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SBC Parallel Universe

Jjs Goodman

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And now to finish off the premiere week (Yes, I am very lazy)..

SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam

11. Captain52's Revenge

WhaleBlubber was behind a tree.

"Where did WB go?" asked Steel.

"Don't know and don't care," said Hassan.

"Yeah, he can ditch us all he wants," said Fa.

WhaleBlubber began to call someone.

"Hello!" said Blubber.

"What the?" said Captain52.

"It's me, Blubber," he said.

"Oh hi. What do you want?" Captain asked.

"Want your revenge on SBC?" he said.

"Wait, I am confused, what is going on?" asked Captain.

"SBC users have been sucked into an opposite world by some weird glitch. This place is fucked up, but pretty lulzy. Basically, I wanted to spam them up and so I did. But it ended up resulting into a glitch happening." WB told him.

"Interesting...I'll create a new account and see for myself." Captain said.

Captain created his account to find himself to an empty board with no new posts.

Right off the bat, he spotted a PM and opened it. He got sucked into the Opposite world. Luckily, the portal opened up right in front of WhaleBlubber.

"What the fuck?" said Captain.

"Welcome to the Opposite World!" said Blubber.

"So, now what?" asked Captain.

"We get revenge!" said Blubber.

"Well, there better not be any g*y people here, because I hate g*y people! I also hate Clapmaster, JellyFishJammer, Santa Dog/Elastic Wasteband, Bob_Ball and anybody else who has treated me like garbage throughout the years on TV.com/SBC!" said Captain.

"That was moving. But we need to work together to plot our revenge," said Blubber deviously.


12. World Out

"You'll be a perfect ally!" Blubber said. "We've worked with each other in the past before, like in August 2009 when we banned almost everyone from TV.com and spammed SBC in September 2010."

"Ah, good memories of DarkWaters78," said Captain.

"Now, we plot our revenge!" said Blubber.

Meanwhile, we cut to Jelly, Elastic, Peanut, AOF, OMJ and Young Man Jenkins. They meet up with Hassan, Steel, Fa, Pakasa and Sabre.

"Guys!" said Sabre.

"Finally, PEOPLE!" said Jelly.

"I'll tell you what guys, you people have some fancy clothing," said YMJ.

"Still nowhere near as awesome as me," said OMJ.

Meanwhile, we see Massan Najwa in his house from Episode 4..

"Master, the people from the other world are increasing..." Massan told him.

"Deal away with them soon, we shall," said a shady man on a television screen. His face and body were colored in black.

"Soon we will open our portals and files to other sites...such as what remains of TV.com, SpongeBuddy Mania, Eurobricks and much...much more," said the shady man.

"Yes Master, I will prepare the hacking devices." Massan said.

"Good. Within a matter of days, we will have everyone across the internet in this world..."

The screen blanked out. Massan got to work.

"I still wonder where master came from," said a curious Massan.




13. WhaleBlubber's Plan

"Good, good!" said Blubber as he prepared his plan with Captain.

"Soon, we'll unite trolls who those SBC nerds got banned in the past, once we get out of here," said Blubber. They headed off into town, hidden in cloaks.

They spotted the crowd of users like Hassan, Elastic, ect.

"Ah yes...Hassan has that device. We could steal it, find some gold, enter it in, and warp ourselves back! We'll spam them up, since nobody will be there to stop us!" said Blubber.

"That's brilliant! Except...where the hell do we get gold in this universe?" said Captain.

"Well, we found this cave with fake gold in it. This man named faiiiry456 was guarding his real gold, so therefore he must have the real gold," said Blubber.

"Okay, I'll take care of him. Now let's grab the device," he said.

They knocked out Hassan in their discussion and stole his device.

"Hey, get back here thieves!" said Hassan.

"What did they take?!" said a panicked Jelly.

"I was working on a device that would take us back home," said Hassan, as he got back up.

"I'll catch them," said OMJ. He ran off and hunted them down.

"Be safe!" said Sabre.

Captain and Blubber took off their cloaks and ran for the cave, with the device.

"Stop, thieves!" said OMJ as he went to the rescue.

He chased them through the field and into the cave.

"Aw, if it isn't it a troll reunion," said OMJ. "NightmareFan17 and WhaleBlubber."

"Keep your mouth shut. Soon you'll regret saying that," said Captain.

Faiiiry456 came in.

"Who dares disturb me ca-"

Captain knocked him out into the wall, and a pot of real gold appeared. Captain then took a piece.

OMJ tried to stop them, but WhaleBlubber shot a net of spam at him, wrapping him in it.

"Stop!" said OMJ.

"Not so fast pretty boy," said Blubber as he put the gold into the device. It began to boot up.

A portal appeared.

"No! I may have been a troll in my past, but I won't let other trolls ruin SBC!" he said as he jumped at Captain, and the 2 went falling back into the portal. Blubber jumped in as well. The device sealed and disappeared with them.

The 3 were logged onto SBC. Captain and Blubber then started to spam it up. OMJ was not a Admin, Mod or GFX, so he had to figure out a way to stop them.

"Is OMJ okay?" asked Elastic.

"I hope so," said a worried Jelly.

Blubber and Captain have united! What will happen to SBC and OMJ? More importantly, who is the shady man Massan works for? Stay tuned!

Notes/Trivia/Goofs (for all 3 eps)
Character Debuts: Shady Man
OMJ, Captain and Blubber are out of the opposite world.

And that concludes the Parallel Premiere Week. New episodes will return this May!

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This is really good. Definitely going to read this more often. I'd tell you what I'd think my opposite would be like, but I have no clue. I suck with details. But I supposed the opposite of a deli is a salad bar, isn't it? Idk.

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan

14. A Fright of The Night (Posted May 4th, 2011)

"So...is OMJ okay?" asked Elastic. "It's been hours and I am freezing since it is cold out at night.."

"Here, let me do it: OMJ!?" yelled Steel a few times.

Nothing happened.

"My opposite, OMJ!" yelled YMG.

Nothing happened again.

"Okay, is he on break or something?" asked Steel.

"I hope he didn't die," panicked Elastic.

" I doubt it...and I have another question," asked Jelly.

"What is it?" asked Pakasa.

"How many SBC users ARE in this world now?"

"About everyone," replied 70s as he walked into town.

"70s!" said Elastic.

We see tvguy, Dragiiin, CF and Wumbo come along with him.

"We had a bit of an encounter with our opposites and some of them were asses, but I brought along my opposite: 80s and his wife!" he said.

"80s!" said Elastic.

"Long time no see," said AOF.

As everyone was chatting, a cloud of smoke began to cover the city.

"Oh no....HE is coming..." 80s' wife said.

"Who is coming?" said a very confused Wumbology.

"Hide!" said AOF as he grabbed Elastic and they hid under a bench.

"What the fuck is going on?" asked Dragiiin.

A Black Knight appeared out of a cloud of smoke.

"Uh-Uh------" stuttered Steel.

"Silence peasant," said the knight.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be quiet," bowed Steel.

"That is more like it! I see there are some new neighbors," said the knight.

"Please don't spank me too hard!" whined YMG.

"Oh, I won't...these new guests look interesting.."

Just then, 4EverGreen and 4EverBlue walked out of the Writing Contest building.

