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Storm Racers

Jjs Goodman

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Thanks to AN's latest review, I am in the mood to post a new episode.


44. Soul Survivor


One day, the Undersea Force was searching through the Canyon Zone, after hearing word from Darsun that some odd Red Sentient activity was there.


"Hmm, so far, I see nothing too suspicious..." Nora said, looking around with her scanners.


"That's odd...what is that odd blue object over there?" Kane said, as he, Nora, Nathan, Dash, and Zelleo approached it.


"Wait...that's a Blue Sentient shell!" Zelleo said, surprised. "What's it doing out here though in the middle of nowhere?"


Dash got off the Slashwind and inspected the shell.


"It's definitely real, but whose shell is it?" Dash wondered.


"And how the heck did it escape?" Nora wondered. "It looks inactive, so unless someone put it out here.."


"Looks like Laxion (from Episode 34) might have forgotten a Blue Sentient shell," Nathan said.


"This should interest Darsun," Kane said.


Nathan got into contact with her and showed her the blue shell.


"That's odd, I wonder what it is doing outside of Laxion's cave?" Darsun said. "Or maybe he missed one...odd. Try looking around the area to see if maybe it came from somewhere."


The gang roamed around the Canyon Zone until Dash found some secret hatch in a wall.


"That's odd." Dash said. He banged on the wall again and he found it was garage to a secret hideout. It then opened up as he pressed a button.


"Uh guys, you may want to see this!" Dash said again.


"Wow, a secret hideout...let's investigate baby!" Laneld said and they all drove their vehicles into the secret garage.


They drove inside and there were a few Red Rark vehicles in there, along with Kyton and Kordon's vehicles. The Red Rarks were in their vehicles, but they were all in sleep mode.


"Ah, so a Red Sentient operation of some sort...can't wait to bust this one," Kane said.


"But what are they doing?" Laneld asked.


They parked their vehicles and got out as they found a door.


"Wait a minute..remember when we left our vehicles on Slithra? That was a bad move," Laneld said.


"Uh...we can't really fit our vehicles into this door, genius," Nora said.


"Ugh fine, but only this time," Laneld said, as they all entered through the steel door, and came to another part of the base, with a prison cell in the center...but there was a blue energy signal inside of it. Kyton and Kordon were analyzing it.


"That's odd, I thought there were no more Blue Sentient signals," Nathan said, even though he knew they were all in Darsun's mind due to the Shadow Zone reveal.


"Investigating...don't let it escape," Kyton said, as he scanned the signal.


Kordon understood and the Undersea Force hid behind a giant steel crate.


"Hmm, so there may be a survivor! We have to re-unite that signal with his shell," Nora said.


The gang snuck around a bit, and made their move after Kordon and Kyton left to another room. They examined the signal and looked for a way to bust it out.


Dash then was looking at the control panel and flipped a switch, which made the lasers go away and the signal was free.


Just then, an alarm went off, notifying the two Red Sentients the signal is free.


"Well gosh dangit!" Laneld said, and they made a break out of the room.


"SIGNAL GONE!" Kyton yelled.


"AFTER THEM!" Kordon said pointing to the gang going through the door, and the two chased after them.


Nathan had the blue signal in his hands, trying to keep it under control, as the five got into their vehicles and escaped.


Kyton called out his Red Rark army, and the Red Rarks woke up and their vehicles started running and chasing after the Undersea Force, as Kyton and Kordon followed behind them.


The gang quickly stopped at the blue shell outside, and Dash picked it up on his bike, and put it in the back. They raced off, and Dash turned around and sliced some Red Rark in half.


Kyton went zooming though and tried to knock Dash out of the air.


"Guys, now is a good time to use the key!" Nora said, smashing a red rark with the Crusher.


Nathan used the Canyon Zone key to open a Storm Field, and they quickly jumped through the portal and it closed, as Kyton and Kordon didn't make it in time.


"WE LOST THEM! Gah, Korax won't be happy about this," Kordon said, slamming his controls.


We cut back to the base.


"Wow, fascinating. So his blue energy signal is still in tact, along with his shell. This is pretty exciting! I hope it can fit into the shell though.." Darsun said.


The energy signal then floated into the blue shell, and it glowed, but nothing happened.


"Sigh, oh well, it was worth an effort," Darsun said, depressed.


"Come on, it has to work!" Nathan said.


Just then, the blue body began to move and everyone was surprised.


"Whoa...I am...alive..and active. Darsun, it's been a long time," the Blue Sentient said.


"Wait a minute...Dul?!" Darsun said, surprised.


"Who is Dul?" Dash asked, shocked.


"Dul was one an old friend of mine from long ago, I am so happy he is alive!" Darsun said. "But I have so many questions..how did your shell end up in the Canyon Zone and how is your signal alive?"


"It's an odd story. It seems like after Senato got separated, my shell ended up in the Canyon Zone. Oddly though, my signal wasn't taken to wherever the other signals went, and it stayed there in hibernation mode. It must have been ages in hibernation, because the next thing I wake up too, two Red Sentients had found my signal and woke me up. One of them though was my brother, Kyton, and I was surprised to see he was alive. Anyways, then they set up a laboratory to investigate me, I guess to see if I was real. They injected something into me while researching, but I am not sure what. I remained there for a while until your bold friends rescused me." Dul explained.


"Wow, it's been so long, I've missed you," Darsun said.


"So have I, but I am worried on what they injected in me.." Dul said.


Just then, the TV screen on the central base computer began to act weird and was acting odd.


"Uh guys, I think we're being hacked!" Zelleo said.


On the screen appeared Korax, and he laughed.


"Hello sister." Korax said.


"Korax! What do you want?" Nathan asked, pointing his sword at the screen.


"I don't want anything, I just wanted to tell you that your Blue Sentient friend won't be living much longer. We injected a poison into him and it will destroy him in two hours! I have the antidote however, but you can only get it if the Double Element Crystal is brought to me," Korax bargained.


"Alright no, that's just crazy talk," Nora said.


"Fine then, looks like your friend is doomed," Korax said.


"I think he may be telling the truth.." Kane said, worried.


"No, we'll find a way!" Nathan said.


"I'm afraid it looks there is no choice," Darsun sighed. "Give him the Double Element Crystal."


"Darsun, you can't be serious, he could unfreeze the Red Sentient population with that," Dul said.


"I'm aware, but I don't want to lose you," Darsun said.


"Fine, we'll do it," Nathan said to Korax.


"Excellent, meet me at the Canyon Zone with it then," Korax smiled, and he vanished off the screen.


"Seriously now, I'm not so sure about this," Laneld said.


"Here, me and Dash will go." Nathan said.


"I'll come too," Dul said.


"But you don't have a vehicle," Dash said.


Just then, Dul made the water around him sparkle and out of the air came a blue wheel like Kyton's Blaze Wheel, but it was blue and named the Aqua Wheel. He got inside of it.


"Never mind then," Dash said, and the three headed off with the Canyon Zone key.


Nathan blasted the key and a Storm Field appeared - the three landed in the Canyon Zone again.


"I'm a bit suspicious about this, I don't think we should be giving this away to him," Dash said. "You have the Double Element Crystal right, Nate?"


"Yeah, but guess what? This isn't the real Double Element Crystal," Nathan chuckled.


"What?" Dul asked. "It's not?"


"That's right, the real one is still in the vault. I actually made this one out of a bomb, and painted red and blue like the crystal, and it looks like the real one, doesn't it?" Nathan said, holding it up.


"Oh wow, that's smart and convincing," Dash said.


"Let's hope this works," Dul said.


The three zoomed up to the secret hideout from earlier, and Korax was on top of the hideout with an army of Red Rark, and Kyton, who growled at his brother. Dul just shrugged it off.


"Have you brought the crystal?" Korax asked.


"Yes, here it is," Nathan said, handing it to him.


Korax jumped down and grabbed the "crystal" from him, and he laughed.


"FOOLS! You fell right into my trap, your friend was never poisoned!" Korax laughed.


"...What?!" Dul said, shocked. "What are you talking about? I was injected with something.."


"Yes, you were injected with nothing. We had this all set up as a scheme. We knew right when we found your shell and energy signal, we plotted a convincing trick on the Undersea Force," Korax said.


"Heh, very clever Korax, I admit. But I can pull tricks too," Nathan smiled.


"What are you talking about?" Korax asked.


Nathan activated the bomb, and it exploded as Korax went flying into a rocky wall.


"Ugh, a fake?! GET THEM!" Korax yelled and the Red Rarks jumped down from the cliff and swarmed the gang with their vehicles.


Dul used the Aqua Wheel to bash through some of the Red Rarks and clashed with Kyton and his Blaze Wheel.


Dash and Nathan got out the Fuser and fused the Splitvire and Slashwind together, forming the SkySlicer. It went zooming into the air and flew down to the ground, and sliced some of the Red Rarks into pieces.


"Woo hoo! Now we're talking, let's beat these punks up!" Dash yelled, as the SkySlicer fired a laser at Korax, but he dodged, and smoke filled the air.


Kyton smashed Dul aside and he fell out of the Aqua Wheel.


"Brother, we don't have to fight.." Dul said, trying to reason.


"NO!" Kyton yelled, and tried hitting him again, but Dul punched him back.


Kyton then growled and grabbed Dul, and slammed him to the ground.


The SkySlicer flew down and shot a laser at Kyton which destroyed him and made his energy signal fly away.


"Thanks guys, that helped a lot," Dul said.


Just then, more Red Rarks regrouped and surrounded the gang, as Korax appeared with his Sword of Flar-Dar and pointed it at the three.


"You guys can go on without me, I'll hold them off," Dul said.


"No, you can't, you're in danger!" Dash said, and their fusion ended.


"I know, and I know Darsun will be upset if I don't make it back, but you all must continue and restore the Blue Sentient population," Dul said, and they understood.


Nathan and Dash smashed through some of the Red Rarks and escaped the crowd, as Dul got into the Aqua Wheel again and attacked as many as he could, but the Red Rarks rammed him down to the ground, and Korax had an open spot to destroy him. He smiled and held out the Sword of Flar-Dar, pointed to Dul.


Dul lay there, and closed his eyes, accepting his fate.


He blasted a fire ball at Dul, as we cut to Nathan and Dash racing in the Canyon Zone, and we see the fire blast in the background.


Dash and Nathan both look back and show some signs of regret after seeing that blast.


"I'll miss him," Nathan said, and they returned back home with the key.


They reported everything to Darsun and she seemed upset, but she knew it was coming.


"I am pretty disappointed, but I guess he did it for the greater good of our civilization," Darsun said, depressed. "At least the Double Element Crystal is safe and out of my brother's hands however."


Just then, she saw a blue crystal on her lab table was glowing, as if it was a sign from Dul's soul.


"Looks like he may not be entirely gone," Dash smiled, and Darsun was happy as well.





Character Debuts: Dul

Vehicle Debuts: Aqua Wheel

It is revealed Dul is Kyton's brother.

PJ and Laneld stay behind at the base for the first mission.

This is the first time we see a real moving Blue Sentient who isn't Darsun in present time.

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(Note: It may be best to read or re-read Episodes 19 and 21 from Season 1 if you haven't already or you may be confused about the events of this episode)

45. Legacy

One day, we see the Undersea Force racing through a Clockwork Gear Zone. There were spinning gold gears everywhere and it was like a factory.

"Watch out!" Nathan yelled, as an army of Red Rarks came flying their way and Nathan ripped open the chainsaw of the Splitvire and sliced some in half, as did Dash with the Slashwind.

We saw Kuri and Kyton zooming up to them with their vehicles, and more Red Rarks behind them.

"Guys, I think it'd be best if we spread out more for this, there's quite a lot of enemies," Zelleo said.

"I agree, let's divide and conquer!" Nora said, as she smashed some Red Rarks into clock gears, destroying them.

Kyton sped around some of the walls on the Blaze Wheel, and he was too fast for them to outmatch.

"I have an idea," Zelleo said.

He shot out the grapple hook from the top of the Crusher and it gripped to the steel wall, causing Kyton to run over it. This made the Blaze Wheel go flying out of control and it went sliding into a gear, crushing him and making his signal fly away.

"Good job, Zel!" Dash said.

"Don't mention it," he said, smashing another Red Rark away.

"Gah, this is going nowhere," Kuri yelled, as she got into a fight with Nora. "RETREAT!"

Kuri and some Red Rarks fled away, while Kane managed to get the key for the gang, blasting away a Red Rark who had it.

"Well looks another day, another mission complete," Zelleo said.

"Wait...I see an odd vehicle over there," Nathan said, as he saw an entrance and a black boat near it, with flames painted on it.

"Huh? Whose could that be?" Nora said, as they went to investigate.

Just then, a familiar looking fish popped out of the entrance, with a black coat, and hair like Nathan's...

"Is that...dad..?" Nathan said, getting out of the Splitvire.

"Why it's my son Nate...it's been so long!" He said, as he and Nathan hugged each other.

"Well, didn't see that coming," Kane said.

"But man, I have so many questions...where were you after you disappeared?" Nathan asked, still in disbelief.

