screamed.

"Dang...poor guy," Crink said.

"Oh no...Gimino!" Daimyo yelled.

Nathan, Ragau, Zelleo, Draco, and Ultimate Warrior began floating around in a circle.

"Hold on!" Straus yelled, as Zelleo grabbed onto his leg, Ragau grabbed to Zelleo, and Ragau grabbed Nathan. Ultimate Warrior then grabbed onto Nathan's fins, and Draco grabbed onto Ultimate Warrior's legs from behind.

Dash then managed to pull the staff out from his yellow sword, and he saw Darsun and the Daimyo, who were not being sucked upward.

"Darsun, catch!" Dash yelled, as he tossed the staff to her.

"Here, my friend," Darsun said, as she handed the staff to him. "Hurry!"

"Yes, I must close the rift immediately!" The Daimyo said.

"Hold on!" Nathan yelled to Ultimate Warrior, but Draco was grabbing onto Ultimate Warrior and tugging him back.

"You will not get rid of me that easily!" Draco growled.

"Fool, you will kill us both!" Ultimate Warrior yelled.

"Stop fighting, you guys are going to fall in!" Nathan yelled, as Ultimate Warrior was kicking Draco in the face, and Draco was shooting fire at Ultimate Warrior, but he blocked it with his gauntlet.

"Draco, you robbed me of my destiny...now take this, I will take you back to where you belong!" Ultimate Warrior yelled, as they both slipped from Nathan's grasp.

"NO!" Nathan yelled.

"YOU FOOOOL!" Draco yelled, as he and Ultimate Warrior kept fighting and went flying into the red portal; they were vaporized by it.

"MY SON!" The Daimyo yelled, upset.

"Daimyo, you must close it now!" Darsun said.

"...Yes," Daimyo said, sighing and holding back his tears. He then held his staff up and shot a blue beam at it, and the red portal began to shrink into the beam. The portal disappeared, and everyone who was floating fell to the ground.

Raxor got up from behind Laneld, and Laneld was trying to pull his purple sword out of the ground. Raxor charged behind Laneld, and as he pulled his sword out, it hit Raxor right in the head, knocking him out.

"Yo ugly, do you think we are supposed to finish this now?" Laneld asked, and he saw him knocked out. "Uh...oops."

We then see Laneld in front of the Daimyo outside his palace, with all the aliens cheering that Laneld has won?!

"Laneld of planet Earth, I crown you Battle World champion!" The Daimyo said, as he put a gray grass crown around his head, and gave him a blue trophy.

"Well, I can't believe that you won...but congrats man, you won for us," Nathan said.

"I can't believe I won either, but I am so happy!" Laneld said.

"That makes three of us," Dash groaned.

"Make that four," Nora sighed.

"I'm sorry for your losses," Nathan said to the Daimyo.

"I know...Gimino was a friend I trusted wisely, I shall miss him. As for my son...despite the fact his actions were foolish and immature, I mourn his loss," The Daimyo said, staring down at the ground upset.

"They may not be completely gone. The multiverse and universes have many mysteries, perhaps he could be out there..somewhere," Darsun said.

"Perhaps...but come, gather yourselves. It is time for you go to back home," Daimyo said.

Nathan then bowed to Ragau, and he bowed back.

"It was an honor fighting alongside you, Nathan-son," Ragau said.

"Yes, and I thank you for saving me multiple times," Nathan smiled. "Maybe our paths will cross again someday."

The Daimyo then made the trophy glow, and it teleported Undersea Force back to their base on Senato.

"Home sweet home.." Kane said, as they were inside.

"It's almost as if it never happened," Nora said.

"Yup, and I WON! WOO! I have a trophy to prove it! What does that trophy say? It says BATTLE WORLD CHAMPION!" Laneld said, bragging.

"I know he's going to go on about this for ages.." PJ said.

"The only reason you won was on a technical level!" Dash said.

"Well technically, I won!" Laneld laughed. "And if I recall, you lost in the first round to Argoron!"

"Let me at 'em!" Dash yelled, as he tackled Laneld and began punching him, and Zelleo and Nathan tried to restrain him.

"Yes, it is good to be home," Darsun smiled.

We then cut to Korax's headquarters. Korax was out on a balcony, in front of an army of Red Rarks and his Red Sentient four in front of them. Dr. Rick was also there in an exo-suit, another punishment of his last failure. He now had his brian in the suit, projecting his face out of the robot body. The Ancient Titans were staring at Korax through a portal in their Shadow Castle.

"My exodus is coming.." Korax announced to them. "Project X is coming along well...when it is finished, we shall destroy the Undersea Force, Darsun, and the rest of the Blue Sentients. Then...I shall conquer this planet, the galaxies, and then the rest of the worlds!"

The Red Rarks began cheering, and Kuri just stood there bitterly, and the episode fades out with a view of the spacial sky.



-Laneld somehow wins the Battle World tournament.

-Draco, Ultimate Warrior, and Gimino are presumed dead.

-It is revealed Dr. Rick is now in an exo-suit after his last punishment.

-This concludes the Battle World arc.

Round 4 Results:

Laneld vs Argoron (Winner: Laneld)

Eragan vs Raxor (Winner: Raxor)

Round 5 Results:

Laneld vs Raxor (Winner: Laneld)

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69. Kordon On The Run


The episode opens at some top secret facility in the outskirt deserts of Bikini Bottom late at night. Someone was in a gray suit, and was walking around the sides of the base. They made a laser gun appear from their hand and it shot through the steel wall, allowing them into the base.


The person then began walking through the dark halls, and two guards were in front of a giant gate. They pointed their laser guns at the suited person, but they began jumping up and bashed the two guards together, knocking them out. The person then put some device onto the gate, and unlocked the gate. The person entered inside to find a room filled with lots of alien technology everywhere.


"I am in the tech room, there is lots of strange weaponry here," the person said to a communicator on their arm, showing their boss a picture of the technology, and their face appeared through the helmet screen - it was Kuri. She was wearing some gear that allowed her to be underwater without being destroyed.


"Good," a voice said to her on the communicator, which was Korax. "The device we need should be in there somewhere."


Kuri was looking around the piles of alien technology in the room, and she saw an entrance to a deeper part of the base. She walked into it, and saw some golden technology piece floating in some machine.


"I found it," Kuri said, as she approached it to see it was surrounded by a bubble. She shot a laser through the bubble, and it broke. 


Kuri reached to grab it, but a steel dome appeared over it and the alarm went off.




Kuri then noticed the door for the special room, and the door for the tech room were both closing, so she quickly jumped through both of them out into the hallway, but Agent Bishop and his OPF agents cornered Kuri, and the agents had laser guns pointed at her.


"Interesting trap..." Kuri said suspiciously, as she pulled out a laser sword.


"Actually..." Bishop began to say, as a steel ring appeared beneath Kuri and it surrounded her in a blue energy beam. "This is the trap."


"Let me go!" Kuri demanded, as she sliced through the blue beam, but it cut her sword off, and a piece fell to the ground.


"Advanced piece of alien technology we salvaged. The blue energy beam cuts through anything, makes your sword look like a butter knife, slicing right through the beams," Bishop said, as he pressed the rest of her sword into the beam and it was vaporized.


Bishop then went to a computer, and pressed a button. Korax appeared on the screen in his headquarters room.


"What? Whoever you are fish organic, this is a secure channel," Korax said, getting up from his chair upon seeing Bishop.


"Hello Mr. Korax. My name Bishop, and this lady right here, I believe you know," Bishop said, showing Kuri trapped in the cage.


"Kuri.." Korax began growling, clenching his fiery fists.


"In the exchange for her life, I would like all the alien technology you have been collecting on Senato," Bishop said.


"...I have no idea what you are talking abo-" Korax began saying, but was cut off by Bishop.


"Please, I know everything. Knowledge is my strength. I know all about you, Mr. Korax," Bishop smiled.


"You know nothing of me," Korax grinned.


"I know you are a feared criminal across the galaxies, and are of Red Sentient descent. You have been lying to everyone about your "changed ways", so you can use dangerous alien technology to build your little "Project X". Your friend here was trying to steal a microchip from the Ocean Protection Force. If you do not turn over your entire weaponry of technology to me in the next 40 minutes, your little hot-headed Red Sentient princess will be sliced neatly into a pile of fries," Bishop taunted to Korax.


"No matter, I can just make some allies of mine teleport her away," Korax smiled.


"And if you do that, she'll be sliced into pieces sooner than expected," Bishop threatened. 


Korax just stood there silently.


"...39 minutes, and counting. I'll be waiting, Mr. Korax," Bishop said again looking at his watch, and he ended the communication between the two.


We then see Kordon, Dr. Rick, and some Red Rarks underground beneath Korax's base. They were all constructing something, which was the "Project X" Korax kept mentioning. Korax approached Kordon who was bossing everyone around.


"GET TO WORK, PUNK!" Kordon yelled to Dr. Rick in his exosuit.


"I am, you buffoon," Dr. Rick said, as he continued to carry some large pieces of technology.


"Kordon, I need your assistance," Korax said.


"What is it boss?" Kordon asked.


"A creature in the ocean world we sent Kuri to has held her hostage, preventing her from completing her mission. His name is "Bishop", and wants me to hand over all of our technology to him to save her life. Obviously I refuse, so your mission Kordon, is to rescue Kuri from Bishop," Korax said. "I will give you the appropriate gear."


"Yes, master, I would do anything for you," Kordon said, bowing down to him.


"Be warned Kordon...if you fail, your life will be at stake as well..." Korax threatened. He then handed him some coordinates of Bikini Bottom to help him find the base. "Do not fail me."


"I would do anything for you, master," Kordon said.


"I know. The Titans will send you there soon, they have new magical abilities to send only a small few of people to wherever we'd like." Korax explained.


Kordon got ready, equipped some gear on, and he left the room. We then see Dr. Rick was in a tunnel leading into the room, and he contacted Bishop.


"Sir, our plan is going brilliantly! Kuri fell for the trap after I informed you they found the piece of technology at your base. Korax refused the offer and he is now is sending his other buffoon Kordon to rescue her," Dr. Rick told Bishop.


"Figures, I knew that fool wouldn't cough up the technology. Thanks Rick for the tip, I'll have everything ready for his other lackey too. I have the special train ready so I can exit right under their noses. Keep giving me info on Project X, we must stop it before it goes off," Bishop said through the communicator. 


We then cut to Bikini Bottom late at night, and see Nathan, Laneld, Dash, and Zelleo at the Krusty Krab.


"Man, I'm stuffed!" Laneld said, finishing his meal. "A meal fit for a champion."


"I swear, if you keep boasting about winning that stupid tournament..." Dash said.


"I'm done for today, I swear...wait one more: YEAH I'M A CHAMPION, WOO!" Laneld yelled throughout the empty restaurant, with some fish who were there looking at him oddly.


"We're on patrol guys, keep an eye out," Nathan said.


"Why did we have to patrol here?" Dash asked.


"Because someone has to keep an eye on our hometown. We may sort of live on Senato now, but we still have to watch here too," Zelleo said.


Just then, a jeep went zooming straight through the windows of the Krusty Krab, and went zooming north, busting through the kitchen and toward the desert beyond. The few customers left began running out in terror, with SpongeBob and Squidward extremely confused.


"What the heck was that?!" Laneld asked, getting up from the debris everywhere.


"Maybe it was karma hitting you back for winning the tournament unfairly," Dash smirked, getting up.


"I did win it fairly," Laneld groaned.


"I don't even know...but that vehicle did not look like Bikini Bottom tech!" Zelleo said.


"Well, it is something for us to investigate!" Nathan said, as they exited the Krusty Krab to get into their vehicles, and equip their gear.


Mr. Krabs came out of his office to see the Krusty Krab all torn apart from the mysterious biker.


"What the heck happened?!" Mr. Krabs asked in panic.


We then see Nathan, Zelleo, Laneld, and Dash were racing in their vehicles chasing after the biker.


"Who is this punk? Where is he even headed?" Dash asked, zooming up with the Slashwind.


"I think it's time for a fusion to speed things up," Nathan said, and he shot the Fuser into the air, as he and Dash entered it to form the SkySlicer.


They went hovering over the biker, and slowly was landing down on them. The SkySlicer fired a laser at the mystery rider, and they want falling off their mini-jeep into the sand, and the jeep was destroyed from another blast. The SkySlicer hovered down, and the fusion ended, as Nathan got out of the Splitvire to see who it was. The others arrived to the scene as well.


"Gah...I knew you freaks would try to sabotage my mission," the rider said, revealing it was Kordon through his helmet.


"What the..Kordon?! How is he underwater?!" Laneld asked.


"It looks like he is wearing some anti-water suit...but how he even got here, I have no idea," Zelleo said.


"I have a mission to finish, and you won't stop me!" Kordon yelled, and he punched Dash off the Slashwind, and drove it off through the desert.




"Here, you can hop in with the champion!" Laneld taunted, opening the Sonicwave door, and Dash angrily got in the shotgun, not saying a word. 


The gang chased after Kordon, and he pulled out a machine gun and began firing lasers at them from behind.


"Whoa, watch it!" Laneld yelled, blasting sonic waves at him.


"Jeez, he sure seems determined," Zelleo said, as he fired a laser from the Crusher at the Slashwind, but Kordon zoomed up with it, zooming through the exploding sand in the air.


"Hey, don't hurt the bike!" Dash yelled to Zelleo from the Sonicwave.


"Sorry!" Zelleo said.


Kordon then came to the OPF base, and hopped off the Slashwind, as it went zooming into the front door, causing an explosion.


"MY BIKE!!" Dash yelled, as the vehicles arrived, and they all got out, getting their weapons ready.


"Relax Dash," Nathan said.


They saw the front door was destroyed, and the Slashwind was beaten up, dirty, and no longer worked. Kordon went running in.


"So, we can all go in at once-" Zelleo was about to say, but Dash charged in the beat up building, and punched Kordon right in the face, pounding him into a wall.


"..Never mind," Zelleo said, and they went into the building.


"What is this place, Zel?" Nathan asked.


"I don't know...it appears to be some secret facility," Zelleo sid.


"THAT'S FOR THE BIKE!" Dash yelled, as he continued to punch Kordon, but Kordon kicked him off and into a pile of debris.


"I don't have time for this, freaks!" Kordon yelled, as he went running down a hallway ahead.


"What is Kordon even doing?" Nathan asked.


"I don't know, but he's doing a good job of ignoring us, that's for sure," Zelleo said.


Kordon was reading the coordinates of Kuri's location, and the gang charged at him, attacking him with their swords.


"Buzz off, fools!" Kordon yelled, as he threw some disc bombs at them, causing explosions and smoke to form, blinding them, and making the hall rumble a bit. "This isn't about you."


"Well, Kordon is definitely after something that we aren't involved with," Zelleo said.


"But what could it be?" Nathan wondered.


"I don't care, that punk is gonna get it for trashing my bike!" Dash yelled, punching his fins together.


"Sheesh, I know to not break his vehicle again!" Laneld said.


Kordon then ran through the hall, and came to another room. There were OPF guards there, and they began firing at him, but he smashed them all aside, and headed down some stairs, leading to a subway tunnel, where a black train was. Kordon has his machine gun ready, and he walked into a door of the train. The train had lots of odd technology everywhere, but Kuri was in her cage.


"So, I see you are the one sent to rescue me," Kuri said.


"Yes...my life depends on saving yours, upon Korax's request," Kordon said. 


He was about to free her, but suddenly, a steel floor piece went flying into Kordon's face, and it was revealed Bishop was underneath it.


"I admit, you are persistent, but not exactly bright," Bishop smiled, as he grabbed onto a bar above the door, and kicked Kordon out of the train onto the platform, as his machine gun was left on the train. The train began to drive off.


Kordon then got back up though, and grabbed a pipe from the wall, and used it to jam the train's wheels, causing it to halt. 


The gang came down to the subway to see what was going on, and saw Kordon jamming the train.


"Now what is he doing?" Zelleo asked.


Dash was ready to attack Kordon, but Laneld and Nathan restrained him. They jumped on top of the train to see what was inside there that Kordon wanted from the top windows, and they saw Kuri being held captive in a cage. They also saw Bishop grab Kordon's machine gun, and began walking away.


"Kuri underwater and that Bishop dude has her captive? I'm so lost!" Laneld said.


We see Kordon was still jamming the pipe into the wheels, but Bishop appeared from a door above, and had his machine gun pointed at Kordon.


"Didn't I tell you to get lost? Let me make my point a little clearer," Bishop said, as he began firing it, but Kordon let go of the pipe, causing the train to move again. He then busted into a door, avoiding the blasts. 


Kordon then came across Bishop, and grabbed him, as Bishop began firing the machine gun through the roof, and the gang jumped above, dodging the bullets. Laneld nearly fell off, but Zelleo grabbed onto him.


The machine gun then blasted at the orange windows, and the gang was still looking above.


"We have to rescue Kuri." Nathan said.


"Uh..did you get hit in the head?" Dash asked. "She's evil."


"She may be so, but we can't let her perish, it's not our way," Nathan said. "She helped us in the Maze Zone, we should repay her."


"Well, whatever you say leader, but Kordon is still getting a beating," Dash said.


Bishop was struggling to let go of Kordon, and as Kordon grabbed the machine gun back, it went into Kuri's cage beams, slicing many parts off of it off. Kordon was caught off guard, and Bishop kicked him in the stomach, and he slammed him into a pole. Kordon then ripped a train door off and slammed it over Bishop, but he went through the empty window part, and jumped onto it, making it slam Kordon in the face. He punched Kordon to the ground again.


"You are finished, friend, and so is she," Bishop said, tossing the door into the cage, making it spark a bit, and it shrunk, making Kuri cramped inside. 


"It'd be nice if you could hurry up, Kordon," Kuri said.