"Hello true believers!" said 4EG.

"Hi... 305752.gif " said 4EB.

"Silence peasants!" yelled the knight as he pulled out his sword and threatened to slice 4EG's head off with it. 4EB escaped in the midst of the chaos. 4EG apologized to him, and he put his sword down.

"Okay, I'll admit that is even harsh, even for 4EverGreen," said Steel.

"He is the Dark Knight! He is all about harsh! All he ever does is he comes to attack our towns late at night and makes us bow down to him!" explained 80s.

"Oh Katie, what did I do to deserve this?!" bellowed 4EverGreen.

Steel knocked The Dark Knight's helmet off, revealing a user!

"I am Jss!" he yelled.

"Jjs?" said Dragiiin.

"Who?" he growled.

"Okay, jjs' opposite I presume," said Wumbo. "Now back off."

"Nobody tells me to back off!" said Jss. He began to swing his sword, but he is countered by Steel, who defends everyone against him. Jss knocks him away to the ground.

"ENOUGH! I have come looking for the one known as "WhaleBlubber"!" he said.

"I don't know who the fuck you are talking about," said AOF as he defended for himself.

"He is this troll who adores feces from our world and bans people," said Elastic.

"Sounds like Massan_Najwa, aside from the feces part." AOF said.

"Everyone, stop talking!" yelled Jss.

"That is what happens when 80% of the SBC population is here," said Drag.

"And if you even dare mess with me or ANY SBC user; even the opposite ones, we'll kick your ass," warned Elastic.

"Bah! You want to tussle, eh?" said Jss.

"I've had it with your terrorizing of people! Oh boy, I'm going to enjoy this!" AOF yelled as he kicked his stomach in.

"This armor protects me, fool!" he yelled.

Dragiiin shot spam at him.

"801173.gif344797.gif650703.gif40213.gif801173.gif901662.gif54207.gif54207.gif  " covered all over his armor.

"AAH, I AM INFECTED!" he screamed. He tries rubbing it off his armor, but is kicked in the stomach again by AOF.

"Fine then, I'll rob AvatarBuddy Mania!" he yelled as he vanished again.

"Everyone stay here, I'll handle this," said AOF. Elastic and 70s tagged along too.

"I am just doing this for the lulz," said Elastic.

They then approached AvatarBuddy Mania. All 3 entered in to a world of Avatar fans.

"Looks like SBM," said Elastic. "Just Avatar-ified."

The head admin "avatardude" welcomed them.

"No time to explain, your site is in danger of being attacked by a psycho knight!" said 70s.

"Erm....what the ::dolphin noise::?" said Avatardude.

Jss appeared.

"Gah ha ha ha! Master will be pleased with the destruction I have caused, but I'll also need a hostage.."

He looked at Avatardude.

"Who are you? Get out of my site!"- But it was too late, Jss had appeared in front of him and covered him in a potato bag, and escaped with him in a cloud of smoke.

"Wow..that was one fast little bitch," said AOF.

"Our head admin has been captured, what do we do now?!" panicked many users.

"What is worse is: He had to attend an important meeting tomorrow!" said Plastic.

70s, Elastic and AOF felt a bit bad for their site and the fact they couldn't stop Jss.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way to help....somehow," reassured 70s.

We then see Jss back at someone's house in the woods.

"Good work," said Massan.

"Yes sir!" said Jss.

"Well hello there Avatardude...the head moncho of ABM. Without you, your site will fall to ruin," he said.

"Massan! I should have known!" he said.

"But don't worry, I won't kill you. I have a little surprise planned for you..."

"What is it?" asked Avatardude.



Opposite Debuts: Jss and Avatardude
Area Debuts: AvatarBuddy Mania (mentioned in Episode 2, but it didn't actually appear until now)

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night

15. Demon (Posted May 11th, 2011)

We cut back to Massan's house.

"What do you want with me, Massan?" asked Avatardude.

"I need your help, since you are the most intelligent person around these parts," said Massan.

"...With what?" asked a confused Avatardude.

Jss held up a device.

"This!" he said.

"What is it?" asked Avatardude.

"It is a device that will allow me to grab users from websites on the opposite world. We've already grabbed everybody from the SpongeBob Community site," he said.

"No! I won't help you with such an awful thing! Why can't you leave those people from the other world alone? They don't belong here."

"It was all requested from my master," Massan said. "I just do what I do."

"I still refuse to help upgrade your machines! You are a demon!" he said.

Jss appeared behind Avatardude with an electric whip around the chair. Avatardude got shocked.

"You don't really have a choice here my friend. It is either help me or suffer a shocking death," said Massan.

He still got shocked, but tried to take in the pain.

"Fine-I-I'll do it!" said Avatardude. Jss let go of the whip.

He rubbed his arms from the electric burns.

"I thought you'd say that," said Massan as he smiled.

Meanwhile, we cut back to AvatarBuddy Mania..

"Okay, is this good enough of a suit to impersonate Avatardude?" asked 70s.

"Looks legit to me," said Elastic.

"Don't worry about right or wrong answers, they are just about your forum." AOF said.

"But I don't know anything about this site either.." 70s said.

"But the people who work for IPmotion don't know anything about your board either," said AOF.

"True, I guess. But these people could ask stuff about IPmotion that I have no idea about," said 70s.

"Try your best. I doubt they'd shut down the site for a flawed answer," said Elastic.

"You mean the guy who was jjs' opposite? No idea, but I hope your Admin is okay," said 70s. "But why do I have to do this anyways if we won't get shut down for wrong answers?"

"You still wouldn't want to humiliate yourself in front of important people, would you?" said Elastic.

"True," said 70s.

"Plus, Avatardude had planned this meeting months ago," AOF explained.

"Hopefully he is okay, speaking of which," AOF replied. "Anyways, good luck, gonna make a topic discussing Angelman," said AOF.

"That must be your opposite of Devilman. Count me in!" Elastic said, as the two went off.

"A fucking emo kid probably took Avatardude," said a user named Sali.

"Okay, because nobody asked for your opinion," said Elastic.

"Whatever," she said as she walked off.

"Sheesh, temper." Elastic said.

Two guys from IPmotion entered in through the site building, which both had black suits.

70s/Avatardude shook their hands.

"My name is Kor," said the first man.

"And my name is Deez," said the other.

"And I'm Avatardude," said 70s.

"So Question 1: Do you think your forum is doing great user-wise?" asked Kor.

"Oh yes, this site has over 2,000 members! Pretty impressive if you ask me," said 70s.

"Indeed, and you have had over 103 posts today, which is also impressive," said Deez.

"Question 2: Do you like our hosting service?" asked Deez.

"Oh yes, it has way more features than another hosting site I run," said 70s.

"What is the name of it?" asked Deez.

"It is a bit of a private forum, I uh, use it for testing purposes!" said 70s as he started making stuff up, but it was believable.

"Ah, okay, I understand," said Deez.

A minutes later, the interview finished up after 9 questions.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Avatardude," said Deez. "Excellent forum from what I've heard," said Kor as both of them left off.

"We'll also recommend it to our users at our support forum," said the two as they walked off.

"Oh thank god that is over," said 70s as he took off the costume.

"Well, you spared Avatardude some trouble," said Elastic.

