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Steel Sponge

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Status Updates posted by Steel Sponge

  1. used to hang my head low, now i hear it loud, every stranger from twitter is gonna burn this down

  2. eating food is what they do and they don't do it for you

    1. Salmon


      Shaggeh and Scoober-Doo Get uh Klu

  3. We now live in a day and age where people are writing articles all about one single detail from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. That detail involves Franklin sitting alone at the right side of the table on a lawn chair and how it can only be established as segregation or isolation and/or Schulz being racist and I can 100% understand why some are mad about this now, and I just noticed this so I don't know if people addressed this as an issue years ago, but it feels iffy to make these accusations without doing prior research on the animators or illustrators who designed that one particular detail, or on Schulz himself.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wumbo


      Like I said, I honestly doubt anyone writing these "articles" are actually morally outraged by Franklin sitting on one side alone in the Thanksgiving special. The reason these articles are written are because they generate controversy (ergo, clicks) out of thin air.

    3. MMM


      Yeah. Apparently this started from everyday social media folk, but that doesn’t warrant all these articles about it and such.

    4. Wumbo


      Most of the stuff I've seen commenting about this was done in a lighthearted way

  4. when you open your christmas presents early:

    list season hasn't even come yet and we already got a video like this. i'm not even surprised. also the year-end list hasn't even been published yet while billboard currently has one week left of the 2018 tracking period and by the time december comes up, expect every other music critic that isn't Spectrum Pulse, Todd in the Shadows, and Anthony Fantano to do the same early stunt.

    1. Wumbo


      top 10 lists are overrated, instead do a video essay on gucci gang

    2. Clappy


      The only YouTuber I follow is WatchMojo.  They post top ten lists daily.

  5. HOT TAKE: Rocket Power was a great cartoon and it brings me to shame that we now live in a time where it's now popular to hate it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      -"It's a product of its time"
      -"It's outdated 90s narm"
      -"The characters are bland and/or unlikeable"

      And I think that's about it.


    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      I could actually write an essay on my defense of Rocket Power, so when I feel like doing another think piece post for my blog, I will pretty much, at length, discuss this sudden backlash against RP.

    4. Cha


      Otto is the douche, Reggie is the responsible one, Twister is the goof and Squid is the precious soft one. Tito and the dad are good as well in theirown ways. Idk why ppl find the characters bad unless Otto which I understand but lmao.

  6. but just like the Battle of Troy, there nothing's subtle here. 

  7. the diamonds MY GOD i've forgotten them completely.

  8. Look who decided to sign up late for this year's Octerror Fest SWYAD. Who does he think he is? Steel Sponge? Oh wait...

  9. As a random hot take from me, I'd never image that I would turn a complete 180 towards my feelings on a particular song, but "Riptide" by Vance Joy has become a definite example of a song that I used to really like but I now can't really stand.

    It's not close to my bottom 10 in terms of the year-end hot 100 list for 2015, but the more I delve into the song, I've since felt that it's pretty much "I'm Yours" except on a ukulele and if it tried to be thought-provoking. The one major pitfall that I've had with "Riptide" is that its lyrics mean and suggest absolutely nothing, as well as the mere fact that the song is practically a mish-mash of half-baked songwriting ideas.

    I was easily captivated by the melody, the creative input for its lyrics, and the build-up towards the bridge, but nowadays, I can't feel that same way.

    Also, I wouldn't call it a complete 180, but I'm also willing to admit that my thoughts on "Want U Back" by Cher Lloyd has grown on me since when I've disliked it for quite a long time. i'm sorry

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      Whos Vance Joy? Wasn't he one of those bland folk bands like Mumford and Sons and Lumineers or something?

    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      ye, but Vance Joy is the stage name for just one guy.

    4. Wumbo


      Riptide isn't an awful song but everything Vance Joy has released since then has been a lesser version of it

      and Want U Back is still bloody awful we don't need to revisit that one

  10. 5 days until Alex Jones launches Operation 666. Mark your calendars.

  11. Alright. I got my top 10 list for 2017 in animated TV and film completely set up. I guarantee that my review will be out by this Thursday or Friday.