We then see the gang above.


"I think it's time we go in," Zelleo said.


"Normally I'd be fine with them taking each other out...but okay," Laneld said, and all four jumped inside.


"Didn't invite us to the party?" Nathan asked, pulling out his sword.


"Well well well, my old friends, what a reunion," Bishop said.


"Zelleo, try to free Kuri," Nathan ordered. "We'll take care of Bishop."


"I don't know who I can't stand more - Bishop or Kordon," Dash said.


Dash then picked up Kordon and slammed him to the ground again.


"And you owe me a new bike, fatso!" Dash yelled, getting his revenge.


The gang then attacked Bishop, but he swiftly dodged their attacks. Nathan tried to punch Bishop, but he dodged and kicked Nathan aside. Kordon then tried to punch him, but he wrapped his tie around Kordon's fist and began kicking him into the chest multiple times.


"If anyone is gonna do that to him, it's gonna be me!" Dash said, as he tried to punch Bishop, but he grabbed his arm and twisted it.


"GAH!" Dash yelled, as he tried to punch with the other arm, but Bishop dodged, and tossed Dash aside, and he tried hitting Nathan, but he slid away just in time.


"Time is of the essence, Zelleo," Kuri said.


"Sorry, just let me try to crack it a little longer...and done!" Zelleo said, as the cage broke apart, and Kuri was set free.


Laneld tried to attack Bishop, but he slid under the floor, and grabbed Kuri from behind, making her attack the others, as he made her grab Laneld's sword.


"Stretch those lovely arms, miss Kuri," Bishop said, as he made her attack the others. He then tossed her aside, as Kordon grabbed her, and he ran up to the cockpit of the train.


"Don't let him escape!" Nathan said, but Bishop grabbed a steel suitcase from a compartment, and whacked Kordon aside into the gang with it. He then headed up to the control part of the train.


"Oh, before I go, allow me to thank you Undersea Force for Darsun's DNA samples last time we met. It put my research ahead 50 years over night. Bye for now," Bishop smiled, as he pulled back a lever that made the control part of the train separate from the rest, and it zoomed down the tunnel. 


"Well, so much for don't let him escape.." Laneld said.


"Whatever, at least we repaid Kuri," Nathan said.


"Now that Kuri is safe, allow me to rake in some bonus points for Korax by destroying you freaks," Kordon smiled, cracking his knuckles to beat up the Undersea Force. 


However, Kuri kicked Kordon right off the train, he held onto a large pipe.


"Gee, thanks," Dash said.


"It is the least I could do, thank you for saving me. I suppose we've both owed each other now," Kuri said, and she hopped off the train.


She was on the train tracks behind, and she sent a communication to Korax that she was safe, and that the Ancient Titans can teleport her and Kordon back to Senato.


"Thanks for the help," Kordon groaned, as he had got down from the pipe.


We then see the Undersea Force back on the train, which had stopped.


"So...now what?" Laneld asked.


"Well, I need a new vehicle," Dash groaned.


"I think I could do some things with this train," Zelleo said. "It has some interesting technology usage."


"Sure...except how are we going to get this to Senato?" Nathan asked.


"Well...anyone know how to take a train apart?" Zelleo asked, and they all laughed.


We then cut to Korax's base, and see him in his room with Kordon, Kuri, two Red Rarks, and Dr. Rick.


"Thank you for sending Kordon, he saved my life," Kuri said to Korax.


"Very good job, Kordon," Korax said. "You deserve a promotion."


"Thank you master, I live to serve you," Kordon said, bowing down.


"You live as long as you succeed," Korax said. "Kuri, did you get the microchip?"


"No, but I was able to scan it, and it should help us make a new one," Kuri said.


"Yes, my genius can obviously help replicate it," Dr. Rick said.


"No," Korax said to him.


"Huh...what?" Dr. Rick asked, nervously, as two Red Rarks held him down.


"I'd like to speak with you about some unauthorized communications you had with someone named "Bishop". I discovered them through my system data files, upon Kyton informing me," Korax said. "It seems that you set up a plan, by telling him that Kuri was going to get the microchip. I've also read many other multiple messages you sent to him about Project X, and it seems you are a nothing but a spy. You are finished."


Korax then approached Dr. Rick, and the episode fades away from his base with Dr. Rick screaming in pain.



-Area Debuts: OPF Facility, Korax's Underground Lab, and Subway Tunnel

-Vehicle Debuts: OPF Train, Kordon's Mini-Jeep

-Absent: Darsun (third time ever absent from an episode), PJ, Kane, and Nora (first time ever absent from an episode)

-It is revealed Dr. Rick has been telling Bishop about Korax's Project X, hence why Bishop knew so much about it. 

-The Ancient Titans now have a power to teleport a few people wherever they want upon Korax's request, possibly have inheriting the skills from the Omega Code's device.

-Kuri and Kordon are given anti-water suits so they can walk underwater without being destroyed.

-Dr. Rick is fired from Korax's gang.

-The Slashwind gets destroyed thanks to Kordon.

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70. Time Travails

The episode opens with Nathan, Dash, Zelleo, Nora, and Laneld racing through a Tunnel Zone. It was basically just a long underground cavern.

"Man, it feels like forever since we've been in a zone," Nora said, using the Grangler to claw through the dust and rock.

"Probably because all that time dedicated to my winning in Battle World felt like a year!" Laneld laughed, racing along.

"I'm glad it wasn't," Dash groaned. "At least Darsun made me a new Slashwind."

"Yeah, just how much longer do you plan to brag about that?" Nora asked.

"Probably until I die," Laneld laughed. "But that won't be for a long time. It was my legacy to win."

"Why wait?" Dash chuckled.

"Hey, don't you even..." Laneld threatened.

"Both of you, knock it off," Nathan said, stopping them. Dash and Laneld just looked at each other annoyed.

"My scanners say the key is on the other side of the tunnel somewhere...which judging by how far we've drove, will take a while to get to," Zelleo said.

"It won't be a while if we speed it up!" Dash said.

"Or we could just use a fusion to avoid any accidents," Nathan said, nodding to Laneld.

Nathan blasted the Fuser, and the Splitvire and Sonicwave went in, to form the SonicSlash. It zoomed down the tunnel, and eventually made it to the other side to grab the key, zooming back to the other side.

"Got it!" Laneld boasted.

"Yeah yeah," Dash said.

"Now, let's get out of here, in case these tunnels might collapse," Zelleo said.

"Don't worry about it," Laneld said.

Just then, we heard the tunnels rumble a bit from the SonicSlash.

"...Okay let's go," Laneld said, blasting the key.

"Knucklehead," Dash said, and all five went back to Senato.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in deep space, we see a clockwork like citadel floating out in space. Inside there was some humanoid female checking around some orbs in a grand hall. She had blue and purple gear on her body, legs, arms, and she had a blue helmet.

"Ugh, I hate having to do apprentice work for Lord Timeostasis," the female sighed. "I didn't mean to break the orb! He doesn't trust me with anything. Let's see what is going on in the Time and Space Orbs."

As she was looking at the orbs, she saw one with an armored brown sorcerer beast in some dark castle.

"That fool Lord Timeostasis will pay for imprisoning me here..." the sorcerer laughed.

"Good luck with that, weirdo," she said, and went to another orb.

She saw an orb with the Undersea Force in it on Senato outside the Council Building, and Dash was trying to attack Laneld, but he tripped over the Slashwind, much to everyone laughing.

"Hey, those fish creatures look like they're having fun," the female said. "Maybe I could break Timeostasis's rules a bit.."

She then saw his Time Staff, a blue glowing steel staff, against a special window, being held by golden rods. She grabbed it from there.

"Let's hope this works!" She said, and transported herself to Senato right in front of the gang.

"But as I was saying....uh, who the heck is that?" Nora asked, seeing the female.

"Hi guys! My name is Ranet, I am Lord Timeostatis's apprentice, and I thought you guys would be cool to hang with!" Ranet said, nearly out of breath.

"Um.....hi there," Nathan said, with everyone confused.

"How did you even get here?" Zelleo asked.

"I traveled here with his Time Staff...don't tell him I took it!" Ranet laughed.

"Time travel? Great scott!" Zelleo yelled. "So much possibilities this staff could contain..."

"Relax brainiac, how do we know this isn't some trap by Korax?" Dash asked.

"Dash has a good point, but this lady does not seem evil," Nathan said.

"I'll show you all!" Ranet laughed.

"Yay, time travel! We could go back in time to when I was born or when we first met!" Laneld said.

She made a blue glow appear around all of them, and they disappeared in magic dust. Kane, PJ, and Darsun all exited the building to find the others. They didn't see them, and just saw their abandoned vehicles.

"Hey guys...where did you go?" PJ asked. "Guys?"

"I'm sure they will be back soon....but at the same time, I sense they may be in danger.." Darsun said, pondering.

"What makes you think that?" Kane asked.

"I'm not sure...my instinct says it," Darsun said, worried.

We then see the gang appeared in Bikini Bottom, and were outside the Krusty Krab, appearing out of the blue glow.

"So we're in Bikini Bottom, cool. Is this a different period of time?" Nora asked.

"Hey guys look inside...it's us before Darsun's space craft crashed!" Nathan said, looking inside.

"Wait...you can breath underwater?" Zelleo asked to Ranet.

"Well yeah, I am Lord Timeostasis's apprentice after all! I need to be able to survive anywhere I go," Ranet said.

"Man, the day we first met Darsun, it's hard to believe it was a year ago," Nathan said.

"I know right? We should talk with our past selves!" Laneld said.

"No, or else we'll disrupt the fabric of time and space as we know it. Ever heard the expression if you kill a butterfly in the past, you drastically alter the present? That's why we shouldn't mess with anything in the past," Zelleo said.

"Oops," Laneld said.

"I say we get out of here before Laneld screws something up," Dash said.

Ranet teleported them again, and this time they were in the Ancient Senato Ruins from Evil Alliance (Part 2).

"Wow, the day we first met Korax, and defeated the Rark and Vandalators in their alliance," Nora said.

We then see some events from Evil Alliance (Part 2) unfold, as the gang watched out of sight.

Krumb attacked the Crusher, but Zelleo deflected him to the side of the bridge.

"Guys, are you sure Darsun is that sneaky?" Nora asked.

"I don't know, but with the things she has been hiding, well.." Dash said, slicing some Rark in half.

"DESTROY THEM!" Cymtrax yelled, as more Rark attacked them.

"Well, I can tell this is going to be a fight for the ages!" Kane said, blasting some Rark with electric balls.

"Oh yeah, that was also when we were suspicious of Darsun, man, what a drama bomb," Laneld said.

"You guys are so fun to hang with, I never get to hang out with any friends," Ranet said.

"Well, uh, we're glad to be with you, miss Ranet," Nathan said awkwardly.

She then teleported them again, this time to Nathan's fight with Korax in the Factory Zone from Plight of the Red Sentients (Part 1).

"Wow, my first fight with Korax," Nathan said.

"Let's kick back and watch!" Laneld silently cheered, as the events from Plight of the Red Sentients (Part 1) unfolded.

"So, we meet like this....prepare for your doom!" Korax laughed.

Just then, a bunch of lasers surrounded the platform Korax and Nathan were on - the others were locked out.

"You can do it Nathan!" Zelleo yelled to him.

Nathan pulled out his sword, and attacked Korax, but Korax swung his blade hand, and attacked Nathan. They were both blocked at this point.

Just then, Korax made his other hand turn into a red blade and attacked Nathan with both blade hands.

"THAT'S CHEATING!" Laneld yelled.

"No worries, I got this," Nathan said. He jumped back into the Splitvire, and began driving.

Korax then blocked the Splitvire with his two blades, but Nathan launched a missile from the side of the Splitvire at a generator on the ceiling - it fell down, and Nathan drove away as it crushed Korax.

"Alright, I've seen enough, let's get out of here before we meet with our past selves," Nathan said, and they teleported away again.

They next arrived in Unite & Strike!, during the cave fight with Korax when Nathan won.

"The moment that led to me becoming the Council Leader," Nathan said, as the events unfolded.

The Red Rarks fired, but the blue aura around the Splitvire blocked their attacks. Korax blasted fire from Flar-Dar at him again, but the aura protected Nathan still.

"He's getting away!" Kordon yelled in panic, and Korax dropped Flar-Dar, surprised.

The Splitvire then successfully landed on the red area of the star, and it began to glow.

"You were right Korax. This war IS over. But we won!" Nathan said, and the other six cheered.

"That's my buddy!" Dash said, happy they won.

"I knew you could do it!" PJ said from the Vobi.

"NOOO! IT CAN'T BE!!" Korax yelled furiously.

They all began to glow, and their vehicles floated up in the air as colored circles - a yellow circle, a red circle, a green circle, a purple circle and a blue circle all formed together. They flew into the air, and the gang had lost their vehicles, but they looked up and saw them clash together, as they made a giant blue wave surround the cave.

"UNITE, AND STRIKE!" The five Undersea Force members yelled together.

"What is going on, sir?!" Kuri asked.

"We..lost.." Korax said.

It destroyed the rest of the Red Rark, Korax, Kordon, and Kuri, and made their energy signals all fly away. Not only that, but the blue wave made blue glows appear inside the Blue Sentient shells...the Blue Sentients had been revived!

"WOO!" Laneld yelled.

"Shut up," Dash and Nora said both at the same time.

"Woo..." Laneld whispered, and they teleported away, this time to the bridge battle of Darkness Descending (Part 2).

"Alright, I'm getting bored. Can we go back home now?" Dash asked.

"Aww...but you guys are so fun!" Ranet sighed.

"Fine, we can transport a little longer, but we have to be back soon," Nathan said.

"You're not really.." Dash whispered.

"Eh, why not. I feel bad for the poor girl, she seems to have no friends," Nathan said.

"Did you guys know that this can not only transport you to different periods of time, but it can also transport you to alternate realities, dimensions, or places of time?" Ranet said. "Your minds just exploded didn't they?"

"Well my head hurts, if that counts," Laneld said.

Ranet teleported them again, and they appeared in a city of some sort on land.

"And we're in...New Jersey, a state of America? Not where I wanted to go, but whatever," Ranet said, and she saw her friends trying to hold their breaths.

"We...ca-can't bre-breath on land!" Zelleo said, holding his breath.

"Oh oops...SORRY!" Ranet said, as she teleported them all away.

"Ah, I can breath again," Nora said.

"Don't do that, missy!" Dash said. "We could've died!"

"Sorry guys, this thing sort of has a mind of its own sometimes, as Lord Timeostasis told me," Ranet said.

"So uh...where are we now? This is Bikini Bottom...but not the one I know," Nathan said, as they saw it was some sort of super hero city, with tall skyscrapers and buildings everywhere. A mysterious square figured flew over the street they were on and through the sky.

"It must be an alternate reality of some sort," Ranet said.

"Wow, this definitely would be the comic book styled Bikini Bottom I've been imagining!" Laneld said.

"Yeah yeah, keep your superhero fantasies to yourself," Dash said.

She teleported them again, and this time they appeared in a dark garbage junkyard in a very grim area.

"Uh...where are we now?" Zelleo asked.

"No idea, but the skies are looking very gray and dark," Nora said. "And I don't think I like it..."

They saw a bunch of dark gray robots with red outlines scavenging the area.


"Great, what did you mess up this time Laneld?" Dash asked.

"I didn't do anything, I swear!" Laneld said.

"INTRUDERS DETECTED, EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE," the robots said, as the began firing bullets at them all from their arms, and they teleported away.

The gang then landed in some Ancient Land Zone, which was a dark land with dead trees, and it almost resembled the Shadow Zone. There was an odd beat down castle at the top of the hill.

"What the heck was that place all about?" Nora asked.

"It must have been an alternate reality of some sort...but where it was, I have no idea," Zelleo said. "It looked like Senato, maybe that's why we could breath there..."

"Yeah, I have no idea why it teleported us there, that was not where I wanted to go! It definitely does have a mind of its own," Ranet said.

"Well, it looks like we're in a Zone now," Nathan said, reading his scanners. "So at least we can get a Universe Key here."

"Well, this place is just as dark and gloomy as that weird alternate world," Nora sighed. "But at least there's something here for us to do without getting killed."

"Who is in that castle?" Laneld said, pointing up the hill.

We then cut to the castle, to see the sorcerer from the orb vision earlier atop a turret. He was staring at a portal from his cauldron with the Undersea Force and Ranet entering the zone.

"MWA HA HA! So, Lord Timeostasis's apprentice has brought the Time Staff to me! What an ignorant buffoon!" The sorcerer laughed. "I, Salvati Undero will have my revenge! That fool banished me here and I cannot leave, even with the Universe Key's power...but once I have that staff, I can finally leave this wretched land!"

He also had a pet red dragon on the ground, which was chained. It also had a strange red mask on its face, but it got up and began growling at the portal.

"What's gotten into you? Hungry?" Salvati asked. "You can have their leftovers once I finish them."

Salvati then used a staff of his own, which had the Universe Key on it, to make a magic spell shoot through the ground, and a bunch of Undead Warriors rose from the ground to attack the heroes.

"GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!" Laneld yelled, kicking the skeleton hand away from the ground.

"Great...I don't know what is worse, killer robots or undead zombies," Dash said, pulling out his yellow sword.

"And double great: We can't use our Charge Guns here, because there's no light!" Zelleo said, as he punched the skeleton warriors away, but they kept coming.

"I see a powerful energy source coming from the castle!" Ranet said, as she bashed a skeleton into a tree with the Time Staff.

They all began running to the castle, and destroying skeletons that appeared in their way.

"Such...a long...hike!" Laneld said, trying to walk up the hill, and he jabbed his sword through a skeleton.

"Hurry up, baby," Nora taunted.

