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Storm Racers

Jjs Goodman

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That was an amazing two parter and served as an awesome wrap up/conclusion to the travel stories. The first part just solidified the fact that Nathan and Ragau work so well together! Their battle with Slitter-O was well written and intense and Nathan's final use of the charge gun (where he absorbed energy from the candles) was an extremely clever. Part 2 was perfect in that it explained the "phasing out" thing. How Nathan's adventure tied into the others getting back home was well done and presented well. The episode didn't stop there with the twists, as Gimino was revealed as UW and Draco. I was kind of mindf***ed fr a minute lol.


The final battle was awesome too.I liked how everyone returned and helped out. Also, I did feel a little bad for Daimyo regarding his son. He seems to legit care about him. The ending scene with them hugging was sweet. Then the ending of the episode was pretty chill, which I'm sure they all needed lol.

^what teenj said

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Notice: I am taking a break from the Season 3 run, as the next episode is from Season 4 in production order. Before you all get confused, let me reassure you this episode will not affect continuity in any way. You could even think it is from Season 3 if I didn't say it was from Season 4. So, enjoy the Storm Racers Halloween Special. I will also add it was pretty hard for me to write this one without spoiling the last three Season 3 episodes.


84. All Hallows' Fools


The episode opens on Halloween night in Bikini Bottom. Fish were trick-or-treating, and the celebrations were wild. The Undersea Force were relaxing at the Krusty Krab, and the Krusty Krab was filled with decorations.


"Hooray for Halloween, my second favorite holiday of the year!" Laneld said excitedly.


"Is the first Christmas?" Zelleo asked.


"No, it is actually April Fools Day. My third favorite is Christmas," Laneld said.


"Go figure," Dash groaned, eating a Krabby Patty.


Nathan was looking outside the Krusty Krab, and seemed angry.


"What's wrong, Nate?" Nora asked.


"Nothing," Nathan groaned back.


"You know what's wrong by now..." Dash whispered to Nora.


"Oh...right," Nora said.


"Anyways, aren't you a little too old to be trick-or-treating, Laneld?" PJ asked.


"Of course not! It is still fun to TP people's houses, play pranks, and all that jazz," Laneld said.

"For you maybe, for us, we've outgrown that "jazz"," Dash said.


"We shouldn't be wasting our time for Halloween, we should be training, Darsun could be waiting for us on Senato," Nathan said coldly.


"Relax dude, Darsun told us to take a break, and have some fun," Dash said.


"Okay, well I have the perfect thing for the Halloween spirit, and to get our minds off of recent events: There's this old creepy and possibly haunted mansion in the outer parts of Downtown Bikini Bottom. The only inhabit is this old fish, but some say he is hiding something. I say we go and investigate!" Laneld said.


"...I'm not sure if that will help at all," Nora said.


"And where did you get this info from?" Dash asked. "Your 8 year-old mind?"


"No, actually the other night I was racing through the streets in the Sonicwave, when I saw came by the creepy old mansion. I had never seen it before, and so I decided to investigate. I parked the vehicle outside, and walked up to it. I rang the doorbell, and nobody answered. I swear though, I heard some strange noises beneath the mansion grounds. Eventually, I got too creeped out and just left. I then asked some random fish later on the same night about the mansion, and they say a weird old fish lives there all by himself, but he never really comes outside." Laneld explained.


"It is possible what you are speaking of is true," Kane said. 


"Laneld being right?" Dash asked, shocked.


"While it is Laneld, something tells me maybe something supernatural could be going on there. Besides, we've already seen aliens, so ghosts aren't too far-fetched," Kane said.


"True, and we're talking fish for crying out loud!" Zelleo said. "I say maybe we should investigate, who knows what is hidden there..maybe an alien species? Or we'll get our first encounter with paranormal activity? Either way, it could clear our minds from recent events."


"Fine, we can go, but as long as we all make it out in one piece," Nathan said. "After we finish, we should get back to training."


"Sigh...okay," Zelleo said.


"Relax man, you know Nathan has just been upset lately over that battle," PJ said.


"I know.." Zelleo said.


We then see the gang outside the mansion late at night. It wasn't very large, but it was white and golden, with odd statues. The courtyard had a fountain in front of it.


"So...who's going to ring the doorbell?" Zelleo asked nervously.


"On three, whoever is slowest in saying not me rings it," Laneld said.


"Not me!" all yelled, but Nora answered too late.


"Ugh..fine," Nora said, and she walked up. "If this place is cursed, Laneld, you are going to get it!"


She rang the golden doorbell in the white marble, but nobody answered.


"Trick-or-treat!" Laneld jokingly said, but Dash whacked him.


"Looks like nobody is here," Nora groaned.


"We should still investigate if something suspicious is going on inside, and we need to protect our town, not just Senato," Zelleo said. "Nathan, do you agree?"


"Well, that is true...I guess it doesn't hurt to check," Nathan said, and all seven went inside.


They entered to a large open floor with a strange pyramid symbol in the middle. They saw book shelves on the sides, and two sets of staircases heading to the right and left.


"So um...anybody home?" PJ asked.


"Where's the old dude you mentioned?" Dash asked.


"I have no idea, it was what I heard from some random rebellious fish who tried vandalizing this place once," Laneld said.


"That's nice," Nora said.


We then see Laneld pulled out a piece toast with jelly on it. He threw it up in the air, and it landed jelly side down on the floor.


"Oh no..." Laneld said.


"Um...what did that do?" Dash asked.


"I also heard somewhere that if you put some jelly on a piece of toast, throw it up in the air, and if it lasts jelly side down, it means a building is haunted!!" Laneld panicked.


"That sounds a like of baloney. Did you hear this from that same "rebellious teenage fish" too?" Nora asked.


"Actually no, I read this on a "How To Know If There Are Ghosts Near" website," Laneld said, and Dash and Nora both face palmed. 


"Yeah yeah, just another dumb theory of yours, let's go guys," Dash said.


"Hold on guys...maybe Laneld is onto something,"  Nathan said.


"Twice in a row tonight? That'd be a world record," Dash said.


"I do sense that something is being hidden here...it's too plain," Nathan said, looking around.


Nathan pressed the head of a statue with his fin, and it made the pyramid symbol in the middle of the floor open up, to reveal some stairs underground.


"Wow...so this place IS hiding something," Zelleo said.


"Should we go under? What if there's a bunch of zombies there?" PJ asked.


"I'm ready for anything down there, if Laneld's cooky theory is right," Dash said, as all seven went down the stairs.


Nathan grabbed a torch on a wall, and they came down to an underground tunnel, and the ground was covered in a small stream of water.


"Ew..this water feels gross," Nora said.


They kept walking, and came to a large circular stone gate with the same pyramid on it. It had six bone horns sticking out of it on the muddy walls.


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to spookyville!" Laneld said, a bit nervous.


Nathan saw some odd words at the top saying "Omissa spe qui audet intrare".


"What does that say, Zelleo?" Nathan asked.


"It's Latin...it means: Abandon all hope, to those who dare enter." Zelleo said, translating it.


"It's official, this is beyond creepy. I say we leave now, you guys were right, I was wrong!" Laneld said.


"Nope, you said it was cursed yourself, Mr. Jelly Toast. Also, check this out," Dash said, as we see a bunch of skeletons in piles of debris on the sides.


"Aaah!" Laneld yelled.


Just then, there was an eye picture on the top of the pyramid image. The area began glowing red, and so did the skeletons.


"Um..guys," Kane said, as all the skeletons began getting up, and were ready to attack the Undersea Force. They had ripped up clothing on them, and were whispering odd noises.


"What the heck is going on?!" Nora asked, as she used her green sword to slice one's head off, and kicked it aside.


"No idea, but for now, we fight," Nathan said, slicing through some skeletons.


"They just keep coming!" PJ said, smashing skeletons aside with his muscles.


"You gang there, follow me!" An old fish said, with a lantern.


"That must be the old man Laneld heard about!" Zelleo said, and all seven followed him back up the stairs, with skeleton following them.


The old man then made it for the statue Nathan activated, and he pressed it again, as everyone made it out, and it sealed up, chopping a skeleton's head off, and the head went rolling onto the floor.


"Gross!" Laneld yelled, kicking it away.


"Okay...what the heck is going on here?!" Dash asked.


"I think at this point, we've come to a common agreement that is what we all think," Kane said.


"You seven should not have come here," the old man said. "But...it's too late now, there is no going back."


"Nice job Laneld, what did you get us into?" Nora asked.


"Look old man sir, we didn't mean to invade your property. We just heard so many stories, and we promise we won't tell anyone, just don't kill us!" Laneld said on his knees, begging.


"Relax, I have no intention to...you seven can do something for me.." the old man said. "And why is this piece of toast on the ground?"


"Because of an idiot," Dash said, looking at Laneld.


"Sir, I apologize. Can you tell us what is going on?" Nathan asked.


"You can call me Arnie. Yes, follow me up here," Arnie said, and they all followed him up the stairs to his library room.


"Let's go back there, and finish off those skeletons!" Dash said, with his sword.


"You may change your mind when you hear this story of what lives down there," Arnie said, pulling out a brown book with the same pyramid symbol on it. "Are you sure you all want to hear?"


"Yes," Nathan said.


"Alright...1,000 years ago, a meteorite from the depths of space struck Bikini Bottom. It hit the ocean, and plunged deep into the seas. Inside this meteorite was a horrifying beast, filled with evil. Whispering great promises of wealth and power, the creature tried to lure the native fish to it," Arnie narrated, as we see a flashback of these events. We see the meteorite landed in an older version of Bikini Bottom, outside where a bunch of native fish lived in their tents and houses. Inside it was a small red glowing stone.


"The native fish who lived there however, did not fall from the monster's tricks. They carved a piece of the meteorite, and put it on a spear, which they dubbed the Meteor Spear. They tried to slay the beast with it, but before they could, a bunch of explorer fish on their ship arrived on the Bikini Bottom land, attracted by the whispering of the monster. They savaged the land, one in particular named Arnold B. Johnson, took the land by brutal force." Arnie further explained, and we see Arnold B. Johnson in a brown suit, and a native fish threw the Meteor Spear at him, but he grabbed it, and used it to slay the native fish.


"Arnold prospered in fortune, and developed this very building. His dark legacy continued, as Bikini Bottom grew around him. All the treasure he obtained kept growing, and the monster from the stars also fed off the wealth." Arnie finally finished, as we see how the building grew in Bikini Bottom, and still remains here to this very day.


"It is no accident that Bikini Bottom has become one of the largest and richest nations in the ocean, and that is due to this building, the Johnson Building," Arnie said.


"How do you tie into all of this?" Nathan asked.


"I am his ancestor. I am supposed to slay the beast with the Meteor Spear...but I am too weak and frail. Whenever I get close to it, the fear gets to me," Arnie said.


"Well, this has been an interesting story, but I think we should all go now.." Laneld said.


"Nope, we're finishing this together," Dash smirked.


"Here, you will need this.." Arnie said, and he pulled the Meteor Spear from a drawer, and handed it to Nathan.


"You still had this?" Zelleo asked.


"Yes, Arnold left it behind in his fortune," Arnie said. "Good luck...you'll need it."


"Someone should stay up here if we need help. PJ and Kane, you both can," Nathan ordered.


"Why them?" Laneld moaned.


The remainder of the gang activated the statue again, and headed back underground, with Nathan holding the Meteor Spear. The area glowed red, and the gang of skeletons attacked them again however.


"Great, the bone brothers again," Dash said, but the Meteor Spear scared the skeletons off.


"That was easy," Nora said.


They kept walking, and the circular gate opened up with the presence of the Meteor Spear. They then came to a deeper part of the cavern, and saw bricks forming a pyramid on the dark ground, pointing to the red meteorite surrounded by fire in a stone circle.


"That must be the meteorite he told us about," Zelleo said, as they were carefully investigating the caverns.


"What are these things?" Nathan asked, as he sliced a gray pod on the wall open with his red sword. Inside was the skeleton of some soldier fish, and tons of dollars came out of it.


"Wow...this money is so old. This guy must be over 150 years old at least," Zelleo said, investigating.


"What are these for?" Nora asked.


"It looks like some chamber to keep people sealed in...and there's tons," Zelleo said, using his sensors to analyze them. "I hope nobody we know is in any of them.."


"Don't creep me out like that!" Laneld said.


"Well you've been creeping us out all night!" Dash said, as we see a bunch of giant green and black tentacles coming out of the caves.


They all turned around, and saw the tentacles attacking.


"AAAH!" Laneld yelled, attacking them with his purple sword. "Very very scary!"


"Are these more than one creature?!" Nathan asked.


"No idea...but watch out!" Zelleo yelled, as a tentacles grabbed all five of them. One of them then attacked Nathan, and everything went black.


We then see Nathan was covered in slime, and was in a gray pod. A shadowy figure was outside, and they cut open the pod. It was Darsun.


"Darsun! What are you doing here?" Nathan asked, as she helped him get out.


"I sensed you were in trouble, and came to rescue you," Darsun said.


"Where are the others?" Nathan asked, as he fell to the ground, and was trying to get back up.


"We must find them, and we must hurry!" Darsun said, as we saw tentacles coming out of the cavern ceilings.


We then see Zelleo was walking through some caverns, and saw Kane in-between two tunnels.


"Kane, what are you doing here? We told you to stay up there," Zelleo said.


Kane began laughing, and he ran toward the right tunnel.


"Kane, wait up!" Zelleo said.


Kane then went up to where the meteorite was, and he was walking on the ledges.


"Kane, what are you doing?" Zelleo asked.


Kane then went falling off the cliff, into the shadowy abyss below.


"NOOO!" Zelleo yelled.


We then see Laneld was on the ground in another cavern, and he got up.


"Guys, where are you?" Laneld asked.

We then see Nathan approached him.


"Laneld, it is okay. The creature let us go, and spared us. He gave us power, and we became like him," Nathan said.


"Uh..." Laneld said, confused.


Nathan's eyes then turned red, and his arm turned into tentacles.


"Hahahah!" Nathan laughed in a deep voice, and Laneld was attacking him with his sword.


"Eww!" Laneld yelled, dodging the tentacles.


Nathan then kicked Laneld to the ground, and the tentacles began covering Laneld.


"NOOO!" Laneld yelled.


We then see Dash in another cavern, and he was looking for everyone. Just then, we see Korax (?) came out of the shadows.


"Mwa ha ha ha!" Korax (?) laughed.


"WHAT!? But...that can't be! This has to be an illusion..." Dash yelled, pulling out his sword.


Korax (?) was attacking Dash ruthlessly, and Dash jumped up and began pounding Korax (?) down to the ground. He got up, but Dash kicked Korax's (?) head off somehow, to reveal Dash's own face in place of it.


"Korax is...me?! NOOO!" Dash yelled, and "Korax" punched Dash in the face.


We then see Nora wake up in another cavern.


"Guys, where did you go?" Nora asked.


We then see Nathan appeared.


"Nathan, there you are," Nora said. "Where are the others?"


"We all serve the beast...join us, Nora.." Nathan said, with his eyes turning red. We then saw the other crew members, even PJ, and Kane appeared, and all were possessed by the beast.


"No...this can't be!" Nora yelled, as a bunch of tentacles shot from their bodies and covered Nora.


We then see Nathan and Darsun were attacking off the tentacles again.


"Watch out, Darsun!" Nathan yelled, as he cutting the tentacles with his sword.


The tentacles then grabbed Darsun, and began holding her up.


"Nathan!" Darsun yelled.


The tentacles then strangled Darsun, stretching her out. They then dropped her to the ground, and she was dead.


"Darsun...Darsun....NOOOO!" Nathan yelled, trying to see if she was alive.


Just then, Nathan woke up again in the pod, and Darsun broke him out again.


"Huh...Darsun? I thought I saw the beast attack you," Nathan said. "No...something's going on, you can't be Darsun."


Darsun's eyes glowed red, and she whacked Nathan to the side.


"You have disappointed me, Nathan. It is time to give you a final lesson!" Darsun yelled, as Nathan was on the ground. 


He then pulled out his sword as Darsun jumped at him, and it impaled through her chest.


"Nathan...why.." Darsun asked.


"No...this can't be real!" Nathan yelled, and Darsun's eyes glowed red. "None of this is real!"


Nathan then woke up in a pod again, and sliced himself out. Nothing was abnormal when he got out, meaning he had waken from his nightmares. He then saw four other red glowing pods, and he sliced them all open, waking up his teammates. 


"None of this is real!" Nathan yelled into each of their pods, shaking them. All four then got out of the pods, and reunited. 


"Finally...that nightmare was giving me the creeps!" Nora said.


"Alright, now we're back in a state of sanity. We have to destroy this beast once and for all," Nathan said.


They then felt the ground rumble, and a bunch of tentacles shot out from the ground. This time tough, out of the ground came the giant monster himself. It was black and green with a red diamond on its forehead. It was a giant squid/dragon/serpent like creature, and it roared.


"Children...I am the great Zaxo...do not run...I can give you it all...power...the world...wealth," Zaxo said, causing the tunnels to shake with its tentacles everywhere, as the gang attacked.


"What is that ugly thing?!" Laneld asked.


"It's the strangest monster we've ever seen, that's for sure.." Zelleo said.


"This m-might be the creepiest alien we've ever faced yet!" Nora said, slicing off its tentacles.


The monster then saw Nathan with the Meteor Spear, and he tried to control Nathan.


"Boy, do not do it...I can give you it all...power...the world...wealth.." Zaxo repeated, and Nathan's eyes glowed red.


"I'll take the world...." Nathan laughed, but he snapped out of the trance. "No...not again!"