"Well I can't blame your suspicions...I'll tell you the story. The last you and my wife saw me, I was racing out onto the road, taken away by those two men in black suits. They had called upon my services as I had been studying and fascinated with the concept of Zones and the galaxy behind Earth's. However, the men took me away to one of those said Zones using a Storm Field. I was excited at first, but they took me to an Arena Zone, where I soon learned my dreams had become a nightmare." Jack explained.

"Dang, alien abduction," Laneld said.

"The men themselves weren't even men..they were robots named Rark, and they forced me to help construct a vehicle under the command of Axos-90, an insane Red Rark built by the Red Sentients. He would trick aliens into coming to the zone and fight each other to the death.." Nathan's dad said. "However, a few months ago his arena was destroyed mysteriously. I'm not sure why, but I was able to escape and halt production of the vehicle. I then continued my journey of racing around Zones, and studying them."

"Wow, quite a lot there. We were actually the ones who destroyed Axos-90's zone, when we went there once," Nora said.

"Man, I'm sorry you've been gone for so long. I thought you abandoned us at first, but now I see. What vehicle were you constructing, dad?" Nathan asked.

"Thanks son, and he forced me to help build him the Red Sentient version of a Vobias Communication Center, a hub for them for when they'd return," Nathan's dad said. "Also to Nathan's friends, you can just call me Jack, Jack Deeler. But we have a serious issue: We must find that vehicle and destroy it, before the Red Sentients find it. Trust me, I know they are back. I've been watching you all for a while."

"You've been watching us? I feel stalked now," Kane said.

"Not in a creepy way, I wanted to see how my son was doing, following in my legacy," Jack said. "I was too scared to tell you guys before, but since you caught me, I guess I had no choice now."

"It's okay dad, we make mistakes," Nathan said. "And we'll find that Red Vobi and destroy it - you said it is the Arena Zone?"

"Yes, I assume you all still have the key?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, Darsun still has it at the base with our collection," Zelleo said.

We then see a destroyed Red Rark's head had been viewing the entire conversation as a camera. It turns out Korax had set up a camera in the Red Rark to spy on the gang.

We see the five Red Sentients at their base, watching the discussion from the destroyed head's camera.

"A Red Vobi? This is perfect," Kuri said, laughing.

"Yes, let's move out, we must obtain that Vobias Communication Center!" Korax commanded.

We then cut back to the Undersea Force (with Nathan, Jack, Nora, Kane, and Dash), who now were at the Arena Zone, after getting the key. The Zone was the same as they last visited - destroyed and out of tact.

"So where is the Red Vobi?" Nora asked.

"Here, remove some of the rubble here," Jack said.

Nora picked some broken pillars out of the way and they found a garage entrance. The five went through it.

They came to an old workshop, but at the center was a Red Vobias Communication Center - finished and unused.

"Wow, I can see why you don't want them getting it - it is as powerful as our Vobi," Dash said.

"Not to mention it has mobile Healing Chambers for the Red Sentients," Jack said.

"Dangit, why did you have to make it so powerful for them?!" Nora asked.

"Well hey, I was forced to this against my will," Jack said. "I would've destroyed it myself, but as you can see, the Hotrodder isn't an advanced vehicle like your guys'."

"So how do we destroy this thing?" Dash asked.

"Setting a bomb in the engine would be sufficient enough," Jack said.

"NOT SO FAST!" A voice yelled, which turned out to be Korax and his gang, along with some Red Rark.

"How did they find us?!" Nathan asked in shock.

"You shouldn't leave debris of our Rark army around, we may have cameras inside of them," Kuri laughed.

"Guys, we have to do whatever we can to make sure they don't get control of that Vobi!" Nathan ordered, and he began to slice some Red Rark in half.

Kane blasted bolts at some remainng ones and he blasted a bolt at Krosis who countered with fire blasts, but Kane blasted some more bolts back and destroyed Krosis, making his signal fly away.

Kordon and Kyton charged forward, but Nora was able to smash Kyton into the Vobi and the impact destroyed him.

Just then, the Undersea Force was cornered from all sides by Kuri, Kordon, Korax, and more Red Rarks.

"We're doomed!" Kane said.

"Not entirely...we could use the Vobi to attack, it works like any normal one," Jack said.

The gang then drove their vehicles inside the Red Vobi. Some Red Rarks came charging, but Nora hit a button that made the garage door in the back of the Vobi close, and it smashed the Red Rarks' vehicles in half.

"Gah, we can't get in!" Kuri panicked.

The gang them went to the top of the vehicle and came to the control room.

"Let's hope this thing works!" Dash said.

He activated missiles and launched them everywhere at the Red Rark, and destroyed Kordon with them.

"TAKE COVER!" Kuri yelled, as she dodged some missiles.

"STOP THEM!!" Korax yelled as he jumped out of the Scorcher and onto the Red Vobi. He turned his hand into a blade and smashed it through the pilot window.

"Uh oh, we've got a problem!" Dash said.

Korax smashed through the window and got into the control room. However, Jack then rammed into Korax and got into a tussle with him. He was able to punch Korax away, and Nathan punched him off again.

"Good job son!" Jack said.

"Heh, good job too, dad," Nathan said.

Nathan then grabbed a bomb, and threw it into the engine of the Vobi.

They all quickly escorted out of the vehicle, but Korax got back up, and he, Kuri, and some other Red Rark went inside of the vehicle.

Nathan and the gang raced out of the zone, and Nathan detonated the bomb, and the timer went off.

Korax then sat in one of the control seats and laughed.

"I guess they finally gave up and let us win for once," Kuri said.

"What's that ticking noise, sir?" A Red Rark asked, hearing the bomb.

"It sounds like...a bomb.." Kuri sighed.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted," Korax groaned annonyingly. "You win today, Undersea Force..."

The timer went off and the garage exploded, causing more of the zone to be in rubble than it already was. The Vobi was reduced to smitereens and Korax and Kuri's energy signals flew away.

We cut back to Bikini Bottom, and see Nathan talking to his dad. The rest of the crew went inside the base.

"Well son, it's been fun seeing you again, but I must continue our legacy, and you can too," Jack said, patting him on the back. "I'm off to explore more of the universe, and our own world."

"I'm going to miss you again, but farewell, dad. Our paths will meet again," Nathan said, as he saw Jack zoom off in the Hotrodder into the sunset.

"I'm sure he'll come back again one day," Nora said.

They stared off into the sunset, as he rode away in the Hotrodder.



Character Debuts: Jack Deeler (seen in flashback in 21 however)

Area Debuts: Clockwork Gear Zone

Vehicle Debuts: Hotrodder, Red Sentient Vobias Communication Center

It is revealed Jack had been forced by Axos-90 to make a Red Sentient Vobi before the Arena Zone was destroyed.

PJ and Laneld stayed behind at the base for the first mission, and PJ, Laneld, and Zelleo stayed behind at the base for the second mission.

This is the 2nd time Darsun has been absent from an episode (first time was in Deep Thunder).

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46. Shadow Warriors

We see the Undersea Force racing through a Floating Crystal Zone. They were on some terrain, but it had floating green crystals everywhere.

"Guys, I wouldn't want to hit one of these crystals. I detect they could cause a huge explosion if activated," Zelleo said.

"I'll keep that in mind then," Laneld said, honking the horn of the Sonicwave.

"Gah, that horn of yours is getting annoying!" Nora said, as the horn made an annoying noise.

"Well sorry missy, my horn is having issues!" Laneld yelled, honking it again.

The Red Sentients then appeared from the opposing direction with an army of Red Rark, and they dodged the green crystals, trying not to set them off as well.

Laneld blasted several sound waves at some Red Rarks, causing them to smash into rocks.

"We must win!" Kyton yelled.

Just then, they saw a Red Rark vehicle snag the key for the zone, and Zelleo tried to ram into it, but it zoomed away from him.

"I think it's time we fuse things up!" Nathan yelled to Nora, and she agreed.

"Time to form the Razor Claw!" Nathan yelled, and he blasted the Fuser open, but suddenly, Korax went sliding and the Scorcher rammed into the Splitvire, causing both vehicles to go flying into the Fuser portal!

"Oh no, this is bad!" Dash yelled, slicing a Red Rark in half. "Will Nathan be okay?"

"I don't know, and now the portal is closing!" Nora yelled, as the Fuser portal disappeared with Korax and Nathan stuck inside of it, taking them to who knows where.

Just then, one of the Red Rarks Laneld attacked went smashing into a crystal, causing it to unleash a wave, causing the other crystals to explode!

"Uh guys, now would be a good time to get the key and get out of here!" Dash panicked.

"EVERYONE IN THERE!" Nora yelled, referring to a rock cave of some sort, and the four zoomed inside, as she made the claw of the Grangler smash down a rock from above, sealing them inside. The explosion waves continued throughout and it destroyed the rest of the Red Rark and Red Sentients, causing their signals to fly away. The Undersea Force was safe in the cave.

"Okay, let's agree to never do that again," Laneld said, relieved.

"But..we're not entirely safe. What happened to Nathan and Korax?" Zelleo asked, and they all wondered. They opened the cave, and saw destroyed Red Rark vehicles everywhere, as a result from the explosion of the crystals.

"Yikes, but I see the key!" Dash said, as he walked up to a destroyed Red Rark and picked the key from its hand. The gang then headed back to the base in Bikini Bottom.

Meanwhile, we cut to wherever Korax and Nathan are..and they end up driving in the Shadow Zone! They were in the shadow version of the Floating Crystal Zone.

"Huh...deja vu, I could swear I've been here before," Nathan said, trying to jog his memory.

"This is the Shadow Zone, you fool," Korax sniped back to him.

"Oh right, now I remember...well I'd rather not really," Nathan said, remembering the secret he discovered from Episode 40.

"I know this sounds crazy Nathan, but you must protect me!" Korax said to him.

"You're right, that DOES sound crazy," Nathan said, turning around and ripping open the chainsaw from the Splitvire.

Korax got out of the Scorcher and stood there.

"You don't understand, Red Sentient DNA does not interact well with the Shadow Zone. If I am destroyed, this zone is destroyed, and then the whole universe is as well!" Korax revealed.

"Hmph, I sure do believe that," Nathan said as he drove the Splitvire faster and ripped open the chainsaw in it, ready to slice Korax.

"Fine then. Do it. Destroy me! End the universe sooner than later!" Korax yelled, standing there.

Nathan kept approaching, but got worried, thinking Korax might be right for once.

"DO IT!" Korax yelled.

Nathan then made the Splitvire turn and he stopped the chainsaw, making it go back into the vehicle, and didn't attack Korax.

"Why do you stop?" Korax asked.

"Because, I don't want the universe to end. We can work together to escape this place," Nathan said.

"Hm...fine, but don't let me get damaged. We shall call a temporary truce for this," Korax said, making the Scorcher re-appear and he got into it.

The two raced together along the Shadow Zone, with of course, Nathan being cautious of Korax.

"We are both alike, we have strong teams and lead them well in this war," Korax remarked.

"We're nothing alike, but whatever floats your boat," Nathan replied.

We then cut back to the base, and Darsun tells them what happened after the crew reported their findings.

"Hm...it seems like they were taken to the Shadow Zone," Darsun said.

"What is the Shadow Zone?" Nora asked.

"The Shadow Zone was an unitended product of the formation of the Zones," Darsun explaned. "It is basically a reflection of all the zones..in a frozen and dark state."

"Yeah, I know it's real," Dash sighed to himself, remembering Episode 40.

"Well, that's just great. How do we contact them?" Laneld asked. "And better yet, get them out?"

"You'll have to guide them to the Intersecting Field Zone - this is a zone that connects the Shadow Zone to the real Zones. You'll get there if you travel through a few zones. That won't be too hard, as Korax and Nathan will be traveling through zones it seems - portals in the real zones will then open which you must continue to follow them through," Darsun explained. "You must hurry though. If Korax is destroyed, the Red Sentient DNA will collide with the Shadow DNA to cause a universal explosion!"

"Well that's just great, now the world is at stake!" Laneld groaned.

"A little confusing, but I'll get the hang of it," Nora said. "I hope we're not too late, and that Nathan knows to not destroy him.."

They took the Floating Crystal Zone key and went there to explore.

"NATHAN, KORAX!" Laneld yelled.

"Uh, that's not really going to do anything when they are on another side," Nora said.

"Gah, well I don't know what to do!" Laneld yelled, as he slammed his obnoxious horn, and Nathan and Korax were able to hear it from the other side.

"What was that?" Korax asked, as they were approaching the next shadow portal.

"That sounds like Laneld's obnoxious horn!" Nathan said.

Nathan realized he had his communicator still, and he tried to contact the gang, but with no luck.

"Perhaps you could try to make your own noise if their noise can project to this side," Korax suggested.

"That's a good idea," Nathan said, and he honked the horn of the Splitvire, and the gang heard it above.

"Was that..the Splitvire? I think your annoying horn helped, Laneld!" Zelleo exclaimed. "Laneld, make another horn noise..and everyone else cover your ears."

Laneld honked his horn again, with everyone else irritated by it.

"I hear that horn again, maybe they want us to follow them?" Nathan asked, so they headed to the next portal, which took them to a shadow version of the Plant Zone (from Episode 35).

Above on the other side, the Undersea Force saw a portal open to a new zone, and they all went through it. They then later saw the Red Sentients in the Plant Zone!

"What the heck are you guys doing here?" Nora asked to the four Reds.

