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Storm Racers

Jjs Goodman

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Time for not one, but TWO new episodes! The 2nd will be posted later.

18. Scrapyard Dog

We see the gang racing through a Junkyard Zone.

"Let's get that key and lock down this zone!" Nathan commanded.

"Geez, this zone smells like garbage!" Laneld complained

"That's because it IS garbage, doofus," Dash said back.

Just then, we hear a large roaring sound.

"Uh...was that a scrapyard gremlin?" Laneld asked, scared.

"Oh please, there is no such thing as a gremlin," Zelleo said. "Stop with your silly stories, Laneld."

"Alright fine, but I swear if there is a gremlin, you're going to pay!" Laneld said.

"Stop clowning around, fool," Dash said, racing up to him and ramming the Sonicwave.

"Wait a second guys...I am getting some alien animal activity," Kane said, reading his radars.

"If that is the case, get your guard up everyone," Nathan said to Laneld, Zelleo, Kane and Dash.

"Thank goodness this is a guys night out with no Nora, or she'd be a lot harsher than Dash right now," Laneld said, as Dash smirked.

Just then, they heard a huge stomping sound, coming from behind a pile of garbage.

Laneld began shivering.

"Oh, calm down you big baby," Dash said. "It's probably the Vandals pulling a prank."

"This is no Vandalator activity..Laneld may be a baby, but this could be dangerous," Kane said.

"He's right, minus the baby part," Laneld said.

Just then, a giant alien wolf of some sort appeared out of the pile, and charged at the gang. It had a bunch of steel armor on it, and it had a helmet with a flashlight.

"What the heck is that?!" Dash asked, as he zoomed away from it.

The wolf then roared and slammed down at the ground.

"Easy there, fido," Dash said to him, as it kept growling.

"I'm assuming it guards this place!" Nathan said, backing up. "Zelleo, what is this thing?"

"According to my scanner, it's a Guard Wolf. They are often used to guard certain zones, and they are extremely vicious!" Zelleo said, launching a missile at it from the Crusher, but it charged toward it, and rammed it aside into a pile of Sentient junk.

"This garbage is fascinating.." Zelleo said, examining it from the Crusher.

"Zelleo, we're in some trouble here!" Nathan said, as he tried cutting the steel off the Guard Wolf with the Splitvire.

"Sorry!" Zelleo said, as he tried to tame the Guard Wolf with his grappling hook, but the wolf tore it apart and roared again.

Just then, the Vandals appeared in their vehicles, and began attacking the Guard Wolf.

"Ugh, now we've got to deal with an angry dog and these bozos," Dash said.

"Do not worry, as believe it or not, we are saving your lives!" Argoron said, as he bashed into the Guard Wolf.

"Let's tame this hound," Straus said, firing a chain at it from the Stinger, and it growled, as he shocked the chain. The Guard Wolf then ran away, growling.

"As much as I hate saying it...thanks," Dash said. "But if you try double-crossing me again, I swear.."

"Don't push your luck kid, we have no use for ya again," Crink said, grinning.

"Why are you helping us?" Kane asked.

"You really don't know what a Guard Wolf is capable of, they are out of your league!" Natcher said.

"But that was more of friendly advice, we are really here to get the key!" Argoron said, as the four vandals raced off throughout the Junkyard Zone.

"Sigh, of course...but at least they can help us fight off the dog," Laneld said.

They then raced through the zone a bit, dodging smelting machines, and other dangerous equipment on the ground.

Laneld accidentally ran over some alien spikes with the Sonicwave, and went skidding aside, crashing into the Slashwind.

"Nice going," Dash said, getting back onto the Slashwind.

"Well, I doubt we are ever going to find the key at this rate!" Laneld whined, as he tried driving the Sonicwave again.

"Oh, calm down, we'll find it. It just takes patience and a close eye," Zelleo said.

We then heard the Guard Wolf again, and it was angrier than ever.

The gang were on the other scrap pile side of the Wolf, and it was sniffing the area.

"Guys, remain still and quiet.." Nathan whispered.

"Heh.." Laneld said,

The Guard Wolf stopped, and ran away.

"Hey...I had an idea. Let's follow it, it could lead us to the key!" Kane said.

"But we have to be stealthy," Nathan said. The others agreed, and they all closely followed the wolf.

After a while, they ended up in a beat down warehouse.

"Bah, more filthy places! This better not get the Sonicwave dirty.." Laneld said.

They drove into it, and saw scrap metal and junk everywhere. They saw the Universe Key, which was rusty and resembled junk on a huge pile of garbage, and the Guard Wolf was in front of it, sleeping.

"Okay guys, let's carefully.." Nathan began saying.

Nathan was then cut off when the Vandals stormed in.

"Oh great, and now we've got to fight them.." Kane said.

"Guys, be very quiet. You might wake up the Wolf!" Zelleo yelled.

"Wolf? HA! You may be scared of it, but we are not, as we are fierce warriors!" Argoron yelled.

The Guard Wolf heard this noise and began waking up a bit.

"Ugh, we were so close!" Laneld said, as he fired blasts at the Vandals.

"Thanks a lot, morons!" Dash yelled, as he jumped off the Slashwind and kicked Crink and Natcher off their vehicles, as they went slamming into the sides of the warehouse.

The wolf then attacked at the SharkSlammer, and it began crushing it.

"My vehicle! Sub-species, help!" Argoron demanded, as he got out of it.

"Oh, so NOW you want our help, that's hilarious, bub," Dash said to Argoron.

"Why should we help you?" Nathan asked.

"You guys must really be idiots to think we'll help you!" Laneld said.

"My vehicle is about to become dog food!" Argoron said.

"We'll help you...on one condition," Nathan said.

"What?" Argoron asked.

"We have the key," Nathan said.

"Uh..what he said!" Laneld said.

"You crack me up! NO!" Argoron said.

"Oh well, I guess your SharkSlammer will just turn into scrap metal," Nathan said, referring to the wolf stomping and tearing it apart with its teeth.

"Okay, fine.." Argoron said, annoyed.

"Sir, you can't be serious.." Straus said.

"Don't worry, I've got another surprise up my sleeve," Argoron smiled.

Dash flew up to distract the Guard Wolf, and it chased after him. Zelleo then noticed a crane. He drove over to it, and got into it.

"Okay guys, I'm about to catch this dog!" He said, as the crane slammed down on the Guard Wolf. It growled, and was trapped.

"Great going, Zelleo!" Kane yelled, as Zelleo got down from the crane.

"Alright, let's get that key and move out! I don't think it will hold him much longer!" Nathan said, as he snagged the key and escaped the warehouse.

"The faster we get out of here, the less chance the Sonicwave will get covered in filthy sludge!" Laneld said.

"Yeah yeah, you and your vehicle," Dash said.

Argoron got into the slightly wrecked SharkSlammer, but it worked. He then raced out with the others.

"Are you really letting them get away?" Crink asked as they were driving behind the Undersea Force.

"No, as I told Straus, I still have one last surprise.." Argoron smiled.

As the Undersea Force raced on, Nathan blasted the key into the air, and opened the Storm Field. Just then, a bunch of laser turrets blasted them, and trapped them in laser cages.

"Gah ha ha ha!" Argoron laughed, as he and the other Vandals appeared. "You fell right into my trap!"

"I should've known better to not trust you!" Nathan said, as he tried to escape.

"I swear, if I had a doubloon for every time we fell for one of these guys' tricks, I'd be pretty rich right now," Dash said.

"Well, we should've known better than to trust the guys who tried killing Dash three times," Zelleo said, referring to the events of Muck Zone, Driver Down, and Zone Runners.

"Yeah, I guess I'm that good," Dash said, as he tried to break open the cage. "Now let us out!"

"Nope, as we are going to storm your underwater home!" Argoron laughed.

"Uh...captain.." Natcher said, tapping on Argoron's shoulder.

"What is it now, Natch?" Argoron said, turning behind.

They then came face to face with the Guard Wolf.

"Oh my..." Argoron said, in panic.

It attacked them and crushed the turrets, destroying the laser cages.

"Thank you fido!" Dash yelled.

"Now let's get out of here!" Nathan yelled, as the Undersea Force escaped into the portal and went back home, as it closed.

"NOO!" Argoron yelled.

"Gah, could this get any worse?" Straus asked.

The Guard Wolf roared at the Vandalators.

"I shouldn't have asked.." Straus said.

"Will you accept this doggy treat?" Argoron said nervously, as he threw a spear in front of the Guard Wolf.

Unfortunately, the beast wouldn't go for it, and it began charging toward the four.

"RUN!" Crink and Natcher yelled, as their vehicles kept smashing into each other.

We see the Vandals running in their vehicles from the Guard Wolf, as it charged after them.

We then cut back to the base.

"Another job well done," Darsun said, putting the key in her tower. "That Guard Wolf must have been tough to defeat, but you prevailed."

"Yup, thanks to Zelleo's quick thinking," Nathan said. "And maybe a little help from the Vandalators...sort of."

"Sounds like Laneld was being a big crybaby," Nora smiled.

"Did Dash tell you?!" Laneld asked.

"Yup," Dash smirked.

"Oh well, let's just hope the Sonicwave didn't get dirty.." Laneld said, inspecting it.

He then inspected beneath it, and it was grimy and disgusting.

"GAH!" Laneld yelled. "This is gross, gross, GROSS!"

The exhaust from the end of the Sonicwave spat some dirt from the Junkyard Zone at Laneld's face, and he cried again, yelling to get it off.

"Sweet victory," Dash smiled, as we see him in the driver's seat of the Sonicwave.

"Nice one, Dash," Zelleo said.

"DASH! You're going to pay for this!" Laneld yelled.

"Not until you catch me first!" Dash laughed, as Laneld chased Dash through the base, and the episode ended with everyone laughing.



Area Debuts: Junkyard Zone

Character Debuts: Guard Wolf

Nora stays behind at the base.

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19. Gladiator Match

We see the episode open at the Undersea Force base in the Bikini Bottom desert, and everyone was training. We see Dash practicing with Zelleo on some kung fu moves.

"Take this, and that!" Zelleo yelled, trying to attack him, but Dash tripped Zelleo to the ground.

"Sorry man, but I'm experienced at this," Dash said, helping him get up.

"It's fine, this isn't really my forte anyways," Zelleo said.

"Man, I've always wondered how it'd be like to go against Dash in battle..and now I'm scared to find out!" Laneld said.

"Well hopefully we don't get forced to fight each other one day," Nora said, teasing Laneld.

"And when that day comes...I'll kick your butt as hard as possible," Dash said to Laneld.

"Oh boy.." Laneld said.

"Alright everyone, a Storm Field is being formed, gear up and move out!" Darsun said.

"Can I stay behind?" Kane asked.

"No fair!" Laneld cried.

"Sure, you can take a break, buddy," Nora said, and they all rolled out into the portal in the desert, and went in.

They then arrived at some Arena Zone. It was a giant circular gladiator arena of some sort, and there were Sentient statues around it. It looked very old however, as if it had not been used in ages.

"Alright guys, I don't know what to expect in this zone, so watch out!" Nathan warned, as he drove around.

"It's giving me the creeps...especially considering we were just talking about fighting.." Laneld said, who stared at Dash.

"Don't let another one of your mumbo jumbo fantasies get to ya, pal," Dash said.

"This place is weird though..there's literally nothing here. It's empty," Zelleo said, reading his scanners.

"So..where's the key?" Nathan asked to Darsun on his computer. "We can't find anything here."

"How strange...perhaps the-there-the-i-is---" Darsun tried to say, but her connection was getting interrupted by something.

"Darsun, what is it? Your connection is cutting off on my end!" Nathan yelled.

"I do-don't-kn----" Darsun tried to say, but Nathan's computer screen went static, and lost the connection.

We cut back to the base, and see Darsun trying to get in contact with them, but it was no use.

"Someone has cut my connections with them!" Darsun said.

"How odd.." Kane said, investigating the computer. "Any idea who it is?"

"I don't know...and I don't think I'll be able to find the coordinates of this Zone either, they cut all connection to it.." Darsun said.

"I hope they are okay.." Kane said, a bit worried. "I know they can make it."

We then cut back to the Arena Zone.

"My connections with Darsun are fried too!" Zelleo said. "Something...or someone, has cut outside communication."

"Me too," Laneld said.

"Me three," Dash said.

"Me four," Nora said.

"Alright, we get it. But guys, someone is here...and it isn't a Vandal," Zelleo replied.

They all began driving around the stadium cautiously.

"Welcome organics..." said a mysterious voice through the stadium.

"Who's there?" Nora asked.

"Welcome to your doom!" The voice laughed.

"Whoever you are, you better reveal yourself!" Dash yelled.

"I don't like the sounds of this.." Laneld said.

Just then, the Vandals stormed into the zone.

"Stop right there fools! The key will be ours this time!" Argoron yelled.

"Ugh, and to make things even worse, we have these morons!" Nora yelled.

"Take that back!" Natcher yelled.

"Well well well...some Vandals, eh? Then the two fractions can fight each other for the key!" The figure yelled.

"Uh...what did we just walk into?" Crink asked.

We see the mysterious figure in some control tower of some sort. There isn't a good look at him, but we see a robot hand of some sort.

"Mwa ha ha..." He laughed, as he pressed a button.

The stadium then began to separate into different sections.

"What the heck...whoever you are, stop this!" Zelleo yelled.

"Let us go!" Straus yelled.

Everyone was confused as to what was happening, and then each Vandalator and Undersea Force member was stuck in a different pit. An electric pulse then grabbed the Splitvire with Nathan inside, and he was held into some holding cell that opened from the tower.

"Hey, what's going on!?" Nathan asked.

"Due to an un-even amount, I must sit the Alpha Leader out," The voice said.

"Whoever you are, reveal yourself right now! If you don't, I swear.." Dash said.

"Save your strength fool, it's too late now," Argoron said, as he and Dash stared at each other bitterly.

The pits were as follows:

Laneld VS. Straus

Nora VS. Natcher

Zelleo VS. Crink

Dash VS. Argoron

"You will all fight each other, whether you approve or not!" The voice yelled. He then pressed a button from the tower, which made some spiky ball with lasers on it come down.

"Okay, I don't know who you are, but let my team go!" Nathan yelled from the laser cage.

"Silence Alpha Leader, let's just say this ball will increase anger in the comrades..." The voice laughed, as he pressed another switch.

The spiky ball then began to blast sonic waves at everyone, and it made them more aggressive.

"I will destroy you!" Argoron growled at Dash.

"Alright punk, let's settle this!" Dash yelled, as he zoomed up to him in the Slashwind, and began slicing off some rods of the SharkSlammer

"YOU WANNA GO!?" Nora yelled, as she encountered Natcher and began pounding on the Scalab.

"GWAH, ENOUGH!" Natcher yelled, as he tried jabbing the Grangler with the Scalab's tail.

They then all began to clash with each other, and were acting very aggressive.

Laneld launched a powerful blast at Straus, which knocked him down, but he launched a chain at the Sonicwave, and began electrocuting it, which began shocking Laneld inside the Sonicwave.

"AAAH, STOP!" Laneld yelled, as he got lose of the chain and fired another sonic wave at the Stinger, which blasted Straus aside into the wall.

Straus then got up.

"Is that the best you got?" Straus smiled, and he fired electric spears from the Stinger at the Sonicwave, and it went flipping over.

"NO!" Laneld yelled, as the aggression meters began wearing down from the spike ball.

"Hmm...interesting, it seems like I didn't give it enough juice. Perhaps I can spark more next round," the mysterious character laughed from inside his tower.

"I've had enough of you, punk, now eat this!" Dash yelled, as he jumped off the Slashwind and began beating up Argoron from inside the SharkSlammer, as he kicked him out of it and they tussled. Dash then kicked Argoron in the face, and tossed him aside into the stone wall.

"Oooh...I surrender!" Argoron yelled.

"ROAR, EAT THIS!" Crink yelled, as he went charging toward the Crusher, but Zelleo fired a grappling hook at the Chomper Slaughter, and flung him inside into the wall, damaging the vehicle and Crink went falling out of the vehicle.

"Psh, I didn't even need to be made more aggressive, and he was barely a challenge!" Zelleo laughed. "I still want to know who is behind all of this though.."

We then see Nora had slammed the remains of the Scalab to the ground, and Natcher went crawling out, crying.

"I don't know either Zell, but I'm enjoying this," Nora smiled.

The round then ended. The winners were:

1. Straus

2. Nora

3. Zelleo

4. Dash

Natcher, Laneld, Crink and Argoron all were put in the cage with Nathan by an electric pulse.

"I hate to say it, but we may have to work together.." Natcher said.

"He is right.." Argoron said, in pain from Dash's punches..

"Man, I'm glad I wasn't in your position!" Laneld laughed at Argoron.

"But we're trapped in this cage.." Nathan said. "And last time we tried to work with you guys, you left us for dog bait."

"I know, I know, but both of our sides are in a tough situation," Argoron said, looking out the holding cell.

"Time for the second round!" The voice yelled.

The next round was Nora VS Zelleo and Dash VS Straus, as the stadium was now two sides.

"Begin!" The voice yelled, and he made the spike ball shoot out more aggressive beams, making the last four more angry than before.

"Oh jeez...poor Zelleo. I hope he can survive this!" Laneld said.

"LET'S GO!" Nora yelled, as she began clashing with Zelleo.

"You think you're so tough, but you're not!" Zelleo yelled, as he fired a laser at the Grangler, and rammed it aside.

"I can take out your boss, and I can whoop you too, punk!" Dash yelled, as he clashed with the Straus.

"I don't care about my boss, I will defeat you. That coward held back his strength!" Straus yelled, as he rammed into the Slashwind, and Dash went flying out.

"Alright nerd, it's time to finish this!" Nora yelled, as she went flying up with the Grangler and slammed onto the Crusher, and she tossed it aside into the wall.

"This isn't over!" Zelleo yelled, as he fired a grappling hook from the Crusher at the Grangler, and dragged it aside, but Nora cut it loose, and she rammed the Crusher aside again. Zelleo then surrendered.

We then see the Slashwind grinding up the Stinger's parts, and Dash rammed it aside, as Straus was finished.

"That was intense...but now Nora is up against Dash. Oh jeez.." Laneld said. "I can't even imagine how that will end!"

"I'm still trying to figure out who is behind all of this.." Nathan wondered.

"For now, we must watch. There's no way out," Argoron said.

Zelleo and Straus were grabbed by an electric pulse, and put inside the holding cell.

"Zelleo, you got served!" Laneld laughed.

"I know, and it doesn't matter. There's something not right here.." Zelleo said.

"Aside from the maniac brainwashing us to fight each other?" Laneld asked.

"It's not just that, WHY is a random stranger in this abandoned zone forcing us to fight each other?" Zelleo wondered.

"Maybe he's a kung fu master, and he is trying to recruit someone?" Laneld asked.

"Bah, I just want this to get over with, so I can show whoever it is a piece of my mind!" Straus yelled.

"Time for round three!" The mysterious figure yelled.

He then grabbed another switch with his robot hand, and it made the stadium not apart anymore. Nora was now up against Dash.

"Alright punk, you think you're so good? Well I'm going to trash you up!" Nora yelled, starting up the Grangler.

"Ah, perfect aggression!" The mysterious figure said. "But it's not a duel without obstacles!"

He then pressed some buttons which made saw blades, swinging axes, and other dangerous devices attack them during their battle, as they rose from the ground.

"Throw all you want at us, but I'm going to win!" Nora yelled, but a saw blade sliced off an arm from the Grangler, as Dash went zooming up, dodging an axe flinging from the ground, and slammed right into the front of the Grangler, as it went smashing to the ground.

Nora couldn't move it, and she was done for.

"NOO!" Nora yelled.

"That's right punks, none of you will beat me!" Dash yelled. "I got all the skills against you losers!"

"Interesting how aggressive this one is.." The figure laughed. "Let's try something different."

The ball thing then grabbed Laneld, Dash, Nora, Nathan and Zelleo, and put them into the arena.

"What's going on now..?" Laneld asked. "This is just getting ridiculous."

"Let's see how the Alpha Leader fares against...HIS OWN TEAM!" The figure laughed. He made Laneld, Dash, Nora and Zelleo very aggressive, and had repaired their vehicles.

"But you know what..? I should be leader!" Laneld said, as he launched many blasts at Nathan, and they all hit him, making him go flying aside.

"Guys, stop!" Nathan yelled, dodging Nora trying to slam him.

"I should feel bad...but watching him against his own team is hilarious!" Natcher laughed from the holding cell.

