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It will soon be brought up whether a SpongeBob forum such as this can handle a serious discussion at all. 


It fuckin' can't.



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2 hours ago, jjsthekid said:

However, as a born again Christian, I believe that the definition of marriage is a union of a man and woman.  If two men, or two women, have sex in the privacy of their own home, the government does not have the right to get involved.

So gay people can have sex...but they can't get married. Hey, at least that logic gives them more rights than a Catholic priest, who can't have sex or get married! :) And I'm sorry to say that you're not on the "fundamentalist Christian team" if you believe that, as I'll get to in a second...

2 hours ago, jjsthekid said:

it doesn't even go against Christian values but I won't go there because I know you're most likely going off trash you've heard from around you and couldn't even quote the Bible verse where it's supposedly frowned upon

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." - Leviticus 20:13 


Nope. First of all, a fundamentalist Christian is someone who believes every part of the Bible is "from God". Second, did you know the apostle Paul was a well-known homophobe who criticized churches that condoned homosexuality?

"In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." - Romans 1:27

I am not a Christian, but I have studied enough of the Bible to back up my arguments on why I don't believe it's the word of God and why homophobia is wrong regardless of what it says. And I can express that opinion civilly, not hide behind fucking Youtube. Or use it as a scapegoat for the other side.


Public Service Announcement. Youtube =/= The general public

I just don't know what to say about SBM at this point. I know most of them are kids, but serious arguments about politics and religion can not work if you're not willing to level with people who think differently than you.

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I'm following this. It's gonna be so much fun. <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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23 minutes ago, George Costanza said:


TBH tho that episode of The Simpsons was so damn good. The DS Guy should watch that episode and learn from it.

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this is like my first time coming onto this site in a while.  I'd just like to say thank you for uncensoring my swear and I'm following this topic cause this is great


11 hours ago, Metal Snake said:


Public Service Announcement. Youtube =/= The general public


Also since this was a point I'd made, I'd just like to clear up that I'm talking EXPLICITLY about YouTube comments sections.  I'm not implying that they're the general public in any way whatsoever, cause they're not, but it does indubitably affect the comments of most videos on the site (which is a petty thing to complain about, I know, but it's just something that's been an annoyance to me for quite some time).

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1 minute ago, The Guy With the Jolly Computer said:

Have fun looking at this topic. I didn't participate in it, but I did read it, and... it's really rough.

we already checked it and laughed our asses off. Jjs is doing a commentary in it.

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Posted (edited)

This post is not directed towards anyone on this thread, but rather towards bigoted comments in general and towards YellowShadow and DS Guy.

I might as well have my own say on this crazy dispute on SBM, and goodness, I'd never thought I'd realize how accurate this video sounds towards the basic logic of some homophobes:



I shouldn't be taking an opinion from an 18 year old white fundamentalist/conservative Christian male with a poor drawing of Wario for an avatar so seriously, but who am I to say this as a 22 year old man with an average drawing of Chemist SpongeBob as his avatar? So yeah, directing towards people like YellowShadow and DS Guy, if you're saying that you have nothing against gays but otherwise say that you're against the lifestyle of gays, then what you just previously said about having nothing against gays is null when you go on about how you don't approve of how gays live their lives. "Homophobia" and "homophobe" is a very polarizing term. It could either define a person who's afraid of homosexuals, or it could define someone who is prejudiced against homosexuals, OR both, and I think I have a very well thought explanation towards the very latter. I've said this earlier, but I ought to repeat this: because you say that you're against gays and yet you dislike their lifestyle and oppose same-sex marriage doesn't mean you're not a homophobe. In fact, why wouldn't you call yourself a homophobe even when you back up your claims with how you feel concerned of children being exposed to homosexuality? Aren't you implying that you are AFRAID homosexuals or let alone same-sex parents would be giving kids whatever hints about homosexuality? Because if you're going about trying to convince homosexuals to keep their sexuality away from children because you are AFRAID of how they'll be exposed to same-sex love, then that's homophobia for you. And how about that "every kid deserves a mom and dad" argument? That does sound true, but you know what's more significant than a mom and dad?: A family. Every child deserves a family, no matter if a child's parents are of the same sex, interracial, etc. In fact, there are some children in the world that are living without a mom or a dad, or both, and an orphaned child would be willing to be adopted by even a same-sex couple, because all that would matter is that they would love him/her so much to be raising him/her. Most kids are born with a mom or dad, but don't forget that a child's parental background really varies, that in which is the point that I'm making across. Some kids live with a single, divorced parent, some kids had a death in the family, some kids live with a different parental figure (i.e. their grandparents), and there are some kids live with parents of the same sex, and that doesn't mean they're not the only kind of people in which it would be justified to say that they deserve a mom and dad. Bottom line, being against same sex marriage and lifestyle may be QUOTE MODE just an opinion END QUOTE MODE, but it is also bigotry. Oh, and because people are lashing out at you for having opposing views doesn't mean they're Social Justice Warriors. SJWs are the kind of people that get really angry when they're offended by something, yes, but they are usually defined for having a hostile attitude every so often. In other words, there will be people are going to be angry with you, not because they are so-called SJWs, but because they want to let you know that they are disgusted with the words that are coming out of your mouth. If you don't have anything pleasant to say about the lifestyles of the LGBT community, then don't say anything.

Oh, and I also discovered a comment from DS Guy not too long into the SBM topic, and the whole bit about HIV/AIDS being a homosexual disease is a myth that needs to die. You can get HIV from getting infected blood or semen transferred into your body from someone who is infected. Straight people who indulge in unprotected sex aren't safe from this either.


I'm going to leave it here. I don't usually get myself involved with political debates such as this, but I hope this didn't leave a bad taste on any of you, and I also apologize if whatever I said sounds like repeated commentary from the SBM topic.

Edited by Steel Sponge
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