"Now...where is he? Where did Jss take him?" asked AOF. The 3 began pondering.

We cut back to Massan's hideout:

"Thank you for upgrading the two machines," said Massan. "I knew you were smart enough. Now we can break into TV.com's firewall, SpongeBuddy Mania's and even Eurobricks'!" said Massan.

"Now, can I finally leave. I have a meeting to get to," said Avatardude as he walked up.

"No no no no! Not so fast there," said Massan.

"I thought you said I could go if I helped you?"

"Now now, I never said that...let's be honest here," he said.

"Okay, fine. But why do you want me on ho-"

Just then, Massan jabbed the electric whip through his stomach. He dropped to the ground, and Massan smiled.

Jss appears and is mentioned several times, but has no lines.
Opposite Debuts: Kor, Deez and Sali
It is revealed how everybody actually got into the Opposite World.

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The Wednesday simulcast will still go as planned even though 14 and 15 were re-posted on Sunday.

SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon

16. Professor Stubborn

We see Massan staring at the dead body of Avatardude.

"He'll rest in piece," said Jss.

"Indeed. But first, I need you to do me a little favor, Jss..." Massan said.

We see hilaryfan80 and Face arrive in the Opposite world.

"Where on earth are we? o.o" asked hilaryfan80.

"I...don't know," Face replied. They then see the others.

"Hey 70s and the others! Yeah um, where the fuck are we?" asked hilaryfan80.

"As crazy as this sounds, you are in an opposite world," said 70s.

"Hey guys, I have some news," said Hassan. "Every SBC user is in the opposite world now, at least the active ones."

"Damn," said Ex.

"So....did you find a way for us to get back to our world?" asked tvguy.

"And what the FUCK happened to OMJ?" asked Elastic.

"1. No, I am afraid. 2. No clue," replied Hassan.

"Fuck, we are going to be stuck here forever..." said tvguy.

"Hold on....I did more scanning to the area and it seems there is a temple nearby." Hassan said.

"A temple? Could it be the Mysterious Temple?" asked 80s.

"What the what?" asked Dragiiin.

"The Mysterious Temple is a temple that none of us have ever visited..it is in the outskirts of the jungle." 80s said.

"Well, I am picking up a very powerful source from it that could help us get back to the real world," said Hassan.

"I'll volunteer to go!" said SpongeOddFan.

"Sorry SOF, but this could be dangerous," said jjs.

"Holy fuck, when did jjs get here?" asked Dragiiin.

"I've been here, I mean all SBC users are here now..."

"Ah." Dragiiin said.

"So, who is going to go to the temple with me?" asked Hassan.

"I'll go," said hilaryfan80.

"Same here," said Face. "We should thank you guys for making us GFXs on SBC," said Face.

"Alright, let's get going," said Massan.

"Wait!" said 80s' wife. "People who claimed to have explored the temple said that there were a ton of traps," she said.

"Alright, we'll keep that in mind. We'll be careful," said Hassan as the three walked away.

"And don't vanish like OMJ did," said Elastic.

"Yeah, what did happen to OMJ?" asked Wumbo.

"No clue Wumbo since I wasn't there, but this is getting all mysterious," said Clappy.

A few hours later, we see Hassan, hilaryfan80 and Face arrive.

"Gah, I hate walking," said hilaryfan80.

"Well, stop being so stubborn, because you are going to have to run in the temple if we do encounter a trap," said Face.

We see Jss a top of a cliff near the temple. He laughed.

"Massan, come in. I've traced the three to the temple. I overheard them talking about going to it," he said.

"They are at the Mysterious Temple!? NO! They could get back if they used the power source from the treasure..." said Massan. "STOP THEM!" he yelled as he turned off the screen.

"Okay then," said Jss as he jumped down in front of the three.

"Gah, it is you again!" said Hassan.

"Who is this punk?" asked hilaryfan80. "And what is with the stupid knight armor?"

"I am a noble warrior who serves under the command of Massan_Najwa. Do not dare insult my armor, peasant or I will slice your head off!" he yelled as he took off his sword.

"Put it simply, he is a bad guy," said Hassan as he punched him in the gut.

"Hahaha! My armor is so hard that not even lightning could strike though," he said proudly as he tossed Hassan aside near the temple steps.

Hassan's machine almost went smashing into the side, but hilaryfan80 grabbed it.

Jss shocked Face with electric shocks from his hands.

"Help me, stubborn brother!" yelled Face.

"I am not stubborn!" he yelled.

"You are, you wouldn't even let me give dad his present for his birthday!" said Face.

"You two better stop fighting or we will all be killed..." suggested Hassan. "Dodge!" as a fire ball nearly scorched them.

"I have all powers known to man!" he said.

"Plan B! Run!" yelled Hassan as the three of them ran to the temple doors.

"Face it, you won't get in!" said Jss as he began to launch an electric bolt. They dodged and it hit the lock of the doors, opening the gates.

"Gahh!" he yelled. "You won't get the treasure!" he yelled as he chased after them through the temple.

A bunch of swords and sharp objects came flying out of walls, almost killing the four of them. They managed to get through the hall and came to an empty room. They eventually came into an empty room.

"I got you right where I want you..." laughed Jss.

"Okay, you two will have to stop you rivalry because we are about to be cooked open by an electric ball!" yelled Hassan.

Face said," I am sorry for calling you stubborn, mmkay?"

"And I am sorry for being stubborn," said hilaryfan80. They jumped on Jss and caused him to throw his electric ball into the surface, causing the floor to shatter. They all fell through!

They landed at the bottom of the temple! At the center of the room was a giant green diamond!

"Okay, that was way too easy, even for a temple..." said Face.

"Well, it is an opposite world after all. Easy = Hard for them probably," explained hilaryfan80.

"And now I am going to finish the four of you off!" yelled Jss as he grabbed hilaryfan80. Hassan was at the top of the stone tower with the diamond.

Jss was about to slice hilaryfan80's head off with his sword.

"Hey Hassan, I hate pressuring people, but um....if you don't do something, my head will be cut off!" yelled hilaryfan80.

"Stay still!" said Jss.

Hassan was stuck: Grab the gem and let his friend die? He then had an idea, but knew it would cause the loss of the gem.

"This is going to pain me to do, but I have to save hilaryfan80!" said Hassan as he took the gem and put what he could of it into his device.

The machine went crazy. It began glowing.


It blasted a laser beam at Jss, making him teleport away. Hassan managed to turn it off.

He then saw the gem crumbled to dust, and sighed.

"Don't worry, it was for the best. Saving me was more important than getting back to our world. Plus, the gem was thousands of years old, if everybody in this world couldn't get to it for that long," said hilaryfan80.

"Hey look, a piece of the gem is on the ground!" said Face.

Hassan picked it up.

"Hey, it has the same energy reading as the previous one!" he said as he picked it up. "Looks like it wasn't a total loss; it left a bit of a shard behind."

Face and hilaryfan80 apologized to each other for fighting again and the three headed off.


Area Debuts: Mysterious Temple
All SBC users are in the opposite world now.

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon
16. Professor Stubborn

17. SBC Chronicles

We take a flashback and see what has happened to SBC while everybody is in the Opposite World. We see WhaleBlubber has taken over SBC and renamed it "UTC", which stands for United Trolls Community. A bunch of his friends have joined. He has messed up everything on the site; The banner, graphics and even forums.

