Hercules Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 character study of the ds guy is literally the strongest one, I've ever seen since Walter White. 2
fortnitefan12 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 I love all this roasting of DS Guy lol Also, I feel this chapter was better than the last ^^
Aphrodite Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 @George Costanza was right. It has no choice but to go...
The Guy With the Computer Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 Excellent continuation. The next part should be interesting. 1
Metal Snake Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 9 hours ago, The Spicy Burrito said: Also since this was a point I'd made, I'd just like to clear up that I'm talking EXPLICITLY about YouTube comments sections. I'm not implying that they're the general public in any way whatsoever, cause they're not, but it does indubitably affect the comments of most videos on the site (which is a petty thing to complain about, I know, but it's just something that's been an annoyance to me for quite some time). I just didn't feel it was appropriate for Youtube to be brought into a discussion that has nothing to do with Youtube. ..... But I understand, because in retrospect, that's just a nitpick of the pile of hot garbage that is this thread. It's one of the worst internet threads I've read through in quite some time. Why do I care if the garbage is hot or not, it's still garbage. 1
Popular Post Jjs Goodman Posted August 8, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted August 8, 2017 (edited) Notice: Everything in this literature is a fun parody, and anything written below does not reflect the author's views on said users portrayed in the story. Also, read every user voice in a dramatic voice, makes this very lulzy. Part 3: You Don't Have To Finger Him Now that Wumbo himself has entered the ring, watch as several users begin to shitpost in an attempt to save the topic's reputation. Meanwhile, The DS Guy becomes more active starting in this chapter, after taking an entire two parts to write responses to his criticism. I admire his dedication to that. Now watch as we enter Page 3, the near middle point... E.V.I.L: (replying to The DS Guy's Islam post) No one here actually said anything about Islam so I'm not sure what your point is. (Hun, I think you're being too generous in thinking there's a point to anything transpiring in this topic) Now everyone, a certain unexpected guest star appears for a cameo in our story. After getting word about SpongeBuddy Mania users having a drama filled Homophobia topic, another person had to appear at the scene and help restore order like Wumbo. Who could it be? Why, it's none other than the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!...who is on a SpongeBob forum for some reason, but why the hell not? What words of wisdom does he have to share? Let's find out. (note: also read this in Trump's voice, makes it even more beautiful) Donald Trump: Wow. Absolutely beautiful. For what shipping is being implied in the above picture, this is a truly fitting response for the topic's theme. I'm not even sure if DS Guy and YellowShadow themselves can counter its magnificence (spoiler: they can't). I like how Trump managed to insert some nice comic relief during the sexual tension. Alas, that is the only time Trump appears in this story, but don't worry. Others will soon follow in his path of shitposting... Greek Chorus: Alright here we go. Me watchin' all these homophobes get roasted: Greek Chorus was finally able to follow-up and draw their really well done reaction image, which made their character arc come full circle. Speaking of, any viewers should also probably get popcorn or some other food for the remaining parts of this, because the wild part of this story is starting to kick in. The DS Guy: (replying to YellowShadow's Hunter Avallone video, even though that happened like 50 years ago) Good video. I hadn't seen it before, but I'm subscribed to that YouTuber. It took you until now to see their video despite being subscribed to them? I know some of you would find this lazy, but I personally don't. Remember, DS Guy has a lot of things going on, and has no time to view silly YouTubers. Making topics on SpongeBuddy Mania about his political opinions are his top priority, and I admire his dedication to it, once again. Jibbix: (replying to The DS Guy's "you can gets HIV") looks like you hate yourself too then because I'm getting AIDS from reading your posts (*mic drop*) I'm probably going to get carpel tunnel from writing this myself when it's all said and done. Not that anyone cares about the author though, haha! kite man: (replying to Donald Trump's beautiful post) I know this is the Salty Spitoon but daaaaaaang Some, like the user above, may have found Donald Trump's post to be a bit too risky for a proclaimed kid friendly forum like SpongeBuddy Mania. I for one admire his bravery to bring a comedic light to the events unfolding. Next up, WhoBob makes his return to the story, but it's also unfortunately his last appearance. Let's just say he's not amused, and he's going to be dropping the rule book on The DS Guy's ass! Dr. WhoBob: (replying to The DS Guy's post from last part warning he'll fight bitches if he gets banned) oh yeah? Read it. Just read it. (I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT IT!) Kid friendly posts (This topic is far from "kid friendly", so I suppose we shouldn't even proceed with the rest of the rules if we