Discord Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 Drag always saves the day from shit thread, but damn that was amazing
The Guy With the Computer Posted August 12, 2017 Posted August 12, 2017 And now we enter part 6, when the topic takes a pretty funny turn.
Popular Post Jjs Goodman Posted August 13, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted August 13, 2017 (edited) Notice: Everything in this literature is a fun parody, and anything written below does not reflect the author's views on said users portrayed in the story. Also, read every user voice in a dramatic voice, makes this very lulzy. Part 7: The Art of Shitposting Last where we left off, many users began to give up at any attempt of serious discussion, which was probably for the best. Familyguybetergriffin, an alt of the original shitposter from SBC himself, Dragiiin123, appeared to salvage the thread. Many others began to follow his actions and resort to...the art of shitposting. Not even the SBM staff, The DS Guy and YellowShadow are any match for what is transpiring, as they just let it happen. It's honestly the best thing they could've done. ACS also called The DS Guy the fuck out on some bullshit and the thread briefly turned into a Beter Griffin appreciation. I told you guys a light was coming, and here it is. Trophy: (replying to Ihavedahswag in the previous part) If you think anything like this is ever going to be taken seriously anywhere on the internet then you're going to be in for a rude awakening. (Aloha to that, brotha!) The DS Guy: (replying to YellowShadow's post in the previous part) Fair enough. At least you're tolerant and don't want gay marriage shoved down the throats of Christians. (and of course there's nothing wrong with Christians shoving their religious beliefs down people's throats either!) AlphaWarhawk: (replying to familyguybetergriffin's "fly a plane with me" post in the previous part) Normally, I would, but sadly, I am only an eel. Jibbix: (replying to AlphaWarhawk's post in the previous post exposing DS Guy) yo I never thought the day would come when I would say this but I love you Yes, as is shown above, Jibbix finally proclaims a love for AlphaWarhawk, aka ACS. This may be the only time Jibbix will ever have that saucy of an interaction with him, but enjoy it while it lasts. But who knows, perhaps a new (bro)romance is blooming depending how the wind blows in the future... familyguybetergriffin: THIS IS WAT THE GAYS WANT (and this image is repeated about 20+ times, but I don't feel like reposting all of them) Wumbology: (replying to The DS Guy's "shoving down throats" post) shoved down the throats you say () LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: Trophy: (replying to The DS Guy's suicide bombers post in the previous part) They think before literally killing themselves in the name of God, I think they'd find their loved ones worth it if they can't value their own life enough. The DS Guy: (replying to LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE's "not a step in the right direction" post in the previous post) I kind of agree with you. (!) It's not completely fair, (I imagine torturing potentially innocent members of their family would be more than "not completely") but how else are we going to deter suicide bombers if they know they're going to die? (Simple: show them this topic. It's been working miracles for both sites, maybe it can help end terrorism too) Ihavedahswag: (replying to Trophy's post in the beginning) You're right. Homophobia is just something that really irritates me and it bugs me to see it's not being taken seriously. (I believe comic relief was needed during all of the sexual tension, so I for one am glad people stopped taking it seriously.) But this is the internet, and this is DS Guy we're talking about, so I probably shouldn't get my hopes up. (I'm surprised you even had hopes for him to begin with, there's your problem son) AlphaWarhawk: (replying to The DS Guy's "step in the right direction" post from the previous part) Prove me once, shame on you. Prove me twice...??? *mic drop* Damn son, ACS is dishing out the juicy dirt yet again. I think he had a perfect character arc in this story. Nobody expected him to appear, but he appeared, and gave some nice roasts to The DS Guy. Made a very nice rivalry arc. familyguybetergriffin: DS GUY IF YOUR SO SMART SOLVE THIS ON E Will The DS Guy ever solve this conundrum of a math problem?! Sadly, this is one post he never replies to, leaving one loose end. YellowShadow: (replying to The DS Guy's "shoving down throats" post) I don't think it was ever shoved down our throats. (Whoa, YellowShadow isn't agreeing with The DS Guy for a change!? What witchcraft is this!? Did we just have an out of character moment, or is YellowShadow changing his ways!? Bah gawd!) (replying to AlphaWarhawk's eel post earlier) I be just a painting of a head. (and I'm just some creepy guy stalking an SBM topic so I can paste it over here) (replying to familyguybetergriffin's "this is wat the gays want" post) Yum Oggy (agreed) Trophy: (replying to Ihavedahswag