"Ah, sweet revenge at long last! After months of thinking of a plan to take down this nerdy site, I have finally succeeded!" declared WhaleBlubber.

"Great job," said Captain. "By the way everybody, there are no rules! You can say any swear and insult everybody!" he explained. Everybody cheered.

"Now, let's take this conversation to our new xat," he said.

"Fuck SpongeBob, why did we take over a shitty site about him?" asked BoringKid.

"Because I had been wanting revenge on this site for months, and now it is all mine!" he laughed. Also, the current staff positions were this:

Admins = WhaleBlubber and Captain
Mods = Birdette and BoringKid
GFXs and Good Noodles no longer exist.

"But hmm...what happened to OMJ? He could be lurking..." said Captain.

"Well, we could delete his account," suggested Birdette.

"True, but what fun would that be?" said Blubber. They all continued to chat on their xat.

"Well, he can't hack us, so we don't need to worry much," said Captain.

Meanwhile, we see OMJ lurking the site as the only guest (as they scared off everybody else who came on and didn't see the portal).

"Damn, they messed this place up. I have to stop them!" he said.

He wondered for a few minutes as he thought of a plan at his computer.

"But I also need to rescue everybody from the Opposite World! But..how? Ugh, I need to take down Blubber and his gang first. And I just know how. If he made a xat, then he must be the Main Owner, and he must have a password. Now, knowing his history, I think I might have figured it out..."

We see the next day a new user register called "SmokinBob", who was really OMJ. He went over to their xat.

"Hey guys, I registered for your forum. Thank god you took that shitty SpongeBob one down," OMJ/SmokinBob said.

"Well, welcome fellow troll!" said SkullDuggery.

"We always welcome new members for our army," said Birdette.

"If you need any basic guidelines, ask us." Rallyistracer said.

"Well, thanks guys. Any new features coming to the site?" he asked.

"Well, I might add some Arcade with some badass and violent games." Blubber said. "Maybe even a poop throwing one-"

"What is it with your poop fetish?" asked Birdette.

"Well,-" just then, SmokinBob threw off his disguise.

"And I caught you all red-handed!" said OMJ.

"YOU! Trolls, ban him!" said Blubber. But it was too late; OMJ had made himself a Main Owner.

"W-What....IMPOSS-IMPOSSIBLE!" yelled WhaleBlubber.

"While you were all talking, I got cracking. You should have came up with a more difficult password than "poopinguy"," OMJ said.

"Gahhh no! But then again, you can't ban me since I am also a Main Owner!" WhaleBlubber boasted.

OMJ banned rally, Birdette and SkullDuggery forever, but him and WhaleBlubber had a banning dogfight. OMJ banned Captain, who, ended up being left as a Mod. In the end, OMJ exited out and fled to UTC.

"Gah! Captain, ban him on UTC ASAP!" said an angry WhaleBlubber.

"Yes sir!" said Captain, but OMJ/SmokinBob had logged out.

"Okay, I guess I haven't used a forum AP in a while, because I can't find out how to ban him!" said Captain.

"Oh you dimwit, "Ban this Member" is on his profile! No need to go to the Admin Panel!" said Blubber.

"Dimwit? Excuse me, I am very intelligent!" boasted Captain.

"Oh shut up you pile of delicious shit, lemme ban his ass," said Blubber.

"Not so fast...when you insult me...you face pain," said Captain as the two began to fight on the xat.

"Ah, just like I planned!" said OMJ. "Okay, not really as that was more unexpected...now to call the forumotion police."

"Hey guys, while in the midst of your childish fighting, OMJ-" BoringKid was then cut off.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you little brat," said Blubber as he de-ownered him and banned him forever. "Now where were we?"

"Hey, don't ban him!" said Birdette; he was re-banned too.

"Okay Blubber, I think we stayed out our alliance too long you little fat piece of whale shit!" said an irritated Captain.

"Ohh! I have horse shit steaming out of my ears now! I might have to rename myself to "HorseBlubber"! I knew working with you would be an awful idea; you are nowhere as near as da troll as meh!" said Blubber.

"How so? I have spammed up SBC once,"-

"Oh please, that was half-assed. I did MUCH better than that!" said Blubber proudly.

"Oh, you are going to get it now you little shit! You are worse than the idiots who run TV.com! The biggest, baddest troll can't take an insult lightly, can't he-" Just then, the forumotion cops arrived.

"Alright, that is enough. I got a call saying you gang had hacked this forum." Cop #1 said. He arrested Captain and Blubber.

"Wha?! No! I am good, I don't want to be stuck with him!" said Captain.

"Nice try, but we aren't that stupid." Cop #2 said as he arrested the other trolls.

"Can I get set free, since I didn't really do anything," asked SkullDuggery.

"Nice try, but the good old innocent act doesn't effect us," said Cop #1.

"Fuck." Skull said.

"Thanks officers," said OMJ.

"No problem. We've restored your forum back to normal. Well, the skin at least. Why are you the only one here though..?" asked Cop #1.

"Eh, it is a long story. You wouldn't believe it." OMJ said.

"Now, as for you man who smells like blubber and the other man who has a weird haircut, since you two were the main honchos behind this hacking, I suggest you two find a good lawyer soon as I AM taking you to court for hacking a forum we host," said Cop #2.

"Can I pretend to be my own lawyer?" asked Captain.

"No, now get in the van!" said Cop #2.

"Well, the forum is back to normal." OMJ said. "But hey...what is this?" he asks as he finds an odd silver watch on the ground.

"Hey FailBlubber, is this your watch?" asked OMJ.

"What the shit? How did you get that? Well, I stole it from the cave before we were teleported away. I thought it looked kinda cool, so I took it. But I guess you can have it now.." Blubber said from the cop car.

"So...whose is it?" asked OMJ.

"No idea," replied Blubber as he and the others were taken away in the forumotion vans.

OMJ then looked at the watch in wonder.



This and Episode 1 are the only episodes that do not take place in the Opposite World.
The WhaleBlubber and Captain truce is now disbanded, as well as the both of them are arrested.
OMJ finds a mysterious watch.

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon
16. Professor Stubborn
17. SBC Chronicles

18. Dark Age

We see Massan in his liar.

"They...took the Emerald Gem. I must get it back...before they use their energy to teleport themselves back to their world!" said an upset Massan.

"Don't worry, we'll somehow get it back!" encouraged Jss.

Just then, we see Massan's TV screen turn on.

We then see a scene of someone in a chair, but they are shadowed out.

"Boss!" said Massan.

"Hello Massan. Have any of the SBC users gotten back yet?" he asked.

"No. But...they found something that could teleport them back. The Emerald Gem." Massan said, panicking.

"No worries." Massan's boss replied.

"Wait, huh?" asked Massan and Jss.

"Don't worry - everything will be just fine, as long as that70sguy92 is still alive." Massan's boss said. "My master plan is coming into play soon."

The screen turned off.

"I wonder why boss has such a grudge against this that70sguy92 person?" wondered Jss.

"I wonder too, but we got to get that gem back!" said Massan. "But first - I must set up the device to bring users from SpongeBuddy Mania here..." he said as he turned it on. He then left the scene.

