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SBC Parallel Universe

Jjs Goodman

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42. Friends Like Massan & Jss

"Alright, we really need to step up our game," 70s said.

"Relax, it was only the first match of what...9?" Ex said.

"Yeah, but I get competitive," 70s said.

"By the way guys, while the doctor still advised me I can't race anymore, I can still be of some service. Perhaps as your servant." OMJ said.

"Haha, we'll see." 70s said.


"Alright, I'll be ready!" Ex said.

Ex got out with the other pilots, and he saw Stalus doing some magic tricks.

"Whoa, is this guy a magician?" Ex asked.

"Yes, Stalus is the most powerful magician in the world, and has gotten many honors, so winning the grand prize would make him a God," Mothra said.

"Alright, thank you my people...now I must win the next race," Stalus said.

The 9 pilots lined up, and this time, they were racing through a jungle.

"There are only 3 gates for this one, and it doesn't look like it is that long, so try to do your best," Elastic told Ex.

"Will do Dawg," Ex said.

They then began to race through the jungle. It was tough to navigate due to all of the trees and grass.

"It's a jungle out thar," Elastic said.

We then see Massan & Jss gaining ahead and they passed through the first gate.

"Great job, 2 points for us!" Jss said.

"Indeed. We were both once evil opposites, but now we've made it to the finals," Massan said.

The other 8 passed through the first gate.

Gargos launched a laser beam at Jss, but he dodged.

"Now...time for our combo!" Massan said.

Their two red ships then combined together, and formed a floating robot of some sort. It grew arms out of it with Masan and Jss piloting at the time.

"Well, I'm fucked.." Ex said, dodging a blast.

Gargos then rammed into the back of the Pulp Rider with his ship.

"Ugh, it's times like this that make me miss Dradius," Ex said, as he flew up, and blasted some lasers at Gargos.

"GWAH! Pitiful human, you will lose and be destroyed!" Gargos threatened.

"My inner calculations detect the next gate approaching between those two large trees," Nondai said, and he passed through it.

Massan and Jss passed through the gate, and blasted Nondai into the swamp lake below.

The Pulp Rider was driving faster.

"Yes...I might make it!" Ex said in excitement.

Massan & Jss' robot ship then blasted some lasers at the Pulp Rider.

"Sorry Ex, but we gotta win!" Massan said.

Gargos speeded ahead, and rammed into their robot.

Massan and Jss tried to separate, but Gargos sliced through their robot before they could.

"Oh no!" Massan yelled.

Jss and Massan fell off the exploding robot ship, but they were saved by some hanging vines.

"Well, that was close.." Massan said.

"But we also lost our chances of winning.." Jss sighed.

"Well, there's always another day, my friend," Massan said.

Ex was almost at the finish. It was neck and neck between him and Gargos. Stalus and Zwuir had came in 1st and 2nd respectively, so there was only one spot left.

Stalus blasted a beam at the Pulp Rider, and Stalus came in 3rd; the gates crumbled.

"Ugh...not again!" Ex sighed.

"Nice try Ex, you almost made it," 70s encouraged him.

We then cut back to the hub of Paralois Island, and then we see Team Darkness' hut.

"Gargos, we have some unfortunate news from Dradius," Flareix reported.

"What is it?" Gargos asked, looking out the window.

"Well...thesuitelife44 has escaped from his erm, ice cell..." Phalos said.

"But how?" He asked.

"That's the point. Flareix and I have been called to investigate, so you'll be on your own for a while," Phalos said.

"No matter, I've proven my strengths," Gargos said. "Good luck with the investigation."

The two teleported away.

We then cut back to the hub, and in the center, we see a bunch of rock creatures gathering in the center.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Ex asked, looking out the window.

"They appear to be welding the rock structures," 70s said.

We see the rock creatures glowing. They were humming some song and the center was glowing, with some bricks being welded in damaged spots.

"good job," SOF said to them. They then followed SOF somewhere else.

"Hmm, very interesting, quite a mystical island," 70s said.


"Yes, and I suspect there are much more secrets and mysteries to be discovered.." Ex said, looking up at the stars.


Area Debuts: Jungle Path
Character Debuts: Rock Creatures
Phalos and Flareix leave Team Darkness for a while to investigate suitelife44's disappearance.


Stalus - 34
Q - 22
Zwuir - 20
Darkness - 19
SBM - 10
Nondai - 10
Massan & Jss - 6
SBC - 6
RACB - 6

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43. Nexus Like Nondai

"We need to step up our game guys," 70s said.

"I know I KNOW! Sorry, I've been trying my best, but it's tough," Ex said.

"Don't worry Ex, we all hit a faulty point," OMJ said.

"Thanks, let's hope today is my lucky day!" Ex said, shouting outside of the hut.

We then see it started snowing.

"Whoa, that's something I never see in Hawaii," OMJ said, coming out of the hut.

"This white precipitation has peeked my curious meters, as though it has fallen out of the sky into an ice state," Nondai said, feeling a snowflake.

"Male SG much?" Ex said.

"Oh hello humans...can your tiny brains comprehend my statements?" Nondai said, making a silly face on his circle robot screen. He was a cylinder like robot with three tags as his legs, and two tag robotic arms.

"What did you say punk?!" Ex said.

"Relax," 70s said, cooling Ex.

"I'll let you off...for now," Ex said, eying down Nondai.

"Anyways, the next race is beginning, good luck," Elastic said. Ex got into the Pulp Rider.

"Huh..that's weird, the sensors indicate only 1 gate for the match.." 70s said, reading the scanner.

"I smell the magics of Satan," OMJ said. "This looks like a job for a god damn hero!"

We see the 9 pilots lined up, and this time, the course was an icy field, and they went off.

There was a huge snow storm, but the pilots were racing through.

"I don't see a gate ANYWHERE!" ACS panicked.

"Ugh, my sensors detect a gate, but I DON'T SEE IT! I wish Phalos and Flareix were here.." Gargos said, annoyed.

All the pilots were incredibly confused - they were in the spot of the gate, but it was nowhere in sight.

"Hmm..maybe it's hidden," Massan said.

"Possibly, but would one of us feel it?" Jss asked.

"The others don't have my smarts, and if my calculations are 100% accurate, the ringer seems to be underneath the caverns, not in mid-air," Nondai said, laughing.

"Robot dude, I have no idea what you just said, but I only got underneath, so, take this!" Ex said, as he blasted a laser at the surface, and it opened a small crack.

Ex then quickly flew into the crack, as the others were confused; Nondai followed him in.

"Ah, humans have such puny brains..but this organic's seems to be intelligent..surprisingly," Nondai said.

As they were racing through the ice caverns, Nondai fired some missiles from his c-shaped ship; Ex dodged.

"Whoa dude, watch it!" Ex said, counter-acting with laser beams.

Just then, Nondai transformed his ship into a mecha of some sort. The c-shape made two strip legs come down, and two strip legs pop out as the arms, and he pulled a glowing blade out of his hand. He stood up tall.

"Um...holy shit?" Ex said.

Nondai attacked the Pulp Rider with the laser blade, and put a slice through the cockpit, but Ex shook him off into a nearby lake of the cave.

"You humans are weak! I will win the grand prize to make robots the dominant species!" Nondai said, launching missiles at the cave ceiling.

"Come out come out wherever you are gate!" Mothra said. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

"I think we need to be one with the snow to find our answers," Stalus said, meditating.

"What the hell does that even MEAN?" Mothra said.

"I don't know, I'm just guessing to be honest," Stalus said.

"And they say you are the most powerful wizard in the universe.." Mothra snorted.

"Hey, give me a break - I don't know EVERYTHING!" Stalus said.

We then see the Pulp Rider and Nondai fighting in the caves.

"I will get to the gate, organic!" Nondai said, as they saw the gate a few miles away, on an icy ledge.

The ceiling kept shaking, and Ex had an idea.

"Hey robot face, take this!" Ex said, as he blasted a laser at the ceiling again. A bunch of giant icicles came shattering down, and Ex escaped, with snow on the side of the Pulp Rider.

"So....beautiful.." Nondai said, starring at the falling icicles.

"Uhh..dude..eh, nevermind," Ex said, racing to the gate, dodging some icicles.

"SO MANY OUTCOMES! SO BEAUTIFUL!" Nondai said, as he overloaded. Just then, a giant icicle crushed his mecha form.

Ex then made it to the gate, and gasped.

"Holy smokes, did I WIN for once?!" Ex gasped. "Take THAT robots!"

"Woo Ex!" Elastic cheered.

The 7 other pilots saw the crack, but when they came into the cave, it was too late; nobody else had claimed the 2nd and 3rd place spots, making Ex the only winner.

"Wow, impressive!" Stalus said.

"Hot damn Exxy, congrats!" Mothra said, as they went back to the hub.

"I guess today was my lucky day..I should do that more often in the morning!" Ex said.


We cut back to the Dark One Ruler's throne.

"Sir, what do we do now?" Flareix asked.

"It seems like the races caused his prison to melt.." Phalos said.

"I see...any sign of his body?" Dark One Ruler asked.

"No, but the knife was on the ground.." Phalos said, showing it.