"Trying to find our fallen leader," Kuri sniped. "What are YOU doing here?"

"We know where Korax is, and we can help him get out along with your leader," Nora said. "Just trust us, the world is at stake if we don't help them - the Red Sentient DNA of Korax with the Shadow DNA will cause an explosion if he is destroyed."

Kuri was about to attack, but Kordon stopped her.

"Perhaps she speaks the truth? If not, we can always call for reinforcements in case they trick us.." Kordon suggested.

"True, just like the old Red Sentient General Krodor, he used ambush tactics when he had their enemies in their hands.." Kuri said. "Fine, we'll help you."

Korax and Nathan were at the Shadow version of the Plant Zone, and just then, a bunch of Shadow Warriors came charging on their Shadow Speeders.

"Uh oh, don't let them attack your vehicle..and in this case, yourself," Nathan said, and he charged up and sliced a Shadow Warrior in half.

Korax blasted some fire at some of them, but one shot a shadow blast at Korax's body, and it made his heart turn dark a bit, as Nathan destroyed the last one.

"Oh no..it looks like I might be exploding earlier than expected!" Korax panicked, feeling his stomach.

"This isn't good..but I'll see what I can do," Nathan said.

"Perhaps you could try to patch it up with something," Korax suggested.

Nathan saw a dark rock on the ground, and he decided to use his sword to slice some of it off. He then put it on Korax's stomach.

"Make some fire burn to seal this baby up," Nathan said.

Korax's body then began to spark fire a lot and he burned fire a bit everywhere, but it was enough to seal up the rock.

"Whoa, watch the fire there buddy," Nathan said.

"Well you saved us some time..but not much. Let's keep going on," Korax said.

The two raced through some more zones, as the Undersea Force and Red Sentients followed along on the other side.

"How much longer?" Dash sighed.

Darsun appeared on their screens then.

"You will have to keep hopping through zones until you come to the Intersecting Field Zone," Darsun said.

Nathan and Korax continued to race on, fighting several Shadow Warriors, and in the shadow version of the Mining Zone, Korax started to burn up a bit.

"I feel like I might implode soon.." Korax said.

"Keep it in pal, we have to fight it on," Nathan said.

"That is the true spirit of a leader," Korax commented.

Eventually, Korax and Nathan came to the shadow version of the Intersecting Field Zone. There was no portal anywhere, so from there they were lost.

"Alright, we're here!" Zelleo said. The UF and RS came to the Intersecting Field Zone - which was a large purple zone with a giant membrane of some sort in the center with branches everywhere.

Darsun appeared on Nora's screen.

"You guys will need to power the branch up with some electricity..I would've sent Kane over, but I didn't know the branch was not charged," Darsun said. "So you'll have to find another way for now. Once you power it up, a portal will appear in the Shadow Zone taking the two to your location if done correctly."

"I could try my sound waves," Laneld said.

"Sure, just don't beep that annoying horn," Dash said.

Laneld blasted some sound waves at the branch, and it began to spark a bit.

On the shadow side, a portal appeared.

"I think that is our exit home!" Nathan said.

Just then, some Shadow Warriors zoomed in front of the portal and growled.

The two charged at them, and Korax blasted fire at some of them.

"See Korax, doesn't it feel better to save the universe rather than try to destroy it?" Nathan asked, while slicing a Shadow Warrior in half.

"It's..different," Korax said, as he burned through another Shadow Warrior, and just then one began to shoot darkness at the Scorcher, causing him to slow down. Korax tredged on though and he and Nathan were able to destroy the last few Shadow Warriors and exit through the portal. They both landed in the normal version of the Intersecting Field Zone.

"They're okay!" Zelleo said.

Just then, a bunch of Red Rark surrounded the Undersea Force, and Korax sided back with the RS. Kuri began to laugh.

"Remember that little war we talked about?" Korax laughed. "Time we get back to that."

"Kuri, I thought we had a truce!" Nora yelled.

"I never said it would be permanent," Kuri laughed, smashing the Grangler.

"Dangit, I knew we couldn't trust them!" Laneld said, blasting sound waves at them all trying to fight them off.

They then saw the key for the zone floating on the membrane, and Dash zoomed up to grab it, and he did.

Krosis tried to blast fire at him, but he dodged, and blasted open a portal, as the UF went through it back home.

"Drat, we lost them!" Kordon yelled.

"Let them go for now..we have another day, and another fight tomorrow," Korax said, as they raced away.

Meanwhile, back at Bikini Bottom, we see the gang hanging outside the Krusty Krab, eating some Krabby Patties and drinking Dr. Kelp sodas they ordered from inside.

"So, thanks for the horn guides," Nathan said to Laneld.

"You mean you heard my annoying horn?" Laneld said.

"Yup, it if it wasn't for that grating horn, I wouldn't be out of the Shadow Zone," Nathan said.

Laneld laughed and got in the Sonicwave and honked the horn very loud, annoying everyone even more.

"Gah, you really need to get that thing fixed," Zelleo said.

Just then, a cop pulled over in his police boat and approached Laneld.

"So you've been the one making that annoying horn sound lately, eh?" The cop asked.

"Why yes it was, and I'm proud of this horn!" Laneld laughed.

The cop then gave him a ticket, and drived away.

"A ticket?! HEY!" Laneld yelled, as he honked his horn and raced after the cop, and the gang laughed.


Character Debuts: Cop, General Krodor (mentioned)
Area Debuts: Floating Crystal Zone, Intersecting Field Zone, Shadow Floating Crystal Zone, Shadow Plant Zone, Shadow Mining Zone, and Shadow Interesecting Field Zone
Vehicle Debuts: *Razor Claw (Splitvire + Grangler)
Second appearance of the Shadow Zone - this time we see Shadow versions of the Plant Zone, Floating Crystal Zone, Intersecting Field Zone, and Mining Zone.
Kane and PJ stayed behind at the base for both missions.
It is revealed if a Red Sentient is destroyed in the Shadow Zone, their DNA and the shadow DNA will colide together to cause a universal explosion.

* technically the Fusion was never actually seen (as Korax interrupted the transformation), but it was still mentioned.

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47. Blast from the Past

We see the Undersea Force racing in some ruined lands of Senato, after receiving orders from Darsun to investigate something there.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Kane asked.

"Apparently we need to investigate some...time temples? At least, that is what Darsun told me," Nathan said. "They are located near some abandoned tournament field."

"Well, we're going to have to do our research quick, because guess who is chasing us again?" Laneld pointed out, referring to an army of Red Rark and the RS5 behind them.

"I haven't used this bad boy in a while," Korax laughed, as he pulled out Flar-Dar and blasted fire from it at the Splitvire, causing it to flip over and smash near a destroyed building, which turned out to be the remains of the tournament field.

"I see five small pyramids. I guess we need to go in them," Kane said.

"Yes, they will take you back in time - I need you to see a very important event, but keep in mind the future may be at risk if you fail," Darsun said on their screens. "If you mess up the past, the future you know now may change."

"What do we need to do back in time?" Laneld asked, as he blasted sonic waves at some Red Rark.

"I'll let that you all see for yourselves," Darsun said, and the transmission ended.

Nathan drove into one of the temples, and it began to light up. The other four then drove into the other temples and they all disappeared, as Korax blasted one of the temples, but they were gone.

"Where did they go?!" Kordon asked furiously.

"I don't know..but I sense we will be seeing them again.." Korax said to himself.

We cut back to the Undersea Force base, and see Darsun in the central hub with Sawkus.

"So are you sure they will be okay?" Darsun asked. "I don't want them getting too in trouble from Korax's past self."

"This will help maintain balance between both sides," Sawkus said. "Ever since Korax got his sword, the war is out of balance. This time traveling will help re-balance it."

We then cut back to where the Undersea Force is - they have arrived at the tournament arena..but it is different. Senato overall was more beautiful than the present state, with the zones still re-attached. There are Blue Sentients in stands cheering on one side and Red Sentients on the other side.

"Who are these intruders?" Korax questioned from high up, sitting next to his sister, Darsun.

We then see the Undersea Force were caught in the battle between four Blue Sentients in vehicles against four Red Sentients (who happened to be Korax's gang) in their vehicles. The Undersea Force drove out of the temples and the small temples closed up, and stopped glowing.

"Well it looks like we're stuck here.." Dash sighed, as the crowd wondered who the five were.

The Blue Sentients attacked the Red Sentients, as Kyton made the Blaze Wheel jump over a Blue Sentient in an Aqua Wheel, and smashed behind him, making the Blue Sentient fall out. Kuri smashed a blue version of the Magler aside, crushing into the stand walls, and the battle raged on, as the Undersea Force got out of the way and were confused.

"We have our winner!" A Blue Sentient announced on the microphone. "The Red Sentients have won this battle!"

The Red Sentients cheered while the Blue ones seemed annoyed.

"I guess we're back to a time before Senato was destroyed and when the Blues and Reds were in..semi-peace," Kane said.

"Great fight sister, but your people can do better," Korax said smugly. "But who are those five in the odd vehicles?"

"I have no clue," Darsun said. "Perhaps some visitors."

We see Sawkus race around the arena and he approached the Undersea Force, and he was acting as a ref for the game.

"Who are you five? State your business here," Sawkus asked.

"Sawkus, it is us!" Dash said, trying to get him to remember, but doesn't realize this is the past.

"It's useless Dash, this is the past now - he doesn't know us," Nathan said.

"Look, whoever you people are, get out now if you are trying to disrupt the game," Sawkus warned.

"Wait, let them be, Sawkus," Korax commanded, and Sawkus let Korax handle it.

"Attention everyone! Would you be fine with a re-match..but have these mysterious strangers represent the Blue Sentient side, since their vehicles are er...in the rough works," Korax asked them all, and the crowds seemed fine with that.

"Uh, I'm fine with that," Nora said.

"Well, I guess we have nothing else to do," Laneld said.

"Alright, you take that side, while my gang will take the other side. Whichever team is wiped out first loses," Korax said. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

Korax then walked up back to where he was sitting with Darsun.

"Are you happy now, sister?" Korax said.

"Well it's just a game, but I am happy these strangers are okay with this," Darsun said.

The horns went off and the battle begun. Kane blasted electric bolts at Kyton, but he dodged and rammed Dash into the stand wall.

"Dang, these guys are tougher in the past, let's try some team work here," Nathan commanded.

Kane blasted an electric bolt at the Magler, and then Nora smashed the cockpit window, making Kuri angry. Laneld then proceeded to blast a sonic wave through the crack of the window, and it hurt Kuri a bit, making her controls get jammed.

"Gah, it's jammed!" Kuri yelled. "Very impressive, strangers."

Kuri tried to attack, but the Magler broke down, and Kuri was basically out due to the sonic blasts jamming her vehicle.

"That's one down for the Red Sentients!" An announcer said, as the Blue Sentients cheered.

Kordon went charging at Kane, but he turned and blasted an electric bolt at the Burner, making it smash in half and go flying everywhere in both directions. Kordon made one side go back up, but Dash zoomed up and sliced open the cockpit, and Laneld blasted another sonic wave at the cockpit crack, making the controls jammed like Kuri's, and Kordon's vehicle basically stopped working.

"Heh, this is becoming a great tactic," Laneld admired.

"And now two down!" The announcer said. "Could these subs be winning?!"

"Let's keep this tactic up and we may have a sure fire win," Nathan said.

Eventually, they were able to defeat the rest, as we see Dash had knocked Kyton out of the Blaze Wheel and smashed him to the ground, defeating the Red Sentient team.

"Impressive..." Korax said, and the Blue Sentients cheered. "However..I have another round for you stangers, if you are up to it."

"Nah, I wanna go home now," Laneld said.

"We may have to do it, or the time temples may not let us back," Nathan said. "Fine, we'll take your next challenge."

"Fine then...unleash the beasts!" Korax commanded.

We then see a gate in between the Red Sentient stands open up, and three beasts came out of it - a Magmagrox, a Guard Wolf, and the Waspbit Queen.

Kane blasted a bolt at the Waspbit Queen, but she dodged and grabbed onto the Bolt Blaster, attracted by the light.

"Wait Kane, you could shock it!" Dash said, as he flew up to try to slice the Magmagrox with the Slashwind, but it smashed him into the wall.

Kane then blasted a bolt while the Waspbit Queen was on the Bolt Blaster, and it fell to the ground knocked out, leaving the gang with two more beasts to face.

The Guard Wolf began roaring everywhere and stomping on the ground, smashing the Sonicwave with its head aside.

"A little help would be nice!" Laneld said, as he rolled the Sonicwave back over, and blasted sound waves at the Guard Wolf.

Dash zoomed up again and then sliced the Guard Wolf a bit, and Nora grabbed onto the Magmagrox and attacked it a bit, as Kane blasted a bolt at it.

"I think it is time we fuse things up a bit!" Nathan said, as he blasted open the Fuser, and Nathan and Kane went inside of it. The Sentients were amazed when they saw what was going on, and the ShockBlade came out of the fusion portal.

"What is this wizardry?" Korax asked, curiously to himself.

The ShockBlade zoomed up and began to zap the Guard Wolf and smashed it to the ground.

"2 down, 1 to go!" Nathan shouted, as they made the ShockBlade zoom up and slice the Magmagrox and shocked it more, giving Laneld a free target - he blasted a ton of sonic waves at it, and the Magmagrox went smashing down to the ground.