"Now that you mention it.." The figure said, hearing Natcher.

The ball then grabbed the Vandalators, and put them in the arena too.

"Nice going, Natchie..." Crink said, as he rammed into the Scalab.

The figure then flipped a switch which made the ball shoot out aggression beams at the Vandalators, and they began fighting Argoron.

"You fools will NEVER take me down!" Argoron yelled, as he fought his own team, and the Undersea Force began clashing with them.

"We'll take him down, and then we take that Nathan punk down!" Nora yelled, as she tossed Straus aside.

Zelleo then nearly ran Laneld over with the Crusher, and he fired sonic blasts at him.

"I will take over both leaders!" Laneld yelled, firing blasts at Natcher and Crink, and both of them clashed together.

"You punk, you aren't stronger than ME!" Crink yelled, but then Natcher shot the Scalab's tail at the Chomper Slaughter, and tossed it aside into the wall, knocking out Crink.

"Now, I will finally overthrow that pathetic leader!" Natcher yelled, as he clashed with Argoron.

Dash then tried to slice open the Splitvire.

"Okay guys, stop! Don't you recognize me?!" Nathan said, as he rammed aside Nora.

"Yeah, I see a punk whose about to go down!" Dash said, as Nathan zoomed off with the Splitvire, making Dash go flying off.

"Interesting...the Alpha Leader is able to resist the aggression and pain, but the Vandalator leader just goes with it. How mind-boggling!" The figure said again.

"I need to destroy that ball, it's making them aggressive," Nathan said, as he tried to dodge their attacks.

Laneld launched a sonic blast at Nathan, and he deflected it at the ball, and the fighting slowed down.

"NOO!" The figure yelled.

"What the...?" Argoron asked, as Natcher had jabbed the Scalab tail through the SharkSlammer.

"Uh...I can explain!" Natcher said.

"What the...why was I attacking Nathan?" Zelleo asked. "I bet this is that psycho's doing!"

"Huh..what's going on?" Dash asked, as he stopped attacking.

"Let's just say Dr. Whackjob made you all fight each other, now let's finish off that ball!" Nathan yelled.

"I can help!" Zelleo said, as he made a ramp with the Crusher.

"Dash, do your thing!" Nora yelled. "I want to put an end to this nonsense!"

Dash flew up on the ramp, and tried to slice open the ball. However, it fired lasers at him.

"I always come prepared!" The figure laughed.

Dash deflected one of the lasers back at the ball, destroying it, and one at the tower.

"Take that, punk! I don't care if I won the battle, I don't want to win one controlled by an evil psycho!" Dash yelled, flying down with the Slashwind.

"NOOOOOO!" The figure yelled as the room he was in began to steam up and explode. Electric sparks and plugs blew up everywhere in it, and one caught into his face, and we see it began sparking, but his face was still shadowed.

"GAHH, you fools will pay for this!" The figure yelled.

"Looks like his tower is close to collapsing.." Zelleo said, noticing the cracking rocks and sparking from atop the tower.

As soon as Zelleo said that, the tower began collapsing down.

"MOVE OUT!" Nathan said, and all the vehicles began spreading out, away from the tower.

"I'm getting out of here!" Argoron yelled. "Key or no key!"

"That's for the best!" Straus yelled.

"It's too bad I lost to Nacthie!" Crink yelled, ramming into the Scalab.

"Oh shut up!" Natcher yelled, and the Vandalators escaped through a portal.

The tower then collapsed to the arena ground.

"That was a close one!" Laneld yelled. "Where's the key though?"

We see the key come out of the control room from the broken glass, and Nathan grabbed it.

"I'm not done yet...first I want to give this psycho a piece of my mind!" Nathan yelled. He cracked open the glass window of the tower to find..

"What the....it can't be.." Zelleo said, as they all stared at it.

"GWAAHA!" The figure yelled, and out of the rubble appeared to be....a Red Rark?

"Red...I thought they were blue..?" Laneld asked, slightly nervous.

It looked really weird though. It had no legs, and it had a bunch of tools on its shoulder, and a huge red eyed goggle on his right eye. He had a bunch of cut off tubes attached to his back, destroyed from the inpact.

"What does this mean..?" Nora asked.

"Whatever it means, Cymtrax is definitely up to something...or someone else is.." Dash said.

"But who?" Nathan asked.

"Y-you'll n-n-never know.." The Red Rark said, as he began sparking. "My g-g-g-g-goal was to find an ul-ul-ultimate cha-champion for t-t-them.."

"Wait a minute..have others been here?" Nora asked.

"Y-you are the first sentient fish to enter in this-this zone, the othe-others were Rark, Vandals, or other aliens, but they-they all es-caped. Th-th-tis time t-ho-though, Y-YOU w-won't!" It yelled.

"Wait...who is them?" Nathan asked. "What is your name?"

"Will this mumbo jumbo make any sense?" Dash asked.

"M-mmy nam-nam-name i-is Axos-90..But yo-you'll never know who "they" a-are....and when you find out...it will be too l-l-late.." Axos said, pressing a button on his arm, which began to make the Arena Zone shake and we saw an explosion from the center.

His red energy inside of him then turned off, and he collapsed to the ground out cold.

"Guys, let's move out!" Nathan yelled, as he used to key to make a portal appear. They all quickly fled, as the zone was destroyed behind them, with the pillars falling everywhere, and the ground shaking.

They were back at the base all safe, and reported their findings to Darsun.

"A Red Rark?" Darsun asked, slightly surprised. "I'm glad you guys are okay though, we were worried after the connections were cut."

"I guess Cymtrax is really upgrading his Rark," Kane said.

"No...this Rark was from an even greater force, higher than the Rark and Vandals combined.." Darsun said. "I can tell you that much."

"Yeah, Axos' technology was way behind Vandals or normal Rark's," Zelleo said.

"Well, whatever happens, we'll be ready." Nathan said.

Darsun was about to say something, but didn't.

"Something wrong?" Nathan asked.

"Nothing.." Darsun said.

"Well whatever it is, I'll be ready to kick their butts!" Dash yelled.

"Sure thing, "kung fu master", ha!" Laneld laughed, but Dash then picked him up and slammed him to the ground.

"Oww, oww, stop!" Laneld pleaded. "I hope you still aren't being controlled by that ball!"

"I'm not, it's just fun messing with ya," Dash laughed, as the episode ended with everyone else laughing, though still concerned over Axos-90.



Area Debuts: Arena Zone

Character Debuts: Axos-90

First time we see a Red Rark.

Kane stays behind at the base.

These were the rounds:

Round 1:

Laneld vs Straus (Winner: Straus)

Nora vs Natcher (Winner: Nora)

Zelleo vs Crink (Winner: Zelleo)

Dash vs Argoron (Winner: Dash)

Round 2:

Dash vs Straus (Winner: Dash)

Nora vs Zelleo (Winner: Nora)

Round 3:

Nora vs Dash (Winner: Dash)

Round 4:

Everyone against each other (Winner: Nobody, as the ball was destroyed)

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20. Dark Fields

We see Nathan enter into Darsun's room in the base late at night, while the others are sleeping.

"Hey, how is the investigation coming with that diary we found?" Nathan asked.

"So far, I've only managed to make out three pages. One just mentions some disaster, the other says something regarding Senato, and the other talks about the Rark." Darsun explained. "It's really hard to read."

"Any idea on who write it?" Nathan asked.

"So far, I've concluded the person's name is Dr. Skylander." Darsun replied.

"Does that name ring a bell to you?" Nathan asked.

"Believe it or not, no....strange," Darsun said. "I assume he was some scientist I never heard of."

"You know, that reminds me...what was Senato like before the Vandals and Rark took over?" Nathan asked.

"I'm afraid my memory has been very fuzzy...but I'll try to explain." Darsun said.

"Yeah, I've been wondering, it seems like you didn't explain everything to us," Nathan said.

"After the destruction of the Blue Sentients...my memory became warry," Darsun explained. "I'm sorry for not explaining everything to you at times. I do not want it to undermine your missions and training. Now then.."

The screen faded, and we see an older version of Senato.

"Senato was once the center of life, if you could say at the least. It was the power of the my galaxy, and consisted of the most powerful beings. All the zones were once formed on Senato!" Darsun explained.

"What caused them to separate?" Nathan asked, shocked.

"The Rark of course.." She said. 

We then see a flashback. The Rark begin to storm towns, along with the Vandals.

"Both were becoming huge threats, but it was the Rark that hit the nail on the coffin," she said. "One day, Cymtrax destroyed the power source that held Senato together. The entire planet came apart at the scenes."

We see young blue sentients panicking, and them being wiped out by an explosion.

"Dang...I didn't know it was that serious," Nathan said, feeling sorrow.

"When Cymtrax destroyed the power source, the zones were all separated and blasted into different areas across the universe, now creating the current zones you have seen. From there, Senato was split into two sides: the Vandal side, which is the jungles, and the Rark side, technology lands." Darsun explained.

"Didn't you say you managed to take out the Rark?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, until someone rebuilt them. I managed to activate a bomb, that disabled the entire Rark population. They were then blasted into the galaxy on a spacecraft, and I hoped that would be the end of them, until they landed in Bikini Bottom, and someone found them and rebuilt them." She said, as we see her disabling the Rark in a flashback.

"So, what made you come to Earth?" Nathan then asked.

"Well, I was being hunted down by the Vandals, and was the only survivor of the blue sentients. I found an old space craft, and escaped to it, and it just led me to Earth." She said.

"I see. I really feel bad you don't have a family anymore.." Nathan said.

"Well, I have you guys, and that's the closest thing I'll get to one I suppose." She said.

"Say, could there be any Blue Sentient artifacts laying around in the zones?" Nathan asked.

"I actually never thought of that...when one comes up, you should investigate! Brilliant idea!" She said.

Just then, we heard the alarm sound.

"Storm Field detected!"

Nathan then turned it off.

"Don't want to awake the others, let's do this mission together!" Nathan said.

"Sure, I'll come in the Splitvire," Darsun said.

Nathan drove out, and into the Storm Field. They arrived in some Crystal Zone.

"Hm, no Rark or Vandals for once?" Nathan asked.

"I suppose they are all sleeping," Darsun said.

Nathan drove through the cavern a bit.

"Wow, what beautiful gems.." Darsun said. "This reminds me of the Quartz Cavern on Senato."

"Hey...what if this IS the Quartz Cavern?" Nathan asked. "You said Senato was divided."

"Once again, you may be right! The markings do resemble the Quartz Cavern." Darsun said.

"Hey, what is that over there?" Nathan asked, driving up to a giant blue gem.

"Wow, this IS the Quartz Cavern! That gem..I remember it." Darsun said, we see a flashback of her with her friends playing in the cavern.

"Heh, don't trip over the crystals!" said a younger blue sentient.

"We must obtain it! It could be valuable!" Darsun said.

Nathan began to saw the blue gem out of the rocks, but just then, we see the crystals start floating up in the air. They then formed two giant crystal monsters!

"Ah yes, the Crystalloxes!" Darsun said. "Quite friendly to the kids."

"I don't think they're friendly to us.." Nathan said, as one growled at them.

"Yeah, I think it's because we are stealing the gem.." Darsun said. "DRIVE!"

Nathan drove as fast as he could, dodging the giants.

"You could have warned me of this beforehand!" Nathan yelled, as he dodged them. He fired a laser at one, and it collapsed, but reformed itself.

"Well, I told you my memory would be fuzzy!" Darsun said.

"Wait...I think I know where the key is!" Nathan said. He sliced the gem open to find the key.

"Wow, you are packed full of ideas today! Now get out of here before we get stepped on!" Darsun said.

Nathan blasted the key open, and escaped before one of the giants crushed them.

They disappeared, and the giants were confused.

Back at the base, we see the blue gem on the table, and Nathan putting the key in the tower.

"Wow, thank you Nathan! This is one of the few surviving Blue Sentient artifacts, judging from the writing on it." Darsun said.

"Does this mean more are out there?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, don't hesitate to look! Finding more could unravel more about the past!" Darsun said.

"Well, I'll tell you what it is past, midnight! I need some sleep!" Nathan said, going into his room.

"Oh Nathan.." Darsun said. 


We then see the other gang members confront Nathan outside his room.


"There you are, where have you been?" Nora asked, very tired.


"I was out helping Darsun with some things," Nathan said. "Let's just say we have some new objects to look for."


"Oh great, and I just got over constantly collecting keys!" Laneld whined.


"Yeah yeah, now go back to bed," Dash said, pushing Laneld.


"Ouch!" Laneld yelled.


"What objects?" Zelleo asked.


"Blue Sentient artifacts," Nathan replied.


"Interesting, I'll look more into them tomorrow...for now, I have to hit the hay," Zelleo said, heading into his room.


"Same here," Kane said, and they all went to sleep in their rooms.


Before the episode ends though, we see Darsun in her room on a chair, thinking about something.


"Thank you Nathan...but it's a shame they all do not know the truth. If only they were ready to know.." Darsun sighed, and the episode ended.


Area Debuts: Crystal Zone/Quartz Cavern
Character Debuts: Dr. Skylander (mentioned), and Crystalloxes
Blue Sentient Artifact: Blue Gem

First time Darsun goes on a mission.

We learn a bit more about Senato's past.
The team begins to look for Blue Sentient artifacts.

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21. The Duelist

We see the gang racing through the jungles on Senato.

"Alright gang, a Blue Sentient artifact is nearby in this area! Let's find it!" Nathan commanded.

"Where do you think it is?" Nora asked.

"My scanner is saying...near the Vandal village?" Zelleo said, confused.

"Well, one could be buried somewhere..or one of the Vandals has it," Kane said.

"I hope not, I can't stand them," Dash said.

In the village...

We see Argoron dueling some Squid Vandalator. There were tons of Vandals gathered around in a circle watching it.

"TAKE THIS SQUIDSTRICTOR!" Argoron yelled, attacking him.

Squidstrictor attacked him with an ink cloud.

Nathan told everyone to stop, as they watched from the bushes.

"Whoa...what's going on?" Nora asked.

"It looks like some sort of duel," Kane said.

"A pathetic duel, at that," Dash added.

We see Argoron pull out his sword, and attack Squidstrictor. But Squidstrictor pulled out a fancy blue glowing sword, and attacked!

"My scanners are going crazy...I think it's an artifact!" Zelleo said.

"But how would a Vandal have a Blue Sentient artifact?" Dash asked.

"I don't know, but I think we may find out.." Nora said.

Squidstrictor managed to defeat Argoron, and he fell to the ground. He then took Argoron's sword.

"No...Fangis.." Argoron said, about his sword.

"It's mine now. You know the rules, pal." Squidstrictor said. "If you lose a duel, your weapon is taken away!"

"It can't be...Argoron lost?" A Crab Vandal said.

"Boss, no!" Natcher cried.

"I guess the mighty have their weaknesses," an Anglerfish Vandal said.

"Yes, your mighty leader can't even beat the last of the Squid Tribe!" Squidstrictor laughed.

Squidstrictor then walked away, laughing, with all the swords in his backpack.

Nathan drove over to Argoron. The Vandals began to attack.

"STOP!" Argoron shouted.

"Why boss?" Natcher asked.

"Perhaps the sub-species have some advice for us.." Argoron said, in tears.

"Oh grow up you big baby! It's just a sword!" Nora said.

"IT IS NOT A SWORD! IT IS MY PRIZED POSSESSION!" Argoron said, attacking her.

"Someone's got a temper," Dash said, pushing him off.

"Ironic, but thanks," Nora said.

"Eh, someone had to say it," Dash said.

"Slow down there pal. We just wanted to help you get it back.." Nathan said.

"Really?" Argoron said, cheering up.

"Yes, we really feel bad. And that friend of yours has a Blue Sentient artifact that we were looking for." Nathan said.

"Oh? Well, Squidstrictor is no friend of mine...he is a duelist who is infamous for taking others' weapons away in combat. He is also the only sole survivor of the deceased Squid Tribe," Argoron said.

"So, he's an endangered species?" Zelleo asked.

"I guess you could say that," Straus said.

"And his tribe's gonna be extinct if he messes with me," Dash said.

"Well, I know what it is like to have something taken from you," Nathan said.

He then had a flashback of his dad.

"Are you sure? Who knows what could be inside of that storm thing.." Nathan's mom said.

"I know what I must do," Nathan's dad replied. He drove out onto the road.

"Will he be back, mommy?" Young Nathan asked.

"I don't know.." Nathan's mom said.

The flashback ended.

"Let's go," Nathan said.

"Well, we could track the scent of his ink," Zelleo said.

"I'll come along with you! Don't mess this up!" Argoron said. Straus, Natcher, and Crink joined along.

They searched around the jungle.

"Ugh, we'll NEVER find him!" Nora panicked. "Especially with how long it takes you guys to catch up!"

"Well, sorry missy!" Straus said.

They then saw Squidstrictor eating some grapefruits from a tree.

"Ah, delicious.." Squidstrictor said.

"Let's carefully sneak up on him.." Nathan said.

Crink then slammed his horn very loudly.

"CAREFULLY!" They all yelled.

Squidstrictor turned around, got scared, and fled.

"Great, now we have to search..again." Argoron said.

"Sorry boss!" Crink said, and Natcher began attacking him.

"Oh you buffoon, you let him get away!" Natcher yelled, as they got into another child fight.

"Enough you two, your games are getting tiresome," Straus said, breaking them up.

"I hate to say it, but he's right," Dash said.

"Wait..he left some ink behind from getting scared! Let's follow the ink trail!" Zelleo said.

Nathan then had another flashback.

"Where are they taking him?" Young Nathan asked.

We see his dad with two men in suits, and they were going into the portal..a storm field?

"Farewell my wife and child...I will return one day." Nathan's dad said, going into the portal with his truck, and vanishing.

The flashback ended.

The gang was still racing through the jungles, when they saw Squidstrictor again, this time taking a nap behind a tree.

Argoron carefully snuck behind Squidstrictor.

"Shh.." Nathan said.

Argoron grabbed both Fangis, and the Blue Sentient sword, and made a run for it.

"I GOT THEM!" Argoron screamed, very loudly.

"Ugh, why do I even bother.." Nathan said, facepalming.

"Yeah, he isn't the brightest.." Dash said.

"None of them are the brightest," Nora sighed.

Squidstrictor awoke. "WHO'S THERE?! THIEVES!"

Squidstrictor pulled out four swords from his bag, and put them in his four tentacles.

"Argoron...let's have a rematch." Squidstrictor said.

"Yes, if I win, I get all of your swords. If I lose, you get these swords...and the Vandal leader position." Argoron said.

"Boss..don't.." Straus said.

"I must." Argoron said.

"Sir, please, don't hurt yourself!" Natcher said.

"Begin the duel!" Crink yelled.

Argoron gashed his sword at out Squidstrictor, and Squidstrictor used his 4 swords to make a fast attack, but Argoron blocked with Fangis.

"Go boss!" Natcher said.

Squidstrictor then did a dance, and attacked very fast, Argoron was getting confused.

Argoron, however, then dodged slowly, noticing each movements.

"Very clever, but take this!" Argoron said, kicking him.

"Gahah!" Squidstrictor yelled, as he lost two of his swords.

Argoron then sliced his backpack off, and kicked him to the ground.

"Aye..." Squidstrictor said.

"Argoron wins!" Crink said.

"Well..you won fair and square," Squidstrictor said, letting him take the bag, and Squidstrictor kept his only sword.

"Thank you Undersea Force...I can't believe I am saying that.." Argoron said, putting on the backpack.

"But...I will return! YOU'LL SEE!" Squidstrictor said, vanishing in a cloud of ink.

"Gee, someone's dramatic," Nora said.

"What will you do with the swords?" Nathan asked.

"Return them to their rightful owners." Argoron said, throwing the artifact sword at them.

"Thanks. I wonder how he obtained this though.." Nathan said.

"He probably found it on the dead grounds of the empire," Kane said.

"Well Argoron, I'm proud...maybe Vandals can be nice after all." Nora laughed.

Just then, Natcher sprung a net at the Undersea Force.

"HA! Did you think I was going to be that nice?" Argoron laughed. "OFF TO THE HOME, BOYS!"

They all drove away.

"Ah, that's the Argoron I know and love," Nathan said.

"That's the Vandalator scum I know and hate," Dash said, trying to get out of the tangled net.

They all laughed as the screen faded.


Character Debuts: Squidstrictor, Nathan's Mom, Nathan's Dad, two mysterious men

Blue Sentient Artifact: Sword

First mention of Nathan's parents.