The Dark One Ruler reached out to grab it, and we saw a dark gray hand with long fingernails.

"Using my senses...I could trace where he has gone," The Dark One Ruler said. "I got a signal, but it's fuzzy. It's very brief however..."

He then put his hand out over a torch, and began chanting.

"Is he still dead?" Phalos asked.

"He is not dead...but in the outskirts of the world," The Dark One Ruler said. "You two will go find him."

"Yes sir," Flareix said as they teleported away.

We then see him open up a portal, and he chanted some more. We then saw a figure appear.

"Sir...it is not wise to tamper with the Kingdom of The Dead," Dradius suggested.

"I'm aware," the ruler said.

Out of the shadows came...CDCB.

"Where...am I?" CDCB asked. "Who are you guys?"

"You don't know me...but I know you. Let's just say I have some things planned.." The ruler said.



Area Debuts: Ice Area

First win for Team SBC of the finals.


CDCB is revived from the dead.


Stalus - 34

Q - 22

Zwuir - 20

Darkness - 19

SBC - 18

SBM - 10

Nondai - 10

Massan & Jss - 6

RACB - 6

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44. Zapping Like Zwuir

We pick off where the previous episode left off, with CDCB being revived.

“Um...why?” Phalos asked to The Dark One Ruler.

Just then, out of the shadows, the ruler appeared. He had a giant raven like head, grey hands, and six tarantula like legs coming out of his back, with dark red robes with odd symbols - his name was Ronuletto.

“I did it because he was a member of The SpongeBob Community...using my only reviving power on him is a good move. We could use him to spy on them,” Ronuletto said.

“In that case, good idea,” Flareix said. “But what if they get suspicious?”

“Don’t worry, I have it under control,” Ronuletto said. “This will help Gargos’ chances, we can spy on them with CDCB. Flareix and Phalos, you may search for suitelife again - you too Dradius.”

“Do you mean it sir?” Dradius asked.

“Yes, good luck,” Ronuletto said, as he went back to his throne, and the 3 disappeared.

“As for you..” Ronuletto said to CDCB, and cursed him with a dark spell, and his eyes turned purple. He was then transported to Paralois Island.

We then cut back to Paralois Island.

“Good job last time Ex, you got us some points,” 70s said.

“But certainly not enough to defeat that sneaky devil Stalus,” OMJ said.

Just then, CDCB was on the island, and he approached the hut. He then knocked on the hut door.

“Who is there?” Elastic asked.

“Better not be the cops,” OMJ said.

Ex opened the door, and they were all surprised to see CDCB.

“Hello everyone,” CDCB said in a dark voice.

“I thought you were dead?” Elastic asked.

“I was, but like a miracle, I’m back!” CDCB said.

“Like how I wish Michael Jackson would come back,” OMJ said. “Still, welcome back to the Krusty Krew. I would give you some cuban cigars if we actually had any.”

“Wait, how do we know if this is really him?” 70s asked. “It could be another team member in disguise.”

“I am 16, love storyboards and deleted scenes, have a spin-off called CDCB’s Bikini Bottom Adventures, I have a sister named Dani, and my name is Christian,” CDCB said, while Ronuletto was looking the facts up, speaking to them.

“Well, I guess it is you. Want to join our crew?” OMJ asked.

“Sure,” CDCB said.

“Hm...watch out Ex, I don’t think something is right here,” 70s whispered to him.

We see Zwuir looking across at their hut. He began snapping his claws.

“Next race is beginning,” Elastic said.

Ex then got into the Pulp Rider, and went to the starting line - this time the pilots were going through a swamp area.

We then see Dradius, Phalos and Flareix in an unknown area.

“Here we are...the World Outskirts. The land of danger and deranged people.” Dradius said.

“How do we know he is here?” Phalos asked.

“This necklace Ronuletto gave me is glowing, and it lead us here,” Dradius said.

They then looked ahead, and saw thunder and tons of junk everywhere.

“I don’t like the looks of this..” Flareix said.

“The worst is yet to come..” Dradius said, as they continued on.

We then cut back to Paralois Island.

“Ex, watch out - my censors detect the water in the swamp is well...acidic, and can burn through your ship in 5 seconds,” 70s said.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ex said. “How many gates?”

“5,” OMJ said. “Like 5 Guys.”

We then see Zwuir - a crab creature who was blue with two giant claws, and some tentacles - crawl into a giant crab ship. It was white with tentacles on the bottom.

“Wow, nice ride you got there,” Ex said to him.

Zwuir just made a bunch of clicking noises.

“Okay then..” Ex said, and the race began.

The 9 pilots were racing above the acidic waters, while ACS was trailing in last, nearly about to fall into the acidic water.


“Well, that is what happens when you make a ship based off of a game like Jax & Dexter,” Lew said.

“UGH, OKAY! WE’LL THROW OFF SOME EXTRA CARGO!” ACS said, and the crew began throwing off unneeded junk.

However, one of the crew members, then threw off ACS’ hyper cam.

“NO YOU IDIOT!” ACS yelled, as he threw the crew member overboard. “MY CAMERA!”

We then see the hyper cam go falling, but it falls on Zwuir’s ship.

“Hm?” Zwuir growled, as he heard the bang on his ship. He then saw the Pulp Rider approaching near him, and he stared at Ex, and thought of CDCB. He drove his ship near Ex.

We then see everyone at this point, at the second gate, except for Team RACB.


The 3rd gate was in the other’s views, and we see Q and Stalus going neck and neck - Q used his ship which looked like a ball with two wings attached to it, and flew ahead, while Stalus shot some mystic stars at Q.

“I really hope this area is restricted to animals, because I hope my ponies like Rarity don’t go wandering into here!” Mothra said.

“It is, human,” Nondai said, checking his censors.

“Good..NOW EAT THIS!” Mothra said, blasting rainbows at Nondai.

We then see Zwuir against the Pulp Rider, and Zwuir began to use his crab ship to hover over the Pulp Rider.

“Um...the fuck brah?” Ex asked above.

Just then, the ship smashed down onto the Pulp Rider, and a bunch of tentacles from the bottom began to grab it.


We then see Zwuir crawl down from his huge shell ship, and he appeared on the cockpit of the Pulp Rider.

“Hello..” Ex said, slightly nervous. “Crab want some food..?”

Just then Zwuir used his claw to smash open the cockpit.

“HOLY SHIT!” Ex said, as he tried climbing out.

“What the hell is going on?!” 70s said, looking at the screen.

“Don’t know,” CD said.

“Hm...interesting, looks like Kizuna could meet his downfall,” Ronuletto said, as he was looking at what CD was seeing.

Just then, a bunch of gas was sprayed from a shell bomb in the Pulp Rider, and Ex was knocked out and Zwuir grabbed him.

We then see the other Dark Ones’ progress.

“This is hopeless, we are just traveling through a land of junk, shit, trash, shit, shit, garbage, and MORE SHIT!” Flareix yelled, as he burned fire everywhere.


“Calm down...seriously,” Phalos said.

Just then, a snake approached the gang, coming out of the shadows.

“Hello!” The snake said.

“Talking snakes..?” Dradius said.

“Coming from a talking dark dragon..” Phalos said.

“Good point, what brings you here...uh...Mr. Snake?” Dradius asked.

“You can call me Anay, I could show you what you are looking for..” Anay said.

“Hm...should we trust a talking snake?” Dradius pondered. “Or are we just tripping out?”

“No, this is all real - if you are looking for a human...I can show you a few, there are some here,” Anay said. “For the right price.”

Dradius grabbed him and slightly choked him.

“We want only one, and we aren’t paying,” Dradius said.

“Okay! No payment for you three fine gentlemen..” Anay said, as Dradius let him go.

“...I’m a female,” Phalos said, irritated.

“My bad..missssesss..” Anay said, as the led the three across the lands.

Back in the race, we see Ex wake up in Zwuir’s crab ship.

“Why did you bring me here?” Ex asked.

Zwuir then put a tentacle to Ex’s head and his own crab head - just then, they saw a flashback.

We see Zwuir and another crab of his species in some faraway land - we then see a ship of some sort land nearby.

The other crab is Zwuir’s wife, and Zwuir goes to investigate the mysterious ship.

Zwuir crawls there, but when he gets there, the ship is empty. He then hears a gunfire sound, and goes back to where his wife was - but it’s too late. We see two hunters had shot her, and began cutting her tentacles off.

Boy, these tentacles will sell well, look how special they are. We’ll be rich!” the hunter said.

“Hey look, another one! Let’s get his tentacles too!” The other hunter said, referring to Zwuir.

Zwuir then, very angry, jumped at the two hunters, and they both screamed. The screen fades out.

Then, Zwuir approached his lover, and she was bleeding - it was too late, and one of her tentacles had been cut off. Zwuir then slowly touched her, as she passed away. The flashback ended.

“So that’s why you want to win the prize..” Ex said, as the tentacle let him go. “To revive your lover. You can use the prize to bring back someone from the dead?”

Zwuir nodded, but then, he clicked a bunch of sounds - they sounded like C-D-C-B.

“CDCB..? What about him? Are you saying..someone brought him back from the dead?” Ex asked.

Zwuir nodded, and Ex gasped.

