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If you're living on campus (WHICH YOU SHOULD BE) then you need to have some sort of idea of what the social aspect of college will be as well. Here's what I have to say:


- You're not alone. You don't know any of these people. The people don't know any of these people. If you're stressed or nervous about not being able to find friends, just take a deep breath and relax: I can assure you that everyone is thinking the same thing.

- If you have a lounge area, you should do things in there that you would otherwise be doing in your room (within reason). Just being bored on your laptop? Why not be bored on your laptop in the lounge! Maybe there are people there; maybe people will come by later. Either way, you don't look like a shut-in and you get to interact with people.

- Bring a goddamn game console, at least 2 controllers, and the best fucking multiplayer game there is. Set it up in the lounge. People will flock to you if you have Super Smash, Mario Kart, or Call of Duty. Bonus points if it's an N64 and Pokemon Stadium (bonus-er points for Pokemon Stadium 2).

- Keep your door open. If you're in your room and you aren't doing anything private, there's no reason why you shouldn't have your door propped. It's an invitation for people to come in, which is good because you're probably trying to make friends and if your door's open when people walk by and they come in then one thing will lead to another and your room will be a constant hangout spot (trust me - it happened to me Freshman year).

- Your dorms will probably be coed. Be smart. A child will severely cutback on your ability to come on this site. I would imagine your health center has all your needs, and if not, then will it really kill you to spend $12 at CVS?

- In the beginning of the year, your school will probably have a new student fair where you can sign up for leadership positions, clubs, and volunteer groups. Sign up for them. Not only is it something to put on your resume (which you'll start building now, if you haven't already), but it's a great way to meet likeminded people.

- Don't say no. Within reason, of course. However, if a group of kids are going out on a walk and they ask you, why should you say no? If they're having a party, why should you say no? What are you gaining by alienating yourself from a group of potential friends?


- This last bit is entirely your call, so I'm not going to say one way or the other because it's up to you and your own ethical code. You're going to be in college, and it's very unlikely that you won't encounter at least one container of alcohol/one bag of weed in your four years there. Get drunk this summer. Get high this summer. I understand that you're underage and it's illegal (or, in the case of weed, probably decriminalized), but that has stopped literally zero people. Go into college knowing your limits. Know what vodka tastes like, know how a shot makes you feel, know what it's like to be on drugs. Kids go into college thinking "WOO NO PARENTS NO ROOLZ PASS THE FUNNEL" and then that's why blacking out happens and why people get in trouble and why Freshman are idiots. Don't be the kid with their own funnel with "RIP: 1995 - TO BEST DAY OF MY LIFE" engraved on the side. It's better to get drunk now and get it over with and go "okay so that's how much of a douche I am when I'm drunk so that's never happening again" than get drunk in a room full of people acting the same exact way and go "okay so that's how much of a FRIGGIN GOD I AM WHEN I'M DRUNK THAT'S HAPPENING ALL THE DAMN TIME PASS THE FUNNEL". I got drunk the summer before going into college, and it was a lot better having it happen with a group of close friends (with a couple people designated as babysitters so no one did anything stupid) than having it happen at a party. Odds are, it probably won't even come up at all, but if you're at a party then you'll know what to drink and how much of it to drink. (All of that also goes for weed, by the way; I just don't want to type out another long paragraph on it).

- One last thing: If you start smoking, don't do it in the damn dorm hall. Do it outside. Everyone can smell it from the hall and you're gonna get in trouble. Getting high isn't worth getting kicked out of housing.


You're gonna be meeting lifelong friends and colleagues in college. Make it count, guys.


Edit: Was thinking about this a little more after I posted and realized there were two things I forgot to mention.