We cut to SBM, and we see a portal appear on the banner.

"What the ::dolphin noise::?" wondered SBRoxMan.

He and a few others were sucked in.

Meanwhile, we cut back to the SBC users.

"So um, how will we get out of this place?" asked teenj.

"No idea at this point. I guess we might eventually have to adjust and just...move in here?" suggested tvguy.

"Okay, no." 70s replied.

"I know, it was a dumb idea.." tvguy reply.

"Before you two start to bicker, I need some help with trying to get this device to work." Hassan said.

"I really feel bad that there are no Muppets in this world..." Deli sighed.

"Okay, I kind of need people to stay on-topic here." Hassan said. "I need to carefully cut this gem piece into 4 equal parts so it will fit into the slots of the device. Now, this is solid crystal, so I'll need patience and carefulness." Hassan said.

"Sounds like a plan," said Fa.

"You can use my house for concentration," said Familyguyfa.

"Thanks." Hassan said as Familyguyfa escorted him there.

"Hassan is pretty good with this stuff, so I hope he can figure it out," Claps said.

"Yeah." Jjs replied.

Just then, we see SBRoxMan and Mechwave walk into the town.

"Mechawave and SBRox! How did you two end up here?" asked tvguy.

"Hey tvguy," said SBRox.

"We saw a trippy lookin' portal on the SBM banner and it teleported us here." Mecha said.

"Wow, so they are striking SBM too.." tvguy said.

"Who is they? Where are we? Why are SBC users here? Why am I asking you all of these questions?" asked Mecha.

After an hour, 70s explained everything to the two.

"lolopposites," Mecha said. "I bet the opposite version of SBM sucks."

"The opposite version of SBM is called AvatarBuddy Mania," 70s said.

"Oh god, I am seriously about to throw up," Mecha said.

"Here, you can use this doggy bag," said Elastic as he handed it to him.

"Thanks Elastic Wasteband," Mecha said. "Or should I say the Elastic Trashcan?"

We see Hassan cutting the gem.

"1 piece down so far," Hassan said.

"I hope you can figure it out and your friends can get back," said Familyguyfa.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Hassan reassured.

We see Massan spying on Familyguyfa's house from a hill.

"Ah, there he is!" said Jss.

"He looks a bit like me..." Massan said.

"Maybe he is your opposite," Jss suggested.

"Opposite or not, I am getting that gem back." Massan said as he jumped off the hill and into the alley. He smiled.

"I feel like we're being watched...." said Familyguyfa.

"If there is a crook out there, he'll get his ass beat. I have one more piece left to put in!" Hassan said.

"That's good-"

Just then, Massan busted down the door.

"Well, hello children!" said Massan as he entered in with Jss.

"Massan! I should have known-"

Just then, Jss blasted him with an electric shock into the fridge.

"I'm okay!" Familyguy reassured.

"Well, well, well...I see you are my opposite and the one who has been causing trouble in this world," Hassan said as he stood up.

"Yup, we finally meet face to face." Massan said.

"Can I blast him?!" Jss said, but Massan relaxed him.

"No, this shall be between me and him," he said.

"As you wish," Jss said as he grabbed Familyguyfa.

"Let him go!" Hassan said.

"This is simple really: Give me the gem pieces and I will give you your friend," Massan said.

"Ugh, not these deals again." Hassan said.

"If you refuse, I use brutal force to take the gem and Jss shocks Famiyguyfa to death. What is your choice? And choose carefully." Massan explained.

"You are quite a devious man....but I choose neither!" said Hassan as he kicked Jss in the face, grabbed his whip and shocked his armor.

"Hah, foolish boy! My armor is as hard as-" Hassan wrapped the electric whip around his face.

"UGH! Now that burns- (BZZT!)" Jss managed to get it off, while putting water over his face.

"Now you've done it.." Massan said as he charged for him, and Hassan kicked him over the table and he went flying out the window.

"Hey, my window!" Familyguy said.

"Master!" Jss said as he jumped out the window to aid him.

"I'm fine." Massan said. "Come get me, Hassan!" Massan said.

He pulled out a gun, but Hasan dodged the gun fire and he punched him the face. He kicked the gun out of his hand.

"Quite strong and brave you are, but you are not smart enough to outsmart me!" said Massan as he activated a button on a switch. It caused a brick tile Hassan was standing on to eject him into the air, and he went flying and crashing down on Familyguyfa's roof.

"Ugh..." Hassan said as he slid off, but Familyguy caught him.

"The g-gem piece!" said Hassan as he reached for it, but Jss stepped on his hand and grabbed the last gem piece.

"You think I didn't have a back-up plan?" Massan laughed. "I am truly the smartest criminal in the world!"

"I honestly didn't know that tile was trapped..." Familyguy said.

"Wait - where are the other 3 pieces?" asked Jss.

"Gone, but no matter. We have 1 piece that will prevent them from teleporting back!" Massan laughed as he escaped.

"Until next time, adios!" Massan taunted.

We see Hassan moaning.

"Ugh, he got away..." Hassan sighed.

"No worries - at least you still have the other 3 gem pieces," said Familyguyfa as he pulled them out of his pocket.

"I grabbed them in the midst of the fighting," he explained as he handed them to him.

"Thanks. We'll get the 4th gem piece back, no matter what!" said Hassan.

The screen faded black.


SBRoxMan and Mechawave are now in the opposite world.
Massan has the 4th gem piece, which prevents everybody from going home.
Massan's boss has some grudge against 70s.
Area Debuts: Familyguyfa's house.

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon
16. Professor Stubborn
17. SBC Chronicles
18. Dark Age

19. The 4 Gem Pieces

We see Massan in his liar and the screen turns on.

"Hello Massan, I see you've prevented Hassan_Bajwa from having all four gem pieces. Without this piece, they will not be able to get back. Good job." Massan's boss replied.

"Keep one thing in mind, I am working with you, not for you," Massan said.

"Indeed. Prepare a counter-attack in case they come looking for the gem piece." Massan's boss said as the screen turned off.

We cut back to the Town Square and see Hassan breaking to everybody the bad news.

"Dammit, but at least you tried Hassan," said Clappy.

"Well, I am sure they couldn't have gone too far..." teenj said.

"You should backtrace it and sent it over to the cyber police," suggested Elastic.

"Where could he be though?" asked Jjs.

"Want to help me look, Jjs?" asked Hassan.

"Sure, since I haven't done anything really," said Jjs. The two ventured off somewhere.

"Why are we always out and about?" asked Wumbo.

We see Hassan and Jjs come to a beach.

"Well, I guess this isn't a bad start..." Jjs said.

"Hmm, looks like a storm is brewing," said Hassan as he pointed to the sky.

We see Massan and Jss under a boardwalk.

"You sure we'll be fine here?" asked Jss.

"Who would bother to look under a boardwalk?" Massan said.

Jjs and Hassan walked onto the beach.

"Well, this is a good start. Lots of things get buried in the sand," said Jjs.

"Very true. You look over near the lifeguard booth and I'll check near the boardwalk," said Hassan.

"Is-Is that Massan!?" said a panicked opposite named musicguy743.

"Nah, I am a guy named Hassan though," Hassan said.

"Sorry for the trouble sir, I thought you were someone else," he said as he walked away.