"HEY! I won the Battle World tournament, I am no baby!" Laneld said, and he made it up the hill with the others.

Nathan then punched a skeleton through the castle doors, and they entered the heavily destroyed castle.

"Man, what a dump," Nora said.

"Mwa ha ha ha.." Salvati laughed, and appeared in front of them with his dragon.

"Hi there...whoever you are, can you give us that key?" Ranet asked, pointing to his staff.

"...You don't really know how to negotiate, do ya?" Dash asked, groaning.

"Yeah, I'm not the best at that.." Ranet sighed.

"Look weirdo, you better give us that key right now, or there's gonna be trouble!" Nora said, cracking her fists.

"Now that's how you do it," Dash said, smirking.

Salvati laughed, and he used his staff to make bones surround Ranet.

"If you dare attack me, the apprentice gets it," Salvati threatened.

"Fine. What do you want?" Nathan asked.

"I want that Time Staff!" Salvati yelled. "So I can get out of this accursed place!"

He then made a wall appear between him and the Undersea Force, and he summoned more skeleton warriors on the other side to attack.

"Hold on Ranet, we're coming!" Nathan yelled.

"Look Mr. Scary Sorcerer Dude, if you don't let me go, my friends will give you a massive beating!" Ranet warned.

Salvati just shrugged her off, and he took the Time Staff from her hands.

"Hey, give that back!" Ranet said, struggling to get out of the bone cage.

"Now, Time Staff, listen to my calls: Get me out of this zone!" Salvati yelled. The Time Staff did not do anything though. "Come on, work!"

We then saw his pet dragon began to get up, and surrounded itself in some white shell.

"Um...Mr. Sorcerer, your pet is acting weird," Ranet said, but he ignored her as he kept slamming the Time Staff to the ground to make it work.

We then see the Undersea Force smashed through the wall, having defeated his skeletons.

"Let her go!" Zelleo yelled.

"MWA HA HA! Fools, you will face the wrath of Salvati Undero as soon as this idiotic staff wor-" Salvati was boasting, as Dash hit him in the back of the head with a brick, knocking him down to the ground.

"Wow, I didn't think it was possible, but I found someone who gloats more annoyingly than Laneld, and that says something," Dash smirked, as he grabbed the key from Salvati's staff.

"Hey, I think I may or may not take offense to that!" Laneld said.

Nathan then cut the bones open that held Ranet, and she was free.

"Thank you guys," Ranet said, as she picked up the staff.

"Well, I guess it's over. Thanks miss Ranet for the adventure, because of you we got a Universe Key, stopped a bad guy, and had fun looking at our past selves," Nathan said.

"I WOULDN'T SAY IT IS OVER JUST YET..." a disembodied voice laughed.

"Oh great...what else is there?!" Zelleo asked.

"Say...what happened to the dude's pet dragon?" Laneld asked.

"He surrounded himself in that weird shell," Ranet said.

The shell then cracked open, as we saw a dragon claw tear out of it, and out appeared...

"It can't be..." Nathan said.

"DRACO?! ULTIMATE WARRIOR?!" Laneld gasped.

It was true. Ultimate Warrior and Draco were now fused together into some hybrid. The body was red like Draco's, had Ultimate Warrior's mask as the face, his hair, Draco's mouth was on the stomach, two dragon wings, and Ultimate Warrior's metal claw on the right arm.

"YES, IT IS US. WE ARE NOW ULTIMATE DRACO, AND SEEK OUR REVENGE," Ultimate Draco's voices both said.

"But...you two were killed. We saw you get vaporized into the portal!" Nora said.


"Hey, give it back you freak!" Ranet said.


As the Undersea Force was ready to attack, just then, a blue glow appeared in the room, and out came Lord Timeostasis. He was a small man with a blue clock helmet, blue robes, and was a humanoid like Ranet.

"For goodness sakes, can't I ever get a break?" He groaned. "Ranet, I can't ever trust you with anything."

"I'm so so so so sorry Lord Timeostasis, I didn't mean to," Ranet cried.

"That's Lord Timeostasis? Smaller than I imagined," Dash said.

"I'll deal with you later...who is this weirdo?" Timeostasis asked, looking at Ultimate Draco.


"Yeah yeah, good luck with that," Lord Timeostasis said smugly.

Ultimate Draco pointed the Time Staff at everyone trying to teleport them away, but it didn't work.

"WHAT IS THIS?" Ultimate Draco asked.

"Like I said, it has a mind of its own," Lord Timeostasis smiled to Ranet.

"GAH, WE WILL DEAL WITH YOU ALL ANOTHER TIME. BE WARNED UNDERSEA FORCE, WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE," Ultimate Draco laughed, and it teleported away with the Time Staff.

"So....AAAAAH!" Laneld yelled. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!"

"Do not worry, I doubt that whack job will figure out how the staff works." Lord Timeostasis laughed. "Speaking of whack jobs..."

Salvati got up, and he gasped when he saw Lord Timeostasis.

"Oh no...Timeostasis..." Salvati said in fear.

"Yup, it's me. Long time no see, Salvati. I thought banishing you here was good enough, but I guess not," Lord Timeostasis said. "Never try to steal my staff again."

He then snapped his fingers, and Salvati disappeared. We then see he landed in some lake in a prehistoric jungle.

"Oh no...he didn't," Salvati gulped.

We then saw some dinosaurs throughout the land, and they all roared.

"Aw crud..." Salvati sighed.

We cut back to the Ancient Land Zone.

"Now, I bid you all farewell. As for you young lady, you are getting a 6 week grounding," Lord Timeostasis said, grabbing Ranet.

"Ugh...fine. I'm sorry sir. I only did it because I never hang out with anybody. But...it was fun while it lasted." Ranet said.

"No problem, you did help us much today, despite disobeying your master," Nathan said.

Ranet smiled, and Timeostasis teleported the both of them away.

"Well, let's go back to the base...I need a huge break after all that," Nathan said, and they got out with the key.

We cut to the base, and see they had explained to Darsun, Kane, and PJ what happened, along with giving them the two keys they got today.

"I knew I sensed something was going to happen..." Darsun said. "I had a feeling Draco and the Daimyo's son were not gone."

"So what should we do?" Nathan asked.

"For now...there is nothing we can do, other than wait. We must be prepared for when they attack, who knows what they could do with the Time Staff..." Darsun said, and the episode ended.

-Character Debuts: Ranet, Lord Timeostasis, Salvati Undero, Undead Warriors, and Dinosaurs
-Area Debuts: Tunnel Zone, Ancient Land Zone, Lord Timeostasis's Citadel, Unknown Wasteland, Superhero City, Prehistoric Age, and New Jersey ( :P)
-PJ and Kane stay behind at the base for both missions.
-Past episodes the gang were sent to: The Force Assembles (Part 1), Evil Alliance (Part 2), Plight of the Red Sentients (Part 1), Unite & Strike!, and Darkness Descending (Part 2).
-Salvati Undero is a sorcer who tried to steal the Time Staff from Lord Timeostasis a long time ago, but Lord Timeostasis banished Salvati to the Ancient Land Zone, and he cannot leave it, similar to the Ancient Titans being trapped in the Shadow Zone.
-It is revealed at least a year has passed since The Force Assembles.
-The Slashwind is remade for Dash.



Ultimate Warrior and Draco return, revealing they were fused into "Ultimate Draco" after being sucked into the portal, and banished to the Ancient Land Zone with Salvati.


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71. Super Sponge
The episode opens with the Undersea Force training outside the Council Building, except for Laneld, who was inside reading Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy comic books.
"Oh yeah, go Mermaid Man! You can defeat Man Ray!" Laneld cheered.
"Hey buddy, you know the rest of us are training our fins off?" Dash said, going inside to see Laneld.
"What? I need a break to read these glorious superhero tales," Laneld said. 
"Comic books, really? What are you, five?" Dash asked.
"Hey, I'll have you know these tales of heroes can really relate to us!" Laneld said.
"Whatever floats your boat, bro," Dash said sternly, as he went back outside to train with the others.
Just then, outside we see a huge spark of light appearing.
"What's going on?" Nora asked, as their training was halted.
"I sense a dark being approaching...everyone get inside!" Darsun commanded.
Out of the spark appeared Ultimate Draco from the last episode. He was holding the Time Staff, and it was glowing blue.
"FOOLS, WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD RETURN," Ultimate Draco smiled, and Laneld ran outside to see the commotion.
"Oh no no, not him!" Laneld cried.
"This is what we told you about Darsun, the Daimyo's son and Draco fused together!" Nathan said, as he pulled out his Charge Gun and tried to blast Ultimate Draco, but he waved the Time Staff, and it froze all eight in their attack positions.
"Oh no...I c-can't m-move..." Nora said.
"None of us can!" Dash said, as he was stuck in a blue glow with everyone else.
"He's f-frozen us, we can't do anything!" Zelleo said.
"WE ARE THE MASTERS OF TIME AND SPACE. OUR REVENGE WILL BE SWIFT. PREPARE TO MEET YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES." Ultimate Draco said proudly, as he waved the staff again, and all eight disappeared right in front of Ultimate Draco.
Ultimate Draco laughed, and he teleported himself away.
We see Laneld falling through a blue time travel tunnel.
"AAAAH, DRACO, ULTIMATE WARRIOR, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS!!!!" Laneld yelled, floating through it.
We then see Laneld landed in a giant city of some sort, and it was the superhero like city the gang briefly saw from Time Travails.
"This place again? This was that place Ranet sent us to," said Laneld. "Where is everyone?"
Suddenly, a tiny green creature started shooting at Laneld from its eyes, with two hovering robots by the creature's side. Laneld dodged the blasts with his sword and jumped behind a boat mobile nearby.
"What the heck...not even more than a minute into this weird world, and I'm getting attacked by a puny shrimp!" Laneld said.
"Fool, you should not underestimate the power of I, the Evil Eye!" The creature laughed.
"Total control of the city is ours," a strange computer said from Evil Eye's tiny arm gadget. His hovering robots began shooting lasers at the streets and buildings, with fish screaming in terror.
"Oh man, I don't know what to do...the gang isn't here, and I don't know who this guy is. But if I don't act, these people will suffer," Laneld said, seeing more hovering robots come and attack the citizens and boat mobiles.
"Stop, you single-celled scoundrel!" came a voice from above, and Laneld gasped in surprise.
The owner of the voice, a sponge, wearing a blue suit with a giant "S" on it, flew down, avoiding the little green creature's blasts.
"You won't stop me this time, Super Sponge!" said the creature. "I, Evil Eye, will rule Bikiniapolis with an iron fist!"
Super Sponge picked up the boatmobile that Laneld was hiding behind and threw it at Evil Eye. Evil Eye destroyed it with an eye-blast before it could hit him. A bunch of robots then appeared from both sides of the town, and cornered Super Sponge.
"Destroy him, my soldiers!" Evil Eye commanded.
"Whoa...I'm in some super hero world of Bikini Bottom. This is...AWESOME! Well not awesome, because I need to find the others, but kind of awesome," Laneld said, watching the fight from the sidewalks.
Super Sponge then did a whirlpool spin, and it blasted several waves to Evil Eye's robots, destroying them.
"Ha! Is that all you got?" boasted Evil Eye.
"No," said Super Sponge. "But it didn't need to be."
"What?" said Evil Eye.
"Evil Eye, I sense the one known as Super Sponge is about to outsmart you," his Arm Gadget said.
Before he could figure out what was going on, Evil Eye found himself locked up in a glass box, held by none other than Super Sponge's sidekick, Super Star.
"No! It was a distraction!" screamed Evil Eye, blasting with no effect.
"I warned you," the Arm Gadget said.
"Don't waste your energy," said Super Sponge. "That glass is made of 100% evil-resistant material. You're never getting out. Super Star, take him to the police."
"With pleasure!" said Super Star before flying away, glass box still in his hands.
Just then, some more hovering robots approached Super Star.

"Watch out dude!" Laneld yelled, and Super Star spun behind and chopped the two robots in half.
"No worries, citizens!" Super Star yelled in the distance, flying away to take Evil Eye to jail.
"HOORAY FOR SUPER SPONGE AND SUPER STAR!" Some fish cheered, coming out of the streets.
"Mr. Super Sponge, the Bikiniapolis News would like to ask you some questions about the Evil Eye you've been facing for a while," a news reporter fish asked.
"Sorry, I don't have time for questions. Justice calls," Super Sponge said.
Super Sponge turned around and saw Laneld staring at him, mouth wide open.
"You-you-you're a superhero," stuttered Laneld.
"That I am!" replied Super Sponge. "What are you doing out here, citizen? I thought everyone in Bikiniapolis got the note to stay indoors."
"I-I'm sorry," said Laneld. "My name is Laneld. I just got here. I'm from an alternate dimension."
"Really?" said a curious Super Sponge.
"Yeah!" said Laneld. "I was transported here by an enemy of ours named Ultimate Draco, and I have no idea how to go get back home."
"Interesting. I have no idea who this "Ultimate Draco" is, as he is no villain in Bikiniapolis. However, I will try my best to help you return to your world." Super Sponge reassured Laneld.
Just then, Laneld's body began to buzz weirdly and slightly fade away.
"What the heck was that about?" Laneld asked, returning to normal.
"Maybe this has to do with the Ultimate Draco you mentioned," Super Sponge said.
"I have no idea, but at least he teleported me to a cool place. I read about people like you in my dimension all the time. I've always wanted to meet an honest-to-goodness superhero." Laneld said, actually somewhat happy, though still upset he was separated from his friends.
"Well, you've met one," said Super Sponge. "How would you like a tour of Bikiniapolis? We always welcome visitors."
"That sounds ni-ICE!!" said Laneld as he was swept off his feet and perched on Super Sponge's back.
"As you can see, we're a very prosperous city," announced Super Sponge, flying over the city.
"I can see that," said Laneld, sitting on Super Sponge's mushy back.
"Down below is the massive Bikiniapolis Park. Then over here you can see the city, and over there is our harbor. Then you can see that dusty factory land over there, which is where most baddies tend to hang out," Super Sponge said.

"Woah..." Laneld said, looking down from a birds eye view.

They kept flying, but Laneld was feeling uneasy.
"Can we go down now? I'm feeling a little nauseous." Laneld said.

"Sure, there is something I'd like you to see," Super Sponge said, flying down to Bikiniapolis. He then landed outside a large giant silver building with gold outside markings. There was a giant "SS & SS" sign on the building.

"Wow, is this like your hideout? It looks AWESOME! It looks too plain in sight though...shouldn't it be like underground or something?" Laneld asked.

"This isn't the base," Super Sponge smiled.
"It isn't?" Laneld said, as the two entered in the building. It was a large waiting room with some vending machines and giant flat screen TVs.
"Greetings Super Sponge," Super Sponge's secretary said, which was this world's version of Sandy.

"Whoa, flat screen TVs, vending machines, sweet sofas, and a talking underwater squirrel! This place has everything!" Laneld said.

"Hello Sandra, we're going to be visiting a..special place," Super Sponge said, and he walked away with Laneld.
"Oh, I understand sir," Sandra winked and pressed a button under the table.
We then saw the wall on the side open a secret passage, and the two entered it. They came into Super Sponge's secret base.
"This is really the secret base," Super Sponge laughed. There was weaponry everywhere, with profiles on tons of criminals on the computers. There was some training facilities and his own Sponge-mobile parked in the center.

"AWESOME! That vehicle rocks!" Laneld said, looking at the white and yellow vehicle.
"Yes, she is quite the powerful beast," Super Sponge said.

"Man, this life is so great....but I do miss Bikini Bottom," Laneld sighed.
"My spongy sense is tingling!" Super Sponge gasped, as he checked his computer screens.
"What's going on, sir?" Laneld asked.
"Trouble is brewing at the Mayor Krabs' press conference at the Bikiniapolis Park!" Super Sponge said, seeing Evil Eye's army terrorizing the park.

"Let's use the Sponge-mobile!" Laneld said. "I call shotgun!"
The two hopped in, and it raced off to the Bikiniapolis Park.
"WOO!" Laneld yelled, sticking his head out of the window.
The Sponge-mobile was racing down the futuristic highways.

"I'm wondering Super Sponge, how is this life?" Laneld asked.
"Pretty great. I have a lovely secretary, a great sidekick...though he can be daft at times, and a lovely fanbase," Super Sponge said.
"Yeah...I miss my team though," Laneld said.
"Don't worry, I'm sure they are out there somewhere," Super Sponge said.
Laneld's body began to buzz and fade like it did earlier again.
"Strange...why is that happening?" Laneld asked.

"I am not sure...but it is perplexing. For now, we must stop Eye," Super Sponge said, and the Sponge-mobile arrived at the park.
We saw Evil Eye was threatening the Mayor Krabs (the super world version of Mr. Krabs) and Evil Eye's Robots were terrorizing fish in the park.
"Stop right there, Evil Eye!" Super Sponge yelled, getting out of the Sponge-mobile with Laneld.
"Super Sponge!" The fish in the park cheered.
"Thank you Super Sponge me lad, that wretched Evil Eye is trying to ruin me!" Mayor Krabs said.
"The one-eyed weirdo again? We just arrested him!" Laneld said.
"How did you escape, anemone?" hissed Super Sponge to Evil Eye.
"Well well well, if it isn't my favorite foe? I told your fat pink sidekick that I'd give him a doughnut if he let me go free." Evil Eye laughed.
Evil Eye pointed to Super Star, who was tied up by a tree and had a doughnut in his mouth.
"It was so totally worth it!" mumbled Super Star.
"I really need to think about replacing him," Super Sponge groaned.
"I could volunteer!" Laneld joked.
Super Sponge and Laneld began fighting off the robots. Laneld jabbed his purple sword into them, and Super Sponge used whirlpool blasts to send them flying.
As Super Sponge was hovering in clear view, Evil Eye then blasted a powerful eye beam at Super Sponge.