Not counting the 2-parter pilot, this is the first episode without a zone.

We learn Argoron's sword is called Fangis.

Laneld stays behind at the base.

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22. Artifact Intelligence

We see Plankton outside the Chum Bucket, digging around.

"What are you looking for?" Karen asked.

"Treasure that will make me rich!" Plankton said, using a metal detector.

"Honnie, get inside, it's starting to rain, and I heard reports for lightning," Karen said, pulling up an umbrella.

"No rain will stop me!" Plankton said.

We then see the Undersea Force racing down the highway, it was a heated match between Laneld and Nathan.

"I'll beat you!" Nathan said, heading toward the Chum Bucket.

"I hit the jackpot!" Plankton said, reading a powerful energy source.

He then dug up a blue orb of some sort.

"What the..?" Plankton asked, confused.

Just then, the orb had attracted a lightning spark, and it hit the orb, which bounced at Plankton.

"GWAAAH!" Plankton yelled, falling to the ground. Laneld and Nathan stopped when they saw him.

"Are you okay little pal?" Laneld asked, picking him up. Plankton was knocked out.

"Hey look...a Blue Sentient orb of some sort," Nathan said, picking it up. "I guess this little dude found it and the orb attracted the lightning, let's get him back to the base."

We then see Plankton in a bed in the base.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? We don't want him knowing about us," Nora said.

"That doesn't mean he needs our help," Nathan said. "Is he okay?"

"Yes, and don't worry, I can erase his memory with a little old Blue Sentient tool," Darsun said. "His memory, however, is just very buzzed with info..I presume from that Blue Sentient Data-Orb you found."

"A what now?" Nathan asked.

"Blue Sentient Data-Orbs contain old files from our civilization, they were scattered across the galaxy, along with the other artifacts. You just found one of hundreds," Darsun said.

"Wow, and I guess one landed in the sea," Nathan said.

"That explains how he found it. I fear on what will happen though, as they contain powerful information. It could be too much for his mind," Darsun said.

"DATA PROCESSING.." Plankton said, waking up.

"Uh guys.." Zelleo said.

"Stay calm," Darsun said.

"ARTIFACT FOUND, ZONE 397, IN 50 YARDS EAST.." Plankton said.

"Keep that remembered, he apparently is saying coordinates for a zone with an artifact in it," Darsun said. She entered it into the computer.

"Hmm, it seems to be an Ancient Ruins Zone," Darsun said. "I can program a key with the coordinates, since we have them," Darsun said, making a key.

"Wow, that was easier than I expected," Dash said, grabbing the key.

"Take me with you," Plankton said. "I can find the artifact with you, comrades."

"Okay, this is freaky. Who exactly are you?" Nora asked.

"Sheldon J. Plankton, and I have been given the memory of a Blue Sentient, repeating the info of an artifact file," Plankton explained. His eye was suddenly blue.

"That name rings a bell, and this is all weird, but we have no time for this, let's move!" Nathan said.

"What vehicle will he take though?" Nora asked.

Plankton then said he'd hop a ride with Nathan.

"Just wondering, but does he have control or the orb?" Nathan asked.

"Well, it's tough to say - he knows his life, but it is being overwritten by the Blue Sentient data to say at the least. You see, years ago, I suppose a Blue Sentient found an artifact in a cave in this zone, and they registered the data in this orb, which Plankton found," Darsun said.

"I see, so he technically has this dude's memory?" Nathan asked.

"In a way, yes," Darsun said.

"Anyways, I'll stay behind," Zelleo said.

Nathan (with Plankton), Dash, Nora, Kane and Laneld went out into the Storm Field, opening it with the key; they appeared in the ruin zone.

"Alright Plankton, you're going to be a temporary member of our force for now, okay?" Nathan said.

"Yes, master," Plankton said.

They were in the ruin zone, and came across some weird pillars.


"Strange...the writing on these is very mysterious," Kane said, analyzing them.

Just then, the Rark stormed into the Zone.

"It's been a while organics, but surrender the key to us!" Cymtrax said.

"Except, we have the key! It's what we used to get in here!" Nathan taunted.

"Well then, I guess we'll take it FROM YOU!" Cymtrax said in anger. "ATTACK!"

They dodged the Rarks, and Dash sliced them in half.


"It's been a while since I've sliced some of you bozos in half, I've been getting tired of the same old Vandal scum," Dash said, as he sliced off a part of the Axdrill.


"Get away!" Krumb yelled, trying to drill at the Slashwind, but it dodged.

Krumb then attacked Nathan, and he got slammed into a pillar.

"Okay Plankton, you know where the artifact is, and now is a good time to remember!" Nathan said.

Just then, Plankton was struggling with his conscious.

"I don't know fool!" Plankton's other side said. "And I remember those robots, worthless piles of trash!"

Plankton was in a struggle for control of himself back, but then his Blue Sentient side touched the pillar, and found a secret switch. He pressed it, and the pillar lit up.

"What's going on!?" Cymtrax asked.

"Good question.." Laneld said.

Just then, we see two pillars make a portal appear.

"What the heck is that?" Dash asked.

"They found the gateway to the artifact it seems," Darsun said.

"Hey, so I was researching things on the computer, and you may want to take a look at this.." Zelleo said. Darsun gasped when she saw it.

"The artifact lies beyond that gate!" Plankton said.

"That is crazy enough to get us killed!" Laneld said.

"Well, he knows where it is, so go!" Nathan said, driving into the portal.

"Follow the leader," Dash said, and the others entered in.

They then came into some ancient pathway, and we saw a gate at the end, with two Blue Sentient statues.

They drove to the end, while the Rark entered in.

"Not so fast! Whatever is behind that gate is ours, along with that key!" Cymtrax laughed. The Rark attacked, and Nora blasted them off the bridge.

Nathan drove Plankton to the gate.

"I remember now..I had to assemble these pipelines around the gate for it to open," Plankton said, levitating one with his powers, and put it in place.

"Keep going, we don't have much more time, the Rark are gaining on us!" Nathan said.

Plankton kept assembling, when suddenly, we heard Nora was on the edge of the bridge, tussling with Krumb.

"HELP!" She cried. Krumb was about to push her off.

"I want to find it...but...-" Just then, Plankton got his control back.

"OKAY!" Plankton shouted.

"Huh?" Everyone turned at Plankton.

"I ADMIT, I rebuilt the robots! I did it at first to steal the Krabby Patty formula, but then they got out of control when I saw their true intentions. I knew I was being controlled by the data orb the whole time, and was trying to gain conscious back," Plankton confessed.

"Wow, but we can't change the past," Nathan said.

"You're not mad?" Plankton said.

"It was an honest mistake," Nora said, "but I kinda need some help!"

"You know what, forget the artifact thing," Plankton said. "Save her!"

Nathan did so, and rammed Krumb out of the path.

"Gate opening failed -- self-destruction mode activated," a voice said.

"You didn't tell us THAT!" Laneld panicked.

"Well, it's not my fault I got control back at an unfortunate time!" Plankton said.

"Okay, forget the artifact, let's save our lives!" Nathan said, as they all drove out of the collapsing pathway.

"NOO!" Cymtrax yelled as he drived to get to the portal, but it closed, and the path exploded.

We then cut back to the base.

"Well guys, I'm sorry for rebuilding them, I didn't know," Plankton said. "And I guess you guys know my true intentions as well."

"Yeah, I found it on the computer," Zelleo said.

"Go ahead and step on me, I deserve it." Plankton said.

"No, you were helpful, even if it wasn't you in control," Darsun said. "Speaking of which, your Blue Sentient side has one last thing to say it seems."

Just then, Plankton's Sentient side controlled him again. He got back up.

"They...are...coming..!" Plankton uttered, and collapses; his blue eye faded away.

"Alright then, that was weird," Nora said.

"What does it mean?" Zelleo asked.

"I don't know, but I feel better now," Plankton said.

"Now your memory is fine," Darsun said.

"But anyways, despite your criminal record, you were indeed helpful," Nathan said.

"Thanks guys," Plankton said.

"No problem, and you weren't the bad guy. But we'll still have to wipe your memory of us." Nathan said.

Plankton was put into a chair, and his memory was wiped. He was then teleported back to the Chum Bucket. We see Plankton inside there, and Karen was in front of him.


"Man..I just had the weirdest dream," Plankton said.


"Get some rest, honey," Karen said, and Plankton went to bed.


"I'll miss him," Laneld said, back at the base.

"Laneld..you do realize he is an evil mastermind right?" Nora said.

"Oh..." Laneld said. "Well I'll miss him helping us!"


"Yeah yeah," Dash said, punching Laneld in the shoulder.

"But, every villain has shades of gray in some way," Nathan said, as the episode ended.


Area Debuts: Ancient Ruin Zone (along with the ancient pathway)
Character Debuts: Unnamed Blue Sentient (in control of Plankton)
Artifacts: Blue Sentient Data-Orb, Unknown Artifact (never obtained)
First appearance of Plankton since Episode 6.
Plankton is a temporary member of the Undersea Force for this episode, but later has his memory wiped.
We learn about Data-Orbs.
Zelleo stays behind at the base.

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23. Time Out!


We see the Undersea Force racing through a Crater Zone.


"Hmm...my sensors are detecting powerful meteorites, watch out!" Zelleo said, as he dodged one, smashing into the surface.


Another one was aimed at him, and he used the Crusher to launch a missile at it, destroying it.


"I see the key!" Nathan yelled. The key was on top of a pillar in the center of the crater. However, the Vandals appeared.


"Oh COME on, do you guys ever take a break?" Dash yelled, flying up to get the key.


"The Vandals are fierce warriors, we never back down!" Argoron yelled, shooting spears at them.


"I also have a special device to spice up the fun!" Natcher laughed.


"Sure thing, crabby!" Laneld said, launching a sonic wave at him.


Dash then snagged the key, and opened up a Storm Field to Earth.


Natcher laughed. His machine launched a beam at the field, which froze it, and it turned green.


"What the heck is going on?" Dash asked, as the five turned around to see a frozen field.


"Looks like one of Natcher's weird devices again!" Nathan said.


Just then, the Vandals stormed through the portal, except for Natcher.


"Natcher, stay there, and don't let the beam wear out! We need that portal to stay open!" Argoron commanded to him through a communicator.


"Yes sir!" Natcher said, standing on the machine.


"Not only did they freeze the portal...they froze EVERYTHING!" Nora said, referring to some frozen clams in the sky.


"And now I'LL take that key!" Argoron yelled, smashing his fin into the surface.


Straus and Crink ganged up on Dash, and pushed his bike over the cliff; they grabbed the key.


Dash then got pushed off the cliff.


"Guys, a little HELP!" Dash yelled.


"Well, I'm not that blind!" Laneld said, racing down; Dash landed on the Sonicwave safely.


"Thanks, knucklehead," Dash said to Laneld.


Argoron laughed, and retreated back into the Crater Zone with the others.


"We have to stop them!" Nathan said.


Back in the Crater Zone, Argoron laughed.


"I got the key! My plan is working fine! Step 2...now to go back to Senato, freeze the portal there, and get all the vandals to storm Earth!" Argoron laughed.


"It's working fine!" Natcher laughed.


"Crink, guard the machine, we don't want those fools ruining it. Straus, come with me," Argoron said, as him and Straus opened up a portal to Senato with the key.


"Now!" Argoron commanded to Natcher through the communicator.


Natcher made the machine blast another beam through the portal, and it froze that one too.


"You better hurry up with your crew boss, this machine won't handle two beams," Natcher informed.


Then, a flock of Vandals came in. They were all cheering.


"Tonight brothers, we invade EARTH!" Argoron yelled; they all cheered.


"But, what will we raid?" a crab vandal asked.


"Anglers and Crabs will storm the Undersea Force's base. Stingrays and Sharks, storm the towns." Argoron commanded; they all cheered. "Your respective leaders will guide you, except for Natcher, as he is controlling the machine. Crink will guide the Anglers and Crabs, me the sharks, and Straus the stingrays. Any questions?"


"What about MEEE!?" Someone asked; it was Squidstrictor, standing alone. "I'm the only one left of the Squid tribe after all, since the others are extinct."


"Ugh, umm....well, you can help guard Natcher's machine," Agoron said.


"Fair enough...for now," Squidstrictor said.


"Now...STORM THE PORTAL!" Argoron commanded; they all went into it.


"That's a lot of Vandals.." Laneld said, scared.


"It's an invasion! Red alert!" Nathan warned everyone. They tried to fight off the storming Vandals.


"There's too many, and don't let them get into the base or Bikini Bottom!" Nora said.


"Very true, but how will we defeat them all?" Dash asked.


We then see Darsun and Kane in the base.


"Well, this isn't good..." Darsun said. "Kane, grab the Bolt Blaster, and I'll get the Vobi."


The two stormed out, to help them fight off the Vandals.


Darsun launched a missile at a cliff, and it caused the path to be blocked off due to rocks.


"This should help slow them down!" Darsun said. "And yes, I am aware Bikini Bottom has been frozen."


"Thank goodness you're here!" Laneld said, fending off two crabs.


"Alright, Dash and I will go into the zone to try and stop that machine," Nathan said.


"Yes sir!" Dash said, they both tried to get up to the portal.


"We'll help clear the path for you!" Nora said. She smashed some Vandals into a nearby pit.


"Good idea Nora!" Darsun said, she smashed some more into the pit.


Nathan and Dash managed to sneak into the frozen Storm Field, and went into the Crater Zone; the two hid behind a pillar.


"Watch out Dash, there's tons of grunts scouting the area in their vehicles," Nathan said.


"Well, no duh, but alright," Dash said.


"Ugh..Squidstrictor, let's hope we don't get in a fight with him," Nathan said, seeing him in front of the Scalab.


The two snuck by, and hid behind another pillar.


Back to where the others were, we see a lot of Vandals in the pit.


Just then, Crink, some crabs and some anglers, managed to blow down the rocks blocking the path.


"STORM THE CITY!" Argoron commanded, the remaining Vandals drove through the desert.


"Oh no, this isn't good! We can't have them get to the base!" Darsun said. "Stop them at all costs!"


The Undersea Force stormed to their base, and made sure they didn't get to it.


"Luckily, they didn't see the base. The bad news is, they are headed to Bikini Bottom!" Kane panicked.


"Oh no..they could hurt the citizens!" Zelleo said.


"Everyone, except for us, was frozen here too," Darsun explained.


"Wow, the Vandals are getting better with their devices," Kane said.


"This is no time for compliments, we have to stop them!" Laneld said.


Some of the Vandals had stormed the Krusty Krab, and ate all of the food.


"Delicious...but where is their base?" Straus asked, as he saw a frozen Mr. Krabs yelling at a frozen SpongeBob.


We see some stingray Vandals throwing food in the frozen customers' faces.


"Heh he!" They laughed.


"This isn't the time for pranks!" Straus said; they moved out.


Back in the Crater Zone, Nathan and Dash were almost at the machine, when an angler Vandal caught them.


"INTRUDERS!" it yelled.


"Oh no.." Dash said.


Meanwhile, in the desert..


"Okay guys, we'll have three teams: Team A is Nathan and Dash, and they are in the Crater Zone, Team B is Nora and Laneld, they'll be investigating Bikini Bottom, and Team C is Zelleo and Kane, you guys stay with me," Darsun said. "This is a critical operation, and the sea is in danger."


"Ugh..I have to get stuck with her," Laneld muttered.


"What was that?" Nora said, as she rammed against the Sonicwave.


"Nothing!" Laneld panicked.


We then cut back to Nathan and Dash in the Crater Zone.


"Well then, you two thought you could sneak up on us, eh?" Squidstrictor laughed. "It's time to DUEL!"


"No thanks," Nathan said.


"I'll try to find a way to stall that punk," Dash said.


"Alright, and I'll deliver a little surprise," Nathan said, getting out a time-bomb.


"Hey, where's the rest of your tribe?" Dash asked, already knowing the answer, but was distracting him.


"They are all extinct, I am the only one left." He sighed.


We then see Nathan sneak up behind, and he put a time-bomb on the side of the machine. He then activated it.


"Unfortunately, I also lack a vehicle," Squidstrictor said, "but at least I have these tentacles!"


"Nice story...NOW LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Nathan said, the two ran.


"STOP THEM!" Natcher yelled.


Laneld and Nora were at the Krusty Krab.


"Heh!" Laneld chuckled, as he made a customer's face go into a Kelp Shake.


"Stop fooling around, we're suppose to be protecting them, not pranking them!" Nora said.


"Okay, one more, I promise," Laneld said, as he made Squidward stand on a table, with a bunch of Krabby Patties on head.


"Sigh, let's just make sure they haven't found the base," Nora said, as she got in the Grangler.


"Fine miss bossy pants!" Laneld said, stubbornly.


"Anyways...I picked up a scent, and the Vandals were here, it seems like they were headed near Downtown," Nora said.


We then see Darsun, Kane and Zelleo, keeping watch of the Vandals in the pit.


"LET US OUT!" a crab yelled.


Just then, Natcher and Dash stormed through.


"You guys are safe!" Zelleo said.


"Yeah, and Natcher's device is gonna go boom in about 5 minutes," Nathan said.


We then see Argoron with the rest of the Vandals on the cliff.


"MWA HA HA! We've messed up your city big time, but here's one last gift.." Argoron said, holding out Nora and Laneld, tied together. "They will be dropped to their deaths!"


We then saw Crink below with the Chomper Slaughter, with its grinding teeth ready to eat them up.


"You monsters! You wouldn't!" Kane yelled.


"Try me," Argoron said, as he dropped them.


Dash then flew by fast, and rammed Crink out of the way as hard as he could, and he saved Laneld and Nora.


We then see Natcher with his machine.


"Green laser beam...check. Controls...check. One beeping bomb....check...wait a minute.." Natcher said, picking it up; it was turning red and was about to blow.


"GWAAAH!" Natcher yelled, as he dropped the bomb, and jumped off of the exploding machine.


We then see the portal was acting goofy.


"Oh no...the machine is damaged!" Argoron said in fear. "We never give up though!"


"If you dare with mess with us again, you WILL suffer our wrath," Darsun said, revealing the Vobi and its missile guns. The others corned up on them all.


"Okay nevermind, we DO give up, and only this time!" Argoron said. "RETREAT!"


They all quickly stormed through the portal extremely fast, and it was about to close. Argoron dropped the key, and Nathan grabbed it; all the Vandals were gone.


"Well, everything should be back to normal," Zelleo said, reading his scanners.


We then see the Krusty Krab, where Squidward is unfrozen, and he falls off the table, getting hit by a bunch of Krabby Patties.


"I hate my life.." Squidward said.


"Uh.." a customer said, with his head in a Kelp Shake.


"You know the old saying: time flies me lad," Mr. Krabs said.


Back in the Crater Zone, we see all the Vandals, along with a destroyed zone freezing machine.


"Ugh, we were SO close!" Squidstrictor said.


"So now what, boss?" Straus asked.


"I guess we'll have to think of another plan," Crink said.


"No..I have one last plan..." Argoron laughed, as the screen faded.




Area Debuts: Crater Zone

Kane stayed behind at the base (at first).

We learn about the five Vandal tribes:


Sharks (Leader: Argoron)

Anglerfish (Leader: Crink)

Crabs (Leader: Natcher)

Stingrays (Leader: Straus)

Squid (Leader: Squidstrictor, only one left)

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24. Double Trouble

We see the Undersea Force racing through a Forest Zone.

"Alright guys, let's grab that key! Watch out for the trees!" Nathan said.

"Yes yes, we know!" Laneld complained, as he slammed into a tree.

"Better listen more, eh?" Nora said.

Nathan then paused at a sign, and read it.

"Beware of Treegorns..." Nathan said, reading the sign.

"What's a Treegorn?" Kane asked.

"They appear to be vicious tree-like creatures with four legs," Zelleo said, reading his scanners.

They then drove further down the forest, and there were a bunch of burned trees. The forest had been severely damaged.

"Yikes...I wonder who did this? A Rark?" Kane said.

"I don't know, but I got a bad feeling," Nathan said, as he kept driving.

Just then, a giant robot approached their way.

"THREATS DETECTED," it said, and it began firing lasers at them. "YOU WILL NOT HARM THE FOREST AGAIN."

"What is it talking about?" Laneld asked.

Nathan then drove behind it, and ripped open the chainsaw of the Splitvire, and put a cut through one of the robot's lasers.

"I guess it has us mistaken for a Treegorn," Nathan said.

"YOU WERE THE ONES WHO DAMAGED THE FOREST," it said, and continued to attack them.