can't stick to that one)Most of the members here range from the ages of 9-16. Therefore, we ask you to keep your posts kid friendly. That simply means don't say or post anything that you think a kid wouldn't want to read or would get in trouble if their parents saw it. This includes the SBM Chat and status updates. Remember, this is a kid friendly forum and we would like it to stay that way. a) Remarks from any of the following will NOT be tolerated: (immediate week suspension, or permaban, for any of these)- Sexually- Racist- Harassment of one's religion- Homophobic/Orientation (making this as large as possible just so you don't miss it)- Targeting, Attacking, or Harassment- Phrases such as "kill yourself" or "you're retarded" https://www.sbmania.net/forums/topic/4828-forum-rules/ I see myself out of this forum because of you. Enjoy your life. (See you soon, space cowboy... ) Will WhoBob ever return to SBM? I do not know which way the wind will blow, but consider this his farewell for now. At the very least, I can say he does not appear in the rest of the story from this point on. Regardless, I feel this was a good send-off to WhoBob's purpose in the story by reminding the common-folk of the site's rules. Hey, someone had to do it. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: Damn, that's hot. Enjoy uncensored homosexuality for your viewing pleasure. The DS Guy: I was not homophobic. Homophobia is fear/hatred of gay people. That's not what I did. (hear that, it's NAWT what he did, he did nawt!) I like how The DS Guy decides to be more assertive here. He is truly determined to show he is nawt homophobic, and I can appreciate that part of his character development, even after everything going on in this topic. But will it be enough to save his own reputation? I am also aware this is the third time I've admired his dedication, which symbolically fits with the repetition of some of his comments. Greek Chorus: "I don't hate gay people! I just hate their lifestyle, representation, and existence! That's not a crime!" The true crime is the fact this topic is somehow still open, but hey, whatever gives me more material for this story, I can't complain. The DS Guy: (replying to LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE's first post from Part 1) Some people may be born with an attraction to the same sex, but that doesn't mean they have to act on it. Like if a driver cuts you off in traffic, you don't have to finger him. .... Hold up there, champ. "You don't have to finger him"??? Wow. Uh... ...I can't even think of a witty narration or response for that, other than using that as our chapter title, because nothing else can top that. I'll just leave that there and move on. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: Wow, so they should just be repressed sexually because of your bigoted homophobic viewpoint?"I'm not homophobic, but if you're homosexual, you shouldn't have sex with another guy because that's wrong." (sonic says) Ohio Blackie: If we're gonna be using other people's videos to express our opinions, then maybe, I should too. Anyways, here's a clip from the Seinfeld episode, The Outing: Good old Seinfeld never hurts either. I'm glad to see Fred decided to contribute some comic relief to the situation as well, and he won't be the only one the further we go along. Greek Chorus: "I don't think gay people deserve love and happiness! Have I mentioned I'm not a homophobe yet?" Now, another certain somebody is also getting in on this action... AlphaWarhawk: (replying to The DS Guy's Islam post) https://pastebin.com/Hbu9nMwmHoly boomerang bigotry, Batman. Damn, ACS (or Hawk for you SBMers) himself has arrived, poking quite a few holes into DS Guy's logic with that pastebin link. ACS has a surprisingly good character arc in this miniseries that will continue at a later point in time. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: Damn anti-straight propaganda! This whole story is actually anti-straight propaganda in case you have not noticed by now. While we're at it, a certain sports fanatic member is going to enter the ring as well. Seriously, everyone is just dropping in on this parade, who will appear next? The possibilities are endless. Trophy: (replying to The DS Guy's "I am NAWT homophobic post") Alright. Trump is a Republican and he's on the track to become one of the most controversial presidents for not doing anything to help with affairs and only making them worse such as getting out of the Paris Accords which help the environment. (Trump did help with his beautiful post earlier at least) Because you're a Republican like Trump, you hate the environment and you are going to turn this country into literal hell, filthy Republican. (ya filthy animal) Now tell me I'm not afraid of Republicans and we'll call this a day. Trophy makes his big debut. How will DS Guy respond to this clearly serious post? Find out...sooner than I expected, actually. The DS Guy: You're not afraid of Republicans, nor do you hate them. You simply don't like their policies. Fair enough. I don't like the policies of the Democrats, but they can be nice people. Some of my family members are Democrats. I admire how DS Guy seriously and calmly replied to Trophy's clearly serious post. However, more importantly from this comment, you'll notice The DS Guy gave us a small, but unique insight into his backstory at this point. Perhaps The DS Guy does not have the best of relationships with his Democratic family members, and this could explain some of his dislike for their policies. Consider that the author's unofficial explanation. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: the ds guy? more like the bs guy amirite (*drum snare*) Wumbo: I have DSGuyphobia (And I have...somethingphobia) Wumbo should probably get that looked into, because I don't think he can continue viewing this topic with a condition like that. Thankfully though, Wumbo is able to fight his DSGuyphobia off, and continue replying to the topic. Another brave member conquering one of their issues relatively quickly. What a true Canadian hero. The DS Guy: Why is it that homophobia, or anything interpreted as homophobia, unless it's from a radical Muslim, suddenly one of the worst things you can do? (I know, for shame) Once upon a time, homosexuality was a capital crime. (thanks for the info, chief, glad to see he's reminding us on history) I'm not saying it should be now, but it shows that it once was wrong, and yet now, not only is it okay, but it's so okay that anyone who dares to say anything about the behavior, even if they say nothing bad about the person, is considered a terrible person. Trophy: "you hate the environment and you are going to turn this country into literal hell, filthy Republican." The DS Guy was wise and did not take the bait. Next up, in a surprise appearance, PatBack (Web Surfer) returns to SBM on a new account! Killer Queen: Yes, because a SpongeBob forum is an appropriate location to discuss the intricacies of politics (especially in this turbulent climate of ours). (I know right?) Please leave these opinions to yourself. I can respect your opinions, insofar that you respect the opinions of others, but there's a right time and place for such discussion. This is positively not. Wumbo: (replying to The DS Guy's recent post) AND WHY ARE WOMEN ALLOWED TO VOTE (And what's the deal with airline food?) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: (replying to The DS Guy's recent post) Because people realized that maybe just maybe they shouldn't restrict people's sexuality just because some outdated book from like 3000 years ago said it was bad? LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE ends us another real cliffhanger. How will events proceed when we reach the midway point in Part 4? The shitposting you began to witness will unfortunately be on the back-burner for a while, but it will come back, and it will be glorious. Stay tuned for Part 4, with a special guest writer... Edited August 19, 2017 by jjsthekid 20
Popular Post Mr. Saturn Posted August 8, 2017 Popular Post Posted August 8, 2017 how are there homophobes on a spongebob site when spongebob is gay 19
Hercules Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 i actually made my last post in ds guy's topic "i can not be banned" unless someone deleted it. nevertheless, I consider myself to be not part of sbm community anymore. 4
So Sejima Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 The funny thing is that in literally any other context DS Guy's response to me could be considered someone trying to stay level headed, but instead....'ho boy. 1
Metal Snake Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 2 hours ago, jjsthekid said: Like if a driver cuts you off in traffic, you don't have to finger him. The expression is "give him the finger". The bird. And don't give me the excuse, "the SBM censors won't allow it". You just wrote something that described a sexual act, for Christ's sake. 2 hours ago, jjsthekid said: Once upon a time, homosexuality was a capital crime. (thanks for the info, chief, glad to see he's reminding us on history) I'm not saying it should be now, but it shows that it once was wrong "it shows that it once was wrong" "IT SHOWS THAT IT ONCE WAS WRONG" ...That's like saying, "Once upon a time, slavery was acceptable. I'm not saying we should still have it, but it shows that it once was right." NO. Do you have any idea of why views on what's socially and politically correct change over time?! It's because we look at what's wrong with society and our laws at the moment, and try our best to change them to make things right in a workable way! That's what living in a progressive society means! And I am not even a fucking liberal! I'm shocked he didn't take the bait of Trophy pretending to be a Trumphobe. At least that's a sign of hope he'll look back on this thread one day in shame. I also liked the opening quote from Patback's "All of you" thread. But with all the (very few) positives being said... When is ssj going to trash this trash thread. 6
Aphrodite Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 8 minutes ago, Metal Snake said: When is ssj going to trash this trash thread. don't trash it ssj it's godly
Discord Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 I find this to be funny how this topic has nothing to do with Loud House itself
Metal Snake Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 8 minutes ago, SpongeOddFan said: I find this to be funny how this topic has nothing to do with Loud House itself The discussion is a continuation of something controversial The DS Guy said about The Loud House, not the show itself. That's the most generous way I can describe it though... 1
The Guy With the Computer Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 Jibbix's "AIDS" post might very well be the greatest roast of all time. 4
Cha Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 he didn't leave the convo, i knew he was a true fan Spoiler 5
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