  12. tfw when Foster the People barely missed having their second top 40 hit with "Sit Next to Me" but "broken" by lovelytheband is making its way onto the top 40 very soon.

  13. Just a reminder to all that Kenan and Kel are both in their 40s as of recent.

  14. If I could go back and change my Latin Songs rankings, I would've pushed the remix to "Te Bote" all the way to the bottom. I'd legitimately rather listen to the instrumentation on "Mi Gente" on loop than listen to six artists flex about being single and kicking out their past lovers from their relationships over a non-changing downtempo reggaeton beat for seven minutes.

    (And given that it has a good chance to make the year-end, consider it as one of my biggest contenders for the worst hit song of 2018 alongside a lot of other selects.)

  15. (Long) Hot take: Looking back at Mr. Enter's indiegogo campaign for Growing Around, I feel kinda bad for its failure, primarily because of the general response that it got. While I can agree that it felt too ambitious, I've seen some people criticizing it for being mismanaged and because of Mr. Enter's little to no experience in the entertainment industry field.

    Enter was completely honest and clear about the project that he was pitching, and he was also mature about answering some questions people had about the campaign. In no way did Enter make his campaign look like a scam nor did he antagonize those who didn't support it nor saw the failure of his campaign as a flat-out failure.

    He was passionate about trying to reach out to his viewers to help realize his vision, and yet some people still called him out for how he presented his campaign because...he's Mr. Enter. He over-analyzes cartoons so therefore we just can't take him seriously.

    I was turned off by Butch's OAXIS campaign because I thought it felt insincere, and it really showed once the truth came out. He had also expressed that people who haven't done anything of their own aren't worth his time. Most of us called him out for this and yet Mr. Enter still gets shunned despite that he's developing something of his own and wants to at least earn enough for his campaign so he could realize part of his vision by completing a pilot episode. 

    I'm speaking as someone who has made crappy animated episode reviews ages ago on TV.com, while still getting around and talking about my acquired knowledge of animation and its industry as well as, of course, analyzing cartoons. I'm also speaking as someone who is still on his way of getting his Associate's in art so he can eventually study abroad in animation although while not being very skilled in drawing - or at least that's how he feels.

    If you think that I shouldn't feel bad about not having enough experience in the art/animation field, then that's the point I'm making about why I respect Mr. Enter for making a campaign so he could perhaps then be able to share his passion project, despite having little to no experience in art or working in entertainment.

    1. Prime Jedi

      Prime Jedi

      Agreed. While I don't like Mr. Enter, and thought that his campaign didn't make much sense, I wish (and still kinda hope) that he would be able to make the series. I understand that many didn't like his premise for the series, and I thought it was kinda meh, it was still something he was passionate about, and everyone's gotta start somewhere. Also, I feel bad, because he got borderline harassed for it like all over Youtube, and he didn't deserve that.

    2. Clappy


      We talked about this on Discord yesterday and it's quite easy to see why this project of his didn't take off.  The fact that he requested $350,000 is incredibly asinine.  I'm not against people living their dreams.  Everyone should follow them, including Mr. Enter.  But there is no way in hell he should be requesting THAT much money from his fans.  Not only because he doesn't have the following he once did, his peak popularity has long since passed.  But even if he was still in his prime popularity phase, no chance in hell would he even have the following to raise that amount of money.

      Yeah we can rag on Butch Hartman all we want for being a piece of shit and his true colors coming out the way it did during his OAXIS fundraising, but name recognition played a huge part in him reaching his goal amount.  He, at least used to, have millions and millions of fans.  Enter, even at his peak, would be lucky to have even a tenth of that.  Also, after watching the trailer for said campaign, he had sketches of what things would look like.  Actual animation at one point in that trailer would have gone a long way in showing what he had planned for the long scheme of things.

      Like I said, he should follow his dream.  But he should have aimed for more realistic goals.