earlier) It's not being taken seriously because the one arguing against it is a joke and is being treated as such. familyguybetergriffin: Who else wishes beter grifin and homer simpson where gay (my OTP tbh) The DS Guy: (replying to Trophy's "killing themselves in the name of God" post) You may be right. (May be? That's the closest thing Trophy may get to a compliment from The DS Guy, so he should savor this comment for years to come!) But for the terrorists who survive, they should be tortured. That will deter the next terrorist. (and here we are in 2017!) familyguybetergriffin: Damn, that's hot...again. First PatBob, then an unexpected Nuggets and ACS bromance, and now Homer x BPeter! This is one progressive story that will hopefully go down in history. Wumbology: (replying to familyguybetergriffin's "who wishes beter and homer were gay" post) homer's sexual Killer Queen: STAR PLATINUM! (notice: below image spoilered in case of seizures because I don't want to get sued) Spoiler ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA (I agree) Quote The DS Guy: Retired YellowShadow: (replying to familyguybetergriffin's sexy image above) No (yes) Unfortunately, there goes any chance of a redemption arc for YellowShadow with this one word post. Shame. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: this is making me homersexual (same) Jibbix: (replying to Wumbo's "homer's sexual" post) ITS EVEN IN HIS NAME THE LEFT HAS BEEN PUSHING THEIR LIBERAL GAY AGENDA SINCE THE 80S (I KNEW IT THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST CONSPIRACY THEORIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY) ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY #MAKEAMERICASTRAIGHTAGAIN Killer Queen: ElectricPikachu: OK, listen. Why are people talking about social issues around the world today, like homophobia, racism, sexism, religionism, LGBTQ+, heterosexuality, relationships, Donald Trump? (!) See, this is why I don't care about people today. (why thank you) I don't know why 20+ people at SBM are looking at this topic. (maybe because of how fucking hilarious it's getting) Look, I'm not against LGBTQ+, I'm not against heterosexuals, or Donald Trump. I despise how people are still talking about these issues. (oh) I confess I'm Catholic and aromantic asexual. (aha, a confession!) I'm the latter, because of the people overexaggerating about this and the fact that I show no attraction to anyone. This is why the world doesn't need change like this or go back to the old days. The world needs change by stop caring about liking or hating on stuff like this and be whatever they want to be or whatever they want to do (except drugs and alcohol, the only things that people should avoid and worry about). The world is basically victimized by people. Why are people talking about activities like you know what I mean. How did this topic get to 5 pages in less than an hour? Wow, just wow. I hear pre-teens/teenagers talk more about this than adults. This is terrifying. I wish discussions like this never exist in life. (so I take it you don't want people to talk about anything then) I wish people were less critical, sensitive, irritating and ashaming. I'm not just blaming on you guys, but everyone on the world. (Everyone betrayed me, I'm fed up with this world!) By the way, do I care what people think around the world? 100% No. Not at all. I never watch news, I never focus on things like this, I barely focus on the present day. I'm never really part of it. I just wish that people should stop being overexaggerating just like with worst SpongeBob episodes lists. (...You're comparing real life issues to lists for a cartoon show. Makes sense to me.) I guess you guys should lock this and stop causing any arguments. (don't lock it just yet fam, let's see how much more godly shitposting we can fit in) I wish people will stop talking about topics like this. (you must be fun in real life) That's all. I'm not being angry, just calm and honest. ...Did I read a rant or the lyrics for the next Simple Plan song? Because holy crap, that was so whiny and angsty it could be the latter. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: (replying to Jibbix) i hate being out of likes (And I hate almost being at the end of such a heartfelt story ) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE ends us on another legit cliffhanger, which is also our last cliffhanger of the story. We're nearing the end, loyal audience. The next part is it. The end to eight pages of comedy, action, drama, suspense, suffering, shitposting, and tragedy. The topic's fun could only last for so long. But what will become of everyone at the end? Will The DS Guy have a change of heart (spoiler: nope)? Will anyone be banned or punished due to this (spoiler: nope)? Is YellowShadow truly a lost cause (spoiler: yup)? Will any other surprise guests drop in before we end? Find out who shot Mr. Burns in the final part of Homophobia: The Miniseries... Edited April 3, 2018 by jjsthekid 14
The Guy With the Computer Posted August 13, 2017 Posted August 13, 2017 The hilarity continues. Looking forward to the final part. 1