"WATCH OUT, NOO!" Laneld yelled, but it was too late, as the beam hit Super Sponge, blasting him into a tree. The crowd then gasped in horror.
"Ugh...L-Laneld, stop that fiend!" Super Sponge said in pain.
"Oh no, not Super Sponge! Someone save me!" Mayor Krabs cried.
"Quiet, you crustacean! Now, it's time for me to end you once and for all, Super Sponge!" laughed Evil Eye.
"No!" shouted Laneld, jumping in front of Super Sponge and chopping off Evil Eye's antennae with with his sword.
"Ouch!" cried Evil Eye. "You rotten little brat! I'll show you what happens when you mess with Evil Eye!"
Evil Eye shot a powerful blast at Laneld, which broke his sword when he used it to dodge the blast.
"Now, you have no protection," Evil Eye jeered.
"Don't I?" said Laneld.
Laneld threw the broken-off piece of his sword at Evil Eye's eye. Evil Eye attempted to destroy it, but it was too late. The sword stub lodged in his eye and caused him to scream bloody murder.
"My eye! My beautiful eye!" Evil Eye mourned.
"Oh grow up, you big baby," Evil Eye's arm gadget said to him.
"Oh be quiet you stupid machine," Evil Eye said, smashing it. "Reminds me of some nag named Karen."
"I don't think he'll be a problem anymore," Laneld said before noticing Super Sponge passed-out on the sidewalk. "Oh, no!"
"Thank you citizen for helping Super Sponge," a fish cop said, and cuffed Evil Eye up, taking him into the police boat mobile.

"No problem, officers," Laneld said. "It was the least I could do to help a fallen hero."
"You better get Super Sponge to a hospital," the cop said.
"I will do, officer," Laneld said.
"Speaking of which, you better rescue his sidekick over there," the other cop said.
Laneld darted to where Super Star was and untied him.
"Do you know where the hospital is?" asked Laneld.
Super Star swallowed the doughnut that was still in his mouth and nodded his head.
Laneld then felt his body was buzzing and fading again from earlier, but it stopped.
"What keeps causing that?" Laneld asked to himself.
Thirty minutes later, Super Sponge woke up in a hospital bed. He noticed a bandage where Evil Eye had blasted him.
"You're awake!" cheered Laneld, standing beside him, along with Mayor Krabs.

"Laddy, great ye be okay!" Mayor Krabs said in excitement. "Your friend saved me back there!"
"E-Evil Eye..." began Super Sponge.
"...is in jail where he belongs," finished Laneld. "And hopefully he won't give your sidekick a doughnut again."
Super Sponge sighed in relief.
"You stopped him all by yourself?" Super Sponge was noticeably impressed. 
"Well, yeah! I did beat the Battle World tournament all by myself, and that was much harder," bragged Laneld.
"The Battle what?" asked Super Sponge.
"Sorry," said Laneld. "I forgot that we aren't from the same place. But either way, he was a pretty puny guy anyways."
"Say, how would you feel about becoming my new sidekick?" Super Sponge smiled.
"Me? A sidekick? Yes!" gushed Laneld.
Laneld shook Super Sponge's hand with excitement, but then he stopped.
"No. No, I can't. I have friends, I have a royal family who needs me, and a team who is looking for me. I don't belong here. I love it here, but I don't belong. I'm no superhero. I'm just a kid who lucked out and met some amazing people, witnessed some extraordinary things. Things like this. But I still have debts to pay, I still have things to do, and I have no intention of backing out now. I will find a way home, and I will help my team defeat the monster who sent me here," Laneld said.
"I understand," said Super Sponge. "At least, I think I understand. Good luck on your journey, and I hope we cross paths again."
"I hope so, too," said Laneld. "You know, I forgot to say...you remind me of this guy in my world who flips burgers at a restaurant."
Super Sponge smiled upon hearing that.
Laneld was about to walk out of the hospital room, when suddenly, his body began buzzing like it did earlier, and he was fading away.
"What's happening?" Super Sponge asked.
"What sorcery is this?!" Mayor Krabs asked.
"I-I don't know....it looks like I'm being taken away by that force again!" Laneld said.
"Well...if this is it, farewell Laneld. Thank you for helping me. I hope you return home, and you defeat this "Ultimate Draco" you mentioned," Super Sponge said.
"BYEEEE!" Laneld yelled, as he faded away from the hospital room, leaving Mayor Krabs confused.
Super Sponge had no idea where Laneld was going, but as he looked out of the hospital window into the city, he knew one thing for sure: Laneld was going home.
-Character Debuts: Super Sponge, Super Star, Evil Eye, Mayor Krabs, Sandra, Evil Eye's Arm Gadget, Bikiniapolis Cops, and Evil Eye's Robots
-Area Debuts: Bikiniapolis (briefly seen in Time Travails), Bikiniapolis Park, Super Sponge's Headquarters, Super Sponge's Base, and Bikiniapolis Hospital
-Vehicle Debuts: Sponge-mobile
-Ultimate Draco returns, and scatters the team throughout different dimensions or time periods. The first one we see is Laneld in Bikiniapolis. 
-The alternate super world characters in this episode resembled normal SpongeBob characters, as follows:
Super Sponge = SpongeBob
Super Star = Patrick
Evil Eye = Plankton
Evil Eye's Arm Gadget = Karen
Mayor Krabs = Mr. Krabs
Sandra = Sandy
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While teenj finishes 72...


73. 20 Years


The episode opens with the Undersea Force training outside the Council Building, and Zelleo was in deep thought.


"There's so many variables in all of this....if Draco and Ultimate Warrior have full control over time, there's no telling what they could do. They could go back in time to alter the present, or even worse situations..." Zelleo said.


"We'll find a way to beat them," Nathan said.


Just then, outside we see a huge spark of light appearing.


"What's going on?" Nora asked, as their training was halted.


"I sense a dark being approaching...everyone get inside!" Darsun commanded.


Out of the spark appeared Ultimate Draco from the last episode. He was holding the Time Staff, and it was glowing blue.


"FOOLS, WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD RETURN," Ultimate Draco smiled, and Laneld ran outside to see the commotion.


"Oh no no, not him!" Laneld cried.


"This is what we told you about Darsun, the Daimyo's son and Draco fused together!" Nathan said, as he pulled out his Charge Gun and tried to blast Ultimate Draco, but he waved the Time Staff, and it froze all eight in their attack positions.


"Oh no...I c-can't m-move..." Nora said.


"None of us can!" Dash said, as he was stuck in a blue glow with everyone else.


"He's f-frozen us, we can't do anything!" Zelleo said.


"WE ARE THE MASTERS OF TIME AND SPACE. OUR REVENGE WILL BE SWIFT. PREPARE TO MEET YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES." Ultimate Draco said proudly, as he waved the staff again, and all eight disappeared right in front of Ultimate Draco.


Ultimate Draco laughed, and he teleported himself away.




We see Zelleo falling through a blue time travel tunnel.


"Oh no...Neptune knows where I'm headed now....this might be it!!" Zelleo yelled, floating through it.


As the area flashed white, Zelleo had landed in the same strange industrial place from Time Travails. He was in a wasteland yard where no sun shined. The whole area he was on was dull and gray, with smoke in the air.


"This place again...what does it mean? Why did Ultimate Draco send me here?" Zelleo asked, reading his scanners. "Strange...it says this is Senato...but it doesn't look like it..."


We then saw the same black and red robots corner Zelleo.


"Halt, you are not permitted in the Wasteland," the robots ordered, and pointed machine guns from their arms at him.


"Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want to know where I am," Zelleo said.


"Fire," a robot commanded, and they began firing their machine guns at the debris everywhere, as Zelleo hopped around, slicing them with his blue sword. He tried to use his Charge Gun, but to no avail.


"That's right...there's no light here!" Zelleo groaned, as he cut the machine gun off a robot, and kicked it to the ground, but they kept getting back up.


We then see a mysterious stranger atop a destroyed building watching Zelleo. He had a cape, and a damaged purple outfit. He was also missing his left fin.


"He...he has returned," the stranger said, and hopped down to fight off the robots with Zelleo. He had a rusty and broken purple sword.


"Who are you?" Zelleo asked, as he rammed a robot aside into a junk pile.


"Come with me, Zelleo. Don't ask how I know your name," the stranger said, and both jumped on top of the destroyed building, making a run for it, dodging the bullets of the robots.


As they made their escape through the industrial land, the stranger grabbed a tree branch, and made a secret passage appear on the ground.


"Go in," the stranger said. 


Both went in, and it sealed up. They came to a secret hideout underground. It was very small, but there were tons of plans, and broken machines everywhere.


"Zelleo....it is me, Laneld," Laneld said, revealing himself. "It's been a long time."


"Laneld...what's going on?" Zelleo asked.


"You don't remember? Well...I guess I can't blame you man, it's been twenty years." Laneld said.


"Twenty years?!" Zelleo said, shocked. "What happened? I seriously don't know what is going on..."


"Well, let me fresh your memory old friend. The team got into a fight twenty years ago. We had a disagreement, and everyone went their separate ways. Nathan and Dash both became bitter, and so did the other team members. Korax had torn our group apart with his schemes. As time passed, Korax grew to power, and without each other...there was nothing we could do stop him. Your intelligence would have helped us defeat Korax's army, but we were so split up, nobody could find you. He now rules the universe, and has turned Senato into his personal junkyard." Laneld explained.


Zelleo's mind was pretty mind blown at this point.


"I-I don't understand....where's Darsun? Nathan? Or everyone else for that matter?" Zelleo asked.


"Follow me..." Laneld said, sounding depressed.


Eventually, while following Laneld throughout the wasteland, Zelleo put two and two together and figured out this was an alternate timeline.


"So Ultimate Draco sent me to a twisted alternate future where Korax is an overlord of the universe...man, there are some twisted alternate timelines," Zelleo said to himself.


We see Laneld came to a cross on the ground in the middle of a dead burial ground.


"This...is where Darsun rests," Laneld said.


"No...it can't be," Zelleo said.


"I'm sorry," Laneld said.


Zelleo was reassured though once he realized it was an alternate world, but he was still disturbed. Just then, he felt his body began to buzz, and began fading away a bit, but it stopped.


"Whoa...what was that about?" Zelleo asked.


"No clue...but you seem safe. Come, I'll show you where the others are," Laneld said, and they headed back to his secret hideout.


While there, some people came out of the shadows, and Zelleo had his sword ready, but Laneld restrained him.


"Zelleo...it can't be," said a middle aged fish, and it was Nora.


"So uh....hi," said another fish, who was Dash, but he was missing his right eye, with an eyepatch to cover it up.


"Guys...I can't believe it," Zelleo said.


"Where were you?! While you left us, Korax took over, and made this world a miserable place to live!" Dash yelled, ready to attack Zelleo, but Nora and Laneld restrained him.


"Look...I'm not that Zelleo," Zelleo said. "I am from another world, and was transported to this timeline."


"That explains why you don't seem to remember..." Laneld said.


"I'm...sorry," Dash said.


"I'm sorry what happened to your world, but there's nothing I can do about it." Zelleo said.


"Look...other world Zelleo, maybe not...but you can help us defeat Korax. We're all old and out of shape, while you seem still strong," Nora said.


"I guess I can....but what happened to the others? Nathan? Kane? PJ? Cymtrax? Krumb? The Vandalators?" Zelleo asked.


"Nathan and I had a bit of...an argument, and we haven't talked to each other since. He is still out there, though.." Dash said.


"As for the others....they didn't make it," Nora sighed. "Korax's army exterminated anyone who opposed, and that included Darsun..."


"What about everyone from Bikini Bottom, the other Sentients, and Sawkus?" Zelleo asked.


"For the Bottomites and Sentients, he enslaved them to his mines, along with the Earth humans...some he may even have exterminated for his own laughs. Sawkus....tried to oppose him, but Korax didn't exactly respect balance.." Nora said.


"We have to put an end to this monster! Where is he?" Zelleo asked.


"His headquarters is on Earth," Dash said. "But we're going to need some help if we're going to take him down..."


"Indeed..." said a voice out of the shadows, showing a very old Red Sentient come out in a wheelchair. He had a jar with a brain in water attached to his right shoulder.


"Fools, you can't possibly beat Korax!" said the brain in the jar.


"Um...who are they?" Zelleo asked.


"That's Kordon, and on his shoulder...is Dr. Rick, or what's left of him," Nora said.


Zelleo pointed his sword at them, but Laneld restrained him.


"Don't worry, they are on our side," Laneld said.


"We were just another failed project of Korax's..." Dr. Rick said. "But since the OPF disbanded, and nobody knew whatever happened to Agent Bishop...I don't have much of a choice but to help you."


"Well, looks like we're ready then...I have all the weapons ready for the carrier," Laneld said.


"First, we need to visit one last person..." Dash said.


"I'll go with you...I think I know where this is going," Zelleo said.


Zelleo and Dash snuck out, and ran through the wastelands, avoiding Korax's army robots scouting the areas. While hiding behind a tree, they saw some robots corner a lone Blue Sentient. As Zelleo tried to jump out to save it, the robots fired away at the Blue Sentient, ending him.


"Why did you stop me?" Zelleo asked. "We could have saved his life..."


"It wouldn't have been worth risking your life for.." Laneld said.


"I understand," Zelleo said.


They eventually came to an old abandoned building, and inside, we see the alternate future Nathan was looking out a busted window.


"This...was our old Senato base," Laneld whispered. "Nathan still goes here to reflect the past."


Both approached Nathan from behind.


"Long time no see.." Nathan mumbled, as he turned around. He had black sunglasses on, and a beat up black jacket. "Zelleo is back...and with him..."


"Look...I know you are angry at Dash. But for my sake...I want you two to be friends again...at least for now. We want to stop Korax once and for all," Zelleo said.


"So you think you can, but do you honestly think it'll happen?" Nathan said.


"Dude, we're trying to patch things up!" Dash said, pushing Nathan.


"Yeah, says the guy who cost us Darsun!" Nathan said, hitting Dash back.


"Guys, enough! You're going to have to put aside your differences...you would have done it for this world's me, right?" Zelleo said.


"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.


"I'm not from this world. I am an alternate version of your friend that was sent here by one of my world's enemies," Zelleo said.


"Interesting...alternate worlds exist with us," Nathan said.


"Yes, but I'll get a headache if I keep talking, so please Nathan...can you help us?" Zelleo asked.


Nathan thought for a while about the world's current state.


"...Yes," Nathan said, as he shook fins with Dash and Zelleo, and for the first time in what may have been years, he smiled.


We cut outside Laneld's secret hideout, and we see they had a cargo ship out there.


"This is the plan: I've salvaged an old cargo ship from Korax's army. We're going to use it to infiltrate his base," Laneld said. "Is everyone ready?"


"Yes...but I think there's one problem..." Dash said, as he got out his old sword.


We see a gang of Korax's army bots surrounding them, with machine guns pointed. Out of the circle came a familiar enemy on his cycle vehicle: It was Kyton, who was now wearing general gear. He had been promoted to general of Korax's army.


"Halt!" Kyton yelled. "You still exist?!"


"Yeah, but you won't for much longer!" Dash yelled.


"You will not escape, or you will face trial by death. Come forward with your hands up," Kyton threatened, with the robots pointing their machine guns.


"I think I'll take trial by death," Nathan said, as he sliced his sword through the robots, and kicked Kyton to the ground.


Zelleo sliced open another robot, and began pulling it onto the ship.


"I have an idea with this, but you're going to have to give me time, finish off the other robots!" Zelleo said.


"Get the traitors!" Kyton yelled, referring to Kordon and Dr. Rick, but Kordon zoomed forward on his wheelchair, ramming Kyton into a robot.


"GAH!" Kyton yelled, forming the Blaze Wheel, but just then, Laneld had pressed the button from a remote, and it made a cannon fire a laser at Kyton. He was blasted across Senato, and went smashing right into an old destroyed building, finishing him off.


"Good thing that came in handy," Dash said.


"The general is killed?!" The robots asked in panic, not knowing what to do.


"Finish them off!" A robot yelled, as they began firing at the ship, putting dents in it.


As the rest of the rebels made it on board, they began zooming off the planet, with robots firing, but they began shooting lasers back, destroying the robots. 


"Woo hoo! We made it!" Nora yelled. "But that was the easy part....getting into his base will be the hardest."


They zoomed through space, and saw how dusty it was now, due to the industry that was being manufactured from Korax's factories on Earth. They saw the oceans on Earth were dried up, and it had been claimed by Korax.


"Dang...I hope we can breath there," Zelleo said. 


"Don't worry, you can.....all the polluted air pretty much allows any type of alien to live there now....though not exactly the way we wanted," Nora said.


Just then, Zelleo's body began to buzz and fade away again.


"What was that about?" Nora asked.


"I don't know...it did this earlier. Maybe it's as if someone is trying to call me back..." Zelleo said.


They saw Korax's central base on the radar map, and they began landing. Zelleo had reprogrammed the robot to serve them, and it took the control of the ship, as the others hid. The ship landed, and a commander robot came to see the shipment.


"All good," said the reprogrammed robot.


"I'm just going to need to check, private," said the commander robot.


The commander robot opened the back of the ship, and Nathan jabbed his sword into its chest, disabling it.


As they got out, they saw how miserable Earth was. Humans, and other types of aliens were in chains, and being escorted off by robots in the distance. The cities were all dusty, but the industry was thriving. We then heard a voice that sounded like Kuri's across the television screens on the buildings.


"Attention all servants of Korax, your lord, master, and king will now address you," said Kuri.


"Uh oh...I hope it is not about us, we made it so far.." Nathan groaned.