Nathan then tossed the Meteor Spear at its diamond, and it began cracking.


"NOOOO!" Zaxo yelled, and it disappeared, as the tunnels went back to normal. The beast was defeated.


Back above ground, we see Arnie was acting odd.


"Ugh....your friends did it...they defeated the beast," Arnie said.


"Sir, what's going on?" Kane asked.


"I...have a confession. My real name is...Arnold B. Johnson." Arnold revealing it was him. "The curse is broken...I can pass on."


"How did you survive so many years?!" PJ asked.


"It was the creature's curse. I was ashamed of what I did those 1,000 years ago to the native fish...if I was not corrupted by the beast, they could have destroyed it so long ago. Now...the deed is done, and I can pass on. Thank you..." Arnold said, and his body crumbled to dust on the ground.


"Goodbye, Arnold," Kane said.


"Well..that was dark," PJ said.


The gang came up from the center floor, and saw the scene.


"Where did the old dude go?" Laneld asked.


"You're standing on him," Kane said, as Laneld was standing on the remains of his jacket.


"Eww! Gross, gross, gross!" Laneld sad, wiping his feet off.


"It turns out...Arnie was Arnold B. Johnson all along. He survived for so long due to the monsters' curse. He thanks us for killing the beast, and he can pass on," PJ said.


"Wow...poor dude," Nora said. "At least his spirit can be put to rest."


"Well, I think we've all had enough scares for tonight," Dash said.


"Do you guys want to go trick-or-treating?" Laneld asked.


"But we're too old for th-" Dash was about to say, but Nathan cut him off.


"Sure Laneld...sure," Nathan said, smiling.


"Looks like that adventure helped clear your mind a bit," Zelleo said.


All seven walked out of the mansion, and went off to the town, going to trick-or-treat.


"Happy Halloween!" Laneld yelled.


"Don't get in over yourself," Dash said, as they all laughed.



-Character Debuts: "Arnie" (Arnold B. Johnson), Skeletons, Native Fish, Explorers, and Zaxo

-Area Debuts: Johnson Building, Underground

-It is revealed Zaxo was an evil monster who struck Bikini Bottom 1,000 years ago in a meteorite. The native fish who lived there at the time tried to kill it, but the explorer fish were attracted by the monster's chantings, and Arnold B. Johnson took the Meteor Spear and killed the native fish before they could do it. The monster possessed Arnold, and made him very rich, as his building helped make Bikini Bottom very rich and famous.

-The jelly toast scene is a reference to the movie "Devil".

-Halloween themed episode.

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That was a really good episode. While it didn't spoil S4, I like how you put in some innuendos regarding Nathan's attitude and a prior battle. The overall story of the house was interesting, especially when that whole dream sequence stuff started happening, which reminded me of a particular episode of InuYasha. This episode also had a lot of good humor. Finally, I liked the twist at the end where the old man was really Arnold and how slaying the beast thingy broke the curse and his soul could go on. That was a very bittersweet touch.

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76. Bishop's Gambit


The episode opens with Nathan, Dash, Nora, Laneld, and Kane racing their vehicles through the Bikini Bottom deserts late at night.


"Man, I missed this old practice course," Dash said, zooming in front of Laneld.


"Hey, I'm keeping first place!" Laneld said.


"Let's not get too carried away guys, Darsun only told us to investigate Bikini Bottom to see if Korax transported anymore of his allies here," Nathan said.


We see a camera sticking out of a mountain side though, and we cut to inside a laboratory of some sort, where Bishop was watching the Undersea Force through the screen.


"So, my old friends are back," Bishop smiled.


"Bzzt...u-ugh...you mad man, they will rescue us," a familiar voice said, revealing Cymtrax and Krumb on two lab tables, strapped.


"Save your strength Cymtrax, they will never find us unless I bait them here," Bishop said. "I need one final person to complete my project...and I know just the one."


Bishop activated a button he was holding, and a giant scouter bot came flying through the room. It went zooming out of the lab through a sewer grate, and flew through the city. It came to the desert where the Undersea Force were about to leave, when it secretly attached itself to the back of the Grangler. They went through a Storm Field, and came outside the Council Building.


"I'm getting so tired of playing sitting duck, who knows what Korax is up to. It's obvious he hasn't changed, why can't we strike him now?" Dash asked.


"We need a perfect plan and chance to expose him," Nathan said. "Besides, Sawkus still says we're not ready, and we must wait for the gears to balance so we can fight."


"I hate that balance rule, who cares about balance?" Laneld asked.


"We must respect the laws of time and space," Kane said.


We then see the robot crawling out from the Grangler, and was sneaking its way to the council building, undetected.


Zelleo was working on some inventions, and the robot crawled through the halls, slowly entering into the room. Darsun was meditating, and the robot began emitting a whistle noise.


"Gah...what is this noise?!" Darsun asked, putting her hands to her head's sides.


"Or more like, what is that thing?!" Zelleo asked, as he saw the robot. 


He tried using his sword to attack it, but it blasted it to the side with a laser beam, and knocked Zelleo down. It then shot a red beam at Darsun, and before it teleported away, Zelleo flung a tracking device onto the robot.


"Oh no...Darsun!" Zelleo yelled, getting up, and the others came into the room.


"What happened in here?!" PJ asked.


"And where's Darsun?" Nathan added.


"We heard some weird whistling noise, and then heard you yell Darsun," Nora said.


"Some weird robot came in here, and it kidnapped Darsun. I tried to defeat it, but it was so strong..it blasted an odd red laser beam at me." Zelleo said.


"Was it Korax?! The nerve of him!" Dash said, pulling his fins out.


"It didn't seem like Korax's doing, surprisingly," Zelleo said. "It kind of reminded me of the Ocean Protection Force technology..."


"Bishop," Nathan said grimly.


"Don't worry, I planted a tracking device on it before it disappeared," Zelleo said. "I bet it's in Bikini Bottom right now."


"Good thinking, let's roll out!" Nathan said.


"I'll stay behind, I guess," PJ said.


"Same here, only so we can defend the place if Bishop tries anything else," Nora said.


Nathan, Laneld, Dash, Kane, and Zelleo all got into their vehicles, and went to Bikini Bottom through a Storm Field. They arrived into the deserts, and made their way to the city.


"According to my scanners, the robot is apparently underground somewhere," Zelleo said.


"But where? The OPF could have tons of hidden bases," Nathan said.


"It looks like the robot is beneath the city somewhere," Zelleo said.


"We can't get caught in the city with these suits and vehicles, so what are we going to do?" Kane asked.


"Hold on guys, maybe they have secret entrances somewhere," Zelleo said, scanning the map. "Aha! If this is right, there is a secret compartment beneath this sand."


They all rolled onto the sandy block, and heard an "Access Denied" voice from somewhere. Zelleo shot the grappling hook from the Crusher onto a secret dial pad, and he hacked it. It then opened up, and all five vehicles went through it, as it closed.


We then cut back to Bishop's laboratory, and see Darsun strapped to a steel platform. When she woke up, she was beside Cymtrax and Krumb.


"Ugh...where am I? Cymtrax and Krumb, what are you doing here?" Darsun asked.


"We were kidnapped by Agent Bishop. We came to the oceanic world one day using a coordinate made key, hoping to find you all, but your base was gone." Cymtrax said.

"And then, his men attacked us and kidnapped us. It very scary," Krumb said, finishing Cymtrax's sentence.


"The brute robot is correct, my dear," Bishop said, appearing from the shadows. The lights turned on, and we see the giant OPF laboratory, with agent soldiers scouting, and tons of test tubes and computers everywhere.


"What do you want with me?" Darsun asked, trying to use her powers to escape.


"Like I told my robotic friends here, don't waste your strength. These platforms and belts were made with anti-alien material that can resist any supernatural forces," Bishop said.


"That doesn't answer my question.." Darsun glared.


"Oh, right. I needed Rark, Sentient, and my own fish DNA to create an ultimate super soldier for my army. We need higher defenses against alien threats like you three," Bishop said. 


We see a sheet covering a steel lab table, and two green test tubes were on both sides, pumping liquids into it.


He lifted up the sheets, and the table began turning upward, to reveal a fish/robot/sentient hybrid creature. It had the body of a fish, knowledge of a Sentient, and strength of a Rark. It had a red and gray hunter helmet on its head, with steel arm equipment on both fins. The tubes dropped off of its body, and it began slowly walking toward Bishop.


"Behold my lovely creation, The Exterminator, as I'd like to code-name it," Bishop said.


"This is not right, Bishop. You cannot take the role of God!" Darsun said.


"I can do whatever I feel keeps the Earth safe from threats like you," Bishop said.


"We are not threats, if anyone is threatening the Earth, it is you!" Cymtrax said.


"Says the robot who destroyed Senato," Bishop said, and Cymtrax remained quiet.


"I did it for good reasons," Cymtrax finally spoke.


"And I am doing this for good reasons too. I will begin producing more Exterminators, and if my calculations are correct, they could wipe out 90% of the population, thinking they are aliens. A shame, but my calculations also say it'd be quite beneficial," Bishop smirked.


"Agent Bishop sir, there is a breach in our secret desert entrance," an agent said to him.


"Sounds like Darsun's friends are here...I'll let them play with The Exterminator, he is looking for some play mates," Bishop said. "Let's test his skills first."


We see some Scouter Bots and Predator Bots came toward The Exterminator, and it made claws shoot up from the steel gloves. Using its helmet screen, it analyzed the robots, and prepared its attack moves. It charged toward them, and sliced them all in half. It jumped up very high, and sliced the Scouter Bots all into dozens of pieces. It jumped back down, slamming one of its hands into the ground. 


We see the Undersea Force made it out of the tunnel, and came to a cave. They then saw a small narrow entrance guarded by two OPF soldiers.


"Looks like our vehicles won't do us any good, so let's leave them here for now," Nathan said. 


They all got out, and got their weapons ready. They then charged at the soldiers, and beat the both of them up, knocking them out. They went through the entrance, and entered into Bishop's laboratory.


"This place is creepy and ominous, just like Bishop!" Laneld said.


"Welcome my friends," Bishop said to them at the balcony above. 


All five jumped down, and saw The Exterminator with Darsun, Cymtrax, and Krumb.


"Cymtrax, Krumb, Bishop, AND Darsun? The gang's all here!" Zelleo said. "Now let them go!"


"Not if my new soldier has anything to say about it," Bishop said.


The Exterminator jumped in front of the three tables, and anaylzed the five.


"You expect us to be scared of that ugly thing?" Dash laughed.


"Don't underestimate it. I have a feeling it's going to be very tough," Nathan said.


The Exterminator then swung its foot at Dash, and grabbed him, tossing him into a soldier.


"What the heck is this thing?!" Dash asked, as he charged back up to attack it with his yellow sword, but The Exterminator grabbed it from him.


Kane also attacked with his sword, but it punched Kane aside, and grabbed his orange sword as well, holding both swords in both hands. 


"Zelleo and Laneld, you two rescue Darsun, Cymtrax, and Krumb, we'll hold this thing off!" Nathan said, clashing swords with it.


Zelleo and Laneld cut open the straps, and they were free.


"Cymtrax and Krumb, what are you two doing here anyways?" Laneld asked.


"We thought your base was still underwater, so we came here, but to get kidnapped by Bishop," Cymtrax said. "He used our DNA to create that soldier, which he calls "The Exterminator"."


"He wants to use it to wipe out all alien populations, we must not let that thing escape into the galaxy, nor can we let him make more!" Darsun said.


"Jeez, Bishop has issues," Laneld said.


We then see more Predator and Scouter Bots came out of a bunker, and began attacking.


"Not these annoying things again!" Dash said, as he stepped on the Predator Bots and whacked them with his Charge Gun. "If only there was sunlight here.."


The Scouter Bots came flying to Zelleo and Laneld, and they used their swords to deflect the laser blasts back at the bots, destroying them.


As Nathan was fighting The Exterminator, it flung both swords at him, but he deflected them with his sharp reflexes. The Exterminator then jumped up high to the ceiling, and crawled around the pipes.


Cymtrax and Krumb both attacked the agent soldiers and robots with the others. An agent fired his gun at Cymtrax, but Krumb grabbed the agent from behind, and threw him to the ground. 


A horde of Predator Bots were cornering Zelleo and Laneld, but Zelleo saw a Liquid Nitrogen tank, and he shot his sword at it, causing the ground and air to freeze, along with the robots. Laneld and Zelleo then crushed all the frozen robots.


"Wooo--WHOA!" Laneld yelled, as he slid on the ice, and sliced through some Scouter Bots with his sword.


Darsun was using her water psychic blasts to destroy some Scouter Bots in the air, and also began punching some soldiers, and knocking them out.


"Whoa Darsun, you can sure fight!" Dash smirked.


"I still know some moves," Darsun smiled.


Nathan and Dash beat up some soldiers, The Exterminator hopped down again to attack, and both punched it, but it felt no damage.


"This thing is like a walking shield!" Dash said, trying to further punch it, but it kicked him into the air. 


The Exterminator then used its claws to attack Nathan's armor, but it had no affect, as it jumped back to the ceiling.


"Well, at least the robots are taken care of," Kane said.


"Great, now I'll have to clean up this mess." Bishop said, annoyed.


"I'll deal with Bishop, work together to take down that monster!" Darsun said.


"Are you sure?" Nathan asked.


"Yes, I can hold my own against him," Darsun said.


They all agreed, and went after The Exterminator, as Darsun faced Bishop.


"This ends now, Bishop!" Darsun said.


"My plans are far from over, miss Sentient, far from over. You have no idea what I have planned, no idea!" Bishop yelled, as he jumped up and grabbed a hook chain swinging from the roof. He pulled it down and swung it at Darsun, as she dodged.


We then see The Exterminator hopped down onto the balcony, and the gang attacked him all at once, cornering up on it. Its systems were getting confused from multiple targets, and it jumped back down.


"It looks like we're confusing it, keep attacking it guys!" Nathan said, as they all followed down after it.


The Exterminator growled, and Dash kicked it right in the helmet, causing a glass shard to fall off. We then see half of its face to reveal a face similar to Bishop's.


"Well...that's not creepy at all," Laneld said, as he began attacking it with his sword, but it punched Laneld in the gut.


"Ouch, that actually hurt!" Laneld said, and the others kept attacking, but it was getting stronger.


We then see Darsun fighting Bishop, as she used her psychic water powers to attack him, but he swung his hook through it. He swung it upward, and it grabbed onto the balcony, as he went flying in front of her. 


"Slow down, the fun is just getting started," Bishop said, as he began attacking Darsun with his bare fins.


"You would dare hit a lady?" Darsun asked, as she kicked him in the face, but he straightened it back out.


"Yes, I would," Bishop smiled, as he grabbed her, but she kicked him in the stomach, and made a run for it.


We then see the others fighting The Exterminator. It was about to claw through Cymtrax, but Krumb got in the way, as it jabbed through Krumb's stomach.


"KRUMB!" Cymtrax yelled.


"D-do-not worry m-master, I save you-you," Krumb said.


"Don't worry, it looks like he can still function, but he is badly injured," Zelleo said, as he began unleashing multiple attacks on The Exterminator, but it kept blocking them and countering.


"You know...maybe we shouldn't be using our fists on this thing, but rather our vehicles," Kane said.


"I get what you are saying," Nathan said. "Looks like we need to try some autopilots."


They all activated switches on their arm devices, and the vehicles began bursting through the lab, as Bishop and Darsun dodged them.


"No, my laboratory!" Bishop yelled.


All five got into their vehicles, as Cymtrax and Krumb stayed to the sides. They began attacking The Exterminator with their vehicles, shredding pieces of its armor off. It jumped up and began shredding through the Splitvire roof, but Nathan zoomed it off, and he ran straight into it, causing it to flying into a tank of green substance. Its claws jammed into the sides of it, causing it to leak out all over him, but it still got up.


"This thing is like titanium, it won't fall down!" Laneld said, firing sonic blasts at it.


"Maybe a Fusion can finish it off," Dash said, and he looked to Kane.


Kane blasted the Fuser, and The Exterminator was confused. The Bolt Blaster and Slashwind both entered it, and out came a new fusion - the Thunder Bolt. It was yellow and orange, and it resembled a lightning bolt, soaring through the air. It had two giant fans on the back, and weapons beneath.


"Take him down!" Nathan yelled.


The Thunder Bolt shot a bolt of electricity at The Exterminator, and it jumped up beneath, and the Thunder Bolt began zooming toward the ground, as The Exterminator's feet were being scrapped by it. It got out of position, and tried attacking the back engines, but it launched lasers from the back, zapping it toward a green test tube. To finish it off, they blasted one final bolt to The Exterminator, causing it to go crashing into the tube, and the liquid leaking everywhere.


"Woo hoo, now that's a powerful move!" Dash yelled, and their fusion ended.


"Let's put this thing on ice once and for all!" Zelleo said, as he cut open a Liquid Nitrogen tube, and threw it to the chamber tube, freezing The Exterminator inside of it.


We then see Bishop swinging his chain hook at Darsun still, and he swung it into a turbine machine of some sort. It got stuck, and he struggled to get it out. Darsun then saw a switch, and she threw a debris piece at it, causing it to turn on. An electricity bolt began surging through the chain, and began zapping Bishop.


"Gah....ERGAHH!" Bishop yelled, as he yanked the chain out of the machine, and Darsun began fleeing again. He swung the chain and was ready to attack her, but the machine was shaking. It then exploded, and caused Bishop to go flying through the air. As he yelled, he saw a hanging hook chain in the air, and he went flying into it.


"GAAAAAH!" Bishop yelled again.


