Hercules Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 okay. before I left sbm, I came across to his last blog and what he said on the comment section. This is his blog. now check the one below he says he doesn't like normalization of gays, yet he claims he doesn't hate gays. And he continues to be a member of that site, despite the fact he broke rules. A hypocrite and a bigot on a kids forum. I'm so glad to be done with that site. 6
Discord Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 16 hours ago, Kiyozu♡ said: he didn't leave the convo, i knew he was a true fan Reveal hidden contents wat 1
Popular Post Macrinus Posted August 10, 2017 Popular Post Posted August 10, 2017 (edited) Notice: Everything in this literature is a fun parody, and anything written below does not reflect the author's views on said users portrayed in the story. Also, read every user voice in a dramatic voice, makes this very lulzy. Part 4: SBMslamic Terrorism Last time on Homophobia: The Miniseries, The DS Guy tried to justify his homophobia by pointing out how homosexuality used to be a capital crime, and now, instead of killing gays, we have the gall to criticize people who discriminate against them. To say the least, that didn't go over too well. Greek Chorus: It was once okay to own slaves too. And your point is? (can't have a discussion about a hot button issue without bringing up slavery amirite) Wumbology: what really gets me about this guy is he somehow managed to rent out space in his hamster-wheel brain of a thread for islamophobia too you're not only a bigot you're a rambling incoherent bigot (rambling incoherent bigots are my favorite types of bigots) The DS Guy: (responding to Wumbo's post: AND WHY ARE WOMEN ALLOWED TO VOTE) Oh, and of course you go there. And why not bring up interracial marriage while you're at it. (I can think of a couple reasons) There is no difference between a white person and a black person, but there is significant difference between a man and woman. That's why interracial marriage is okay and same-sex marriage is not. The reason women should have the right to vote is because they are American citizens. Gay people also have the right to vote, as they should. But the right to vote is different than changing the definition of marriage. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: you're beyond saving Killer Queen: I know I'll get flak for this, but while DS Guy seems to be rambling incoherently at the moment, ("seems to be") I can concur with him (please don't) in that Islam does get a free pass for a lot of the homophobia that Christians would normally be harangued for, and I think this is a topic that a lot of liberals are especially hypocritical towards. But what does that have to do with the subject? (why did you bring it up in the first place oh my god there's so many things wrong with that last sentence) You're running on hot air, DS Guy. (that I agree with) Trophy: You know what, fuck it, we should keep this topic open as the example on what not to do when creating a topic, and also have it serve as a reason to classify blatant ignorance as a mental disorder. Deceased Spongetron: (to DS Guy's latest post) this is not even the point of the topic why even YellowShadow: I hate Islam, not gays. (oh well that's okay then) Too all of you who say I'm a bigot (too you too) I DONT HAYE GAYS!!! AND I DON'T HATE GAY MARRIAGE!!!! I JUST WOULD PREFER GAYS NOT BE MARRIED IN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES!!THIS DOESN'T MEAN IM AGAINST GAYS!!! FUCK (I'm glad you responded to those allegations calmly instead of yelling at everybody like a lunatic) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: saying you hate islam is also bigoted but that's not even the topic of discussion, so why are you even bringing it up (Because the thread was getting stale and he figured a dose of Islamophobia would be enough to spice it up) Wumbology: (to YellowShadow's latest post) frame this and put it on my wall AlphaWarhawk: That, and he seems to have glared over my last post entirely. Screw it. The other "religion of peace" deserves this twice. (a bunch of bible verses I don't feel like reposting) The DS Guy: (to YellowShadow's latest post) And it's not wrong to hate Islam because many atheist activists have said how much they hate Christianity. Hating a religion is not the same as hating people who practice it. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but you'd be surprised at how many support terrorism. Maybe not most of them, but more than you'd think. (maybe more than I'd think, but probably not more than you'd think) Ihavedahswag: Homophobic people such as you actually sicken me. People don't choose their sexuality. They don't go, "HA! I'll show those Christians who's boss!" They can't help their sexuality just like you can't help being heterosexual. Imagine if it was only legal to have same-sex marriages, and heterosexual couples couldn't join together as a couple in matrimony. How would you feel about that? That's how you want gay people to feel? Ugh. tl;dr: ew homophobia Greek Chorus: (to YellowShadow's latest post) ok so you're an islamophobe. that is also against the rules i'm afraid. anyway i feel like this discussion is too far gone to really save. enjoy being on the wrong side of history, and let the door hit you on the way out. YellowShadow: (to AlphaWarhawk's latest post) Christians are not forced to follow these laws anymore (christians didn't exist when any of those laws were written (assuming you read them (which I don't think you did (this is just gonna be parentheseption now)))) The DS Guy: (to AlphaWarhawk's latest post) That's the Old Testament, before Jesus came. That was God's covenant back then. Jesus made a new covenant. Many of the laws still apply, but laws such as not eating shellfish only applied for the nation of Israel back then. E.V.I.L: No one has ever on this forum said that radical islamic terrorism was okay. NO ONE. Jesus christ. YellowShadow: (to Greek Chorus' latest post) I don't hate Muslims, I hate the Religion of Islam, and Islamic extremis (yeah islamic extremis is a dick) The DS Guy: (to Greek Chorus' latest post) Harassment of one's religion is different from speaking negatively about a religion. Not all religions are equal. Some say turn the other cheek, while others say convert or kill. (good thing nobody was ever killed in the name of christianity *cough crusades cough spanish inquisition cough cough*) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: "I don't hate people who follow Islam I just hate Islam itself" AlphaWarhawk: (to DS Guy's post about the Old Testament) I saw this excuse coming. The OT is "nailed to the cross", yadda yadda yadda. Unfortunately for your case, that also means your verses that allegedly speak out against homosexuality are no longer valid as well.I don't know if you figured it out, but you just walked straight into my trap. You've got nothing but yourself to explain here, not your supposed religious beliefs. Greek Chorus: (to YellowShadow's latest post) honestly i can't even make fun of you anymore. like, are you even reading/thinking about what you are writing at any given moment (if you have to ask that the answer is likely "no") Killer Queen: I don't see how it's impossible to hate the ideology but not the people who follow that ideology. Hate the sin, not the sinner (without the implication that Islam is a sin, of course). Wumbology: this is a fun thread that all the kids can enjoy i'm sure, especially muslim and lgbt users (I'm not a kid, a muslim, or an lgbt, but I'm enjoying this thread very much) The DS Guy: (to E.V.I.L's latest post) No, but you don't see the LGBT people fighting for the rights of gays in the middle east and north Africa. If any of them do, far more of them fight for gay rights in Europe and America, where homosexuality is not only accepted, but glorified. Somehow, this has gone from being a thread about just homophobia to being a thread about homophobia and Islamophobia with a little bit of racism on the side. What marginalized groups will DS Guy and Co. target next? Stay tuned! Edited April 3, 2018 by jjsthekid 18
Hercules Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Lmao i love his obliviousness to what Christians did. Not the mention, he doesn't fight for LGBT people in middle east or north Africa. What a great guy. Great part 4 JCM.
Space Cowboy Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Did he actually use Interracial marriage as an argument to convey how same sex marriage was wrong W H A T 6
Metal Snake Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 1 hour ago, JCM said: There is no difference between a white person and a black person, but there is significant difference between a man and woman. There's a reason the expression is, "Equality for all.". It means equality for ALL. "Equality for all" means we don't give a shit about our differences and treat everyone the same. You can not breathe "GAY PEOPLE CAN'T GET MARRIED" into "EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS", and if your best argument is an outdated definition of marriage, that really shows what little you have to stand on. The fact that you had to bash Islam out of nowhere to keep this shit thread relevant shows better than ever how pathetic this entire thing is. 4
Aphrodite Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 3 minutes ago, Metal Snake said: There's a reason the expression is, "Equality for all.". It means equality for ALL. "Equality for all" means we don't give a shit about our differences and treat everyone the same. You can not breathe "GAY PEOPLE CAN'T GET MARRIED" into "EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS", and if your best argument is an outdated definition of marriage, that really shows what little you have to stand on. The fact that you had to bash Islam out of nowhere to keep this shit thread relevant shows better than ever how pathetic this entire thing is. WELL FUCKING SAID.
