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Scary Story Contest!


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Want to win 10,000 Doubloons? The enter in this Scary Story Writing Contest for Halloween! 125508.gif We have all 3 judges. 630566.gif Now...what are the requirements for this contest?

Length: 1-5 pages (MUST be at least a page)

Subject: Horror, Suspense, Thriller (anything related to Halloween)

Author: Anyone and everyone can join! Just register here!

START DATE: Saturday, October 23, 2010

DUE DATE: Sunday, October 31, 2010



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The year was 2016. A 12-year-old boy named Gabe ran out of the Best Buy store with his own Googlephone 4. He had got a highly-discounted copy on account of Best Buy's going-out-of-business-everything-must-go sale. Gabe excitedly ran home to brag to his parents and siblings of the new technology he had bought. He could not wait to get back to school where he would give the bragging of a lifetime. While his friends just continued to make snooty remarks at him, he could tell that they were just hiding their jealousy.

Gabe had returned home that night only to realize that he hadn't even bothered to turn the Googlephone on. Without a moment's delay, he pressed the tiny button with a line-and-circle. Immediately, the screen on the handheld device turned white and a logo featuring the colors red, green, yellow, and blue appeared on the screen. Below it, read "Googlephone: A new generation of talk." After playing around with the features for five hours, Gabe finally determined that this device was no better than that lousy Nexus One his dad had been using as a paperweight. He just could not believe he wasted his $3.99 on that piece of junk (deflation, who woulda thunk it?) and went to bed in frustration.

At 2:34 at night, Gabe had been fast asleep, dreaming about boning Taylor Swift, was still amazingly hot at the time, while the Googlephone was on his nightstand. He had not even bothered to charge it. Suddenly, the device turned on, its screen went white, and read "Recaliberating." After the loading bar filled, Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" blasted on at maximum volume. Gabe was abrupty awaken by the hypnic jerk, which was a crappy song of yesteryear. He yelped and glanced over at his Googlephone. He told it to shut up, and attempted to turn the thing off, but it was frozen. Gabe's older sister, Kelsey, rushed into the room to question what the noise was, but soon found herself dancing to the nostalgic song she had danced to as a preteen.

Gabe had had enough and finally slammed the Googlephone onto the floor, startling his dog who liked to bark at inanimate objects. Kelsey left the room and Gabe drifted back to bed.

Only an hour passed, when something startled Gabe into waking up. He looked around and found that everything had been pitch black. He extended his foot out of his bed, but could not reach the floor. This freaked him out so much that he gave out a deep shriek (at that point he had learned that his voice dropped). He heard the shrill barking of his dog who had been sleeping in the room with him. He called out his name, Brock, over and over, until the barking stopped.

At that point, Gabe peered out over his bed and found the Google logo, with its new slogan "You've encountered an error. Please try again." He turned around to find Kelsey in the distance, dancing to a faint song he could not make out. Gabe cried out her name, but she only laughed and taunted him for his voice finally chancing. As she seemed to venture off into the blackness, various apps popped up on the sides of Gabe's bed. One of them featured a video screen showing a toddler biting off his baby brother's finger with blood squirting in Gabe's face. Another contained a bunch of text messages seemingly aimed at the boy, but all turned out to be offers from Viagra and mysterious "New Zealean" letters asking him to participate in great financial opportunities in exchange for his social security number.

Desparately wanting to escape from these hounding apps, Gabe made a jump for it and found himself freefalling for what he almost felt was infinity. All of a sudden, he hit a white metallic ground. He looked around and found that he was in some sort of large capsule. He looked out a window and saw a lable that read "NASA: A subsidiary of Google."

3, 2, 1, Gabe was blasted from Earth at light speed. He clenched to the handlebars for dear life, until at one point the voyage stopped at mid-space to ask him if he wanted to install the latest version of Chrome. After shouting no, the spaceship continued off and finally landed on what seemed to be the moon. Gabe conveniently found an astronaut suit and hopped out of the craft. He walked past a Google flag placed on the moon's surface and he crept about. After walking for two hours, Gabe encountered his dog Brock, who was barking in the opposite direction.