We then see the lab was in ruins, catching on fire and smoking. It began flooding from the destroyed machines, and The Exterminator in the frozen tube was carried away by the current.


"I think it's time we get out of here," Nathan said, and they all made their way to the secret exit. Cymtrax, Krumb, and Darsun got into the Crusher with Zelleo.


"My plans aren't over yet you freaks, mark my words!" Bishop's voice echoed, and we saw his feet climbing up a secret ladder.


"We can deal with him another time, let us escape this place now!" Darsun said, and the vehicles raced through the secret tunnel, and the lab collapsed behind them.


As all five raced out, the entrance exploded behind them, permanently sealing it off.


"Well...there went his lab," Laneld said.


"Thank goodness that is over, we could barely defeat that soldier," Zelleo said.


"Let's go back to Senato now, and keep you two out of trouble," Nathan said, referring to Cymtrax and Krumb.


We see them back at the base, and Krumb's damaged stomach was being repaired.


"You two are more than welcome to stay here," Darsun offered.


"Thank you, but we will not make the same mistakes again. Our Blue Rark comrades await us. But when the battle with Korax happens...we shall be there for you," Cymtrax said, as the two left, and they all said farewell again.


"That sounded creepy...glad to see that monster was defeated, I hope I never encounter it," Nora said.


"Yeah, but I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Bishop," Zelleo said.


"Forget Bishop anyways, we have a more important person to worry about.." Dash said.


"I think it's time now we finally find out what that person has been up to.." Nathan said, and the episode ended with a view of Korax's headquarters.



-Character Debuts: The Exterminator, and Scouter Bots

-Area Debuts: Underground Tunnel, Secret Laboratory 

-Vehicle Debuts: Thunder Bolt (Fusion of Bolt Blaster + Slashwind)

-Bishop created "The Exterminator", a super soldier fused from fish, Sentient, and Rark DNA that will exterminate the alien problem.

-The Predator Bots from Burning Fury return.

-Cymtrax and Krumb return, revealing they were kidnapped by Bishop when they returned to Bikini Bottom.

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Nice episode. It was interesting seeing Bishop again. Him creating the Exterminator from Sentient, fish, and rark DNA was freaky. Also, I liked seeing Cym and Krumb again. Hopefully they will help when the battle comes.

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77. Exodus (Part 1)


The episode opens with Darsun at the Undersea Force's room at the Council Building. She was meditating, and she began to have a horrific vision. We see Red Rarks were destroying areas on Senato, and a giant figure of Korax appeared, laughing evilly. We then see him holding a small version of Senato in one of his hands, and Earth in the other, with both on fire. 


"Oh no!" Darsun's voice yelled.


We then see an image of a strange Blue Sentient appear with a lab coat, and he looked old.


"Darsun...it is me, Dr. Skylander," Dr. Skylander said, finally showing himself.


"But how? You were killed!" Darsun said, appearing with him in the spacial area in the dream.


"I was...but my spirit will always stay strong," Dr. Skylander said, and we see a flashback of his death.


We see Korax and some Red Rarks stormed into his lab, where Dr. Skylander had finished making the Double Element Crystal.


"Where is it?" Korax asked, pointing one of his blade arms at him.


"You'll never know," Dr. Skylander said, and two Red Rarks pushed him to the ground. 


"Then I shall exterminate you, and we raid this lab," Korax said.


"Go ahead...he who lives without honor, ends without honor.." Dr. Skylander said.


Korax then struck his blade arm at Dr. Skylander, and he is killed. Just then though, we see Senato's ground began shaking, and it began splitting apart.


"What is the meaning of this?!" Korax asked.


We then see Cymtrax in the Senato core, and he hacked into the planet generator. 


"This is for you, my master.." Cymtrax said, as he destroyed it, and it began splitting the areas of Senato apart across space, forming the zones. We see Senato as the wasteland it is now.


"Tonight, Korax's plan will come into motion. He plans to raid the galaxies with his army, you must stop him..." Dr. Skylander said, and Darsun woke up.


"This ends tonight, brother," Darsun said, looking out the window at his headquarters.


We see the Undersea Force enter in the room.


"So Korax is supposedly leaving Senato, and is throwing a farewell party," Nora said.


"What a bunch of bullshrimp," Dash said. "I say we stop him now!"


"The tides have turned...and the fight is set," Sawkus said, entering the room as well.


"Jeez man, you really need to knock or something," Laneld said.


"You have all patiently waited...you are set to battle Korax. He is not really leaving Senato, and is secretly plotting universal domination," Sawkus explained.


"I figured as much, we cannot trust that guy," PJ said.


"It's up to the Undersea Force and the Council of Five to put an end. I have no side in this fight," Sawkus said.


"Yeah..and please don't tell Korax about our plans like you did last time," Kane said.


"No promises," Sawkus said.


We see Master Daksas, Kufon, Kygox, and Daxon all entered in too.


"Are the plans set?" Daxon asked.


"Yes, everything should go fine. We must not let Korax unleash his weapon," Kufon said.


"What exactly is the weapon?" Zelleo asked.


"I am not entirely sure, but whatever it is, we have to stop it. We only know about it because we overheard two Red Rark robots mentioning it last night," Master Daksas said.


"Whatever it is...I'm ready," Nathan said.


We then see Blue and Red Sentients were outside Korax's headquarters, seated at fancy tables.


There was a band playing, and Red Rarks on guard. Korax was throwing a farewell party.


"So...what's he up to?" a Red Sentient asked.


"I do not know, but I still feel there's something off about him," another Blue Sentient said at the table.


Tons of Sentients were talking, and we look inside Korax's headquarters. The main room was empty, except for a lone Red Rark. It was pushing a platform with cargo on it, and it entered into an elevator. On the side panel, it opened up a secret hatch for a button, and pressed it. The elevator took the Red Rark underground, and it pushed the supplies into the hidden underground room from "Kordon On The Run". Tons of Red Rarks were in there, and "Project X" was finished. It was a giant gray rocket spaceship.


"My exodus has come, and my conquering will make everyone fear me!" Korax yelled.


"Master, the last pieces of supplies are ready for the ship," a Red Rark said.


"Good, now start getting into the ship. I need all my Red Rark robots for my invasions," Korax said.


All the Red Rarks began lining up, and walked across a steel bridge into the ship. 


"My lord, what if the fish try to stop us?" Kuri asked.


"Then we will go all out. I know they are onto me, and I have set up everyone to attack," Korax said.


We see the Ancient Titans watching through a portal in the Shadow Zone.


"That fool's arrogance is getting the best of him..." Flareamos said.


"And the arrogance is also getting to the fish children," Aquamos said.


"Looks like this is match is a draw so far, who will prevail?" Skyamos asked.


"We could destroy both of them if we weren't stuck in this accursed place," Terramos said.


We then see Korax entered into where the four were, with the amulet around his neck.


"Great Titans, I need your spiritual advice. Will my plans succeed?" Korax asked.


None of them replied.


"Well...will it?" Korax asked, getting annoyed.


"I'm afraid you have been double crossed," Terramos laughed, as we see a circle of Purple Rarks cornered Korax, with guns pointed to him.


"Fools, do you truly think you can stop me? I am your king!" Korax yelled.


"You are not our king! Our king is the dark one," Terramos said.


"He is long gone. Now, you will obey me," Korax said, as he began touching the amulet, and it shot out four dark glows at the titans, making them stumble to the ground.


However, the Purple Rarks fired at him, but he pulled out Flar-Dar and began slicing them all up.


Eventually, none were left.


"Now then...where were we?" Korax asked, pointing Flar-Dar at Terramos' head.


"Yes my "lord"....your chances are 50/50. The Undersea Force are on their way now," Terramos said, as a portal appeared, with the Vobias Communication Center headed for Korax's base, but it was in a stealth mode.


"I've missed fighting with my old friends...this will be fun. If you dare double cross me again, I will have your heads," Korax warned, and left through the portal.


"That fool will fall..." Aquamos said.


We then see the Vobi arrived on a cliff overlooking Korax's building. Inside the giant vehicle were the Undersea Force, the Council of Five, Vandalators, and an army of Blue Rarks.


"Attention all crew...this will be a tough fight. Korax will not play fair, and we must protect Earth, Senato, and the entire galaxy." Nathan announced to everyone in the bunker.


We then see a surprising face with the gang, which was Jack.


"You brought your father?" Nora asked.


"Yup, I wouldn't miss this. I need some payback on the guy who forced me to build a vehicle and took me away from my son," Jack said.


"I will fight for my creator, Dr. Skylander," Cymtrax said.


"I hope those new vehicles work for you," Zelleo said to Cymtrax and Krumb.


"Yes, Zelleo, they do. Thank you," Cymtrax said, as he and Krumb got into their new vehicles (the rebuilt Slyius and Axdrill).


The Vandalator and Blue Rark armies got into their vehicles, and went racing out of the Vobi.


"We will be split into four teams: Team A is the me, Jack, Nora, Laneld, Zelleo, and Dash. Team B is Darsun, Master Daksas, Kufon, Kygox, Daxon, PJ, and Kane. Team C is the Vandalator and Blue Rark armies. Teams A and C will try to find entrances into his building, while Team B will go undercover at his "farewell" party." Nathan commanded, getting into the Splitvire.


Everyone geared up their weapons.


"I cannot wait to give that fool some revenge after what he did to our homes," Argoron said.


We see Team B was at the party.


"It's so odd how an evil dictator sets up a fake party," Kygox said.


"We must be on alert," Darsun said.


We see Korax in a suit come up on stage.


"My friends, it is my saddest news that I will be leaving Senato. I am going on a personal trip to "observe" the galaxies," Korax said.


"Yeah right," Daxon whispered.


"With that being said, I have set up this glorious party for you. I shall be back inside, but do not worry, I will be going out with a bang," Korax smiled, and left, as the audience had confused reactions.


We then see behind the building, the small Blue Rark and Vandalator armies were watching the back of the building from the rocky mountains.


"What is he doing?" Squidstrictor asked, as we see Kyton enter into the back of the building, into some garage.


Kyton was then with an army of Red Rarks, and they slowly came out of the bunker.


"ATTACK!" Kyton yelled, as he made the Blaze Wheel appear. 


About twenty Red Rark vehicles came charging at the Vandalators and Blue Rarks.


"Aw crud," Crink said.


"FOR VICTORY, CHARGE!" Argoron yelled, as the Vandalators and Blue Rarks attacked.


Both sides heavily collided, as we see Krumb attacking Red Rarks.


"You will not stop me!" Krumb yelled, driving through them, as Squidstrictor stomped on them with his vehicle.


Kyton blasted flames at Natcher and Straus, who both endured the hits.


"Take this!" Natcher yelled, as he used the tail of the Scalab to stab through the Blaze Wheel, and destroy Kyton, sending his energy signal away.


Vandalators and Blue Rarks managed to take out the rest of the Red Rarks.


"This section is clear," Cymtrax said to Nathan.


"Despite our wars in the past, it is fun fighting with you," Argoron admitted.


"Yes, old friend...it is," Cymtrax said, as Cymtrax and Argoron had ended their rivalry.


We then see Team A sneak inside a giant red crate, which two Red Rarks discovered.


"I do not recall this being a part of our orders," the one Red Rark said.


"Let us take it anyway," the other Red Rark said, as they carried into into the building. Krosis was there, and came to expect the crate.


"Something is not right," Krosis said, opening it.


Out of it, came the Undersea Force with Jack, and they destroyed the two Red Rarks, as Dash jabbed his sword through Krosis' stomach, sending his energy signal flying away.


"That was easier than I expected," Laneld said.




"...Thanks for jinxing us," Dash groaned.


We then see in Bikini Bottom, Bishop was in the Ocean Protection Force building, and in his control room with Dr. Rick. Dr. Rick now had spider like robot legs, implying his normal robot legs were cut off after "Kordon On The Run".


"So Rick, Korax's ship is launching very shortly?" Bishop asked.


"Yes sir, after all that pain I endured, it paid off. We can counterattack his ship," Dr. Rick said.


"Using that key you made to get back here, I can send my agents through the portal on Senato." Bishop said. "Welcome back, Rick. I may even throw in a new body for your hard work."


Dr. Rick smiled upon this news, as the OPF agents got their weapons ready. We then see a portal open on Senato, and two helicopters with five black vans came out through it.


"Gentlemen, head for that giant building in the distance. Be prepared to open fire," Bishop said.


We see the Undersea Force surrounded by Red Rarks in the building, and began tearing them to shreds.


"Get into that elevator!" Jack yelled, as Nora blasted her Charge Gun at the robots.


The elevator closed shut on one's hand, as it went falling into the elevator.


"Eww," Laneld said.


"Looking through the buttons...I don't see any out of ordinary ones," Zelleo said.


"Well, we got to get there now!" Dash yelled, slamming on the walls.


As he did that, the secret switch opened up, revealing the button for the underground floor.


"Bingo," Zelleo said, as he pressed it.


"Sir, they are headed underground," a Red Rark said, in contact with Korax.


"Let them come. I will finally finish them off," Korax laughed, as Kordon and Kuri were by his side, and tons of Red Rarks in the cave.


We see the Vandalators, Blue Rarks, and Team B were behind the building.


"We got suspicious, and decided to see if anything was behind here," Master Daksas said.


"Nothing out of ordinary. We checked the garage, and just found supplies," Cymtrax said.


"I have a feeling there is more in this garage that what appears," Darsun said, as she used her water pulse sense. She then noticed an out of ordinary wall part, and she picked it up, to reveal a secret switch. She flipped it, and the floor opened up a huge area to reveal a secret entrance.


"Well well well, looks like we found it," Argoron said.


Everyone began going into the entrance, and were in some underground tunnels.


"Yup, looks like Korax was busy digging under our noses," PJ said.


We see the Undersea Force come out of the elevator, and Korax's army was there, waiting for them.


"It's the end of the line, Korax!" Laneld yelled.


"Is that the best you got?" Kane asked.


"Hey, I don't hear you guys coming up with any other menacing lines!" Laneld said.


"Welcome my friends to the big finale," Korax laughed.


"Whatever you have up your sleeve, we're ready, Korax," Nathan said, as both sides began to face off.


We then see the other teams come through the other tunnel, and were in the giant laboratory with the gang.


"Looks like the gang is all here," Nora said.


"Fools, this will be your last mission!" Korax laughed, as he ripped off his suit, to reveal some spiky armor, and pulled out Flar-Dar.


"Gang, take out his army, while I deal with him!" Nathan yelled, as he clashed swords with Korax.


The Red Rark vehicles began storming at the gang, and they were getting outnumbered due to no vehicles. The Vandalators and Blue Rarks were fighting hard though, destroying some Red Rark vehicles.


"Take this!" Crink yelled, as he threw a spear into the window of a Red Rark vehicle, causing it to go spinning out of control, and smash into a large computer.


"Ugh, I hate these no vehicle missions!" Dash yelled.


"I'll be right back...I have an idea!" Laneld yelled, running up the tunnel.


"You maroon, what are you up to?" Dash asked.


"You'll see!" Laneld yelled, firing his Charge Gun at a Red Rark vehicle.


Nathan was battling Korax, as Darsun, Jack, Master Daksas, and Nora came to his aid.


"Brother, why must you continue these acts of darkness?!" Darsun yelled, as she clashed water blasts at his fire blasts.


"I have always despised you Blue Sentient scum, and I want the entire universe under my command! I will not be concealed in ice again!" Korax yelled. "I see greater visions than the rest of you. I was blessed with great power, and I will use it!"


"This is for making that deranged robot kidnap me!" Jack yelled, punching Korax in the face, but Korax whacked him aside into a wall.


Nathan, angry over this, then began punching Korax in the stomach and in the face multiple times, as Nora smashed off some spikes on his armor.


"GAH!" Korax yelled, as Master Daksas bent off the blades on his armor hands.


"Take that, Korax!" Nora yelled, as she kicked him, and he fell to the ground.


Kuri then attacked Nora with her sword.


"I will not let you harm him!" Kuri yelled.


"So much for helping us in that maze!" Nora yelled, as she punched Kuri.


Kordon was fighting off Dash, PJ, Zelleo, and Kane.


"Punks, I will squash you like bugs!" Kordon laughed, as he swung his arm at Kane, but he dodged and it struck into a piece of equipment, giving a shock to Kordon. "Gahh!"


Just then, a large explosion interrupted the battle.


"What is the meaning of this?!" Korax asked.


The Vobias Communication Center came racing through the tunnel. Laneld was driving it, and opened the vehicle carrier.


"Oh thank goodness, for once I am glad to see Laneld!" Dash yelled, as everyone got into it to get their vehicles.


"NOOO!" Korax yelled. "Fools, I will still win, no matter what you do to my army!"


Korax launched a flare blast from his body, and it knocked all four down. He began walking toward the ship on the steel bridge.


"Kuri, come," Korax commanded, as she went onto the bridge with him.


As they were about to get in, we hear another explosion.


"Again?!" Korax yelled, nearly falling off the bridge, but holding onto a rail.


"That wasn't me this time!" Laneld said, firing at Rarks in the Sonicwave.


We then see out of the smoke from the tunnel, came Bishop and the OPF agents.


"Hello...friends," Bishop laughed.


"The last thing we need are the cops at a party..." Kane said.


"Great, just what we needed..." Dash said, as the episode ends with everyone looking at Bishop's army.


To Be Continued...




78. Exodus (Part 2)


Picking off where the previous episode ended, Bishop and his army have invaded the tunnels.


"Bishop, you seriously just cannot leave us alone!" Dash yelled.


"How did you even get to Senato?!" Nathan asked.


"I had help from someone I am sure you are familiar with," Bishop said. "Anyways, I'm shutting down this little party."