Metal Snake Posted August 13, 2017 Posted August 13, 2017 So The DS Guy is a supporter of...torturing the innocent. ... That explains EVERYTHING! 18 hours ago, jjsthekid said: Why are people talking about social issues around the world today, like homophobia, racism, sexism, religionism, LGBTQ+, heterosexuality, relationships, Donald Trump? "You could've killed him! Why didn't you?" Daniel-san, you have been challenged for the record of "Stupidest Question Ever Asked in History". Because people are going to do this magical thing called speaking their minds. That's how it's always been, it's not something millennials invented. History is founded on people speaking out against what they found wrong with their establishments. Things change, but you essentially telling people...to stop being people is not going to change anything because people are never going to see the problem with doing what they want to do. 4
Popular Post Jjs Goodman Posted August 14, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted August 14, 2017 (edited) Time for the end. It's been a fun ride, everyone. Special thanks to everyone who viewed this, supported the idea from the start, Hayden for some chapter titles, and Nuggets & JCM for guest writing. Notice: Everything in this literature is a fun parody, and anything written below does not reflect the author's views on said users portrayed in the story. Also, read every user voice in a dramatic voice, makes this very lulzy. Part 8: In the Loud House II Last time, the shitposting masters took the wheel, taking the thread into their own hands. Enjoy this part of the story while it lasts, because we've finally reached the end, friends. How would you describe the current state of this thread? I think our first post says it best... AlphaWarhawk: This thread has become a bizarre mix of "this is terrible!" and "this is gold!". (ACS ends his role on a legit post. For real, it's amazing what an impressive arc he had throughout this story. You know you done fucked up when ACS rationally calls you out. How is The DS Guy ever going to recover? This is one unresolved cliffhanger.) Trophy: Man I thought I was straight as a ruler but this topic made me like Trophy admits this topic probably made him question his sexuality, as this topic most likely did to many other members, the author included. Wumbology: (replying to ElectricPikachu's angst rant in the previous part) lowkey this is why we cant have serious discussion on this site because human rights are equated with opinions on ranked lists of cartoon episodes (THANK YOU) Killer Queen: everyone knows that everything after season 3 is trash (Agreed, the absolute worst episode was the one where SpongeBob discusses homophobia. What an inappropriate topic for a children's show. Absolutely appalling. I could not believe he would stoop that low, he let me down.) YellowShadow: BTW, I'm asexual (Ooh, we have a character revelation in the final part of the story!) Jibbix: (replying to ElectricPikachu's angst rant in the previous part) so it's sounding like you don't want people to talk about or uh, do anything ever (For the final Nuggets roast in the story, it's only fitting he gets another one of these: *mic drop*) Killer Queen: (replying to AlphaWarhawk) tHiS tHrEaD hAs BeCoMe A bIzArRe MiX oF "tHiS iS tErRiBlE!" aNd "ThIs Is GoLd!" (aNd KiLlEr QuEeN cOnClUdEs tHeIr ArC wItH aN aVaNt GaRdE pOsT) Ohio Blackie: It's fitting how Fred got in another comedic (and probably true) post before the lock. Here's yet another character arc that came full circle. Wumbology: NICE MEME This is our final Wumbo post. A very fitting end to his character. He walked in guns blazing, and then walked out not taking anything what just happened seriously, like most probably will. That's Wumbo for you. What became of Wumbo after this? Well, some say he returned to the SBC Village to continue his music reviews, but this journey may have changed him for the better... YellowShadow: This topic went from serious, to memes. (It did? I thought it went from memes to serious! I don't know about you, but Beter Griffin is pretty serious)The fifth season of Oggy and the Cockroaches debuted on June 30, 2017 on Gulli[1] and July 1, 2017 on Cartoon Network. (Thanks for the info, chief)Unlike previous seasons, Season 5 is about Oggy and the cockroaches in the past, which is basically an expansion of Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie. Because of this, the soundtrack in this season also reuses some of the soundtracks from the movie, and the intro and outro is different. Each three episodes is about one period. (WARNING: INCOMING WALL OF TEXT) Spoiler Contents[hide] (loving that "[hide]")EpisodesGalleryReferencesExternal LinksEpisodesEdit# Title Overview270 271 272 The Great Pyramid Mystery Oggy chases the cockroaches across the great pyramid construction site, trying to get his sandwich back. In the wink of an eye, the blue cat and his scurrilous companions get lost inside the immense pyramid... Will they ever find their way out?Oggy and the Grasshopper Cloud Joey