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Clappy Ranks The Yearly Domestic Box Office Top 100 (2003)


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I know what you are thinking. Another random year countdown thread? Two are plenty. Three would be a crowd. Why not just convert SBC to The Billboard Community dammit. So I decided to tackle another entertainment project. My review threads I update often enough (outside of television, which I'm just canning that idea, I'm gonna pass) and my lits....well let's not mention that. :laugh:

Well I've been thinking about doing this idea for awhile now and after so much contemplating, I'm gonna follow through with it and make this my new monthly project. So let me give you a little history into this before I reveal my set up. Annual box office domestic grosses started being tracked in 1980. If you are interested for yourselves what the Top 100 domestic earners were of each year, click the link below:


What I'm going to do is once a month, just go to my Random Integer collector and have it choose a random year for me to do a Top 10 / Bottom 10 of each year. Now I know what you are thinking.

"Clappy are you going to actually sit through 100 movies every month?"

Well random figment of my imagination, allow me to elaborate. I've seen thousands of movies in my lifetime. Most of them mainstream movies. There is a damn good chance that I've seen a very high percentage of the movies in this database. The ones I haven't seen? I'll try to watch, especially the more well known ones for being good or bad. But hey, I still do these year end lists for the past three years I've been doing them without seeing every movie on the list regardless. This time, I'll make more of an effort to try and catch them all.

Now like Wumbo, he often gets asked for songs that don't make his Top/Bottom 10's of random year. I'll be doing that too if anyone is interested, but instead of giving it's place position, I'll just tell you my thoughts on it and give it a positive, neutral, or negative rating.

So without further delay, I am just going to consult random.org/integers and see what year it's going to spout out at me.......


.....why not just take EVERYONE on SBC in the Wayback Machine to 2005 this month why don't ya.

My Top 10 and Bottom 10 Hit Films of 2005 will be coming this July.

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So a small update:


I've seen a pretty damn good portion of the 2005 list already.  I'm a movie nerd who has no life and has seen at least more than half the list even before it was selected.  Ideally, I want to get my Bottom/Top of 2005 list up before I go on vacation.  I leave for vacation in 10 days and with a couple days off from work this week, I think I can reach that goal if I keep this process going.


Let me just say ahead of time, wow.  2005 was not a good year quality wise for movies.  Like I know I'm going to have a hard time picking out the worst list because there are so many worthy nominees.  Makes the best list that much more of a saving grace.

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Good fucking riddance.  Finally finished this list and words cannot even begin to describe how bad of a year this was.  Seriously, 2005 cinema can go fuck itself.  I thought I could handle this year, but it nearly broke me.  This was just a bad year would be an understatement.  The summer tentpoles sucked, the awards bait movies, most of those sucked, and way too many bad chick flicks, action movies, horror movies, comedies....ok not too many bad comedies...just god.   I immediately regretted getting sorted this year first from Random Integer.  Hopefully that's just fate's way of telling me to take care of this god awful year first before I get to the good stuff because I doubt I'll find a year that sucks this badly again anytime soon.


This year was so horrendous that I wouldn’t feel right with just ten choices for the worst list.  So here are some dishonorable mentions that even then I don't feel like I listed enough because more than half of this list sucked.  Big time.


The Legend of Zorro – Snore-o is more like it.  What a massive disappointment because The Mask of Zorro is such a great action adventure.


Kingdom of Heaven – 2005 was the year that I felt nearly everyone got tired of Orlando Bloom’s shtick.  Seriously, this guy couldn’t hide behind a pretty face forever.  Eventually he had to step out of box office mega budget franchises and actually try to act.  What we got was this…..


Elizabethtown - ….and we also got this too.  Seriously bad year all around for Orlando Bloom with two huge bombs.  Not to mention a career worst for Cameron Crowe (until Aloha came out in 2015).  For a guy who made one of my personal favorites in Jerry Maguire, Cameron Crowe movies have not held up well in the 2000s. 