"You...you are the one who kidnapped Kuri. No matter, my plans are ready!" Korax yelled, but Nathan charged at him again, and both fought each other.


The underground was now a giant war field, but as the vehicles kept attacking the Red Rarks were all destroyed.


Kordon was about to finish off Dash from behind, but Krumb jumped at Kordon, as the two went smashing through a window of glass, falling into the pit below.


"Uh...I hope he's okay!" Dash said, attacking an OPF agent, as he ripped open his gun, and kicked him aside.


"Commander Drake, I want this tunnel rigged for demolition," Bishop said to Drake through a communicator.


"Yes boss," Drake said, as we see behind the ship there was a launch tunnel. He set up some bombs, and the agents quickly fled out of it. He activated it from behind the building, and the launch tunnel was destroyed.


"Sir, the launch tunnel has been destroyed!" The Pilot Red Rark said to Korax through a communicator in the control room.


"Gah...that accursed agent, use the above ground launcher then!" Korax yelled, as he kicked Nathan aside.


"But sir, there are Sentients above ground," Pilot said.


"I do not care, launch it!" Korax yelled, as he, Kuri, and some more Red Rarks went into the ship, and the door closed.


"Well, I bid you all ado," Bishop smiled, as he and his agents went back through the entrance tunnel.


"Get back here, coward!" PJ yelled.


"Forget about him, we have more important manners!" Straus said.


"Yeah, he is still going to launch the ship for one!" Zelleo said, pointing to it about to take off.


We then see the Sentients above ground.


"Man, what is with all that rumbling noise? Are they having a party below?" a Blue Sentient asked.


We then see the ground began to open up in a circle, as everyone began panicking and fleeing. The ship's tubes came ripping off, as it was ready for launch.


"We must get on that ship!" Cymtrax yelled.


"We will help, my faithful allies!" Argoron said.


"Get inside the Vobi guys," Nathan said, as everyone was inside.


"Nathan, whatever you are about to do, I do not think it is going to work. The Vobi is too heavy," Zelleo said.


"Some of the soldiers will have to stay behind then," Nathan said.


"We understand," some Vandalator grunts said, as they and the Blue Rarks went out of the Vobi.


"You guys can keep an eye on the OPF if they come back," Nora ordered to them.


"Well...this is it, our final battle with Korax," PJ said.


The ship began launching upward, as the Vobi began driving. The steel platform had disappeared, and it jumped up from the cliff, as it drove onto the rocket, but was sliding off.


"Come on, come on!" Nathan yelled.


It then managed to grip on, as Zelleo activated some spikes on the sides, and the Vobi was now attached to the rocket.


"Woo hoo, we can defeat that jerk!" Natcher cheered.


"Do not celebrate yet...who knows what he has in store on the ship," Kane said.


We see Bishop and the OPF on the Senato lands, and they saw the Sentients had fled the area, and the rocket was flying into space.


"Nice try Korax...but I have a little surprise in store," Bishop smiled.


We see Korax, Kuri, and the Pilot Rark in the control room.


"Sir, it looks like the enemies have hitchhiked on board, as a Vobias Communication Center is attached to us," the Pilot Rark said.


"Gwah, those annoyances can not leave me alone!" Korax yelled, smashing some controls.


"Easy does it," the Pilot Rark said.


Korax then went into another room of the rocket, as we see a giant red exo-suit was on display. Korax smiled evilly.


We see the Undersea Force, Jack, Vandalator Tribe Leaders, Cymtrax, and Council boarded into an alley, after Nathan kicked open a tile.


"Man, this is like one of those evil alien ships in those movies," Laneld said.


"But where is everyone? Come out, cowards!" Straus yelled.


We then cut to the Shadow Zone, and see the four Titans watching the events in their portal.


"That fool Korax doesn't know what he is in for.." Terramos laughed. "The future has told me."


"And that is not all...look at this," Skyamos said, as we see Korax left the amulet behind on a desk in his office.


"Too bad we touch it" Aquamos said.


"But don't you realize what this means? We are free from his control," Flareamos laughed.


"Yes, for now...but we need to make sure nobody else finds it," Terramos said, as they saw a Red Rark in the office. Terramos used his mind powers to turn it purple. It then grabbed the amulet, and handed the Heart of the Ancients to them through the portal, as Terramos smiled.


"Now it is time we figure out how to destroy this thing...to release our master," Aquamos said. 


"But how? We cannot touch it," Skyamos said.


"That is true, but we will worry about that later. For now, today is a victory for us." Terramos said.


We then cut back into the ship, and they came to a intersection.


"Oh great...not one of these," PJ said.


"I say we split up to make this easier. Darsun, Jack, and us can go left, and the Vandals and Cymtrax can go right," Nathan said.


"Not a good idea man...you know what happens if we split up!" Laneld said.


"We're powerful enough to take on anything he throws our way," Nathan said, as they went down both paths.


"Well my friends, you truly seem very confident of yourselves...let's see if you can handle this," the Pilot Rark laughed, as he pressed some buttons.


We see on both ends of the paths, two giant balls of steel came down each of them. They opened up to reveal giant robotic creatures, with laser weapons.


"Oh jeez, I knew this was a bad idea! I told you so!" Laneld yelled, as everyone began firing their weapons at them, but they had no effect.


"Meet my Elite Rarks!" The Pilot Rark laughed through the speakers.


Natcher tried punching one with his claw, but it did nothing, and hurt him back.


"Owwwie, ow, ow!" Natcher yelled.


"What did ya think would happen?!" Crink asked, as he hit Natcher, and both began tussling again.


"Knock it off you two, we have to work together to stop these things!" Squidstrictor said.


"Wait...these are part Rark, I might be able to turn them blue," Cymtrax said. "But you will need to keep them busy."


As the Vandalators held them off, Cymtrax launched blue beams at them, which turned them on their side.


"Yes! Now let's save our allies!" Argoron yelled, as they went back the other side, and saw the gang fighting the robots. 


The two Blue Elite Rarks fired lasers at the Elite Red Rarks, and they both attacked each other.


"Thanks for the back-up guys," Nora said.


"Let's hope they can take each other out," Zelleo said, as all four were eventually destroyed into pieces, and the gang made their way to a steel door, which both sides connected to.


Nathan jabbed his sword through it, and kicked it open. They came to a large room with a giant blue plasma beam in the center.


On the other side, there was another steel door, and out of it came Korax in his red exo-suit. It was giant, and had four red robotic arms.


"Fools, prepare to meet your dooms! You cannot defeat me this time! This is the end!" Korax yelled.


"You think we're scared of some overgrown trashcan?" Dash asked.


"You should be," Korax smiled, as he ran toward Dash in it, and he picked him up with all four hands.


"Ugh...l-let go!" Dash yelled, struggling, and Korax tossed him into a wall.


"Well...maybe our arrogance did get to us," Nathan gulped.


"Do not worry...perhaps we could try a Fusion?" Master Daksas asked.


"I've never fused with a non-Undersea Force vehicle before...but it's worth a shot," Nathan said, as he he and Master Daksas activated auto pilot, and both the Splitvire and Hydro Splash came zooming through the ship.


"Go ahead and attack me all you want, I am unstoppable!" Korax laughed.


Both the vehicles came charging in, and Nathan got in his, as did Master Daksas. Nathan blasted the Fuser, and both went into it, and out came the Hydrovire, which was a blue and red vehicle with five aquatic chainsaws on the front. 


"Go get them!" Nora yelled.


Just then, Kuri and some Red Rarks came from the steel door, and they began firing at once.


"Destroy them!" Kuri yelled.


"Time to finish off our battle!" Nora yelled, as she began attacking Kuri.


The Hydrovire began zooming up, and slicing through the exo-suit, but Korax picked it up and tossed it aside. He then blasted fire at it from Flar-Dar.


"Just give up now, and I may consider sparing...some of your meaningless lives when I rule," Korax said.


We then cut to the OPF building, and see Dr. Rick talking to Bishop.


"It's all ready, I have hacked into the ship's systems," Dr. Rick said. "Those fools sadly forgot that I still had access while I helped build it."


"Sir, there are life forms on board," Commander Drake said.


"Fire away anyways," Bishop said.


Dr. Rick activated a button, and from the building, three missiles launched from it. They went flying out of the ocean surface, and into space.


Korax was still fighting off the Hydrovire, and he was overpowering them.


"No...this cannot be, we can win!" Master Daksas said.


"Remember, a fist is made of five fingers! Unite and Strike!" Nora reminded them, as she was still fighting Kuri.


"You can do it son!" Jack yelled, as he punched a Rark through the stomach.


The Hydrovire then began to ram as hard and fast as it could into Korax, and he began falling over. It the sliced off one of his laser arms.


"NOO! I WILL WIN!" Korax yelled, as he pushed the vehicle up, and tried getting back up.


We see the Pilot Rark in the control room, where the missiles are headed toward the ship.


"What the...where did these come from? No matter, I can activate the defense security grid," Pilot Rark said, as it began pressing buttons.


As he tried to activate the defense grid, he got an image of Dr. Rick's face on the computer screen, saying "Nah ah ah. Nah ah ah. Nah ah ah."


"Huh? What is the meaning of this!? Korax sir, we have a problem!" Pilot Rark said to him.


"What is it? I am very occupied right now!" Korax yelled, as the Hydrovire was blasting water beams at his suit, and they began to freeze over it due to the atmosphere in the room.


"Well, our security defense grid isn't coming online, and three missiles are headed straight for....AAAAAH!" Pilot Rark yelled, as the communication cut off.


"Pilot...what happened?!" Korax asked, as he broke off of the ice he was frozen in.


We then see the missiles blew into the ship, and one blew up the control room, as the Pilot Rark was destroyed in the flames.


"Gah, who is responsible for this?!" Korax yelled, as he dropped Flar-Dar.


"What the heck....what caused that?!" Laneld asked, as he fired his Charge Gun at the remaining Red Rarks.


The room was catching on fire, and the ship was sinking in space.


While fighting through the fire, Nora confronted Kuri.


"Why are you still helping that maniac? He's evil!" Nora asked to Kuri, as she kicked her down to the ground.


"He raised me! I will not let you take him away from me again!" Kuri yelled, kicking Nora into the air.


Nathan got his Charge Gun ready, and fired it with the hydro blasts at Korax's armor, which smashed off parts of it, revealing some of his face.


However, the fusion ended, and the Hydro Splash disappeared, and Master Daksas felt weak.


"Sorry kid, but I don't think I can continue!" Master Daksas coughed.


Korax then tore open the Splitvire, and he grabbed Nathan from it.


"Let him go!" Darsun yelled, as she kicked Korax in the helmet, and he dropped Nathan.


"Which one of you did this to my ship?!" Korax asked angrily, as the debris was falling everywhere.


"It wasn't us, I swear!" Nathan yelled.


Korax then stomped on Nathan with the giant foot, and Nathan tried slicing through it with his sword, but Korax whacked it away.


"GUYS, HELP!" Nathan yelled.


Cymtrax fired a laser at the exo-suit, and Korax reached at Cymtrax and Darsun, grabbing them in separate hands.


"Looks like I can exterminate my three least favorite people in one blow!" Korax laughed.


Korax was about to finish them all off, but Kuri used her sword to attack the pipes of one leg, and save Nathan.


"You DARE help these foolish creatures?! GWAAAH! YOU TRAITOR!" Korax yelled across the room, and he whacked Kuri into the wall, which knocked her out.


"Wow...I guess she had a change of heart," Nora said.


Natcher was sneaking around the ship, and he came into the pilot room. It was a mess of debris and fire, but he saw Korax's Healing Chamber there, and he tossed at bomb at it, which destroyed it.


"Guys, I blew up his healing chamber!" Natcher laughed.


"Thanks man, it's funny how you of all people did it," Dash said.


"Good job Natchie," Crink laughed.


"YES! Nice job!" Kufon said. "Now he can't re-spawn."


"YOU...WHAT?!!!!!" Korax yelled angrily. "Pitiful and disgusting creatures, you will all die for this!"


A falling piece of the roof crushed Korax's suit, and he was trapped beneath it. Cymtrax and Darsun were free.


"GAH!!!" Korax yelled again, trying to get up, but he was damaged too heavily.


"So...now what do we do?" Dash asked.


"This ship is coming apart, and we might not make it out alive.." Cymtrax said.


"Don't say that!" Kygox said.


Korax then ripped open the debris, and he fired lasers everywhere. He then saw the Fuser on the Splitvire.


"Since you took something away from me, I will take something away from you!" Korax yelled, as he picked up Flar-Dar and sliced it through the Fuser, destroying it.


"NOO!" Everyone yelled at once.


"No...my invention!" Darsun yelled.


"Dude, I made some awesome fusions with those! How could you?!" Laneld yelled.


"Fools, what will you do now without your precious machine?" Korax laughed.


"We can still fight you even without it." Nathan said.


The Vandalators, Cymtrax, and the Undersea Force all attacked him at once with their weapons, but he launched a powerful beam of fire across the room, which damaged everyone heavily, and knocked them out cold to the ground. He stepped on Nathan, and he made his way back into the pilot room.


"I must fix my suit now, but when I come out, I promise I will scorch you all to pieces!" Korax said.


"Ugh...g-guys...I can't m-move.." Laneld said.


"...Did Korax win?" PJ ask.


"No, it's not over," Zelleo said, barely getting up. "There's one last thing we can do."


"What is it?" Nathan asked, who was severely injured.


"I can hijack into that giant tractor beam. It would destroy the ship and Korax...but...it'd cost us our lives." Zelleo said.


"We cannot die...we have legacies to live!" Argoron said.


"We have to do whatever it takes to save the world..." Nathan said. "Even if it means taking our lives. Do it, Zelleo."


"Well...if this is the end, it was an honor reuniting with you son," Jack said, and Nathan was bittersweet.


Everyone seemed grim over it and said their final goodbyes.


"I...guess you can do it," Cymtrax said.


Nobody else said anything.


Zelleo inserted a chip into a plug, and he began hacking into the tractor beam. It began to rupture, and the ship was coming apart.


Korax came out of the room, with his fixed exo-suit, and gasped when he saw the tractor beam.


"NOOOOO!" Korax yelled.


The ship began blowing up into pieces. However....


We then see a blue beam flash across the spacial area. Everything froze, and so did everything inside the ship. Everyone was frozen.


We then see a strange figure teleported on board, and it was wearing some ancient gear.


"I have found them all," the figure said to someone through a communicator.


"Bring them to us," a mysterious voice said.


Everyone on board was teleported away, and the beam stopped. The ship unfroze, and exploded, finally finishing it off.


We cut back to the OPF command room, and see the agents viewing the explosion.


"The ship is destroyed. No survivors," Drake said to Bishop, and he smiled.




We then see Nathan, Nora, Laneld, Dash, Zelleo, PJ, Kane, Darsun, Kygox, Kufon, Daxon, Master Daksas, Cymtrax, Argoron, Crink, Natcher, Squidstrictor, and Jack were lined up on some platform. They were in bandages. The Vobias Communication Center was also on another platform. Tons of aliens were watching them in some strange trial room.


"Where...are we?" Dash asked.


"I do not know..." Darsun said.


We then see Korax's exo-suit and Kuri were rising up on another platform. The lights shined on both platforms.


We then see five large shadowy figures on another platform, which lit up.


"Welcome all sentient beings. We, the Space Creators, have brought you all here to this tribunal, to judge the infamous being Korax," a Space Creator said.


"The Space Creators...it cannot be..." Kygox said.


"Are we dreaming? This is too impossible to be true.." Master Daksas said.


"I remember Sawkus mentioned them once..." Zelleo said. "Who are they?"


"They are five powerful beings responsible for shaping space as we know it..." Darsun said.


We see Sawkus appeared on the Stone Grinder with the Space Creators, and he smiled at the heroes.


We then see a light began pulling Korax out of his suit, and he was up against the Space Creators.


"Korax....you are under trial for many war crimes. The first case scenario is your dictatorship over Senato, which is most well known. Attempted assassinations, wars, and of course, murder. I am sure most are aware of these, and if not, you can view these images," the first Space Creator said, as images of Korax's evil deeds showed on images across the place.


"The next crime was brought upon by the great Kahitran Wizard, Rudgus. You willingly launched an attack on planet Kahitra. 3.5 million perished," the second Space Creator said, and the aliens in the audience began whispering and gasping.


"As the Otorun citizen Juytu stated, you funded and willingly started a civil war on Otoru. 5.6 million perished," the third Space Creator said.


"Finally, you also attempted an assassination of the Trugon emperor, as well as launching an attack. 4.3 million perished.." the fourth Space Creator said.


"We rest our cases. The five of us will now decide his fate," the fifth Space Creator said.


We then hear them whispering, and they reached a decision.


"We the Creators find Korax GUILTY of his crimes, and he is sentenced to a banishment on an ice asteroid for the rest of eternity, where none of his allies will be able to reach him," the second Space Creator said.


A tractor beam then began lifting up Korax.


"NO....NO....NOT AGAIN! YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO MEEE!" Korax yelled, as he was teleported away.


Darsun seemed to feel guilt over this.


"As for his ally Kuri, she will be handed over to the proper Senato authorities," the fourth Space Creator said, and her platform lowered into the abyss.


"This is not what I wanted Nathan...not what I wanted!" Kuri yelled.


"Thank you all...you finally defeated Korax and saved millions of lives," the soldier who rescued them said.


"Is it really finally over? Is Korax really defeated?" Nathan asked, who was feeling mixed emotions.


"It was a long and hard battle...but with our bonds, we all won," Darsun said. "We can go home."


Everyone was happy at this.