Gabe glanced out to see what Brock was barking at and saw a giant figure slowly walking towards them. As it walked out of the shadows it turned out to be...just a regular person. Gabe asked him who he was and what they were doing there and the man replied that they were just doing an experiment for the new Googlehuman, and that they had made a mistake of testing it with an actual human. As promised, he teleported Gabe back to reality, but warned him first that they were only capable of sending him to a random place on Earth at a random time.

After a series of flashes and bloops, Gabe and Brock found themselves standing on some sort of desert. Gabe ran desparatley to try to figure out where he was and suddenly dropped to his knees. He looked up to stare at a giant Googlephone half-buried in the sand. He cried and shouted angrily. They had finally done it.

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Well... it's technically not Halloween related... but I suppose it's "scary". Though, depending on what you believe, it's not plausible at all.

The fire flickered around the six campers huddled around it. A few were huddling with each other; others were just wrapped in blankets to keep warm.

ÔÇ£And then h-ÔÇ£

ÔÇ£Wait wait wait,ÔÇØ one of the campers interjected. His name was Dean, and he wasnÔÇÖt sure if he liked where this was going, ÔÇ£Are we seriously doing this?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£What do you mean?ÔÇØ Ryan asked. He was the camper Dean interrupted and he wasnÔÇÖt sure what the hell Dean was talking about.

ÔÇ£You know,ÔÇØ the camper next to Dean came into the conversation, since she obviously knew what Dean was going with. ÔÇ£The clich?® ÔÇÿghost storyÔÇÖ thing. Everyone goes around a campfire, like this, and tells a bad ghost story until one person laughs at the awfulness of them and someone asks ÔÇÿwhatÔÇÖre you laughing at? Think you can do better?ÔÇÖ and then the guy who was laughing tells this scary ass story, but no one wants to believe itÔÇÖs scary so they just laugh anyway to hide their fright. Then, afterward, the story seems to come true and they all die.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£JillÔÇÖs right,ÔÇØ Dean said, ÔÇ£Are we really going to do this? Or do you just want to turn in and call it a night?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Are you crazy?ÔÇØ another camper asked, ÔÇ£Dude, that only happens in movies.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£VladÔÇÖs right,ÔÇØ someone else came into the conversation, ÔÇ£Do you honestly think that actually happens?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I dunno Jared,ÔÇØ a girl spoke up, ÔÇ£I think IÔÇÖm siding with Dean on this one.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£FrickinÔÇÖ Dean,ÔÇØ Ryan shook his head and chuckled, ÔÇ£Always gets the girls.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Hey!ÔÇØ the girl exclaimed, ÔÇ£HeÔÇÖs not ÔÇÿgettingÔÇÖ me! I just think he makes a valid point!ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Whatever Val,ÔÇØ Jared scoffed, ÔÇ£That ainÔÇÖt happening, and it never will.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Oh?ÔÇØ Dean smirked, ÔÇ£Are you sure about that Jared?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Of course I am,ÔÇØ he leaned up against the tree behind him and bit the marshmallow that was roasting off of the stick, ÔÇ£In fact, why not make it interesting? 3 people think it will happen, and 3 people think it wonÔÇÖt. I got 2 bills saying it wonÔÇÖt. Anyone else want it?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£YouÔÇÖre seriously betting $200 bucks on this?ÔÇØ Dean quirked an eyebrow.

ÔÇ£Why not?ÔÇØ Ryan reached into his pocket and dug out a fifty, ÔÇ£ItÔÇÖs not happening, so we can just clean you guys out.ÔÇØ

Dean looked at Jill and Val with a disgruntled look, but the three of them gave in eventually, ÔÇ£$250 between us.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Vlad?ÔÇØ Ryan asked, ÔÇ£You want in?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Mark me down for an I.O.U,ÔÇØ Vlad munched on his marshmallow.