Yours, Mine, and Ours – I liked this better when it was called Cheaper by the Dozen.  What a blatant rip-off.  I get that this was a remake as was 2003 Cheaper By the Dozen, but holy mother of god does this want to be 2003 Cheaper By the Dozen that badly.


Cheaper by the Dozen 2 – Ouch.  I think I might have actually liked this better when it was Yours Mine and Ours.  Terribly bland sequel that has zero reason to exist except WE MONEY GOT HAVE TO KACHING NOSTALGIA CRITIC MEME.


Constantine – Keanu Reeves is definitely one of the more underappreciated actors out there.  He really isn’t all-time bad like A LOT of people make him out to be.  But it’s incredibly hard to defend him when he comes out with uninspired shit like this and doesn’t even try to act.  All the jokes people use at his expense definitely should apply when it comes to a movie this bad.


Racing Stripes – Frankie Muniz voicing a zebra.  Hey I guess your career can keep sinking lower and lower.  This had the potential to make the list, but I was amused with how bad it got.


Beauty Shop – Hey let’s take the charm of the Barber Shop franchise and make it about black women….yeah I think it’s easy to see why people started to get tired of Queen Latifah in the mid-late 2000s.


XXX: State of the Union – Almost so bad it’s good tbh.  Trying to replace Vin Diesel with Ice Cube was so hilariously bad of an idea that I almost appreciate the terrible movie I sat through just for it.  But it’s inexcusable when the original XXX is such a fun action movie.


Get Rich or Die Tryin – I almost wanted to place this on the worst list because god was trying to make 50 Cent a serious actor such a horrible mistake.  Consider this 8 Mile knock-off as my number 11.


Now that I got that out of the way, let's tackle the real shit.






You all knew it was coming.  So get all out of the bad Twilight/Taylor Lautner jokes out of your system while there is still time.


10. The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl



Year End Box Office Ranking: #70


I get the sentiments behind making a movie dedicated to one of your kids.  It’s nice which is why I can’t rank this any lower on the list.  Especially with the amounts of mean-spirited crap we got this year.  But not just as a concept, but as a movie, what the hell is this?  This is definitely one of the more bizarre movies I can say that I’ve seen.  Also, the CGI and 3D elements in this just flat out suck.  This is the kind of gimmicky nonsense that I hate about 3D movies and this movie definitely wears out its welcome on you real quick.  The sad thing is that this movie could have definitely worked if they didn’t try to throw you the “Look I’m in 3D” gags constantly.  Robert Rodriguez, you are a talented director.  But please stop with the crappy family movies.  You are far better than this.





I’m going to stop you for a minute.  You did a damn good job resurrecting your career from obscurity over the past five years into a credible Hollywood leading man.  But let’s rewind to ten years ago.


Guys, Matthew McConaughey was once of the most unbearable actors working.  His movie were bad.  And I mean REALLY bad.  I couldn’t stand this guy.  He always played the same smarmy character that we were supposed to find charming, but I found constantly aggravating.  It didn’t help that Matthew would constantly go through the motions and didn’t diversify his acting.  He just always acted like Matthew McConaughey.  Be prepared to see many of his movies when I revisit around this time frame in future installments, but I only have room for just one Matthew McConaughey movie this time.


9. Sahara




Year End Box Office Ranking: #35


Hey guys, tell me if this sounds familiar.  A mindless adventure flick with a preposterous plot.  Didn’t we just watch this a year ago with National Treasure?  What’s even worse is why we replaced Nicholas Cage overacting for nobody in this movie even trying.   What made National Treasure work was that everyone was invested in the convoluted plot and made genuinely good action sequences to keep you entertained.  Sahara sadly does none of this.  They don’t want you to care about the treasure.  They just want you to like Matthew McConaughey and his band of cohorts as they try to uncover the treasure and outsmart baddies along the way.  But nobody in this movie is likeable.  I just want to punch Matthew every time he plays himself.  I just want to get Steve Zahn a better agent because he always wastes his potential.   I don’t even know how much they paid for someone as talented as Penelope Cruz to agree to something as absurd as this, but she didn’t make enough.  I just hate this movie so much, but believe it or not, the worst of Matthew McConaughey has yet to be revisited yet, and I’m scared of that. 