“Wait...you’re trying to warn me!” Ex said.

Zwuir nodded again, and he put Ex back into the Pulp Rider, carrying him out.

“Shit, looks like the race is over,” Ex said in contact with 70s.

“Sorry Ex - Stalus came in first again, Q second, and Massan & Jss third,” 70s said.

“Oh well,” CDCB said.

“Thanks for the support..” 70s said to CDCB.

“Sorry,” CDCB said.

We see Ex back at the hut.

“It’s fine Ex, you were ambushed,” 70s said.

“No, Zwuir was trying to tell me something - you could bring back someone from the dead with the grand prize..” Ex said.

“Why would he warn you?” 70s asked.

“I don’t know, but something tells me we need to keep a close eye on CDCB...” Ex said as the episode ended.

Area Debuts: World Outskirts, Acidic Swamp
Character Debuts: Anay, Zwuir’s lover
The Dark One Ruler is revealed to be named Ronuletto.

Stalus - 54
Q - 40
Darkness - 27
Zwuir - 24
SBC - 22
Massan & Jss - 21
SBM - 16
Nondai - 16
RACB - 8

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45. Journey To The Center of The Island

We see Team SBC at their hut.

"Next race is looking like a tough one....apparently, you guys are going to the CENTER of the island for the race," a mechanic said.

"Did this become a Journey film all of a sudden?" Elastic asked jokingly.

Ex got into the Pulp Rider when Mothra suddenly appeared.

"Ohi Mothra," Ex said.

"So...hey. It's been a while since we talked, but we don't get much free time here," Mothra said. "So...I was thinking we made an alliance....but don't tell the others in my team, they'd go apeshit if they heard this.."

"Wait a minute...why?" Ex asked.

"To be honest with you, I doubt either of us is making it out of this race alone....we're from opposing sites and sides, so we'd be a great combo - I know you want that prize as much as me," Mothra said.

"Sure, because Stalus is starting to rape the competition," Ex said.

"Yes, so our first mission of our plan: Make Stalus lose, and have us come in 1st - 3rd place," Mothra explained.

"Sounds like a plan," Ex said.

"Good, now don't have someone like tvguy make your ship fire at me at the last minute," Mothra teased.

"Nah, tvguy is gone," Ex said. "And I doubt anyone else on my team could do that."

As soon as that was said, we see CDCB approach behind the Pulp Rider.

"Good my pawn....now let's sabotage their alliance.." Ronuletto said.

"Yes master," CDCB said, as he began to curse the Pulp Rider with some dark magic.

"Good, now I need to figure out which of these 9 is the most worthy to be my apprentice....I'll be viewing this race..." Ronuletto said - he then blew 9 black feathers out, and they floated in front of his throne - they each contained images of the 9 pilots left.

"Hm...that magician one with the glowing outfit.." Ronuletto said, referring to Stalus. "He seems to be a powerhouse.."

We then cut back to the three Dark Ones in the World Outskirts.

"Ssssso, who is thisssss perssssson you are looking for?" Anay asked the three.

"A man who looks like he was just freed from prison, bleeding, and maybe crazy," Dradius said.

"Hmm....I might jusssst know the persssson..." Anay said. "Follow me."

"Are you sure we can trust this guy...or snake?" Phalos asked.

"Well, he knows this place better than us," Flareix said.

"Watch out for them!" Anay said, as the three got down and dodged a shooting fire ball.

"What the hell was that?" Phalos asked.

"The other onessss who live here.." Anay hissed. "And their machinesssss."

We see a bunch of giant walking robots, with fire shooting from the front of them. There was also some guys with hats and heat-resistant suits piloting them.

"Attack the intruders.." One of them whispered darkly, and the field was filled with flames in seconds.

The three Dark Ones and Anay were stuck in the middle of a circle of fire.

"IT'S A TRAP!" Phalos yelled. "HE TRICKED US!"

"I swear, I was going to WARN you!" Anay said.

"Okay fine, but any idea on how to get us out of this?!" Phalos asked, as they were cornered by the machines.

We cut back to Paralois Island.

"Okay, your next race is....to the center of the island!" Grand Ruler yelled, appearing from magic glowing dust.

"How does he do such a fascinating appearance?" Nondai pondered, looking through his calculations.

He then slammed the ground, and the center symbol floor began to glow on the island - it then opened up, and revealed a tunnel.

"Ah, so that is what SpongeOddFan was repairing the stone for.." Nondai said. (from Episode 42)

"mhmm," SOF said.

"But..I'M SCARED OF THE DARK!" ACS yelled.

"Funny, since you claim to be the master of darkness," Mothra snorted.

"well ACS, that is what you have headlights for," SOF said.

"Whatever, hopefully I can get some points this time!" ACS said. "I just need someone to help me with an alliance.."

"Mr. ACSBehemothHellCat, the chances of either of those two things happening are 1 out of 152." Nondai teased.

"Ah, fuck off robot!" ACS said, pushing Nondai.

"alright alright, knocks it off you two," SOF said, breaking up the fight.

We then see the 9 pilots fly down through the island tunnel.

SOF then used a small staff to close the entrance.

Ex is racing down, trying to navigate through the darkness.

"I CAN'T SEE!" Ex yelled, as he was banging into everything.

"HEY WATCH IT!" Gargos yelled at Ex, as he rammed the Pulp Rider aside with the stone blades from his ship.

Stalus used his blue diamond ship to light up the caverns.

"You are welcome everyone," Stalus said.

"Smartass show-off," Ex snarled.

"Okay Ex, since you appear to be in light now, I can safely say there is....7 gates," 70s said.

"Hmm, looks like we're in for a LONG ride then.." Ex said.

We then see Mothra approach near him.

"Don't forget muscle man," Mothra said.

"What is Mothra doing, talking to that SBC scum?" Ssj asked, looking through the screen monitor.

"MOTHRA! You can make out with him later, we got a race to win!" MechaWave said.

"Oh stfu Mecha, we'll talk later Ex," Mothra said, racing ahead.

We see ACS trailing behind.


"Hey ACS..." Lew said, approaching him.

"WHAT MY FAITHFUL FIRST MATE?" ACS said, looking ahead with his telescope.

"To be honest with you...I'm considering quitting..." Lew said.


"Well...our team hasn't been doing the best...but okay, I'll stick around when you aren't in the best mood," Lew said. "Which is always."

"Maybe I could form an alliance with that Gargos fellow...he is buff, strong and another winner.." ACS said, as he moved his ship forward through the tunnel.

We then saw a bunch of flowers and plants in the tunnels, with glowing things everywhere.

"I guess this is where the magic on the island comes from.." Mothra said. "It's beautiful."

"Don't let them distract you, remember our goal!" Ex said, as he launched a missile at Stalus, but he disappeared.

"Where did he go??" Ex asked.

He then appeared behind the Pulp Rider.

"Now watch as I pull a blunt object out of the Pulp Rider's behind!" Stalus said, as he threw a bunch of blue stars at the back, and it began smoking.

"Ugh, get off man!" Ex said, slamming the ship everywhere.

We then cut back to the World Outskirts.

"Well...we're in the middle of a ring of fire...any ideas?" Flareix asked.

"I have one!" Dradius said, as he flew up and his claw made the screen go black as he attacked a driver.

Dradius then burned him off, and got control of the machine. He attacked the other machines with it, burning them down.

Phalos then blasted some magic at one of them, and made it smash into another.

Flareix burned some more down with his fire, until the rest retreated.

"What were those things?" Phalos asked.

"Just a bunch of people who patrol the issssland for any susssspiciousssss people," Anay said. "And to be honest, you are a bit odd.."

They then followed Anay to a cave.

We cut back to the race, where at this point, everyone passed through the 4th gate.

"3 gates left! I COULD WIN!?" ACS said, as he approached near Gargos.

"Hey Mr. Stone man, want to form an alliance with me?" ACS asked him.

"Form an alliance with you? How pathetic," Gargos said, as he made a big jab through the ship, and flew ahead.

"AH! FIRE! PUT IT OUT!" ACS said, as the crew tried to cool down the fire from Gargos' attack.

"Gargos forms an alliance with NOBODY except for HIMSELF!" Gargos boasted, and kept flying ahead.

Mothra and Ex were trying to attack Stalus, but he kept disappearing.

"Okay, the PR, which doesn't stand for Power Rangers, is kind of floating back up...but it feels weird.." Ex said. "Like it is heavy.."

Just then, the Pulp Rider began to fall down to the ground, as we see Team RACB's ship did as well.

"Ugh...but at least it isn't acidic water! Mothra, go on without me!" Ex said; Mothra did so, and kept going.

"I'll win for our alliance!" Mothra said.

"Why does Mothra keep talking to the "other siter"?" PhilipB asked.

"We better keep our eyes on those two..." ssj said.

"You did that to poor Ex's ship didn't you?!" Mothra said, firing rainbow blasts at Stalus.

"To be honest...no. I just damaged the engines, not sure why that happened. No matter, I have a race to win!" Stalus said, as he disappeared and dodged her blasts.

"I swear, I hate that guy.." Mothra said.

In Ronuletto's temple, we see two of the feathers fall down - they were ACS and Ex's feathers.