"Thank you everyone for finally restoring balance, and ending years of darkness from Korax," Sawkus said. "I knew you each had something special."


We then see Korax on the ice asteroid, with a blizzard blowing everywhere.


"NOOO.......NOOOO......NOOOOOOOO!" Korax yelled, as the episode ends with a birds eye view of the asteroid.





-Character Debuts: Commander Drake, Elite Rarks, Pilot Rark, Space Creators (in shadows), Soldier, Rudgus (mentioned), and Juytu (mentioned)

-Area Debuts: Ice Asteroid, Trial Room, Kahitra (mentioned), and Otoru (mentioned)

-Vehicle Debuts: Hydrovire (Fusion of Splitvire + Hydro Splash) and Space Ship

-The Vobias Communication Center now has stealth mode.

-What Dr. Skylander looks like is finally revealed.

-It is revealed Project X was a space ship which Korax wanted to use to travel across the galaxies and expand his reign.

-Dr. Rick's exo-suit now has spider like legs after Korax's punishment in Kordon On The Run.

-The Ancient Titans get their amulet back, and Korax's control of them is gone.

-The Fuser is destroyed.



Korax is tried, and found guilty by the Space Creators. He is banished to an ice asteroid and finally defeated.


Well, I hope you guys enjoyed Season 3. I was pretty proud of this episode. Season 4 will be coming soon!

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Wow, that was a pretty damn impressive finale. I know it pained you to do 6,000 words, but your hard work really paid off. The first part of the finale was the big kick off and was really good. I liked how everyone split into Teams and had different assignments, finally everyone getting together for an all out battlefield fight with Korax and his allies. There was so much action and fighting. One thing I liked in particular was Laneld bringing out the Vobias Communication Center. It was pretty cool to see him as a big hero of the battle, since he's usually the butt of jokes. 


Althought part one was great, part two blew me away even more. The final battle on the ship was the definitely the most entertaining as so much more emotion was put into it. Kuri finally turning on Korax, then everyone, despite their best efforts, being knocked out by Korax's beam. That scene was one of the best I've seen in this show. I just love how things looked down and it seemed nearly impossible to win, but everyone boldly decided to risk their lives for the sake of saving the universe. I'm not gonna lie, it nearly made me teary. I was pretty surprised and glad by The Space Creators saving everyone. I liked the Judgement scene. Korax definitely got what he deserved and seeing his crimes listed was pretty disturbing. All of those lives he took. Sad about Kuri's fate, since I liked her as a villainess and shipped her and Nora ;) ;) ;) , but I guess one act of redemption doesn't turn around the fact that you helped a mass murderer terrorize the planet. I am curious about the Ancient Titans now and what will become of them in the next season. Overall, that was the perfect finale to an excellent season.

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Wow, that was a pretty damn impressive finale. I know it pained you to do 6,000 words, but your hard work really paid off. The first part of the finale was the big kick off and was really good. I liked how everyone split into Teams and had different assignments, finally everyone getting together for an all out battlefield fight with Korax and his allies. There was so much action and fighting. One thing I liked in particular was Laneld bringing out the Vobias Communication Center. It was pretty cool to see him as a big hero of the battle, since he's usually the butt of jokes. 


Althought part one was great, part two blew me away even more. The final battle on the ship was the definitely the most entertaining as so much more emotion was put into it. Kuri finally turning on Korax, then everyone, despite their best efforts, being knocked out by Korax's beam. That scene was one of the best I've seen in this show. I just love how things looked down and it seemed nearly impossible to win, but everyone boldly decided to risk their lives for the sake of saving the universe. I'm not gonna lie, it nearly made me teary. I was pretty surprised and glad by The Space Creators saving everyone. I liked the Judgement scene. Korax definitely got what he deserved and seeing his crimes listed was pretty disturbing. All of those lives he took. Sad about Kuri's fate, since I liked her as a villainess and shipped her and Nora ;) ;) ;) , but I guess one act of redemption doesn't turn around the fact that you helped a mass murderer terrorize the planet. I am curious about the Ancient Titans now and what will become of them in the next season. Overall, that was the perfect finale to an excellent season.

Granted, your review is actually better than mime (see my short review).


Also, shipping legit? xDDDDD

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Yes, another out of order episode. Don't worry, this will be the last one, and the official premiere for Season 4 will be in January 2014. 


NOTE: I am aware there are some things in this episode that were not covered yet, but unfortunately, that is what happens due to schedule issues. Just try to think too much into them, and wait for Season 4 to officially premiere so you can connect them together.


90. A Christmas Story


We open the episode to a snowy setting in Bikini Bottom, and we see the Undersea Force having a snowball fight in the snowy desert.


"Take this!" Laneld yelled, tossing a snowball at Dash, and he got hit.


"Oh no you don't!" Dash yelled, tossing one back.


Nathan was standing against a snow fort, bitter.


"Come on Nate, cheer up, there's a week until Christmas." Zelleo said. "Don't let our loss against Korax get to you."


"I do not entirely understand the customs of this "Christmas" celebration," Darsun said, in a cloaked outfit.


"Oh man, you've been missing out! Christmas is the best holiday of the year! Presents, family, friends, and more!" Laneld said.


"I've invited my family over, hopefully they aren't freaked out by you guys," Nora said.


"Family...I'm afraid, I don't have any family," Darsun sighed.


"Don't worry about it...with everyone coming, you'll feel home." Zelleo said.


"You know...it is the holidays...I guess I should let go," Nathan said, feeling a bit better for the first time in a while.


"That's the Nathan I know! We need to invite some of our alien friends to this great event as well," Nora said.


"I don't think they can breath underwater..." PJ replied.


"We can give them breathing masks, as our presents for them," Zelleo said.


"So let's see....we should invite: Ragau, Eragan, The Daimyo and his son, the Council, Sawkus, Cymtrax, Krumb, the Vandalators...I think that is pretty much it." Nora said.


"Well of course we need to invite our parents as well...though I have not been in contact with mine in months," Kane sighed.


"Sure, but I don't think I particularly want to tell them about the Undersea Force...no offense to you guys," Nora said.


"None taken," Dash said.


"This is why Christmas is a great holiday - a time for us to reunite with our friends and family!" Laneld said.


"Uh...guys, how exactly are we going to explain aliens to your parents? My parents pretty much already know, but..." Nathan said.


"We can say they are wearing costumes...?" Laneld suggested.


"Fair enough....let's hope they buy it!" Zelleo said.


"On our naughty list of who is not invited: Kuri, Kordon and his goons, Bishop, and obviously Korax, but he's having a nice party on that frozen asteroid," PJ laughed.


"So it's settled, we'll invite everyone," Nora said.


"Where will we have this celebration?" Zelleo asked.


"We could rent the Krusty Krab, I'm sure that greedy crab will let us, considering the amount of money it would bring him," Dash said.


Throughout the next week, we see the aliens and the team's family members get the invitations. Eventually, all arrived outside the Krusty Krab on Christmas Eve. It was awkward, but fortunately, the Vandalator Tribe Leaders, along with Shadowclaw, were able to blend in due to them already being aquatic creatures.


"My boy PJ better still be testing those snowboard skills!" PJ's father said.


"Laneld better be spreading our royalty!" Laneld's mother said.


"Some....fancy costume you have there," Kane's father said, talking to Cymtrax.


"Affirmative, this is unique outfit for this party," Cymtrax said.


We see everyone went inside the Krusty Krab, and all took seats around a ginormous table. There were tons of Christmas decorations everywhere, along with a tree. The Undersea Force was there, but not in their outfits. Darsun was also disguised.


"Oh my Neptune....so many costumers! I'm going to need extra help, Mr. Krabs!" SpongeBob said.


"Squidward and Patrick, help the lad!" Mr. Krabs commanded.


"Whatever," Squidward replied. "Why do we have to work on Christmas Eve anyways?"


"Because, look at all those customers! They are making my pockets tingle in hunger, ar ar ar!" Mr. Krabs laughed.


The team members reunited with their family.


"My my cousin, what a fancy dinner you reserved for me. What gift did you get me? I need to open it now, man!" Simon (Laneld's cousin) said.


"Relax cousin, you can open it tomorrow," Laneld said, as he gave him a small wrapped up present.


"Some...interesting friends you invited here, son," Zelleo's dad said.


"Yeah, they are just...foreign fish that we invited, in fancy costumes!" Zelleo said.


"So tell me my daughter, what are up to nowadays?" Nora's dad asked.


"Nothing much, just hanging out here," Nora said.


"Now young lady, you better not be involved with anything dangerous or shady!" Nora's mom said.


"Uh....yeah," Nora said, nervously.


We see Nathan hanging out with his parents.


"So...are you going to tell them about the aliens?" Jack asked.


"No, I don't think that would go over well. I feel they should be able to see their family without putting stress of alien races on them," Nathan said. "Anyways, I need to go outside and get some fresh air."


"Well get back soon son, the dinner is going to be fancy!" Betty said.


Nathan took a stroll through the snowy streets of Bikini Bottom at nighttime. He walked past a toy sore, and he heard someone scream.


"HELP!" the person yelled.


Nathan came to the toy store, and saw three shark mafia members ganging up on the cashier in there.


"The boss needs all that money, boy!" A shark member said, as he bashed a baseball bat against a case of toys.


Nathan immediately jumped in, and began fighting off the sharks.


"Hey, I remember this punk! He robbed us of that treasure at the farm, along with those other freak friends of his!" One of the members said, as he tried to grab Nathan, but he rammed him into a shelf. 


"I would go away if I were you, or I might call the police," Nathan threatened, not trying to use any weapons.


The three shark members then growled, and ran away.


"Thank you so much, whoever you are," the cashier said, and gave him a free toy car. "Merry Christmas."


"Thanks," Nathan said, as he held onto it.


We then cut back to the Krusty Krab, and see everyone talking.


"Ragau, the food here at the salad bar is delicious!" Eragan said.


"Where is Nathan-san?" Ragau asked.


"He mentioned he had to go outside to get some fresh air," Nora said.


"He better be back soon, this food is great!" PJ's father said.


We see Nathan walking back to the Krusty Krab, when he saw a strange dark figure jump across the roofs.


"Man, I can't catch a break today, can I?" Nathan asked.


The figure jumped into an alley, and Nathan heard some growling noises. He peeped into the alley and saw a strange costumed figure attacking some shark mafia members.


"Who are you, freak?!" A member asked, as he bit the person's hand, but the person punched the shark into a wall.


"Who am I? I'm a nobody because of your boss," the person said, as he punched the other two to the ground.


"Gah, I'm scared! Let's go back to the boss!" A shark said, as all three ran out of the alley.


"You can come out of hiding," the person said, and Nathan gasped.


Nathan came into the alley.


"Who...are you?" Nathan asked.


"I go by many names...but that is not important. I saw you fight off those shark mafia members," the person said. 


"Yeah, I hate those guys too," Nathan said.


"You wouldn't know why I hate them. Five years ago on Christmas Eve, their boss, Sharlan, wanted to bulldoze my parents' house for land development. They refused, so his mafia raided their house one night, and burned it down to the ground. My parents are still alive, but homeless. They once tried to testify in court, but Sharlan covered it up too well. I've been wanting payback ever since," the person said.


"I'm sorry for your loss...I'll help you." Nathan said. "My name is Nathan."


"Thank you...Nathan. You can call me....Dark Ice," Dark Ice replied. "I want to find Sharlan for many years, and now I finally traced his gang and hideout to here."


"Wait, you mean he was in other parts of the ocean?" Nathan asked.


"Yes, I was raised in an oceanic land faraway from Bikini Bottom," Dark Ice said. "I took on a long journey across the seven seas just to find him...for my revenge."


"I'll help you find him. Where do you think his hideout is?" Nathan asked.


"I've seen those shark goons come out of the docks before, so it might be around there," Dark Ice said.


"Alright, let me get my....vehicle," Nathan said. "I'll be back."


"Meet me at the docks then," Dark Ice said.


"Alright, just wai-" Nathan tried to say, but was cut off when Dark Ice vanished. "Alright then."


Nathan went back to the Krusty Krab, got in the Splitvire, and drove off.


"Hey, was that Natan? What is he doing?!" Natcher asked.


"He better get back here soon!" Nora's mom snapped.


Nathan drove the Splitvire to the docks, and saw Dark Ice waiting there.


"I think they might be in Warehouse 25A, let's check it out," Dark Ice said, as they made their way there. 


They saw two shark members holding guns, and guarding the warehouse. Dark Ice jumped in their way, and knocked both of them out, destroying their guns.


Nathan busted down the door with the Splitvire, and saw Sharlan on a large chair with a small gang of shark mafia members. A giant machine was being built inside.


"Well well well, I assume this is the man I've heard so much about," Sharlan laughed.


"Your terror is coming to an end, pal," Nathan said.


"Not if I have anything to say about it....say hello to my little friend, punk!" Sharlan yelled, as he opened a crate, pulled out a shotgun, and tried to fire, but Dark Ice threw a throwing star at the gun, blowing it up.


Nathan began driving through the warehouse, knocking down sharks by doing 360's, and splitting open debris flung at him.


Sharlan then dodged Dark Ice, who was attacking him, and fled into the giant vehicle. He got into the control cockpit, and the vehicle began moving.


"Bwa ha ha, boys! This is the Slayer SK900, an ultimate steam punk robot I will use to conquer the seven seas!" Sharlan laughed.


"You already have hurt enough innocent lives," Dark Ice said, as he busted open the cockpit, and began tussling with Sharlan.


"Who do you think you are?!!" Sharlan asked, as he began to accidentally press the wrong buttons, making missiles fire across the warehouse, making it crumble a bit.


Nathan drove around the Slayer, and began cutting open old rusty pipes with the blades, and fired lasers at it. He then saw an open engine port, and he threw the toy the cashier gave him from earlier into the engines, jamming the machine. Dark Ice jumped off, and the machine exploded, as Sharlan fell to the ground.

"Ugh..." Sharlan groaned, trying to get up.


Dark Ice punched Sharlan in the face, and cuffed his fin to a pole.


"Who...are you?" Sharlan growled.


"...Somebody," Dark Ice said, and left the scene, as Nathan quickly retreated as well, escaping the beat up warehouse.


Nathan drove back to the Krusty Krab, and went inside to see people began leaving.


"Nathan, dude! You basically missed everything! We had such great festivities, like passing presents around and what not," Laneld said.


"And I beat Laneld in arm wrestling," Dash smiled.


"Don't remind me!" Laneld sighed.


"You know, I think I remember you....did we used to play together?" the young Ultimate Warrior asked to Nathan, and the Daimyo laughed.


"Nah, trust me, I am just a friend of the Daimyo," Nathan smiled.


"Son, there you are! It was a great party, you should have joined in," Jack said.


"It's okay, I am just glad everyone to be with your families again," Nathan smiled.


"That is an honorable thing to say, aquatic chum, now we must be on our way," Argoron said, as he and the other tribe leaders went back to Senato. Cymtrax and Krumb followed them along.


"Those were some weird people," Zelleo's mother said.


"I don't care who they were, look at all this cash I raked in! A lot of the currency I am not familiar with either!" Mr. Krabs laughed in happiness.


"Well my son, it was nice seeing you again, stay tough!" Dash's dad laughed, shaking his fin.


"Nice seeing you again too, ma and pa," Dash said, as he hugged the both of them.


"What were you exactly doing out there?" PJ asked.


"Just helping someone in need," Nathan smiled.


"I sense you did a great job too," Sawkus said, as he left as well.


Nathan then told the team about what happened after everyone left.


"You have done good today, Nathan." Darsun said. "You reunited your friends with their family, and helped a man get his justice."


"That Dark Ice fellow sounds awesome, hopefully we see him again someday," Laneld said.


"In the meantime, Christmas is tomorrow night guys, you better start buying presents if you did not already!" Zelleo laughed.


"I totally have bought enough presents! Uh...can I borrow five bucks?" Laneld asked to Zelleo, as everyone enjoyed the holiday seasons.


We see Dark Ice on top of a building, looking down on Bikini Bottom.


"Have a Merry Christmas, everyone..." Dark Ice said, ending the episode.



-Character Debuts: Sharlan, Dark Ice, Cashier, and the team's family members

-Area Debuts: Sharlan's Warehouse and Toy Store

-Vehicle Debuts: Slayer SK900

-Christmas episode.

-Guests present at Krusty Krab: Team member's families, Vandalators, Cymtrax, Krumb, Daimyo, Young Ultimate Warrior, Ragau, and Eragan


A relatively shorter episode for a change, but I was still pretty burned out from that Season 3 finale. There wasn't much else for me to do in this episode. I would have added more family dialogue, but it would have gotten boring.

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That was a nice episode. It was simple. I understand the writing after that long S3 finale wasn't the best help :P.  Anyway, I liked the team's reunions with their families and also the Nathan/Dark Ice team up. Dark Ice does seem really cool. No pun intended.

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Time for the Season 4 premiere.


79. Cousin Simon


The episode opens to the countryside of Bikini Bottom in the open fields, and we see the Undersea Force outside an old farm house, with a large river nearby. All their vehicles were inside the Vobias Communication Center, which was parked out front. Everyone was in bandages however from the Korax fight.


"I figured after all the recent events, a vacation at my grandparents' old house would be a great way to cool off," Laneld said, unloading stuff into the house with PJ and Dash.


"I guess a vacation is what we need after all this," Zelleo said, and everyone was in normal clothes, as they put their gear away.


"This is so rough though...no fusions anymore.." Dash groaned.


"Darsun has been able to rebuild our vehicles before, so she can easily rebuild a Fuser...right?" Nora asked.