Wow did 2005 suck for Disney.


Sure this was a terrible year all around for movies, but I don’t think a company suffered as bad as Disney did.  Besides Narnia, I did not enjoy a single Disney movie in 2005.  No wonder Disney overpaid to keep Pixar because their animated movies this year sucked.  Their live action movies were a mixed bag from mediocre to straight up bad and none of those were the lowest of the low: 


8. The Pacifier




Year End Box Office Ranking: #17


This was.  If Disney overdid one formula in the 2000s, it was bringing in big name action stars and thrust them into a family comedy setting.  They did it with The Rock, they did it with Jackie Chan, and I can’t think of a worse one than making Vin Diesel a male nanny.   What makes The Pacifier massive amounts of garbage is that it doesn’t even feel like a theatrical movie.  Everything about this makes me wonder why this wasn’t sent directly to Disney Channel to air as a DCOM.  I mean remove Vin Diesel from the equation entirely and look at this cast list:


Lauren Graham
Brad Garrett
Faith Ford
Chris Potter
Carol Kane


That’s a television cast list.  And these are some of the main stars of the movie?  Are you kidding me?


Hell, even the plot is something you could find done better in a television movie.  Because it’s executed poorly here as Vin Diesel doesn’t even change as a person.  He forces everyone else around him to change to mixed results as the kids are still little shits.  This movie also references The Sound of Music…a lot.  Disney stop trying to remind me of better movies because this is nothing at all like that.  Because we watched Maria change as a person and not just making a difference for the kids.


And people wonder why Vin Diesel stopped trying to make original movies after the overwhelmingly negative reception this got. 



Sandra Bullock.  When people think of that name now, what they think of is one of the biggest stars on the planet.  Rightfully so because she is smart at picking her projects knowing that her name brings a ton of credibility towards the movie she is starring in.  Well guys, 10 years ago, Sandra Bullock’s name was synonymous with terrible movies.


7. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous



Year End Box Office Ranking: #59


Yeah the mid 2000s were not kind to Sandra Bullock.  She starred in constant critical disappointments and if you want to talk about in terms of star vehicles, this was probably her worst.  Even she came off as wondering what the point of this sequel was.  At least the original was charming, this just felt mean spirited and shallow and missed the point of the original entirely.  Sandra Bullock became as shallow and hollow as beauty queens were typecasted to be in the original. 


Then of course everyone else in the movie was stereotypes from the stereotypical hard nose partner who of course had to be black so they can make some racially insensitive commentary, a gay best friend because why not and…..Ron Swanson?  What are you doing here?  You deserve better than being the dumb redneck villain.  But the worst by far in this movie is Sandra Bullock.  Not only for the complaints I had earlier, but the fact that she produced this stinker and deliver that uninspired performance just makes this movie come off as even more of a mess.



One of the key focal points of the 2000s was the revival of the comic book movies.  More and more movie studios started to realize how financially successful these movies were becoming that they started to adapt every superhero(es) imaginable.  Before Marvel became Disney exclusive though, they had properties spread out everywhere.  Paramount and Sony were the more common studios to adapt Marvel movies, but today, I want to take a look at 20th Century Fox.  They had a string of successful movies with the X-Men franchise that they asked Marvel if they can franchise another group entity to go along with the X-Men.  Too bad that this superhero team ended up sucking.


6. Fantastic Four



Year End Box Office Ranking: #13


I can’t think of a comic book franchise that has been as poorly adapted to the big screen as the Fantastic Four.  Some can make a case for Superman, but at least the first two movies were good before we received the other four movies after that that ranged from average to terrible.  The two movies we have gotten from this franchise have been equally unbearable.  The sequel is not worthy of an antagonist as awesome as the Silver Surfer, but the original is far worse. 