"Hmm..." He said to himself.

"Ugh, is it just me, or is Ex in a fickle of a situation as of late?" 70s said. "I'm growing a bit impatient."

"Perhaps we should REPLACE HIM!" CDCB yelled.

"...Are you okay brah?" Elastic asked.

"Yes, fine, but if he continues failing...replace?" CD asked.

"Not going to even respond to that," 70s said.

Just then, we see the top three was Gargos, Mothra and Stalus - just then, Stalus disappeared ahead of them, and got to the final gate. The core was glowing; Mothra and Gargos were 2nd and 3rd respectively.

We see Ronuletto's feathers all collapse, except for Stalus's.

"Yes...he is the one.." Ronuletto said, holding his feather in his hand.

Just then, the tunnel was shaking, and out we saw a bunch of yellow stuff coming from the tunnel.

Everyone yelled, and they were carried away by it - and blasted into the air!

"THIS IS EXCITING!" Nondai said.

All the pilots safely landed, except for Team RACB, whose ship fell into the ocean nearby.

"Mothra, don't you DARE ever talk to that SBC scum AGAIN!" Ssj yelled at her.

"Whoa, bitch much? It's like you want me to be anti-social," Mothra said.

"Well, if you're going to make an alliance, don't do it with him!" Ssj yelled.

"I wasn't...jeez. Maybe I should join their team." Mothra said, irritated.

We see Mothra approach Ex.

"Hey, it looks like the old pa is bitching at me for siding with you - so we may have to keep our alliance secret," Mothra said.

"Meh, it's fine," Ex said. "I understand, I just wish he wasn't so stubborn."

"I'll get used to it. For now, have this for your work," Mothra said, as she kissed Ex on the cheek, and Ex collapsed.

"He's gonna need a few minutes," OMJ said, putting Ex in bed.

"Bye sweetie," Mothra said, leaving.

We cut back to the World Outskirts.

Anay led them into...an empty cave?

"So...where's suitelife?" Phalos asked.

"Well...that'sss all I got," Anay said.

Dradius, however, was furious - he then threw some dead guard bodies out, and burned them.


"Don't jump to conclusions, I'm sure if Ronuletto says he is alive, he is," Phalos said.

"And I also have a confessssion to make - he'sss not the only one who betrayed you!" Anay laughed, as he used his tail to hit a secret switch, and it made the floor open. The three Dark Ones fell down the tunnel.

"When my massster is done with you, I get the leftoversss!" Anay laughed, and the episode ends with an aerial view of the World Outskirts.

Character Debuts: World Outskirts Guards
Area Debuts: Center of Paralois Island
Mothra forms an alliance with Ex (and also kisses him).


Stalus - 78
Q - 52
Darkness - 46
SBM - 38
Zwuir - 36
Massan & Jss - 31
SBC - 30
Nondai - 28
RACB - 16

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46. Secret Like Stalus

We see Team SBC at their hut, and Ex waking up.

"Gah...daww.." Ex said, remembering the kiss from last night.

"Wake up lovebird, we got a race to win!" 70s said.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Ex said, getting out of the hut.

Just then, we see Team SBM in their hut.

"Mothra, you better not be out talking to that SBC scum," MechaWave said.

"I'm not, leave me alone, okay?" Mothra said to him, as she left the hut.

We see Mothra sneaking away behind a hut.

"Now what is she up to?" Ex asked himself, as he quietly followed her.

We see Mothra behind a hut with Massan, Jss, Nondai and ACS.

"SO WE TAKE OUT STALUS?!" ACS yelled loudly.

"Fool, silence your speaking organs!" Nondai said, covering ACS' mouth.

"Yes, with all of our combined powers, I think we may have a chance at defeating Stalus," Massan said.

"I concur, but something tells me Mr. HellCat will hold back our progress," Nondai said.

"EXCU-" ACS' mouth was covered by Massan and Jss.

"Be quiet, we don't want some other pilots snooping," Jss said.

Just then, Ex tripped and fell into their area.

"INTRUDER!" ACS yelled, and all of the hut lights turned on.

They then kept quiet, and they shut off again.

"Ex, the hell are you doing here?!" ACS yelled, as their eyes sparked flames.

"Both of you cool your rivalry for later, this little get-together is for us to finally take out Stalus. He's been hogging up all the points," Mothra said.

"Yes, so thus this band of six have formed an oath to work together to take out the powerhouse," Nondai said, putting his robot strip hand out. The others did so.

"Why ACS tho?" Ex asked.


"Indeed you do," Nondai said. ACS hit him.

"So Ex...are you in? As a part of our alliance?" Mothra asked.

Ex thought about it. "I do really want to win...sure!"

Ex put his hand out with the other five, and they all agreed.

"Now, during the race, we all corner up against that magician and we blast him to infinity and beyond!" Nondai said.

"Yes, it'd be interesting to blast him down with out super-powered mecha laser," Jss said.

"Wait you guys..I just wanted to DEFEAT him, not destroy him.." Mothra said.

"So, what's the difference? I got to win man," ACS said.

"Yes, while the magician may have a kind-heart, his spirit unfortunately must go down," Nondai said.

"Yes, and you know how much I want that prize!" ACS said.

"We could be Gods among the opposites!" Massan said to Jss.

"So, are you in Ex and Mothra?" Massan asked.

"I guess.." Mothra said, slightly having second thoughts.

"So, it's settled - we strike during the race," Nondai commanded, and they all left.

"Sigh Ex...this is bad. I just wanted to defeat Stalus, not burn his guts wide open.." Mothra said. "Their obsessions got the best of them."

"Well, I'll warn Stalus," Ex said, headed off.

"Dude, are you kidding? The others will go apeshit," Mothra said.

"There's already been enough drama in this game, and we can't have them kill a pilot. He may be an enemy, but.." Ex said.

"Whatever floats your boat," Mothra said.

Ex then went to Stalus' hut, and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Ex asked, walking in, to see Stalus practicing some magic, with smoke everywhere and odd artifacts.

"Hello," Stalus greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Don't ask how I know...but some pilots are trying to take you out - they are going to attack you during the upcoming race," Ex said.

"Hmm...if that is what they believe, then so be it. I shall not be discouraged by the opinions of others," Stalus said, floating away.

"But you don't understand, they don't want to defeat you, they want to destroy you!" Ex said.

"Nonsense, and even if they did, I am skilled enough for these situations. Now run along, you have to get prepared for the race too, as do I. Granted my winning streak, but you may get a win for once if you try!" Stalus said, escorting him out.

"BUT!-" Ex yelled, but Stalus locked the door.

We see Mothra meet up with Ex.

"Did he listen?" Mothra asked.

"No, it's too late...he just wouldn't take me seriously," Ex sighed.

"Well, it's too late to call off the attack...the race has begun." Mothra said.

We cut to the World Outskirts, and we go inside a cave.

"Ugh...the snake betrayed us!" Dradius yelled, getting up.

"Where are we?" Phalos asked.

Flareix lit a flame, and the cave lit up. Just then, an odd figure appeared out of the shadows.

"Who is there?" Dradius asked, getting out his claws.

Just then, the figure jumped out at them, and it was...

"It can't be.." Phalos said, as they saw who it was.

We cut back to Paralois Island, and everybody is ready to race.

"Okay Ex, the screen says there is 10 gates...but it doesn't matter which order you get them in, as it is a huge stone maze," 70s said.


"Dood, lay off the glue," Elastic said.

"Erm..ok...good luck Ex!" 70s said.

The race began, and all the pilots were racing through the maze.

"Don't forget," Nondai said to Ex, Mothra, ACS, Massan, and Jss.

"Yes, let's corner him at a dead end!" Jss said.

They were all racing through the maze, in confusion.

ACS, Nondai Ex, Mothra, Massan, and Jss all sticked together, hot on Stalus' trail.

"I'm sorry Stalus.." Ex said, as he launched a missile at him, but he vanished.

"WHERE DID HE GO?!" ACS yelled.

Stalus appeared behind them all, and threw blue stars at them.

"NOW! AMBUSH!" Nondai yelled, and they all activated their weapons and fired at once.

"Go Ex, go now!" Mothra yelled. "I'm sorry."

"Yes, I understand," Ex said as he slowly raced away.

"Win it for our alliance!" Mothra said, as she attacked Stalus.

Ex just zoomed ahead, not looking back. We then saw an explosion in the background.

"Don't go back Ex, keep going," 70s said. "We gotta win."

Ex understood, and he managed to find a gate in the maze.

We see back to the ambush, and Stalus is dodging their attacks, but feeling slightly weak.

"Ugh...so that pilot was right.." Stalus said, as he disappeared.

Just then, ACS began to fly his ship away from the battle.

"HEY! Where are you going?!" Massan yelled, as he and Jss formed their mecha.

"BWA HA HA! I planned on betraying you idiots from the start! Did you really think I could stand a chance against Stalus? The only reason I agreed was to get you guys to battle him so I could get a possible win!" ACS laughed, firing a laser to the area, but Stalus held his hand up and froze the laser.

Nondai launched more missiles from his mecha, but Stalus made the laser beam explode across the area, and it made Team RACB's ship crash to the ground, causing flames to spread everywhere and destroy the other ships.