"What..?" Nora said, as she used the Grangler to smash it.

"That's funny dude, but we didn't do anything to harm your forest. We want to protect it as well," Nathan said.

Just then, Kane snuck behind the robot, and launched an electric blast at the robot's back, making it smash towards the ground. It began to spark and steam.

"Now that is over with...where is the key?" Kane asked.

Suddenly, the forest began to shake, and a bunch of Treegorns appeared. They were large, tall and brown with four tall legs attached to them.

"Oh great...I think this robot was supposed to PROTECT this zone from things like the Treegorns.." Zelleo said, dodging one trying to stomp on the Crusher.

"But what did it mean by we damaged the forest?" Nathan wondered, as he sliced a Treegorn's legs off, and it fell.

"Maybe it had us confused with someone else, but let's deal with these for now!" Kane said, blasting a Treegorn down.

"There's too many!" Nathan said, as the Splitvire began to get covered from the Treegorn's feet.

Just then, someone launched an electric blast at the ones covering Nathan, and they were all taken down.

"Thanks Kane!" Nathan said.

"Uhh...that wasn't me.." Kane said.

"Then who was it?" Nora asked.

Just then, we saw clone versions of the...Undersea Force? Their vehicles were the same, but had black symbols on them, and the impostors had black markings on them.

"Well, if it isn't the little goody goodies?" Impostor Dash said.

"So I bet it was you punks who attacked the forest, right?" Nathan said. "No wonder why the robot thought it was us."

"Yeah, and our creator ordered us to ruin your good names!" Impostor Kane said, as he blasted another Treegorn.

"Dang it, why did you tell them that?!" Impostor Nathan said, as he rammed Impostor Kane into a Treegorn.

Just then, the Treegorn Queen appeared. It was bigger than the others, and had multiple eyes and a wooden crown. It roared.

"The queen..." Nathan said, as he attacked it, but it rammed Nathan into a tree.

The Sonicwave then got covered by some remaining Treegorns.

"There's too many!" Laneld screamed. He tried to blast them off.

Just then, Impostor Zelleo revealed a freeze cannon from his mock Crusher, and it blasted a freeze ray at the queen, which froze her.

"Ha ha! Take that punks! We'll continue to ruin your name!" Impostor Nathan said.

"Daw, shut up all of you! You're all immature!" Impostor Nora said, pulling out the key.

"Oh no! Don't let them get away!" Nathan said, as he charged toward them; he then snagged the key from Impostor Nora.

"NOO!" Impostor Nora said, and she swung her mock Grangler at him, which knocked Nathan out of the sky.

The key landed on the ground, and Zelleo grabbed it.

"Now let's get out of here!" Zelleo said, opening a portal.

Just then, the Impostor Nathan knocked Nathan out of the Splitvire by whacking him in the head with a gun, and stole Nathan's uniform, and put his on Nathan's. He then drove away with the real Splitvire. and wiped off the black mark on his face.

"Ugh.." Nathan said, out cold. He was then carried away by Impostor Zelleo and Impostor Dash.

Back at the base..

We see Impostor Nathan put the key into the tower.

"Yup, great job guys!" Impostor Nathan said, but the others didn't know it was the fake Nathan.

"Are you okay Nate?" Laneld asked.

"He's probably horrified by the sight of those ugly impostors, based off of what you told me," Dash said.

"Yes, fine as ever! Now we all better get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow's mission," Impostor Nathan said.

"Hmm.." Darsun said, thinking about Nathan's odd behavior.

We then cut back to the Forest Zone. Nathan was tied to a tree.

"You better not make any false moves punk! Lord Cymtrax created us to ruin the Undersea Force's name," Impostor Zelleo said.

"Why did you tell them that?!" Impostor Laneld said, launching a sonic blast at the mock Crusher.

"Because I can, and it's not like he'll be able to stop our Nathan from getting all the keys!" Impostor Zelleo said.

"Both of you knock it off!" Impostor Dash yelled.

Nathan then saw a stick on the ground, and he kicked it up with his feet. He then held it in his mouth, and used it to slice open the rope. He then escaped into the mock Splitvire.

While Impostor Laneld and Impostor Zelleo were bickering, they didn't notice Nathan had escaped.

"Hey, where did the goody go?!" Impostor Zelleo asked.

"Right here!" Nathan said, and he used the fake Splitvire to cut down the frozen Treegorn Queen. It then fell on the fake Zelleo and Laneld, and crushed them, revealing they were robots.

"Good old Cymtrax, getting better with every move," Nathan said, as he drove away. "Now I just need to wait for them to rescue me.."

Back at the base, Impostor Nathan opened the key tower. He then opened a small communicator in his arm, and Cymtrax was on the screen.

"I found all their keys, and managed to sneak into the base," Impostor Nathan said.

"Good, now don't fail me!" Cymtrax said. "If anybody sneaks up on you, attack them at all costs. At least they can't tell the others."

"Yes sir," Impostor Nathan said, and the communicator turned off.

He then began to steal the keys, and he put them all in a bag.

Just then, Darsun appeared.

"Nathan..what are you doing?" Darsun asked.

He then fired a laser out of his other arm at her, and she fell to the ground.

Back in the Forest Zone, we see Nathan fighting off the other impostors.

"GET HIM!" Impostor Kane yelled.

Nathan kicked the fake Splitvire back, and it sliced the fake Kane in half, and he did the same to the impostor Dash.

"You might have taken them out, but can you beat me punk!?" Impostor Nora said, as she slammed the Grangler to the ground.

"Well missy, I might not be enough to defeat you, but let's see if this is!" Nathan yelled, as he sliced down a few trees, and Impostor Nora dodged.

"Ha, I wi-" Just then, one more came falling down and crushed her.

"Well, that takes out five, now I have to wonder what chaos the fake me has caused.." Nathan wondered.

The Impostor Nathan drove out of the base and into the desert.

"Sir, I have all the keys," Impostor Nathan said driving away in the Splitvire, in contact with Cymtrax.

"Good, now get out of there before the rest show!" Cymtrax said.

Just then, the Undersea Force stopped him.

"Hello Nathan...or should I say...IMPOSTOR Nathan.." Nora said, as she attacked him. The bag with the keys came flying out, and Dash grabbed them.

"So, you guys found out, eh? Well, the real one is still stuck in the Forest Zone...and I leaked our plans again," Impostor Nathan said, driving away.

"Yes, and the real Nathan would never attack me," Darsun said, as she blasted a mystic aqua blast at him, which made him fall out of the Splitvire.

"If you hurt Nathan, I swear!" Dash said.

"He is fine...for now," Impostor Nathan said.

He then blasted lasers at them, and Dash flew behind him, and knocked him down, putting a slice in his back, and it caused the Impostor Nathan to go flying out of the Splitvire, with sparks flying everywhere, revealing part of his face ripped off, and a Rark face was underneath it.

"Bzzt...a-b-bort mis-ssion.." Impostor Nathan said.

"Take that, lousy impostor!" Dash yelled. "The impostor me better not be an insult to my beautiful face."

We then cut briefly to Cymtrax in his tower at the Rark Empire on Senato.

"I've lost connection with the Undersea Force impostors!" Cymtrax yelled, on his throne, as he had holographic screens in front of him that were all static.

"Oh no...could it be? They defeat them!" Krumb said, and this made Cymtrax smash in a part of his throne chair.

We then cut back to the Bikini Bottom desert, and see everyone was gathering up the stolen keys.

"So, the impostors were Rarks?" Laneld asked, as he ran over the fake Nathan. "But who made them?"

"They don't seem like to be another Axos-90, so I assume Cymtrax," Zelleo said.

"Oh good, I'm actually relieved! I don't want another creepy out of nowhere Rark like Axos..." Laneld said.

"Yeah, don't remind me," Nora said, and she blasted the Forest Zone key, as they went into it.

"Good luck!" Darsun yelled.

As the Undersea Force re-entered the zone, they then saw a vehicle approaching them.

"Uh oh...it looks like an impostor! Stay prepared!" Kane said.

The vehicle was the fake Splitvire, and Nathan ripped open the chainsaw, but closed it when he saw it was the Undersea Force.

"Thank goodness it was you guys," Nathan said.

"Watch that blade!" Nora said.

"Sorry, I thought it was the Rark," Nathan said.

"Cymtrax made them?" Kane asked.

"Yeah, they were too stupid and blurted it out," Nathan said.

"Well thank goodness that's over. If Cymtrax is watching, he better learn to make better impostors!" Dash said.

"Gotta agree there, that one was a terrible representation of me!" Nora said, as Nathan hitched a ride with Dash on the Slashwind back home.

They opened the portal back to Bikini Bottom, and Nathan got into his regular Splitvire.

"Feels good to be home," Nathan said, and everyone was putting the keys back in the key tower.

"Yup, can't believe I fell for the fake one's act," Laneld said.

"Deception is a key device," Darsun said. "Sometimes you may need to question your own teammates."

"Heh...could this be the impostor Laneld?" Nathan teased.

"Wouldn't surprise me, he looks as ugly as one of them," Dash joked.

"Real funny.." Laneld said.

"Oh, grow up!" Nora said, laughing.

We then cut back to Senato, and see Cymtrax in his tower at the Rark Empire. He was watching over the empire from the windows of the tower.

"So, the impostors failed.." Cymtrax said, knowing they had been destroyed due to his communication with them.

"Yes, sorry sir," Krumb said.

"No matter, the ultimate plan is coming.." Cymtrax laughed.

"Are you sure you want to do it?" Krumb asked.

"He is right, we our working with our enemy.." a Blue Rark said in the control room.

"I may hate it too...but it is the only option left if we are to restore Senato and get the Undersea Force out of the way," Cymtrax said bitterly, as the episode ended.



Character Debuts: Guard Robot, Treegorns, Treegorn Queen, Impostor Undersea Force

Area Debuts: Forest Zone

Dash stays behind at the base (for a while).

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25. Evil Alliance (Part 1)


The episode opens with Nathan entering Darsun's room, and she was meditating.


"So Darsun, have you had any luck examining Dr. Skylander's journal?" Nathan asked.


"No, the only other thing I could make out was "creation" and "robots". It's all very interesting," Darsun said, picking up the book, and looking at it strangely.


"Well then, in the meantime, any new missions?" Nathan asked.


"Yes, a Storm Field is opening, better hurry!" Darsun said, reading the radar.


Nathan, Kane, Laneld, Dash and Zelleo went out to the portal.


"Of course, all the boys go," Nora said.


"Well, at least you have me," Darsun said.


"I guess it's a girl's night," Nora laughed.


"Woo, guy's night out again!" Laneld yelled.


"Don't get too comfortable, sport," Dash said.


"Oh no..don't you dare abuse me like you did last time in the Junkyard Zone!" Laneld said.


"Don't worry, I'll go easy on ya," Dash said. "No promises though."


Meanwhile at Senato, we see the Vandalators exit the jungles, and came to the destroyed lands, in the center.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Straus asked.


"Yes, the Undersea Force has been a pain for far TOO long!" Argoron yelled.


"Well, Cymtrax agreed to it," Crink said.


"I don't know what to say...teaming up with our other enemy!?" Natcher asked.


"Attention everyone, do not attack. We are making a partnership with the Rark..a temporary one, just to get rid of the Undersea Force.


"Bah, I don't like either of them, but if we must, I accept!" A Shark Vandal said.


"I guess so," some other Vandal grunts said.


We then saw Cymtrax and his Rark army appear in front of the Vandalators. Cymtrax got out of the Slyius, and approached Argoron, as he got out of the SharkSlammer.


"So...is it agreed?" Argoron asked.


"Yes, we will crush them with our combined forces," Cymtrax said. "There is no room for failure."


"Yes, Lord Cymtrax," a bunch of Blue Rarks said.


"A Storm Field has appeared, captain," Natcher told Argoron.


"Excellent...and I have a feeling our friends are there too," Argoron laughed. "To victory!"


All the Rarks and Vandalators cheered, as the entire army approached the portal.


We then cut back to the Undersea Force's progress, and they were in a Mining Zone. The ground was bumpy, and there was machines everywhere.


"Alright, we're in some Mining Zone, so watch out!" Nathan said, dodging a swinging drill.


"All this rock salt is getting on my window shields!" Laneld complained, blasting sonic waves at the drills.


"There's the key!" Nathan said, seeing a dusty key on a rock.


As they were about to get it, a mining robot appeared.


"INTRUDERS DETECTED," it yelled, and turned into a drill.


"Oh great, more robots," Dash said, as he tried slicing it with the Slashwind, but it rammed him away, and he went falling off.


"Haha!" Laneld laughed, as he fired sonic waves at the robot, but it deflected them with its drill hands.


"Haha back to you, bud," Dash said, getting back on the Slashwind.


"Zelleo, watch out!" Nathan yelled.


The robot came charging at Zelleo, and he slammed it away with a rope.


"Take that!" Zelleo said.


"Nice job," Kane said.


The robot used its drill hand to put a dent into the Splitvire, but Nathan ripped open the chainsaw in it and attacked its drill hand. They both collided, and Nathan went flying.


The robot then dug underground, but Kane blasted an electric ball at the hole it was in, frying it.


"Great job, now let's get that key!" Nathan said, snagging it. Just then, a bunch of other mining robots appeared.


"UGH, how many of these things are these?!" Laneld complained, blasting sonic waves at them.


"I don't care, but we got the key, so let's scram before they drill us into gems!" Nathan said, stepping on the break.


Just then, another Storm Field appeared, and a bunch of Vandal and Rark vehicles came blasting in.


"A full scale army of Rarks and Vandalators? Together? What's going on?" Zelleo asked.


"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Nathan said.


"Hello organics!" Cymtrax laughed.


"Surprised to see the both of us together?" Argoron said.


"What the? What are you two morons doing together, I thought you were at war?!" Dash asked.


"We WERE at war," Crink said.


"But then we had enough of your interferences, so we agreed to team up and take you all out," Cymtrax said. "ATTACK!"


"Oh jeez, now we have to fight both of our favorite enemies!" Nathan yelled, as he sliced some Blue Rarks in half, and rammed aside some Vandalator grunts.


A bunch of Rark grunts attacked, and Dash sliced them open with the Slashwind's blade tires.


The drill robots continued to attack, but two of them were destroyed by the Vandals and Rark.




"There's too many!" Kane said, blasting them, as Vandalator grunts and Blue Rarks surrounded him.


"Give up yet?" Straus mocked, shocking Kane with the Stinger.


"Fighting electric with electric, eh?" Kane said, blasting him into the wall with an electric ball.


We then see Natcher swipe the key from Nathan, laughing.


"I GOT IT!" Natcher said, as he tripped.


It then landed by a mining robot, and it picked it up.


Cymtrax blasted a laser at the robot, disabling it, and he grabbed the key.


"It is ours!" Cymtrax laughed.


Just then, Zelleo blasted a missile at the ledge that Argoron and Cymtrax were on, and they both fell; Zelleo snagged the key from them with his electric pulse.


"Now let's get out of here!" Nathan said, as the portal was opened by Zelleo.


"NO! DON'T LET THEM GO!" Argoron yelled.


"Krumb, stop them!" Cymtrax yelled.


Krumb drove forward, and rammed into Nathan; a bunch of Rark and Vandals stormed through the portal.


They tried to fight them, but there were too many, and most had gotten through.


"Well, it's now or never," Nathan said, as he and the other four zoomed in, and it closed.


We then see a bunch of Rark and Vandals headed toward the base.


"WE FOUND THE BASE!" Cymtrax yelled, and both fractions cheered. "My master would be so proud...if only her brother had never destroyed him.."


"What are you talking about?" Nathan asked.


"Darsun's brother was the one who destroyed my creator..my father as I'd call him.." Cymtrax said.


"What the...brother?" Laneld asked. "Plot twist!"


"Do you mean...Dr. Skylander?" Nathan said.


"How would you know..?" Cymtrax said, in shock.


"Yes, we have his diary, and I didn't know Darsun had a brother.." Nathan said in irritation.


"You know, she's been hiding A LOT from us," Laneld said annoyed.


"I say we have a little talk with her," Nathan said.


"Yeah, little miss Blue Sentient has some explaining to do!" Dash said.


"I dunno guys...maybe she hid it for a reason?" Zelleo said.


"True, I doubt she'd lie to us like that, and remember she has memory issues," Kane said.


"Whatever it is, we're going to talk to her," Nathan said.


The five then drove toward the base.


"Where's the key?" Nora asked.


"Well...we kind of lost it to-" Zelleo was cut off when the Rark and Vandals bursted in.


"MWA HA HA! This will be your final hour sub-species!" Argoron laughed, shooting spears everywhere.


"Oh no, they've found us!" Darsun yelled, as he tried fighting them off with aquatic blasts.


"RAID THE BASE!" Cymtrax commanded.


"Looks like our home base is under attack, defend it all costs!" Nathan said, slicing some Rark with the Splitvire.


"Here the key tower!" Krumb said, pulling it open. He then stole all of the keys.


"Hey, stop!" Kane said, fighting off Rarks and Vandals, but Krumb punched him, and he fell to the ground.


"Where is Skylander's journal?!" Cymtrax said, raiding the base until he found it.


Darsun seemed a bit surprised, but she used her powers to blast some of the Rark away.


We then see Dash fighting off some Rarks and Vandals with Laneld, working together.


"I hate to say it, but you aren't so bad," Dash said, as he kicked Straus in the face, and he went slamming into some equipment.


Nora attacked him, but he slammed her against the table.


"You would hit a girl?!" Nora said, as she punched him back.


"Yes, especially if it was for my creator," Cymtrax said, firing lasers everywhere.


Just then, the keys Krumb stole began to act weirdly. They then began to form a portal in the center of the base, but it wasn't an ordinary portal!


"What the.." Dash said.


Bolts were shooting everywhere, and Krumb was sucked in. A few more Vandalators and Rarks were too.


"What's going on!?" Nathan asked in panic.


"I don't know, but it is as if the keys are being summoned by someone..to lead us to a powerful source!" Darsun said.


"This is so weird, how would someone do that?!" Zelleo asked.


"I don't know...but watch out!" Kane said, dodging Vandalators and Rarks that kept going flying into the portal.


"HEEELP!" They all yelled.


"What is the meaning of this?!" Cymtrax asked.


"I don't know, but my men are suffering!" Argoron yelled, growling.


"HEELP!" Natcher said, dragging against the floor, and went flying in.


"Boss, help!" Straus and Crink yelled, and Argoron tried grabbing onto them, but they all went falling into the portal.


"Well Darsun...since we could fall to our dooms..I guess it's a good time to explain to us why you've been hiding things from us.." Nathan said.


"What's going on?" Nora asked, holding onto the computer counter.


"What do you mean? If you mean the Rark and Vandals, understand that I didn't expect them to follow me to Earth or the sea for that matter," Darsun said.


"I understand that but what about...your brother?" Nathan asked.


"Brother..?" Nora said.


"You know, the one who killed Dr. Skylander, or so robo head over there says," Nathan said.


"Yeah...we'd REALLY like an answer," Laneld said as they ganged up on her.


Darsun gasped, and Cymtrax, who was hanging inside the portal, grabbed Darsun's leg.


"I speak the truth, and I speak the truth when I say this is for my creator's death!" Cymtrax said, pulling her down into the portal with him, as they both fell, and the rest of the Vandalators and Rarks did too. The Undersea Force looked at the portal, all shocked.


To Be Continued..



Character Debuts: Mining Robots, Darsun's Brother (mentioned)

Area Debuts: Mining Zone

Nora stays behind at the base.

The Rark and Vandals team up.


It is revealed Dr. Skylander created Cymtrax, who was briefly mentioned in Episode 10.

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The moment you guys have been waiting for..

26. Evil Alliance (Part 2)


The episode picks off where the previous one ended, and the Undersea Force are staring at the portal.

"Well..they both fell down that portal, and it's now or never!" Nathan shouted, as he got into the Splitvire, and drove down the portal.

"Wherever he goes, I go!" Dash said, flying in as well on the Slashwind.

Kane, Nora, Zelleo and Laneld followed as well in their vehicles.

"I BETTER hope we get some answers!" Laneld said, as they were all floating into the portal.


"Dang right," Dash said.

Eventually, the portal took them to an unfamiliar part of Senato. Everyone came out of it fine.

"Where the heck are we?" Laneld asked; there were ancient ruins everywhere.

"I don't like the looks of it," Argoron said.

"Well, we better get out of here!" Cymtrax said irritated. "This was not a part of the plan."


"So much for your conquering," Nora said.

