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So, I had the idea of making this because I want to know what people feel they have made wrong in life. We all have regrets in life and its part of our everyday life. Do you feel like you regret not choosing something over the other? It can be anything you have in mind.




Just the way I treated certain friends growing up in my youth.  Should have been a better friend than I was.

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I regret a lot of things tbh. I know you learn from your mistakes, but I feel like my life would be better and I'd be happier if I had made certain decisions instead of others.


I regret not doing more shit in high school. Like not doing theater or choir for example. I also regret not being assertive enough and not cutting off people in life even when I knew I'd be better off without them. 

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Getting caught up with some of my male students trying to go on dates with me, lol. :)  I just should have just rebuffed them in stronger terms, instead of giving in this one time and getting fired for it, lol. :) 

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