Ex turned back and was scared a bit. "I hope Moth is okay.."

"Just keep driving Ex, just keep driving.." OMJ said.

We then see Stalus emerge from the flames, and all of the pilot's ships were crashed and destroyed to the ground.

"Well...I have a race to win!" Stalus said, encouraged, as he kept flying on.

We see Ronuletto in his area, and the feathers of Mothra, Nondai, Massan, Jss, and ACS fell to the ground.

"Hmm...now is the time!" Ronuletto said. He blew some smoke at Stalus' feather, and just then, Stalus was covered in dark fog.

"Ugh..what kind of trick is this?!" Stalus asked.

Just then, he appeared in Ronuletto's arena, and was near the stairs - Ronuletto appeared.

"Hello...Stalus. I have seen much of your work in the race...and I'd like to offer you a spot in my society.." Ronuletto said.

"Yes, I've heard much about you..Ronuletto.." Stalus said.

"Ah, so you know who I am....do you agree? Together you can rule the world with me, and spread darkness with the grand prize.." Ronuletto said.

We cut back to Team SBC's hut.

"Hey..what is going on with Stalus? His feed is lost.." Elastic said.

"Yes...come right into my trap you fool.." CDCB muttered to himself.

"I don't know..but it is like something kidnapped him.." 70s said.

"Join...me.." the tv said. They saw a blurry image of Ronuletto.

"What's going on? Has Satan risen?" Elastic joked.

"This is serious you guys...I think Stalus is in danger," 70s said.

Just then, their TV screens exploded.

"I think we've been haunted!" OMJ yelled.

We then see Stalus facing Ronuletto.

"I refuse!" Stalus said, blasting a blue beam at Ronuletto, making him explode into darkness.

The darkness spread everywhere, and Ronuletto's voice laughed.

"What a shame..." Ronuletto's voice said.

"I may want to win it, but fairly, not by cheating," Stalus said, as the darkness began to jump into several pillars.

"Oh well...thankfully I had a plan B," Ronuletto's voice echoed, and just then, the pillars turned red and blasted Stalus. "I knew you'd refuse..I know all."

"GWAAAAH!" Stalus yelled, as he felt like his energy was being drained.

He was no longer glowing or floating, and he dropped to the stone ground.

Just then, Ronuletto began to emerge from the pillars and was glowing.

"Yes...I have absorbed your powers! I am more stronger than ever! A shame, you could have been a great apprentice for me," Ronuletto said. "I will be as strong as I was when I won the race all those years ago.."

"I don't care who you are...you are a dark evil force..I will not be restrained by you or anybody else who opposes me.." Stalus said, trying to attack him, but his energy was all gone. "No...it can't be..."

"Foolish wizard, I didn't want to do this...but you refused, so I had a back-up plan in store of stealing your powers.." Ronuletto laughed.

He then blasted a blue energy beam at Stalus, and we saw blue flakes explode into the air from the blast.

"My time is coming Grand Ruler..." Ronuletto laughed, as Stalus' feather ripped apart.

We cut back to the maze, and we see Ex is still lost, only getting to the secondvgate.

"It's too late Ex - Gargos came in 1st, Q in 2nd and Zwuir in 3rd," 70s informed him. "We managed to get some points...not many, but some."

"Ugh...but what about Stalus?" Ex asked.

"I'm afraid...he is no longer in the race," 70s said.

"Wha?? What happened?" Ex asked.

"I don't know...but he was taken away by some fog storm, and then just disappeared..by some evil forces that even I don't understand.." 70s said. "I think there is more to this race than what we are aware of.."

Ex then raced back to the hut, feeling guilt that he couldn't warn Stalus. "If only he listened to me.."

We see Stalus' totem pole collapse into the lake below, and Q was now in first place.

"oh my...poor Stalus.." SOF said.

We see Dradius, Phalos and Flareix in the World Outskirts cave, with the figure.

"Well well well...who are you?" The man asked, revealing...thesuitelife44.

Area Debuts: Maze Area
The members in the alliance were: Ex, Mothra, Nondai, ACS, Massan, and Jss


Stalus is no longer in the race thanks to Ronuletto's trap. Suitelife is also be revealed to be truly alive. Ronuletto also once won the race many years ago.


Stalus - 78
Q - 80
Darkness - 76
Zwuir - 61
SBM - 38
SBC - 34
Massan & Jss - 31
Nondai - 28
RACB - 16

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Sorry this one took FORVER to post, but Writer's Block happens..

47. Qurious Like Q

We pick off where the previous episode left off, with the three Dark Ones meeting thesuitelife.

"I thought you were dead?!" Dradius asked.

"I thought so to....but..-" he then fell to the ground.

"I'm ready for my leftoversss...oh you three are ssssstill alive.." Anay hissed.

"YOU!" Flareix yelled, grabbing him.

"Le-let me go!" Anay choked.

Suitelife was staring at a fire he set up, and he was crying.

"WHY HAVE I BEEN BROUGHT SUCH A CURSE?!" thesuitelife cried, as he fell to the ground.

"So...how long have you been here?" Dradius asked.

"A few days..BUT IT IS WHAT GOES ON IN MY HEAD THAT MATTERS!" Suitelife cried, as he approached a fire.

"What did you do to him?!" Dradius asked, choking Anay.

"I didn't know he was like thisss..I-I ssswear I found him thiss wa-way!" Anay said.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HELPING HIM!" Dradius yelled, and snapping Anay's neck - he threw him into the fire.

"Now then..come along with us," Dradius said, sticking his claw out at thesuitelife.

"Yes..I must have revenge," suitelife said. Dradius, Flareix and Phalos teleported away.

We cut back to Paralois Island.

"The next race is beginning! Get ready proud pilots!" Grand Ruler's voice boomed.

"I still feel bad I couldn't help Stalus.." Ex said.

"It is not your fault, he was taken away by mysterious forces that you were not responsible for, don't put it on yourself," 70s said.

"But he will be next.." CDCB laughed.

"What?" 70s asked.

"Nothing," CDCB said.

"I detect 4 gates for this one, boi," OMJ said.


We see the pilots outside the canyon, lined up and ready to go. The Grand Ruler appeared.


"Proud pilots...it is my most unfortunate announcement that Stalus is out of the race. He was taken away by dark forces.." Grand Ruler said.


"Perfect.." Gargos smiled.


Mothra, Ex, Massan, Jss, and Nondai all had signs of guilt on their faces.


"At least now though my win could be easier.." Nondai said.


"Good riddance," ACS said coldly.


"As a result...Q is in first place. You may proceed as planned," Grand Ruler said, and disappeared.


The race began, and the pilots were off. They were all racing through a canyon area.

"I'm going to win this one for Stalus!" Ex yelled.

The 9 pilots were off.

"Be careful not to fall Ex or you'll go plunging into the abyss below.." 70s warned.

Gargos and Q passed through the first gate, as they were all fighting.

"Pitiful humans, there are two games left - I will win them all!" Nondai yelled, firing missiles, as Massan and Jss dodged to form their robot mech.


Both ships collided, and ACS was trudging behind.


"Fools, this will be my comeback! We screwed up badly last time, but my team will win!" ACS yelled, holding out his sword.


Ex was speeding ahead, when suddenly..

We see Gargos and Q in a duel, and Gargos is about to win.

"Take this wondering eye!" Gargos yelled, firing a laser at Q - but Q's ship manages to suck up the blast and deflect it back.

"NOO!" Gargos yelled, as his ship exploded.

We see Ex and Mothra racing ahead, but the light came into view.

"What the fuck?!" Mothra yelled, as the explosion caught their ships, and they went falling into the abyss below.

"AHHH!" Ex yelled, as he tried to fly back up, but his engine was busted.

"EXX!" 70s, OMJ and Elastic yelled.

Ex then went smashing down into the ground, as did Mothra, and they laid there, unconscious in their ships.

The others kept flying forward above, but in the end, Q came in first, Massan & Jss second, and Nondai 3rd.

"Better than nothing!" Nondai boasted.

"But what about the humans who fell below?" Nondai asked on the island, as they all parked.

"Everyone be calm, I will send a send a search party to find them," Grand Ruler said, as he appeared.

Massan, Jss, 70s, and SOF agreed to search for them.

"I hope Ex is okay..and Mothra I guess.." Elastic said.

"Ex has the guts of a God, he better be fine," OMJ said.

"Don't count on it.." CDCB whispered to himself.

We see Ex and Mothra in the trench below, on the ground, and they both got up.

"Ugh..let's-let's try getting out of here.." Ex said, as they tried walking.

We cut to the Dark One's place.

"We have brought him.." Dradius said, throwing thesuitelife to the ground.

"Ugh...where where AM I?!" Suitelife yelled.

"Eh..he's a bit insane.." Phalos said.

"Oh, but I remember him well.." tvguy347 said, stepping forward.

"Who is this?" Dradius asked.

"My new personal apprentice.." Ronuletto said.

"Yes, those SBCers fucked with the wrong guy," tvguy said.

"And...I remember you well Ronuletto.." Suitelife said.


Area Debuts: Canyon Course
Mothra and Ex get trapped in the abyss below.


