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Behind the Sponge


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In this show, I reveal secrets from each character from the show. I might even have some interviews for you guys. The first episode will be for specifically Plankton's history of his family and even why he was always bullied in school as in Friend or Foe. Stay tuned, bitches.

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Episode 1: Family Affairs

Remember Plankton's Army when Plankton's dear old family was introduced? Wanna know more about this? Let's dig deep.


Not many people know, not even Mr. Krabs, but Plankton left home at 10 years old after many problems. When Plankton was first formed born in Bacteria Heights, he was the national Satan of the family. When he was born, he was very, VERY small. In the plankton culture, that gives off an inference that the baby plankton will be made into a nerd. Because of the family being so disappointed, they gave Plankton a ridiculous first name: Sheldon.


It was at the age of 3 when Plankton realized how disrespected he was.


Interview with Sheldon J. Plankton:

At the age of 3, my older brother Clem explained to me my first name AND the behavior of the family around me, since they usually were very gentle to me, as they apparently thought that if I was given tough times, I would emotionally die. It took me a while to soak in what to realize. I finally realized it, so I tried to choke my father in his sleep. Since I was 3 years old, I failed. When he found out, I was hated by the whole family.


Interview with Clem Plankton:

You know, I felt really bad for my brother. That's why told him the family secret at an early age. I didn't exactly think about if he actually realized it immediately. He did, so I was scared that he would go bonkers. When I found out he tried to choke his dad, I was angry. I felt like I had to stay away from him, since he was sooner or later gonna kill us all.


At the age of seven, Plankton got severely assaulted by his uncle Morris Ameobason. For two years, he hid it, but Clem got his hands on the information eventually. That's when Clem got extremely angry. Plankton was now hated by his closest friend: his brother. At the age of 10, he utterly gave up. At night, he left the community and moved to Bass Vegas. Obviously, with the casinos and shit, he couldn't stand it. At the age of 12, he discovered Mr. Krabs on a lonely stroll. Plankton saw how Eugene was practically homeless and had to wear rags. Plankton well felt him, so after about a week of slight friendship, they were soon very close friends.


Sadly, they were bullied much at school. A crab and a plankton, both with a suckish life, forced to live with each other. The fish bullies in grade school saw that as insult material. Because of this, Eugene and Sheldon were compulsive with cooking since both of their families had amazing cooks in the family. Of course, their friendship went shattered with it, and Sheldon realized his closest friend ever hated him now. He was done forever. He went back to living in the Kelp Forest. Then he went back to the Dump that he and Eugene used to hang out in to walk on memory lane. When he found a computer named K.A.R.E.N, he was desperate. 


He then found out how to program this computer into an A.I. girl that he would now be committed to. He never experienced true love at the time, so he wanted to do something. Anything. With Karen, he soon obtained a giant metal bucket (normal size compared to us) and made a restaurant out of it. He wanted to be able to feel nostalgic in his cooking, so everything he made involved chum.


Then, his life was shattered when the Krusty Krab opened across him. He was devastated when he found out the owner of the restaurant was his former-friend Eugene Krabs. He only tried the Krabby Patty once in more of a friendly manner as he was semi-kind to Eugene back in those days. He was then angry when Mr. Krabs got much more success than his restaraunt did, so he made it a goal to steal the formula of the Krusty Krab.


In the episode The Plankton's Army, Plankton saw a chance to revisit his family. By then, Plankton completely forgot abotu how his family was like, so he had high expectations that they were villains. When his family got the letters, they resented at first, but when Clem found out, he convinced the family to go visit and help his long lost brother Sheldon. Plankton was obviously dissapointed when he found out who his family really were. When they saw how selfish Plankton has gotten, they chose to mortify him by revealing his first name to his loving wife, Karen. They still knew that having a person like Plankton would be a benefit, so they helped him anyways. When Plankton's family leaved, he was more than happy. He utterly hated them. He chose not to speak to them ever again, and that's why his family isn't heard from anymore.





Now, you know Plankton's life. What do you want the next character to be?

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Episode 1.5: The Napkin that Got Used in all the Wrong Ways

When SpongeBob got used napkin in I Had an Accident, he originally used it as a cry soaker. Then he remembered that he had a first-edition Octopussy magazine in his closet. He got it out and went crazy. You could see in the shape of that napkin that he got severely violated. When SpongeBob had the guts to leave the house, Used Napkin secretly left the house to be a professional wrestler. He's still working on his dream.

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