"I'm afraid it is not that simple this time," Darsun said, in robes. "The vehicles were already pre-made Sentient vehicles that I modified into underwater vehicles. This Fuser was hand-made by me, and more complicated to remake."


"Zelleo and I could offer our aid," Kane said.


"Thanks, but I feel we need to all get settled down first," Darsun said. "Your vehicles are still under repairs."


We see Nathan up in the attic of the old house, looking out a window, with a bandage around his right fin. Nora approached him.


"What's the matter?" Nora asked.


"That battle...we failed the mission. Korax still won," Nathan said.


"We still completed the mission. Korax was banished, and the galaxy is free from his conquering. You shouldn't get so beat up over it," Nora said. "We are not going to win every single fight, this will just tell us to work harder."


"Yeah...I guess," Nathan said.


"Now get back outside, Darsun has some chores for us to do," Nora said, as both went back outside.


We see Darsun take them inside the Vobi, and it was a mess. There was tons of debris from Korax's destroyed base.


"I need you all to reorganize the equipment and debris from our salvaging of Korax's base," Darsun said. "Good luck."


"Hey, I signed up for a vacation, not chores!" Dash yelled.


"Why do we even need all this junk?" PJ asked.


"I can't do it all myself, and some of this technology may be useful for research, particularly for rebuilding a Fuser," Darsun said.


Everyone began cleaning up the bunker, when Kane found a weird statue.


"What the heck is this?" Kane asked, as he showed them all a frozen statue of a black Vandalator shark, which was Shadowclaw (from Episodes 16 and 51).


"I remember him, that was the Vandalator Argoron froze into a statue for his scheme against Dash when we raided Dr. Skylander's old lab," Zelleo said. "He froze him in that statue, and he briefly helped Korax for that Vandalator Civil War. How did he end up as a statue again?"


"He must have been found from the salvaging...or he snuck his way onto here.." Darsun said. "As long as it is frozen, it shouldn't be an issue, but if it is, let me know."


After digging around and reshuffling things, the gang came back outside. We then saw Shadowclaw's statue slowly began moving though...


"Whew, that took shorter than I thought it would, it helps having seven people!" PJ said.


"Thank you all," Darsun said. "Let's all go inside and-"


Just then, a loud roaring vehicle came driving across the valley.


"Who the heck is that?" Dash asked.


"I don't know, but I should definitely hide now," Darsun said, going into the Vobi. She then activated invisibility mode, and the Vobi disappeared.


"Where did the Vobi go?" Laneld asked.


"Do not worry, I am still inside, but it is in stealth mode so whoever that is doesn't get suspicious," Darsun said.


"I didn't even know we had a stealth mode...cool!" PJ said.


We then saw a dusty truck parked outside the house, and Simon (Laneld's cousin), along with four sharks were partying in it; one of them was in the back of the truck. The sharks came out, and all were wearing black jackets with a punk style.


"WOO HOO! That was an epic ride brah, that speeding was intense. You said the treasure was here?" Shark #2 asked to Simon.


"I am not riding in the back next time!" Shark #4 said.


"Get over it, stupid!" Shark #3 said, as he punched Shark #4 in the fin.


"The treasure should be here boys, and there's my cousin Laneld!" Simon laughed, meeting up with Laneld.


"Oh great, because Laneld himself isn't enough," Dash groaned.


"We're here to get your grandparents' old treasure," Simon said.


"Uh....hey cousin. What treasure?" Laneld asked, completely confused.


"Dude, you didn't even know your grandparents had a secret treasure? What kind of grandson were you to them?" Shark #1 asked, and tossed a soda can at the house.


"Hey, they may not be alive, but I can assure I was a great grandson to them, and stop throwing things at the house!" Laneld said, as the sharks kept throwing junk everywhere and laughing.


They then began vandalizing the property by breaking parts of the house off, and all began partying. Shark #3 then threw a crowbar at the window.


"Hey, those were expensive!" Laneld said.


"These guys are ruder than Laneld!" Nora said. "Knock it off, this isn't a party!"


"Who are you to boss us around?!" Shark #3 laughed.


"I hate the shark mafia, the most annoying gang in the seven seas!" Zelleo said, as he got hit with a soda can, and they kept vandalizing the property, by breaking parts of the house.


"KNOCK IT OFF!" Nathan yelled, as he punched Shark #1 in the face, and he fell backwards.


"Dude...did he just hit you?" Shark #4 asked. "Nobody messes with the Shark Mafia! NOBODY!"


"When the boss hears about this, oh boy, you twerps are gonna get it!" Shark #1 said, putting his fin on his right eye. "Especially you, jerk face!"


"Leave us alone, you are destroying private property!" Kane said.


"You can't tell us what to do!" Shark #2 said, as he tossed a wrench into a window.


Simon then went up to the guys embarrassed.


"You better have a good reason for bringing those jerks here!" Laneld said.


"Look...I owe them some money, and I figured finding the hidden treasure your grandparents buried would pay it off," Simon said. "They will be gone as soon as we find it."


"Tell your "friends" to knock it off, and we'll help you find the treasure," Nathan said.


"Alright guys, enough is enough," Simon said, calming the sharks down.


"But look at this gnarly thing I painted!" Shark #3 said, as he had spray painted a shark on the front of the house with a spray can, and he threw it at Laneld's head.


"Ow, stop it already!" Laneld yelled.


"Look bros and gal, we're just here to dig up a treasure. We'll back off once we find it, mmkay?" Shark #1 said.


We then see Darsun inside the Vobi, overhearing them.


"Ugh, rotten juvenile delinquents," Darsun said.


Just then, we heard a growling noise.


"Who is there?" Darsun asked.


"You will not keep me from Argoron and Korax.." the voice said.


Back outside, Shark #1 got into the truck, and backed it up.


"Stop!" Everyone yelled, as it rammed into the house, breaking tons of pieces down.


"Oops," Shark #1 laughed. "I was trying to look for the treasure."


"You destroyed my grandparents' house! Get out, all of you!" Laneld yelled.


"You can't tell us what to do, little man," Shark #4 growled, as he picked Laneld up.


"Hey, only I can intimate him like that!" Dash yelled, as he punched Shark #4 in the face.


"Simon, this was not the deal!" Shark #1 yelled, getting out of the truck.


"Yes, I'm sorry...alright, stop fighting. We're going to search for the treasure," Simon said, as the roughhousing stopped. "Come on, grab these shovels."


The five then went around back, as Shark #1 punched Nathan in his broken arm, and Nathan gave him an angry glare.


"I hate those punks so much..." Nora said.


"But first, let's check on Darsun," Zelleo said.


They found the Vobi, and managed to open up the bunker door, as Darsun came out, terrified.


"What's wrong?" Kane asked.


"There is something in there...I need you to investigate," Darsun said.


"Why not we split up? Half of us can take care of those little pieces of....I mean, jerks, who are messing with my grandparents' house, and half of us can see what is going on in there?" Laneld suggested.


"That's.....actually a good idea," Nora said.


"Me, Darsun, and PJ will go in the Vobi, everyone else can take care of them," Nathan ordered. "Do not use any alien technology, we cannot compromise the Undersea Force."


"It will be a bit hard fighting due to our injuries, but they shouldn't be too difficult," Nora said.


We see everyone else in front of the house, trying to get the truck out of it.


"Easy..." Laneld said, as Dash was trying to drive it out.


The truck managed to safely come out, but the front was still heavily busted.


"Let's teach those jerks a lesson.." Laneld laughed, as he pulled out a Sentient bomb, tossed it into the truck, and it blew up.


"What was that?!" Shark #1 asked, as they headed from the back to see the truck up in smoke. "MY TRUCK!!"


"You took something of mine, I'll take something of yours!" Laneld laughed.


"That's it, we're calling off the deal!" Shark #1 said, as he slammed Simon in the back of the head with a shovel, and he fell to the ground. "We're taking the treasure for ourselves...but first, take care of these brats!"


The three other sharks began fighting with the others.


We then see PJ, Nathan, and Darsun inside the Vobi.


"Maybe that Shadowclaw guy came loose," PJ said.


"But how? He was frozen in a statue," Nathan said.


They then saw Shadowclaw frozen in a statue with the other material, but in a different place.


"I could have sworn I heard a voice..." Darsun said.


"Maybe you were hearing things," PJ said, as they went back outside. Shadowclaw's statue began moving again however...


Shark #2 tried to hit Dash with a shovel, but he kicked him upward and he landed into the busted front of the house, but it gave Dash some pains. Simon got up, and was furious.


"Hey jerk, this is for Laneld!" Simon yelled, as he punched Shark #1 right in the face.


The other two sharks were scouting the house, and Kane got his bandage stuck from a wooden piece sticking out.


"Aw crud.." Kane said.


Sharks #3 and #4 were on Kane's tail, when Kane ripped the bandage off, and a piece of the wall collapsed on Sharks #3 and #4. Kane then came to the front.


"Looks like all the sharks have been taken care of, never mess with us again!" Nora said to Shark #1.


Just then, the Vobi opened up.


"Uh oh....not a good time," PJ said.


"Ugh...what do we have here?" Shark #1 smiled, feeling his head, but getting up.


"Aw crud.." Dash said.


All four sharks regrouped, and barged inside the Vobi bunker.


"We have to get them out!" Nathan said, as he went inside, but the bunker closed.


"Nathan, open up!" Nora said.


Nathan came to a switch on the wall, and pulled it.


"LOCKDOWN MODE ACTIVATED," the alarm said, and the Vobi deactivated stealth mode and was all locked up, meaning nothing gets in or out.


"What did Nathan do?" Dash asked.


"He activated lockdown mode...nothing gets in or out, and only I can deactivate it," Darsun said.


"Well, what you are waiting for? Do it now!" Dash said.


"I'm trying," Darsun said, trying to access the Vobi settings through a device.


We cut back inside the bunker.


"Hey punk, why did you lock us in this lame vehicle?" Shark #3 asked.


"These vehicles suck! Are you guys a bunch of weirdos?" Shark #2 asked, as he began spray painting the Splitvire, but Nathan knocked the can away.


"What is your deal? Leave us alone!" Nathan said.


"We want that treasure boy, and you're in the way!" Shark #4 said.


"Guys, check this out," Shark #1 said, as they came to the storage of all the Sentient technology.


"We hit the jackpot!" Shark #4 laughed.


"What is all this cool stuff? Are you freaks aliens?" Shark #2 asked, picking up a laser gun.


"Get out of there!" Nathan yelled.


Just then, we saw a shadow jump across the room, and the lights went out.


"W-who's there?!" Shark #1 asked, firing his gun at Sentient artifacts, and destroying things with the others.


The lights turned back on, and Shadowclaw was there, and it growled.


"AAAH! Freak shark!" Shark #4 yelled, and all four began firing their guns at it, and it whacked them all aside.


"You will not keep me from my revenge, inferior fish lifeforms!" Shadowclaw growled.


"I don't know what you are, but you are not joining our mafia, freak!" Shark #2 yelled, as he kept firing his gun at Shadowclaw.


"Guys, we may have to work together to stop this thing," Nathan said, dodging the beast's attacks.


"No way freak, you beat us up way too many times!" Shark #1 said.


"Give me a reason I shouldn't kill all of you," Shadowclaw growled, as he disappeared.


Nathan then grabbed his red sword on a table, and while it hurt, he used it to slice all four guns from the shark's fins.


"Hey, that was our defense!" Shark #2 said.


"I would rather let you guys die for what you did, but my code of honor says not to. Those guns will only agitate it more," Nathan said.


"Cool sword," Shark #3 said, ignoring him.


Nathan attacked Shadowclaw, but it turned into stone again.


"Well that was easy, now let's go before it eats us! It can eat him though!" Shark #3 said.


Shadowclaw unfroze again however, and leaped at the sharks.


Darsun then deactivated the lockdown, and all four sharks fled the vehicle in fear, leaving Nathan alone.


"See you suckers!" Shark #1 said, as they began to make a run for it.


Nathan then confronted Shadowclaw, and it growled.


"Oh no you don't," Simon said, stopping them in their tracks on the bunker platform. "I was a jerk at first too...but you know what, I don't care about the treasure anymore."


Laneld smiled as he said that, knowing Simon changed.


"You know what, forget all of you! You're all freaks! Those weird alien things in the vehicle...I don't know who you are, but you're all screwed up! And who is that weird blue freak?" Shark #1 asked, seeing Darsun.


"I think it's time we finally gave our guests a proper exit," Darsun said.


We then see Darsun activated another button on the Vobi, and all four were on the bunker ramp. The ramp flung up, and all four went flying into the river nearby, with everyone laughing.


"You're all going to regret this!" Shark #1 yelled, as the four made a run for it.


"Ah, justice," Dash said.


We then see Nathan came out, and Shadowclaw was in handcuffs.


"So what did I miss?" Nathan asked, and everyone laughed again.


"So the next thing to resolve...what do we have here?" Darsun asked.


"He was a difficult one to catch, but I finally got him with a stun ray," Nathan said, as his arm hurt again. "Now start talking so we can get this over with."


"All I wanted was payback on Argoron for freezing me. He always considered me his best soldier, and then he backstabbed me. Korax later unfroze me and I joined their army during the civil war, but that failed. Briefly before Korax was frozen in ice, I asked him to let me in his army, but he tried to have me killed, so I escaped. Then, when you were cleaning up the technology, I snuck aboard the vessel to see if you'd bring me to Korax...but for some reason, my stone curse still is affecting me," Shadowclaw explained, and began growling, and some of his fin began turning into stone, but stopped. "Whenever I get distracted, I turn into stone again, and then I unfreeze after some time...all I want is help."


"Interesting...come with me, and I can help you," Zelleo said.


Eventually, we see Zelleo had performed some tests, and Shadowclaw was cured of his stone curse.


"Korax is no more dude. He was banished. We formed an alliance with Argoron, and he is good now. I'm sure he'll let you back," Dash said.


"If you really mean it..." Shadowclaw said.


"We do. In fact, your stealthiness is pretty useful...how would like to serve us as our eyes on Senato? In other words, you would be a secret agent for us," Darsun offered.


"Fine," Shadowclaw said, as he was given a device. "Thank you."


"I've contacted Argoron, and he welcomes you back with open arms on Senato," Nora said.


"Well, glad to see a happy ending to the events today....wait, where is Laneld?" Kane asked.


We the see Laneld with Simon.


"So, I guess we'll never find that treasure," Simon said.


"Wait a minute...I remember my grandpa once gave me a hint to where the treasure was. He said "Spot marks the X" before...Spot was the name of his pet snail, but it passed away one summer, and he was buried somewhere beneath the house. He used a grave stone to mark it," Laneld said, as he found the grave stone, and opened it up. They looked inside and saw a box.


"At long last, open that baby up!" Simon said. "I'm sorry again for everything, little cousin. Let's finally see what this treasure is..."


Laneld opened it up, to reveal a bunch of receipts.


"What the...?" Simon asked.


"They are receipts for charity. It looks like they donated all the money in this box away," Laneld said.


"Gosh darnit! All that hunting for THIS?!" Simon cried.


"Well here you go cousin, you did want the treasure," Laneld laughed, giving him the box.


"What a rip-off. But you know cousin, it was fun hanging with you again, and thanks for getting that mafia off my back," Simon said.


"No problem," Laneld said. "Now it looks like we need to try to fix this house up..."


Both laughed, and the episode ended with an aerial view of the house.



-Character Debuts: Shark Mafia, Laneld's Grandparents (mentioned), Spot (mentioned)

-Area Debuts: Countryside, Laneld's Grandparents' Farm

-Vehicle Debuts: Shark Mafia Truck

-It is revealed the Vobias Communication Center has a stealth and lockdown mode.

-Laneld's cousin Simon from "Uprisings" returns.

-Shadowclaw returns, and becomes an ally for the Undersea Force.

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Great premiere! Those sharks are real jerkasses. Interesting to see Shadowclaw back. I like him helping the team in this episode. Lol'd at the treasure being lame, I kninda figured it would :P.

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80. Ancient Clash

The episode opens with the Undersea Force eating dinner on Laneld's grandparents' farm.

"Thanks for helping me clean up this farm house," Simon said.

"No problem," said Laneld. "Though I hope we won't have to do any more cleaning anytime soon."

"I can drink to that," said Kane, shaking a glass of root beer.

Suddenly, the Vobi's alarm system sounded.

"I wonder what that could be," said Zelleo.

The Undersea Force hurried out of the farm house and into the Vobi.

"What's going on?" asked Nathan.

"See for yourself," said Darsun, pointing to her computer.

The Undersea Force surrounded the computer and saw that a Storm Field had just opened not too far from where they were.

"Could it be?" gasped Nora.

"We haven't been to another zone in forever," said Dash. "This is a perfect opportunity to bring some action back into our lives!"

"Are our vehicles ready yet?" asked Zelleo.

"Sorry," said Darsun. "They won't be ready for a while."

"That sucks," said PJ. "I guess we'll be going on our feet, then."

"You guys go without me," said Nathan, looking glum.

"I'll stay behind, too," said Nora.

"Suit yourself," said Dash. "Come on, guys."

Dash, Zelleo, PJ, Kane and Laneld left the Vobi. Nora looked at Nathan with a concerned expression.

"Are you okay?" asked Nora.

"I guess so," replied Nathan.

Nora sighed. "Is this about Korax?"

"I just know we could have beaten him," said Nathan.

"I know we could have beaten him, too, but we didn't," said Nora. "There's no point dwelling in the past. Now, we just have to focus on getting stronger."

"We've been getting stronger for the past year, and it wasn't enough," said Nathan. "What's the point anymore?"

"What do you mean by that?" asked Nora.

"I...I don't know," said Nathan. "I just don't know."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Undersea Force were now at the Storm Field.