fools around with Oggy's bird-caller whistle, and attracts a cloud of grasshoppers, who invade the pyramid. The Grasshopper Leader does a deal with Joey, and ousts Pharaoh Bob. Dee Dee and Marky feel left out, and join forces with Oggy to get rid of the invaders.Oggy on the Nile Oggy invites Olivia for a dream cruise on the Nile. The cockroaches, furious at being denied access on board, decide to ruin the outing. Plagued with sea-sickness, Oggy does his best to stay afloat!273 274 275 Gladiator Oggy Oggy and Olivia go to the Coliseum to watch a gladiator combat. The roaches filch Oggy's popcorn. He goes after them but ends up being enlisted as a gladiator! The roaches, propelled into the arena themselves, bitterly regret nicking Oggy's popcorn...Shift that Chariot Oggy! When Oggy sees Olivia set off to Rome on Bob's chariot, he's miserable. How can he compete? He doesn't know how to drive those things! Jack gives him chariot driving lessons, which become a nightmare when the roaches get involved.Oggy's Special Spa Oggy finds a great job working in the Roman Baths. Today, a celebrity is expected: Julius Caesar! Unfortunately, the cockroaches want to use the luxury spa too. Oggy freaks out: if Caesar sees those roaches, he can say goodbye to his new job!276 277 278 RodeOggy TBASheriff Oggy Jack decides to give Oggy his shrieff badge for a day off. Oggy must now deal with a bank robbery by the cockroaches and finally his greatest enemy - Bob.Wanted The cockroaches stick Oggy's photo over a poster: 'WANTED - BOB'. A bounty hunter turns up in search of Oggy.279 280 281 The Green Thumb Bob, head gardener in the Versailles Palace, gives Oggy a list of jobs to make the gardens beautiful.Oggy The King's Coachman Jack calls Oggy, the King's coachman, to pick up the King at his palace in time. However, Olivia also wants to go on the chariot to bring her piano to fix, which is in the opposite direction from where he's going, while the cockroaches once again attack the chariot.The Levee of the King Jack requests Oggy to make sure the King's normal morning routine goes perfectly normal so that the painter can draw a portrait of the King after he's finally dressed up. But things once again start to go wrong when the cockroaches step in.282 283 284 Marky's Tournament Oggy and Marky both join a tournament in which the winner will get to marry the princess. As cockroaches are not allowed, Marky succeeds in disguising himself as a knight, and the tournament begins. YellowShadow decides to end his arc in the story by showing us how much he loves Oggy and the Cockroaches with his own shitpost. Unfortunately, it pales in comparison to the beauty of Beter Griffin and others, but at least he threw in the towel, so I'll consider that a form of character development for him. At least you all also know he's asexual, never forget that key detail when walking away from this story. I'm sure he'll be a champion of asexuals everywhere. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: (replying to YellowShadow's "BTW, I'm asexual" post) you're like 11, bit too early to tell if you're asexual or not (SHRIVEL concludes his character arc with a very thought-provoking and serious observation) SOF: comedy gold! (SOF gets in one last glorious one-liner) BooBooKeys: YellowShadow: (replying to LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE) 13. (Did Shrivel just assume Yellow's age? For shame!!!) familyguybetergriffin: sponge sex mania is a garbage Greek Chorus: (replying to Trophy above) I was already that bendy, if not bendier. (Here, even Greek Chorus admits their sexuality! This entire thread will probably make a lot of people do that in the future, so it could be historic in the SpongeBuddy Mania future for that reason alone.) familyguybetergriffin: HOMER SEX WEIRD This is a beautiful final post for familyguybetergriffin in our story. He went in a shitposter, and out a shitposter. He will be remembered as a hero in future generations for saving this topic. Bless him. Renegade the Unicorn: ...By God, DS Guy...you are THE MOST PATHETIC PERSON I'VE EVER SEEN. YOU ARE A HYPOCRITICAL, SELF-SERVING BIGOT WHO DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE ON HERE. You claim to hate homosexuals (hell, the entire point of this topic was to rant about how a gay couple in THE LOUD HOUSE, of all things) and yet you have an unhealthy, almost lustful, obsession with PieGuyRulz and Mr. Enter. (!) ...You know, this reminds me of one of my favorite Disney songs. And it fits you perfectly. Damn son...Renegade, in his first and only appearance, just called DS Guy OUT. He also brings up an interesting theory. Is The DS Guy himself actually gay, considering his proclaimed obsession with favorite YouTuber Pieguyrulz? There's a hell of a theory to end the story on! E.V.I.L: I go to Target for less than an hour (There's our explanation of where E.V.I.L has been the past few parts, it's a shame he had to miss out on the best part though. What a tragic ending to this character arc.) Trophy: hey guys I think we should take a vacation from this topic and just push everything