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Victorious Cancelled, iCarly+Victorious Spin-Offs


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He doesn't. Now he says "GIBBBEEEHHH"

Everyone in the fandom generally likes the idea of Sam and Cat more than Gibby. They still think both are ridiculous though.

I think some of you are jumping to conclusions. Dan has yet to make a bad show in the eyes of his show's fandoms, but most of you on SBC are Anti-iCarly, so it doesn't surprise me at all to hear most of you bash the idea of them already.

Yeah. Because they're his fans. They're always going to be biased, regardless of the quality of the show. This happens with practically every fandom who thinks the writer is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

He's an idiot. His writing style is "write random things that are funny because they're random" ("...What a waste of potassium", "Stupid fuji!" were the first two to spring to mind, but I'm fully confident there are tons more). That's not a talent; anyone can over or under emphasis a word or write some stupid joke that's only funny because it's stupid and not because it's clever or anything ("I use an appropriate amount of ketchup!"). He has little to no idea on how to actually characterize properly, which causes the "popular" characters to resort to their defining personality trait to put them on the forefront of the show because that's what he thinks people want (...actually, his two new pilots are good examples of this, methinks), and that causes the "unpopular" characters to fade into the background because he has no friggin' idea on how to write them even though they could've been great (Beck's a pretty good example of this; what's his purpose besides giving girls something to stare at?). He's clearly running out of ideas and he's just spitting out crap because Nickelodeon is desperate and will pay him for whatever the hell he comes up with. To put this in perspective so fans can see, the next time you hit up a major broadcasting network, pitch one of these plots (with character names altered, of course). Go on. See what happens. I dare you. No dice? Of course not. Because they're stupid.

I'll give him credit where credit is due, though. He can sure pick some damn fine actresses.

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Well, what teenj12 said has a point.

What annoys me is how these threads and SBC itself is more likely a target to bashing the shit out of Dan and his shows. I mean, how about we create an entire thread based on this, because we hate Dan Schneider so much, and it makes sense right? Well, that would make assholes of ourselves, but I don't like iCarly, I'm okay with Victorious, but I'm one sane mane who is tired of this damn criticism as much as the criticism for post-movie Spongebob and post-baby Fairly Odd Parents.

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I think some of you are jumping to conclusions. Dan has yet to make a bad show in the eyes of his show's fandoms, but most of you on SBC are Anti-iCarly, so it doesn't surprise me at all to hear most of you bash the idea of them already.

I do like Victorious and I use to like iCarly before they took a cliff dive off the bad writing express during Season 4.

This post would explain more about why I think these spin-offs do not sound like great ideas, but termi's post is pretty accurate.

However, I would like to add on though that Nick ending two of their highest viewed live actions shows just about simultaneously is a pretty risky financial move for a channel that is losing viewership, so Dan better hope that these two new shows are successful.

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I still seem to remember when there was a majority of SBC users who hate Phineas and Ferb. Seeing the overall hatred for all this brings me back to it. As for P&F, I also remember when the hate was enough for ExKizuna to create a thread about his hate for the show, as well as a groaning place for the now-former-Goosebumpsfan.

Nowadays, it's like this:




I'm just trying to make a point, I'm not saying that I'm against all this hate though, because apparently almost everybody has a point. End of my discussion.

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iCarly started reeking of shit during Season 2.

It certainly showed signs (though the crap hadn't hit the fan just yet), the biggest probably being "iMeet Fred". That episode should've opened with a disclaimer advising for it not be viewed by anyone without the patience of a patron saint or anyone with the desire to keep their sanity.

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I actually liked iMeet Fred. iCarly is a web show, and at the time, Fred was the biggest internet icon. I loved the setup, and it actually made sense. It's ABOUT a web show, I don't see why people freaked out that they focused on... y'know, the web show?

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I actually liked iMeet Fred. iCarly is a web show, and at the time, Fred was the biggest internet icon. I loved the setup, and it actually made sense. It's ABOUT a web show, I don't see why people freaked out that they focused on... y'know, the web show?

Think through about the whole flame war that is centered in that episode, and how Freddie gets "abused" as well.

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I never liked iCarly, pretty much because there was nothing special about it. It was just another Nick live-action tween show. What made it worse is that it always came on right after SpongeBob, so that when I was expecting more SpongeBob, suddenly these girls typing on Pear laptops came up. Which ultimately made me turn off the TV.

As for Victorious, I only watched one episode at my cousin's house (Sleepover at Sikowitz') and I did find it sort of funny, but again, overall nothing really caught my eye.

I don't know about what you think but I'm really glad these shows are on their way out, because now the general IQ of television will start to go up.

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All of these statements are accurate in their own ways. I thought iCarly was pretty funny during the first season because it was a hip and new idea or whatever. But then the jokes began to make even less and less sense and it lost its overall appeal for me. Victorious seemed interesting because I did some of the things they did in the show (acting-wise) but I think they tarnished the name of acting schools for some people. The image portrayed is a bunch of crazy (and in some cases, misfit) teens who are more focused on getting a date than their schoolwork (which is just acting. I don't remember a damn scene from the show about them sitting through math class). And when they do their skits, it should be ACTUALLY improvised instead of written. The characters are pretty two-dimensional as well.

Praise? Well, the girls are nice to look at. Other than that, I can't really think of much else. I think I'm done dumping my opinion on everyone's heads.

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I still seem to remember when there was a majority of SBC users who hate Phineas and Ferb. Seeing the overall hatred for all this brings me back to it. As for P&F, I also remember when the hate was enough for ExKizuna to create a thread about his hate for the show, as well as a groaning place for the now-former-Goosebumpsfan.

Nowadays, it's like this:




I'm just trying to make a point, I'm not saying that I'm against all this hate though, because apparently almost everybody has a point. End of my discussion.


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I dont mind iCarly ending, I think it's have a long run. I just wish they wouldn't cancel Victorious, like NegiSpongie said earlier the show is in it's prime. Sam and Cat doesn't sound good to me at all. Now Gibby, I'm not sure how that will be, but I like the idea if it goes well.

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Sam and Cat are both popular characters of their respective shows. Makes sense that Dan would throw them together in the new shows (or rather Nick). To them, Popular Characters = More Viewers = Big Money.

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Sam and Cat are both popular characters of their respective shows. Makes sense that Dan would throw them together in the new shows (or rather Nick). To them, Popular Characters = More Viewers = Big Money.


You have summed the entire thing up perfectly. Congrats my friend, you are learning well.

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I'm putting this here because it involves Nickelodeon and cancelling, but How To Rock has been cancelled, the last 9 episodes will air this fall: http://www.nickandmore.com/2012/08/27/how-to-rock-not-being-renewed/ http://davidmisrael.tumblr.com/post/30276082722/how-to-rock-the-future

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