Why?  Because for 80% of this movie, our “heroes” do NOTHING of any significant importance.  They just act like super assholes.  I’m glad Chris Evans became Captain America because I didn’t want his lasting impression in the Marvelverse to be the arrogant prick that was Johnny Storm.  Jessica Alba gets halfway naked.  That’s her thing because she needs to take off her clothes because she’s invisible…and hot.  Michael Chiklis….eh he’s ok as The Thing, but the writers don’t give him anything to do except mope and moan.  But oh man, I think I might Hate Ioan Gruffudd’s portrayal as Reed Richards the most.  He’s bland, boring, uninteresting, and most of all, as a leader, does not do anything of actual importance as the leader except do science stuff.


I have no clue how the 2015 reboot will do, but it has to be miles better than this because this was just a disaster of epic proportions.



You guys remember how I tackled Bad Teacher?  What if I told you I found a worse character than her.


5. Monster-in-Law




Year End Box Office Ranking: #23


All I can say is this makes Cameron Diaz’s character a saint.  The sole purpose of this movie is for Jane Fonda to torture Jennifer Lopez.  It’s horrible women being horrible to each other.  What is even more astounding is that a proven feminist in Jane Fonda would even agree to star in a movie with gender politics this regressive.  This movie constantly chooses to depict women as conniving shrews as we watch Jane Fonda’s character, for no reason, resent J-Lo’s for an ugly combination of sexism, body shaming, racism, and classism.  But we are supposed to sit here and think “Oh she’s just being a crazy potential mother in-law….” 


No.  She takes this beyond crazy into frothing at the mouth.  She even goes as far as to try and poison J-Lo with her own food allergies.  She’s not just a monster in-law.  She’s a monster as a person.  It only takes near death for J-Lo to actually retaliate and try to destroy the mother’s relationship with her own son, but it’s too late in the movie for that.  This movie is just fucking terrible all around.  Nothing about this works.  Normally a movie like this would top my worst list, but holy god, 2005 was just an atrocity of a year.





4. Crash



Year End Box Office Ranking: #49


no seriously.  Someone please explain this to me.  I don’t get it.  I know there are occasions where the Academy obviously drops the ball on winners (Shakespeare in Love, The King’s Speech and American Beauty first come to mind), but how did they miss it this badly?!   This is awards bait trash of epic proportions trying to convey an important message, but turning into a complete mess in basic storytelling.  It’s a neoliberal shit show. The movie’s basic moral being: if individuals stop being racist and committing glaringly racist acts, then racism is gone. And then there’s certainly no need for systemic change, or consideration of how systemic inequity has perpetuated racism between individuals.   


Wow movie, I’m astonished.  So you can control fucked up individuals minds to make them stop being racist?  That’s basically what you are implying to us movie because YOU DON’T FOLLOW YOUR OWN MORAL.  YOU MAKE RACISM GLARINGLY OBVIOUS BY TYPECASTING EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHARACTER.  TYPECASTING DOESN’T SOLVE RACISM.  I haven’t seen a movie miss the point of it’s own message this badly in a long time.  It’s one thing to point out in a movie that characters are doing something racist, but it’s another thing to make it obvious that you are being racist to begin with. 


But where this really fails is in basic storytelling as mentioned earlier.  It tries to go the flashback route and time hop from past to present so we can understand what’s going on better.  But where this movie fails to do what others had no problem doing is allowing us to learn about our characters so we can react and actually care about the outcome of these events.


Even besides the complete failure of a plot such as this, none of these characters…if we can even call them that….are likeable.  I hate every single last one of them….ohai Sandra Bullock; another 2005 stinker.  This movie is just not painful in the aspect that this was honored as the best picture of 2005.  This movie is just an absolute displeasure to sit through in general.  There’s a difference between being a bad movie and being a bad movie with a failure in executing your morals.