off to later because we're sure to agree on things like sensible adults with the power of friendship!!! (Trophy ends his character arc with a very true thought. The power of friendship can always save a topic, based on how we all banded together ourselves to shine a light in the darkness of this topic.) Well then. Get ready folks. Here is the final post in the topic before the staff finally decided to lock it for good... YellowShadow: (replying to Renegade above) So many capital letters That is the final known post in "Homophobia", as after this, the staff finally gave it a rusty lock. It finally ended fantastically, at least. YellowShadow's post is a truly poetic way to end the thread. Many scholars will be speculating on the philosophical and metaphorical meanings behind YellowShadow's final post in the thread. However, you may be confused by one loose end: Where did our thread maker The DS Guy go, you may be wondering? Nobody knows where he went after Part 7. Some say he gave up, because the shitposting was too godly (it was). Others say he had a realization and slowly began to question his own sexuality after the events of this topic. He very well could be. Perhaps this experience made The DS Guy realize his true sexuality. Or maybe he knew the whole time, and decided to troll everyone on SpongeBuddy Mania. Or he meant every word and learned absolutely nothing after this experience. We'll never know the true answer. That's just life sometimes, unfortunately. Maybe it's for the best we don't learn every answer. But the true answer is best left up to your interpretation. Now what became of The DS Guy's partner in crime, YellowShadow? He remains on SBM doing...stuff. Some day in the distant future it is rumored he may write novels about asexuality. Who fucking knows, not even I can think of a good future for that boy. Jibbix, Trophy, familyguybetergriffin, Ohio Blackie, LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE, Wumbology, AlphaWarhawk, and others received praise for their handling of the thread in the second half. Some would've just continued screaming and shouting, but these brave men decided to change the topic for the better in their own unique ways. Trophy himself even got promoted to a moderator after this, some say due to his actions in this topic, or because of other reasons the staff had. Who knows. Some say Jibbix's roasting was so good, he had quite a lot of burnt food to eat that night. Others rumor that in the future, he becomes a writer on SpongeBob, writing a praised episode satirizing these events. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE may have died on the inside from some posts in this topic, but he came out a reborn man. Wumbo probably won't return to SBM anytime soon, but some say in the distant future he forms a famous band along with Fred Rechid, writing a song titled "Homophobia" recalling the events of this thread. ACS eventually became a famed air pilot, but also managed to find time to continue calling out The DS Guy in some surprisingly epic ways. WhoBob eventually did return to SBM, and not even I know if that will be permanent. E.V.I.L eventually became a famed scientist, and has a good laugh about this thread in his ponders. As for the rest? Eh, nobody really knows, but like I said, you can leave their fates up to interpretation. However, let's never forget the true hero of the story: familyguybetergriffin. Had it not been for his brave actions to step in and not take anything seriously, the thread could've gotten even worse, or locked earlier than expected. He's a hero SpongeBuddy Mania in general deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Someday, he may return... THE END (Maybe someday I'll do another story for the next SBM drama) Edited August 14, 2017 by jjsthekid 16
Popular Post Slippin' Freddy Posted August 14, 2017 Popular Post Posted August 14, 2017 And what happened to familyguybetergriffin, you say? Find out in: White People: The Miniseries coming never 2020 13
Metal Snake Posted August 14, 2017 Posted August 14, 2017 Rest in peace, Homophobia. In your honor. 3
Hercules Posted August 14, 2017 Posted August 14, 2017 I returned to SBM because DC: Rebirth influenced ssj. Great miniseries. I loved every single minute of it. 2
Discord Posted August 14, 2017 Posted August 14, 2017 Damn that was fantastic miniseries Drag's our hero to save the thread 1
The Guy With the Computer Posted August 14, 2017 Posted August 14, 2017 An excellent ending to an excellent miniseries. 1
Clappy Posted August 14, 2017 Posted August 14, 2017 If I pictured SBMers I had no clue existed discussing serious issues like homophobia, it would probably translate to something mocking it along these lines. Christ, I must find this actual topic now asap because reading this made me laugh a lot. Thanks for the heads up Jjs, you did good work here. I want in when SBM blows up in drama over discussing nuclear warfare. 5
E.V.I.L. Posted August 14, 2017 Posted August 14, 2017 10/10 would consider part of canon of classical literature 5
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