ÔÇ£And if you end up getting killed?ÔÇØ Val asked.

Vlad shrugged, ÔÇ£Then an I.D.O.U.ÔÇØ The campers around the fire all exchanged looks with each other. Even if three of them didnÔÇÖt want to believe it, all of them knew something was going to happen tonight, and the vibe wasnÔÇÖt good. Jill and Val werenÔÇÖt paying attention and accidentally burnt their marshmallows, though Dean was quick to share his. He blew the two girlsÔÇÖ marshmallows out and grabbed two fresh ones from a bag. The three of them were stalling, and everyone knew it.

ÔÇ£Well?ÔÇØ Ryan smirked, ÔÇ£Gonna tell us a story? Or should we just take your cash now and save you the humiliation?ÔÇØ

Dean sighed and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and his hands under his chin, as if he was deep in thought. ÔÇ£OkayÔǪÔÇØ he closed his eyes, ÔÇ£Let me tell you a story. ItÔÇÖs about a couple,ÔÇØ he winked at Jill, who blushed. ÔÇ£One night, they went into the woods for a midnight walk. After walking for five minutes, they began to hear a faint sound. They thought nothing of it, and continued to walk. The sound got more and more audible as they walked. It was a dog barking. ÔÇÿDonÔÇÖt worry,ÔÇÖ the boy said, ÔÇÿheÔÇÖs probably just barking at the wind or something.ÔÇÖ The girl was calm, and they both walked more. The barking got louder. The two walked into a clearing; the source of the barking. The dog was gone, but the barking still occurred. ÔÇÿLetÔÇÖs go back,ÔÇÖ the girl clung to her boyfriendÔÇÖs arm, ÔÇÿI donÔÇÖt like it here.ÔÇÖ The boy just laughed, ÔÇÿDonÔÇÖt worry,ÔÇÖ he assured her, ÔÇÿWeÔÇÖll be fine.ÔÇÖÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Is this story going anywhere interesting?ÔÇØ Ryan yawned, ÔÇ£Because at the moment, it doesnÔÇÖt seem like it is.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Yeah, just seems like youÔÇÖre just making this the easiest thing to happen so youÔÇÖll win,ÔÇØ Vlad added.

ÔÇ£Fine, want me to get to the end?ÔÇØ Dean asked, grinding his teeth.

ÔÇ£Please,ÔÇØ Jared rolled his eyes, ÔÇ£That way I can get onto my story.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Fine,ÔÇØ Dean glared at Jared, ÔÇ£They died.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£DEAN!ÔÇØ Jill fell to her knees and looked at him, ÔÇ£WHY?!ÔÇØ

Be- Oh crap Dean gulped, Well hehe thisll be fun The three campers on the other side of the fire fell over laughing. Dean, however, was red in the face, forgetting that he believed itd come true. He wasnt entirely sure how hed save himself and Jill, but he knew his own story, and that was good enough for him.

ÔÇ£Wow,ÔÇØ Jared wiped a tear from his eye, ÔÇ£Fantastic. You and Jill are gonna get killed. ThatÔÇÖll be great.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Shut it,ÔÇØ Val snapped at Jared, ÔÇ£LetÔÇÖs hear your story, then.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Fine,ÔÇØ Jared scoffed, ÔÇ£HereÔÇÖs my story.ÔÇØ He sat at the edge of the tree log and leaned in close to the fire, so it flickered below his face. ÔÇ£After a long night of billiards, three teenagers walked back to their car. It was raining that night, and no one had a coat. Getting into the car, the teenager that sat in the back grabbed a jacket that was next to him and held it in front of the two in the front, ÔÇÿWhenÔÇÖd we get this?ÔÇÖ he asked. The two teenagers shrugged and the car drove off.ÔÇØ

The end? Dean quirked an eyebrow.

ÔÇ£The end,ÔÇØ Jared smirked.