2005 was nearing the end of the line for one of the more popular forms of reboots of it’s time period, which was adapting classic television shows into full length feature films.  Sure we had/have a few more examples of that still go on even in the present, but not nearly as often as we did ten years ago.  I mean look at this:




It’s the freaking Dukes of Hazzard with Johnny Knoxville, Stifler from American Pie, and Jessica Simpson.  Don’t get me wrong, that was really bad too.  But at least it tried to adapt the actual source material unlike this:


3. Bewitched




Year End Box Office Ranking: #40


….you are making a movie about making an adaptation of the television show in a movie?  Not only does that loose the charm of what made Bewitched one of the best classic television shows, but you are asking to piss off the show’s original fan base by not even attempting to adapt the actual source material.   I would have much rather have an adaptation than a “reimagining” because the reimagining was straight up terrible.  What’s even a bigger slap in the face is that you STILL decide to make Nicole Kidman’s character an actual witch because SOURCE MATERIAL…..HAHAHAHAHA I GET JOKES.


This is easily the most let down and the worst reimagining of any source material I’ve ever seen…..until The Last Airbender came out at least.  But even then, at least M Night Shyamalan did one thing right and not try to make this project a reimagining.  I think what pisses me off the most about this version of Bewitched though is that they play this off as a clichéd romantic comedy more than anything else.  At least do the honors of getting actors with actual chemistry because Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman had zero chemistry whatsoever.  No sparks, no hint of subtle development in their budding romance, and just so many bad jokes that they try to play off as cutesy.  I mean I can’t stress how bad this is and how it just fails as not only an adaptation, but a bad romantic comedy.



There’s always a Family Guy clip for everything.





Don’t you mean the standards are falling?


2. Chicken Little




Year End Box Office Ranking: #14


Fuck this movie.  No seriously, I can’t even exaggerate how much I hate this.  This is Bottom 5 worst Disney for me…hell it could present a case as number one if I really think about it because at least some of my other contenders for worst animated Disney movies still felt like Disney movies, except Home on the Range.  This is a good example as to how clichéd animated movies were back in the early-mid 2000s filled with bad pop culture references, outdated clichés, and one dimensional characters.  I expect films like this from DreamWorks and Blue Sky, but not a studio like Disney that prided themselves on not being like everyone else.


This movie is mean spirited as fuck.  I hate every single one of these characters.  None of them and I do mean none of them draw any sort of connection to me in a positive light.  Especially the father Buck Cluck, who is probably the most irredeemable character I’ve ever seen in any Disney movie period.  I mean we already have a bad year of film character studies, but the fact that we watch the father of our star go as far as to distance himself in shame of his own son for no reason except to save face publically is just an absolute insult to my intelligence.  Besides him, how are we supposed to connect with any of these characters?  Everyone around Chicken Little keeps beating him down, but they do nothing to make Chicken Little save face with the audience because they give us nothing to like about him.


I honestly don’t care that this was Disney’s first fully computer animated film.  It all goes back to story because this movie is just a hectic uninspiring mess.  Which is massively disappointing for a company that excels at bringing movies to life through great storytelling.   Everyone involved with this movie can go screw themselves.  Inexcusable trash from a movie company that I grew up adoring.



Now I know what you are thinking.  What could possibly be the worst movie of 2005 for me?  I’ve gone into HUGE amounts of depth talking about my loathing hatred for this year in cinema.  I didn’t even touch upon some of the crap that was far worse like Son of the Mask, Into the Blue, Valiant, and many more that didn’t even crack the Top 100 domestic earners.  But my number one movie of this year was just indescribable when I sat through it.  Like there was so much wrong with this movie, that it astonished me.  After recollecting my thoughts on how to rank this list, this movie had to be my number one.