Just then, a little gray alien of some sort appeared. He had black markings on him.

"Hello friends, I have called you all here," he said.

"You are the one who opened the portal? How and why?" Darsun asked.

"Ah, a Blue Sentient! The one my master was expecting," he said. "You can also call me Gratix."

"Okay then..Gratix, who is this "master"?" Nathan asked.

"I can't tell, but he told me the secret of getting you, thank goodness you are all here!" Gratix said.

"Ah, you are a nomad," Darsun said. "Some Blue Sentient generals had them."

"Yes, now follow me.." Gratix said.

"I follow NOBODY!" Argoron said. "Storm the city! I smell treasure!"


"Why?" Cymtrax asked. "Do not harm this beautiful area."


"Let me do what I want, or the deal's off!" Argoron said angrily to Cymtrax.


"Fine.." Cymtrax said, and he held his Blue Rarks off.


The Vandalators then stormed the ancient city, and attacked the ancient structures. Some had raided some old buildings for treasure.


"Oh my...such beautiful treasure!" Natcher said, picking up some Sentient gold.


"Give it to me!" Crink said, fighting with him over it.

"Stop those brutes! They will tear apart this glorious place!" Gratix pleaded.

"Don't worry little dude, we got this. Darsun, I still got my eye on you.." Nathan said.

"Come on, we'll worry about it later," Darsun said.

"Fine, but I still think Darsun is hiding these things for a reason," Zelleo said, as he attacked some Rark.


"Look, I can't explain right now. I would, but I cannot, I'm sorry," Darsun said.


"Whatever, let's just get this over with," Dash said.


"Okay miss liar, let's just stop these smelly buffoons!" Laneld said, firing sonic blasts at Vandalator grunts, and bashing them into ruins.

We see Gratix pull out a red crystal of some sort.

"Soon my master you will be free..." Gratix said, as he put it away.

We see the Vandals crossing over some ancient bridge.

"What is this place?" Straus asked.

"Some ancient Blue Sentient civilization," Natcher said.

"I don't care what it is, I smell valuable treasure!" Argoron said, leading them away.

Nathan jumped in front of them with the Splitvire, and rammed some Vandal grunts off the bridge.

"Ugh, you just won't GIVE UP!" Argoron yelled, shooting missiles at Nathan; he dodged.

The missiles hit some pillars, and they fell down, as Nathan flipped over and dodged them.

We then see the others dealing with the Rark.

"Don't let them destroy this place!" Nora commanded.

"Well, no duh!" Laneld said, blasting sonic waves at them, which flipped the Rark off the bridge.

Krumb attacked the Crusher, but Zelleo deflected him to the side of the bridge.

"Guys, are you sure Darsun is that sneaky?" Nora asked.

"I don't know, but with the things she has been hiding, well.." Dash said, slicing some Rark in half.

"DESTROY THEM!" Cymtrax yelled, as more Rark attacked them.

"Well, I can tell this is going to be a fight for the ages!" Kane said, blasting some Rark with electric balls.

We then see Nathan with the Vandals.

"Come get some!" Nathan dared them; the Vandals came charing towards him.

Nathan then did a flip, and activated a bomb on the bridge. It went exploding as Nathan drove off, and went charging toward the bridge below with the Rark.

The Vandals went falling off the bridge.

"GWAAAH!" Natcher yelled, falling off of the Scalab.

The Rark were becoming less in numbers.

"GWAH! RARK, RETREAT!" Cymtrax yelled as he, Krumb and some remaining Rark fled.

The Undersea Force drove through the city, and found Gratix at some ancient alter.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked.

"The master's time has come!" Gratix laughed. He pulled out a stun gun and blasted Darsun; she turned into a blue orb.

"What the heck?!" Laneld asked.

"She is in hibernation mode, so she isn't hurt. But why did you do that?!" Zelleo yelled at Gratix.

"It was all according to plan," Gratix asked, as he snagged the blue orb with Darsun in hibernation.

"Don't you DARE hurt her!" Kane said, ripping open an electric ball.

"Relax, it is just to summon the master," Gratix said.

He then pulled out a red crystal and the blue orb, and placed them on a stand in the center. They started glowing and the ground was glowing and shaking.


"What's going on??!" Zelleo asked, driving away in the Crusher.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Nathan yelled, as they began to scatter.

Just then, a bunch of images shot out of the center. They showed Darsun with some Red Sentient, and her memories.


"It can't be.." Dash said. "A stinking Red Sentient now?!"

"A Red Sentient? Hooray, more lies!" Laneld said, irritated.

Just then, the crystal and orb were shooting out red and blue streams. Darsun went flying out of her hibernation, and to the ground. Nathan made sure she was okay.

Just then, the red crystal exploded, and out came the Red Sentient from Darsun's images.

"A..Red Sentient..? But..?" Kane asked.

He growled, and was red and had black markings. He turned his hand into a red blade.

"I've been waiting...sister...fueled by my hatred...for YOU!" It yelled with its eyes in rage.

"Oh NO!" Darsun panicked. "He released Korax!"

"So, why were you hiding "Korax" from us too?!" Laneld asked. "PLEASE, no more hidings!!"

"This time, I have a good reason," Darsun said, staring at him. "He is an ancient evil --- one I will NEVER speak of!"

"You got that right!" Korax said, pointing his blade arm at her. "I've been waiting...and with Gratix's help, our plan succeeded. We just needed to lure you here for my unleashing, and using our connection bond, we opened the portal."

"Ugh!" Darsun said, as her head was hurting.

"What's going on?" Kane asked.

"We have a strong bond. His race was the evil side, the Red Sentients, so obviously I would never bring them up. Plus, they have all been frozen. He is pure evil." Darsun said.

"Well, I'm sorry I judged you," Nathan said.

"It's fine, and my memory has been foggy when I came to Bikini Bottom. But we can't change the past, so we must stop that menace!" Darsun said.

Korax then blasted a fire wave at her, but Nathan blocked her.

"Gwah!" Nathan yelled, as he felt a burn.

Just then, the Rark came to the other side, and Cymtrax gasped.

"You.." Cymtrax said.

"Well, if it isn't it my other favorite..Cymtrax." Korax said, as he jumped up, and began slicing the cockpit of the Slyius.

Cymtrax blasted a laser at Korax, but he deflected with fire. Cymtrax jumped out, and attacked with an electric whip.

"Well now that one entry from Dr. Skylander makes sense...the RED ONES..they attacked him!" Nathan said, remembering.

"Yes, and I'm sorry, I would've told you, but stuff like this is upsetting to me. Korax started a war between Blue and Red Sentients, and he had to be stopped," Darsun said.


"We can't change the past like you said, but what do we do about Cymtrax?" Nathan said, as he was fighting Korax.

"He may be evil as well, but that doesn't mean he needs our help!" Zelleo said, launching a grapple hook at Korax, and he went slamming into a portal.

"I just wanted the Keys to restore Senato like you," Cymtrax explained. 

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding you Cymtrax.." Darsun said. "I had no idea he destroyed your creator."

"Yes, and I apologize for attacking you all...I thought you were just trying to prevent me from succeeding, but you did not.." Cymtrax said sorrily.


"So we wrongly blamed the Rark..they were technically the good guys," Dash sighed.

Nora used the Grangler, and picked up Korax, but he sliced off a wheel of the Grangler with his blade arm.

"Now I figured it out. Cymtrax was angry over the death of Skylander, so that's why he messed with the core of Senato.." Nora said.

"You figured it all out!" Korax said, laughing. "But you forgot one minor detail.."

"I used to work for him.." Cymtrax said, as he was on the ground.

"We've already had ONE strange dark turn, we don't need another.." Laneld said, annoyed.

"That was until I realized what a cruel monster Korax was. He killed Dr. Skylander while trying to get information, but Darsun has her reasons not to tell you. This was before the Vandals became a threat, and the same with us, as we were under Korax's command," Cymtrax explained.

"Now that story time is over, allow me to kill the both of you!" Korax said, blasting fire everywhere. He jumped up, and out of some red energy, his vehicle appeared, the Scorcher.


"Not today, hot head!" Nathan yelled, throwing his sword against Korax, but he pushed him aside.

"Now fear my FLAMES! This world will BURN!" Korax said, launching fire blades at some pillars, and they came scorching down.

Nathan got back inside the Splitvire and used the it to attack, but the Scorcher's heat was too much, and the Splitvire got burned.

"Nathan, don't attack - he is too powerful for you. Retreat!" Darsun commanded, as they all began to drive away.

"FLEE cowards, FLEE!" Korax laughed.

"Wow Darsun, you one bad girl! You defeated the Rark once, AND froze the entire Red Sentient population?!" Laneld said. "Don't be ashamed of hiding it!"

"It's not funny when Korax is/was my brother," Darsun said, upset.


"Moron," Dash said to Laneld.


"Okay, I guess that wasn't the best time," Laneld said.

Just then, he blasted more flames at them, when Cymtrax drove near them.

"You seven..get away. Krumb and I will deal with him. Your lives are more important," Cymtrax said.

"Why are you helping us even after we wrongly accused you?" Kane asked.

"JUST GO!" Cymtrax yelled, as Korax began to stir up a huge fire blast.

They all drove away, and Cymtrax threw the Mining Zone Key at them.

Nathan used the key to open a Storm Field to Bikini Bottom.

"For what it was worth..thanks," Nathan said, as they all dashed through the Storm Field.

"Uh guys, there's seven of us, and only five are allowed in.." Zelleo said.

"Oh dangit! What do we do?!" Laneld asked.

"I know what to do," Nathan said. He got out of the Splitvire, and he and Darsun got into the Crusher.

"Wah?! Are you SURE?!" Laneld asked, surprising.

"If it means getting to safety, yes, now GO!" Nathan said, and they all went in.

Cymtrax and Krumb were fighting Korax off, and Cymtrax blasted the Splitvire at him, but he burned it in half, and it exploded.


"Well, organic's vehicle isn't making it back anytime soon.." Krumb said.

Krumb attacked the Scorcher with the Axdrill, but Korax blasted fire at the drill, and it went combusting, as Krumb fell out.

Cymtrax tried to attack, but Korax launched a big fire blast, and both of them went flying into a pillar.

"Good master, good!" Gratix laughed.

Back at the base, we see the portal was gone, and all of the keys were scattered everywhere.


"Help me pick these up guys," Nora said, putting the keys back in the tower.


"What a mess!" Laneld said, picking some more up. "This day in general has been messed up."


"You can say that again," Dash said, picking more up.

"Yikes..what a day, what a day. Looks like we're going to have to do some serious upgrades soon, but for now, you guys all earn a rest," Darsun said. "I'm sorry for me hiding things."

"It's fine, I can't blame you," Nathan said.

"You are not ready to fight Korax yet. Soon, he will release the other four members of his team, and when he does, we need to be ready." Darsun explained.

"But what will Nathan do without the Splitvire?" Nora asked.

"Let's just say it is time for...upgrades!" Darsun said.


We cut back to Senato, in the alter area.

"Yes master, free at last? What do you plan to do now?" Gratix asked.

We then see Korax pick up Gratix, and he approaches a cliff.

"What are you..doing?!" Gratix asked.

"You served your purpose, I have no use for you anymore," Korax said, dropping Gratix off the cliff.

We then see Cymtrax and Krumb tied to a pillar.

"Now then...we have some catching up to do, old friend.." Korax said, approaching them with his red blade arm.


Character Debuts: Korax, Gratix
Vehicle Debuts: Scorcher
Area Debuts: Ancient Ruins of Senato
Nathan loses the Splitvire.


We learn Darsun froze the entire Red Sentient population due to Korax's rage, and that Cymtrax once worked for Korax. We also learn the Rark weren't evil, they wanted to restore Senato like the Undersea Force. Cymtrax only separated the core upon Dr. Skylander's request to avenge his master.

And that's all of Season 1 folks! Season 2 coming soon!

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And now.....

Storm Racers Season 2: Fusion

27. Plight of the Red Sentients (Part 1)

We pick off where the previous season ended, with Cymtrax and Krumb being captured by Korax.

"It's been a very long time hasn't it, Cymtrax?" Korax asked, striking his blade through the ground a few times. "You had the guts to betray me, but here you don't have the same guts to fight back!"

"I did it to save myself, and I soon realized what a cruel master you were.." Cymtrax said.

"Yes, and you watched like a coward as I gutted Dr. Skylander...how did that make you feel?" Korax said, approaching his face with his flaming hot blade hand.

"...I will avenge him!" Cymtrax yelled, as he broke out of the ropes, and used his electric whip to attack Korax, but Korax sliced it with his blade hand. "When he told me to destroy the generator, he told me to get the keys from the zones as well. That was my destiny, and it still will be!"

"He was a threat to me - not to mention he created the dreaded Double-Element Crystal that my sister used to freeze my people!" Korax said, slicing Cymtrax, and Krumb attacked him, but Korax deflected with his blade.

"Yes, and then my master's last request was to destroy the reactor of Senato...to hope to separate you!" Cymtrax said, punching Korax.

"Even when I killed your master, my sister later found that horrid artifact...I will find it and DESTROY it! However, first I must free my minions.." Korax said, as he made a fire blast, pushing Cymtrax and Krumb to the ground.

"You will be stopped you monster! RARK!" Cymtrax yelled, as he began throwing out a distress signal.

A small fleet of eight Rark then appeared, and began attacking Korax.

He flipped one of the Rark vehicles over, and he touched his hand on it - the vehicle began to turn red. The Rark grunt was now red, along with his vehicle.

Just then, Korax made a fire blast, turning the Rark vehicles from blue to red, except for Cymtrax and Krumb who avoided it.

"MWA HA HA! How does it feel to be betrayed by your own army, Cymtrax?" Korax said, as he ordered them to attack the two. "Now you know how I felt when you double-crossed me!"

Krumb jumped at Korax, but he blasted fire at him, and he went smashing into a pillar.

"Bzz-tt...m-master, we-must-must leave!" Krumb said, getting up.

"Not until I finish him off!" Cymtrax yelled - just then, Korax sliced Cymtrax's head off, and it went flying to the ground.

"K-K-KR-UM-B...HE-ELP!" Cymtrax's head said, sparking. Krumb picked it up.

Krumb then picked up Cymtrax's body and head, and smashed some red Rark vehicles aside.

"MUST PROTECT MASTER!" Krumb yelled, as he tried to drill through Korax's fire shell, but it burnt his arm.

"GWAH!" Krumb yelled, as he fell to the side, where their vehicles were. They were the cornered by Korax and the red Rark.

"Krumb, do so-something!" Cymtrax's head yelled. Krumb got into the Axdrill.

"I trying master!" Krumb yelled, smashing the controls in panic.

"CA-CALM DOWN!" Cymtrax's head said.

"Yes sir, but they attacking us!" Krumb said, as the red Rark began smashing into the Axdrill, and it tipped over, leaning over the cliff edge.

Korax began using his blade to break open the Axdrill door, and it was burning and smoking.

"DO SOMETHING KRUMB!" Cymtrax's head said, leaning on the controls.

Korax smashed through the door, but just then, the entire cliff ledge began to crumble due to all the fighting, and went falling into the abyss below, as Korax jumped off to safety. The Slyius went falling down as well, as it was on the edge too.

"KRRUUMMMB--BB-!!!" Cymtrax's head yelled, as it was bouncing everywhere, and the Axdrill and Slyius went plunging into the darkness below.

Korax looked down the abyss.

"Yes...my revenge at last!" Korax laughed, as he began to glow brighter with his flames. "Now...to free the others."

Korax and the red Rark drove out.

We cut to the Undersea Force base, and we see Nathan walking in, with everyone standing over something covered by a white cloth.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone said, revealing it to be a Splitvire 2.0 - it was the same as the last one, but more brighter and it had more weapons.

"Wow, thanks guys," Nathan said, getting in it. "Feels like the old one!"

He then ripped open the chainsaw from the front engine.

"Glad you liked it, we spent all night copying the original designs - thankfully I had those saved," Darsun said.

"So, what is the deal on Korax?" Nora asked.

"Well, you should know most of the story by now. Korax began abusing his powers, and I soon learned what a cruel dictator he was. The Blue Sentients and Red Sentients were once in harmony - but Korax disrupted it all. Cymtrax was once a minion to him, but betrayed him when he saw Korax destroy Dr. Skylander - a blue sentient scientist - and also Cymtrax's creator as I discovered recently - and the creator of the Double-Element Crystal, which I found from the rubble of his lab," Darsun said. "Of course, before it got separated due to the zones being formed. I always thought Cymtrax broke the zones on purpose, but now I see it was a request of Dr. Skylander's. Anyways...then after the blast, my people were wiped off to an unknown place - but their shells remained. I hope someday they can be reunited. After all that, the Vandals and Rark took over what remained of Senato and developed their populations. I hope this clears up any questions you have, so I am not hiding anymore lies. That charge with Korax's crystal completely restored my memories."

"Wow, you sure do remember now," Zelleo said. "Now it all makes more sense."

"Wait...the Double what?!" Laneld asked.

"The Double-Element Crystal is an artifact with a blue side and a red side - forming a helix. Dr. Skylander created this artifact to stop one side of the sentients if they got out of hand - and you guessed it, he was planning to use it to freeze the Red Sentients. But Korax found out about it too soon, and he killed Dr. Skylander and destroyed his lab. That explains the rubble you found in the Desert Zone." Darsun said.

"Did Cymtrax tell him out?" Nathan asked. "It'd make sense, and it'd explain why he'd feel so bad."

"Yes, but not by choice - Korax began growing suspicion of what Dr. Skylander was doing in his studies, and he forced Cymtrax to confess up," Darsun sighed.

"Thanks for backstory, but where is Korax?" Laneld asked. "And it looks your memory got restored."

"According to my sensors, he is in the Factory Zone (from Episode 8). I assume he is there because one of the members of the Red Sentient 5 is held there." Darsun said. "And yes, when I went into hibernation mode and got stuck with Korax's crystal, my memory blasted back to me."

"Well, let's go and kick some butt!" Dash said.

"Not yet!" Darsun said. "Korax is far beyond power than what you saw from the Rark and Vandals. In fact, follow me outside, I have created a device that will help you."

"Oh come on, I want to kick some butt now!" Laneld cried, walking out.

We see the desert has been set up with walls, and a machine in the center.

"Is this really necessary?" Nathan asked, as they were all behind a bunch of brick walls.

"Well...I want to test this out first, and if I don't, someone could get hurt," Darsun said, as she put on a helmet, and some eye protectors.

"EVERY MAN FOR THEM SELF!" Laneld yelled, as Darsun pressed the switch and just then, we saw an explosion come from the desert.

"Is everyone okay?" Nora asked, as they all got up.

"Yeah...just a bit BLOWN UP!" Laneld yelled, smoking.

"Well, duh," Nora said. "So what was that thing?"

"Well, I was planning to make a device that would fuse your vehicles together to make a more powerful vehicle...but as you can see, it needs a bit of work," Darsun said.

"Can we just fight Korax? I mean, if we just sit back here waiting for this to be fixed, Korax could have freed his crew by now," Nathan argued.

"I guess you do have a point, you've persuaded me." Darsun laughed.

Everyone cheered.

"YES! I get to kick some Red Sentient butt!" Laneld cheered.

"I will need to do a few upgrades," Darsun said - they went inside, and a bunch of tools came down, which sprayed their suits and vehicles.

"I made your vehicles and suits more heat-resistant. It will be helpful against the Red Sentients, considering their dominant element being fire," Darsun said.

"Again, no duh, but thanks!" Nora said.

She then gave them the Factory Zone key.

"I'll stay behind to help you," Kane offered; Darsun agreed.

"In fact, I may know what you are doing wrong with it," Kane replied.

"Thanks Kane, and good luck!" Darsun said, as the other five were off.

We see Korax in the Factory Zone, and he blew down a secret wall in an engine - he and some red Rark went in.

The Undersea Force arrived through the Storm Field, and saw the broken engine wall.

"Looks like we're too late!" Nora said.

"Now, I can say: No duh! Love the irony, eh?" Laneld asked, Nora then rammed into him.

"No time for fighting, maybe we're not too late!" Nathan said, as they all drove into the secret passageway.

They went inside, and came to a weird room with smashing pistons everywhere, and some smoke. They saw Korax at the top, approaching some glass coffin.

"Let's hurry!" Nathan said, as they all drove up, but the red Rark blocked them.

"Did you fools really think I wasn't expecting you?!" Korax laughed, as he turned around.

"RED RARK?!" Laneld said.