"Massan sure is scary to these guys...I really want to put an end to this killer." Hassan said.

He looked under the boardwalk and found some shells along the way. But no gem. He then hid behind a wooden pole when he saw Massan and Jss.

"Well, I found them easier then expected.." Hassan whispered to himself.

We see Massan pull the last gem piece out of his pocket.

"How will we destroy this thing, boss?" asked Jss.

"No idea, but at the moment we'll have to hide it instead of destroy it." Massan said.

Hassan tried to sneak away, but we heard Massan yell "Halt!"

"Shit," Hassan said.

"Nice try, my opposite friend. But I have eyes like a hawk. Come for this piece I see?" said Massan.

"Yeah, Canadians don't give up too easily," said Hassan.

"Well then, soon dead you'll be.." said Massan as he pulled out a sword. He began swinging it at the wood. Hassan dodged and ran.

"Stop him!" yelled Massan.

Jss jumped in front of Hassan's path and Hassan got by him, while Massan tried attacking with his sword. Hassan grabbed it from him and sliced a wooden pole, causing a part of the deck to collapse on Jss.

"Gahhh! Master, help!" said Jss.

"I will, but let me get him first!" said Massan as he jumped up and busted open another part of the deck.

We see Jjs walk up.

"I didn't find anything unfortunately, but....uh-"

"Dodge!" said Hassan as he jumped out of the way, and so did Jjs.

Massan's sword went jabbing into a food stand. The person in it ran out screaming, and Jss pulled his sword out.

"Well, you are worthy opponents, but you will not get this gem from me!" he said as he chased after them down the boardwalk, bumping past opposites. We heard some people panic.

He chased them down to another part of the beach.

"Gone..." Massan growled. Jjs and Hassan jumped out and attacked him, causing the gem piece to fall out of his pocket, and Jjs snagged it.

"NOO!" Massan said.

"You may be evil, but you are not as smart as me!" said Hassan as he pulled out a wooden sword.

"I made it using busted wood pieces," winked Hassan.

"So, you wish to face me, eh?" Massan said.

"Jjs, run with the gem piece!" said Hassan. But Massan pulled out an electric whip and tripped him with it.

"Now, stay or I'll shock you the death," said Massan, laughing.

"Alright..." said Jjs as he held onto the gem piece.

"Don't worry, I got this covered. You ready punk?" said Hassan as he charged forward and their swords clashed.

"A steel sword against a wooden sword, let's see who has the greater advantage!" said Massan as he began to put more energy into his sword, and it began to push Hassan's down. The two's swords split apart.

"You have a strong resistance," said Massan. "But not strong enough!"

He attacked him again, and their sword fight continued onto more of the beach, slightly into the water.

The swords kept clashing, until Massan sliced open Hassan's sword, breaking all of the wooden pieces.

"Oh well..." said Hassan. "Bye!" Hassan said as he began to run.

Massan pulled out his electric whip, but Jjs ran up the wooden stairs and came across a food wagon.

"Time to finish you off!" said Massan as he grabbed his legs with it. It slowly shocked him. Jjs pushed the wagon down off the balcony and it crushed Massan.

"Gah, I can't see!" said Massan as he began to roll on the wagon and into the ocean.

Hassan got dragged with the cart due to the electric whip, but he sliced it open with a rock and it went flying at Massan underwater, causing him to get shocked by from the combination of electric and water. We saw a few bubbles pop up and disappear.

"Yeah, I don't think he survived that..." Jjs said.

"Well at least we have the last gem piece!" said Hassan as he inserted it into his machine.

The two walked away.

"Well, I wonder if Massan had anybody else working for him, or if he was working for someone else..." Jjs said.

"I doubt it, aside from Jss." Hassan replied.

We see Massan's boss in his liar, looking at TV screens. He looked at the one of Massan drowning.

"Well, well, well....old Massan got sunken, sadly," Massan's boss said.

He turned off the screens and sighed.

"But....he was a much better friend than 70s WAS TO ME!" said Massan's boss as he turned around his chair to reveal the face of thesuitelife44.


Opposite Debuts: musicguy743
Area Debuts: Beach
Massan is killed, at least for now.
The last gem piece is retrieved.


Massan's Boss is thesuitelife44.

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon
16. Professor Stubborn
17. SBC Chronicles
18. Dark Age
19. The 4 Gem Pieces

20. thesuitelife44's Story

November 18th, 2009

One night, we see thesuitelife on a street.

"Sigh...why don't they like me?" he asked himself. He has recently gotten into a fight with 70s on the Xat.

"Fine then...I've had it with being treated like shit on the SpongeBobCommittee and on TV.com! I'll just leave!" he yelled as he began to run through the rainy streets.

"I really feel bad for fighting with him," said CF on the Xat.

"I hope he doesn't permanently leave," 70s worried to himself.

"Whatever, I've had it with all of his whiny bitching...so..." terminoob said.

December 25th, 2009

It had been over a month since the fight. Suitelife had not returned to the Xat, TV.com, or SBC (which was dead at the time). It was Christmas, but thesuitelife just didn't feel the same.

"What's wrong?" asked his dad.

"Nothing," he replied.

thesuitelife had gotten a new laptop for Christmas, which just reminded him more of the fight.

April 9th, 2010

thesuitelife had noticed SBC was growing in activity from stalking it. He logged on real quick and logged out.

"I...just can't return," he said to himself.

He logged out after a few minutes.

June 21st, 2010

Suitelife had "returned" to SBC for a while. He returned the day after SBC had been changed forever due to terminoob's departure. He was temporarily made a Moderator and he was quite happy again. He posted until mid July and had been getting along well. Everybody seemed to have forgotten about the fighting.

After his return, he mysteriously vanished around July 17th or so.

"Suitelife has vanished again..." said a worried tvguy.

"Maybe he is on summer vacation or so," SG suggested.

"That's possible, but it feels weird since he just returned." 70s said.

But...little did they know of what REALLY happened to him.

July 16th, 2010

Thesuitelife was goofing around on TV.com when suddenly he noticed WhaleBlubber was attacking TV.com/SBC.

"Oh no...I've got to stop him!" said Suitelife.

He saw Blubber reporting posts of innocent members and banning them. He jumped at him and tried smiting him.

"Gah, get off of me you little fuckbag!" said WhaleBlubber.

"Trust me, I've still held a grudge against you since we had those fights back in 2007," he said as he strangled him.

He flicked him off of him and began to shot spam and insults at him.

"Oh wait...you were already banned here last summer or so..." Blubber said as he tried to finish him off.

"No, it was HaydenAvery's fault due to that incident on the Off-Topic Lounge, but I am here to defend for my friends!" he said as the two fought.

In the end, Blubber one. Suitelife had failed to defend his friends. WhaleBlubber left him in the dirt.

"Now...to attack those nerds at SBC!" he laughed.

Suitelife had vanished for a few days afterwards, thinking of a new invention to destroy WhaleBlubber and defeat him. Sadly, he finished his invention after the attack.

August 7th, 2010

"My invention is finished!" he said proudly.

It then malfunctioned and began to spark.

"What's going on?!" he panicked.

He tried to turn the machine off and it ended up sucking him into the portal that wasn't supposed to appear. He ended up in what today is known as "The Opposite World".