Tvguy becomes Ronuletto's new apprentice, while suitelife seems to know who Ronuletto is.

Q - 98
Darkness - 78
Zwuir - 65
Massan & Jss - 43
Nondai - 41
SBM - 40
SBC - 36
RACB - 16

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Here are 2 brand new episodes....again, sorry for the delay...

48. Origin & Creation

We see Mothra and Ex walking around the trench.

"Ugh...that was a powerful blast. Hopefully we can get out of here.." Mothra said.

"I see a dark passage over there.." Ex said, they walked to it.

We cut back to the Dark One's palace.

"So, you remember eh?" Ronuletto said.

"Yes...YOU are why I am evil!" Suitelife said, falling to the ground.

"What is he talking about, master?" Tvguy asked to Ronuletto.

"Ah yes...when that poor fool was heartbroken, I gave him the ways...of darkness. It was then that he'd be the one to conquer the SBCers...my plans have unfold! I made him evil...and I knew they would all stop him. Thus, the island would be made as a source for their race...I can see the future, present and past!" Ronuletto laughed.

"Well guess what? I'm NOT working for you!" Suitelife yelled. "You made me turn against my friends!"

"You have no choice..." Ronuletto said, as he trapped him in a dark cage.

We see Mothra and Ex walk through the dark passage, and they came to a bridge...but there was a dark abyss below it.

"You first.." Mothra teased, pushing him forward.

"Not funny!" Ex said.

They carefully walked across, when Mothra fell, but held onto the edge.

"Help!" Mothra cried.

We cut back to Paralois Island.

"Alrighty then, any luck with the search?" SOF asked.

"We haven't started yet bro," Elastic said.


We see Mothra manage to get back up.

"That was a close one.." She said.

They managed to make it to the other side...and they come to an alter of some sort.

"Okay, where did we land??" Ex asked to himself.

There was strange carvings all over the wall. We saw space ships racing.

"Hmm...it appears to be some ruins.." Ex said.

"I wonder what this all means?" Mothra said.

Just then, 9 light balls came flying out of nowhere and began speaking.

"Hello...we are The Creators!" They all said.

"The who?" Mothra asked.

"We are the creators of the Great Race and this island," they all spoke.

"Interesting..." Ex said. "Continue."

"Fine...you seem curious." The creators said.

"Wait..can you tell us about the "Dark Ones"?" Ex asked.

"The Dark Ones....when Ronuletto won the race many years ago, he created 4 wicked spirits - Dradius, Phalos, Flareix and Gargos.."

"Wait...Ronuletto?" Ex asked.

"Sounds like a bland singer," Mothra said.

"Ronuletto once won the Great Race years ago...however, he began conflicted on his powers. He wanted an ideal world of his creation and created the Dark Ones to make a dark world..." they said.

"So...that is all the results of these happenings...they want to win to create the world into their own image.." Ex said.

"Yes, and they must be stopped...only you can ExKizuna and Mothra," the glowing orbs said.

"How do you know our names?" Ex asked.

"We know the names of all pilots.." They said.

"So now it all makes sense..." Ex said.

"Yes, and we can take you back to the surface...STOP THEM!" The Creators yelled. They were teleported to the hub area.

"They're back!" Massan said.

"Yes...and we really need to win the race...there are dark spirits planning to use the race's power for evil purposes.." Ex said.

We cut back to Ronuletto's palace.

"NOW then...YOU will help me re-create the opposite world as I tried before (the island)...help me activate this device to turn those robots bad.." Ronuletto laughed.

"I refuse!" Suitelife said.

"Then eat the pain!" Ronuletto laughed, blasting him with dark magic.

"Fine...I will.." Suitelife said.

He activated a device and it blasted a laser beam to Opposite Island...all the robots there began acting weird. Their eyes turn red.

"WE SHALL DESTROY ALL.." Wood Sponge said.

"Evil once again...now my own world shall come together...MWA HA HA!" Ronuletto laughed.

We see the seal surrounding the palace got shattered - The Grand Ruler had set up a magic seal to keep them contained there, though the others could go out and in - except for Ronuletto.

"Yes....that fool's shield is no more.." Ronuletto laughed. "My powers are growing...time for my revenge!"


Character Debuts: The Creators
Area Debuts: Alter Place, Bridge
We learn the origin of the Dark Ones and the Great Race.
We learn Ronuletto made suitelife evil so he could create his own world.


49. Gregarious Like Gargos

"So, Team Darkness is evil!?" SOF said.

"Yes, but this is no time...we have to win the next race!" Ex said.

"The 8th race is beginning.." The Grand Ruler's spirit yelled.

The 8 pilots all gathered in the main square.

"You know, something has been bugging me.." Nondai said.

"What?" Ex asked.

"Why was SOF on all 3 courses at once?" Nondai asked.

"what do you mean?" SOF asked.

"I noticed too..how could SOF be in 3 places at once?" ACS snapped.

"None of your concern.." The Grand Ruler said.

"I travel a lot," SOF said.

"My lie detector is going off the charts! What is the reason behind this?" Nondai asked.

Gargos ripped open a stone blade from his arm and attacked the Grand Ruler.

Everyone gasped.

He went exploding, and SOF's staff was no longer glowing - he went flying into a pillar.

"So...SOF was the Grand Ruler this whole time!!!?!?!" ACS said.

"fine, you caught me," SOF said. "I used the staff to project his image."

"How in the HELL could SOF be over 50 years old?!" Mothra said.

"Magic baby," SOF said.

Just then, the skies grew dark.

"Oh no...he has awakened.." SOF said to himself.

The island began turning gray and dark...as if the life was being sucked out of it.

"What's happening?" Massan asked.

"Nothing...now..begin the next race," SOF said.

They all got ready, and this time they were racing in a volcano area.

"Ex, get ready - it is HOT!" OMJ yelled.

"My sensors detect 3 gates," 70s said.

Ronuletto laughed from his palace.

"Mwa ha ha....Suitelife's device is coming together...and the energy from Paralois Island is being drained to my source.." Ronuletto laughed. "SOF will finally see my revenge!"

The 8 pilots began racing, and magma was bursting out of the cracks.

"GWAH! MOVE!" Gargos yelled, slicing ACS aside.

Magma bursted up and scorched Nondai's ship, and he began falling to the ground.

"Bzz..gwah..." Nondai said to himself.

Q was flying and dodging magma blasts.

"You may have avoided my attack last time, but this time you are DEAD!" Gargos yelled, blasting a bunch of lasers at Q.

Q sucked up the blasts over and over, and he blasted them across the field.

All the pilots eventually made it to the first two gates, but had a tough time finding the last one.

"Could it be...inside the volcano?" Nondai asked, as he was repaired.

"Let's find out!" Mothra said, as they all went up to the volcano, dodging exploding boulders and steam.

The final gate was in the core, covered by steam.

"There it is!" Ex yelled, gaining full speed, but his engine got damaged by a falling rock.

"I can make it..!" Ex yelled, as he began steering the ship to the edge of the volcano.

"EX! COME ON!" Mothra yelled.

Gargos laughed, as he was about to blast a laser at Ex, hanging off the volcano.

Ex, however, launched a missile at Gargos, and he went plunging into the Volcano - both he and Mothra made it to the final gate.

"WOO HOO! Team work!" Mothra yelled.

The 3rd person to make it was a tough tie - Q and Gargos were neck and neck. But Gargos came in 3rd.

"Hmm..but no matter...master's plan is coming into play.." Gargos laughed, as steam covered the screen.

We cut back to the hub.

"Well everyone...the final race is tomorrow, you heard right. Get a good night's sleep and get ready...it will be tough." SOF said.

"I'm going to win...for Stalus, the SBCers, The Creators, Zelx, and many others," Ex said.

"I'm sticking it together with Ex!" Mothra said in her hut.

"..." Q said.

Zwuir was making clicking noises.

"We can do this!" Massan and Jss both said.

"Darkness shall fall.." Gargos laughed.

"My kind WILL rise!" Nondai laughed.


On Opposite Island, we see all of the robot opposites are evil...again. And an army is forming. They began terrorizing tourists, and they were escaping the island in panic.


Area Debuts: Volcano Course


SOF is the Grand Ruler.



Q - 102
Darkness - 89
Zwuir - 69
SBM - 56
SBC - 50
Massan & Jss - 47
Nondai - 45
RACB - 20

Again, I really am sorry for the delay and if the recent eps suck. I admit it. However, I had a huge writer's block, and I promise the finale will be worth it. :)

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Well, here you go. This may or may not have been worth the 2 month wait...

50. The Pilot Games

Ex woke up out of his hut, slightly nervous.

"Well...this is it. This will all be over," Ex said.

"Yeah, win it for us bro!" Elastic said.

"But..the Dark Ones. Who knows what they could be up to.." Ex said.

We see Ronuletto in his castle area.

"Heh...this should be fun. My time is rising...and the final race is coming.." Ronuletto said, as he threw a bunch of feathers in the air, with each pilot on it.

"Monitoring?" Tvguy asked.

"Yes," Ronuletto replied. "Let's see who can come out victorious.."

The race was about to begin. But little did the pilots know that this would be quite different.