Slippin' Freddy Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 On 8/8/2017 at 7:51 PM, jjsthekid said: Good old Seinfeld never hurts either. I'm glad to see Fred decided to contribute some comic relief to the situation as well, and he won't be the only one the further we go along. Hey, I was just trying to bring some serenity to the topic now.
Popular Post Jjs Goodman Posted August 10, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted August 10, 2017 (edited) Notice: Everything in this literature is a fun parody, and anything written below does not reflect the author's views on said users portrayed in the story. Also, read every user voice in a dramatic voice, makes this very lulzy. Part 5: Bigots & PatBob As we enter Page 5 on our journey, look away at your computer for a few seconds. Now back to me, look away again, and now back to me. We are officially halfway through our story, but there's still plenty of excitement to come in the second half. It's going to get crazy, trust me, much like a few members in this topic probably are. Alex SquarePants: Keep in mind that this is a Spongebob site made for children. (at least someone thought of the children, thank you Alex) E.V.I.L: (replying to Killer Queen's post in the previous part) While I don't disagree with you on the Islam part, I also don't see why it was even brought up here in the first place. (because, silly Omair, we gotta make this the most controversial and diverse topic in SBM history!) Ihavedahswag: (replying to The DS Guy's previous post) Please, how on earth is homosexuality glorified? ("because you touch yourself at night" - ssj) The DS Guy: (replying to AlphaWarhawk's previous post) Not so fast. (!) The New Testament also speaks against homosexuality, so it's still valid. Now I know what you're thinking. (You do!? Get out of my head, sicko!) Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. No, but the apostles did, and they were inspired by God. (and as Barney taught us, the apostles are always right!) kite man: I think it's time to lock this topic (Not yet, we're about to get to the funny stuff next part!) Puppycat: I don't know how anyone could not support gay rights after seeing what a good job SpongeBob and Patrick did with that clam There's some hot PatBob for any shippers. Look at how brave and progressive this story is. E.V.I.L: (replying to The DS Guy's LGBT rights post in the previous part) I genuinely agree with you that the rights of those in the East are often compromised for more trivial things in the West, but I still don't see why this means it's so bad to occasionally represent LGBT people in the media. (because it goes against his religion, and that's not cool ) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: why are we relying on a fictional novel (oops) (!) to determine whether homosexuality is bad or not, wtf is wrong with people Trophy: (replying to E.V.I.L's "nobody said radical terrorism was okay" post in the previous part) I'll advocate for it if it kills me because I'll be glad to be away from this topic. Wow, this got dark so quickly I forgot to blink. Will Trophy be our character death in the story? Oh, who am I fooling, it's a story based on a SpongeBob forum topic. If you're expecting death in this, you're reading the wrong story. CakeCup: (replying to kite man) Not only that. I think it's time to ban the DS Guy before things get even worse. (Or keep him unbanned so I can make more stories like this in the future) The DS Guy: (replying to kite man) Why, because you can't argue with me? (So...you want him to argue with you? I'd assume you would've said, say, "Why, because you can't agree with me"? But you think he wants you banned because he can't argue properly with you? Are you trying to imply something here...?) This post seems to hint The DS Guy is secretly loving the backlash he is getting if he wants arguments that badly. Maybe he is just secretly trolling everyone at this point to piss people off. Or maybe he's just bored and wants attention. OR...what if The DS Guy himself is actually in love with arguing on the internet?! I'm onto you, DS Guy! This would add a lot of depth and interesting theories to his character if true. Consider this either a headcanon from the author, or random bullshit from my ass. Greek Chorus: We've been arguing with you this whole time. (Silly me, I just assumed you were having a simple "disagreement of opinions") Have you even been reading our responses? The DS Guy: (replying to CakeCup) If I said something wrong (I think there's been more than one wrong thing so far), that would make sense. (but this topic is making none) But what I said is not wrong. (you hear that, he is NAWT wrong! I still love his brave determination <3) I can't think of any reason why people would want to ban me (You poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and brought a plague down upon our houses!) other than because they don't like what I say and to keep my views hidden. (Or maybe because you're playing them all, I'm still onto you) YellowShadow: Homosexuality isn't wrong. (Homer: That's good!) It's just my opinion that I would prefer then not be married in Christian churches. (Homer: Oh, that's bad...) It's not bigotry. (Homer: That's good!) It's an opinion. (Homer: That's bad...) Bigotry would be protesting against gay rights, outright hating gay people. (Homer: Can I go now?) kite man: (replying to The DS Guy's "you can't argue with me scrub") No, because this kind of discussion just doesn't belong here. I mean, this is a G-rated website (It is!?) and we've gotten into homophobia, islamic terrorists and religious beliefs all in one. It's time for it to calm down. (I disagree, I think it needs to go several steps higher: Let's throw in politics, sex, drugs, death, conspiracy theories, etc. Make this the edgiest topic in SpongeBuddy Mania's history, would give me even more story material.) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: (replying to YellowShadow) Considering you're against gay marriage, then you ARE protesting against a right that gays should be able to have. MY CHOCOLATE LEG!: I know I'm late (fashionably late though, no worries), but wow this disgusts me. How can you say that you're not homophobic when you literally say that having gay parents on a TV show is wrong, and that a child should have a mother and father only? How delusional do you have to be? I mean, I'm not even trying to be rude here, but where is this logic coming from? (the same place "you can gets HIV", apparently) The DS Guy: People call us bigoted because they can't fight us anymore. (There's a fight going on? I thought it was just a simple "argument", based on your earlier post. Are you sure you're not fucking with us?) As soon as you resort to name-calling, you're admitting that you lost the argument. (Oh, so NOW it's an argument, eh wise guy? Now I'm pretty positive you're trolling us, but continue with your beautifully written angst rant) You can't win if you attack the person rather than what they say. They like to demonize us to say, "Why should I argue with you? You're just a homophobe." (And I'm a knucklehead mcspazatron!) What they are thinking is, "I can't think of anything. You beat me, so I'm gonna demonize you to make myself look better." (I guess all of the posts that calmly called out your argument without any name calling are just chopped liver then) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: (replying to kite man) This mindset shouldn't be here. Just because it's a Spongebob site (lol I forget that it even is sometimes) (Wait...this is a SpongeBob site? I thought it was The Atheist Community) doesn't mean there should be zero room for any political discussion whatsoever (though after how this topic's been going, maybe political discussion is best saved for the monkeys, since lord (hehe) knows humans can't do it) Jibbix: big·ot·ry (oh fuck, Nuggets is breaking out the dictionary, shit is going down now!!!) ˈbiɡətrē/ noun intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. the door is that way brother (*mic drop*) YellowShadow: I'm not protesting. I'm starting a preference. (You're starting one? Let me know when it ends) It would be different if I said GRR!! I HATE GAY MARRIAGE!! KILL THEM ALLor something like that. (I think I'll choose "something like that", since the other one is a bit too violent) CakeCup: >WHAT YOU SAID IS NOT WRONG. Oh boy oh boy, you are so wrong. You have been discriminating LGBT folks for a while and it really annoys the rest of the community. You are in the wrong here. There is NO denying that, since you say that you aren't homophobic yet you believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. (I personally believe marriage should only be between a sponge and a starfish) You have NO right to discriminate other groups of people because they are homosexual. The rest of the SBMania community is fed up with your attitude, including me. /thread (damn girl, again) LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: No, we don't respond to you because your head is so far up your ass that convincing you of your bigotry is like trying to convince a vegan to become a cannibal (Considering how this story is going, maybe The DS Guy will resort to cannibalism and eat you guys...never mind) YellowShadow: (replying to Jibbix) Then, you guys are bigots (The DS Guy's a bigot, YellowShadow's a bigot, they're all bigots, I'M a bigot! Are there any other bigots I should know about!? Bigoted Gary: Meow) Wumbo: hey ssj is it ending fantastically yet (Not yet, since we still got three whole pages left! Woohoo!) Will the topic end fantastically (spoiler: it will)? Will The DS Guy finally find common-ground with others (spoiler: nope)? Will PatBob become canon? Stay tuned, true believers, as the shitposting comes back in full force next time, thanks to one unexpected member who helps save the entire topic... Edited August 11, 2017 by jjsthekid 15