The ShockBlade went zooming around a bit and stopped in front of the five time temples, and the fusion ended.

"Dangit, still nothing..I guess we need to do more to get them to open," Nathan said.

"I figured it out - perhaps we need to get Korax to reveal his true self to the Blue Sentients and Red Sentients for the temples to open? It'd match the timeline," Kane said.

"That makes perfect sense! Darsun sure put us in a challenge," Nora said.

"Unfortunately, I may have be rusty in the next round - those attacks seem to have busted my breaks," Dash said. "But I can still fight."

"Yeah, some of my controls have been broken a bit, but I'll serve the team the best I can," Nora said.

"And so, the strangers have won another round! Can anyone defeat them?!" The announcer yelled. "In the meantime, it is time for a break for the champs."

"Hm...these strangers...where did they get this technology?" Korax pondered.

We see the gang resting up on the grounds and the Sentients talking and cheering.

"So how are we gonna expose hot head?" Laneld asked.

"Hmm, well anything could set his temper off," Nora said.

"Wait a minute, I see something odd," Dash said, looking through the scanners on his helmet. "I see some sort of...gun pointing out of a window in the tower Korax and Darsun are in."

"A gun? Where is it aimed?" Laneld asked. "I hope not at me, because I can't afford to lose these good looks."

"It looks like it is pointed at..a council member?" Dash said.

They looked down and saw some sort of council table, with five Sentients on it - there were three Blue Sentients and two Red Sentients.

"Who are these council people?" Nathan asked.

"I'm not sure..but the gun is pointed at the Blue Sentient with robes..wait a minute, great scott, I think it is Master Daksas, Darsun's master (from Episode 34)!" Dash said. "Korax is trying to assassinate him!

"Uh oh, looks like now we know how to expose him...but how?" Nathan asked.

"Break time is over..it is time for the final round!" The announcer said.

"You will be fighting..yours truly!" Korax laughed, as he jumped down to the battle field.

"Ah, I know how to expose him. Kane, when you attack, I need you to blast a bolt missing Korax, but aiming it at the gun, and when it explodes, people will see the gun," Nathan explained.

"Sounds good, let's hope we time this right before it is too late!" Kane said, and the five got ready.

The battle begun and Korax got into the Scorcher, and blasted fire everywhere.

Kane began to blast bolts at him, but he blasted fire at the Bolt Blaster's bolt launcher, and it was fried.

"Looks like someone else will need to blast the gun - my ammo is fried," Kane said.

"Laneld, do it, now!" Nathan commanded.

Laneld blasted a sonic wave towards the gun and the crowd gasped when they saw the tower explode, as Darsun began to get out of the tower.

They look and saw a damaged gun on the ground, and Korax was nervous.

"What..uh..who put a gun there?!" Korax asked, trying to cover himself up.

Nathan got out of the Splitvire and pointed his sword to Korax.

"The jig is up, everyone listen. Korax was trying to assassinate one of the council members over there..whatever you call them," Nathan said.

"The Council of Five? I'd..I'd never do such a thing!" Korax said, getting angry. Darsun was watching and shocked.

The Sentients began to whisper and gossip, as the Council was surprised.

"BE QUIET!!" Korax yelled, as he began to boil up.

"Yes, you can't hide it, he tried to assassinate Master Daksas," Dash yelled.

Master Daksas heard this and was shocked.

"These games are cancelled due to this misdeed," Master Daksas yelled. "Korax, I know you have hated us Blues, but this is disgraceful to our civilization."

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" Korax yelled and blasted fire at Nathan, but ducked and Nathan attacked him with his sword, and Korax countered with his blade arm. "My plans RUINED!! I would have killed a Blue Sentient to start panic, and I would plan the downfall of the Blue Sentients, but you meddling kids ruined it all!"

"Uh dude, you just revealed your plans to everyone," Nora said.

"Alright, I've heard enough, Korax, you are under arrest by Sentient law of Senato," Master Daksas commanded, and two Blue Sentient guards took him away.

"THIS ISN'T OVER! SENATO WILL BE DOOMED!" Korax yelled, being taken away.

Darsun approached the Undersea Force.

"Thank you strangers..I knew my brother was plotting something, and whoever you are, thank you for exposing him," Darsun said. "He has had a long hatred of the Blues and I was expecting something like this."

"Heh, no problem, and let's just say this isn't the last time we'll meet.." Nathan winked, and they noticed the five temples were glowing and opening. The five raced into them, and the temples took them back to the present, as the Sentients watched the remains of the battle field, wondering what just happened.

The Undersea Force went back to the present day Senato, but the Red Sentients were gone - implying they had got bored of waiting and left.

We then cut back to Bikini Bottom, and go to the Undersea Force base.

"Ah, balance is restored - you all have seen the truth of the day Korax exposed himself," Darsun said.

"So wait, who exposed him if we weren't there?" Nora asked.

"Heh...I may have had a part in that," Darsun winked, as the gang all smiled.

We then cut to Korax's base.

"Ugh...my head hurts now...I feel like I fought the Undersea Force many years ago in an ancient battle, the day I was exposed.." Korax said.

"What?" Kyton asked. "No sense."

"I'm still wondering where they went sir," Kuri asked.

"Eh, nevermind, but regardless...those brats have taunted us long enough with their magic tricks, I have a special surprise coming for them soon.." Korax laughed, as he picked up a potion bottle of some sort.


Character Debuts: Master Daksas (although he was seen as a shell in Episode 34 and in a flashback in 42, this is his first moving appearance), Council of Five, Various unnamed Blue and Red Sentients from the past
Area Debuts: Old Tourmament Field
We learn what caused Korax to show his hatred to the Blue Sentients.
The monsters the gang fought in Round 3 were from past episodes - the Magmagrox (from Episode 41), the Waspbit Queen (from Episode 17), and the Guard Wolf (from Episode 18).
Zelleo and PJ stayed behind at the base for this episode.

These were the four rounds in the game:

Round 1 - Blue Sentients vs. Red Sentients (Winner: Red)
Round 2 - Undersea Force (representing Blues) vs. Red Sentients (Winner: Blue)
Round 3 - Undersea Force (representing Blues) vs. Three Monsters (Winner: Blue)
Round 4 - Undersea Force (representing Blues) vs. Korax (Winner: None due to the gang exposing Korax, but theoretically the Blues won)

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48. Recipe for Disaster


We see the Undersea Force hanging out at the base, and Darsun has a mission for them.


"What's the news, Darsun?" Nora asked.


"It seems like the Red Sentients are plotting something on the jungle planet Verra (from Episode 37)," Darsun said. "This calls for an investigation - who knows what they are up to this time."


"Roger that chief," Nathan said, as he, Nora, Dash, PJ, and Laneld went off to explore Verra, and Darsun gave them a key to Verra.


"I hope this planet isn't infested with irritating bugs like Senato," Laneld moaned.


Nathan blasted the key and all five went into it - they then landed on Verra, and it was filled with plants everywhere, and they were at a nearby village, as we saw some aliens looking at the gang.


While driving, they came across a merchant with a robe and beard, he was an old looking alien.


"Welcome one and all, to Gonzi's Miracle Elixir shop!" Gonzi said. "Would you be interested in some samples of this fine drink, strangers?"


"Eh, why not," Nathan said, as he payed him some doubloons.


"What an odd currency - what planet do you hail from travelers?" Gonzi asked.


"We come from the oceanic depths of Earth," Dash said.


"Yes, and I am of great royalty," Laneld bragged, as Nora was annoyed.


"Earth, eh? I've heard many many stories about it! Well have yourselves to some of these bottles," Gonzi said, giving the bottles to them. We then saw a centipede creature of some sort, it was green and dark pink.

"EEK! What is that repulsive thing?" Laneld asked.


"Laneld, don't be rude!" Nora said, stomping on his foot.


"Ah, don't mind ol' Roxy, she's a gentle little critter," Gonzi said. "Thanks for your business, I'm off to travel!"


Roxy went traveling away with Gonzi's store, as he packed it up and put it on her back.


"What a strange old dude," Dash said.


Meanwhile, we cut to deep within the jungles of Verra, and see the Red Sentients and Red Rark have set up some sort of camp.


"So, what does this potion you showed us do?" Kuri asked.


"And how will it let us win?" Kordon added.


Korax showed them to a cauldron filled with ingredients for some spell.


"I will fuse my soul with an ancient titan...an ancient predator that hunted others with its keen sense and eyes. This beast was the Oxis, legendary hunters that once walked Verra and Senato thousands of years before anyone lived on them." Korax said.


"Perfect, those foolish undersea dwellers will never beat us now," Kuri said.


"Why did we come here though?" Kordon asked.


"One final ingredient remains here for the spell to work.." Korax said.


They saw the Red Rark had been digging...and they found a dark fossil of some sort. It was the fossil of an ancient Oxis.


"Perfect," Korax smiled.


Korax opened the potion bottle and poured it into the cauldron. He then threw the fossil in it, along with some other ingriedents, and he stirred it up. The cauldron began to glow and he stepped into it. Purple light began to blast everywhere, and a giant beast emerged from the cauldron, letting out a giant roar across Verra. Smoke filled the area.


"Sir, we have spotted the Undersea Force," a Red Rark said, looking through some binoculars.


This seemed to please Korax, as we saw two giant red eyes from his new form peer through the smoke..


We see the Undersea Force racing through the Verra valley, and they all paused in their tracks when they heard the roar from Korax's new form.


"Whoa..did anyone hear that?" PJ asked.


"Yeah, and it sounds more scarier than anything we saw on Senato!!" Laneld panicked.


"Relax guys, we can handle whatever is coming." Nathan said.


They saw the trees shake and felt the ground vibrate, as the beast was coming towards them.


Korax in his Oxis form emerged from the trees and let out a mighty roar. He resembles a T-Rex and was glowing red fire, with giant horns on his head. He stomped the ground and bursted fire from his mouth.


"What...is...THAT?!" Laneld panicked, trying to get away.


"HEAD MY WARNING UNDERSEA FORCE, DARE TRY TO TAKE ME ON, AND YOU WILL BE RIPPED APART!!!" Korax yelled, breathing fire onto the ground.


"That sounds like..Korax! But how did he turn into a 600 foot dinosaur?!" Nathan wondered.


"LET'S JUST SAY I KNOW SOME MAGIC TRICKS MYSELF!" Korax yelled, blasting more fire at them, as Laneld dodged and blasted sonic waves at him, but it did nothing.


Korax charged forward in his form and used his claws to try to slash the Splitvire, but missed. Nathan tried to use it to slice through him, but the fire was too strong.


"Up for a fusion, Dash?" Nathan suggested, talking to him through a communicator.


"Yup, I'll be flying down now!" Dash said, dodging a fire blast from Korax.


Nathan blasted the Fuser open, and as Dash was going towards it, Korax blasted another fire blast at him, and he and the Slashwind went flying to the ground. The Slashwind was scorched quite a bit.


"DASH!" Nathan yelled, as he raced toward him.


"Ugh, I'm okay," Dash said, getting up.


Just then, Korax picked up the Splitvire with his claw and growled.


"Nathan, get out of there!" PJ said, as he tried to attac Korax, but he smashed PJ aside with his giant foot.


Nathan tried to get out of the Splitvire, but Korax smashed the window shield of the Splitvire with his other claw. Nathan tried to get out carefully, and as he walked across the Splitvire, he dropped some of Gonzi's potions. They smashed to the ground below and made a fume that Korax's form smelled, and it made him growl and get tired. Just then, Korax's form began to fall asleep and went tumbling toward the ground.


"TIMBER!!!!" Laneld yelled, making a run for it, as did the others.


Nathan got back into the Splitvire quickly, and drove off of Korax's claw, and it went flying to the ground.


"Oh no, Nathan!" PJ said, as they tried to save him.


The Splitvire went smashing on one side, flipped to the other, back to the other, and managed to luckily land safely on one side. Nathan was dizzy, but safe. However, the Splitvire took a huge beating from that crash.


"Well..that was intense," Nora said. "But that potion saved you."


"Wow, that potion actually saved my life.." Nathan said.


"We need to get more of that potion stuff from the Gonzi dude, before Korax wakes up again," Dash said. They all agreed, but their vehicles were in some rough shape from Korax's attack.


"Hopefully he is part mechanic too," Laneld said.


They all continued to drive through the valley, and saw Gonzi traveling on Roxy, slightly ahead of them. Nathan honked the Splitvire horn at him, and it startled Gonzi.


"Oh no, thieves Roxy!! Step on it!" Gonzi ordered, and Roxy began to move faster, as they were headed towards a pathway in the valley.


"Hey dude, pull over! We need some potions!" Dash yelled, but it was no use.


As Gonzi tried to get away, Roxy hit a bump and went falling off the pathway and landed on the ground below, smashing all the potions.


"Oh no!" Nora said, as they quickly went to the scene.


"Oh dear...all of my potions are destroyed. Now I have to whip up a new batch!" Gonzi cried. "Are you okay Roxy?" Roxy managed to get back up though.


"Sorry Mr. Gonzi, we were just trying to get some more of your potion from you. It saved our lives from uh..an enemy of ours," Nathan said.