"No duh," Nora said.

"Okay, STOP DOING THAT!" Laneld said, blasting sonic waves at the red Rark.

"Blue, Red, Pink with polka dots, take them out!" Nathan said, as he began speeding faster and sliced some Rark, and smashed them into the crushing pistons.

"It seems like these Red Rark's programming got corrupted. They were once Blue Rark, but got infected by one of the Red Sentients it seems," Zelleo said, reading his scanners, as he flung a red Rark aside with his grapple hook.

"Wow, this does feel more powerful!" Nora said, stomping on the red Rarks.

We see Korax untwist the glass prison, and out came a thin, tall Red Sentient with a mushroom like head.

"Free at last?!" He said.

"Yes Kyton, freedom! Now let's destroy those fish!" Korax said.

"Frying some fish!" Kyton said, as he began to jump in the air - and his vehicle appeared. It was a circular vehicle that was basically a big red wheel named the Blaze Wheel. Korax then jumped in the air, and got into the Scorcher.

Kyton began speeding everywhere, and did 360's with the Blaze Wheel, and dodged the pistons.

"What the heck was that?!" Dash asked, getting knocked over by the Blaze Wheel.

"IT'S A KILLER TOP!" Laneld yelled, shooting at it.

"No du-" Nora then, got hit by the Blaze Wheel as it kept spinning forward.

"That's one strange vehicle..." Dash said, as he flew up and activated flight mode for the Slashwind, and attacked the Blaze Wheel, but it jumped up.

Dash managed to block the heat from the Blaze Wheel, and hit it hard into a piston. Kyton came flying out, and was crushed by a falling red Rark vehicle that the Grangler threw at him.

"Great job Nora and Dash!" Nathan said. "That's one of 'em down."

Just then, we see a weird red energy signal appear, and it went flying away.

"What the heck was that?" Nora asked.

"No clue, but let's deal with him!" Nathan said, as he jumped up to the platform where Korax was at. Korax laughed.

"So, we meet like this....prepare for your doom!" Korax laughed.

Just then, a bunch of lasers surrounded the platform Korax and Nathan were on - the others were locked out.

"You can do it Nathan!" Zelleo yelled to him.

Nathan pulled out his sword, and attacked Korax, but Korax swung his blade hand, and attacked Nathan. They were both blocked at this point.

Just then, Korax made his other hand turn into a red blade and attacked Nathan with both blade hands.

"THAT'S CHEATING!" Laneld yelled.

"No worries, I got this," Nathan said. He jumped back into the Splitvire, and began driving.

Korax then blocked the Splitvire with his two blades, but Nathan launched a missile from the side of the Splitvire at a generator on the ceiling - it fell down, and Nathan drove away as it crushed Korax.

"YEAH BUDDY!" Nora yelled, as the laser field also disappeared.

We then saw Korax turn into some red energy signal like Kyton did, and it flew away.

"What does that mean?" Laneld asked.

"Not sure, but I have a feeling this isn't the last of them.." Zelleo said.

"Well..we'll be ready," Nathan said, as he pulled out his sword.


We see an unknown part of Senato, with magma shooting everywhere - we cut inside a volcano, where the two red energy balls go flying into some red and black coffins. We see Korax and Kyton's energy balls go into them to recharge.

"We will meet again.." Korax's voice said as the episode faded.


28. Plight of the Red Sentients (Part 2)

We see the Undersea Force at the base.

"I'm impressed with you all. About the Red Rark, like Zelleo said, it appears Korax corrupted Cymtrax's army with his red energy as revenge.." Darsun explained. "However, I am still impressed you managed to defeat two Red Sentients on your own."

"Yeah, but mainly Nathan defeated Korax. Me and Dash defeated the other dude," Nora said.

"And don't forget, I defeated them all too!" Laneld joked, but Nora punched him.

"But this is not yet over. If a Sentient is destroyed somehow, they will go into an energy ball like you saw, and fly back to their Healing Chambers." Darsun said.

"A Healing Chamber? So that is where those red balls were flying to.." Nathan pondered. "Where can we find them?"

"A Healing Chamber is anywhere really - which is why we must also find them and destroy them so they can't recharge," Darsun said.

"That's great, ANOTHER task for us!" Laneld said sarcastically.

"However, in lighter news, the Fuser is finally working, thanks to help from Kane. You may only combine 2 vehicles with this, and can use it ONCE a mission," Darsun explained - she made a blue and steel ball appear, which was the Fuser. It went onto the Splitvire.

"Once a mission? A bit cheap, but the combinations could be interesting.." Laneld said.

"Yup, so use it wisely. Also, it will only last for 5 minutes, and once time is up, you will hear a tremor," Darsun said.

We cut back to the area from the end of the previous episode, which was Korax's hideout.

"Found them!" Kyton said, reading a map.

"Good, now we set out," Korax said.

"But Red Rark?" Kyton asked.

"Don't worry, I've hacked into a few more, and soon I'll control all of them with a special device I am planning.." Korax laughed. Their vehicles appeared out of the red energy and went zooming off.

We cut back to the ancient ruins of Senato, and we see where Krumb and Cymtrax fell.

"Ugh...Krum-b-b...t-his is t-errible...I must co-n-tact the Un-Un-dersea F-Force...and-r-r-epair me!" Cymtrax said, as his head was still sparking.

Just then, we see the Vandals appear out of some of the rubble.

"That was one bridge explosion...but it looks like we hit the jackpot!" Argoron said, as he pointed a spear at Krumb and Cymtrax.

"I thou-thought we had an alliance?!" Cymtrax asked to them.

The Vandals began to laugh.

"Did you seriously think that was going to be permanent?" Argoron laughed. "Not to mention Cymtrax is only...a head now." Argoron picked up Cymtrax's broken head.

"GEET--GET OF-OFF OF ME!" Cymtrax said, as Argoron held up Cymtrax's head high.

"VICTORY FOR THE VANDALS! WE CAN START A NEW DAWN!" Argoron yelled, and the Vandal tribes all cheered.

Krumb got into the Axdrill and smashed through the crowd, and managed to snag Cymtrax's head from Argoron, while zooming away from the Vandals.

We see Krumb get in contact with the Undersea Force, and Krumb's face appeared on their HQ screen.

"Krumb!? Get your face off of our screen!" Laneld said, throwing a soda can at it.

"Relax! Lord Cymtrax want to speak with you," Krumb said.

"Hello organics...yes, I am still al-GAH! KRUMB, WATCH WHERE YOU ARE DRILLING!" He yelled, as we see Krumb trying to drill his head back onto his body.

"Anyways...I contacted you to form an alliance. Korax has taken control of my Rark forces, and Krumb and I are the only Blue Rark left..so I need your help. Please trust me. I want to defeat him as much as you." Cymtrax said.

"Should we trust him?" Nora asked.

"He was willing to let us go for our safety, so I say yes," Nathan said.

"Eh, okay, but I have my eye on him.." Dash said. "He could do something behind our backs."

"I promise," Cymtrax said. "GAHH! KRUMB! MY HEAD IS ON THE WRONG WAY!" We see Cymtrax's head on backwards, and the screen signed out.

"Okay....now, I've detected Korax at the Canyon Zone (from Episode 14). Move out!" Darsun said.

"I'll stay behind this time, I need a rest.." Laneld said, as he sat back on the couch and turned on the TV.

We see Korax, Kyton and an army of Red Rark in the Canyon Zone. They are on top of a mountainside, and headed to the next member's holding cell.

"Kuri will be freed at last!" Korax said. They approached in her cell, and Korax busted it open. Out came a female Red Sentient.

"Well boys, looks like we're back in business," Kuri said, grinning.

She jumped up, and out of the red energy came her vehicle - it was like Nora's Grangler, but red. It was called the Magler.

We saw the Undersea Force approaching.

"You guys deal with them, while I get the other two," Korax said, driving away. Kuri, Kyton and the Red Rark attacked the Undersea Force.

"Whoa, watch it!" Nora yelled, as she got into a fight with Kuri.

"My vehicle is better than yours!" Kuri yelled, smacking the Grangler down.

Kane blasted Kyton with his electric bolt blaster, while Dash tried flying over Kyton and attacking him.

"Dash and Zelleo, let's go after the big red boss! You guys, stay here!" Nathan said, as he, Zelleo, and Dash raced off.

"I don't really have a choice.." Nora said as Kuri was pushing her down with the Magler. Kane blasted a bolt to knock Kuri off of her.

"Thanks," Nora said, as she smashed a Red Rark away.

We see Zelleo, Nathan and Dash chase Korax down, and it led them to the Ice Zone (from Episode 9).

Korax commanded a bunch of Red Rark to attack them, but Zelleo crushed them and knocked them off the icy mountain.

Korax then found the glass cell, and unlocked it - to reveal the 4th member. A big Red Sentient came out. He was buff, had a horn of some sort coming out of his head, and was strong. His name was Kordon.

"TIME FOR SOME CRUSHING!" Kordon yelled as he charged to them. Zelleo zoomed the Crusher to Kordon, but he grabs it with his hands.

"WHOA! This guy is strong!" Zelleo yelled, as he flicked him off with his grapple hook from the top.

Kordon then jumped up, and his vehicle appeared - it was a red form of the Crusher - named the Burner.

"PREPARE TO GET BURNED PUNKS!" Kordon yelled, as he charged toward the Crusher, and they clashed.

"GO ON WITHOUT ME!" Zelleo yelled, and Dash and Nathan drove on after Korax.

We cut back to the Canyon Zone.

Kane blasts a bolt at Kyton, and it makes him get destroyed - his energy ball flys away.

"Thanks man! 1 down, 1 to go.." Nora said, referring to Kuri.

"Bring it sister!" Kuri yelled, as she attacked the Grangler - and their wheels shot up and collided.

Kane destroyed some more Red Rark as he saw a boulder - he blasted a bolt at it, and it went falling on top of the Magler - and destroyed the cockpit - making Kuri's energy signal go flying out, and her vehicle disappeared.

"Two saves in a day, thanks man," Nora said.

We see Dash, Nathan and Korax arrive in a War Field Zone. There was clashes of thunder and we saw damaged cannons and weapons everywhere.

"What is this place?" Dash asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like the looks of this place.." Nathan said. We heard gunfire sounds and swords clashing from the sky.

"Seems to be like a battle of some sort.." Nathan said. They then saw Korax approaching the final prison cell - and broke it open - out came the last Red Sentient. His name was Krosis, and he was a bit big, with an evil look. His vehicle appeared, named the Flarer.

"Well, it is time for your doom pitiful fools.." Korax said, as he got into the Scorcher. Korax and Krosis launched fire balls from their vehicles' wheels.

We cut back to see Zelleo still fighting Kordon.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Kordon yelled. He then split the Burner into two separate vehicles - one of them was in auto-pilot.

The two parts attacked the Crusher, as they went sliding into a nearby cave.

"How did you do that?!" Zelleo asked, knocking the two to the side with his swinging grapple hook.

"With my epic powers!" Kordon laughed.

Zelleo then launched a missile at the ceiling of the cave and a bunch of icicles came falling down - one of them crushed the front half of the vehicle with Kordon - and he was destroyed. His energy signal went flying off.

"That was close..." Zelleo said.

We saw Nora and Kane arrive.

"What's the update?" Kane asked. "We have taken out 2 so far."

"I just took out the 3rd, so I assume Korax just found the last one. Dash and Nathan are dealing with them." Zelleo explained.

"I hope they are okay.." Nora said, worried.

We see Nathan and Dash dodging the fire blasts.

Dash activated flight mode, and went flying in the dark sky, dodging lightning.

Krosis then disappeared into the air.

"Where did he go?!" Nathan asked.

"It's some trick, don't fall for it!" Dash yelled.

It was too late though, Krosis appeared behind the Splitvire and launched a fire blast at it, and knocked it to the side.

"I think it is time for a fusion!" Nathan yelled to Dash.

Nathan blasted the Fuser machine into the air, and a portal opened.

"So now what?" Dash asked.

"I guess we just drive our vehicles into it," Nathan said, and they did so.

"What kind of magic is this?!" Krosis asked.

"It is not magic...one of my sister's inventions.." Korax said annoyed.

Out of the other side of the portal came a fused version of the Splitvire and Slashwind. It was flying high in the sky. It had the body of the Splitvire, and the blades of the Slashwind - it was yellow and red. The vehicle was called...the SkySlicer.

"Wow, this is so cool!" Dash said, on the end. His suit was yellow and white, and Nathan's was red and white.

"Now let's kick some butt!" Nathan said.

They went slicing down to the surface, and launched missiles at the Flarer, and Krosis' energy ball went flying away.

Korax was the only one left, and they were about to hit him, but he dodged.

"Not even a combined version of your vehicles can stop me!" Korax laughed, launching fire bombs at them in the sky.

"Let's do one last slice with the SkySlicer!" Dash said. However, they felt a tremor - meaning time was almost up.

"Ugh..five minutes sure goes by fast, but we can do it!" Nathan yelled.

They went flying as hard as possible to attack Korax, but time was up - and the vehicles were split apart. The Splitvire went flying at the Scorcher, and Nathan ripped open the chainsaw - and sliced open Korax's shell as his vehicle exploded. His energy signal went flying away.

They also saw the Universe Key drop down to the ground, and grabbed it.

"YEAH! GO NATHAN!" Nora yelled, as the others arrived.

"That was so cool!" Kane said. "Looks like my tweaks to it did help, eh?"

"Yes, and thanks. It worked really well, I only wish it lasted longer. It did help us defeat the Red Sentients," Nathan said.

The crew went back to the base. Nathan handed Darsun the War Field Zone key.

"Wow, sounded like one wild adventure! Good thing I missed out," Laneld said.

"Glad to see things worked out well, and you managed to beat the Red Sentients," Darsun said.

"Yes, it was a challenge, but we'll be more prepared if they strike again!" Zelleo said.

"But we still need to find their Healing Chambers before we can officially defeat them," Nora said.

"Yes..which is why you won the battle...but the war is far from over." Darsun said.



Character Debuts: Kyton, Kuri, Kordon, Krosis and Red Rark

Vehicle Debuts: Blaze Wheel, Magler, Burner, Flarer, Splitvire 2.0 and SkySlicer (fusion of Splitvire + Slashwind)

Area Debuts: War Field Zone, Red Sentient Hideout

Kane stays behind at the base in 27, and Laneld stays behind in 28.

First appearance of the Fuser.

We learn about Healing Chambers - if a Sentient is destroyed, their energy source will heal in these chambers.

We get a mention of the Double-Element Crystal which Darsun used to freeze the Red Sentients.

Order of release of the Red Sentients:

1. Kyton (Factory Zone)

2. Kuri (Canyon Zone)

3. Kordon (Ice Zone)

4. Krosis (War Field Zone)

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29. A Terror in the Deep

We see the Undersea Force at their base.

"So...now what? I want to kick some more Red Sentient butt!" Laneld said.

"Patience. I have another mission in the meantime," Darsun said, pulling up a map of Senato.

"Ugh, I HATE that planet," Laneld groaned.

"Be quiet, we don't even know what we are supposed to do yet!" Nora said.

"The reason I am bringing this up is because, I found some Blue Sentient Data-Orbs in the oceans of Senato. Why is this so important? We can't have the Red Sentients obtaining these," Darsun explained.

"That's no good, let's move out guys!" Nathan said, but Laneld paused everyone.

"Wait...how are we supposed to go into the ocean?" Laneld asked. "I know we are fish, but I don't think we can swim in alien waters.."

"You are right, the alien water there would probably contiminate you all, so I would not advise diving," Darsun said. "You'll have to find another way yourselves."

"Wait..water is your dominant element right?" Nathan asked. "Then how could the Red Sentients get in tact with water?"

"Yes, it is. As for them...Korax may be hot-headed, but he is actually quite intelligent, so he could find his way.." Darsun said.

"Can I please stay behind?" Laneld asked, but Zelleo already called the spots to stay behind, much to Laneld's disappointment. The gang headed off with the key for Senato, and arrived there, headed toward the Vandal jungles.

"Okay, let's find that ocean..place..whatever it is, and get those Data-Orbs!" Nathan said.

"Except there is one problem - them!" Nora said, referring to the Vandalators.

"Hello sub-species, what brings you here?" Argoron asked, pointing a spear at them.

"Hey hey, cool it man...we're just here for....stuff," Dash said. "We're not going to attack you."

"Fine, you may pass through then," Argoron said, as the four Vandals moved out of their way.

"That was easy.." Nora said, as they went into the jungles.

"Heh...morons. Let's follow them," Argoron said, and the other three agreed.

"What could they be after?" Straus asked.

"That is why we should follow them closely.." Argoron said, as they stealthily followed them.

The Undersea Force came to a secret place, and there was a huge beach with an ocean, although the beach was trashed with garbage.

"Okay, I'm NOT diving in that water if it is trashed up here like this.." Laneld said.

"Grow up, we've been in worse," Nora said. "But how are we going to get in the water?"

"Maybe this junk scattered everywhere could help us...let's find some valuable items," Nathan said.

After a while, the gang got together to see what they found.

"I found a bunch of broken coconuts.." Dash said.

"I found a bag of sand, how nice," Nora said.

"I found a bunch of spears," Nathan said.

"I found a rock, a clam, some broken bottles, and a broken tire," Kane said.

"I found these scuba tanks, but I doubt they are that important," Laneld said.

"WAIT! Those can help us, you idiot!" Nora said, grabbing them from Laneld.

"Well sorry, missy!" Laneld rolled his eyes.

Just then, Darsun appeared on the Splitvire's screen.

"Oh...I forgot to mention, when I upgraded your vehicles, I installed an "Underwater Mode" for situations like this, should you ever have to go in alien waters," Darsun explained.

"Well, that whole montage was pointless then," Dash said.

Laneld spit his tongue at Nora, but she slammed the Sonicwave.

"Wow, how did I not notice that before?" Nathan said, as he pressed the button - the Splitvire turned into a submarine form. The other vehicles did the same, and they drove them into the water.

"Wow, despite the pollution above....it is pretty clear and cool down here," Nora said.

"Well, let's find those Data-Orbs," Nathan said.

"My tracker indicates they are 10 yards west," Kane said.

Just then, Argoron and his crew appeared on the shore.

"Ah...so they are going diving, eh? I think it is time we let our fish traits kick in!" Argoron said, as they all began to dive underwater.

"This water tastes great!" Natcher said, feeling it.

"Don't let it distract you, let's find the sub-species," Argoron said.

Darsun explained to the Undersea Force on their monitors that the Blue Sentients used their water powers to keep oceans and lakes clean.

"Wow, I thank you for this then!" Laneld said.

Just then, they saw a bunch of Shark Warriors approach them.

"Attack gang!" Nathan said, as he fired torpedos at them, but missed, and hit a rock instead.

"Hit them, not make a sculpture out of a rock!" Dash said.

"May I remind you all we just whipped up these underwater versions like 5 minutes ago?" Nathan said.

Dash used his Slashwind sub to rip open blades underneath and attacked the warriors.

"Yay, our old powers still work!" Dash said.

Laneld made a sonic screech noise from his submarine and it irritated the warriors - they fled.

"Looks like your powers came useful for once," Kane snarked.

"Oh, be quiet!" Laneld said.

Just then, we see the Vandals catching up to the Undersea Force. Argoron then saw some of his tribe, and called them. They swam toward them.

"Lord Argoron!" one said.

"Hello my fellow members, did you see any sub-species nearby?" Argoron asked.

"Yes.." one bubbled. "They were attacking us in submarines."

"Thank you, let's go after them!" Argoron said.

"There's one problem.." Straus said, holding his breath.

"What is it?" Argoron asked.

"I'm...afraid of the ocean! I can't really swim well!" Straus confessed, trying to mutter out the words.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier then??!" Argoron asked, irritated.

"Well...I didn't want you guys to make fun of me!" Straus said. "My parents always said I needed to swim to be a great warrior...but I just couldn't."

"But you are a great warrior...how could you be worried about THAT!?" Crink asked.

"I think I'll just go...before I run out of breath," Straus said, trying to swim back up to the surface.

"Sigh...let's go on without him," Argoron said, as they swam away.

We see the Undersea Force approach a wrecked Vobi. It was covered in algae and was very rusty.

"So...the Data-Orbs are in there?" Laneld asked.

"Yes, according to my sensors," Kane said.

They carefully approached the wrecked Vobi when suddenly...

"ROAAAARR!" something yelled.

"W-What was that?!" Laneld asked in panic.

Just then, a giant squid-like creature emerged from the shadows and began slamming its tentacles everywhere.