"For those of you who still live under the allusion you will have freedom, know this well. My armies have exterminated and killed the last parts of resistance. Any others will suffer the same fate. My transmitter device has teleported my armies to the rest of the universe, and I am controlling each planet one by one. Give up, there is no hope. Only Korax." Korax's voice said.


"Remember, Korax is always watching," Kuri's voice said again, and the TVs turned off.


"Jeez...someone has an ego," Zelleo said.


"That's his way of getting a point across," Nathan said.


They came outside Korax's headquarter factory, and were nervous to go in.


"Well...I guess this is it," Dash said.


They saw four Red Sentient Guards outside it.


"How are we going to get past them?" Nora asked.


"We fight our way through. To the very end," Nathan said.


"I'm ready," Kordon said.


"I suppose I am too.." Dr. Rick sighed.


"I say we break in...the old fashioned way," Zelleo said, and they all got back into the ship. 


Nora grabbed a machine gun from the cargo hold.


"This will be very handy," Nora said.


Zelleo stormed it right into the front gates, and it ran over all four guards, as it fired away into the factory. It was very empty, but machinery was everywhere. There was a large open area, and the ship stopped in front of two golden doors.


"What is the meaning of this intrusion...?" asked Korax's voice.


"Well...this is it. The last battle," Nathan said.


"I'm ready.." Nora said, as she had her machine gun ready.


We then see the gates opened, and out came Kuri, with some new gear. 


"Armies, attack!" Kuri commanded, and the gang hopped out of the ship, attacking her. Korax's Robots also came from the open doors, along with some aerial robots hovering in, and firing from above.


"You will not stop the master!" Kuri said.


Just then, we heard a loud stomping noise coming from the doors.


"It's...him," Dash said, as he ripped a robot's arm off, and kicked it aside.


We saw some red lights in the shadows, and out came a giant gray and red steam punk like robot. It had a giant claw hand for the left hand, and five barrel guns for its right hand. Korax's face was at the top of it, with a helmet on top.


"Fools...you truly thought you could stop me?" Korax laughed.


"Your reign of terror ends now, Korax!" Nathan yelled.


"We're going to finish you....for Darsun!" Zelleo yelled, as he sliced a flying robot in half, and began atatcking Kuri.


Just then, Kordon went rolling down off the ship in his wheelchair.


"Kordon, what are you doing, you fool?! We were instructed to stay inside the ship," Dr. Rick said.


"Master, please take me back!" Kordon said, as he rolled toward Korax.


"You idiot, what are you doing?!" Dr. Rick asked.


"I'll serve you...please, anything to get me out of this life!" Kordon said.


"Exterminating you two traitors will be an extra bonus for today's grand victory," Korax smiled, as he raised one of the robot's feet.


"Aw crud," Kordon said, as the robot stomped on him and Dr. Rick.


The gang was not doing very well against the robots.


"We're no match!" Nathan yelled.


"Maybe so...but perhaps he needs a taste of his own medicine," Zelleo said, as he went back inside the ship, and grabbed the robot from earlier. He began smashing the head off, and making room for himself inside. He made his own battle suit with the robot, and came out. He began firing from the machine gun at all the flying robots, destroying them.


"That's my boy, Zel," Dash smiled, as he punched through a robot, and threw it at Kuri, who sliced it with her sword.


Just then, we see Laneld was being cornered by some robots.


"Zelleo, help!" Laneld yelled, but it was too late, as all the robots fired at once, killing Laneld, dropping him dead to the ground.


"Laneld, no!" Zelleo yelled.


"No...not Laneld!" Nora yelled, as she used her machine gun to destroy the robots.


"You're going to pay for this!" Nathan yelled, as he began slicing through the robots, and destroyed them all, by slamming them off into dangerous machinery.


Just then, from behind, Kuri sliced Nathan, and he fell to the ground.


"NATHAN, NO!" Dash yelled, as he approached him, but Kuri attacked him, and he went flying into a wall.


"No...not Nathan!" Nora yelled, as she tried to attack Kuri, but more robots surrounded her, and she blasted her way through.


"N-Nathan.." Dash groaned, as he approached his dead body. He collapsed right next to it, he was finished as well. Kuri felt some regret upon seeing this.


"You think you can do that to my friends?" Nora said to Kuri, as she had grabbed a machine gun from the ship. Kuri was ready to attack Nora, but she fired the beam at Kuri, smashing her to the hard concrete ground.


"M-Master...I am finished!" Kuri said, as he collapsed dead.


"My friends..." Zelleo said.


"I know it's sad, but we have to win it...for them," Nora said.


Zelleo angrily attacked Korax with his battle armor, firing bullets at him, but they didn't do much.


Korax then picked up Zelleo in his armor, and began crushing the machine gun off, and other parts Zelleo had added.


"After twenty years of waiting, this is all you have? Truly pathetic," Korax laughed, as he smashed the arms off of it, and dropped Zelleo to the ground. 


"Idiotic creature!" Korax yelled, as he kicked him, and he went flying into Nora. "You two are the last of your kind, and you will soon be extinct!"


Korax had his barrel guns ready to fire, but Nora fired her machine gun at his battle suit, though it didn't affect him much, but it caused some smoke to fill the area.


"D-don't worry...everything is going according to plan," Zelleo said.


Korax fired his barrel guns, but Nora and Zelleo dodged, as the blasts hit the walls, causing the roof to tremble and crack open. Some light was shining through. Zelleo smiled upon seeing that.


Korax approached Zelleo, grabbed him, and held him up.


"Now, I am going to crush you first, like the insignificant worm you are!"  Korax laughed.


"You know...you always did claim victory before you really won the battle," Zelleo smiled. "I got you into this whole position...to do this! This is for my friends!"


Zelleo pulled out his charge gun, and from the robot, fired chains around Korax.


"What..what is the meaning of this?!" Korax asked, confused, and he couldn't move.


Zelleo had inserted his charge gun into the robot, and the light began powering it up, as Zelleo moved the robot into Korax's chest.


"NOOOO! I am Korax....I am KORAX!" Korax yelled, as the charge blast began destroying his robot suit, and Zelleo hopped out of the armor, landing on the ground. He then took cover. 


"No..this cannot be...20 years of my ruling, and conquering Earth...NO!" Korax yelled.


The charge gun had blew up the armor, and Korax was killed, as he yelled in the explosion. The explosion was heard across the world, and everyone knew that meant hope was on the horizon.


Nora and Zelleo came out of hiding, and approached the debris pile. Zelleo picked up his charge gun.


"This world...this place...this future...it's a nightmare," Zelleo said. "Everyone you knew and loved is gone."


"It was a nightmare..." Nora said. "But because of you Zelleo, it is no longer one."


We then saw more light began shining, as the smoke was clearing up from the smoggy air.


"We did it...we defeated Korax...in this world anyways." Zelleo said.


Just then, he felt his body began to fade and buzz again, and it was stronger than last time.


"I guess this is it....farewell alternate future...and farewell, my friends," Zelleo said, as he disappeared.


"Farewell, Zelleo...and may the future shine bright," Nora said, looking out at the world, ready for reconstruction.



-Character Debuts: Alternate Future Characters, Red Sentient Guards, Unnamed Blue Sentient, Commander Robot, Korax's Army Bots (full debut)

-Area Debuts: Alternate Future Senato (briefly seen in Time Travails), Alternate Future Earth, Secret Hideout, and Korax's Factory Base

-Vehicle Debuts: Army Ship

-Characters not seen in alternate future: Alternate Future Zelleo (fate unknown), Bishop, Jack, Betty, Krosis, Sawkus (deceased), Darsun (deceased), Kane (deceased), PJ (deceased), Vandalators (deceased), Cymtrax (deceased), and Krumb (deceased).

-In the alternate future, Korax becomes a supreme overlord, exterminating many aliens and humans. Senato is turned into a wasteland again, and Korax finally conquers Earth.

-The alternate future Nathan, Dash, Laneld, Dr. Rick, Korax, Kyton, Kuri, and Kordon are eventually killed off.

-This is Zelleo's side of the Ultimate Draco story.

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72. Team Undersea Force Redux

The episode opens with the Undersea Force training outside the Council Building, and Dash was heated in a fight against PJ.

"Come on Dash, hit harder than that!" PJ laughed, and he pushed Dash down, but he got up and kicked PJ in the stomach.

"Was that hard enough?" Dash smirked.

"Yes.." PJ said, groaning a bit.

"Nice game though, I admire your strength" Dash said, shaking fins with PJ. "Laneld would have chickened out if he fought me."

"Where is Laneld anyways?" Nathan asked.
"I dunno, that weirdo is inside reading some kiddy comic books," Dash said.

Just then, we saw a huge spark of light appear in front of the seven.

"What's going on?" Nora asked, as their training was halted.

"I sense a dark being approaching...everyone get inside!" Darsun commanded.

Out of the spark appeared Ultimate Draco from the last episode. He was holding the Time Staff, and it was glowing blue.

"FOOLS, WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD RETURN," Ultimate Draco smiled, and Laneld ran outside to see the commotion.

"Oh no no, not him!" Laneld cried.

"This is what we told you about Darsun, the Daimyo's son and Draco fused together!" Nathan said, as he pulled out his Charge Gun and tried to blast Ultimate Draco, but he waved the Time Staff, and it froze all eight in their attack positions.

"Oh no...I c-can't m-move..." Nora said.

"None of us can!" Dash said, as he was stuck in a blue glow with everyone else.

"He's f-frozen us, we can't do anything!" Zelleo said.

"WE ARE THE MASTERS OF TIME AND SPACE. OUR REVENGE WILL BE SWIFT. PREPARE TO MEET YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES." Ultimate Draco said proudly, as he waved the staff again, and all eight disappeared right in front of Ultimate Draco.
Ultimate Draco laughed, and he teleported himself away.


We see Dash falling through a blue time travel tunnel.

"Gah...I swear, when I get my fins on that puunnnnk!" Dash yelled, floating through it.

He then landed in a strange place filled with sand everywhere.


"Exactly WHERE am I?" Dash said frustrated. All of a sudden, three explosive arrows shot at him and managed to avoid them by rolling out of the way.

A female appeared pointing at him with a bow and arrow, but Dash had also pulled out his charge gun.

"Hey..I kind of recognize you. I'm Pearl..ring a bell?" Pearl asked.

"Yeah! You're one of those Team SpongeBob members. WAIT, that means I'm sucked into your dimension like Nathan was." Dash concluded.

SpongeBob, Patrick, Mindy, and Larry followed up to Pearl.

"Hey you're one of those Undersea Force agents." SpongeBob noticed.

"Yeah, it's me, Dash. Now that we're all caught up, can you guys help me-" Dash started.

"We're not all caught up. We need to know what you're doing in our dimension again." Patrick asked.

"You see, this guy, well actually two guys merged together, had this time staff, froze me and my friends, and has sent all of us to different places...I think." Dash said.

"Wow. What an earful..." Mindy said.

"Umm, I'm still trying to get past two guys merged together!?" Patrick said.

"Our enemies are weird. Its a long story though. Can you guys just help me get back home?" Dash asked.

"Sorry Bub, but we have a mission of our own." Larry revealed.

"Oh..right now?" Dash asked. "What is..this place anyway?" he continued.

"This is the Karate Island Sand Dunes. We're here to find Shin Fu. He was taken by some type of dark energy creature and we think it went here into these dunes." SpongeBob revealed.

"Oh, so I guess you guys are busy..got your hands full" Dash back away.

"Wait, this works for you actually. If you can help us find Shin, he can help you get home. He has communications with the Atom Queen, Antrix." SpongeBob revealed.

"She's the guardian of zones and universes in our dimensions." Pearl said.

"Cool! So lets fine Shin so that I CAN GO HOME!" Dash said, with the others looking at him as insensitive.

"....and so..that..you guys can have your friend back safe and sound." Dash added with an awkward smile.


The team, along with Dash were flying over the Sand Dunes in the S-Jet. Looking down for the creature made of psychic dark energy.

"I don't see anything." Dash moaned.

"Wait. I see it, over here." SpongeBob said turning the jet over. He activated the jet's laser beams and started blasting the creature, but it fastly and swiftly avoided everything thrown at it and slipped into a cave.

The S-Jet landed and the team got out.

"AFTER that thing!" SpongeBob said as the gang ran into the cave.

Immediately upon entry, the team noted the glistening blue crystals covered all over the cave walls.

"Hmm, reminds me of the Crystal Zone." Dash noted to himself.

The gang chased the creature through the cave, but it stopped and came after the.

SpongeBob through explosives at the creature, but it still didn't drop.

"Where is Shin, you beast." Pearl said shooting it with arrows, however it dodged and with it's long tail, it hit down a sharp group of crystals on Pearl. Patrick put up a rock shield on top of Pearl just in time.

Mindy got behind the creature and tried to use her telepathy to read it's mind. It flung her away with its tail, but Dash caught her in his arms.

"Thank you!" Mindy blushed.

Larry, with his super strength, pounded the ground and the beast flung backwards.

The best got up and ran deeper into the cave and the team ran after.

They came to a chamber in the cave where the creature picked up a medium sized red crystal in the center of the room.

"What is it doing?" SpongeBob wondered.

The creature absorbed the crystal into its body, now more powerful.

The creature started to float up. It shot red beams from its eyes at the team and they all jumped out the way.

Patrick ripped pieces of earth from the walls and launched them at the creature, but it made a barrier around itself.

"GUYS, this thing has a mind..a brain. Its VERY small, basic, and simplistic, but it's there." Mindy started, "I can use my telepathy to take control of its mind and have it lead us to Shin, but ONLY if someone can get that barrier open." Mindy formulated.

"Leave it to me!" Dash said, taking out his charge gun.

Dash pointed at the barrier and shot a continuous beam of power that eventually broke down the barrier.

"Good!" Mindy said as she started to take over the creature's mind with her telepathy.

"UUGGGGGG" Mindy struggled, but she broke through.

"TURNNN UP Mindy!" Pearl cheered.

"Never say those words again." Mindy smiled. "You know, there was something really familiar about that creature. I can't really put my finger on it..." Mindy stated.


The team were following the creature from above in the S-Jet.

"You sure he'll lead us to Shin?" SpongeBob asked.

"Almost positive." Mindy smiled.

"So, Dash, what's the Undersea Force like?" Larry asked

"We're all really good warriors. We stand together like a family." Dash said.

"That's how I felt about being in the Army." Larry said sadly.

"Dash, don't each of you have a motorcycle thingie?" Pearl asked.

"I was transported away without my Slashwind..sadly. But I'm a competent fighter." Dash said.

"I can sense that." Mindy said, blushing.

"Dash, are you okay?" Patrick asked.

Dash's body seemed to be phasing out, then it stopped.

"Uhhh..I'm not sure what's happening to me!" Dash said with a hint of fear.

"It seems to have stopped now. Let us know if that happens again." SpongeBob said.

The creature seemed to be leading the team into an underground cavern.

The team got out of the ship and followed into the cavern.

When they got deeper in, their bodies were succumbed by magical energy. A man, with dark clothing appeared.

"I am Shadowlord...and I've been waiting for you all to show up." Shadowlord said.

"Waiting for us? Listen, we just want our friend back!" SpongeBob.

"But you've had your friend the whole time." Shadowlord replied.

"Stop talking in riddles! What do you mean?!" Pearl said.

"The very creature you've been chasing all the, is the same as the person you've been trying to find. This creature, IS Shin."

The team gasps.

"But how?" Larry asked.

"I knew I sensed something familiar about the creature.." Mindy said.

"How you ask? I made Shin's shadow consume him, like I'll do to all of you!"

"NO, YOU WON'T" Shin said, as he began transforming from his beast form, to his physical self.

"HOW did you break from your shadow?" Shadowlord questioned.

"You're not the only one with mastery of the dark arts! And after Mindy broke my mental connection to you. After my mind was no longer focused on being your slave, I was able to work at breaking this shadow curse!" Shin revealed.

Shadowlord, filled with rage blasted large quantities of black energy at Shin. Shin was being consumed by it.

Dash quickly shot at Shadowlord with his charge gun, which weakened him.

On his knees, Shadowlord had a look of defeat. Shin took the opportunity to shoot back a massive amount of white energy at him, but his body ended up transforming into a psychic energy form of a bird.

Pearl shot three arrows, but they missed and hit the cave walls. Shadowlord crashed out of the cave.

Suddenly, the cavern started to rumble.

"Shadowlord and Pearl's arrows must have weakened the cavern! EVERYONE OUT." Shin said.

The gang got out in time as the cavern fell on itself.

SpongeBob turned to Shin. "Glad to have you back."

"Yeah. But uh, is that a Undersea Force ranger?" Shin asked.

"Yeah, man, now that you're back, can you do some freaky, cross dimension, warp-ity warp transportation?" Dash said annoyed.

"Alright rude boy." Shin said.


Team SpongeBob and Dash traveled to The Atom Queen, Antrix's base in Selleria. A part of the ocean that is unsafe for just anyone to walk through. This is due to the random opening and closing zones and portals. Queen Antrix, however, manages it and makes sure than everything is under control.

(In front of her castle)

"I am sorry, but I cannot send you home Dash." Queen Antrix stated somberly.

"WHAT?" Dash asked.

"Antrix, with all due respect, you have control over the direction and transportation of every zone in this universe!" Shin stated.

"THIS universe. Not all the other multiverses. Because Dash lives in another universe, I cannot create a portal to it. That would be out of my jurisdiction." Antrix continued.

"So how can he get home?" Mindy asked.

"I CAN send a cross dimensional letter. But that would take five months to make it through." Antrix said.

"I guess, I'll just have to accept that I can't go home yet." Dash sighed.

"Don't worry." Shin whispered. "We'll find a way to get you home quicker. Outside of the rules."