He ended up in a cave, dropping his watch (yes, the same watch Blubber mentioned in 17 that OMJ currently has).

He later got lost in the cave, forgetting about his dropped watch.

He then met Faiiiry456, who spared him when he told him everything. Thesuitelife couldn't believe he was in an Opposite World from Faiiiry's description.

He traveled around it for months, trying to find a way back, but to not avail.

"Sigh....maybe this is for the best. I mean..I can tell some people might have disliked me still," he sighed. "Especially 70s.."

Just then, a cloaked man appeared while he was sitting on a cliff (who was really Massan).

"I see you are upset young man," Massan/Cloaked Man said.

"Yeah...but who are you?" he asked.

"If you join me...you will soon see," he said as he put his hand out.

He thought about it.

"I'm not too sure..." he said.

"You must join with me...I can help you get back to your world," Massan said.

"Alright, deal!" suitelife said happily. They shook hands.

"How exactly did you get here?" Massan asked.

"I tried to defeat this troll with a new invention, but it went haywire and teleported me here," he said sadly.

"You poor thing...follow me to my house and I will give you a place to stay." Massan said.

He followed him to the woods, as the episode faded to black.



We learn how thesuitelife ended up in the Opposite World.
This is the second flashback episode (first being SBC Chronicles).

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon
16. Professor Stubborn
17. SBC Chronicles
18. Dark Age
19. The 4 Gem Pieces
20. thesuitelife44's Story

21. The Alliance

We see Hassan in town with all SBC users.

"So Hassan, can we go back home now?" asked tvguy.

"Yes, the machine is ready to go. But, we need to make sure everyone is here. We can't leave anybody behind." Hassan explained.

"Also, I heard you killed Massan," 70s said. "At least that is what jjs told me."

"Yeah, you won't have to worry about him anymore." Hassan said.

"Alright, I'll take role," Jjs said. He did so.

In the midst of taking role, we see SOF and GoosebumpsFan.

"Hello Gurgy," SOF said.

"Ugh, stop calling me that," GBF said.

"someone is just mad about my opinion," SOF said.

"No I am not, I just know everybody here doesn't like me," GBF said.

"And that is so true," Ex said.

"Bah, screw it, I am blowing this stand!" he said as he began to run away.

"Gurgy, come back!" SOF said.

"Okay, PLEASE stop calling him that," Ex told SOF.

"Alright, here is who is missing: Old Man Jenkins, WhaleBlubber, GoosebumpsFan, Pakasa43, CDCB and Dragiiin," Jjs said.

"CDCB sadly died from Massan, remember?" Steel said.

"Oh yeah, I'll scratch him off the list."

"Alright, I guess we'll have to hunt them all down," Seb said.

"Looks like we are having a wild goose chase," Elastic said.

"For Gurgy/Goosey of course," SOF said.


We see Goosey running in the woods.

"Hello? Anybody here? Perhaps someone Phineas & Fer-"

He was cut off when he found an old house. (which was Massan's)

"Oohh! I wonder if Phineas & Ferb live here?" he asked himself.

Without thinking, he ran inside the house, busting down the door.

We see thesuitelife digging through some stuff of Massan's and he turns around.

"Oh! Hello there...?" thesuitelife said.

"Hello! Are you Phineas? Or Ferb? Eh, you look like more of a Ferb to me." GBF said.

"Phineas & Ferb you say? I always loved that show..before I came here," thesuitelife said.

"What are you doing way out in these woods?" asked GBF.

"Well...a henchmen of mine died and I..oh screw it, prepare to die!" thesuitelife said as he pulled out a gun.

"Whoa, whoa whoa! Please spare me! I know I am a noob and all of you SBC folk hate me, but-"

"SBC you say...?" thesuitelife said as he put down his gun.

"My name is GoosebumpsFan," he said, scared.

"I slightly remember you, but you said you aren't treated well by them?" he asked.

"They really hate me, especially SpongeOddFan," he said.

"They treated me like shit too. Join forces with me, and I can get you your revenge!" thesuitelife said.

"Sure!" said Goosey as he shook his hand without even thinking.

"What a fool..." thesuitelife said to himself.

We see Hassan, Jjs and Steel looking for Dragiiin.

"Drag, where are you?" asked Hassan. "Come on, this is serious."

We see Dragiiin at music.com, spamming it up.

"Alright, get out of here spammer!" said the owner, who banned him.

We see Dragiiin outside, and he is grabbed by 70s.

"Where were you? Jjs, Steel and Hassan are looking for you," he said.

They later came back.

"No lu-Oh there he is," Hassan said.

"I decided to spam music.com for the lulz," he said.

"Alright, but we need to stick together before we can get back," Jjs said.

"Alright, we have no clue where OMJ or Blubber are, but Pakasa should be around here somewhere," 70s said.

"I saw Goosey run off into the woods," SOF said.

"Whatever, I don't care about him at the moment," Hassan said.

We see Pakasa43 strolling around the hills.

"Hey, is that them down there?" he said as he walked down to them.

"Alright, there's Pakasa."

"Glad I found you guys," he said.

We see Goosey and thesuitelife.

"So, how did you end up here? Like the rest of us?" Goose asked.

"No, totally different," thesuitelife said as he explained his story.

"You poor thing, I can understand why you want revenge on them," he said.

"Yes, and we'd make a great team to take them down!" he said. "My past allies failed to do so, but with some training I can make you a killing machine," he said.

Both of them laugh, and the scene cuts back to town.

We see Faiiiry456 appear.

"Lookin for that old fellow eh?" asked Faiiiry.

"You mean Old Man Jenkins?" asked 70s.

"Yah, he got taken away in some portal with a whale guy and some punk guy," he said.

"You mean Blubber?" Hassan asked. "Ah...Blubber and someone else must have taken my machine before, and OMJ countered the two, and ended up being teleported back to SBC.." Hassan explained.

"Exactly like that," Faiiiry456 said.

"Oh no! WhaleBlubber is on SBC!" teenj panicked.

"We'll worry about it when we get back," 70s said.

"At least we know where OMJ is," Jjs said.

"I'll scratch him and Blubber off the list. Now, the only one left is Goose." Hassan said.

"I can go without him, so no thanks," Wumbo said.

"I know, but it'd be rather harsh, and we can't leave anybody behind," 70s said.

"Alright, fine. Jjs, Steel and I will look for him this time, since we didn't get to find Dragiiin fairly," Hassan said as the three began to explore the woods, where SOF said he had fled too. But then we see Jss watching them from a tree..

The SBC crew learns what happened to OMJ.
GoosebumpsFan forms an alliance with suitelife.

Side Note: The rest of the Season 1's titles have been leaked on the first post and Spin-Off wiki.

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SBC Parallel Universe Season 1
1. Spam Parade
2. Meet the Opposites
3. Opposite Jumble
4. Captured!
5. Writing The Fool
7. Exposed
8. Whale Tales
9. Full House
10. Pot of Spam
11. Captain52's Revenge
12. World Out
13. WhaleBlubber's Plan
14. A Fright of The Night
15. Demon
16. Professor Stubborn
17. SBC Chronicles
18. Dark Age
19. The 4 Gem Pieces
20. thesuitelife44's Story
21. The Alliance


22. Get Jss

Steel, Hassan and Jjs walked through the forest.

