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  1. The Canadians Are Coming.
  2. I swear he says the F word.

  3. Ask real questions. Get...pretty good answers.

  4. I'll be Bing!
  5. You can't fool me—I listen to public radio.

  6. sbl

    Seahorse 15

    April 8. On this day, in 1820, the Venus de Milo was discovered in Greece. In 1911, superconductivity was discovered by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. Elton John (the Trinidadian footballer) was born in 1987! 2014: Windows XP sadly reached its official end-of-life (by way of no more extended support). IN 2023...a day before Easter: a special gift is given to SBC. That's it, user...don't be afraid! This is just a special topic, is all... The staff are proud to announce the latest version of The SpongeBob Community. Introducing... ——————————————— An update as delectable as the staggering amount of chocolate eggs you're probably planning to eat tomorrow. Skins that'll make you feel as if you're right there in the deep blue sea. Features and updates so vast and welcoming, you'll shout land ho! Let's get to the changes. New Skins V15 Seahorse This year, the default skin brings back a minimal and sleek wordmark. SpongeBob and his fleet of seahorses lead the way, while the royal colours ground you in the Pacific. V15 Seahorse Dark LIGHTS OUT! Even though Mystery is sleeping, you can still frolic through the flowers and cast your gaze upon other seahorses on the new default dark skin. Gooberberry Surprise Oh, WAIIITERRR!!! A skin crafted by @Aquatic Konquest, reminding you of fresh bananas and sweet chocolate. Another Triple Gooberberry Sunrise? You'll never want to leave this magical wonderland. New Site Features Brilliant Discord Integration You can now connect your Discord account to the forums! In addition, Karen 2.0 comes back to the SBC Discord server for new topic updates! Pure harmony. An Elegant Birthday Widget Returning with a fancy facelift is the one-and-only birthday widget! And many moreeee~! A New Search Bar UI The search bear gets a new user interface. Test your SBC Forums Search-fu and find that pesky post from 2015. Store Updates A "Featured Items" slideshow has been added to the main page, and each store section has received new items! Plus, there's a brand new section! 1 new item has been added to the Community Store: the Custom Discord Role. Worth 1000 doubloons, it allows you to request your own personal role on the SBC Discord server! In the Skin Store, 3 skins are now available for purchase: Sponge on the Run, Breaking Sponge, and, for Loyal Customers only, Battle for Bikini Bottom Community! 5 new collectable items have been added to the Collectable Store: Local Hero, Fashion Hunter, Gary Shade, Wanted Maniac, and Pineapple Shield. It's time for the brand new section. Introducing...the Badge Store! A brand new store section allowing you to obtain a few exclusive badges from past King Neptune reigns. You can currently buy Saul Goodman, Jigglypuff, and Seahorse Radish. Each badge costs a hefty 10,000 doubloons. More will be added in the future, so stay tuned! An Exclusive Announcement I'm excited for this one. Now in development by @HawkbitAlpha, we're pleased to announce... SpongeCraft 2! Your eyes are not deceiving you, and you do not need to restart your computer. SpongeCraft is coming back!!! It's expected to be released sometime this year. Stay tuned for more information! Site Changes and Updates Forum Reorganization That's right. For the first time in five years, we've overhauled the forum layout. Spring cleaning! The new layout is as follows: Krusty Krab Bulletin Board Staff Lounge Bikini Bottom SpongeBob Characters SpongeBob Episodes (Seasons 1–13) SpongeBob Universe Kamp Koral The Patrick Star Show Jellyfish Fields Robot-Pirate Island Krusty Towers Check-In Sharing Time The Industrial Park Takin' Out the Trash New Kelp City Culture Shock K-BLUB We Have Technology Goo Lagoon Atlantis SpongeBob's Library Davy Jones' Locker Squidward's Art Show Bikini Bottom Arcade Eels and Escalators Ask Me Krabby Land The Golden Community Awards Discord Organization "Tangy Bobby" has been renamed to "Conch Street". "Fake News Media" has been renamed to "Bottom Feeder". We now have a category for bot channels called "Electric Zoo". Adjustments to Doubloon Values All posts now give you 5 doubloons! Status updates give you 3 doubloons! Having your post liked gives you 2 doubloons! Money, money, money! Skin Access Changes V13 Sponge, V13 Sponge Dark, and Neptune's Castle are all now exclusive to Loyal Customers. The Cosmic Shake Community has returned as a regular mainstay due to popular request. The Stephen Hillenburg Community has been updated to a more modern format. Miscellaneous Changes The Industrial Park is now barrier-free—the 25 post requirement is gone! Five new Discord emojis have been added to SBC. In addition, the funny reaction now uses Squidward's face. We apologize to SpongeBob. Please don't start crying into a mug. Skin Farewells It’s so haarrrddd…to sayyyy goodbyyyeee…to these awesome skiiiinnss... The following skins have all been permanently retired: V11 Starfish V11 Starfish Dark V5 Dolphins Redux Mystery Dungeon JigglyTown Together Since 2009 ——————————————— THANK YOU! If you made it this far—thank you. It's been an honour to be the lead designer for Seahorse 15. We all thoroughly hope you enjoy it. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Stay spongy. Stay bobby. Stay...community-y. AND HAVE A GREAT EASTER!!!
  7. The bosses in the console edition of BFBB are awesome. Who's your favourite? This Weekly Poll is just about over.
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  8. While it's the newest weekly poll, it's also a permanent discussion! With the amount of ways to listen to music today, it's kind of a complicated question. How do you listen to your music? Personally, I switched to Apple Music and haven't looked back from Spotify. In addition, I have some records and CDs I play when I really want to enjoy an album or a song.
  9. A weekly poll that begins at the beginning of the week? We thought it was impossible. View the poll to answer this week's question—on average, what range best describes the level(s) you set your volume to?
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