"Aye, it's alright, I need to stop jumping to conclusions. But alas, I cannot give you anymore; that was my last batch. I'd need to whip up some more with some ingredients from the forests," Gonzi said.


"Well, we'll travel there and help you," Nathan said.


"I don't want to, but okay," Laneld said.


"That'd be great! Just don't get too far ahead of me, these old bones can't keep up," Gonzi said.


Eventually, they made it to the Verra forests, and saw a Red Rark camp.


"I see some of the ingredients I need in the trees - some of those fruit will work," Gonzi said. "We just need to get past those robot fell-"


Just as he said that, the gang had destroyed all of the Rark on sight.


"Nevermind.." Gonzi said.


"We're professionals," Dash said.


"Let's just say we've been doing this for a while," Nora said.


They grabbed some of the ingredients and began to stew some together with, but Roxy began to eat some of the grass ingredients.


"ROXY!" Gonzi yelled, and she got upset and crawled away.


"Dangit, now we lost Roxy and some of the grass," Dash said.


"Oh no, I scared off Roxy..great, how can this day get any worse?!" Gonzi asked himself.


Just then, Korax was headed towards the camp and shooting fire from his mouth.


"Looks like our friend woke up!" Nathan yelled, and just then, the four other Red Sentients approached them from the forest.


"Well well well, look who we found at the camp! Korax will have a fun time crushing you!" Kordon laughed.


"How did they get past him the first time?" Krosis asked curiously.


"I don't know, but let's finish them off now," Kuri smiled, as she tried to attack Nora, but she punched Kuri against a tree.


"Take that, Miss Hot Head!" Nora said.


Just then, Korax approached and growled, stomping down the trees. We saw Roxy was crawling up a tree.


"What on earth is she doing?" Laneld asked.


"I dunno, but the potion is ready!" Gonzi said. "But you may want to hurry up, your dinosaur friend is back!"




"Let's shut this fool up once and for all. Ready to fuse, Nate?" Nora asked.


"With pleasure," Nathan said, and the Splitvire and Grangler entered the portal, to form the Razor Claw. It was a green and red version of the Grangler, but it was bigger and had blades on the wheels, and a bigger cockpit.


It sliced down some trees and it jumped up to attack Korax, and he growled. He blasted fire down to the ground, and they all dodged. The fire began to spread across the forest.


"Quick Dash, throw us the potion!" Nathan yelled.


Dash threw it, but Kyton intercepted it and destroyed it.


"Mwa ha ha ha!" Kyton laughed.


"Oh no! And I don't think I can make another, either, with this fire!" Gonzi panicked.


"We're doomed!" Laneld cried.


Just then, Roxy emerged from the tree she was hiding in it..but she was now a giant butterfly creature!


"Oh now I see why Roxy was hungry..she was transforming!" Nora said.


She growled and attacked Korax, grabbing onto his front face.


"WHAAHHHGH!" Korax yelled, and he tried to blast fire, but Roxy began to freeze his entire body in a crystal substance.


"Time to finish this off!" Nathan said, as he and Nora made the Razor Claw smash through the crystals, and the entire Oxis sculpture was destroyed, as Korax's energy signal floated away.


"Well..this stinks," Kordon said.


"No duh," Kuri said.


Roxy flew to the ground and growled at the four Red Sentients.


"Want some more from her?" Nora asked, as the Razor Claw fusion ended.


"No thanks, you fools win for today, but we'll be back.." Kuri said, as the four of them retreated.


"Oh Roxy, I knew you'd never be mad," Gonzi said, hugging her.


"Well, now that we saved the planet, and now that Roxy is a butterfly, what will you do now?" Dash asked.


"I think now is a good time to start traveling..sky high!" Gonzi said, getting on top of Roxy. "Thanks for all your help, and I'll be expanding my business..and give me a call if you want some more potions!"


He flew away on Roxy as they waved good-bye to him.


"Well that was one wild adventure..but our vehicles could use a bit of repairs," Laneld said, referring to how dirty and smashed up the Sonicwave was. "At least I saw no darn Waspbits."


Just then, a Waspbit appeared out of a bush and began to fly around Laneld, as he went fleeing into the forests.


"GREAT, NOW I HATE THIS PLANET TOO!" Laneld yelled, as they all laughed at him.


"Oh Laneld," Nathan said.


We saw Roxy flying in the sky, as the episode ended.



Character Debuts: Gonzi, Roxy, Oxis (mentioned and Korax fused with one), and Verra Villagers

Vehicle Debuts: Razor Claw (Fusion of Splitvire + Granger - was attempted in Shadow Warriors, but was never actually seen)

Verra (from Episode 37) returns in this episode, and it is the first time the Undersea Force visits it.

Zelleo and Kane stay behind at the base for this episode.

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49. Better Off Red

We see Darsun working hard on something in the Undersea Force base late at night in her room, and Nathan walked in.

"Hey Dars, what are you working on?" Nathan asked, feeling tired.

"Oh, it's nothing," Darsun said.

"Are you sure? Is it for us?" Nathan asked.

"...I can't say...just don't worry about it," Darsun said, continuing to work on the project. Eventually she left the lab and went to her room.

Nathan went back to sleep in his room, but later in the night he got out of bed and sneaked back into the lab to see what she was doing. He pulled up some files from her computer and saw some weapon.

"That's odd..what was Darsun building? I think it may be more than "nothing", hmm.." Nathan said.

Just then, Darsun entered the door..but something was different. Her eyes were glowing red, and she didn't talk. She began to float.

"Whoa sorry Darsun, I didn't mean to-" Nathan said, but he got cut off when she blasted red electricity from her hand at him, and he fell to the ground. She then floated away and escaped through the Vobi, saying "Lockdown mode activated".

The Vobi went zooming out of the base and towards an open Storm Field. Nathan went zooming after the Vobi in the Splitvire, and woke up the team.

"Guys, wake up. Something is up with Darsun..I need your help. She went all crazy and is headed through an open Storm Field," Nathan said. "Hurry before it closes!"

"Natha-huh..what? Okay, we'll be on our way there," Nora said, waking up.

Nathan followed Darsun through the Storm Field, and they arrived at the Misty Mountain Zone (from Episode 39).

Darsun parked the Vobi, and she got out of it, but she collapsed to the rocky surface, and got back up.

Nathan parked the Splitvire and came to see if she was okay.

"Whoa Darsun, are you okay? You kind of broke out into the Vobi and went to this zone.." Nathan said, confused.

"I'm sorry..I don't know what happened.." Darsun said, trying to jog her memory.

"Looks like someone was controlling you or something..let's go back into the Vobi and we'll head home," Nathan said.

Just then, Korax and his army came charging their way.

"Uh oh, Korax is up to something, lock yourself in the Vobi!" Nathan said, jumping into the Splitvire and went charging toward them.

He went charging at the Red Rarks, and they attacked, as he smashed them aside and sliced them in half.

"That's odd..where did Korax go? And where is my Undersea Force back-up?" Nathan asked, as he dodged when a Red Rark tried to attack and went smashing into a rock.

We see Korax in hiding behind some sharp rocks, and he saw Darsun outside the Vobi. He went charging toward her in the Scorcher and made it disappear as he went toward her. Darsun gasped when she saw him, but Korax's eyes and hand turned blue as he was controlling her it seemed. Darsun's eyes turned red again, but Nathan came charging and jumped out of the Splitvire, with his sword pointed at Korax. Korax's eyes stopped glowing and so did Darsun's.

"Stop right there, Korax!" Nathan said, with his sword pointed at him.

"Stand aside, Nathan! She is deceiving you! Give her to me!" Korax yelled, angrily.

Nathan went charging and attacked with his sword, as Korax countered with Flar-Dar and tried to smash Nathan's sword.

"I don't think you understand I and the others don't exactly trust you," Nathan said, swinging his sword at him again.

"ENOUGH!" Korax yelled, as he made fire burn everywhere, and threw Nathan to the ground, with Flar-Dar pointed at him. "My sister must be stopped, come to me, Darsun!"

He made his eyes turn blue again, and waved his hand to Darsun, and it made her eyes and hand turn red.

"Darsun, no!" Nathan yelled, getting back up, but just then, the other four Undersea Force members (Zelleo, Nora, Dash, and Laneld) came through the Storm Field.

"The back-up is here, Nate!" Laneld yelled, as Korax's connection with Darsun was interrupted, and he lost control.

Nathan kicked Korax in the face, and got back up, as he grabbed his sword.

"Guys, protect Darsun from Korax and his gang!" Nathan commanded.

"Well gee, obviously!" Laneld said, blasting sonic waves at some Red Rark.

Nora smashed some Red Rark to pieces, as Zelleo ran some over, and Dash grinded some in half. The five then appeared in front of Darsun, and Nathan had his sword pointed at Korax.

"Fools, you have no idea who you protect!" Korax yelled.

"Uh yeah, our master," Nora said.

"SHE IS GOING TO DESTROY US ALL!" Korax yelled, jumping in front of Dash, but he bashed Korax aside.

"Zelleo, take Darsun back to Bikini Bottom, and guys, go back with him," Nathan ordered. The four went back home with Darsun, as the portal closed.

Nathan walked around the Vobi and saw Korax in front of the Splitvire.

"Alright, I have no choice. What are you babbling about, Korax?" Nathan asked.

"Ah, so you finally want to listen. My sister is as clever and cunning as me, no? Well she is hiding some secrets you know nothing about.." Korax smiled.

"Except she is hiding no secrets," Nathan said.

"So you think. Little do you know, my sister is planning a weapon that will end this world! She is sick of this conflict between us, so she is creating a doomsday weapon that will create a black hole and absorb everything in existence," Korax said.

"Haha..eh...yeah...right?" Nathan said, a bit worried.

"Ah, so you do know about her weapon?" Korax smiled again.

"Yes, I saw she was making a weapon..but I don't buy it. How would you know anyways?" Nathan asked.

"I'm afraid it is all too true. We are twins, blues and reds feel each other's thoughts and feelings, so I have a connection that let me see." Korax said. "She finally realized the greater enemy is the conflict itself between us."

"Haha dude, in my book, there is no greater enemy than you," Nathan said to Korax.

"I seek to rule the world...but I prefer conflict over oblivion," Korax said.

"Look, what do you want from me, Korax?" Nathan asked.

"I want you to watch Darsun closely...if you see anything that makes you change your mind, meet me back at my hideout on Senato if you find any evidence on what she is planning. You know where it is," Korax said.

"Trust me, there is nothing more important that could make me trust you," Nathan said.

"This is important. I am telling you Nathan...watch..Darsun," Korax said, as he raced off in the Scorcher.

We cut back to the Undersea Force base, and we see Darsun working on her mysterious weapon.

"What's up with Darsun?" Nora asked. "She seems unfocused. Any idea what she did on her little sleep walk last night?"

"Uh hey Darsun..I saw some blueprints last night of some weapon you were making..it looked like a gun of some sort," Nathan said to her.

"Oh, I must have left those open by accident last night," Darsun said.

"Well, what is it?" Nathan asked.

"It does not concern current Undersea Force operations," Darsun said.

"Is it a weapon, to use against who? Or what?" Nathan asked again. "Darsun?"

Darsun began to feel a headache and said, "A greater enemy than you know." She walked away.

This felt Nathan alarmed a bit, remembering Korax's statement about how their war was a greater enemy.

Later in the night, we see Nathan sneak out of his room, and went into the Splitvire. "I know what I have to do."

Nathan raced off with the Senato key, but we see Darsun was watching him...and Sawkus appears out of thin air next to her, and they both seemed curious.

We see Nathan on Senato, and at the Red Sentient Hideout.

"You had time to examine my sister's behavior?" Korax asked.

"Just tell me what needs to be done to stop her," Nathan said, regrettably.

"So it's agreed?" Korax asked.

"No, it is not agreed. I just don't know..Darsun is my friend." Nathan said, realizing what he previously said.

"Then what are you doing here?" Korax asked. "You must see what she is building."

"I won't destroy her no matter what she has done or what she is planning," Nathan said.

"Hmph, then you are a FOOL! But Darsun is not, as it sounds like she has betrayed you.." Korax said, as we see Sawkus coming towards them on the Stone Grinder.

"Uh, I have no reason to fight Sawkus," Nathan said.

"Don't be naive, how do you think he found you? Darsun sent him to prevent you from speaking to me, and from knowing the truth. Sawkus thinks you have changed sides.." Korax said.

"And he must destroy me to maintain balance," Nathan said.

"Here's your chance to do whatever it takes to protect the universe," Korax said.

Nathan went charging at Sawkus with the Splitvire, and Sawkus went flying over him in the Stone Grinder.

"Tell me the truth, Nathan. Have you allied with the Reds?" Sawkus asked.

"All you need to know is Sawkus, I know what I am doing," Nathan said, ripping open the Splitvire.

"In that case, I'm afraid I have no choice," Sawkus said.

Sawkus went charging to Nathan, as Nathan tried to slice through the Stone Grinder, but failed, and Sawkus went used his magic to throw a rock at the Splitvire, and it damaged it slightly. Sawkus smashed the Splitvire aside, and it almost went falling off the red bridge they were fighting on. Nathan managed to get off the cliff, and attacked Sawkus, but got hit by another magic rock, and it cracked the cockpit a bit.