"Why can't a zone thingy just pop up like it did for Nathan?" Pearl asked.

"Wait! That's it. We can go to the White Forest and see if the portal is sill there that sucked Nathan in and out." Dash said.

"Good idea. SpongeBob said. "Everyone to the S-Jet."

"Hey," Mindy stopped Dash. "Is it selfish to say that I don't want you to go home?" she blushed.

"Well, I guess I couldn't leave without taking the opportunity to kiss a princess." Dash said.

As they both reached in for the kiss, Dash's body started to phase again.

"Dash, wait! Look." Mindy said.

Dash looked down at himself. "My body is..phasing again," he said worried.

SpongeBob, Shin, Pearl, Patrick and Larry came back from inside the jet.

"What's happening?" Shin said.

"I'm ph-ph-asing ag-ain!" Dash said. In an instant, his body completely disappeared with a spark of bright, white light.

"Did his existence explode!?" Patrick asked.

"No..I'm pretty sure this means he got home." Shin said.

"What makes you think that?" Mindy asked.

"I don't know, I can just feel it." Shin said with a smile.

The episode ended.

-Character Debuts: Princess Mindy, Larry The Lobster, and Shadowlord
-Area Debuts: Sand Dunes of Karate Island, Selleria
-This is Dash's side of the Ultimate Draco story.
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While teenj finishes 72...


73. 20 Years


The episode opens with the Undersea Force training outside the Council Building, and Zelleo was in deep thought.


"There's so many variables in all of this....if Draco and Ultimate Warrior have full control over time, there's no telling what they could do. They could go back in time to alter the present, or even worse situations..." Zelleo said.


"We'll find a way to beat them," Nathan said.


Just then, outside we see a huge spark of light appearing.


"What's going on?" Nora asked, as their training was halted.


"I sense a dark being approaching...everyone get inside!" Darsun commanded.


Out of the spark appeared Ultimate Draco from the last episode. He was holding the Time Staff, and it was glowing blue.


"FOOLS, WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD RETURN," Ultimate Draco smiled, and Laneld ran outside to see the commotion.


"Oh no no, not him!" Laneld cried.


"This is what we told you about Darsun, the Daimyo's son and Draco fused together!" Nathan said, as he pulled out his Charge Gun and tried to blast Ultimate Draco, but he waved the Time Staff, and it froze all eight in their attack positions.


"Oh no...I c-can't m-move..." Nora said.


"None of us can!" Dash said, as he was stuck in a blue glow with everyone else.


"He's f-frozen us, we can't do anything!" Zelleo said.


"WE ARE THE MASTERS OF TIME AND SPACE. OUR REVENGE WILL BE SWIFT. PREPARE TO MEET YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES." Ultimate Draco said proudly, as he waved the staff again, and all eight disappeared right in front of Ultimate Draco.


Ultimate Draco laughed, and he teleported himself away.




We see Zelleo falling through a blue time travel tunnel.


"Oh no...Neptune knows where I'm headed now....this might be it!!" Zelleo yelled, floating through it.


As the area flashed white, Zelleo had landed in the same strange industrial place from Time Travails. He was in a wasteland yard where no sun shined. The whole area he was on was dull and gray, with smoke in the air.


"This place again...what does it mean? Why did Ultimate Draco send me here?" Zelleo asked, reading his scanners. "Strange...it says this is Senato...but it doesn't look like it..."


We then saw the same black and red robots corner Zelleo.


"Halt, you are not permitted in the Wasteland," the robots ordered, and pointed machine guns from their arms at him.


"Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want to know where I am," Zelleo said.


"Fire," a robot commanded, and they began firing their machine guns at the debris everywhere, as Zelleo hopped around, slicing them with his blue sword. He tried to use his Charge Gun, but to no avail.


"That's right...there's no light here!" Zelleo groaned, as he cut the machine gun off a robot, and kicked it to the ground, but they kept getting back up.


We then see a mysterious stranger atop a destroyed building watching Zelleo. He had a cape, and a damaged purple outfit. He was also missing his left fin.


"He...he has returned," the stranger said, and hopped down to fight off the robots with Zelleo. He had a rusty and broken purple sword.


"Who are you?" Zelleo asked, as he rammed a robot aside into a junk pile.


"Come with me, Zelleo. Don't ask how I know your name," the stranger said, and both jumped on top of the destroyed building, making a run for it, dodging the bullets of the robots.


As they made their escape through the industrial land, the stranger grabbed a tree branch, and made a secret passage appear on the ground.


"Go in," the stranger said. 


Both went in, and it sealed up. They came to a secret hideout underground. It was very small, but there were tons of plans, and broken machines everywhere.


"Zelleo....it is me, Laneld," Laneld said, revealing himself. "It's been a long time."


"Laneld...what's going on?" Zelleo asked.


"You don't remember? Well...I guess I can't blame you man, it's been twenty years." Laneld said.


"Twenty years?!" Zelleo said, shocked. "What happened? I seriously don't know what is going on..."


"Well, let me fresh your memory old friend. The team got into a fight twenty years ago. We had a disagreement, and everyone went their separate ways. Nathan and Dash both became bitter, and so did the other team members. Korax had torn our group apart with his schemes. As time passed, Korax grew to power, and without each other...there was nothing we could do stop him. Your intelligence would have helped us defeat Korax's army, but we were so split up, nobody could find you. He now rules the universe, and has turned Senato into his personal junkyard." Laneld explained.


Zelleo's mind was pretty mind blown at this point.


"I-I don't understand....where's Darsun? Nathan? Or everyone else for that matter?" Zelleo asked.


"Follow me..." Laneld said, sounding depressed.


Eventually, while following Laneld throughout the wasteland, Zelleo put two and two together and figured out this was an alternate timeline.


"So Ultimate Draco sent me to a twisted alternate future where Korax is an overlord of the universe...man, there are some twisted alternate timelines," Zelleo said to himself.


We see Laneld came to a cross on the ground in the middle of a dead burial ground.


"This...is where Darsun rests," Laneld said.


"No...it can't be," Zelleo said.


"I'm sorry," Laneld said.


Zelleo was reassured though once he realized it was an alternate world, but he was still disturbed. Just then, he felt his body began to buzz, and began fading away a bit, but it stopped.


"Whoa...what was that about?" Zelleo asked.


"No clue...but you seem safe. Come, I'll show you where the others are," Laneld said, and they headed back to his secret hideout.


While there, some people came out of the shadows, and Zelleo had his sword ready, but Laneld restrained him.


"Zelleo...it can't be," said a middle aged fish, and it was Nora.


"So uh....hi," said another fish, who was Dash. but he was missing his right eye, with an eyepatch to cover it up.


"Guys...I can't believe it," Zelleo said.


"Where were you?! While you left us, Korax took over, and made this world a miserable place to live!" Dash yelled, ready to attack Zelleo, but Nora and Laneld restrained him.


"Look...I'm not that Zelleo," Zelleo said. "I am from another world, and was transported to this timeline."


"That explains why you don't seem to remember..." Laneld said.


"I'm...sorry," Dash said.


"I'm sorry what happened to your world, but there's nothing I can do about it." Zelleo said.


"Look...other world Zelleo, maybe not...but you can help us defeat Korax. We're all old and out of shape, while you seem still strong," Nora said.


"I guess I can....but what happened to the others? Nathan? Kane? PJ? Cymtrax? Krumb? The Vandalators?" Zelleo asked.


"Nathan and I had a bit of...an argument, and we haven't talked to each other since. He is still out there, though.." Dash said.


"As for the others....they didn't make it," Nora sighed. "Korax's army exterminated anyone who opposed, and that included Darsun..."


"What about everyone from Bikini Bottom, the other Sentients, and Sawkus?" Zelleo asked.


"For the Bottomites and Sentients, he enslaved them to his mines, along with the Earth humans...some he may even have exterminated for his own laughs. Sawkus....tried to oppose him, but Korax didn't exactly respect balance.." Nora said.


"We have to put an end to this monster! Where is he?" Zelleo asked.


"His headquarters is on Earth," Dash said. "But we're going to need some help if we're going to take him down..."


"Indeed..." said a voice out of the shadows, showing a very old Red Sentient come out in a wheelchair. He had a jar with a brain in water attached to his right shoulder.


"Fools, you can't possibly beat Korax!" said the brain in the jar.


"Um...who are they?" Zelleo asked.


"That's Kordon, and on his shoulder...is Dr. Rick, or what's left of him," Nora said.


Zelleo pointed his sword at them, but Laneld restrained him.


"Don't worry, they are on our side," Laneld said.


"We were just another failed project of Korax's..." Dr. Rick said. "But since the OPF disbanded, and nobody knew whatever happened to Agent Bishop...I don't have much of a choice but to help you."


"Well, looks like we're ready then...I have all the weapons ready for the carrier," Laneld said.


"First, we need to visit one last person..." Dash said.


"I'll go with you...I think I know where this is going," Zelleo said.


Zelleo and Dash snuck out, and ran through the wastelands, avoiding Korax's army robots scouting the areas. While hiding behind a tree, they saw some robots corner a lone Blue Sentient. As Zelleo tried to jump out to save it, the robots fired away at the Blue Sentient, ending him.


"Why did you stop me?" Zelleo asked. "We could have saved his life..."


"It wouldn't have been worth risking your life for.." Laneld said.


"I understand," Zelleo said.


They eventually came to an old abandoned building, and inside, we see the alternate future Nathan was looking out a busted window.


"This...was our old Senato base," Laneld whispered. "Nathan still goes here to reflect the past."


Both approached Nathan from behind.


"Long time no see.." Nathan mumbled, as he turned around. He had black sunglasses on, and a beat up black jacket. "Zelleo is back...and with him..."


"Look...I know you are angry at Dash. But for my sake...I want you two to be friends again...at least for now. We want to stop Korax once and for all," Zelleo said.


"So you think you can, but do you honestly think it'll happen?" Nathan said.


"Dude, we're trying to patch things up!" Dash said, pushing Nathan.


"Yeah, says the guy who cost us Darsun!" Nathan said, hitting Dash back.


"Guys, enough! You're going to have to put aside your differences...you would have done it for this world's me, right?" Zelleo said.


"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.


"I'm not from this world. I am an alternate version of your friend that was sent here by one of my world's enemies," Zelleo said.


"Interesting...alternate worlds exist with us," Nathan said.


"Yes, but I'll get a headache if I keep talking, so please Nathan...can you help us?" Zelleo asked.

Nathan thought for a while about the world's current state.


"...Yes," Nathan said, as he shook fins with Dash and Zelleo, and for the first time in what may have been years, he smiled.


We cut outside Laneld's secret hideout, and we see they had a cargo ship out there.


"This is the plan: I've salvaged an old cargo ship from Korax's army. We're going to use it to infiltrate his base," Laneld said. "Is everyone ready?"


"Yes...but I think there's one problem..." Dash said, as he got out his old sword.


We see a gang of Korax's army bots surrounding them, with machine guns pointed. Out of the circle came a familiar enemy on his cycle vehicle: It was Kyton, who was now wearing general gear. He had been promoted to general of Korax's army.


"Halt!" Kyton yelled. "You still exist?!"


"Yeah, but you won't for much longer!" Dash yelled.


"You will not escape, or you will face trial by death. Come forward with your hands up," Kyton threatened, with the robots pointing their machine guns.


"I think I'll take trial by death," Nathan said, as he sliced his sword through the robots, and kicked Kyton to the ground.


Zelleo sliced open another robot, and began pulling it onto the ship.


"I have an idea with this, but you're going to have to give me time, finish off the other robots!" Zelleo said.


"Get the traitors!" Kyton yelled, referring to Kordon and Dr. Rick, but Kordon zoomed forward on his wheelchair, ramming Kyton into a robot.


"GAH!" Kyton yelled, forming the Blaze Wheel, but just then, Laneld had pressed the button from a remote, and it made a cannon fire a laser at Kyton. He was blasted across Senato, and went smashing right into an old destroyed building, finishing him off.


"Good thing that came in handy," Dash said.


"General is killed?!" The robots asked in panic, not knowing what to do.


"Finish them off!" A robot yelled, as they began firing at the ship, putting dents in it.


As the rest of the rebels made it on board, they began zooming off the planet, with robots firing, but they began shooting lasers back, destroying the robots. 


"Woo hoo! We made it!" Nora yelled. "But that was the easy part....getting into his base will be the hardest."


They zoomed through space, and saw how dusty it was now, due to the industry that was being manufactured from Korax's factories on Earth. They saw the oceans on Earth were dried up, and it had been claimed by Korax.


"Dang...I hope we can breath there," Zelleo said. 


"Don't worry, you can.....all the polluted air pretty much allows any type of alien to live there now....though not exactly the way we wanted," Nora said.


Just then, Zelleo's body began to buzz and fade away again.


"What was that about?" Nora asked.


"I don't know...it did this earlier. Maybe it's as if someone is trying to call me back..." Zelleo said.


They saw Korax's central base on the radar map, and they began landing. Zelleo had reprogrammed the robot to serve them, and it took the control of the ship, as the others hid. The ship landed, and a commander robot came to see the shipment.


"All good," said the reprogrammed robot.


"I'm just going to need to check, private," said the commander robot.


The commander robot opened the back of the ship, and Nathan jabbed his sword into its chest, disabling it.


As they got out, they saw how miserable Earth was. Humans, and other types of aliens were in chains, and being escorted off by robots in the distance. The cities were all dusty, but the industry was thriving. We then heard a voice that sounded like Kuri's across the television screens on the buildings.


"Attention all servants of Korax, your lord, master, and king will now address you," said Kuri.


"Uh oh...I hope it is not about us, we made it so far.." Nathan groaned.


"For those of you who still live under the allusion you will have freedom, know this well. My armies have exterminated and killed the last parts of resistance. Any others will suffer the same fate. My transmitter device has teleported my armies to the rest of the universe, and I am controlling each planet one by one. Give up, there is no hope. Only Korax." Korax's voice said.


"Remember, Korax is always watching," Kuri's voice said again, and the TVs turned off.


"Jeez...someone has an ego," Zelleo said.


"That's his way of getting a point across," Nathan said.


They came outside Korax's headquarter factory, and were nervous to go in.


"Well...I guess this is it," Dash said.


They saw four Red Sentient Guards outside it.


"How are we going to get past them?" Nora asked.


"We fight out way through. To the very end," Nathan said.


"I'm ready," Kordon said.


"I suppose I am too.." Dr. Rick sighed.


"I say we break in...the old fashioned way," Zelleo said, and they all got back into the ship. 


Nora grabbed a machine gun from the cargo hold.


"This will be very handy," Nora said.


Zelleo stormed it right into the front gates, and it ran over all four guards, as it fired away into the factory. It was very empty, but machinery was everywhere. There was a large open area, and the ship stopped in front of two golden doors.


"What is the meaning of this intrusion...?" asked Korax's voice.


"Well...this is it. The last battle," Nathan said.


"I'm ready.." Nora said, as she had her machine gun ready.


We then see the gates opened, and out came Kuri, with some new gear. 


"Armies, attack!" Kuri commanded, and the gang hopped out of the ship, attacking her. Korax's Robots also came from the open doors, along with some aerial robots hovering in, and firing from above.


"You will not stop the master!" Kuri said.


Just then, we heard a loud stomping noise coming from the doors.


"It's...him," Dash said, as he ripped a robot's arm off, and kicked it aside.


We saw some red lights in the shadows, and out came a giant gray and red steam punk like robot. It had a giant claw hand for the left hand, and five barrel guns for its right hand. Korax's face was at the top of it, with a helmet on top.


"Fools...you truly thought you could stop me?" Korax laughed.


"Your reign of terror ends now, Korax!" Nathan yelled.


"We're going to finish you....for Darsun!" Zelleo yelled, as he sliced a flying robot in half, and began atatcking Kuri.


Just then, Kordon went rolling down off the ship in his wheelchair.


"Kordon, what are you doing, you fool?! We were instructed to stay inside the job," Dr. Rick said.


"Master, please take me back!" Kordon said, as he rolled toward Korax.


"You idiot, what are you doing?!" Dr. Rick asked.


"I'll serve you...please, anything to get me out of this life!" Kordon said.


"Exterminating you two traitors will be an extra bonus for today's grand victory," Korax smiled, as he raised one of the robot's feet.


"Aw crud," Kordon said, as the robot stomped on him and Dr. Rick.


The gang was not doing very well against the robots.


"We're no match!" Nathan yelled.


"Maybe so...but perhaps he needs a taste of his own medicine," Zelleo said, as he went back inside the ship, and grabbed the robot from earlier. He began smashing the head off, and making room for himself inside. He made his own battle suit with the robot, and came out. He began firing from the machine gun at all the flying robots, destroying them.


"That's my boy, Zel," Dash smiled, as he punched through a robot, and threw it at Kuri, who sliced it with her sword.


Just then, we see Laneld was being cornered by some robots.


"Zelleo, help!" Laneld yelled, but it was too late, as all the robots fired at once, killing Laneld, dropping him dead to the ground.


"Laneld, no!" Zelleo yelled.


"No...not Laneld!" Nora yelled, as she used her machine gun to destroy the robots.


"You're going to pay for this!" Nathan yelled, as he began slicing through the robots, and destroyed them all, by slamming them off into dangerous machinery.


Just then, from behind, Kuri sliced Nathan, and he fell to the ground.


"NATHAN, NO!" Dash yelled, as he approached him, but Kuri attacked him, and he went flying into a wall.


"No...not Nathan!" Nora yelled, as she tried to attack Kuri, but more robots surrounded her, and she blasted her way through.


"N-Nathan.." Dash groaned, as he approached his dead body. He collapsed right next to it, he was finished as well. Kuri felt some regret upon seeing this.