So let me get this straight Val rubbed her temples in frustration, DEAN cant tell a story that will happen, but YOU can tell a story that WONT happen. Is that correct?

ÔÇ£ÔÇÖfraid so,ÔÇØ Jared grinned, ÔÇ£IÔÇÖll take t-ÔÇ£ He stopped mid-sentence. The five other campers raised their eyebrows at him, but soon knew what was going on. They all heard a faint barking sound.

ÔÇ£Oh, har har,ÔÇØ Ryan chuckled nervously, ÔÇ£You put a tape recorder in the woods because you knew something like this would happen.ÔÇØ

Er no? Dean wasnt sure what Ryan was getting at, but he figured he was just in denial.

ÔÇ£Seriously,ÔÇØ Vlad rolled his eyes and bit off RyanÔÇÖs marshmallow and swallowed it quickly, ÔÇ£Just give it up. ItÔÇÖs not scary.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£But Dean isnÔÇÖt doing that,ÔÇØ Jill told them. Unfortunately, Ryan and Vlad werenÔÇÖt convinced. Though it seemed Jared was.

ÔÇ£Y-y-y-yeah,ÔÇØ Jared chattered his teeth. When he figured itÔÇÖd draw attention, he rubbed his arms like he was trying to warm up.

ÔÇ£Dude,ÔÇØ Val chuckled, ÔÇ£ItÔÇÖs like 70 degrees and weÔÇÖre in front of a fire. YouÔÇÖre scared.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£No,ÔÇØ Jared blinked and laughed nervously, ÔÇ£Why would I be? Dean and Jill should be the scared ones.ÔÇØ

You know Jill clung onto Deans arm and whispered in his ear, Hes right. You said the couple died.

Dean looked at Jill with one of his eyes and kissed her on the forehead, ÔÇ£DonÔÇÖt worry,ÔÇØ he whispered back, ÔÇ£I didnÔÇÖt finish. They donÔÇÖt know whoÔÇÖs going to die. The three of them wanted me to skip to the end, so I did. They know nothing of what actually happened. The only thing anyone here besides me knows is that multiple people died.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Why canÔÇÖt you tell me?ÔÇØ Jill looked at Dean with puppy dog eyes. After a moment of silence, JillÔÇÖs facial expression changed to that of someone straight out of a horror movie. She let go of DeanÔÇÖs arm and fell off the tree trunk the two of them were sitting on. Not knowing what to do, Jill backed away, which drew the attention of every camper.

Sorry, Dean gave her an apologetic look.

I I die? Jill asked, already know the answer. The barking got louder, even though no one had walked deeper into the forest; the dog was finding instead of the other way around.

ÔÇ£What do you mean?ÔÇØ Ryan asked, ÔÇ£Of course you do. You heard DeanÔÇÖs story.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£No,ÔÇØ Jill got up and shot Dean a wicked look, ÔÇ£No, you didnÔÇÖt hear it. Tell ÔÇÿem Dean. Tell ÔÇÿem how YOUÔÇÖRE the only one that doesnÔÇÖt die!ÔÇØ Jill crossed her arms and the four other campers looked at Dean with awestruck looks.

Seriously dude? Vlad choked on a marshmallow, Why?

Dean blinked, What do you mean, why? the barking got louder. The five campers werent sure what to do at this point, but they knew Dean was up to something, and they knew something big was going to go down. No one, not even Dean, thought they would make it out alive.

ÔÇ£Why would you want to kill us all?!ÔÇØ Ryan got up and jumped over the fire. He grabbed DeanÔÇÖs collar and held him up in the air and balled his free hand into a fist.

ÔÇ£Why not?ÔÇØ Dean asked, ÔÇ£ItÔÇÖs always fun when the unexpected happens. Is it not?ÔÇØ He looked around at his ÔÇ£friendsÔÇØ and shot them an evil grin. The barking had stopped a while ago, though no one had noticed, as they were too focused on DeanÔÇÖs betrayal at the moment.