E.V.I.L. Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 I, too, believe marriage is only between a sponge and a starfish. 7
The Guy With the Computer Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 2 hours ago, jjsthekid said: (You poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and brought a plague down upon our houses!) He did?!? 1
So Sejima Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 The new mod position may just lead to my death in the waking aftermaths. 2
Metal Snake Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 4 hours ago, jjsthekid said: Jesus never said anything about homosexuality "JESUS SAID TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE STRAIGHT! PENISES GO IN VAGINAS! ANYTHING ELSE IS JUST INSANE!" - MC Homophobic Fucking Asshole, WTF Collective 2 I lost it when he pulled the victim card, "YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO DEMONIZE US". I guess it's my turn to bust out the dictionary... de·mon·ize ˈdēməˌnīz/ verb verb: demonize; 3rd person present: demonizes; past tense: demonized; past participle: demonized; gerund or present participle: demonizing; verb: demonise; 3rd person present: demonises; past tense: demonised; past participle: demonised; gerund or present participle: demonising portray as wicked and threatening. No one in the thread was trying to portray them as "wicked". This isn't FOX News. I don't agree with everything that was said to them, but I definitely never got the impression that anyone thought they were "evil people", just very, very, misguided people. If just disagreeing with someone and explaining why they're in the wrong is "demonizing" in their eyes, then what about all the homosexuals they say they're "just disagreeing with" despite saying that they don't hate them? 2
Space Cowboy Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 4 hours ago, jjsthekid said: Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. No, but the apostles did, and they were inspired by God. Nah fuck that Jesus guy let's all listen to Paul he hates gay people 2
Hercules Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 I'm gonna wait for other pages but lemme say this. yellow was talking about "gay marriage in churches". he believes gay marriage shouldn't happen in christian churches only. But it doesn't mean it's not bigotry. If they wanna get married in a church, let them. You are still being so damn against at their rights to get married in somewhere. Who said gays can't be christians? Yes, bible has tons of homophobic stuff but if you ignore those parts, you can still be a christian gay, right? Or I assume something wrong?
Popular Post Young Nug Posted August 11, 2017 Popular Post Posted August 11, 2017 (edited) Notice: Everything in this literature is a fun parody, and anything written below does not reflect the author's views on said users portrayed in the story. Also, read every user voice in a Terry Crews voice, makes this very lulzy. Part 6: ACS Does A Barrel Roll: The Rise of Beter Griffin Welcome back to Homophobia, kids. Last time, Wumbo questioned if this hilariously horrible debacle had ended fantastically, but unfortunately for us, there's still three more pages of DEBAUCHERY and bigotry (and the beginnings of some REAL shitposting from the originator of the art) left to go! Let's dig in, shall we? Yellow Shadow: While I disagree with a number of things ds guy has said, (same, if that number was infinity) I think he makes a few fair points. He's not all bad. This, readers, is the phenomena some scientists refer to as "Trashception", wherein one piece of garbage agrees with another. More instances to follow. Killer Queen: I think Christian churches shouldn't be forced to marry gays if it is not in their desires, (man, you are.. just really not helping) but what's your stance about formal gay marriage (outside of a religious context)? A pressing question. Stay tuned for the answer. And now, here's Ollie Williams with the SBM weather. Spoiler Thanks, Ollie. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: *replying to yellowshadow's "you're all bigots" post* Homophobia isn't an opinion, it's just intolerance. (You're damn skippy!) I suppose I could go on a crusade and say that we should discriminate all women's rights and I could hide behind it being "my opinion" by your own logic. (I get the feeling that DS Guy wouldn't have a problem with this yo) Saying that your intolerant perspective is an opinion is just blatant dodging of any criticism whatsoever. Now. While this thread has been prone to a little shitposting beforehand, it's only been light. But now, prepare yourself for the story to change entirely as SBC unleashes it's secret weapon upon SBM: BETER GRIFFIN. familyguybetergriffin: SPONGE BUDDY MANIA IS A VITRIOLIC HATE PLATFORM AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY AND HUMAN DECENCY AND WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW IT The DS Guy: *replying to Jibbix's texbook definition of bigotry post* I'm not intolerant toward people with different opinions of mine. Instead I debate those who disagree with me. Isn't the obliviousness here just DELICIOUS? kite man: *replying to Shrivel's post about how political discussion should be allowed on SBM (LmAo)* I guess I agree with this somewhat. But doesn't anyone else think this topic's a little too much? (nah it's honestly not enough) YellowShadow: I think that's completely fine. I... Damn. Is YellowShadow turning around, renouncing his bigoted ways? Will the whole forum follow suit? Is this the change in SBM that will finally result in quality posts for this topic???? WHY AM I ASKING YOU ALL THESE QUESTIONS? Let's see if SBM can pull itself out of it's rut. familyguybetergriffin: Spoiler Wumbo: pee tear gryphon YellowShadow: I'm not saying Gays shouldn't get married. I'm saying I'm not that supportive of it in a religious context. AND IT LOOKS LIKE THE ANSWER IS NO! But that just makes it more fun for us. Let's continue our journey into the SBM Savannah, a wild place with wild animals, located directly in - familyguybetergriffin: BAN SPONGEBUDDY MANIA FROM THE ANALS OF THE INTERNET ...Yeah. That's where it's located. Anyway, agreed. AlphaWarhawk: *replying to DS Guy's "I'm not intolerant" post* Don't give us that crap. You and Todd have a great habit of ignoring plenty of things against you. Spoiler ACS CAME IN WITH THE RECIEPTS AND FUCKED HOMEBOY ALL THE WAY UP WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN WHERE PLANES TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES BOY HIMSELF IS OWNING PEOPLE The DS Guy: *replying to Killer Queen's "what's your stance on gay marriage?" post* I oppose gay marriage because gay marriage is an oxymoron; (wait guys, it is now coming to my attention... Yep, yep. They just added this in the dictionary... Gay is now synonymous with the word divorce! Yep. Gay marriage means "Divorce Marriage". DS Guy is right for once. fr tho fuck this guy.) it's counterfeit marriage. Aaaaand we're back to the backwards homophobic bullshit, but at least we've seen through ACS that people can change! Case in point: Jibbix: this is now a beter griffin appreciation thread *mic drop* And the shitposting games have begun. Wumbo: ssj it finally ended fantastically (oh, silly Wumbo. There's so much more awful shit left) Ihavedahswag: *replying to drag's pics of Peter Griffin with chicken* I'm not entirely sure this is related to the topic at hand. (to the contrary, I think it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic at hand) This is supposed to be a serious discussion, (LMAO) take your Family Guy spam elsewhere. (would you prefer Simpsons spam? Cuz we can do that) Wumbo: *@ ssj* enjoy your vacation u deserve it Wumbo leave him alone, going into an obviously shitty thread and clicking the lock button is hard work. Who wouldn't need a vacation from that? Trust me, I'm a doctor. familyguybetergriffin: Hey Acs Wanna Fly a Plane With ME? YellowShadow: *replying to DS Guy's "counterfeit marriage post* I disagree, while I don't really like gay marriage in a religious context,We shouldn't take away those rights. It's like YellowShadow is... speaking like a normal human being with... Morals and shit! I never thought I'd see the day. LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: haha same Killer Queen: *quoting Dragiiin's post* ANAL also same The DS Guy: *quoting ACS's exposal post where DS Guy implied we should fucking torture the families of suicide bombers* I'm not saying it's the best idea, but since suicide bombers die, if they knew their loved ones would suffer, they would think before acting. Again, it's not the perfect strategy, but a step in the right direction. I really don't know what the fuck to say to shit like this. What kind of bullshit is this yo. Like what do you even say to some insane Hannibal Lecter shit like- LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE: it's not a step in the right direction what the holy hell. the family of the suicide bomber should not suffer for their mistake. Damn that's as good a way as any to reply. And that's certainly a "fantastic ending" to this part! Stay tuned for the next part, where things'll only get shittier, and a love you never expected to bloom, blooms. Edited August 11, 2017 by jjsthekid 17
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