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CakeCup last won the day on February 3

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About CakeCup

  • Birthday 11/07/1998


  • Member Title
    SBC's professional goofball

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    Dat Knee (gets banana'd)
    Invader Zim
    Most SpongeBob episodes
    Cute little animals (esp. chinchillas)
    Shopping, shopping, and more shopping
    Creating frivolous little drawings
    Computer programming
    Learning gratuitous words in other languages
    Consuming nutritious comestibles
    90s-2000s NickToons
    Roasting the entire human population
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    Babbling like an idiot, because I am indubitably an individual who is a complete simpleton

  • Location
    Suburbs of Washington's largest city
  • Favorite Episode
    The Municipality Populated by Sentient beings of the Molluscan Class Cephalopoda (or Squidville)
  • Favorite Character
    That cephalopod guy that likes to play a specific woodwind instrument

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  1. I would argue that Little Yellow Book is a touch overhated, but outside of Krabs wearing a kilt and "P-p-plaid?!", it doesn't really have much going for it. The Bikini Bottomites were pretty unlikeable in this one alongside Squidward, and overall, it's another episode that's suffering from a massive amount of padding. Criticizing APFG nowadays is essentially the equivalent of beating a dead horse since everyone and their cat has probably talked about the episode from 2013-2016, but yeah, it's still a garbage episode that portrays SpongeBob at his worst. I can't really take the quote "Gary! You put Puffy Fluffy down right now!" all that seriously; in fact, I do find it funny out of context. SpongeBob overpronouncing "enchiladas" was also pretty chuckle-worthy, and Puffy Fluffy's monster design was cool, even if it feels out of place. I wanted to give this episode another chance, but SpongeBob came across as oblivious at best and downright abusive at worst. Main Drain might as well be renamed "The Lame Drain". The twist ending is another bad case of lazy writing, and the plot feels as empty as the Bootes Void. It's like any attempt at a cohesive story or anything with entertainment value went down the drain (*laugh track*) and landed into season 7's sewer of tedium. The problems with Squid's Visit are pretty obvious from the start, so I can't bring myself to defend this episode. SpongeBob came across as a stalker with no sense of boundaries, and the beginning of the episode was one of the show's most annoying ones. It's not like this episode is going to give me nightmares, but SpongeBob was wayyy out of character here. The few jokes that this episode had weren't really that funny besides Squidward having a tea party with the vacuum, so yeah, it's not an episode that I am looking forward to rewatching.
  2. Fungus is yet another episode that barely missed my bottom 15. Not only is it pretty "ick"-y (*laugh track*), it's just devoid of anything interesting or funny. I wouldn't say that it's as revolting as Pet or Pests or The Splinter, but the scene where SpongeBob was in a bubble at the Krusty Krab made me seriously uncomfortable. The foreshadowing at the beginning was nice, but other than that, I can't say anything good about this one. Rodeo Daze is such a snorefest of an episode. The rodeo song was okay, but the rest of the episode felt like the equivalent of cramming a major school project the night before it's due. For an episode called "Rodeo Daze", we only got mere seconds of an actual rodeo, and a terribly animated one at that. Again, the vast majority of the episode consists of nothingness, which is a recurring theme in season 7.
  3. Cake reporting in: Demolition Doofus wasn't on my bottom 15 list, but I'd definitely put in my bottom 50. I can safely say that in Demolition Doofus, ESH. SpongeBob came across as incredibly insensitive towards deflated Mrs. Puff, and Mrs. Puff took her rage way too far. The demolition derby was a novel idea, but it was ruined by Mrs. Puff's bloodlust. Trenchbillies almost missed my bottom 15. Such an unfunny drag to get through. The character designs were hideous, 90% of the humor derives from tired hillbilly stereotypes, and the story just meanders about. I would safely say that this episode has more filler than low-quality pet food. A SquarePants Family Vacation can be summed up in two words: painfully boring. Yeah, the road song was cool and all, but the whole episode is a nothingburger until the gift shop scene. It's a shame, because this episode had a lot of promise; the idea of SpongeBob and his parents taking a vacation sounded really interesting, but nope, we instead got a snorefest of a special. Slide Whistle Stooges is mid-tier in my mind. Yeah, the sound of the slide whistles gets tiresome after a while, but I don't mind them all that much. Aside from the ending and the hypocritical Bikini Bottomites, it's hard for me to find any noteworthy flaws, but at the same time, it's also hard for me to find any laugh out loud moments. SWS is watchable, but not very memorable
  4. Bringing back a beloved classic.
  5. I gotta go with Panera; their toasted baguettes are . Firehouse Subs and Jersey Mike's are also great, but I don't go to either of those places that often, Subway is alright, and I haven't tried Jimmy John's yet.
  6. Well, I canceled my DirecTV subscription when I moved, so now I stream movies on places like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and Paramount+. Once in a blue moon, I'll watch a movie on the big screen, but only if it's PG-13 or R-rated.
  7. Reese's, Twix, and Hershey's Cookies and Cream are my top picks. As for fancier candies, I really enjoy Lindor truffles and milk chocolate balls from See's.
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