"Uh, I think I need some help here Korax," Nathan said. Korax then sent some Red Rarks to aid him.

Nathan went moving toward Sawkus as he came charging at him again, but Nathan made a sharp turn as a Red Rark came and smashed Sawkus aside, and he went falling off the bridge.

"GWAAH!" Sawkus yelled, as he went falling.

Korax got into the Scorcher, and went driving.

"Could it be..Sawkus is finally defeated?!" Korax laughed.

Sawkus looked up at the bridge below, and he got onto the Stone Grinder, and drove away through a portal.

"Well done, you have proven yourself for a..fish, or whatever you are," Korax said.

"Yes, and now it is time for you to prove yourself," Nathan said.

"I let you to my hideout, aid you in battle, what more do you want?" Korax asked.

"Tell me why you can re-spawn, but the Blue Sentients can't," Nathan asked.

"Why..?" Korax asked, confused.

"You say you trust me, now prove it," Nathan said.

"Very well then. If a Sentient is destroyed in a Zone or a planet with no re-spawn chamber, its life energy is sucked into a machine in each zone or planet called a Vector Translator Tower, and its life force is transported to a zone or planet that does have a chamber. Vector Translators are spread throughout the universe," Korax explained, and he pulled out a red circle - which was a Vector Translator.

"Wow, how tiny? How do you keep track of them?" Nathan asked.

Korax looked over to the Scorcher, as if he saw something, but disregarded it.

"Not that you need to know, we don't fight in zones without them. Blue Sentients had Vector Translators once, but I destroyed them all...except for this one," Korax said, pulling out a small blue one. "I kept it for a family memory..now I hope this answered your question. Now you lead me to Earth so we can solve our Darsun problem."

"Forget about going to Earth..and in the ocean, I'll send you a post card. But I can bring Darsun here..on neutral territory." Nathan said.

"That would be a decent compromise," Korax said.

"I won't let you destroy Darsun, she just needs to be de-activated..be put in some kind of deep freeze," Nathan said, we saw he had some gray tube object in his fin behind him and clicked it.

"Agreed, so as long as I can verify it," Korax said.

"My team will try to protect her, since they never understand my reasons, we need to catch them by surprise," Nathan said, as he clicked the gray tube object again and pulled it out from behind his fin. "With this device, I can send a fake distress signal leading them to a place where we can intercept them. You've got to cut your mental link to your sister first, as if you feel her thoughts, she feels yours."

"True..the only reason she hasn't separated the link is so she can track me," Korax said.

"Exactly, so if you don't break that link, she will sense what we are doing, and tell the others..or even worse, step up her plans on what she is doing for this doomsday device," Nathan said.

Korax understood, as he pressed the button for his mental link on his hand, and it turned off, as we see Darsun at the base, and she shot red beams from her eyes, knowing the connection had been turned off. She began to collapse, and the others came.

"Darsun, are you alright?" Laneld asked.

"Yes..my mind feels...free," Darsun said.

"Guys, I got a distress signal, no idea who it is from though. The coordinates to the zone are on it," Kane said, handing it to Darsun. She programmed a key for the gang, and they went off.

"Um..where is Nathan, and the Splitvire?" Laneld asked.

"No idea," Nora said. "Stay back and look for him," she said to Dash. Nora, Laneld, Kane, and Zelleo went off.

"Looks like they got the distress signal, they are on the move. Get ready, and bring heavy back-up," Nathan said.

We see the gang racing through a Trench Zone, it was a large canyon with giant rocky walls.

"So who is the distress from?" Nora asked.

"No idea, it only showed the coordinates," Kane said.

They all stopped when they saw Nathan in front of them.

"Nathan, there you are. Did you get the signal too?" Nora asked.

We saw Korax racing from behind, and he went next to Nathan.

"Look out Nathan, Korax is right there!" Laneld yelled, as they backed up.

The other four Red Sentients approached next to Nathan and Korax.

"Listen guys, something is wrong with Darsun, we need to de-activate her," Nathan said.

"Uh..what are you talking about?" Nora asked.

"We've all seen how she has acted..forgettable, secretive..and she has plans she hasn't told us about yet," Nathan said.

"She is building a device that will destroy the entire universe...your planet included," Korax said.

"Why should we listen to YOU of all people?" Nora asked.

"Because, as much as I hate saying this, Korax is telling the truth," Nathan said.

"Well, that's something you don't hear everyday," Laneld said.

"We're not going to be playing along with any Red Sentient mind games," Nora said.

"If you won't help me take her offline, then I need you to abandon your vehicles and go with Korax," Nathan said.

"Oh right, that's really gonna happen!" Laneld said, as he armed his sonic blasters at Nathan, and the others armed their vehicle's weapons.

"I know we have a protocol in case one of us is being forced," Nathan said.

"I know we do," Nora said, arming up the Grangler.

"But this was MY decision, and it wasn't an easy one," Nathan said.

"Then let's make it a bit more tougher for you!" Laneld said, as he blasted sonic waves at Kordon's vehicle.

Zelleo crushed some Red Rark, as he rammed Kyton aside, and both sides continued fighting. Kane blasted some bolts at the Red Rark and he blasted one at Kyton, destroying him. Nora jumped up with the Grangler and smashed the cockpit of the Burner, destroying Kordon. Krosis blasted some flames at Laneld, but he dodged and Kane blasted a bolt at Krosis, destroying him and some Red Rark. Kuri then attacked Zelleo, but he smashed a grappling hook at the cockpit of the Magler, and threw a bomb into her vehicle, destroying her and it.

"I didn't want it this way, but if this is how it must go.." Nathan said, as he sliced an arm off the Grangler.

Korax then went flying and he went burning through the top of the Crusher.

"Ugh, the Grangler is in bad shape, I'm going back for repairs," Nora said, retreating.

Kane then grabbed the Splitvire with an electric grip from the Bolt Blaster, getting ready to attack, but stopped when Korax went zooming by.

"Listen Kane, I know you can't fire until you recharge, but I have an idea, follow me," Nathan said to Kane.

They both managed to find the cave that held Vector Translator Tower for the Trench Zone, and Kane used his electric glove to blast it. It made all of the red Vector Translators in it shut off, and the tower was disabled.

"NOO!" Korax yelled, seeing the tower was shut off on the Scorcher scanners. Korax went zooming to the cave and saw Nathan and Kane there.

"TRAITOR!!" Korax yelled, as he got to the cave and parked in front of Nathan.

"Takes one to know one, doesn't it?" Nathan said.

"How did you know!?" Korax asked.

"Gee, that's a tough one. When Darsun first told us about your mental connection, I guessed one twin had to dominate the other," Nathan said, as he made the Splitvire drive near Korax, and he began to cower away in fear. "Darsun walking into your ambush confirmed it. I knew you were just controlling her from the start."

Nathan ripped open the blades of the Splitvire, and began to chase after Korax.

"That's right, run. You can't re-spawn here anymore, pal. I figured you had the locations of the Vector Translators, and when tracking them...you gave it away, so I secretly scanned your vehicle to find the mother load (referring to how Korax looked at his vehicle). That "distress signal" was me telling my team where to find them. They all knew what I was planning, and played along," Nathan said, explaining his plan. He rammed into the back of the Scorcher, and Korax zoomed faster.

"FOOL! She is building something she has not told you about!" Korax yelled, escaping through a red portal.

We cut back to the Undersea Force base, and see Nathan talking to Darsun about everything, after he put the key of the Trench Zone into the key tower (he obtained it off-screen).

"Korax making you sleep walk the first time was his plan to destroy you, and he probably tried to con me as his back-up plan," Nathan said.

"I knew you believed in me, I will never forget your loyalty," Darsun said.

"Enough to show me the secret weapon you are building?" Nathan asked.

Darsun pulled up her plans for it. "This will be a weapon..but for an enemy far greater than my brother..one I had hoped we wouldn't have to face." Darsun explained. "But we must stop Korax first."

"Sorry about breaking the mental link, but I had to do it or Korax would've heard every word I said. But bonus gift!" Nathan said, pulling out her Blue Vector Translator and giving it to her.

"I snuck it off Korax when he wasn't looking, now all we need to do is find you a Blue Healing Chamber. Welp, I'm going to be stepping out for some air..don't go blowing up the universe, okay?" Nathan said, as he got into the Splitvire. "By the way..did you send someone to Senato to look after me?"

"Nathan, I know you can take care of yourself," Darsun said.

We see Nathan racing through the desert of Bikini Bottom, and Sawkus approached him.

"You did good today, Nathan," Sawkus said.

"Ah, so you knew about my plan and threw the fight to help?" Nathan asked, as Sawkus smiled and raced away.

The episode ends with Nathan racing through the desert peacefully.

-Area Debuts: Trench Zone
-We learn about Vector Translator Towers and Vector Translators, which explain how Sentients re-spawn into Healing Chambers.
-Darsun is building a weapon for an enemy greater than Korax.
-Darsun gets her Blue Vector Translator back.
-PJ and Kane stayed behind at the base for the first mission, and Dash and PJ stayed behind at the base for the second mission.

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50. The Omega Code

The episode opens with Cymtrax and Krumb racing through the now Red Rark empire on Senato, being hunted down by Krosis, Kyton, and some Red Rark.

"After them!" Kyton commanded. "Cannot let them get away."

Krosis blasted fire from the Flarer at the back of the Axdrill, and it made Krumb speed up. Krosis then shot some fire at a building, and it made some rocks go flying down, as the Axdrill got hit by some, but it crushed some Red Rarks.

"Lord Cymtrax, me thinks we are outnumbered!" Krumb said, as he rammed aside some Red Rark.

"Obviously Krumb, but I know how to get away. Follow me!" Cymtrax yelled, as he sped up the Slyius. Krosis and Kyton were on their trail.

Cymtrax blasted a laser from the Slyius at some incoming Red Rark, and gained speed, as he dodged a fire blast from Krosis, along with Krumb. They sped into a warehouse of some sort, and it was filled with some Red Rark vehicles and cargo.

The Red Rark then surrounded the two, and Krosis blasted more fire at the Slyius, and it got badly damaged.

"GAH! Krumb, let us flee into the Senato Badlands...I know they would never think to follow us there," Cymtrax said, speeding away, and Krumb went after him.

"But sir, I hear many stories about ghosts and monsters there," Krumb said.

"Those are just superstition tales designed to keep people away," Cymtrax said, as he blasted a laser at Kyton, but he dodged.

"Gah!" Kyton yelled, as he went zooming up with some Red Rark, but Krumb attacked them with the Axdrill and drilled through some Red Rarks.

Krosis blasted some fire balls at Cymtrax, but he dodged and let it hit some cargo crates, and they went flying everywhere, causing the Reds to get all distracted, and Cymtrax activated a smoke bomb, letting Krumb and Cymtrax escape into the badlands. We saw the badlands from a distance, and they were filled with dark and tan rocks, with lightning striking in the sky. There was tons of cracked ground and it was foggy.

"Gone?!" Kyton said, and Korax appeared on an incoming transmission of the Blaze Wheel's controls.

"Kyton and Krosis, report," Korax said.

"He went into the Senato Badlands, sir," Krosis said.

"Gah, stay right there. I will bring reinforcements...trust me, I've been waiting revenge on Cymtrax for a long time, so I'm going to savor this..." Korax said, signing off.

Meanwhile, at the Undersea Force base..

"So you called us in for a mission, Darsun?" Dash asked.

"Yes, I have figured out how I can put an end to the Red Rark army once and for all," Darsun said.

"Thank Neptune, those things were getting irritating," Nora said.

"Well, those will be one less villain for us to face," Laneld said.

"How do we stop them?" Nathan asked.

"All you need to is find Cymtrax, and make him transfer some of his robotic DNA into it. I can send out a virus to all of the Red Rark and disable them all. You can do that by plugging this chip into his head," Darsun said. "And we can still get in contact with him, so I can try to find wherever he is."

"Sounds like a plan, Stan," Laneld said.

Cymtrax appeared on a computer monitor at the base.

"Hello Undersea Force," Cymtrax said, and we saw and heard lightning strike in the background.

"Where are you guys?" Nathan asked.

"We are in the Senato Badlands," Cymtrax said. "We just barely escaped an attack from some of Korax's army."

"The Senato Badlands...never been there before. What are they, Darsun?" Nathan asked.

"The Senato Badlands is a ravaged and infamous area in the outskirts of Senato. It is known for its various ghost stories and monster sightings there. It is basically a dangerous place," Darsun said.

"Bah, I won't let any ghost stories get to me!" Laneld said boldly.

"If they are real, don't come crying to me," Dash laughed.

"Don't worry Cymtrax and Krumb, Darsun has found a way for us to stop the Red Rarks," Nora told them. "We just need you guys to stay there."

"Well...I don't know if we can remain in a supposedly haunted area, but we'll do our best," Cymtrax told them, and signed off, as Darsun gave the gang them the Senato key, as they geared up.

"Good luck, you can find the Senato Badlands to the south of the Rark Empire," Darsun told them. The gang headed out and went into the Storm Field.

"Alright, I really hope this place isn't haunted like Cymtrax said.." Laneld said, nervously.

"I doubt it, it's probably just a myth to keep people away," Nora said.

They all drove into the Rark Empire, but it was surprisingly quiet.

