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I'm surprised the newer seasons didn't get talked about too much on this thread.


But yeah, this show rocks. I don't know what to say that hasn't been said before, but this show is really awesome. The first 4 seasons were top-tier, the movies were excellent, and the revival seasons, while not as good as the others, were still great. A lot of the episodes in those seasons were hit or miss, but when an episode hits, trust me, it hits. Only problem I have with the revival seasons are the anthology episodes. IMO most of them were pretty mediocre and weren't as good as Anthology of Interest (except Reincarnation, I liked that one). But luckily, the only worst that Futurama can reach is mediocre and the bad episodes of Futurama aren't nearly as bad as, say, the worst episodes of Family Guy or The Simpsons. And unlike those shows, Futurama didn't overstay its welcome. Instead of going on for infinity seasons, it stopped before it could get any worse. Long runner shows tend to run out of ideas usually by Season 9, but Futurama ended perfectly at the 7th season. The Simpsons crossover was pretty good too, which I normally wouldn't say about a modern Simpsons episode.

As far as revival seasons go, I recommend you watch the second half of Season 6 and the first half of Season 7. The second half of Season 6 only has one bad episode (Yo Leela Leela), but one bad apple won't spoil the bunch. And trust me, the second half is filled to the brim with great episodes like Reincarnation, Overclockwise, The Tip of the Zoidberg, Law and Oracle, Ghost in the Machines, etc. The first half of Season 7 wasn't bad either and had its fair share of great episodes too. Naturama was probably the only episode I didn't like as much. It had a few jokes I laughed at, but it felt kind of boring for a Futurama episode. But it is a parody of nature documentaries and nature documentaries tend to be boring anyway, so I'll give it that. The first half of Season 6 is also great too if you want a good start on the series, but some of the episodes are pretty mediocre.

The last half of Season 7, or the final season, is a mixed bag. It has some bad episodes which even the most die-hard fan of Futurama would call the weakest of the series (Forty Percent Leadbelly and Saturday Morning Fun Pit), but some of the best episodes ever too (Meanwhile, Game of Tones, etc.). Forty Percent Leadbelly was pretty much just a rehash of an earlier episode of Futurama where Bender becomes a folk singer and SMFP was just Futurama in the form of Saturday morning cartoons. The Scooby-Doo parody was generic, the Strawberry Shortcake/Smurfs parody got repetitive, and the G.I. Joe segment was the best segment out of the three, but it doesn't save the episode. The parts where Nixon censored out almost everything in the cartoon were pretty funny. Game of Tones was a great emotional episode which had to do with Fry's past and Meanwhile was a perfect episode to end the show with. I won't spoil it so you will have to see for yourself. If the show does return in the future, great. If it doesn't, great. I personally think it shouldn't be revived again because not only would it ruin a perfect ending to the series, but the show might run out of ideas for episodes like The Simpsons.

There are a ton of my favorite episodes in the earlier seasons too. I would list them all, but there are so many great episodes, it would take me a long time to list them all. Some of my notable favorite episodes are Roswell That Ends Well, The Sting, The Farnsworth Parabox, both Anthology of Interest episodes, Future Stock, and Godfellas.

Overall, Futurama is one of the best cartoons ever to grace television. It has a great blend of funny episodes with a mix of some emotional episodes as well. I highly recommend watching it.


10/10 A+

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I'm not a person who watches many adult cartoons, but Futurama is great. I discovered it when I was 11 and bored one night. Some of the jokes did go over my head but I enjoyed watching the adventures of Fry, Bender, and all their friends. I appreciate this show even more now that I'm older. It's hilarious but can also be surprisingly emotional, like my man Fred said above.

The Sting is my favorite episode. It's a great look at the relationship between Fry and Leela.

Edited by katnisslovestacos
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It's my favorite adult cartoon for so many reasons. It was smart, it was funny, it was epic, it was weird and it was emotional. What else can I say? Oh well, Zoidberg is one of the best characters in any TV show and The Luck of Fryish is the best episode in any cartoon. Even CC era and movies were pretty great. I adore it so much.

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Very good show, never met anyone who's legitimately disliked it. Loved the first four seasons and most of the Comedy Central episodes I watched. Only Futurama-related thing I wasn't too big on were the movies. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the first one, and all of them had moments of gold, but as a whole, I just didn't get into them too much.

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Is it too late to bump this?


Anyways, I love Futurama. After being the huge Simpsons buff I am I knew I had to get into Futurama and started watching it on Netflix this January. I'm almost done with the show and I can proudly say that I love it as much, if not more than The Simpsons. The characters are all interesting, the plots are insanely creative and executed very well, and the humor is top-notch. Honestly, I can't say whether or not I like The Simpsons and Futurama more. But yeah, something I've been SUPER into recently.

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