"Ugh, I hope Goosey isn't pulling a prank, because I don't find it funny at all," Steel said.

Just then, Jss appeared in front of Jjs, Steel and Hassan.

"Jss! I thought you were gone?" asked Hassan.

"You may have defeated Massan, but I am not done yet!" he laughed as he pulled out his sword.

"Oh no! He is going to cut my head off!" Steel panicked as he bowed to his knees.

"And you all still fear me, good," Jss said.

"Well, we're going to stop you once and for all!" Jjs said.

"Really now? Good luck with that!" he laughed as he jumped away into the trees.

He then met up with thesuitelife and Goosey.

"They're coming for Goosey, boss." Jss said to thesuitelife.

"Good, and we'll lure them into the trap. Jss, lure them to the cliff," thesuitelife commanded.

"Yes, my lord," Jss said as he walked away.

"And we'll be waiting there," Goosey said as he was making buleprints for something.

"What's that?" asked thesuitelife.

"It's a plan for a model of a rocket to help us all get out of here, Phineas & Ferb style!" Goosey proudly said.

Suitelife moaned to himself.

"Goosey, Goosey?" Steel yelled.

"Here let me try," Hassan said. "Hey Goosey, where the fuck are you? Get off your ass of Phineas & Ferb and get the fuck over here now."

"Harsh, but it'll work," Jjs said.

Nothing happened.

"Honestly, we should live that kid here," Hassan said.

"Well, I have no comment here," Steel said.

Jss appeared again, with eletricity shooting from his hands.

"Prepare to die!" Jss yelled.

"Ugh, leave us alone," Steel said.

Jss threw an electricity ball at Steel, but he dodged.

"I know where your friend is, but you'll have to catch me to find him!" Jss laughed as he jumped away.


We see Goosey on the cliff, in a cage.

"You're using me as bait?" Goosey asked.

"Yeah, but don't say anything about our alliance. Let them rescue you, and then Jss and I will finish them off!" Suitelife laughed as he locked the cage.

He then hid in a bush.

Jss was chased by Steel, Hassan and Jjs, shooting balls of fire and electricity at him.

"Ugh, how does he never get tired?" Steel asked.

They eventually came to the cliff.

"So, we're on an island in the Opposite World?" Jjs asked.

"Indeed you are, fools!" Jss said as he showed them the cage with Goosey in it.

"Guys, help!" Goose demanded.

"I knew something was up," Steel said.

"Now, let him go!" Hassan demanded.

"You'll have to defeat me first!" Jss taunted as he pulled out his sword.

Steel picked up a rock and threw it hard at Jss' armor, causing a small crack in the front.

"Gah, you annoying little brats, that caused a vibration and crack in my armor!" Jss complained.

He then charged at them, and jabbed his sword at the tree instead.

"Hmm, maybe it is best if I stay here actually..." suitelife said as he stayed put.

"I have an idea," Steel said.

"Don't do anything stupid," Jjs said.

Steel taunted Jss, and made him charge at the tree. His sword got stuck, and Steel quickly grabbed his sword.

"Fool! Even my own sword can't break through my armor!" Jss laughed.

Steel then quickly jabbed the sword through the crack in his armor.

Goosey and thesuitelife gasped, and so did everyone else.

"No....Noooo....NOOO!" Jss yelled as he fell backward off the cliff, and into the ocean.

He drowned, just like Massan did.

"How come he wasn't bleeding?" Steel asked, curious.

"I guess opposites' blood are invisible," Jjs said.

They rescued Goosey from the cage.

Thesuitelife was angry, and he fled into the woods without being seen.

"Well, we're ready to go home," Hassan said.

"I can't think you guys enough!" Goosey lied, knowing suitelife's other trick up his sleeve.

They headed back.

"You did pretty good Steel," Jjs said.

"Indeed." Steel said.


It is revealed the SBC users are on an island in the Opposite World.
Goosey is found by the SBC users.


Jss is killed.

Side Note: 4 episodes left of Season 1!

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23. thesuitelife44's Story II: The Dark Side

Suitelife followed Massan to an old house in the woods.

"Welcome to your real home," Massan said.

"I hope you don't treat me like the others did," suitelife said.

"I won't. Speaking of which, I will help you get your revenge," Massan laughed.

"I don't want to kill anybody!" Suitelife said.

"Oh, you won't kill, but I will teach you to fight and to get revenge for how they treated you like shit," Massan said.

"Just like karate, sure," Suitelife replied.

"Now then, I will teach you the art of the darkness," Massan said, pulling out his electric whip.

"I am ready!" Suitelife said.

Massan slapped the whip at him, and he dodged many times.

"Very good defense..BUT THINK FAST!" Massan yelled as he shot the whip, but suitelife blocked it off with his elbow.

"Very good...very good.." Massan laughed.

"Boy do I want revenge now!" Thesuitelife said.

"Good...let the anger flow through..." Massan laughed. "But we have much more training to do. Jss! GBGD!"

Jss came in, and so did GBGD.

"Wait a minute...Jss sounds like jjsthekid," Suitelife said.

"You are in an opposite world boy," Massan explained to him.

"Wow, I can't believe it," he replied.

"Now, take those two out!" Massan commanded.

Jss and GBGD aimed first, but thesuitelife dodged.

"Not so fast!" GBGD yelled, but thesuitelife kicked him in the stomach.

Jss pulled out his sword, and thesuitelife used a chair as his defense.

"A true warrior uses the simplest weapons in his time of need," Massan commented.

Suitelife dodged, and punched him in the face.

"Ohh, that is gonna he leave a mark," Jss said as he fell to the ground.

"Now...for the final part of your training, suitelife," Massan smirked. "Defeat me in battle!"

They went into a forest area, and Jss let suitelife use his sword. Massan pulled out his electric whip.

"No need to get nervous, but I won't be too easy either," Massan said.

"I-I'm fine!" Suitelife reassured.

"GO!" GBGD yelled.

The two began to fight.

Massan slapped his whip and suitelife dodged.

"You are a skilled dodger," Massan commented.

Suitelife charged with the sword, and clashed with the electric whip.

Massan wrapped the whip around the sword, and pulled it out of thesuitelife's hands.

Massan had two weapons now.

"Take this!" Massan yelled as he combined the sword and whip together to make it an electric sword.

He launched thunderbolts at him from the sword.Suitelife tripped.

"Help!" Suitelife yelled.

"Do you give up?" Massan wondered.

Thesuitelife saw a rock.

"No!" he yelled as he threw the rock at the sword, putting a dent in it and giving a shock to Massan.

"Very good boy," Massan said as he fell to the ground.

"Now finish me!" Massan yelled.

Suitelife couldn't, so he dropped the sword to the ground.

"We have an outcome," Jss said as he picked up his sword.

"Suitelife is the winner!" GBGD yelled.

"Very good, and for resisting to finish me off...welcome to our gang, leader," Massan said.

Jss and GBGD cheered.

"What is your first command, master?" Massan asked.

"Get revenge on SBC!" Suitelife declared.

And so, Massan began to work on the devices to bring the SBC users to the opposite world.



We learn how thesuitelife turned so evil.
3rd flashback episode.
3 more episodes left of Season 1.

Edited by jjsthekid
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