"This place is a lot...redder, than I remembered," Nathan said.

"I guess when Korax took over the Blue Rarks, it turned the empire red too," Kane said.

They drove through the warehouse Cymtrax and Krumb were in earlier, and saw the Badlands ahead.

"Those are the Badlands? More like the Death Lands!" Laneld said.

"Relax guys, just stick together and we'll do fine," Nathan said.

"I don't see Cymtrax or his knucklehead friend though.." Dash said, looking through his pair of binoculars.

"I hope those two didn't ditch out on us!" Nora said, as they approached the Badlands.

"So far, no monsters or spooky ghosts.." Laneld said.

As they were driving over the savaged ground, it began to quake and rumble.

"Uh oh..maybe you jinxed us there, Laneld!" Nathan said, driving out of the way, and a bunch of tentacles rose up from the ground and grabbed the Bolt Blaster.

"KANE!" They all yelled, getting out of the way.

Dash flew up with the Slashwind and tried to slice some of the tentacles but it knocked him down to the ground.

"Let's see if this will work.." Kane said, as he pressed a button on the controls and it covered the Bolt Blaster in electricity, which shocked the beast's tentacles and it made it retreat back underground, as the ground went back in place.

"Well, glad that's over," Laneld said.

"Let's move on before more annoying beasts show up," Nathan said.

"Hello foolish ones!" Kuri said from behind, as we saw the Red Sentient 5 on a cliff, and all five zoomed down from it, as the UF got closer away.

"Speaking of annoying beasts, I had a feeling you buffoons would show up," Nora said, as she jumped up with the Grangler and tried to attack Kuri, but Kuri jumped away.

Krosis blasted some fire balls at Laneld, but he countered with sonic blasts and they made an explosion, filling the air with smoke.

"How rude, don't you dare pollute my air!" Laneld said, blasting him again with sonic waves.

Just then, a giant rock came falling down on Krosis, and it crushed him, making his signal fly away to the Vector Translator Tower for Senato.

"That's odd..who was the one that made the rock fall down?" Nathan asked. "It wasn't me." The others all denied it.

"I wish I could do that, I'd have super human strength!" Laneld said.

We then look above the cliff, and see two robotic feet stomp the ground, and it slammed a staff to the dirt...

"Whatever the case might be, I want Cymtrax found and destroyed!" Korax yelled, as he got drove the Scorcher faster.

We then cut to Cymtrax and Krumb's progress, who have been driving across the Badlands.

"I think maybe we should go back now.." Krumb said, looking behind the fog. "They could be waiting for us."

"You have a point..but I feel like we are being followed by someone other than them, and it's creeping me out. I say we just keep going till we get out of here, I'm sure they can catch up," Cymtrax said.

Just then, a lightning bolt struck the Axdrill, an it began to spark.

"Krumb, are you okay?" Cymtrax asked, turning the Slyius around.

"Bzt bzt bzt bzt bzt..m-m-m-m-master, I'----I've bene s-s-s-s-everely h-hi--it," Krumb said.

"Don't worry Krumb, you can pull through," Cymtrax said, as he kept driving through the fog.

"Bzt bzt bzt bzt...si-sir-sir...I ca-n't-can't m-ma-mak-make it-t-ti.." Krumb said, as the Axdrill began to slow down and it sparked even more.

Krumb got out of the sparking Axedrill, and it exploded as the drill went flying and the roof came bursting off.

"Krumb, what is going on?" Cymtrax asked, as got out of the Slyius, to see Krumb limping out of the exploded Axdrill in pain.

"Sir...p-p-please t-a-ta-take my po-p-po-power c-c-c-c-c-core...to liv..e.." Krumb said, as he began to shut down. The power core popped out of his stomach and he shut off.

"Krumb...you may have been a buffoon at times..but I will not forget your loyalty...friend," Cymtrax said, taking the power core, and he felt some pity.

Cymtrax was about to get back into the Slyius, but out of nowhere he was hit in the back of the head with a staff, and he fell to the ground. He was then dragged away by two mysterious figures.

We then cut back to the progress between the Undersea Force and Red Sentient battle, and see Nora slam the Grangler down on Kordon, destroying him.

"I hate to interrupt everyone's play time, but shouldn't we be after Cymtrax?" Dash asked.

"You're right, UF5, head out!" Nathan ordered, as they left the other three Red Sentients behind.

"Hm..where are you hiding, Cymtrax?" Korax asked himself, as the three Reds went following behind the Undersea Force.

We then cut back to what happened to Cymtrax...and we are shown inside of an laboratory of some sort. Cymtrax is strapped to a steel table, slanted upward.

"Huh..what..where am I?" Cymtrax asked, waking up.

Just then, we saw two...Green Rarks?! They were in front of him, and had wooden staffs - the same staffs used to knock Cymtrax out. These Rarks were like the others...but they were green and seemed slightly old, and as if they were made out of scrap.

"Welcome brother...to the Omega Code.." A Green Rark said.

"What..what is the meaning of this?! Who are you and why are you so..green?" Cymtrax asked, furiously.

"Do not worry brother...submit into the will of the Omega Code, and all of your issues will go away.." The other Green Rark said, as he held out some chip, with the Omega symbol on it (Ω).

"The Omega Code? What is this nonsense? Let me go or face the wrath of the ex-Rark Ruler, Cymtrax!" Cymtrax yelled, trying to break free.

The Green Rark then held the Ω symbol up to Cymtrax's head, and it began to glow itself onto his head.

"What is going on?!" Cymtrax asked furiously, trying to break free, but he was restrained.

"You will submit to the Omega Code.." The Green Rark said, as the Omega symbol printed itself onto his head, and his eyes turned green.

"Welcome to the Omega Code, brother," the other Green Rark said.

Cymtrax then was let free of the steel table, and he was walking again.

"I...am a part of the Omega Code," Cymtrax said, hypnotized.

We then cut to the Undersea Force's progress, and we see they have arrived where Cymtrax was kidnapped. Krumb was deactivated there,w ith the exploded Axdrill.

"Whoa..what the heck happened here?" Laneld asked.

"Krumb appears dead..their vehicles are abandoned..and Cymtrax is nowhere in sight. Alright, something fishy is definitely going on here, guys," Nathan said.

"No pun intended, I hope," Dash added.

"Maybe he's in there," Dash said, we saw a huge nest of some sort, that was carved into the rocky mountains, at the end of the Badlands.

"Now that's a mystery!" Laneld said, as all five drove near it.

"What the heck is this?" Nora asked.

"It appears that someone burrowed through the mountains and made some nest.." Kane said, analyzing it.

"I guess Cymtrax is in here, then," Nora said, as all five drove into one of the holes, with the Red Sentients outside the nest.

"Looks like I can finally have my revenge on Cymtrax," Korax laughed, pulling out Flar-Dar.

We see the gang had went through the tunnel, and they gasped when they saw Green Rarks everywhere, and we saw a giant dark hole at the center, outside the cliffs they were on.

"Whoa...Green Rarks? First blues, then reds, and now greens? What's next, purple ones?!" Laneld asked.

"These Green Rarks appear to be of odd nature...they seem to be extremely ancient and made out of scrap," Kane said.

"Well whatever they are, let's turn them back into scrap and find Cymtrax!" Nora said, as the Omega Code spotted them, and began to attack.

The Green Rarks attacked in their green vehicles, which were like the normal Rark ones, but were all dark green, and Nora smashed through one of them, throwing the debris off the cliff and into the hole below.

"Hey guys, I see Cymtrax!" Dash said, and they saw him walking off a steel bridge which laid above the black hole, and it looked like he was about to jump off of it.

"Let me sacrifice myself, for the Omega Code!" Cymtrax yelled, and the Green Rark cheered.

"What the heck is he doing?" Nora asked.

"No idea, but we need to stop him before he does something stupid," Nathan said, as they all split up on both sides to get to him, bashing through Green Rark in their way.

Cymtrax began to fall backwards off the steel bridge, but Nora shot her grappling hook from the Grangler at him and saved him, as she bashed some more Green Rark off the cliff.

"Alright, now let's get that info into the chip!" Nathan said, as he threw the chip to Nora, and she shot it at Cymtrax's head, and got the info from it.

"We're good to go, guys!" Nora said.

"But what about Cymtrax? He's gone all looney from this "Omega Code" mumbo jumbo," Dash said.

"If Cymtrax wants to stay with the Omega Code, then so be it," Nathan said, as they all left.

"I wonder what got into him..." Nora wondered.

We then see Korax enter through one of the holes at the top, and approached Cymtrax, who was on the steel bridge.

"So Cymtrax...we finally meet.." Korax said, laughing, as he pulled out Flar-Dar.

"Hello old friend, Korax. The Omega Code has brought me enlightenment...we do not need to fight anymore," Cymtrax said to him.

"You...WHAT?!" Korax yelled in rage. "Thousands of years of wanting revenge...and you..APOLOGIZE?!"

"Yes old friend..the Omega Code welcomes you with open arms. It brought me enlightenment, and it can do so to you too," Cymtrax said.

"GWAAARRRH!" Korax yelled, as he grabbed Cymtrax and jabbed Flar-Dar through his steel body, and it began to spark. He then picked up Cymtrax and threw him down into the dark hole below furiously, and walked away, making the Scorcher re-appear, and drove away.

We then see the Undersea Force racing through the Badlands, but the ground began to shake.

"Uh oh...it looks like there is an earthquake!" Kane yelled, and they all began to drive faster.

"I don't think I'm going to make it, Dash, time to fuse up!" Nathan said.

Nathan and Dash both managed to speed off a collapsing block of ground, and they went into the portal, as they zoomed off in the SkySlicer, and landed on the other side, looking at the destroyed path behind them.

"Do you guys think we will ever see Cymtrax again?" Dash asked.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling this isn't the end of him..." Nathan said, feeling some regret leaving him behind. They went back to the base and reported their findings to Darsun.

"It is a shame Cymtrax was left behind..but at least you got the chip," Darsun said. "I have no clue on this Omega Code you found, I assume it is just some oddball gang of Rark."

"Woo! We can finally put an end to the Red Rark!" Nora said, and the others cheered.

"That's odd.." Darsun said, entering the chip into the computer.

"What's wrong?" Kane asked.

"It appears Cymtrax's robotic DNA was corrupted with a code that I am not familiar with...meaning I can't send the virus," Darsun said.

"Dangit, the mission failed!" Laneld cried.

"I wouldn't say that, at least we discovered a new type of Rark," Kane said. "I am curious to see more of them.."

"Yeah, and let's worry about defeating the Red Sentients first anyways," Nathan said. "I just hope Cymtrax is okay.."

Meanwhile...we cut back to the Badlands, and at the Omega Code hideout.

We see two Green Rark grunts hauling Krumb's lifeless robot body, and they tossed it down the hole that Cymtrax was thrown into. We see it crashed into a pile of debris at the bottom of the pit, with Cymtrax's body.

Just then, we heard loud footsteps approaching. We saw a giant Green Rark of some sort, who resembled Axos-90, but had legs, and also the one who attacked Krosis with the rock.

"Arise, my humble servants.." The Omega Code leader said; Cymtrax's eyes turned on, and became green again...

-Character Debuts: Green Rark (aka Omega Code), Omega Code Leader, Tentacle Monster
-Area Debuts: Senato Badlands, Omega Code Hideout
-We learn about the Omega Code - an outcast band of Green Rark who are some mysterious cult.
-The Axedrill is destroyed.
-We now have seen three types of Rark: Blue, Red, and now Green.
-Cymtrax and Krumb become a part of the Omega Code; this now means there are no remaining Blue Rarks.
-PJ and Zelleo stayed behind at the base for this episode.

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51. Rumble in the Jungle (Part 1)

The episode opens the Undersea Force on Planet Kornadomo (from Episode 36), and are trying to prevent the Vandalators from kidnapping the Kornadomos to enslave them make more weapons and vehicles.

"Step aside children, we are taking back our slaves!" Crink yelled, as PJ rammed him inside with the Ice Shredder.

"Well, you guys have been awfully quiet, what made you attack now?" Nora asked, smashing a Vandal grunt aside.

"We have been in hiding..plotting, and we are taking back what was ours!" Natcher yelled, as he blasted poison at Nora, but she dodged and smashed the Scalab, causing him to go spinning.

"Don't worry guys, we're going to protect you!" Nathan yelled, ripping open the Splitvire and attacked the Scalab, smashing Natcher aside. Dash flew up with the Slashwind, swooped down and sliced some of the vehicles of the grunts'.

"Get inside!" Kane yelled, as he drove in front of their old friend Crump, as Crump got inside the Bolt Blaster, as Kane shot electric bolts at two Vandal grunts.

"GAH, RETREAT!" Natcher yelled, as he, Crink, and the three grunts fled through the Storm Field.

"Glad you are safe, old friend," Kane said to him, in the car.

Darsun then appeared on the screens of the Splitvire.

"Everyone, report back to the base, I have a new mission for you all," Darsun said.

"Can I come?" Crump asked.

"Sure, why not," Nathan said, as they all drove back to the base.

We cut to Senato and see Squidstrictor running through the Senato jungles, dodging fire blasts from Krosis, while swinging through the trees.

"AFTER HIM!" Korax yelled, as Red Rark came tumbling through the trees.