"You think you can do that to my friends?" Nora said to Kuri, as she had grabbed a machine gun from the ship. Kuri was ready to attack Nora, but she fired the beam at Kuri, smashing her to the hard concrete ground.


"M-Master...I am finished!" Kuri said, as he collapsed dead.


"My friends..." Zelleo said.


"I know it's sad, but we have to win it...for them," Nora said.


Zelleo angrily attacked Korax with his battle armor, firing bullets at him, but they didn't do much.


Korax then picked up Zelleo in his armor, and began crushing the machine gun off, and other parts Zelleo had added.


"After twenty years of waiting, this is all you have? Truly pathetic," Korax laughed, as he smashed the arms off of it, and dropped Zelleo to the ground. 


"Idiotic creature!" Korax yelled, as he kicked him, and he went flying into Nora. "You two are the last of your kind, and you will soon be extinct!"


Korax had his barrel guns ready to fire, but Nora fired her machine gun at his battle suit, though it didn't affect him much, but it caused some smoke to fill the area.


"D-don't worry...everything is going according to plan," Zelleo said.


Korax fired his barrel guns, but Nora and Zelleo dodged, as the blasts hit the walls, causing the roof to tremble and crack open. Some light was shining through. Zelleo smiled upon seeing that.


Korax approached Zelleo, grabbed him, and held him up.


"Now, I am going to crush you first, like the insignificant worm you are!"  Korax laughed.


"You know...you always did claim victory before you really won the battle," Zelleo smiled. "I got you into this whole position...to do this! This is for my friends!"


Zelleo pulled out his charge gun, and from the robot, fired chains around Korax.


"What..what is the meaning of this?!" Korax asked, confused, and he couldn't move.


Zelleo had inserted his charge gun into the robot, and the light began powering it up, as Zelleo moved the robot into Korax's chest.


"NOOOO! I am Korax....I am KORAX!" Korax yelled, as the charge blast began destroying his robot suit, and Zelleo hopped out of the armor, landing on the ground. He then took cover. 


"No..this cannot be...20 years of my ruling, and conquering Earth...NO!" Korax yelled.


The charge gun had blew up the armor, and Korax was killed, as he yelled in the explosion. The explosion was heard across the world, and everyone knew that meant hope was on the horizon.


Nora and Zelleo came out of hiding, and approached the debris pile. Zelleo picked up his charge gun.


"This world...this place...this future...it's a nightmare," Zelleo said. "Everyone you knew and loved is gone."


"It was a nightmare..." Nora said. "But because of you Zelleo, it is no longer one."


We then saw more light began shining, as the smoke was clearing up from the smoggy air.


"We did it...we defeated Korax...in this world anyways." Zelleo said.


Just then, he felt his body began to fade and buzz again, and it was stronger than last time.


"I guess this is it....farewell alternate future...and farewell, my friends," Zelleo said, as he disappeared.


"Farewell, Zelleo...and may the future shine bright," Nora said, looking out at the world, ready for reconstruction.



-Character Debuts: Alternate Future Characters, Red Sentient Guards, Unnamed Blue Sentient, Commander Robot, Korax's Army Bots (full debut)

-Area Debuts: Alternate Future Senato (briefly seen in Time Travails), Alternate Future Earth, Secret Hideout, and Korax's Factory Base

-Vehicle Debuts: Army Ship

-Characters not seen in alternate future: Bishop, Jack, Betty, Krosis, Sawkus (deceased), Darsun (deceased), Kane (deceased), PJ (deceased), Vandalators (deceased), Cymtrax (deceased), and Krumb (deceased).

-In the alternate future, Korax becomes a supreme overlord, exterminating many aliens and humans. Senato is turned into a wasteland again, and Korax finally conquers Earth.

-The alternate future Nathan, Dash, Laneld, Dr. Rick, Korax, Kyton, Kuri, and Kordon are eventually killed off.

-This is Zelleo's side of the Ultimate Draco story.

After finally getting a chance to properly read this, I have to see that this is one the best written episodes of the show.  A fun plot, shocking twists regarding the alternate future (Such as the deaths of members of the team). Great job.

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74. The Real World (Part 1)

The episode opens with the Undersea Force training outside the Council Building, and Nathan was thinking to himself about Ultimate Draco.


"What will he do to us?" Nathan wondered.


We then see Dash fighting with PJ.

"Come on Dash, hit harder than that!" PJ laughed, and he pushed Dash down, but he got up and kicked PJ in the stomach.

"Was that hard enough?" Dash smirked.

"Yes.." PJ said, groaning a bit.

"Nice game though, I admire your strength" Dash said, shaking fins with PJ. "Laneld would have chickened out if he fought me."

"Where is Laneld anyways?" Nathan asked.
"I dunno, that weirdo is inside reading some kiddy comic books," Dash said.

Just then, we saw a huge spark of light appear in front of the seven.


"What's going on?" Nora asked, as their training was halted.

"I sense a dark being approaching...everyone get inside!" Darsun commanded.

Out of the spark appeared Ultimate Draco from the last episode. He was holding the Time Staff, and it was glowing blue.

"FOOLS, WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD RETURN," Ultimate Draco smiled, and Laneld ran outside to see the commotion.

"Oh no no, not him!" Laneld cried.

"This is what we told you about Darsun, the Daimyo's son and Draco fused together!" Nathan said, as he pulled out his Charge Gun and tried to blast Ultimate Draco, but he waved the Time Staff, and it froze all eight in their attack positions.

"Oh no...I c-can't m-move..." Nora said.

"None of us can!" Dash said, as he was stuck in a blue glow with everyone else.

"He's f-frozen us, we can't do anything!" Zelleo said.

"WE ARE THE MASTERS OF TIME AND SPACE. OUR REVENGE WILL BE SWIFT. PREPARE TO MEET YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES." Ultimate Draco said proudly, as he waved the staff again, and all eight disappeared right in front of Ultimate Draco.
Ultimate Draco laughed, and he teleported himself away.




We see Nathan falling through a blue time travel tunnel.


"Oh no...wherever this is going to take me, it's not going to be good!" Nathan yelled, and he appeared in some large grass field.


"Where am I..?" Nathan wondered, and saw a beautiful scenery, but none of his friends were in sight. He kept walking through the large fields, and saw a village in sight. Just then, two figures on horses appeared, but they fell off the horses, and the horses ran off.


"What the, are you guys okay?" Nathan asked, but a female samurai rabbit approached got up, and attacked Nathan with her sword.


"Stop right there, assassin scum! I don't care how many clans you send, you will not have him!" She yelled, as Nathan used his sword to counter her.


"Stop, I don't want to fight!" Nathan yelled, as he was dueling her, and he whacked her sword out of her hand, and it smashed straight into the ground, stuck there. 


The female warrior knelt to the ground, and surrendered to Nathan.


"Please, take me, not him!" She said.


"I don't know what you are talking about, but I am here to help you, not fight you," Nathan said, holding his fin out, and she grabbed it with her paw, getting up.


"I am sorry for my actions...I thought you were an assassin," the female rabbit warrior said. "Oh no...my lord!"


We saw a panda lying on the ground from the other horse, and he got up. He was small, but dressed in royal outfit and robes.


"Lord Hiyomito, are you alright?" The female rabbit asked.


"Yes Rira, everything is okay," Lord Hiyomito said. "I apologize, strange fish warrior."


"It is fine. Where am I?" Nathan asked.


"You are on the planet Isoli," Rira said. "Lord Hiyomito is the king of it...but he is under attack by many assassin clans."


"Why?" Nathan asked.


"The fierce ruler of the snakes from Slithra, Slitter-O, invaded our planet recently, and is trying to attempt a hostile takeover. He ordered many clans to try to assassinate me," Lord Hiyomito said. "I have been in much danger, but I have strong warriors to protect me."


"That is right, master," Rira bowed.


"I know Slitter-O, my friends and I have fought him before," Nathan said. "If only I knew where my friends were...but I'd be glad to help you fight him off."


"Thank you very much, fish warrior," Lord Hiyomito said. "We will try to help you find your friends, it is the least we could do."


Just then, the ground beneath them began to rumble, and five mole warriors popped out from the ground, with their razor sharp claws ready to attack.


"Stay away, assassins!" Rira yelled, clashing her sword with the moles, and Nathan helped her fight them off.


One mole dug itself underground, and struck up from behind Lord Hiyomito.


"Help!" He yelled, and Rira kicked the mole aside, tumbling down a hill.


"Back off!" Nathan yelled, as two moles cornered up on him, and he used his charge gun to blast them off.


"Interesting technology," Rira remarked.

"Thanks, my friend made it for me," Nathan said, thinking about Darsun.


Just then, someone at a very fast speed kicked a mole right away from Nathan, and the figure kicked the other mole away. It was revealed the figure was Ragau, and Eragan came with him.


"Ragau, and Eragan!" Rira said excited.


"Hello Rira," Ragau said.


"My warriors are here!" Lord Hiyomito said.


"Boy, I never knew how long the field walks were!" Eragan said.


"Nathan..is that you?" Ragau asked, approaching him, as the moles retreated.


"Ragau? Finally, someone I know!" Nathan said.


"Welcome Nathan-san, it pleases be seeing you again after the Battle World tournament. This is Isoli, my home planet. What brings you here?" Ragau asked.


"Ultimate Warrior and Draco are back, and they've formed together. They have full control over a Time Staff, and have sent the team across the universe. For some reason, I was sent here.." Nathan said.


"I had a feeling they were not gone...do not worry, we will help you find your team," Ragau said. 


"I know about Lord Hiyomito and Slitter-O," Nathan said. "I will help protect the lord, and defeat Slitter-O."


"Thank you, and I will allow you in. However, we must be on our way now, Slitter-O may send more clans after us.." Ragau said, as all five began to travel to the village on foot.


We then cut to a palace high up in the mountains away from the village, and see Slitter-O inside on a throne, surrounded by snake guards and other warriors. A mole warrior was in front of him.


"Speak, fool. What is your news?" Slitter-O asked.


"Sir...the lord got away, we were attacked by Ragau.." the mole said, nervous.


"This is not news, you buffoon. Tons of clans have failed me in my hunt, what makes this any different? I am getting tired of hearing the same failure reports over and over.." Slitter-O said, pulling out one of his snake daggers, and the mole was very scared.


"B-but, there's something new: We saw a strange new fish warrior," the mole stuttered.


"Fish warrior? Could it be...?" Slitter-O pondered, as he put his dagger back away, and the mole seem reassured. "So, the Undersea Force is back...I will have my revenge on those fools for thwarting my plans twice! Send out the Wolves and Lizards, leave no survivors! I want the lord, the rabbit, and fish's heads on a silver plate!"


A wolf warrior and a lizard warrior both nodded, and went running out of the palace.


We see the gang was in the village late at sunset.


"My lord, do you have a place to live?" Nathan asked.


"I did...but Slitter-O took over it," Hiyomito said nervously.


"Don't worry, we will reclaim it for you," Nathan said.


"We better, I can't stand these snake warriors slithering around with the other clans!" Eragan said.


Nobody was outside in the village, the streets were empty, and the stone hut houses had lanterns lighting the rooms up.


"When did Slitter-O take over?" Nathan asked.


"A few days ago," Ragau said. "We've been planning how to take him down."


"We should end this tonight, and I think I see his palace in the distance!" Nathan said.


"We have not struck you, because the clans are vicious," Rira said. "Slitter-O will send deadly clans after us."


"They may be fierce, but even the toughest warriors can be taken down by a strong team," Nathan said, missing his own team upon saying that.


"Let us make our way then to the fields and soon!" Eragan said.


"What about the lord?" Rira asked. "We cannot let him get injured, I worry for his sake. If we take him with us, we could be putting his life at stake."


"We should make our way out then, before the clans strike," Ragau said, as they traveled through the village, and into a new set of fields, toward the palace.


They come to a spot in the woods, and rested, setting up a campfire, when we see a strange lizard like creature behind a tree, watching them.


"Lord Hiyomito hassss been found," the lizard said, as if he was talking to nobody.


Just then though, the ground shook, and another mole warrior popped up, ambushing the gangs.


"You moles can never back off!" Eragan said, fighting it off.


However, four lizard warriors appeared from hiding, and ambushed them as well.


"It's an ambush!" Ragau yelled, as he kicked a lizard into a tree.


"HELP!" Rira yelled, as a mole had grabbed her, and it began digging underground, taking her away.


"No!" Nathan yelled, trying to get at the hole, as he slammed a lizard away, but it was too late. "I'm sorry, Ragau."


"It is not your fault, Nathan-san...we did not see it coming. We will get her back," Ragau said.


"Thisss isn't over!" One lizard warrior said, about to attack Nathan from behind with a spear, but Ragau punched him in the face, and he fell to the ground.


"Thanks for the save...again," Nathan said.


Just then, we heard a loud wolf howl, and the lizard warriors began retreating.


"Hah, cowards!" Eragan laughed.


"Something's not right...I feel there's more to come," Nathan said, as he began backing out of the woods.


As all four came out of the woods, they came to a cliff. They saw six wolf warriors on a cliff on the other side, and they howled.


"So, the lord has been found," a wolf laughed.


"Oh no...wolves," Hiyomito said. "They are the fiercest of the clans...we should turn back now!"


The wolves got on all fours, and began jumping to the other side, and growled at the four. A wolf got up, and attacked Ragau, but he countered with his sword. The wolf was overpowering him, and Ragau kicked the wolf out of the way, making it more angry.


"I can't use my charge gun, because it's dark out. There's only one other way...jump!" Nathan yelled, referring to the river below.


"Wait, I don't think I'm reeaaDDDDY!!!" Eragan yelled, as he, Nathan, Ragau, and Hiyomito went falling off the cliff, and splashed into the river below.


"Grr..the lord will be ours," one wolf warrior said, and all six ran away.


We then cut to Slitter-O's palace again, and see Rira being thrown in front of him by two snake guards.


"What have you brought me, mole?" Slitter-O asked, ready to pull out his daggers. "This is not Lord Hiyomito, it is one of his comrades."


"My majesty, I captured her for bait. The warriors will come her to save her, bringing the lord right to you.." the mole smiled nervously.


"Hmm..acceptable...I would like to have a rematch with my fish friends, and the rabbit. Do not worry, child, you will have a nice spot in the dungeon," Slitter-O laughed, as the snake guards went downstairs of the palace, and tossed her in a cell. Her weapons were confiscated, and she sat there on a bench lonely.


We then see the gang had washed up in a field near a camp, outside the palace.


"Wow...we're here! Maybe that river was a good idea after all!" Eragan said, as he was blew out some water from his trunk onto Ragau, who looked annoyed.


"...Anyways, Rira is inside there, we need to rescue her. However, we need to get past all those clan tents, and the snake guards," Ragau said. 


The four were walking behind the trees, out of sight from the clans. However, they bumped into two armadillos, and Eragan knocked both of them out.


"Hey, I didn't want them telling all those clans about us!" Eragan said.


The four saw a tent nearby, and they snuck inside. They saw some blue and black robes, and put them on to disguise themselves. They went out of the tent, and traveled up to the palace, coming up to two snake guards.


"Identify yourselves," one guard said.


"Identify this!" Nathan yelled, as he and Ragau knocked both guards out, leaving them lying on the ground.


All four bursted open the two palace doors, and came inside a dojo like room, seeing Slitter-O on his throne.


"Bah ha ha ha, so you all show yourselves. I knew you'd come Nathan...but where are your other team members? No matter, at least I can finally take out the leader, and the rabbit who foiled my plans!" Slitter-O laughed.


"I sense Rira is in the dungeon..Eragan, you go after her, while Nathan and I will fight Slitter-O, protecting the lord!" Ragau said. Eragan nodded, and he bashed his way through snake guards, headed to the dungeon.


"And there is the coward lord himself, Lord Hiyomito. You couldn't rule a planet or kingdom to save your own life!" Slitter-O laughed, as he pulled out his two snake daggers.


"I do not care what you think, we came to get my palace back!" Lord Hiyomito said.


Slitter-O held his two daggers together, and they let out a green blast, but Nathan and Ragau clashed their swords against it.


Eragan bashed two guards into each other, and he ripped open the cell bars of Rira's cell.


"Thank you Eragan," Rira said, as he also handed her weapons back that he got from a guard.


They went upstairs, and saw the fight. Ragau and Nathan began walking closer to Slitter-O, as Eragan and Rira fought off snake guards, defeating the last of them.


"Come on, you two can do it!" Rira said.


Both walked closer to Slitter-O, as the beam was bouncing back toward him.


"No...get away from me, you freaks!" Slitter-O exclaimed.


He then used his snake tail to grab Nathan and Ragau, stopping the beam, and he squeezed them tightly.


"Sorry old friend, looks like the stunt you tried to defeat me on Slithra with won't work this time," Slitter-O said. "You both are so naive and cocky."


Two armadillo warriors and two mole warriors attacked Eragan and Rira, and as an armadillo formed a ball, Rira got on top of it, and sent it flying into Slitter-O, and he let go of Nathan and Ragau.


"Gahhh!" Slitter-O yelled. "Stupid rabbit!"


"Looks like you yourself are equally naive and cocky," Nathan taunted back.


Ragau got on another armadillo as a ball, and as the armadillo tried to get Ragau off, he sent another one smashing into Slitter-O's face.


Rira and Eragan fought off the two moles, and they retreated underground. 


Lord Hiyomito was alone, and Slitter-O got ready to strike.


"It's not over yet, I will rule this planet!" Slitter-O yelled, as he charged at Lord Hiyomito, ready to consume him, but Ragau and Nathan got in the way, as they both punched and kicked him in the face multiple times. Slitter-O was stuttering, and Nathan delivered the final blow by absorbing the light from the candles with his red charge gun, and blasted it at Slitter-O, sending him flying straight into the throne, and back into a wall, causing saw dust to cover the area.