"I hope finding the next key won't require as much walking," said Laneld, rubbing his sore thighs.

They all jumped into the Storm Field, and a few seconds later, they found themselves in the Landform Zone.

"This place is cool!" said PJ.

"Stay alert! There could be threats everywhere, and we don't have our vehicles to defend ourselves!" Zelleo said.

"I don't see anything threatening around here," said Dash.

Suddenly, a laser flew in front of Dash, burning off his eyebrows, and it collided into the ground.

"I take that back," he said.

An alien jumped out from a nearby bush, and another one jumped out from behind a tree. Both were ancient stone-like beings. The first one had purple plasma color and the other had a green plasma color.

"Who are you two?" asked Laneld. "This zone is ours!'

"I'll take you down, Xurodor!" said the first alien.

"Not if I take you down first, Charmaldox! This war ends today!" said the second alien.

"I guess that answers that question," muttered Laneld.

The two aliens began shooting at each other, and the Undersea Force members ducked to avoid the lasers. Debris was flying everywhere, including rocks and the plants. The gang used their Charge Guns and swords to try to block all the incoming debris, scattering it everywhere.

"DUCK AND COVER!" Laneld yelled, dodging all the debris.

"What are you guys doing?" screamed Kane.

"We're settling a decades-old rivalry, strange fish creatures," Charmaldox said. "I finally chased the coward to this zone."

"It's better that you not be here, aquatic ones," Xurodor added.

"As much as I'd love to ditch this place, there's something here that we need to find," said Dash.

"Suit yourself," said Charmaldox before continuing his shootout with Xurodor.

Charmaldox began making boulders form from the ground and began firing them at Xurodor, as Xurodor made a magic aura appear around him, protecting himself from the blasts, as the Undersea Force used their Charge Gun to blast away the remains of the boulders.

"We'll never be able to find the keys in this condition!" said Laneld, using his purple sword to slice open a rock that nearly hit him. "That was a close one!"

"Yeah, and Nathan was the best at solving these sorts of problems," said Dash, dodging more clashing objects.

"Let me think of something," said Zelleo.

Zelleo crawled under the firing lasers and tapped Charmaldox on the shoulder.

"Would you mind telling me what this 'decades-old rivalry' is about?" he said.

"I don't particularly remember," said Charmaldox. "But I know it was something Xurodor did!"

"No, it was something Charmaldox did!" said Xurodor.

"No, it was you!" said Charmaldox.

"No, it was you!" said Xurodor.

"I've got nothing," said Zelleo.

"Can we just beat up both these punks?" Dash asked. "We need that key."

Zelleo began to crawl away, but Charmaldox grabbed him by the leg.

"What are you about to do?" hissed Charmaldox. "Are you about to join his side, traitor?"

"No, I'm on nobody's side!" said Zelleo, as he used his Charge Gun to blast Charmaldox away.

"You're taking sides now?" screamed Xurodor. "Fine, then! I'll take someone for my side!"

Xurodor grabbed PJ by the leg, but Laneld grabbed him by the arms, pulling him away from the alien. Xurodor punched Laneld in the face and took them both to the tree he hid behind.

"Ha!" gloated Xurodor. "Now I have one more teammate then you, Charmaldox."

Charmaldox grabbed Kane by the leg and pulled him over to his bush.

"Ha! Now we're even!" said Charmaldox.

Both aliens noticed Dash standing in the middle of them and grabbed one of his arms.

"I...had him first!" grunted Charmaldox.

"No...I did!" Xurodor shot back.

"How old are you two? You're fighting like five year olds," Dash groaned, trying to get free from them.

"We are decades old...though I am not sure how old!" Charmaldox said.

Zelleo shielded his eyes from something shining in Xurodor's tree, but then he realized that the shining object was the key.

"Laneld! PJ!" whispered Zelleo. "The key is in the tree!"

Laneld and PJ looked up, and they both saw that the key was stuck in a tree branch. PJ got on Laneld's shoulders, and he reached for the key.

"He's mine!" said Charmaldox.

"No, he's mine!" said Xurodor.

"No," said Zelleo and Kane, each holding rocks. "He's ours."

Zelleo and Kane hit Charmaldox and Xurodor over the head with rocks and then shocked them with both their Charge Guns. PJ came back with the key, with Laneld behind him.

"It's about time you guys got here!" Dash said. "Those aliens were about to rip off my arms!"

"We've got the key. Let's go home," said PJ.

Dash, Zelleo, PJ, Kane and Laneld went back into the Storm Field, leaving Charmaldox and Xurodor unconscious on the ground.

Back at the Vobi, PJ gave Darsun the Landform Zone key.

"How was your first day back on the job?" asked Darsun.

"Exhausting," said Dash.

Dash joined the rest of the Undersea Force in laughter after that.

"Well you know, for what it was worth, working without our leader and vehicles wasn't too bad, I wouldn't be against trying it again," Zelleo said.

"So what did you guys see in the zone, you seem worn out?" Darsun asked to them in private.

"Just two weird aliens had a fight over a grudge, but we managed to silence them both," Dash said.

"Whoever they were, at least you managed to keep balance without letting one side get stronger," Darsun said. "Sawkus is probably proud."

"Well, at least we got a lesson out of this," Nora said.

"Yeah, but now let's get some rest, one mission can wear a guy out," Laneld laughed. "Also, my cousin is still waiting for us."

The Undersea Force got out of their suits, and went back outside to finish their dinner with Simon, as the episode ended with an aerial view of the farm.


-Character Debuts: Charmaldox and Xurodor

-Area Debuts: Landform Zone

-Nathan and Nora stay behind at the Vobi. First time Nathan never goes into a zone.

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81. The Mermaid Hunter


The episode opens with the Undersea Force still on Laneld's grandparents' farm. The house had fully been rebuilt thanks to the gang and Simon, and they were relaxing near the riverbank with the beautiful weather.


"Where did Simon go?" Zelleo asked, relaxing on a chair.


"He went back home for now," Laneld replied. 


"Well, this vacation is great. We've only had a shark gang and two weird aliens fighting in a zone. For the most part, this is the closest to normal for us," Nora said.


Just then, a small black scouter bot was floating around the farm, and had its sensors on the Undersea Force. It then took a picture of them.


"Hey guys...what's that thing?" Kane asked, about to go into the house, and he saw the robot.


"That looks like one of those OPF scouter robots!" Zelleo said.


Dash then ran over and punched through the machine, destroying it. He then threw it into the river nearby, as steam came out of the water.


"Ugh, stupid Bishop, why can't he give us a break?" Dash asked.


"We haven't seen the OPF in a while..." Nathan said. 


"And now they know we're back..." PJ said.


We then cut to the Ocean Protection Force headquarters in Bikini Bottom. In the central hub was Commander Drake (from Episodes 77 and 78), with a team of agents and scientists looking at the recording from the robot.


"That can't be, I thought they were dead!" a scientist said.


"Looks like you all should have done a thorough inspection," Drake said.


"Excuse me leader, but you were the one who said they didn't live.." an agent said.


"Listen here Agent Weaver, we all make mistakes," Drake replied. 


"I understand sir, but how could they have survived?" Weaver asked.


"I don't know, but you can investigate since you seem to care so much. I'm sure they pulled one of their magic tricks with the zones and what not," Drake said.


"Why did Bishop leave YOU in charge anyways?" Weaver asked.


"He's on a business trip right now, he needs to meet with the President. I'm the commander, so clearly I have to take the reigns while he is gone. I'm better and smarter than all of you-" Drake was saying.


"I beg to differ on that," Dr. Rick said, still in his exo-suit, at a computer.


"...Anyways, just go there, alright agent?" Drake asked to Weaver.


"Yes, commander..." Weaver replied, annoyed.


We cut back to the farm, and Darsun came out reading a scanner.


"Well guys, it looks like another zone is forming!" Darsun said.


"Seriously, these zones never leave us alone! They seem so attracted to us..." Nora said. "It's like we are a magnet to them."


"I should also warn you that this zone apparently leads to an Ocean Zone, so you'll need the submarine modes of your vehicles," Darsun said.


"I forgot we had those. Does that mean the vehicles are done for repairs?" Kane asked.


"Yes, not much was changed, but they are more stronger," Darsun replied.


"Can't we just swim there?" Laneld asked. "I mean, we're fish."


"Senato's water isn't exactly healthy to you all, like I said before for the underwater Data Orb mission," Darsun said, referring to Episode 29. "Never let a creature out of its natural habitat."


"So we can breath on your planet, yet can't breath underwater. I hate the rules of the universe," Dash said. "Whoever makes them up should get whacked in the head."


"Are you coming Nathan?" Kane asked, as Nathan was staring at his reflection in the lake.


"Eh, I guess I need to warm up in the zones again, so sure," Nathan said.


Out of the Vobi, Nathan, Laneld, Zelleo, PJ, and Nora raced out in their vehicles and came to the Storm Field in the faraway fields.


"This is gonna be awesome," PJ said.


All five came out of the portal floating in mid-air...and a giant ocean was awaiting them below. The entire zone was all water, with a strange purple sky.


"AAAH!" Laneld yelled, as they went plunging toward it.


"ACTIVATE THE SUBMARINE MODES!" Nathan yelled, as each pressed the buttons in their vehicles, and all five turned into submarine modes just in time, as they plunged underwater.


"Wow, this looks amazing..." Zelleo said, observing the underwater scenery through the submarine cameras.


They saw some destroyed ruins throughout the underwater world, with tons of other debris. 


"So far, no threats, but man this place is beautiful," PJ said.


The Universe Key was on top of some destroyed ruins, and there were Sentient Mermaids swimming around it.


"Whoa...are those...mermaids? Sentient ones?" Nora asked, as she got into contact with Darsun, and showed her them.


"Those are! Fascinating, so they still survived all these years after the planet separation.." Darsun said, shocked.


"I hope we don't bother them," PJ said.


"Try your best to get the key without disturbing one. Remember, never let a creature out of its natural habitat," Darsun said.


All five drove the submarines further toward the ruins, and Nora shot a grappling hook at the key, pulling it toward the submarine Grangler. However, the mermaids got confused and began to get angry.


"I see their eggs below these ruins...they must think we are trying to steal their newborns," Zelleo said.


The mermaids began attacking the submarines by letting out ghastly screeches.


"Ah no, not this siren stuff I heard about!" Laneld said. "Let's get out of here!"


Nora blasted the key open, and all five submarines went through it, but one mermaid quickly followed them in, as it closed, leaving the other mermaids confused. Their vehicles turned back to normal and drove toward the farm, but one of the mermaids was on the back of the Crusher.


They eventually made it there, and a black OPF boat van was parked in the forest on the other side. Weaver was in there with four other agents.


"So, they're back with their fancy equipment," Weaver said. "Let's destroy those alien loving freaks."


"Those were not the orders," an agent said.


"I decided to change plans a bit," Weaver laughed, as he opened up a cargo crate filled with laser guns.


"Where did you get that technology from? This does not look like it was made on Earth..." an agent said, suspicious.


"Heh....it's confidential, I know a guy. Just try it out," Weaver said, as he also put on a jet-pack.


We then see the gang give Darsun the Ocean Zone key, and the mermaid who hitchhiked on the Crusher dragged itself around and sounded as if it was suffocating, shocking everyone.


"I think we had a hitchhiker from the mission!" Laneld said, scared.


"What the...how did one of those mermaids follow us?!" Nora asked.


"It must have sneaked into the portal," Darsun said, as she threw a blue bubble around it from her hand, and the mermaid could breath again.


"What did that do?" Dash asked.


"The Sentient Mermaid cannot adapt to our water," Darsun replied. "So I gave her some of my Sentient water. That should keep her safe for now."


"We need to get it back to the zone now," Nathan said.


"I know...but I'm interested in studying it," Zelleo said.


"As much as I'd like the research for science, remember, do not keep a creature out of its natural habitat," Darsun said.


"I know, you're right..." Zelleo sighed, as the mermaid was trying to swim around in the bubble, and it was growling a bit.


Just then, a laser blasted into the ground from the other side.


"What the..." Kane said.


"Oh great, now what?!" Laneld asked.


Weaver in his jet-pack went flying to the other side with the OPF agents crossing the river.


"You guys again! Why can't you leave us alone? We were having a great vacation too!" Nora yelled.


"We want that mermaid," Weaver said.


"You clowns again?" Dash asked.


"You can't take it!" Zelleo said.


But it was too late, as the agents shot stun guns around the bubble, and began carrying it to the van.


"Stop them!" Darsun yelled.


Everyone tried to attack the agents, but the agents fired lasers from their guns.


Weaver went flying off in his jet-pack, but Zelleo hopped on him, and began ruining his flying.


"Gah, get off!" Weaver yelled, as he kicked Zelleo off, and he went flying into the lake.


Nathan and Nora attacked the agents, but they fired their laser guns at them.


"Don't stop us now kids, this mermaid is a menace to society," an agent said, still firing.


"It's just a normal mermaid, there's tons in our ocean!" Nathan said, blocking the blasts.


"I"m afraid it's not normal like ours," another agent said, as Nora punched him in the face.


"Where did they get those guns from? They seem alien like..." Kane said.


"No idea, but what's that over there?" PJ asked, seeing their van.


Kane smiled, and he pulled out his Charge Gun. He blasted an orange bolt at it, which destroyed it.


"Good luck transporting it now," Kane said.


"NOO!" Weaver yelled, and flew down to the ground. 


"Nice one, Kane!" Nora said.


"Eat this, punk!" Weaver yelled.


Weaver began firing lasers at Kane, who managed to barely dodge them. 


Nathan, Dash and Nora fought off the other agents, and freed the mermaid from its stun gun, but its bubble popped.


"We have a problem!" Nathan yelled to the others, as the mermaid was struggling to breath.


Darsun tried to throw an aqua bubble at her, but Weaver fired a laser from his gun, destroying it.


"Not on my watch, all sentient scum will perish," Weaver said.


Weaver then opened fire at the mermaid, and it fell to the ground dead.


"NOO!" Nathan yelled, as he tried to check on it.


"What a huge jerk...you're gonna pay!" Zelleo said, as he attacked Weaver with his sword, but Weaver kicked Zelleo aside. 


"Look pal, I do what is best for the planet," Weaver said.


"The mermaid wasn't going to hurt anyone!" Zelleo said, as he pushed an agent aside who was about to fire at him.


"That is not my concern. Listen here brats, mess with the OPF, and this will happen," Weaver threatened, aiming his gun at them, but Nora tossed her sword at his gun, destroying it.


Nathan then punched Weaver right in the helmet, causing some shards of the glass to come off, and Weaver started flying off in his jet-pack.


"This isn't over amigos, we will be back!" Weaver yelled, as he flew away in his jet-pack.


"Hey, what about us?!" an agent asked.


"Hmm, what about you indeed," Dash smiled, as he cracked his fins.


"Aw crud.." another agent said.


We cut to the OPF headquarters, and Weaver is in the command center, along with the four other agents, except they had bruises and dents on their armor.


"Oww.." they moaned.


"So, you failed, why am I not surprised?" Drake said.


"Not entirely, I killed a Sentient Mermaid," Weaver said.


"Fair enough, but those brats are still out there," Drake said.


"I know, and we can get them next time," Weaver said.


"Mind if I ask where you obtained this technology from?" Drake asked, as he was inspecting the destroyed guns.


"I...got it from a weapon dealer," Weaver tried saying, as if he was hesitating to say something.


"Fine," Drake said, as Weaver walked away, and Drake then whispered to another agent, "Keep an eye on him..."


We then see Zelleo in front of the dead Sentient Mermaid, which the gang was ready to drop back to the Ocean Zone.


"I feel terrible we couldn't save her," Zelleo said, slamming his fist against the Crusher.


"Don't worry, we all make mistakes.." Nathan said, thinking about the Korax fight.


"But guys, remember...the eggs," Nora said.


"That's right...at least their species can live on," PJ said.


"While it is unfortunate she is gone, at least her kind wasn't wiped out, since the newborns can still be hatched," Kane said.


"Yeah, great to think of the positives for once," Zelleo said, feeling better.


We see Zelleo entered the Ocean Zone, and he dropped the body of the mermaid from the submarine Crusher into the depths.


"At least a new generation can start.." Zelleo smiled, as he went back through the portal.


The mermaids had gathered around the body, and mourned her death. However, we saw some eggs on the ground hatching, and little baby mermaids were born. They began floating around with the adult mermaids, ending the episode.



-Character Debuts: Weaver and Sentient Mermaids

-Area Debuts: Ocean Zone

-The Submarine Modes return.

-Kane and Dash stayed behind at the farm for the mission.

-Drake is temporarily the leader of the Ocean Protection Force while Bishop is on a business trip.

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Great episode, I definitely got some Season 1 feels from the use of the zones. Also, I liked that the Submarine mode came back up. The mermaid dying was definitely unexpected. I thought they'd save her unharmed. I liked the ending with the baby mermaids being born. Very sweet. Weaver and just the whole OPF were very anger-inducing. Hope they get what's coming to them.

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82. Crimson Brew


The episode opens with the Undersea Force headed to the Council Building on Senato in the Vobias Communication Center.


"Man, that vacation was nice, but it's time to see what is going on with Senato again," Nora said.


"Eh, it was fun while it lasted," Dash said. "I've been itching for a fight anyways."


"Yes, and we must not fail again," Nathan said, determined.


"How long is he going to go on about this?" Laneld asked, whispering to Zelleo.


"I don't know, but it's going to hurt him.." Zelleo sighed.


The Vobi went around back and parked into a garage behind the building, and the extra Vobi (from Episode 35) was in there as well. Everyone got out, and Daxon greeted them.