"GWAH! SQUID!" Laneld yelled, blasting sonic booms everywhere.

The giant squid slammed Laneld's sub into a rock and the dome began to crack, and water filled in.

"Okay...I have a confession to make. I'M AFRAID OF SQUIDS!!" Laneld yelled. "Especially g-giant ones!"

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?!" Nora said, irritated.

"I didn't want to fail the mission!" Laneld said, as he drove the sub to the surface.

"Ugh...come back!" Nathan said, but the squid was attacking them.

"Wait...I thought Squidstrictor was the only one left of his kind?" Dash asked.

"Squid Warriors. This squid creature is merely just a "pet" at best," Kane explained.

"That thing...a PET?!" Nathan said, ripping open the chainsaw from the Splitvire sub, to slice a tentacle off.

"It was a metaphor," Kane said, blasting a bolt from his Bolt Blaster sub.

We see Laneld on the surface of the ocean.

"Whew...my sub stopped flooding.." Laneld said in relief.

We see Straus on the shore, puking on the sand.

"Now that is just disgusting!" Laneld said, as he sat on top of his submarine in a chair to get a tan.

"Hey, wouldn't you feel the same?" Straus asked. "You probably chickened out like I did. Your friends are most likely getting attacked by Argoron..oh no, here it is again!" Straus said, as he puked one last time.

"Psh, coming from a sea creature...wait what about Argoron?!" Laneld asked, as his sunglasses came off.

"You are one too...and Argoron found some Shark Warriors that are probably attacking the gang as we speak, maybe," Straus said.

"Oh no...them and a squid...this isn't good. But hey, it's not my problem!" Laneld said, sitting back.

We cut back to the fight underwater.

"Okay, we can't hold this thing off anymore, let's get in the Vobi!" Nora said, as she swam to it, and smashed a tentacle out of the way.

The others managed to get inside, as Kane blew open a door to it.

"Whoa, we hit the mother load!" Nathan said, as they found a gold mine of Data-Orbs in crates.

"I guess this thing was supposed to deliver them a long time ago...but it got shot down somehow," Kane said.

"Whatever it may be, how are we going to get all of these Data-Orbs?" Nathan asked.

Just then, the squid began slamming the Vobi, and the windows were cracking.

"Hurry, we have to get out of here!" Nora panicked, as she began picking up the Data-Orbs.

However, just then, the Vobi began to feel like it was sinking.

"Oh no...all this weight is probably making it sink!" Nathan said. "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!"

Just then, Argoron and his crew came, but it was too late.

"Where did the sub-species go?" Argoron asked. They the saw the squid.

"Uh oh.." Natcher said.

We cut back into the Vobi, as they were all trying to figure out what to do.

"All the ramming from the Squid must have made us fall off the ledge!" Kane said.

"So what do we do?!" Dash panicked.

"We could use the Fuser!" Nathan said.

"But on what two vehicles? Can we even use it on a Vobi?" Nora asked.

"It's worth a shot," Nathan said.

They blasted the Fuser, and Nora de-activated sub mode on the Grangler - the Grangler went falling into the fusion portal and out came a Grangler Communication Center. It grew huge tires and it slowly floated up to the surface.

"We did it!" Nathan said.

As the Vandals were fighting off the squid, they saw the Grangler Communication Center floating up the surface, and Data-Orbs were falling out of it.

Argoron picked up one and laughed.

"So that is what they were after...TO THE SURFACE!" He commanded, and they all swam up.

Laneld was starting to get worried on what happened to them.

"I hope they didn't become fish food.." Laneld said.

Just then, the Grangler Communication Center splashed out of the ocean and a giant tide splashed over Laneld.

"GUYS! YOU'RE ALIVE!" He said, as he saw them come out of it.

"Yup, and we got the Data-Orbs!" Nathan said.

Just then, Argoron and his crew came flying out of the ocean and jumped onto it.

"Give us the orbs now or you walk the plank!" Argoron said, as he pointed a spear.

"Since when were you guys pirates?" Dash said, kicking Crink off the Grangler Communication Center.

We see Straus, and he sees the fighting.

"HEY, DON'T FORGET ME!" Straus said, as he jumped up onto Laneld's sub and then onto the Communication Center. He then began attacking them.

"Straus, you came back!" Argoron said.

"I may have a fear of water...but I will never back down from a fight!" Straus said, as he threw a spear at Nathan, but he dodged.

They then heard a rumble, implying the fusion was almost up.

"It can't be!" Dash panicked, as he punched some Vandals off. The Data-Orbs were being scattered all over the place, as we see Argoron snatching them from the hold.

"You know what, I can't forget you guys!" Laneld said, as he got back into action. He blasted a sonic wave from his sub at some of the Shark Warriors, knocking them off.

Just then, the fusion ended, and the Communication Center began sinking.

"LET'S GET OFF OF THIS THING!" Nathan yelled.

They all quickly ran into the hold, and saw Argoron snatching the Data-Orbs. Nathan then punched him and he went falling off as the Communication Center sunk. One of the Data-Orbs Argoron had went flying up to the surface.

"No...it can't be! THEY'RE GONE!" Laneld cried. "WHY did I abandon them?! WHY?!"

Just then, he saw a Data-Orb go flying up in the air, and it hit him in the head.

"Well...at least I have this.." Laneld sniffed.

Just then, the four submarines came flying up to the surface, and they were all okay.

"YOU GUYS MADE IT!" Laneld said.

"Yeah...but not the Data-Orbs.." Nora said.

"The Communication Center with the Data-Orbs all sunk to the bottom of the sea...and I have a feeling the squid is going to feast on it for dinner.." Kane said. "So the mission failed.."

"Not entirely.." Laneld said. He then pulled out the blue Data-Orb he got earlier.

"Laneld, how did you get it?!" Nora asked.

"Well, in the midst of the fight, and the center sinking, one of the Data-Orbs went flying up to the surface and onto my sub." Laneld said.

"Well...it's not all of them, but it is one that counts," Nathan said. "Good job. Even though you abandoned us-"

"Ahem.." Laneld said.

"...you were still an important part of helping us succeed," Nathan said.

"Well thank you guys," Laneld said.

"Now let's get out of this place, the Vandals might resurface soon," Nathan said as they de-activated sub mode and drove onto the land.

Just then, a Waspbit came buzzing out of a tree, and stung Laneld.

"I HATE THIS PLANET!" Laneld yelled, being chased by the Waspbit.

"Good old Laneld, we would never be the same without you," Nathan smiled.

They went back to the base, and reported to Darsun what happened.

"It's a shame...but oh well, one is better than none," Darsun said.

"We wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't for Laneld either," Nathan said.

"Yup, and I still refuse to ever go back to that planet.." Laneld said, as everyone laughed, and the episode ended.


Character Debuts: Squid Creature

Area Debuts: Senato Shore, Senato Ocean

Vehicle Debuts: Grangler Communication Center (fusion of Grangler + Vobias Communication Center)

Artifact: Blue Sentient Data-Orb(s)

We see Submarine versions of the vehicles.

Zelleo stays behind at the base in this episode.

We learn Straus is afraid of the water and can't swim, and that Laneld is afraid of squids.

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30. Uprisings

We see the Undersea Force base, and Laneld is in a panic.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked.

"BAD BAD BAD!" Laneld said, as he was putting on some suit.

"Are you going on a date?" Kane chuckled.

"No! My cousin Simon is coming to visit.." Laneld sighed.

"Oh Laneld, I remember you always bragging about him when you were a kid.." Nathan said, as we saw a flashback. We see younger versions of the Undersea Force.

"I wanna be like my older cousin Simon!" Laneld said, on a swing, but he fell in a mud pile.

"Good luck with that!" Some fish teased and laughed.

"Yes, great memories.." Laneld said, as the flashback ended.

"But wait..you told him about the Undersea Force?" Nora asked.

"No, he's meeting me at the Krusty Krab," Laneld said.

"Well, Red Sentient and Vandal activity has been quiet, so you're good to go," Darsun said.

"Well, I can't reveal this Undersea Force stuff to him...so you guys will be my "butlers"," Laneld said. "I hope you are fine with that, I even got you outfits!"

"NO! Do you WANT us to be embarrassed?!" Nora yelled.

"Come on, just play along for the day..please?" Laneld begged.

Everyone facepalmed, while Laneld was irritated.

"Okay, you guys can keep those suits, but please pretend to be my loyal slaves-I mean servants?" Laneld asked.

"Fine, but just because I don't want to make you upset, and we're a team - we've been one for years," Nathan said.

We cut to Senato, where we see Argoron with the Vandalator tribes.

"Hm..Cymtrax has been defeated. It feels like just yesterday when our sides invaded this planet," Argoron said.

"So now what?" Straus asked.

"I guess we could try taking down the Red Sentients...I am not letting them conquer MY universe!" Argoron shouted.

Just then, they heard a loud motor noise.

"What is that?" Natcher asked.

We see Squidstrictor pull in on a giant purple truck with huge wheels, covered by fake tentacles on the rubber.

"What are YOU doing here?" Argoron asked, confused.

"I challenge you..TO A DUEL!" Squidistrictor yelled. "FOR CONTROL OF THE VANDAL TRIBES!"

"Did he just challenge you to Kio Hakoko?!" Crink yelled.

We cut back to Bikini Bottom, and we see the gang at the Krusty Krab.

"He'll be arriving at any minute, and I have reserved a table," Laneld said.

"I'm still not keen on this.." Zelleo said.

Just then, their vehicles began to make red alert sounds outside.

"TURN OFF THAT RACKET!" Mr. Krabs yelled.

"Oh great, what is it now?" Nathan asked, as the six headed outside.

"Everyone, I hate to interrupt, but there is some suspicious activity going on in the Vandal Jungles, and it needs to be investigated," Darsun said.

"But I can't cancel!" Laneld said.

"Well, you'll have to stay behind here, Simon is your problem now!" Nathan said, as he and the others drove off.

"WHO WILL HELP ME NOW?!" Laneld cried. "Simon acts like he is so better than me..and he'll be expecting me to have butlers, and other fancy stuff.."

SpongeBob then arrived at his table.

"Hi, my name is SpongeBob!" SpongeBob said. "What would like to have at our fine establishment?"

"Uh..hello, I'll wait till my cousin gets here," Laneld said.

We cut back to the Senato jungles, and all the Vandals were in some ancient temple, in an arena. Squidstrictor and Argoron were on each side, and the other Vandals were watching from the sidelines.

"Beginning the Kio Hakoko match for the Vandal tribe leader position - Squidstrictor is in the left, representing the nearly extinct Squid tribe!" Crink yelled. "Over to the right is Argoron, the current leader of the Vandals, representing the Shark tribe!" The Vandals went wild after that.

"Oh boy, Squidstrictor could make a unique leader!" An Anglerfish Vandal said.

"But Argoron is the pro!" A Stingray Vandal said.

"For the first challenge, according to the Kio Hakoko rules, the competitors must fight the other Tribe Leaders in a duel! Whichever competitor defeats at least 2 of us wins!" Crink explained, as he, Natcher and Straus appeared in the arena, while the Vandals were shouting "ARGORON!" or "SQUIDSTRICTOR!"

"Looks like your own people are starting to change their views," Squidstrictor teased.

The duel began, and the platform rose up high, as the Vandals got a clear view. Squidstrictor was blocking all of Straus' attacks, while Argoron pulled out Fangis (his sword) and attacked Natcher.

"I'm sorry Lord Argoron, you are still #1!" Natcher said, as he waved his staff to make a spell, but Argoron kicked him off the platform.

"That is one defeat for Argoron!" Crink yelled, as he was fighting Squidstrictor.

Squidstrictor pulled out two swords and attacked them at Crink's staff. However, his other tentacles made two other swords slam down on his staff, and it broke, as Squidstrictor tripped Crink off of the platform.


Straus pulled out an electric pole, and he zapped the ground, as Argoron and Squidstrictor both jumped up in the air, and attacked Straus.

"Straus, you are a nobel warrior - but today you fall!" Argoron yelled, as he kicked Straus in the chest, and he fell backwards, but hung on by jabbing his pole into the rock. Argoron then used Fangis to slice it, and Straus fells.

"ARGORON WINS CHALLENGE 1!" Crink yelled, and the Vandals cheered, as the platform lowered.

"This is just the beginning, there is still 2 challenges left, fool!" Squidstictor said.

We cut back to the Krusty Krab, and a hotrod boat pulled into the Krusty Krab parking lot. Out stepped a fancy fish with a black jacket, and sunglasses. He entered in the Krusty Krab, and everyone stared at him.

"Cousin!" Laneld said, as he got up to see him.

"Well, if it isn't Laneld, my old chap! I see you look as pitiful as ever..where are the butlers you talked about in your letter?" Simon asked.

"Uh yes...they are right here!" Laneld said, as he grabbed SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs and Squidward.

"Look, I need you guys to pretend to be my butlers for this, okay?" Laneld said.

"Do I get money?" Mr. Krabs asked.

"Yes, fine!" Laneld said.

"Yes, this...man is our finest master!" Mr. Krabs said.

"But I have no idea who this is.." Laneld slapped Squidward and covered his mouth.

"Well, let's have a meal, old chap, and catch up on old times. What do you say?" Simon said, slapping his back.

"I'll cook up the finest meal ever!" SpongeBob said, as he headed in the kitchen.

We cut back to Senato, and we see the 2nd challenge - it is a race in the jungles. Whoever makes it out first wins the challenge. Squidstrictor and Argoron were swinging through vines, and dodging traps throughout the jungle. Some creatures attacked them, but Argoron threw a spear at a Electriosis Eel. Squidstrictor was dodging traps, and he pushed Argoron off of a vine, and encountered a Waspbit nest.

"Uh oh..." Argoron said, as the nest cracked open, and they all flew out.

"I wonder who will make it out.." Natcher pondered at the finish line.

"My money is still on Argoron," Straus said.

We see Squidstrictor strike down the swarm of Waspbits, and drove them to attack Argoron.

"GWAH!" Argoron yelled, as he tripped, as he was almost at the finish.

Squidstrictor manages to get to the finish, and wins the 2nd challenge.

"And Squidstrictor wins! Now there is one challenge left...and the tiebreaker," Crink said. "A good old fashioned fight with your vehicles!"

"Ah yes, the Tentacle Strangler will be perfect.." Squidstrictor laughed.

They drove into the arena - it was the SharkSlammer VS. the Tentacle Strangler. Both competitors had their vehicles started up.

"BEGIN!" Crink yelled, and both vehicles charged forward.

We see Simon and Laneld eating a meal.

"So brother..where is this "castle" you talked about? These butlers don't look like royal guards.." Simon said.

"Well...OKAY, I ADMIT IT! I'm not rich, I don't have a castle, and these aren't really my butlers..I just wanted to impress you!" Laneld said.

"So, do I still get the free money?" Mr. Krabs asked.

"Well brother...I appreciate your modesty and effort. But you are who you are, do not let anybody or anything change that," Simon told him.

"So you aren't mad?" Laneld asked.

"Well I am a little..you did lie to me! But, that is my typical cousin, so as a relative, I am proud you went as far to impress me," Simon said, patting him on the head. "Farewell."

He walked out, and drove away in his hotrod.

"Well...at least it is finally over," Laneld said, as he sat back and relaxed.

"Ahem...you still owe me money," Mr. Krabs said.

We cut back to Senato, and we see Squidstrictor facing Argoron.

Squidstrictor used the Tentacle Strangler to smash down the SharkSlammer, and banged it against a wall.

Argoron growled and flicked the Tentacle Strangler off, as he shot spears and lasers at Squidstrictor.

Somehow, Squidstrictor made it turn invisible.

"What the?" Natcher asked.

"Now I've never seen Vandal tech like THAT before! Come out coward!" Argoron said, trying to find Squidstrictor.

The Tentacle Strangler then appeared behind the SharkSlammer, and used the wheel to slam it down to the ground, as Argoron fell out.

Squidstrictor held a sword to Argoron.

"Well...do you give up?" Squidstrictor asked.

"I never quit.." Argoron said, as he was back up against the wall.

"Well...it was worth a try," Squidstrictor said, and he rose up his sword, and slammed it down to the rock above Argoron. Argoron was not hit, but he was trapped. He could not fight back.

"And..SQUIDSTRICTOR WINS?!" Crink yelled. The Vandals went into explosion of cheering.

"Oh, great Squidstrictor!" Natcher said, kissing up to him.

"Natcher.." Argoron said, getting up.

"You are not "cool" anymore! Squidstrictor is the leader now!" Natcher said, as he cleaned him up.

"BOW TO YOUR NEW MASTER VANDALS!" Squidstrictor yelled, and they all cheered.

We see the Undersea Force hiding in the bushes, and watching.

"What just happened?" Nathan asked.

"Apparently, they fought in a duel called Kio Hakoko - an ancient ritual that decides the leader of the Vandal tribes," Kane explained.

"And you...will live the rest of your life...in shame." Squidstrictor said. "BE GONE!"

Argoron sadly walked away into the jungles, now no longer liked by his kind.

"What do we do? I mean...they may be bad...but.." Nora said.

"Well, he may be evil, but he has clearly lost his position. I'd be sad too if I lost control of this team.." Nathan said.

They saw Argoron walk by, with his head down to the ground, and he was slightly sad.

"Hey, aren't you gonna attack us?" Nora asked to him.

"I would...if I still had my crew," Argoron said, sobbing.

"Well you know what? Don't let that squid pick on you man, you are the leader of the tribes...or were for years!" Nora said.

"You are right sub-species! And I will not lose my position that easily, regardless of the rules!" Argoron said, holding out Fangis. "But how?"

"With an upgrade!" Kane said.

We have a brief montage - the gang spends a few hours searching the Vandal Jungles of Senato - they managed to build a catapult at the back of the SharkSlammer with an arsenal of missiles and rocks. They also improved the laser and spear shooters.

"Why thank you sub-species...I will consider this is a sign of gratitude among both sides. Today - we fight side by side. Tomorrow, we are back to MORTAL ENEMIES!" Argoron said, holding out Fangis on the new SharkSlammer.

"Eh, at least we helped him," Nora said.

Argoron drove the SharkSlammer to the Vandal Village, where everyone was shocked to see him.


"Oh...he returned," Natcher said to Squidstrictor.

"Ah, so you came crawling back...let's fight like men then," Squidstrictor said, jumping into the Tentacle Strangler.

Just then, Nora used the Grangler to blast the Fuser open, and Zelleo drove the Crusher in - they both fused to form the CrushClaw!

"What is the meaning of this?! It is 1 on 1!" Squidstrictor said.

"You never said I could make an ally," Argoron said, firing a spear at his laser shooter, and it smashed off into a tree. The Vandals gasped.

Argoron shot a rock from his catapult at the Tentacle Strangler and it went slamming into a tree.

"Ugh.." Squidstrictor said.

"My powers have grown since the last time we met!" Argoron said, as he clashed with him.

The CrushClaw was huge - it had 8 wheels, and Nora and Zelleo were in the top cockpit, as the color of it was a dark greenish/yellow. The CrushClaw picked up a tree, and threw it at Squidstrictor, as he went flying out of his vehicle. It then went jumping up and slammed his vehicle into a tree again.

"Thank you sub-species...now we shall settle this like men!" Argoron said, pulling out his fists.

Argoron and Squidstrictor punched each other, as the fusion for the CrushClaw de-activated, and the time was up.

"Well, that was cool while it lasted," Nora said. "Not bad working with ya Zel!"

"Eh, sure thing Nora.." Zelleo said.

In the end, Argoron managed to beat Squidstrictor, as he was bowing to his knees.

"Oh hail great Argoron!" Natcher said, bowing to him, kissing his feet.

"What are you going to do with him?" Straus asked.

"I know what I am going to do....Squidstrictor..." Argoron said, pointing the Fangis at him.

Squidstrictor gulped.

"You are now 2nd in command of my crew!" Argoron said, and the others were surprised.

"Thank..you," Squidstrictor said, rising up.

"But why?" Straus whispered.

"As a wise one once told me...keep your enemies closer," Argoron said.

Argoron thanked the Undersea Force, and they left. "Just remember, I'll be determined to defeat you next time!"


We see Squidstrictor out at night, on a cliff.

"Why did you give up the position so easily and let Argoron defeat you?" Korax asked as a hologram to Squidstrictor. "I thought the vehicle I made for you was enough to defeat Argoron!"

"Don't worry, I let him off easily...as an old saying goes: Keep your enemies closer. I am in 2nd in command of his crew after all, that is close to the leader position as it is," Squidstrictor said. "I have plans.."