- I touched on this before, but college is really a whole new ballgame. Chances are someone from your high school won't be at your college, and if they are then unless you're already best friends with them you won't ever see them. The slate is wiped clean, guys. You have the summer to fully reinvent yourself, and I suggest you take advantage of it. As scary as it may be, you're gonna start to slowly become more mature and more adult-like. Take a good look at everything about yourself - from your haircut to your pair of shoes and everything in between - and think about if it's "working" anymore. If it's not, then change it. Not happy with the way Supercuts is doing your hair anymore? Then splurge a little bit and go to a salon. Are you starting to realize that your jeans are so baggy that people are asking if they're paper or plastic? It's okay to go skinnier - trust me. Bootcuts won't bite. Invest in one or two really nice outfits - something you'd want to wear to a formal event. Blazer, nice dress shirt, a tie, some nice slacks (to the graduating girls reading this: I don't know what to suggest for you, because I'm going off the [maybe incorrect?] assumption that you already know how to dress yourself) You probably won't ever have a real reason for wearing it, but it's better to have it and not need it than need it and go on your first date wearing a Nike t-shirt and cargo shorts.


- Remember when I said you aren't alone? You aren't. I'm going through the same thing. I'm starting in a new school in the fall too. I'm leaving everything behind - state, hometown, friends, MassArt, hair stylist - and starting completely new. And it's terrifying. I'm going through the same thought process as you all are right now, and I've already gone through it once before. If you think everyone entering as a Freshman at your school is totally cool with everything and isn't freaking out, then fine, you can think that - but at least take comfort knowing that I'm freaking out too, so you aren't alone.

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Summer's winding down. I know we have a thread of summer plans, but we don't have a thread for what we actually did, so let's talk about the ugly truths of your summers.

I spent most of the summer in my bed watching reruns of TV shows while pretending to do work. Early on I based my days on reruns of Boy Meets World (I still do), and in the last couple weeks I've based my nights around a very consistent TV schedule that goes from 11pm - 6am (which consists of Friends, Suite Life on Deck, Wizards of Waverly Place, It's Always Sunny, Suite Life on Deck again, and Phineas and Ferb), if I can stay up that late. It's very unhealthy but it's the only thing giving my life structure at the moment.

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Yeah, I mostly just jacked around pretending to be productive this summer too. It's crazy how much time I spend just diddling, the only things I rush to get done right away nowadays are homework and basically anything I have to get done by a certain time. As for the things I wanted to get accomplished in my own free time, I procrastinated by rereading Dragon Ball and Neon Genesis Evangelion, replaying the Resident Evil games (and Pokemon Red :3), rewatching Friendship is Witchcraft (as well as a ton of other shit on Youtube), and browsing DeviantArt, Gamefaqs, and internet forum sites...to look at stuff I've already looked at before.





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I'd say my summers not been amazing but it had its ups and downs. After heavily following the World Cup I was gonna hang out with friends a lot but barely did and mostly spent my time at home. I eventually had a soccer camp at my school which was pretty fun and I got a lot of exercise but all that went down the drain when I went on vacation a few days after and ate junk food every day. After that I was supposed to see a soccer game but got moved to Canada so I went back to being at home all day. Throughout the summer though I did a lot of running during my free time in preparation for JV soccer tryouts. Basically if I don't do good during tryouts, this summer seemed like a waste.

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I'd say my summers not been amazing but it had its ups and downs. After heavily following the World Cup I was gonna hang out with friends a lot but barely did and mostly spent my time at home. I eventually had a soccer camp at my school which was pretty fun and I got a lot of exercise but all that went down the drain when I went on vacation a few days after and ate junk food every day. After that I was supposed to see a soccer game but got moved to Canada so I went back to being at home all day. Throughout the summer though I did a lot of running during my free time in preparation for JV soccer tryouts. Basically if I don't do good during tryouts, this summer seemed like a waste.


Only JV? No chance of varsity?

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The coaches choose which sophomores get to tryout for varsity. At our school freshmans and sophomores play on JV while juniors and seniors play usually play on V

Ah. It was the same for mine, I was just wondering if you had no desire to try for varsity or if it was just off-limits.

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