Um guys? Jared asked, W-when did the barking stop? Dean cackled and dipped his head back to look at Jill for a moment. He moved his head around until there was a very audible *CRACK* His eyelids went wide and his pupils dilated. After a moment, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he began to laugh maniacally.

Th-this isnt Jill shook her head and began to cry, This isnt Dean.

No Ryan bared his teeth, Its not, he struck Dean in the gut with his balled fist and dropped him to the ground. For a moment, everyone thought he was dead. When Vlad got up to kick him to see if he really was, however, Deans eyes shot open. His eyes were now bloodshot, and his iris were black as the night sky. No one could see his pupils anymore, and Val began to wonder if he had them anymore. As Dean rose to his feet, his teeth began to grow sharper, and his skin began to deplete in color. When he was finally up, he hung his head back and laughed like a maniac for a good two minutes. No one knew what to do, so no one disturbed him. They wanted to see what was going to happen. Dean swung his head back and arched his back so his arms dangled down in front of him. He raised his head and his eyes went wide; his mouth opened as well, to reveal the teeth he had grown. They were now full-on fangs. Every one of them. He didnt say anything, though. All he did was bark once.

ÔÇ£DEAN!ÔÇØ Jill shouted through her tears, ÔÇ£WAKE UP!ÔÇØ Dean turned to her and bared his teeth. Jill knew he was being possessed. Everyone knew he was. No one knew by what, though.

ÔÇ£Th-the dog!ÔÇØ Val stuttered, ÔÇ£THE DOG!ÔÇØ Dean quirked an eyebrow at Val and diverted his attention from Jill to her. He reached into the fire and grabbed a burning log. It didnÔÇÖt hurt him at all, and everyone knew this meant trouble, if they didnÔÇÖt already know that anyway. Dean hurled the log toward Val and her hair caught on fire.

ÔÇ£VAL!ÔÇØ Jared shouted. That was enough to get DeanÔÇÖs attention. He jumped in front of Val and swung his arm behind him, grabbing one of hers. He flung her forward into Jared, who had now found the courage to charge at him. Both Val and Jared tumbled into the flames, and were crying out in agony.

You you Vlad curled his lips and bared his teeth as well. He hopped the flame and punched Dean in the face. Grab his legs! he shouted to Ryan. However, he was still in shock at Val and Jared burning, and wasnt focusing on anything. Though Vlad had pinned Deans torso, he had freedom of his legs, and used that to his advantage. He kicked Ryan in the chest, sending him stumbling into the fire and landing on top of Val and Jared. He, too, cried out in agony.

No Jill fell to her knees and hung her head. Tears ran down her face and onto the ground, This its not happening

ÔÇ£JILL!ÔÇØ Vlad shouted at her, ÔÇ£SNAP OUT O-ÔÇ£ he never finished that sentence. Dean kicked Vlad in the back, sending him tumbling over the tree trunk behind them. Though he got up, Dean pounced and latched onto his torso. DeanÔÇÖs weight caused Vlad to stumble, which was just what he wanted. Using VladÔÇÖs chest as a kickboard, Dean kicked himself off of Vlad and propelled through the air and latched himself onto a tree. Vlad tumbled down the mountain, bashed his head against a tree, and died on impact.

One left Dean said in his own voice. He glared at Jill and barked once. That was the last thing she heard. He jumped off of the tree and grabbed onto her hair, then grabbed onto the tree behind her. Climbing up the tree with one hand was easy for him, especially since Jill had since passed out from shock. He climbed to the top branch and pulled Jill up with him. Staring out into the moonlight, he swung Jill behind him and launched her forward. When she flew down the mountain, she hit the same tree Vlad did.

Dean climbed down the tree and walked over to the pile of money. He looked at the three bodies in the fire and smirked as he pocketed the wad of cash. ÔÇ£They shoulda listened to the rest of the story,ÔÇØ he said under his breath. He turned to the mountain and walked down, hands in his pockets, and whistle innocently.