1. Stealth




Year End Box Office Ranking: #86


The moment I saw this trailer, I knew it was going to be really bad.  Not only was it a blatant Top Gun rip-off, but anytime you added artificial intelligence into the mix, you know you are heading towards dangerous levels of a shit product.  Not to mention that Rob Cohen is one of the worst directors working today; despite being the man responsible for the Fast and the Furious franchise.  But oh my god, I was not ready for the amounts of bad that this was.  I just wasn’t.  This one hurt like I felt a little bit of me dying on the inside.  Not to mention that this one had to hurt for the careers of Jessica Biel and recent Academy Award winning best actor Jamie Foxx.


But no, what was easily the worst is that the movie knows it’s flaws and even point them out glaringly to us.  The freaking super plane knows that it can’t fully recognize war, so may I ask WHY ARE THEY STILL GOING THROUGH WITH INVENTING IT?  The scientists even point out that the pilots have moral judgments while the computers don’t.  THAT’S WHY THEY VOLUNTEER TO GO TO WAR IDIOTS.  Then the same people that invented this shit wonder where they go wrong…..IDIOTS YOU POINTED OUT WHERE YOU WENT WRONG EARLIER IN THE MOVIE!!!!!  Oh my god, this movie hurts me just thinking about it.  I might end up doing a Crap Cinema on this someday because this brief summary can’t fully embrace how terrible this movie was.  Like it’s not even so bad, it’s good because the actors take everything in this movie seriously and don’t embrace the massive amounts of stupidity.  Even the action scenes aren’t enjoyably stupid.


And everything that could have went wrong with this movie performance wise, did.  It received scathing reviews.  It was a colossal bomb at the box office, not even coming 1/5 of the way close to its budget.  One of the worst losses in cinematic history up there with the likes of 47 Ronin, Mars Needs Moms, The Lone Ranger, John Carter, Sahara (haha how ironic), etc.  It was nominated for multiple Razzies.  It was one of the main financial write-offs that lead to Columbia Pictures being bought out by Sony.  Stealth was just an epic disaster all around.  I considered being kind to this and not placing it all the way at the top out of pity for how badly this ended up being, but that would not be fair.  This movie flat out sucks.  Plain and simple.  And it’s my number one worst movie of 2005.


2005.  A year that would go down in infamy in cinematic history.

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Dang, 2005 WAS a bad year.


Would it be a stretch to say it was a slight financial downer too or, no?

It definitely was.  It was down nearly a billion more than 2004.  All that bad movie quality definitely played a factor in it's underwhelming box office returns.

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It definitely was.  It was down nearly a billion more than 2004.  All that bad movie quality definitely played a factor in it's underwhelming box office returns.

All the major bombs, and just a loss in box office money overall...I mean even #40 got 63 million around

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I have never liked Chicken Little, ugh. It and Sharkboy & Lavagirl are probably two of the worst family films I've ever seen.

Hopefully there are some gems that'll grace your best list...if you could even find ten good movies from 2005 :P

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I actually enjoyed The Pacifier and Chicken Little when I was young, but looking back on them today, I realize they were pretty dumb, and not in an amusing way. Fantastic Four was okay, but I get the hate for it. Bewitched, on the other hand, I never, ever liked. It bored me to tears. I had a lot more fun eating snacks than I did watching it as a little kid.

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Damn (I say this a lot, I know :P ), 2005 sounds so awful. I have never heard any of these movies but I've heard from Mr. Enter that Chicken Little is bad and I've also seen Sharkboy and LavaGirl a lot on TV when I was a kid but I always changed channel and never bothered to look at it because It looked soooooooooooooooo cheesy. I know it was supoosed to be for kids but I think this isn't how family movies should be like this. Thank goodness, we have Pixar, Dreamworks and even sometimes Nickelodeon Movies for that. I can't wait to see your top 10 best movies of 2005. Even If 2005 was bad, at least It brought us a new Batman franchise, so I have to give 2005 a credit for that.

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