Ex then went into the SBC Team’s hut.

“Be careful Ex....something dangerous could happen..” 70s said, worried.

“I will win!” ACS laughed from his hut. “Even if it means cheating!

ACS got a fancy pirate like costume on with a red hat, and red clothes, with a sword.

“NOW MEN, WE FIGHT FOR THE PRIZE!” ACS yelled, and his crew cheered.

“Mothra, don’t let us down,” abney said.

“And destroy Ex..” ssj said.

“Fine..” Mothra sighed.



Proud pilots...report to the center!" SOF yelled.

The pilots got up in their ships, all ready.

"Grand prize...here I come!" Gargos laughed.

The pilots were then directed to an entirely new area...it was some old ruins of some sort. 

"Wait...this doesn't look like a race course.." Nondai said.

“Yes...because it shall be a fight to the death!” SOF declared. “Whoever finds the giant ring at the center will get 100 points, and become the new grand ruler!” 

“Oh no...SOF, how could you do this to your buddy Ex?!” Ex said nervously.

“soz Ex, but it is the rules,” SOF said. 

“I still find it hard to believe you won 50 years ago,” Ex said.

“heh, magic Ex, is everyone ready?” SOF said.


Everyone nodded, and their engines were ready to go.


"also sadly...apparently Zwuir told me he isn’t playing..” SOF said. "farewell, zwuir.."

Zwuir nodded, and crawled away back into his hut, ready to go home.

“Oh well, now let’s hurry up and get a move on!” ACS said, impatiently.

“My scanners say i have a 99.6765% chance of winning!” Nondai laughed.

“I shall not let master down..” Gargos laughed.

“Go Ex my boy!” OMJ and Elastic cheered.

“BEGIN!” SOF yelled, sounding a horn.

The ships all went flying off, crashing and bashing with explosions.

Ex flew the Pulp Rider through the dark ruins, hiding from attacks.

We see Nondai on a ruin top, jumping down from it, and activating his laser swords to attack Mothra.

Mothra dodged though, and shot a laser into his giant robot’s head, damaging the insides, and electrocuting Nondai, leaving him stuck there, smoking.

“Ro-ro-bot-bots will r--rise again on-day...” Nondai said, shutting down.

“Well, I don’t want to destroy Ex...but if I have to do it to win..” Mothra sighed.

We see RACB’s ship flying through the ruins, launching lasers at the old ruins, searching for pilots.

Gargos spotted RACB’s ship though.

“Target acquired...” Gargos laughed.


Gargos then ripped open blades on his ship, and slashed through RACB’s ship, and he went flying away.

The ship then began to split in half and explode, as the crew jumped off the ship.

“COWARDS! I am staying like a true captain!” ACS said, as the ship went down in flames. It then made a big explosion, and ACS got scared and jumped off, being caught in the fire.

“2 down...” Ronuletto laughed, as the feathers for Nondai and ACS split apart.

“The opposites are now under our control..” Suitelife said.

“Good...good..” Ronuletto laughed.


"What about the two in the race?" Phalos asked, referring to Massan and Jss.


"I didn't program it to attack Paralois Island," Suitelife said.


"No matter, we have an entire army ready," Ronuletto smiled.

“We shall cover the world in darkness once more!” Dradius laughed.

The opposite bots continued their rampage across Opposite Island, destroying the race tracks, and people leaving the island in fear. Some SBCers were fighting off the robots.


"I thought these guys were good now!" Sebastian panicked, as he whacked 4EverBlue, FamilyguyFa, Ki Zuna, and others away.


"Who is responsible for this though?" Teenj asked, dodging blasts from robots.


"No idea," Clappy said. "I hope Ex and the others are alright though."

Back in the race...

We see Gargos preparing to face Massan & Jss.

“Well...whatever happens, I am glad I stood by you..” Massan said.

The two’s vehicles clashed with Gargos, and we see a big red explosion.

Ex kept driving on though, and he met up with Mothra.

“So...let’s do this together. I don’t care what ssj or abney says,” Mothra said.

“It is just me, you, Gargos, and Q left at this point..” Ex said.

We see Q flying, but feeling guilt.

We see many years ago (probably 50), Ronuletto was fighting SOF, and SOF tried to seal him away. He called upon Q’s help, but Q was too scared and fled.

Q felt guilt over this, and flew away from the race.

Gargos was approaching towards Ex and Mothra, but the ring was inches away in the center.

Mothra blasted lasers all over at Gargos, but he kept on moving.

Gargos laughed.

“Ronuletto’s plan is already in action anyways, I don’t care if I lose!” He laughed.

“Well then, eat this!” Ex yelled, ramming into him, and flying toward the ring.

“But I will kill you..” Gargos laughed, speeding toward him.

Ex was getting ahead, as Mothra blasted from behind.

However, Ex got ahead, and got on top of Gargos’ ship, and rammed it into the ground.

“What are you doing?!” Gargos yelled, shaking.

The ship exploded into the ground, and Ex flew off from the exploding stone bridge, and got towards the ring!

“He did it.” Mothra smiled.

Ex stayed in the ring, dormant, as the episode faded.


51. New Alliances

“Ex has 150 points...he is the new grand ruler!” SOF said, surprised. “He is my successor..”

“Wow....he did it..” Mothra said, in disbelief.

“K, so I won, now what?” Ex asked.

Ex began to glow, and he and his ship disappeared, and he appeared in SOF’s throne room..

“Wow...so I’m the Grand Ruler now?” Ex asked to SOF.

“Well...it depends. Do you really want to be it?” SOF asked.

“Wait, we have a choice?” Ex said, curious.

“Yes..and it is up to you...do you wish to be the Grand Ruler...or stay with your friends..” SOF asked.

“Well...it sounds nice and all, but I sort of want to stay with my friends..” Ex said.

Just then, the area turned dark, and an explosion came out of the sky.

“W-what’s going on?!” Mothra said from below.

Ronuletto appeared from the sky and laughed.

“You...” SOF said.

“It is time for the end!” Ronuletto laughed, and the screen flashed, and we heard an explosion.




We see Paralois Island is in ruins....it is in sand, and the courses are wrecked. The sky was gray, and in ruin.

Ex and Mothra got up, and their ships were covered in sand.

“Ugh...what happened?” Mothra asked. “Where is everyone?”

“OMJ? 70s? Elastic? CDCB?” Ex called out.

Just then, they saw someone lying in the sand, and Ex pulled them out...it was Tvguy!

“Ugh...” Tvguy said.

“Tvguy...I haven’t seen you in ages, what happened?” Ex asked.

“Ronuletto brainwashed me into being a henchmen of his. I was mad after the Mothra ship incident, so I ran off...but then he found me and brainwashed me to being one of his servants. After his attack on the island, he just ditched me here..that bastard!” Tvguy explained.

“Well, we forgive you, and come on! We need everyone’s help to stop the Dark Ones!” Ex said.

We see Q fly down onto the ground, seemingly wanting to help them all.

“I guess he wants to help too,” Mothra said.

Q began flying away to who knows where, and that seemed to be a cue to follow him, so they did.

“I hope he knows where he is going..” Mothra said; tvguy was in Ex’s ship.

Q then took them to some ancient temple.....it was Ronuletto’s, but different.

Just then, we saw some Opposite Robots guarding the entrance, and began attacking.

“What the...? I thought we were friends with them!” Ex said, dodging them with the Pulp Rider.

“Ronuletto got suitelfie44 to mind control them all into being evil again,” Tvguy explained.

“Ugh...WAIT, SUITELIFE?!” Ex said, shocked.

“Yes, suitelife was still alive....in the World Outskirts. Apparently Ronuletto is responsible for his corruption..” Tvguy said.

“Well, now I feel bad for freezing him,” Ex said, blasting the robots.

“But we can’t change the past, we have to stop Ronuletto again!” Tvguy said.

A bunch of Opposite Bots began to surround them, and they were blasted out of their ships.

“We need to disable the mind control device!” Tvguy said.

The Opposite Robots just kept attacking, it was no use.

Just then though, Q made his ship turn giant, into a monster! Q was a giant titan of some sort now.

“What the..” Mothra said.

Q smashed through the robots, and saw the device. He crushed it, and all the robots were shut off, collapsing to the ground.


We cut back to Opposite Island, and see the robots stopped attacking, and all shut off.


"What a twist," JCM said. "But seriously, what just happened?"


"Idk, but this is getting weird," Teenj said.


"Well, be grateful they all stopped at least, before they could have potentially murdered someone," Wumbo said.


"But the big mystery now is, who shut them off?" Sebastian asked.


"I think I know," Clappy smiled, thinking of Ex.


We cut back to the temple.


“Thanks Q!” SOF said, appearing behind a pillar. “I forgive you for abandoning me now..”

“Wait, what?” Ex asked.

“Q and I know each other, and 50 years ago, he abandoned me when Ronuletto tried escaping....but I managed to seal him away..” SOF explained.

Q didn’t talk, but seemed remorse.

Just then though, we see two giant statues come to life --- they were both ancient titans of some sort. A black one and a white one. They growled and swung their hands everywhere.

“DUCK!” SOF yelled, as they smashed a pillar.