"Glad to see you have returned, our guardians," Daxon said. "We kept the place warm for you."


The crew headed back to their room and started getting stuff set up there again. Darsun placed the keys for the Landform and Ocean zones on their long wall of keys.


"So...I wonder what Kuri and Kordon are up to? We haven't heard from them in a while," PJ said.


"Kuri was in custody, but she escaped while you guys were gone," Princeton said, entering the room.


"P-p-princeton?! I thought you were killed?!" Laneld said, confused.


"I was, but thanks to Darsun's Healing Chamber, I was revived," Princeton said.


"But your energy signal was never seen...how is this possible?!" Darsun asked.


"My energy signal was never destroyed by those hooligans, thankfully. It was afloat for some time, and it made its way to one of your Healing Chambers, where I was revived," Princeton replied. "I came back while you guys were gone though."


"Well it's great to have you back," PJ said.


"Yes, thank goodness I made that chamber. Welcome back, old friend. So Kuri escaped?" Darsun asked.


"Yes, a few days ago there was a breakout at the prison," Princeton said. "We have no idea where she currently is though..."


"Well wherever she is, we'll find her, eventually.." Nora said.


"What else have we missed?" Kane asked.


"I was getting to that, and I have even worse news. While you were also gone, that brute Kordon, who destroyed me, apparently reassembled an old gang of his called the "Crimson Dragons" with some Red Rarks and Red Sentients," Princeton explained. "They are plotting something big tonight according to some words from outside sources."


"How did he get Red Sentients on his side? I thought both sides were at peace," Nathan said.


"Sadly not everyone is going to be for change," Darsun said.


"So where can we find Kordon? I'd like to give him a piece of my mind for what he did to my master," Dash said, a bit angry.


"I'm not sure, but I sent an agent out to investigate," Princeton said. 


"Wow, you were really running up this place while you were gone," Laneld said.


"Haha, yeah," Princeton replied.


"Say...why is your name not starting with a D like other Blue Sentients?" Zelleo asked, curious.


"Ah, thank you for asking. You see, when a Sentient is born, they are given a birth name. Blues start with D and Reds start with K. They can be changed later on in life though, is a part of our customs," Princeton explained.


"Jeez, I think we found a new friend for Zelleo and Kane," Nora laughed.


"Well thank you for your help old friend," Darsun said.


Just then, on the computer screen, Shadowclaw was seen near some Sentient warehouse in the badlands.


"I found their location," Shadowclaw said.


"So that's the agent you sent?" Kane asked.


"Yes, he told me about how you all made him an operative," Princeton said.


"Well good to see he didn't betray us," PJ said.


"Well, I guess your mission now everyone is to go stop Kordon," Darsun said.


"Well, time for some payback," Dash replied.


"Revenge is never the answer," Darsun said.


"I know.." Dash sighed.


"As team leader, I think only Dash and I should go," Nathan said, as everyone was confused upon hearing that.


"Why? Not that I'm complaining," Laneld replied.


"You all deserve a break, and I feel I need to restore honor," Nathan said, headed for the Splitvire.


"...Okay then," Kane said.


"I just wish he'd let that whole battle go already," Zelleo sighed.

"I know, I tried to tell him.." Nora said.


"Well...if you say so. Here are the coordinates Shadowclaw uploaded," Darsun said, handing Nathan a tablet with the coordinates. "Good luck."


Nathan and Dash went off in their vehicles to the location. They arrived to the rocky badlands, and saw Shadowclaw a few miles away from the warehouse.


"They are in there," Shadowclaw pointed, and the three of them headed for the warehouse.


The three carefully drove their vehicles inside the warehouse, and there were two Red Rarks in front of two doors.


"Intruders detected," one said.


Dash then threw his sword at one's head, and Shadowclaw ripped the other to shreds, tossing its body to the ground.


"Yikes," Dash said, as he and Nathan got out of their vehicles.


They carefully peaked inside through the doors, and saw Kordon with some Red Sentients, including Kyton and Krosis, and some Red Rarks. Kordon and the other Red Sentients had tattoos of red dragons on their arms, and mafia-like clothing.


"Attention, Dragons. Tonight we're going on a heavy heist...in the ocean world of those fish freaks," Kordon announced, and they all cheered. "I have provided water equipment for all of you. This is going to be the jackpot!"


"They're going to attack our home? We can't let them...but wait, how can they even get there?" Nathan asked.


"Don't know, but let's give them a beating first," Dash said. 


They carefully snuck around the warehouse with Shadowclaw, as they hid behind cargo.


Dash tapped on a Red Sentient's shoulder, and he whacked him in the head with a crowbar he found on the ground. He then dragged his body behind the crates.


"HEY, it's those freaks!" a Red Sentient yelled, as they saw Shadowclaw, Nathan, and Dash behind the crates.


"Aw crud," Dash said.


"So you little wimps still exist? No matter, even though Master Korax is gone, I can survive! You are going to pay so much for putting my boss on thin ice," Kordon laughed, cracking his knuckles, as he ordered the Red Sentients and Red Rarks to open fire with their weapons.


Nathan, Dash, and Shadowclaw began beating up the crew, as Shadowclaw threw Kyton aside, and destroyed his shell, as his energy signal flew off.


"You're pretty good," Dash said to Shadowclaw, kicking Krosis aside.


Kordon got out a flamethrower and began scorching it throughout the warehouse.


"Dang, I want one of those!" Dash yelled, as he hopped up, and kicked the flamethrower aside, as he sliced through it, destroying it.


"Hey, do you have any idea how hard it was to get that?!" Kordon yelled, as he punched Dash into Nathan, and they collided into some boxes, as Shadowclaw was still fighting off other members, as he tore Red Rarks to shreds, and tackled Red Sentients.


Kordon then regrouped with Krosis and three other Red Sentients, and five Red Rarks, got ready to invade Bikini Bottom. Kordon put on the Red Sentients' anti-water gear, as Kordon got out a key he coded for Bikini Bottom.


"How did your dumb brain manage to cook that up?" Dash asked, as he rammed a Red Sentient aside into some more cargo.


"I am more smarter than you think! The last time I visited there to save Kuri, I managed to code the coordinates to make a key! Now I can pop into your weird water world whenever I want!" Kordon laughed.


"We barely go there anymore, but okay, have fun," Dash said.


"What do you even want there?" Nathan asked, as he sliced through a Red Rark.


"There's some awesome Ocean Protection Force high-tech on this incoming train there, according to an inside source of mine," Kordon said. "Bye freaks!"


He opened up a Storm Field, and the rest of his crew managed to flee through it.


"Get in there!" Nathan yelled, as they also ran through it, and all of them landed in the Bikini Bottom desert, and it was almost night time.


"Gah, can't you freaks ever get off my back!?" Kordon yelled, as he pulled out a small laser gun from his suit's pocket, and began firing.


Shadowclaw then tore open the three Red Sentients' suits, and the water made their energy signals fly away. Nathan and Dash both ganged up on Krosis, but he managed to knock both aside and escape with the others.


"There's the train!" Kordon yelled, as they saw a railroad in the distance. The OPF train was there, and it had one gray cargo cart with it, behind the black engine.


"I really wish we brought our vehicles right now.." Nathan sighed, as Kordon, Krosis, and the Red Rarks were headed towards it.


"Get on me," Shadowclaw said, as Nathan and Dash got on his back. He then began jumping onto the cliffs, and was headed to the train.


"Wow...awesome!" Dash said.


Shadowclaw hopped off the cliff, as the two went flying and sliced the Rarks in half with their swords, and Shadowclaw ripped open Krosis' gear, as the water destroyed him, and his energy signal flew away.


"NOO!" Kordon yelled, as he slammed the sandy ground, and Dash went jumping at him, and punched him right in the face.


"That was for Master Towaius!" Dash yelled.


"No matter, I can still get what I need by myself.." Kordon said, as he began firing his gun at the wheels of the train and cargo cart, and both started to get derailed. He then fired more blasts at the tracks, and the train officially came off the rails at that point.


"RUN!" Nathan yelled, as the cargo cart came flying off the tracks, and the head engine at the front was stuck on the broken rails.


Kordon then began picking up the cargo cart with all his might.


"GWAAAH!" Kordon yelled.


"Holy smokes...how can he lift that up?!" Dash yelled, as Kordon opened up a Storm Field, and fled through it with the cargo cart, and Nathan, Dash, and Shadowclaw followed behind.


Kordon and the Undersea Force appeared back at his hideout, and some Red Rarks and Red Sentients were there.


"Dragons, I got the stuff!" Kordon laughed.


"Do you even know what you got, meathead?" Dash asked.


"Uh....that's a good question...DON'T QUESTION ME!" Kordon yelled, as he busted open the cart, and tons of OPF weapons were inside of it. He began tossing them around to the dragons and they began firing at the three, as Shadowclaw tore more Rarks to shreds, and tossed Red Sentients through the warehouse.


Kordon continued to dig through the pile, and the last object to come out was a strange, very large steel safe. 


"What the heck is this?" Kordon asked.


Nathan went charging at Kordon, but he pulled out a machine gun from the pile and fired at once, but Nathan managed to dodge.


"This is going to be a rough night.." Nathan said.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the ocean faraway from Bikini Bottom, we see Bishop walking inside a very fancy and large building, almost resembling the White House, and entered a room. He came to the President of the Ocean's office. He was a blue fish in a fancy outfit, and had black hair, sitting behind his large desk. 


"Hello, Agent Bishop. Do you know why I called you here?" The President asked.


"No, sir." Bishop replied.


"You should know by now I was never a huge fan of your little Ocean Protection Force organization," The President started to say.


"Yes, I know, Mr. President-" Bishop said.


"Don't interrupt me!" The President yelled, slamming his fin on the desk. "I've had to fight so many times just to get funding for your gang! Your whole operation has been a disaster. You've done a lot of questionable things throughout the years, but they didn't get this extreme until now. You and your men were about useless during that Vandalator invasion when Bikini Bottom was frozen, and then when those robots tried setting up a bomb in Bikini Bottom. What good are you?! Then you ordered one of your scientists to spy on the aliens, and he got most of his body torn apart. Next, you destroyed an entire sewer line in Bikini Bottom thanks to your failed monstrous experiment, and I got tons of complaints from the mayor as a result. Finally, there was you sending your men to attack Senato...what were you thinking?! Not only did you launch unauthorized missiles, but if any of the agents blurts about Senato's existence, the entire population would freak out! It's an outrage! Your higher-ups, The Consortium, have been keeping a close eye on your missions for me. If they didn't, Neptune knows what would be happening!"


Bishop was getting annoyed from the rant, but did not talk. 


"You better shape up soon. One more fiasco and I'll pull the plug on your entire operation! I have budget cuts to make, and trust me, I can do without your team," The President finished.


"Yes, sir. You are absolutely right, sir. You have my word, nothing else will go wrong when I return to Bikini Bottom," Bishop replied.


"I don't want your word, I want you out of my office, NOW!" The President yelled, and Bishop left.


He went outside the building, and came into a limo. Another OPF agent was there in a suit, and seemed concerned.


"Mr. Bishop, we have a problem," the agent said.


"What now?" Bishop asked.


"Apparently tonight's shipment was...hijacked, by those Red Sentient freaks," the agent said.


"What?! No! That's the last thing I need!" Bishop yelled, slamming his fin against the seat, and his skin was moving weirdly like it did before. "Find it, now."


"Don't worry, Drake told me he is on it," the agent said.


We cut back to Kordon's warehouse, and Kordon opened up the safe, to reveal a strange creature inside frozen in ice. It was a giant black furry spider-alien of some sort, and it had five eyes. It almost resembled a fish of some sort though.


"What the...GET IT AWAY!" Kordon yelled.


"What is that ugly thing?" Dash asked, as he punched a Red Sentient aside.


"I...don't know.." Kordon said, freaked out.


Just then, the ice began to melt, and the creature came thawing out. It landed on the ground, and began growling.


Kordon began firing at it with his machine gun, and its body split in half, with green slime spreading everywhere. However, some cords grew out of its top half and reconnected with its bottom half, as it put itself back together.


"I've never seen anything like this...what is it?" Nathan asked.


"I'm not the person to ask for that bro, but I don't like it.." Dash said, as all the Red Rarks and Red Sentients were finally defeated.


"No matter...I can take this thing on myself!" Kordon yelled, as he fired at it again, but the beast charged at him, bit into the gun, snapping it in half, and it jumped onto Kordon.


"GET IT OFF OF ME!" Kordon yelled again, as he grabbed the key from Kordon, and opened a portal. It fled through the Storm Field.


"Shadowclaw, go back to base and report what happened. We'll handle this," Nathan said, as Shadowclaw ran away from the warehouse.


Nathan and Dash quickly got back into their vehicles, which were still parked outside, and they raced into the Storm Field, ramming Kordon aside.


"NO...MY KEY!" Kordon yelled, as he jumped at the portal, but it disappeared. "Gah, those little puny fish brats ruin everything!"


We see it was night time at Bikini Bottom now, and Dash and Nathan were chasing the monster into the city in their vehicles.


"What is this thing's deal?!" Nathan asked.


We then see an OPF helicopter was hovering above them.


"I don't understand a thing that is going on anymore," Dash said.


The beast came to another part of town near the docks, and it was headed to a house. We then see its face began to get sad, and it had a flashback.


Five years ago...


At a Bikini Bottom Church, a fish named Johnson just got married to a beautiful female fish. His best man was Bishop, and Johnson had a Navy badge, revealing he was a Navy soldier. However, Bishop then gives him a strange look.


We then cut back to present, and see Drake, some agents, and Dr. Rick in the OPF helicopter.


"So, he still remembers her..." Drake said.


"Commander, if you don't mind me asking, what is that thing?" an agent asked.


"It was an old...experiment, I'll leave it at that. Its codename is T346, and we cannot let it out of our sight," Drake ordered.


The helicopter then let down some ropes, and they began wrapping around the creature's arms, as it was struggling to let go. The beast then headed to the dock area, and the helicopter began firing bullets at the beast. Nathan and Dash arrived there in their vehicles.


"What should we do? Is this beast good or evil?" Nathan asked.


"I don't know man, do what you think is best, leader. I got nothing here," Dash replied.


In a house nearby, the same female fish from the flashback, went up to the window and saw the commotion outside.


Nathan got out of the Splitvire and tried to get close to the monster, but a rope snapped open, and it flung the rope at Nathan, as he cut it in half with his sword, but another part went slicing through a tanker boat nearby, as steam began to leak out from it.


The creature was still struggling to get free from the ropes, and it began to walk away, but the ropes were still holding onto him, and more were dropped down. The beast then began to knock over some cargo, and kicked one barrel at Dash's head, and he fell to the ground.


"We have to get out of here, now!" Nathan ordered, getting Dash up, as he pointed to the leaking boat.


"Ugh...thanks man. This isn't our fight," Dash said, rubbing his head, as the two began to escape the scene.


Drake was in contact with Bishop in the helicopter.


"We're containing it sir, everything is fine!" Drake said.


"It doesn't sound fine," Bishop said, overhearing the beast trying to let go.


The beast was then flung into some oil tanks, and they tipped over, as they began leaking and headed toward the tanker boat.


"Uh oh.." Drake said.


"This isn't another fiasco, isn't it," Bishop said, annoyed, through the communicator.


The helicopter let go of the ropes, as the beast roared yet again. The oil however, got to the truck, and it exploded across the dock, and Nathan and Dash saw it from the dock entrance. The OPF helicopter then began to fly away from the steam.


"So...what exactly happened again?" Dash asked, still confused from this whole incident.


"I don't know. I don't think any of us will ever know. Whatever it is, it's something we weren't meant to see.." Nathan said, as the two began to drive away from the incident in their vehicles.


"Well, I doubt he survived that explosion, sir," Drake said to Bishop on the helicopter communicator.


"Just get away from that scene, I don't want ANYONE to know we were involved," Bishop said, as the OPF helicopter flew faraway from the scene, and we heard police sirens in the distance.


The female fish from earlier was looking at the explosion, and seemed upset. A young fish came downstairs.


"Mommy, I had a dream about daddy!" the kid said, crying.


"Don't worry, your father is in a better place," she said, looking at the explosion. 


A picture of Johnson and his wife was on the wall, and hanging around it were keys saying "Johnson, T346".




In the waters outside Bikini Bottom, a shadow is seen lurking through the waters. Out of the water, the beast came up onto a buoy, revealing it survived. Half of its body seemed to be covered in burn marks, however. It then saw the same church in the distance where he (as Johnson) and his wife got married, and had a flashback of them there, but it quickly faded away. The episode then ends with him moaning in sadness.



-Character Debuts: Johnson/T346, Johnson's Wife, Johnson's Son, The Consortium (mentioned), and President of the Ocean

-Area Debuts: Kordon's Hideout, Bikini Bottom Docks, and Bikini Bottom Church (flashback only)

-Princeton (from Iron Wedge) is revived. 

-It is revealed the extra Vobi from Heart of Ice still exists.

-Kuri escaped from jail while the Undersea Force were on vacation.

-We learn about Sentient birth names.

-Kordon forms a new gang called the Crimson Dragons with Kyton, Krosis, some Red Rarks, and some Red Sentients.

-Everyone except for Nathan and Dash stay behind at the base for the mission.

-It is revealed Bishop's business trip was a trip to see the President, and that Bishop has higher-ups named The Consortium. It is also revealed many years ago that Bishop was friends with Johnson, a Navy soldier, but did something to him to make him T346.

-The President references events from Time Out!, Panic in Bikini Bottom, Bishop's Gambit, and the Exodus two-parter.

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