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126. The Clash of Triton

Jjs Goodman

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Meh, didn't care much for it. I agree with tvguy that the movie was over the top long and boring. Otherwise, it really wasn't much of a clash, the "clash" was for only two or three minutes 428899.gif.

Otherwise, I thought this episode was average, I laughed a couple times then other times I was just bored out of my mind.


Yeah, the "Clash" lasted for around 2 minutes. They should have made this a 1 hour special and they shouldn't have rushed it.

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Sorry but this special was very boring, unfunny and not even epic. It's the worst SpongeBob special, I've ever seen. One of the promos said that there will be a battle but there was no battle. 0/10

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Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking back then when I gave this special an A. When I re-visit it today, I find it to be really bland and riddled with plot holes. I'll give it some credit for having a unique writing team (combining two Directing teams has never been done before), but really, I think it would have been better off as a TV movie, as it was originally planned to be. The final product was just really rushed. 5/10

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Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking back then when I gave this special an A. When I re-visit it today, I find it to be really bland and riddled with plot holes. I'll give it some credit for having a unique writing team (combining two Directing teams has never been done before), but really, I think it would have been better off as a TV movie, as it was originally planned to be. The final product was just really rushed. 5/10

earlier you said B+, not A.

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The Clash of Triton was a really bad idea. As far as I remember, this was the only special I even remotely disliked at first sight, to to mention hating it. They advertised it as "SpongeBob's biggest blunder" when really it wasn't. Forget the advertising, there was no "Clash" at all. Just Triton destroying the city. There were too many subplots going on. The jokes fall flat on their face. The special had 5 writers and didn't manage to get anything right. What else had 5 writers? Friend or Foe and Frozen Face-Off. So that's the right way to use 5 writers, and this is the worst way possible. I'll still say Atlantis SquarePantis was worse, but this comes close. I was so bored with it. And how cruel was Neptune to send away Triton for what, curing diseases!? And then Triton decides to be bad, and Neptune forgives him for destroying town. Mr. Krabs just used it to make money. Moving the stickers can't unlock something, even with Patrick's stupidity. When I saw it end, I honestly thought, there has to be more, there just has to, it's not where it ends!!! They just went so wrong. 


But that's not my main problem. My biggest concern is the absence of Mindy. Yeah, they can't even remember someone that important. If she was present, the special might have had potential. But the writers didn't even show a SIGN that they know she EXISTS!!! Seriously, I know that continuity hangs on a thread, but you have the opportunity to use an ICONIC character, and you blew it. That's something.


Overall, this special sucks hard, and is easily on my bottom 20. 


In other words, 0/10. 

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All say what I said on Skype.

Literally Neptune put Triton in a cage for years to make him not care about mortals. Even though he spent his time trying to cure all mortal diseases and stuff, he was a treasure. And at the end, they don't even try to fix this. They don't even say what Neptune did of putting his son in a cage was wrong because he wanted him to only care about immortal beings and using his powers. But no Triton just hated everyone because he was put in a cage and traumatized from it. "Don't send me back to the cage, man!"   He became as selfish as his father, but who could blame him. I'd be ticked off too. But I guess the whole ending was joking that the immortals are all full of themselves anyways? Or maybe I read into it wrong, Neptune said all he wanted was for Triton to use his godly powers. Maybe Neptune got over the whole not caring about mortals thing, very unlikely though. If they were going for that joke ending, they should have made it more clear. 

There's probably other flaws to this special like Triton not actually fighting SpongeBob, the lack of Mindy (to be fair, her Neptune was completely different from the one in the series), etc but what I mentioned above was my biggest issue. 

I did like the references to Goofy Goobers and He-Man though.

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On 26.05.2013 at 11:30 AM, Deadpool said:

Sorry but this special was very boring, unfunny and not even epic. It's the worst SpongeBob special, I've ever seen. One of the promos said that there will be a battle but there was no battle. 0/10


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