"Ugh..." Slitter-O moaned, trying to get up.


"Great job, Ragau and Nathan-san!" Rira said.


The snake guards retreated away, and we heard loud horns from outside. There was an army of samurai animals outside, and the clans retreated away.


"The Shogun's Army!" Lord Hiyomito said. "My grandfather got my message! It is over for you, Slitter-O!"


"It is finally over!" Rira said.


"NOOOO!" Slitter-O yelled. "I-I...have lost three times in a row, but the war is not over. I will return!"


Slitter-O slithered away through the cracked wall, and escaped the palace. Nathan got out his sword, ready to go after him, but it was too late.


"Let him go, Nathan-san. He may have gotten away, but the important part is: We have won, and the lord's planet is restored," Ragau said.


"Thank you, Nathan, Eragan, Rira, and Ragau, you are all in my debt," Lord Hiyomito said, as they all bowed to the lord.


"You are welcome, majesty, but I need to find my way home back to my old friends," Nathan said.


"We will help you, Nathan-san, and I just know how.." Ragau said, as the episode ended with a zoom out outside the palace.


To Be Continued....




75. The Real World (Part 2)


Picking off where the previous episode ended, we see Nathan and Ragau walking out of the palace. The Shogun's Army was helping to restore the lands, and the assassination of Lord Hiyomito was called off. Peace had restored to Isoli, and the snake army retreated. Nathan now however needed to find a way back home.


"I know a way, perhaps we could go back to the Battle World arena and speak to the Daimyo," Ragau said.


"It's worth a shot, I suppose," Nathan said.


Ragau came to a large rock, and he drew the symbols needed to approach there. He began chanting, and a portal formed. Both went through it, and came to the empty Battle World arena. It was quiet compared to the last time they visited.


"Let's see if the Daimyo is here," Ragau said, as they approached the palace. 


They came inside, and saw the Daimyo sitting alone on his throne, with Gimino next to him. He seemed very depressed.


"Hello Nathan and Ragau, what brings you here? The next tournament isn't until next year," Gimino said.


"We wish to speak to the Daimyo," Nathan said.


"Uh...yes?" the Daimyo asked, seeming off.


"Great Daimyo...we need your aid. Your son has returned, and so has Draco. They merged together somehow, and they transported me and my friends everywhere. I cannot find them, and we wish to have your help in finding them. I will be forever in your debt if you do." Nathan said, bowing, and so did Ragau.


"Forever in debt? What will you give me in return? My son? The son you took from me!?" the Daimyo asked, beginning to get annoyed.


"What's going on?!" Ragau asked, shocked, and so was Nathan.


"GUARDS, SEIZE THEM!" Daimyo yelled, and a bunch of samurai guards came to attack them.


Nathan and Ragau began fighting off the samurai guards, and were getting overpowered.


"Stop them!" Daimyo yelled, and the samurai guards formed a circle around the two. Ragau nodded at Nathan, and both jumped out of a window.


"Nobody could have survived that fall...looks like that is the last of them," a guard said.


"Good...that is what they get for taking my son away..." the Daimyo said, as he sat back on his throne, coughing.


We see Ragau and Nathan holding onto the wall, revealing they had put some spike grips on their hands to stick to the wall.


We then see both entered back into the palace, and were wearing two samurai guard cloaks. They approached the three guards guarding the War Staff.


"You three have been relieved of your duties," Nathan said.


"But our shift isn't even over yet," a guard said.


"It is now!" Nathan yelled, as he grabbed a guard, and tossed them aside, punching them in the face. Ragau attacked the other two, knocking them out. 


"Ugh...my son...my son," the Daimyo said, mumbling in his sleep, not hearing the commotion.


As Nathan tried to grab the War Staff, Gimino appeared.


"Nathan," Gimino said.


"Look Gimino, we don't want to hurt you, but we need the War Staff," Nathan said.


"Shh, it is okay, I understand. I wish to help you, follow me," Gimino said, floating away to another room, and both followed him. They came to a large empty room.


"I have witnessed the Daimyo acting strange, and I have concluded something is not right. After hearing your story, I know the issue, and I can help." Gimino said, waving his paddle, and it glowed, making a portal appear. "Nathan, point the War Staff at the portal, and concentrate hard enough to find one of your friends."


"Darsun, where are you?" Nathan asked, concentrating, and the war staff glowed red. The portal changed, and we saw the dungeon of the palace. Darsun was in a cell there, locked up.


"That is the palace dungeon! Try to summon her here," Gimino said.


Nathan began concentrating, and Darsun's body began to buzz and glow statically, like what happened to the others in 71-73. However, it was no use, and the image faded.


"I don't know what I did wrong..." Nathan said.


"Perhaps try summoning one of your team members," Gimino said.


Nathan pointed the staff again, and we see Laneld in Bikiniapolis talking to Super Sponge.

"That I am!" replied Super Sponge. "What are you doing out here, citizen? I thought everyone in Bikiniapolis got the note to stay indoors."
"I-I'm sorry," said Laneld. "My name is Laneld. I just got here. I'm from an alternate dimension."
"Really?" said a curious Super Sponge.
"Yeah!" said Laneld. "I was transported here by an enemy of ours named Ultimate Draco, and I have no idea how to go get back home."
"Interesting. I have no idea who this "Ultimate Draco" is, as he is no villain in Bikiniapolis. However, I will try my best to help you return to your world." Super Sponge reassured Laneld.
Just then, Laneld's body began to buzz weirdly and slightly fade away. He saw silhouettes of Nathan, Gimino, and Ragau, but they faded away.
"What the heck was that about?" Laneld asked, returning to normal.
Nathan gave up, as it failed.

"Perhaps your mind is unsettled...try again," Gimino said. "You must concentrate."
Nathan concentrated again, and this time he saw Dash in the Team SpongeBob world.
"Dash, are you okay?" Patrick asked.

Dash's body seemed to be phasing out, and he saw silhouettes of Nathan, Ragau, and Gimino, then it stopped.

"Uhhh..I'm not sure what's happening to me!" Dash said with a hint of fear.

"It seems to have stopped now. Let us know if that happens again." SpongeBob said.


Nathan cancelled the concentration again, and he tried again. This time he saw Zelleo in the alternate future.


"This...is where Darsun rests," Laneld said.


"No...it can't be," Zelleo said.


"I'm sorry," Laneld said.


Zelleo was reassured though once he realized it was an alternate world, but he was still disturbed. Just then, he felt his body began to buzz, and began fading away a bit, and he saw silhouettes of Nathan, Ragau, and Gimino, but it stopped.


"Whoa...what was that about?" Zelleo asked.


He cancelled again, as it failed. He tried more: He tried Nora, who was in some jungle, but she couldn't be summoned. He then tried PJ, who was freezing in some arctic world, and it didn't work either. He lastly tried Kane, hoping it'd work, and he saw Kane in some technological world with a robot in a factory, but Nathan couldn't summon him. He had given up.


"I just don't get it...each time, I felt I was so close, but nothing happened," Nathan said, confused.


"It is not your fault, a powerful force is blocking your attempts, and laughing at them." Gimino said, floating up, and taking the War Staff.


"What?" Nathan asked, concerned.


"Yes, they are enjoying it very much....LAUGHING AT YOUR IGNORANCE, AND GULLIBILITY," Gimino began saying with a twisted voice, as Nathan and Ragau were weary.


Gimino's face began to crack off, and so did his other body parts, to reveal he was actually Ultimate Draco, and he laughed.


"Ultimate Warrior and Draco! I should have known!" Nathan said.


"Your reign ends now, vile fiend!" Ragau yelled.


"Well well well, time for a final battle," Ultimate Warrior's part of the body said.


"It is so nice you brought Ragau, Nathan, two for the price of one. We will kill both of you for taking my Battle World away from me," Draco's part of the body said, with the Time Staff and War Staff in both hands.


"It was never yours, fiend!" Ragau yelled, as he jumped up to attack him, but he dodged.


Nathan and Ragau were together, and Ultimate Draco clashed both staffs together, shooting a blue beam at two of them; neither could move.


"FOOLS, WE ARE A GOD NOW WITH LORD TIMEOSTASIS'S TIME STAFF, AND THE DAIMYO'S WAR STAFF," Ultimate Draco laughed, and the scenery around them turned into the War Field Zone (from Episode 28). 


"I remember this place, it is where Krosis was released...be on guard, this place gives me the creeps," Nathan said.


Ultimate Draco made a swirling black circle appear around Ragau and Nathan, and a bunch of giant monster warriors rose up from the ground, and were attacking the two.


"NOW, TO FINISH THE OTHER TWO," Ultimate Draco said, as he made the Daimyo appear on his throne in the War Field Zone, and Darsun fell to the ground as well.


"Oh no, Darsun!" Nathan yelled, fighting off a giant monster with an axe, and Darsun got up, confused.


"Huh...Draco!" Darsun said, remembering, and seeing the two about to finish off the Daimyo.


Ultimate Draco clashed both staffs together, and were ready to kill the Daimyo. However, Ultimate Warrior's part of the two hesitated.


"What are you waiting for?" Draco asked.


"Let us finish the Blue Sentient first instead, save our energy," Ultimate Warrior said.


"Why? Just finish off the old fool," Draco said, getting annoyed.


"My son...my son? Is that you? I heard your voice?" the Daimyo asked, trying to open his eyes.


"Father..." Ultimate Warrior said. "You look so frail and sick."


"Finish him!" Draco yelled.


"No need to, we can just let him rot in jail," Ultimate Warrior said.


"You soft fool, we did not come this far to give up!" Draco yelled.


As the two were bickering, Darsun jumped on the War Staff, and began controlling it.


"You two will not harm the Daimyo, come to my, my guardians!" Darsun yelled, as the War Staff listened to her.


"NOO, what have you done?!" Draco yelled.


We then see throughout the different universes, the team members were being summoned back by Darsun.


Laneld was about to walk out of the hospital room, when suddenly, his body began buzzing like it did earlier, and he was fading away.
"What's happening?" Super Sponge asked.
"What sorcery is this?!" Mayor Krabs asked.
"I-I don't know....it looks like I'm being taken away by that force again!" Laneld said.
"Well...if this is it, farewell Laneld. Thank you for helping me. I hope you return home, and you defeat this "Ultimate Draco" you mentioned," Super Sponge said.
"BYEEEE!" Laneld yelled, as he faded away from the hospital room, leaving Mayor Krabs confused.


As they both reached in for the kiss, Dash's body started to phase again.

"Dash, wait! Look." Mindy said.

Dash looked down at himself. "My body is..phasing again." he said worried.

SpongeBob, Shin, Pearl, Patrick and Larry came back from inside the jet.

"What's happening?" Shin said.

"I'm ph-ph-asing ag-ain!" Dash said. In an instant, his body completely disappeared with a spark of bright, white light.


We then saw more light began shining, as the smoke was clearing up from the smoggy air.


"We did it...we defeated Korax...in this world anyways." Zelleo said.


Just then, he felt his body began to fade and buzz again, and it was stronger than last time.


"I guess this is it....farewell alternate future...and farewell, my friends," Zelleo said, as he disappeared.


"Farewell, Zelleo...and may the future shine bright," Nora said, looking out at the world, ready for reconstruction.


We also saw Nora in her jungle world get teleported away, Kane get teleported away from his technology world, and PJ get teleported away from the freezing arctic world.


All six came to the War Field Zone, and they saw Ultimate Draco with Darsun.


"What the heck....GUYS, YOU'RE OKAY!" Laneld yelled, happy.


"Everyone's alive and young!" Zelleo said happy.


"Finally, I almost froze the death!" PJ said.


"You guys won't believe the story I had," Dash said.


"You won't believe mine either..." Zelleo said.


"I discovered much fascinating things," Kane said.


"Save story time for later, Darsun is in trouble!" Nora said, as they saw Ultimate Draco smashing Darsun into the ground, holding into the War Staff. 


All six jumped at Ultimate Draco, attacking him with their swords. Both staffs went flying out of his hands.


"My friends, you are here! Keep the staffs away from him at all costs!" Darsun commanded, as she grabbed the War Staff. 


"These beasts just keep coming.." Nathan said, tired. 


Just then, they saw the gang on the other side.


"Guys!" Nathan yelled.


"It's Nathan...and Ragau?" Nora asked, confused.


"Ragau? What is he doing here?" Kane asked.


"And why they are fighting those hideous creatures?" Laneld asked.


"No time to explain, get the Time Staff away from the two!" Nathan commanded, clashing his sword with a monster's club, and Ragau kicked another one in the stomach.


Laneld and Dash grabbed the Time Staff, and went behind Ultimate Draco, as Darsun was on the other side with the War Staff.


"NO...OUR POWER!" Ultimate Draco yelled.


"Yo ugly, looking for this?" Dash asked, as the Time Staff began glowing blue, and shot out a blue electric beam.


"Um..I didn't touch anything, I swear!" Laneld said, as both were being lifted in the air by the Time Staff.


The War Staff began glowing red, and shot out a red electric beam, colliding with the blue electric beam. Darsun was being lifted up by the floating War Staff.




"Hold on!" Darsun yelled.


"What is going on?" Ragau asked, as the warrior monsters began to disappear, and so did the circle around them.


"WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?" Ultimate Draco asked.


The charges began changing the scenery back to the Battle World palace, and Ultimate Draco was being split apart.


"NOOOO!" Both of their voices yelled, and they finally split apart. The Daimyo was back on his throne, still in a frail state.


"Thank goodness we're out of there," Dash said. "But we've got bigger issues, what the heck is up with the staffs?"


"No...NOO! My power, my revenge, all gone!" Draco yelled, angry.


Just then, both of them began to turn into stone.


"Forgive me...father," Ultimate Warrior said, holding out his hand, and both of them crumbled to dust.


"Well...I guess that's it?" Nora asked.


"No, it isn't," a familiar voice said, and out of a blue electric charge, appeared Lord Timeostasis.


"Him!" Laneld yelled.


"My oh my, what a hot mess. You kids have given me quite a run throughout time, trying to fix all of this." Lord Timeostasis said, as the Time Staff returned to him, and the War Staff was back next to the Daimyo's throne.


"Why did the Time Staff and War Staff combine together to defeat Draco and the Ultimate Warrior?" Nathan asked.


"Like I said the last time I met you guys, the Time Staff has a mind of its own. It wanted to undo the evil damage with the War Staff, and it did so by causing each staff to collide energy with each other, undoing all the damage," Lord Timeostasis said. "I really need to keep this staff in a safer place, I am getting so sick and tired of cleaning up after every weird monster who causes a mess."


He then heard the Daimyo sobbing.


"My son...I thought I heard him, but he is still gone...my son," the Daimyo said, sobbing.


"Now let me show you kids the power of the staff when it is not being used by a psychopathic criminal," Lord Timeostasis said, as he waved the Time Staff over the ashes of Ultimate Warrior, and he was brought back, but as a younger kid, in blue robes, with red hair, and without a mask.


"Oh father, I had a horrible nightmare!" Ultimate Warrior said, running up and hugging his father.


"My son...my son, you are back! It's okay, I had a horrible nightmare too!" the Daimyo said. "It is all okay now."


"There you go. Now to put you all back where you belong," Lord Timeostasis said.


"Farewell, Ragau-san, and may we meet again in the near future," Nathan said.


"It is my honor working beside you," Ragau said.


They were all teleported away, and we see the Undersea Force back at their base on Senato.


"Well...that was a bizarre adventure, but at least the Daimyo is happy now. I need a rest, my head hurts after all of that," Nora said.


"Should I tell you all about my epic adventure now, or later?" Laneld asked.


"Is never an option?" Dash asked.


"I am just glad we are all back in one dimension." Kane said.


"Jeez, that arctic world nearly froze me the death, thank goodness you saved me when you did, Darsun," PJ said.


"Where were you guys?" Kufon asked, entering in their room. "I've been looking for you guys for half an hour or so."


"It's a long story...just be glad we're back home," Nathan said, smiling.



-Character Debuts: Rira, Lord Hiyomito, Horses, Mole Clan, Lizard Clan, Wolf Clan, Armadillo Clan, Shogun (mentioned), Shogun's Army, and Monster Warriors

-Area Debuts: Isoli (first mentioned in 67, fully seen now), Village, Fields, and Lord Hiyomito's Palace

-The War Field Zone from Plight of the Red Sentients (Part 2) returns.

-It is revealed Darsun was sent to the Battle World Dungeon, PJ was sent to an ice world, Nora was sent to some forest world, and Kane was sent to technological world. Due to time, these weren't made into their own episodes.

-It is revealed Nathan and Darsun were the ones causing the static fades in 71-73.

-Ultimate Warrior is brought back as a good, young boy, and Draco is destroyed.

-Sometime after the events of Battle World, Slitter-O invaded Isoli to get revenge on Ragau's kind for thwarting his plots, and ordered assassins after Lord Hiyomito.

-Part 1 is Nathan's side of the Ultimate Draco story, while Part 2 re-unites everyone.

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That was an amazing two parter and served as an awesome wrap up/conclusion to the travel stories. The first part just solidified the fact that Nathan and Ragau work so well together! Their battle with Slitter-O was well written and intense and Nathan's final use of the charge gun (where he absorbed energy from the candles) was an extremely clever. Part 2 was perfect in that it explained the "phasing out" thing. How Nathan's adventure tied into the others getting back home was well done and presented well. The episode didn't stop there with the twists, as Gimino was revealed as UW and Draco. I was kind of mindf***ed fr a minute lol.


The final battle was awesome too.I liked how everyone returned and helped out. Also, I did feel a little bad for Daimyo regarding his son. He seems to legit care about him. The ending scene with them hugging was sweet. Then the ending of the episode was pretty chill, which I'm sure they all needed lol.

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