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The night was dark as 25 year old construction worker Lee Smith drove home from work one dark night. He had just covered a 17 hour shift and was tired. To top things off, he was stressed out, majorly depressed, and had no friends whats-so-ever. He lived a smug, depressing life, and was never happy. In the back of his car, were a bunch of different power tools and items used for building. But the one item he always kept in the back of his trunk was a rusty, old drill. Lee had no idea why he kept the drill in the hood. It wasn't for bringing to work everyday. Hell, he barley even knew much about the drill. Who knows? Maybe he would need the drill for something important someday.

1 mile ahead on the road, a group of high school students were driving in a hell-driven frenzy sparing no mercy to anything on the road as they sped down it in a lighting speed. These students were highly irresponsible, for they had no idea how to obey the traffic laws at all. Just a bunch of crazy-ape shit students going against the law. As they sped forward, their car began to come in sight of Lee's. Of course, the students were driving in the wrong lane, because they were also helplessly drunk at the time.

"What in the fucking hell!?" yelled out Lee as the students car was coming toward his. Lee tried to get into the opposite lane. Too late. The car hit full-force on Lee's car, and Lee was flung into the airbag as it slammed against his twig-like body. Lee was then smashed through the window and was flung onto the side of the road. The teens got out of the car, dazed and laughing, but stopped when they saw Lee's dead body splattered on the curve of the road. The teens knew they would go to jail if they reported the cops about this. So the teens got into the car and went on a hit-and-run. Driving off into the empty road section, the teens felt relieved they didn't tell the cops, but yet, there was this sinking feeling in them that knew they did the wrong choice, and that something bad was going to happen. Their was a total of 4 of them in the car. They were all around 18, and were popular kids at their high school. That didn't matter.

Quiet on the dessert road. Hours passing. Lee raises his hand. He isn't dead. But the results of the crash are devastating. Lee's whole face was ripped to shred's of meat, and blood and cuts were brutal, covering his whole face. It was like Lee was a whole different person. As for his legs, they were severely burned from the car getting lit up in flames. The rest of his body was severely injured. His left arm was throbbing and infected he could tell. Pus leaked out his left arm, and 3 of his fingers were missing. He stobbled over to the car, threw off the burned trunk, and grabbed the drill. On the road was a license plate. It belong to the high school students giant GMC. He picked it up, and began walking down the road. The town was less than a mile away. When Lee got to the town, he went straight to the Police Department. He snuck in through the back way, and somehow snuck into the security room. Now, he looked up the license plate number. All house address would be available when he looked it up in the database. He was guessing the teens were together, so he would be able to take them all out at the same time. Suddenly, a guard came in. "Hey, you don't have authorized authority to be in this......HOLY SHI..." Lee drew the drill threw the guard's stomach spewing out guts and organs as the guard let out a silent cry of despair and fell to the floor in a silent thump. Payback had just begun.

3943 E Avenue Street in the Neighborhood "Bortards Mountain". The high schooler's were playing a game of Yatzee that night. One of the two girls, Jill, started the game out by yelling Yatzee. "Yat-........................YAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!! HELP ME!" Jill was dragged into the shadows of the living room. Suddenly, the power went out and everything went black. A ear-splitting drill noise went off at full volume and a hear-piercing scream ripped through the house. Blood squired loudly, and other 3 teens yelled in terror. Derrik, one of the 2 boys, Hannah, the other girl, and Tony, the other boy, approached the door from where the yelling was happening. "I'll go first" said Tony. Opening the door slowly, he peeked inside. "Time to die." There was Lee. A bloody drill in his hand. There was a decapitated head on the drill. Payback is earned.

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Wow, just read my submitted story, and it sure does suck. 526874.gif If I would have spent 30 something more minutes, I would have developed better characters, and all that other crap. More blood also!

And an explanation as to how the airbag was able to slam into his body head on, but somehow throw him out the window to the left.

And an explanation as to why the car exploded and when it did.

And more cussing.

But I'm just nitpicking; I'm not even a judge.

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