"Good, do not fail me - together we can take out Argoron, and you can lead the Vandals with the Red Sentients," Korax said, as the transmission ended, and Squidstrictor picked up the device, as the episode ended.



Character Debuts: Simon

Area Debuts: Arena

Vehicle Debuts: Tentacle Strangler, CrushClaw (Fusion of Crusher + Grangler)

Laneld stays behind (due to Simon visiting).

We learn about Kio Hakoko - a ritual that has 3 challenges to decide the new Vandal leader. The challenges were:

1: Fight the other Tribe leaders

2: Race in the Jungle

3: A duel between the competitors

Squidstrictor is appointed as 2nd in command of Argoron's crew.


It is revealed Squidstrictor is working for the Red Sentients.

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Note: This episode was already posted in the Team SpongeBob thread a long time ago, however, it is being posted in the correct order for SR.

31. Team Undersea Force

Team SpongeBob were following up on the Queen's intel of a power surge underground the White Forest. A forest made landmark by the Queen herself.

Along their walk through the forest, they encountered a fish lying to the ground.

"Oh my Neptune, are you alright?" Linda asked running up to him.

"Linda, HOLD!" Shin yelled.

"I'm no threat" he spoke.

"Who are you?" SpongeBob asked.

"Nathan. I flashed through your zone during a battle...by mistake."

"Wait, how did you get through a zone without facing Queen Antrix?" Shin asked.

"Who?" Nathan asked

"She's only the ruler of ALL universes." Shin said.

"I should look her up.." Nathan said.

"You are bleeding.." Sandy said.

"Ah. Yes, I was attacked by a large lizard like metallic creature. It stole my boatmobile. Probably for its tech quality." Nathan explained as Shin operated on his bruises.

We then see a flashback. The Undersea Force were racing through the ruins of Senato to collect some artifacts.

"There are some ancient Blue Sentient artifacts near the exterior of the Rark Kingdom," Darsun said to the gang through the communicators.

Just then, a strange portal appeared out of nowhere, and Nathan went sliding into it.

"Guys, HELP!" Nathan yelled.

"What the heck is that thing?!" Nora asked.

"Strange, it does not seem to be a Storm Field..." Darsun said.

We then cut to present.

"How much..quality are we talking Mr. Nathan?" SpongeBob asked

"My boat is called the Splitvire. Capable of astonishing technical feats. Blasting power for example, and to slice through sharp objects," Nathan told them.

"Ok, we need to get it back. Do you know where the creature went?" SpongeBob asked.

"I would guess into those caves." Nathan said.

They all started walked into the caves.

"What is your organization?" Patrick asked.

"I lead an operative team of the Undersea Force."

"Undersea Force? I've heard of that." Shin said.

The group walked into a large lab. Standing before them, a giant metal creature. Out of the shadows came a man in a white lab coat.

"I'm glad you've all arrived. Now we can start the party..shall I call it!" he said.

Nathan noticed his boatmobile lying on the second floor. "Splitvire!" he said.

"Metal Monger, ATTACK" the man said running away.

Metal Monger made a vibratic punch into the ground, sending chugs of rocks, flying everywhere. Sandy, SpongeBob, and Linda all stepped behind Shin as he made a barrier.

Pearl, Patrick, and Nathan raced up to the second floor to find the mad scientist standing in front of Splitvire. Splitvire had several cords in it that were copying its tech info.

He had on two HUGE metal gloves that produce electricity. "Call me The Shocker!" He grinned evily.

"Or dead meat." Pearl said shooting an arrow at him. The arrow completely combusted in reaction to the electricity. Pearl's left eyebrow raised.

Shin released the barrier and Linda shot rays of light at Metal Monger. He was left uneffected, so Shin flew up contolled a giant steam pump and dropped it on Metal Monger. Black smoke flew everywhere thanks to the exploion. Again uneffective. "Time to take things up a notch!" Sandy said turning to her robotic side.

She punched MM 10 feet back onto the ground. He resurfaces and they both go hand to hand.

Pearl shot more and more failed arrows. The Shocker hit his metal gloves on the metal platform which electrocouted Pearl. "UHHH" Pearl screamed, falling down.

Patrick made a vast amount of earth, break the second floor's metal platform, bringing it all down.

Metal Monger slammed Sandy into the wall, but Nathan, on the Splitsvire at last, shot Metal Monger through the wall.

Everyone ran out into the White Forest to see Nathan battling the Monger.

Nathan had out a chainsaw on the Splitsvire and cut MM. The monster got really mad now.

"NATHAN!" a girl called out.

"Nora?" Nathan said.

Nathan's friends had showed up. Shin concealed MM within a large barrier. Nathan greeted his friends.

"We were worried when we saw that your boat went off course and you flashed into this weird world," Laneld explained.

"Who are your new friends?" Kane asked.

"A group of super heroes..they are nice." Nathan said.

"You wanna help them 'em, don't you?" Dash asked.

"Everyone, it seems like you are in an alternate world of Bikini Bottom," Darsun explained through the communicators. "It seems like a glitch caused a brief lapse through both dimensions."

"Fascinating...but the fact there are alternate worlds makes my head hurt a bit," Zelleo said.

"Yeah, let's just finish up whatever is going on here," Dash said.

Metal Monger broke down Shin's barrier.

Laneld shot a sonic blast at MM. Parts of his metal slit. Sandy, in her robotic form, punched Metal Monger to Nora who shot out an energy blasts from her boat.

"This thing just won't go down!" Zelleo said.

"Then lets end this, now...with the secret combo move we've been working on." Nathan said.

"Ahhh! I catch your drift!" Dash said.

"Let's do it!" Zelleo said zestfully.

The seven other-siders circled around Metal Monger. They shot out "leveled" energy from each of their boats, making a huge energy barrier over MM.

Shin tapped into the barrier with his powers and controlled it, lifting it up mid air. "Drop him!" Patrick said. Shin did so. Patick punched MM into a tornado SpongeBob made, using his super speed. It blasted him into the ground.

Pearl shot a final arrow at his body. Metal Monger was down.

Karate Island authorities showed up at the White Forest. Asking everyone questions and arrested The Shocker. Scientist took Metal Monger's body to investigate.

"Thanks Nathan. For you and your friends help! Your all official Team SpongeBob Affiliates!" SpongeBob said, giving them communicators.

"Thanks." Nathan said.

"Why can't WE have more girls, huh?" Nora said jokingly to her friends.

"Haha, be glad, a lot of girls gets things..complicated," Sandy said, referencing her past fights with Linda.

"But a lot of boys gets things..sweaty -___-." Nora said as the girls chuckled among themselves.

"We got the universal key for this place." Kane reported. The portal back opened.

"Time to go home, huh?" Dash asked.

"If you ever need us again..just beep!" Nathan said, gesturing the communicator, being the last to go through the portal.

Team SpongeBob waved goodbye.


Area Debuts: Team SpongeBob's world

Character Debuts: Shin, Pearl (TS version), The Shocker, Linda, SpongeBob (TS version), Sandy (TS version), and Patrick (TS version)

Vehicle Debuts: Metal Monger

Crossover with Team SpongeBob.

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32. The Crimson King


We see Darsun appear on some highway in a weird zone...it was surrounded by blue and red flashes, as if it was some portal.

"Where am I..who is there?" Darsun asked.

Just then, Korax approached her in the Scorcher...with the Double-Element Crystal on top of it.

"MWA HA HA! Prepare to be frozen from the flames of...the Crimson King!" Korax yelled, boasting. "I can finally unfreeze MY PEOPLE!"

"It can't be! How did you find it?!" Darsun said.

"I have my ways...now feast on this!" Korax yelled, as he activated the blue side, as it blasted a wave into Darsun, and she was frozen.

However, she then woke up in a bed in the base, relieved to see it was just a dream. "Oh no...the Crimson King. It can't be...Korax may have found it."

We see the Red Sentient 5 racing through rubble on Senato, and we see some Vandals beating up some Red Rark grunts, but they are scared off when they arrive.

"Are you sure the crystal is in this pyramid?" Korax asked.

"Yes..my scanners detect it is indeed behind these very doors. However, be warned, as the pyramid is filled with traps." Kuri explained, reading her sensors in the Magler.

We see a blue part of the Double-Element Crystal on one side of the door, and the red part on another side.

"LET'S BLOW IT OPEN!" Kordon yelled, activating his missiles.

"NO YOU FOOL!" Korax yelled, as he stopped. "We must do this with great ease..we don't want to draw attention."

We see Cymtrax and Krumb spying on them behind a damaged pillar.

"I must tell the Undersea Force.." Cymtrax said, activating his communicators.

We see the Undersea Force at their base, but Laneld seems grumpy.

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked to Laneld.

"Bah, very tired...and still annoyed from my brother's talk," Laneld said. "I let him down!"

"Don't let that get under your fins man, we can start a brand new day. Everybody does something embarrassing in their lives at one point," Nathan said.

"But...I let down my royalty and bloodline!" Laneld cried.

"Okay Laneld, this is not the time for your sob stories, we have an important mission according to Darsun!" Nora said.

"Yes, I got a message from Cymtrax confirming one of my worst fears," Darsun said. "Korax and his gang have found where the Double-Element Crystal is stored."

"Wait...how can we trust Cymtrax?" Laneld snapped.

"Remember, he hates Korax too, and he misunderstood our actions, give him a chance!" Nathan said.

"Okay fine, but I want to see his face...and Krumb's...that servant guy..." Laneld said.

Cymtrax appeared on the screen.

"Since some of you still doubt my truce...I'll tell you this. Darsun, show one of them what happened in the past between Korax and I, and perhaps that gain my full trust. I admit I am not proud of some of the things I have done," Cymtrax explained.

"You mean the day you betrayed Korax? Yes, but I don't know to time travel.." Darsun said.

"Of course, the crystal should have a function to show the past when it was used." Cymtrax said.

"Ah, the prophecy of the Crimson King.." Darsun said.

"The who?" Zelleo asked.

"The Crimson King is a term to refer to someone who does something nobel on Senato. Someone gave Cymtrax the free will to betray Korax, so we called that unknown person "The Crimson King." Darsun explained.

"You guys have some strange names..." Dash said. "Not gonna lie."

"I know, but enough talk, Nathan - you must give Cymtrax free will when you see the past. And you guys MUST obtain that crystal!" Darsun said. They all agreed.

"But wait...who was the original Crimson King?" Nora asked.

"Nobody knows, Cymtrax says he forgot, his memory had a blank out at the time," Darsun said.

"That's a shame, but we can't worry about that now. Let's get that crystal first!" Nathan said, as they began to roll out, while Dash stayed behind. Nathan grabbed the key for Senato and they headed out.

We cut back to the pyramid spot, and we see the Red Sentients have put up bombs all over the ancient stone doors.

"Better work!" Kyton yelled, activating the detonator. "Preparing to explode in 10 seconds.."

We see the Undersea Force rolling out in the Senato rubble.

"We're almost to the spot!" Nathan said.

"Also Nathan, I uploaded a virus into your sword that you should use to give Cymtrax his free will," Darsun explained through his monitor.

"Gotcha boss...but it looks like we are too late!" Nathan gasped, as they saw the bombs patched, and the doors went exploding.

"SCATTER!" Nathan yelled, as he did a quick turn with the Splitvire and sliced open rocks away.

"WATCH OUT!" Nora yelled, as she grabbed a flying piece of debris which nearly crushed the Sonicwave, but Laneld didn't pay any attention.

"You're welcome.." Nora said to Laneld, but he shrugged her off.

The Red Sentients drove inside the temple, to enter into a very dark maze.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Nathan yelled to them.

"Wait, we need to light this place up!" Kane said, as he lit a charge from the Bolt Blaster to give the gang a light.

"If it isn't my sister's pitiful gang...well, you're too late! We've mapped out the entire pyramid, and we know the EXACT location!" Korax laughed, as the five drove out, and Krosis blasted two flames from his tires at the ceiling, causing rocks to fly down.

"RUN!" Kane yelled, blasting bolts at them, but keeping another one charged to light up the place.

"Hey, keep that thing lit, I can't se-" Laneld yelled, as a rock came smashing down on the Sonicwave's glass down, and it went smashing into a wall.

"LANELD!" They all yelled.

"Ugh...that was an awful crash.." Laneld said, as he got out of the broken dome.

"Yikes man...you should pay more attention, get out of that grouchy mode," Nora said.

"You know what...I may not listen to you, but you are right! I will do this for the team! I'M COMING RED SENTIENTS! LANELD RODES THE 3RD WILL KICK YOUR BUTTS!" Laneld yelled.

"That's the spirit...I guess!" Nora said.

They all drove through the ancient passageways, and we see the Red Sentients' progress.

"Where are we now?" Kuri asked. "We've been going around in circles!"

"To be honest with you, I don't even know anymore," Krosis said.

"Well, we better get that crystal, or they'll freeze us all!" Kuri yelled.

"Wait...I notice a bunch of weird lines in that one passage...I THINK THAT IS THE CHAMBER ENTRANCE!" Kordon yelled, and he drove straight through the passage, but little did Kordon know that they were swinging axe blade traps...and one sliced right through the cockpit of the Burner, and his shell cracked - his energy signal went flying away.

"Ugh, back to your Healing Chamber you FOOL!" Kuri yelled.

They kept spinning through the traps, and after a while, both sides came to the chamber with the Crystal on an alter.

"There it is! Our people will be FREE!" Korax yelled.

Just then, we see a laser ball hanging from the ceiling, and it had a red alert signal. It began blasting lasers everywhere due to the introducers.

"DUCK!" Zelleo yelled, as he dodged a laser blast, and reflected it at Krosis - his shell exploded and he went flying back to his Healing Chamber.

"GWAH! DON'T LET THEM GET THE CRYSTAL!" Korax yelled, trying to drive through.

Kyton spun up high, and made a fire wheel out of the Blaze Wheel, and damaged the laser ball.

"Temporarily disabled - not for long," Kyton informed to Korax.

"No matter, it should give us enough time," Korax said.

Nathan then drove up high, and he approached the crystal.

"So..how does this thing work?" Nathan asked to himself.

"You better figure something out soon!" Nora yelled to Nathan, as she smacked the Magler to the wall.

Just then, the Crystal began acting weird as Nathan touched the center of it - he disappeared!

"Now our leader is gone..what do we do?!" Kane yelled, as he blasted a bolt at Kyton, destroying him.


We see Nathan appear in Senato...but it was different. The ground was red, and it wasn't a barren wasteland.

"Whoa..this is different," Nathan said.

He then drove behind a rock and saw the Red Sentients with Cymtrax and Krumb, but they were red.

"Now then, tonight we burn down Dr. Skylander's laboratory! He is going to make a device that will freeze us al!" Korax yelled.

"But..he is my creator..I cannot backstab him." Cymtrax said.

"You DARE side with my sister?! She is against me! Everyone is! The Blue ones are EVIL!" Korax yelled.

"Someone needs a chill pill.." Nathan whispered to himself.

He slowly approached Cymtrax and Krumb, but he noticed Krumb was whispering something to Cymtrax.

Nathan slowly jabbed his sword into Cymtrax's back, and the virus uploaded into him - he turned blue, as did Krumb from the effect.

"What magic is this?!" Kyton yelled.

"The Rark are no longer your slaves Korax! I have been given free will from powers beyond...and you will NOT harm my master!" Cymtrax said, slapping him with an electric whip.

"GWAH! WHO IS THAT?!" Korax yelled, as they saw Nathan.

"Uh oh..gotta jet!" Nathan yelled, as he quickly drove away.

"STOP HIM!" Korax yelled, as the five chased after Nathan, while Cymtrax and Krumb went to warn Dr. Skylander.

Krosis blasted fires from his tires at Nathan, and he dodged.

"WHOA! I just hope I didn't mess up the future.." Nathan said.

We cut back to the present.

"It's funny...your leader reminds me of someone I faced long ago...yet I don't know why.." Korax said, as his head began to hurt.

"Okay, I don't know what you are seeing, but I don't care - guys, let's get that crystal!" Nora yelled, as she launched a grabble hook from the Grangler's front and it snagged the crystal from Korax.

"GWAH! KURI, STOP HER!" Korax yelled, as she made the Scorcher appear and he blasted flame lasers at her.

Kuri blasted flames at the Grangler, and it made Nora dropped the crystal.

"Be careful! One false move...and the Red Sentient people could be unfrozen!" Kane warned, as he tried to grab it, but Korax blasted him aside.

"Oh Nathan, get back here soon!" Nora said, worried.

We cut back to the past, and Nathan was ambushed by them at a cliff.

"This is your end.." Korax laughed.

"Um..look at this!" Nathan said, as he pulled out his sword.

"How nice..what about it?" Kuri asked. "Stop stalling."

"MY SWORD IS BETTER!" Kordon yelled.

"I wasn't stalling..I have more plans for this.." Nathan said. He threw his sword at a rock above them, and it came crashing down, and smashed Krosis' vehicle - his energy signal went flying away, and Nathan moved out.

"STOP HIM!" Korax yelled, as they blasted flames at him.

Just then, Nathan started glowing red and blue.

"I guess my time here is up...a shame I couldn't rescue Dr. Skylander, but I guess we have to keep the balance in tact," Nathan said, as he disappeared.

"Where did he go?!" Kordon yelled.

"Don't worry about him..let's take care of the doctor first.." Korax said, ripping open his blade arm, and he approached the laboratory.


Nathan came flying out of thin air, and he landed onto the ground.

"I'm back!" Nathan yelled.

"So is Cymtrax telling the truth?" Laneld asked.

"Yes, and I think it's time for a fusion Laneld!" Nathan said. "Let's turn your mode from grouchy to great!"

"Sure thing!" Laneld said.

Nathan blasted the Fuser into the air, and the Splitvire and Sonicwave entered it, and out came the SonicSlash - it was red, white and purple, and Laneld and Nathan were in the cockpit with white suits (Nathan's was red and white and Laneld's was purple and white).

"Let's finally do this the old fashioned way!" Laneld said, as he drove the SonicSlash forward at Korax.

"This cannot be...I SHALL BE THE CRIMSON KING!" Korax yelled. "I WILL FREE MY PEOPLE!"

"Well guess what Korax? I'M the CRIMSON KING!" Nathan yelled as he and Laneld made the SonicSlash strike at Korax, and his vehicle exploded, and his energy signal went flying away.

"This isn't over...I'm still here!" Kuri yelled.

Just then, they made the SonicSlash zoom up in the air, and it ripped open sonic slash waves at Kuri's cockpit, destroying her, and she went flying away in her energy signal.

The fusion time was up and they were unfused.

"You did it guys! Nathan, you saw the past, and Laneld..I hate to say it, but you saved the day too," Nora said.

"Yes, for today - who knows, I could be lazy again," Laneld said, and everyone groaned.

"At least you are happy again," Nathan said.

"One question still remains...who was the original one who gave Cymtrax free will?" Kane asked.

"I don't know, but you know what, some things are better left off unanswered.." Nathan said. "Now let's get this crystal safely back to base."

We cut back to the base, and Darsun put the Double-Element Crystal in a glass container.

"Thank you all - this will be in safe hands." Darsun said, as she locked the Crystal away in a safe.

"Let's just hope this isn't stolen...if so, oh boy," Nathan said.

"This should be safe here, so I wouldn't worry about it for now," Darsun said.

"Yeah, let's be glad we're all home safely," Nora said.


We see Cymtrax and Krumb on Senato, in some ancient ruins.

"You know Krumb...it's strange. I feel one of those organics saved me, and helped me realize who Korax was a long time ago.." Cymtrax said.

"Hmm...I guess we may never know who it was," Krumb said.

Cymtrax then remembered something, and he looked at Krumb with a smile.

"You know...I think I do know," Cymtrax said.

"Oh? But my memory not good, so I forget...but it feels different...like the past changed.." Krumb said.

"Some things are better left off unanswered. Now let's keep moving...the Red Rark are nearby.."

Krumb and Cymtrax raced off in their vehicles as the episode faded.


Area Debuts: Double-Element Crystal Pyramid

Vehicle Debuts: SonicSlash (Fusion of Splitvire + Sonicwave)

We learn Laneld's full name is Laneld Rodes the 3rd.

We see how Cymtrax got free will in the past.

The Double-Element Crystal is retrieved by the Undersea Force.

Dash stays behind at the base in this episode.

It is revealed that if someone does something very noble, they will be called "The Crimson King" on Senato.

Who do you think the original Crimson King was?

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