One of the titans crushed the Pulp Rider and Mothra’s ship.

“God dangit!” Ex yelled, running from them.

Q looked at SOF, and seemed sad. He knew what he had to do.

Q blocked the two monsters, and they began jabbing him.

“Run into the temple!” SOF said.

“Wait, what’s happening?!” Tvguy said, as Q began glowing.

“Let’s just say....you really want to hide..” SOF said.

The titans attacked Q again, and we hear a big explosion, and all three were destroyed.

Ex came out of hiding, and so did the other three.

“He...sacrificed himself..” Mothra said.

“Yes...and my magic is wearing off. It was Q’s way of repaying me,” SOF said.

“We hardly knew him...but he saved our lives..” Ex said.

“Yes, he knew the price he would have to pay when he turned into his monster mode...now we must stop Ronuletto, once and for all!”

“We’ll whoop his ass!” Tvguy said, and the four walked further into the temple.


52. The Moment of Truth

The three walked inside of the temple, and it was dark.

“I can’t see a thing, my eyes are basically darkened than a night sky,” Mothra said.

Just then, they all came across a big bridge, with white glowing lights below.

“I’d rather not find out what is below..” Ex said, as the four carefully walked across.

Just then, Flareix and Phalos jumped from the ceiling, and onto the bridge.

“Ugh, two of Ronuletto’s cronies, let’s take them out!” Ex said, kicking Flareix.

Flareix made burns across the bridge, but Mothra punched him off the bridge, and she kicked Phalos off as well.

“Hey, I know some moves too,” Mothra said, as they traveled to the next part.

They came to the central area, with Ronuletto, and suitelife tied to a pillar at the top.

“Well well well...you have stopped all of my minions for now...but you are no match for me, ExKizuna. You were foolish enough to say no to SOF’s offer.....with SOF still as Grand Ruler, his magic to keep himself alive would wear off...”

“...thus, giving you an easy chance to strike..” Ex said, finishing.

“Yes, aren’t you smart?” Ronuletto laughed. “Now I shall claim the Grand Ruler position when I kill SOF!”

“Never!” SOF said, blasting magic at him, but it had little affect.

“You old fool, your magic is dying....” Ronuletto laughed.

"Ugh, you are a monster...you killed Stalus, turned suitelife evil, and many other things.." Ex said.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Ronuletto laughed, shooting dark blasts at Ex, and he dodged.

Mothra threw a rock from the ground at Ronuletto’s head, but he used his hand to stop the rock, and blast it back at them, destroying a pillar. It made suitelife shake a bit though.

“You are all fools....you can’t defeat me, and when I destroy you all, the world will be covered with darkness once more!” Ronuletto laughed.

Just then, we see the possessed!CDCB appear, laughing.

“Finish them!” Ronuletto said.

“Ah ha, I knew something was fishy about you!” Ex said, punching the possessed CDCB.

“DARKNESS!” CDCB yelled, but SOF used one last blast of magic at CDCB, and it cured him of his dark possession.

“Whoa....what happened?” CDCB asked.

“Yeah, let’s not deal with this at the moment,” Ex said, throwing a rock at CDCB, which knocked him out.

“hot wings..” CDCB said, laying on the ground.

“Go on, through your next test at us, you failure!” Tvguy said.

“Ah, mad I ditched you, eh?” Ronuletto laughed.

Just then, a portal opened.

“Going to flee? Coward!” Ex yelled.

"I didn’t make that portal! What is the meaning of this?” Ronuletto said.

“Then who did?” They all said, confused.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” a voice yelled.

It was Dradius - he came out of the portal.

“Dradius! Help me!” Ronuletto said.

“Not quite...master...” Dradius said.

“What are you doing?” Ronuletto asked.

Dradius blew fire around Ronuletto, and made his dark fire form a bunch of pointy blades....pointed at Ronuletto’s neck.

“So...treason, is it? You truly think you are capable of killing me?” Ronuletto chuckled.

“Yes, I do. You treated me like dirt...I was your second in command! Then you replaced me with Gargos..” Dradius said, irritated.

“Hey, it’s not our fault your plans sucked,” Ex yelled.

“Oh, don’t worry....when I finish him off, you are all next,” Dradius said.

“Haha...go ahead and kill me.” Ronuletto laughed.

“So be it..” Dradius laughed.

He then casted a spell that made his fire blasts turn explosive.

“Yeah.....we may want to start running..” SOF said, as they all headed out of the room.

“Whaa...how?!.-” Ronuletto said.

Just then, we see the temple explode.

Dradius flew out, and we see suitelife go flying onto the ground outside, having his ropes burned off from the flames.

“He...really did kill him..” SOF said.

Dradius laughed, appearing in front of all five.

“But I don’t understand...how did you learn to do that?” Ex asked.

“Ronuletto is a fool, he doesn’t know that I know some magic spells,” Dradius laughed. “And now SOF....you are next. I am taking your Grand Ruler powers!”

Dradius flew at SOF, and the others tried to stop him, but he blasted them out of the way.

He jabbed SOF’s stomach, and we saw Dradius began to glow.


SOF fell to the ground, powerless, as Dradius was further glowing. His wings grew double in size, and he had gold plates on him.

“Now listen to me...I HAVE THE POWER! I AM YOUR NEW GRAND RULER!!!” Dradius laughed.

He shot golden fire blasts everywhere, and blew everything up.

We see suitelife come near the others.

“I have a plan on how to stop him...but you have to all trust me. I know I did bad things on Opposite Island...but I was possessed..” suitelife said.

“Do it...for us.” Ex said.

Suitelife chuckled, and he ran up the temple stairs. “Hold him off so I can get him in one spot!”

SOF tackled Dradius, and the others tried holding him off.

“Ba ha ha! You are all costed me my pilot job! I will kill you all next!” Dradius growled. “I can reshape this world in a better image, a better one that what Ronuletto had planned!”

SOF then tightly grabbed Dradius by the wings, and punched him in the face several times, and got him to the center of the ground on a circle spot.

“Let me go you OLD FOOL!” Dradius growled.

“Look!” Mothra said.

We see Suitelife at the temple top, on a stone bridge hanging above the circle. He pulled out a golden sword of some sort.

“How...what?” Dradius asked.

“Well, let’s just say I ransacked Ronuletto’s storage when he wasn’t looking,” suitelife laughed. “Anyways Ronuletto..part of you is probably in Dradius I bet...you are both cold and cruel. You turned me evil....now feel what it is like to be bitten back!”

“But SOF.....you’ll...” Ex said.

“I accept my fate...I was going sooner or later..” SOF said, as he was turning to dust as it is.


"Let him go, Ex," tvguy said.

“Quick suitelife...do it before I die and let go of Dradius!” SOF yelled.

“LET ME GO!” Dradius yelled, bashing SOF.

Suitelife jumped off with the golden sword, and smashed it into Dradius’ head, and we see a big golden explosion cover across the island, as everyone ducked again from the explosion. The screen than flashed white.




We see Ex, Mothra, and Tvguy wake up on a grass field.

“What happened now..?” Ex said, getting up.

We see suitelife greet them.

“You survived?” Mothra asked. “And what did that sword do?”

“The sword was an ancient sword that can be used to defeat Dark Ones, and cure any dark curses they put....I stole it from Ronuletto’s temple, he kept it locked up in there...” Suitelife explained. “But alas, the sword is gone now.”

“But SOF....he sacrificed himself..” Ex said.

“Now I feel bad for all the times I mocked him,” Mothra said.

“He knew it was coming, just like Q. He helped save us.” Tvguy explained.

Just then, we see OMJ, 70s, CDCB, and Elastic come up to Ex, happy he is there. Ssj and abney came up to Mothra.

"Well...I suppose maybe SBC isn't so bad after all if they helped everyone.." Abney said.

“Ex! I got my memory back, I’m sorry for all I did, I was possessed!” CDCB explained.

We also saw Zwuir, Massan, and Jss also survived, greeting Ex too.

“You guys...it’s all over.” Ex said.

SOF’s spirit appeared in front of them all however.

“Though the race is over...there is no more Grand Rulers, or Great Races...it has caused too much corruption...it is time society moves on, and forgot they ever happened..” SOF’s spirit said, fading away.

“Farewell, SOF,” Ex said.

“Well, it looks like things are all back to normal nonetheless,” Suitelife said. “Let’s all go home.”

And so....the Dark Ones were stopped, thanks to the efforts of SBC. SOF would not be forgotten however in SBC’s future....

The End.

Character Debuts: Ronuletto's Cursed Statue Monsters
Ex won the race, but did not want to be the Grand Ruler.
The Dark Ones have been stopped, and peace has been restored.
The following characters did not make it out of alive..


SOF, Ronuletto, Gargos, Dradius, Q, ACS, Nondai, Flareix, and Phalos

And that's all folks, hope you enjoyed SBCPU. To be honest with you, it was a drag to write some of the last episodes, so that is why this took forever...but I think I ended it nicely.

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Never finished the second season (you have my apologies), but great work on this literature jjs!


EDIT: Ha ha, as of today (April 22, 2015 to be exact), 2012 Metal Snake is no longer correct about the former. I read all of season 2 and liked it better than season 1. Come at me.

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