    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      I'll admit that i took my thoughts on the campaign first-hand before realizing if I missed something. The fact that Mr. Enter did ask for too much for his campaign's goal was its pitfall, but it still doesn't change my view on how I felt Mr. Enter presented it in contrast to how OAXIS was presented. Butch was met with some controversy AFTER his project managed to reach its goal and it took until an apology letter to address concerns people had with it and to tell his audience what the platform is really going to be about.

      I had to make this rambling where I compare the two projects because I found it discerning how wide the dislike-like ratio was for Mr. Enter's pitch video in comparison to the dislike-like ratio to Butch's announcement video for OAXIS before controversy hit. I mean, it was just so easy to rag on Mr. Enter, but when he's sincere and vocal about his project, I couldn't see myself being against his campaign.

      Point taken though that he should shoot for more realistic goals for Growing Around. It's like what I said when I pointed out that Mr. Enter does have little experience in entertainment from an industry-like standpoint. I can see why Mr. Enter presented it in a fashion where he doesn't want it to be in corporate hands because he, like just about anyone else, finds the entertainment industry too dodgy to believe that whatever network he works for will allow him to have complete creative control.

      In short, while I do agree that Mr. Enter did manage his campaign a little more idealistically, it at least wasn't handled in a worse way.

  16. Sora, you're lucky.

    Looks like my summer vacation is....


    1. SpongeNicko


      That's a bummer. I'm lucky that I still have two weeks.

  17. tfw your signature SBC avatar comes from the same episode with a joke that shares ties to the signature username of You-Know-Who.

    1. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      However, I joined SBC months before You-Know-Who did so I think it might be safe to say that 'Chemist Bob' was never really cursed, but alas 'Mr. Doctor Professor Patrick' is still a false prophet.

      Also, because I didn't feel like making another status update just to post this, I've just recently riffed chapter 2 of SpongeBob's Host. I think I've a;ready found not only a worthy contender for one of the worst spin-offs/lits, but also the contender for the worst spin-off/lit...of all time.

    2. RD Rockruff

      RD Rockruff

      Worse than Crazy Celes? If so, whoa. I'll have to read the riff when it's released.

  18. Of course, as I was warming up to "Thought Contagion," this song happened:

    Also, the music video feels as if the studio editing it was sent the wrong audio.

  19. My 2017 list for animation will be out in August, and this time, I'm guaranteeing that. I only have a few shows left in my queue from that year that I need to finish watching.

    All I can say of it is, based on what it looks like, expect my choices to actually be diverse but expect it a little less as if it were a list arranged by Pitchfork (or Cartoon Brew if we're going with a more practical exemplification).

  20. When Danny says "going ghost" he turns into a ghost. When he says "going cheese," does he turn into cheese?

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Man, I hope so. These crackers are boring.

      I miss how damn casual and fun Nicktoons Network was.

    2. 4EverGreen


      This would be a perfect time to bring up a "Family Guy" meme!

      "Remember when Butch Hartman used to actually MAKE good Nickelodeon cartoons, and did NOT try to shove his beliefs up other people's throats?"

      "Pepperidge Farm Remembers".

  21. @jjsthekid @Young Nug

    Which one of you flatfoots is the real Loafy?

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      Uhh...I can explain.

    2. Young Nug

      Young Nug

      im the real dirty dan

  22. Just a reminder that I might not be able to do a best of animation list for 2018 because I can no longer afford to go to a movie theater with my family unless I were to go by myself (something I have yet to consider doing). And even when the animated films of 2018 get released to DVD this year, I wouldn't also afford to the pay the market price for them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kev


      reading this made me sad.)):

      but srsly, if you got an itunes account, i’d gladly gift them to ya. 

    3. Katniss


      There's nothing wrong with going to movies by yourself! It can be fun.

      You could always find movies through...other means, but I understand if you'd rather watch them legally :funny:

      kevin you're so nice wtf

    4. kev
  23. For those who are interested to see me on there, I now have an account on RateYourMusic:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      its a site where you can rate singles, albums from many artists, well known or less known out of 5 stars. you can even rate all of the songs off of an album you listened to. you can also review music and recommend music to friends. its a good site

    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      fuck it, might create an account

    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl
  24. Just seeing Gorillaz have a song on the Hot 100 after 12 years is enough to make my day.

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