Krosis blasted fire balls at a tree Squidstrictor was on, and he fell down to the ground. Korax jumped out of the Scorcher and approached him with Flar-Dar pointed to his throat.

"W-What do you want from me, man?!" Squidstrictor asked, holding his tentacles up.

"I want your allegiance to me back!" Korax commanded.

"Never, you are a monster! My real family is the Vandals!" Squidstrictor said.

"You have no real family! Your Squid tribe is extinct...you are lucky enough to be the only survivor. But I can change that.." Korax said, getting ready to attack him with Flar-Dar. "If you refuse to re-ally with me, then we're having some fried Squid for dinner.."

"Fine..I'll do it. What do you want?" Squidstrictor asked, regrettably. Korax smiled.

We then see Argoron in front of a crowd of Vandalators, and is disappointed about Natcher and Crink's failure.

"Argoron, we cannot keep failing! Those Undersea Force fools have foiled our plans for too!" A Shark Tribe grunt yelled.

"Lord Argoron, do you think we can keep up with our loss of the Kornadomos as our slaves? Our vehicles have suffered due to them no longer working for us!" An Angerlfish grunt said.

"Everyone relax, I'm sure it will all work out well.." Argoron said.

Just then, a giant burning rock went flying at their area and began to burn down the trees.

"What is going on?!" Argoron asked.

We see Korax appeared with an army of Red Rark approaching in on their village.

"Who told them about our secret area?" Straus asked.

"Squidstrictor...that little runt! I bet he re-allied with them!" Argoron mumbled under his breath.

"Attention Vandalators! Join me to combat against the Undersea Force!" Korax commanded. "This foolish leader Argoron cannot let you win...but I can. I have the weapons, the vehicles, and all!"

"Sounds tempting," a Stingray grunt said.

"No, what are you all doing? You have been loyal to me!" Argoron yelled. "We are just facing hard times, that is all."

"Join me, and I will revolutionize the Vandal history!" Korax yelled, holding Flar-Dar in the air. "I have been wanting more allies for my army. WHO IS WITH ME?!"

The Vandalators then all went to Korax's side, and followed him out of the burnt village.

"NO, STOP! YOU ALL BLINDLY FOLLOW HIM BECAUSE OF HIS POWERS?!" Argoron yelled, upset. He smashed some weapons and punched a tree.

"Don't worry boss, we'll still be loyal to you," Natcher said, trying to re-assure him.

"It's not fair," Argoron said. "Gah, I hate that Undersea Force! This is all their fault!!"

"What do we do, then?" Strauss asked.

"We're going to destroy them..once and for all," Argoron smiled. "Then I destroy that double-crosser Squidstrictor!"

We cut back to the Undersea Force base.

"So everyone, the Vandalators have come out of hiding, and since our Rark mission failed...let's attempt to take them out once and for all," Darsun said.

"Finally, they were just as annoying!" Laneld said.

"How do we do that?" Nora asked.

"Well finally, they won't be able to try to attack my planet anymore," Crump said.

"I have created a shockwave bomb. If you plant this at the old Senato volcano, a good high point, and activate it, it will unleash a giant shockwave that will disable all of their weapons and technology. But you will need to hurry out of there, as well," Darsun said.

"Sounds like a plan, everyone ready to roll out?" Nathan asked, as he, Nora, Dash, PJ, and Kane (with Crump in the Bolt Blaster) rolled out to Senato.

"Oh boy, I can't wait to see what new inventions you made, Kane!" Crump said.

"Ah yes, I've added onto the bolt launching speed of the Bolt Blaster," Kane told him.

"Interesting," Crump said.

They all arrived on Senato, and as they rolled out to the jungles to find the volcano, they saw the jungles were on fire and in war.

"Whoa..is there a civil war going on here?" Nathan asked.

They drove out of the way of the battle, and came across Argoron, Straus, Natcher, and Crink in the burned down village.

"YOU!" Argoron yelled, pointing a spear at them, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

Nathan got out of the Splitvire and got his sword ready.

"Whoa there big guy, take it easy," Nathan said.

"What did we do to you?" Dash asked.

"Because of you foiling my plans, Korax managed to steal my entire army...except for these three," Argoron explained.

"Dang, I feel bad...but you guys are evil," Dash said.

"Are we? Or we were just trying to get the Kornadomos to help rebuild our vehicles?" Straus asked.

"But that is enslaving them," Nathan said.

"Yes...but we are in hard times. Our vehicles are in poor shape, and my army just quit on me for that hot-headed jerk," Argoron said.

"We will help you," Nathan said.

"Uh Nathan, did you forget about the plan..?" Nora asked him.

"No, I didn't. It's best to compromise with your enemy before striking," Nathan said.

"Grr.." Argoron said, thinking about it.

"Boss, take this chance. We need help in our fight anyways," Natcher suggested.

"Fine, we will form a temporary truce," Argoron said, as Nathan and him shook hands.

"Now, we weren't sent here to beat around the bush, we were sent here to disable your Vandalator technology," Nathan said.

"What??" Natcher said, surprised.

"I know, but it has to be done. I am sure you can all build new ones yourselves...a warrior uses his own instincts, not others'," Dash said, "My master once told me that."

"Use your own instincts..not others.." Argoron said to himself. "How can we build our own vehicles after they are destroyed?"

"I am sure you can all find a way without enslaving a race," Nora said.

"Fine, go on with the rest of the plan," Argoron said.

"Now then, we need to split up. Natcher, Crink, Kane, and Crump will be Team A. They will be the team that plants the bomb. Team B will be me, Nora, Dash, PJ, Argoron, and Straus, who will be fighting in battle." Nathan said. "Any objections?"

"I will fight with honor and dignity," Argoron said.

"Alright, let's move out then!" Nora said, as they went to the jungle, and saw the rest of the Vandalators with Korax and his army.

We see Korax with the Vandalators, Squidstrictor, and Shadowclaw (from Episode 16). Shadowclaw has apparently been unfrozen after the events from said episode.

"I can't wait to kill that foolish leader for leaving me in the Desert Zone for so long, frozen," Shadowclaw said, darkly, "Thank you Korax for unfreezing me."

"Yes, and once he and his goons are out of the way, I can make a new era for the Vandals!" Korax yelled, and they cheered.

"I wouldn't count on that, hot head," Dash yelled, as he flew up on the Slashwind and dropped a bomb on their area. They all fled and ducked, as it went off, destroying some of their vehicles.

"Hey everyone, guess who is here to kick your butts again?" Nora asked, as they all saw Nathan, Nora, Dash, PJ, Argoron, and Straus below.

"Let this be a noble fight!" Straus said, as they charged into battle.

"DESTROY THEM!!" Korax yelled, as the Vandalator grunts and Red Rarks went zooming toward them.

We then cut to Kane (with Crump in the Bolt Blaster), Natcher, and Crink heading toward the old Senato volcano.

"Alright, so we need to drop the bomb in the core of the volcano," Kane said.

"Yes, but how much time will be given?" Crump asked.

"Approximately two minutes," Kane said.

"I hope this gives us enough time to get out, I don't want to be exploded," Crink said.

They went inside the old volcano, and began walking up, as they saw dead lava at the bottom.

"Good thing that won't boil us!" Natcher said.

Just then, Kyton told Korax that he discovered people were at the volcano from his scanners.

"What could they be doing there?" Korax wondered. "Go investigate." Kyton headed off with some Red Rarks.

"Uh guys..we have some company," Natcher said, as they all got out of the volcano and looked behind and saw Kyton and the Red Rarks.

"I know what to do," Kane said, looking at Crump.

Crump jumped out of the Bolt Blaster, and Kane blasted an electric bolt at Crump, as he dodged and it went smashing into a tree, causing the tree to fall down and crushed all three Red Rark, as Kyton went jumping over it with the Blaze Wheel.

"Natcher and Crink, form a wall!" Kane yelled, and they did so.

Kyton went jumping over the both of them and just then, a trap went slinging down, which was two giant logs, and Kyton was between them, and got smashed, as his signal went flying away.

"EXCELLENT timing and position, everyone!" Crump said impressed with Kane's plan.

"It's amazing since I only came up with the plan in 2.5328399 seconds," Kane said.

"Okay nerd boy, let's just get this bomb mission over with," Crink said.

"I discovered a problem...when we drop the bomb in, the volcano lava heat signatures will rise quite a bit..meaning...an eruption could happen.." Kane said.

"So that means we're all gonna die?!" Natcher panicked.

"No...it means in order to contain the bomb..one of us must stay behind, and drop the bomb in the volcano at exactly five seconds in," Kane said, and they all looked at each other nervously.

We cut back to the battle on the fields, and we see it is getting intense. Destroyed vehicles are scattered everywhere, and Argoron is punching through Rark and Vandals, looking for Squidstrictor.

He then saw Squidstrictor near Korax on top of the cliff, and was about to approach him, but Shadowclaw jumped down.

"Remember me?" Shadowclaw asked, with his claws pointed at Argoron.

"You! How did you escape from the stone spell?" Argoron said, surprised.

"Let's just say the Red Sentients actually cared about me, UNLIKE YOU!" Shadowclaw said, as he got his claws ready to kill Argoron, but PJ went zooming and bashed Shadowclaw five feet across the field and went smashing into the ground.

"Thanks for the save," Argoron said.

"No problem!" PJ said, as he ran over a ton of Red Rarks and Vandals with the Ice Shredder.

Argoron jumped up and approached Squidstrictor, who seemed depressed.

"Sigh.. I should have just never allied with him to begin with," Squidstrictor sighed.

"Squidstrictor! Why did you betray me?" Argoron asked. "I thought we put aside our differences."

"Well..I didn't have much of a choice. Korax attacked me and threatened to kill me," Squidstrictor said. "But don't worry, I wasn't going to let him keep this up. I was waiting for you to come to me, for us to re-unite and defeat him!"

"That's the spirit, my boy!" Argoron said, as he and Squidstrictor jumped down and began to fight off the Rark and Vandals.

Korax was observing the battle and saw Squidstrictor fighting with Argoron.

"TRAITOR!!" Korax yelled, jumping down.

"Yeah, betrayed twice, Korax. You aren't the best with alliances," Squidstrictor said, as he slapped him with a tentacle and Argoron punched Korax.

"I will not let filthy animals defeat me!" Korax yelled, pulling out Flar-Dar and got ready to blast them, but Argoron pulled out Fangis and clashed with it, as Squidstrictor rammed into Korax and Flar-Dar went flying, and Argoron jumped on Korax, but he made his blade hands appear, and shot Argoron off of him, as he stood up to the ground.

"A true warrior never quits! I won't let you take my army!" Argoron yelled.

We see Nora colliding with Kuri.

"So, think you can still beat me, eh?!" Nora yelled, as she smashed the cockpit of the Magler and bashed Kuri aside over some Red Rarks.

We cut back to the volcano.

"So, I'm not going to stay behind and get burnt alive," Natcher said.

"Me neither," Crink said.

"I'll do it," Crump said, sighing.

"Crump, no. You just got a good life of not being enslaved..don't waste it again. I'll stay behind," Kane said.

"No, do not worry about me. I'll be fine," Crump said, getting out, and had the bomb ready. He activated it, and had it held boldly.

"Just so you know Crump..I will always be making new inventions for you," Kane told him, racing away in the Bolt Blaster, as Crump smiled, looking at him.

Kane, Natcher, and Crink went racing into the battle field, and we see Nathan bashing a Red Rark aside with the Splitvire.


"Wait..where is Crump?" Nora asked.

"He'll be fine," Kane sighed.

"40 seconds left.." Crump sighed, holding the bomb.

"We need to get out of here now," Nathan said.

"But what about Argoron and pals?" Nora asked.

"We'll be fine," Squidstrictor said, as he slammed a Vandal to the ground.

Nathan then raced over to Argoron.

"Once this is over, you can put all the blame on Korax, and you can get your tribe back," Nathan offered, and Argoron smiled.

"It's a deal, my fish friend," Argoron said, and continued fighting, as Nathan drove away.

They began to race away and Dash opened the portal with the key.

"Fools, retreating already?!" Korax laughed.

Just then, we saw the volcano began to glow, and Crump dropped the bomb into the lava pit, as it went off. We heard a loud explosion across the entire planet, as a giant light boomed out of the volcano, and the ground began to shake. A giant yellow beam began to spread across the planet.

We saw Krosis, Kordon, and Kuri trying to race away from it, but the beam destroyed them and their energy signals went flying away.

"GO GO GO!" Nathan yelled, as they all stepped on it, and drove as fast as they could.

Dash, Nora, and Kane were racing, and managed to get into the portal. Nathan and PJ were slugging behind though.

"I don't think we're gonna make it, bud!" PJ said.

"Not without a fusion!" Nathan said, ripping open the Fuser, and the Splitvire and Ice Shredder went into it, and the Glacier Cutter came out on the other side, as they sped faster, with the beam behind them.

"Come on..!" PJ said, as they kept driving.

They managed to make it through the portal as the beam swept its way across Senato.

We cut back to the base, and Darsun says the Vandal technology has been disabled.

"Any sign of Crump?" Kane asked her.

"I'm afraid..I don't see anything on Crump. I'm sorry," Darsun said.

"He went out as a hero," Dash said.

"I'm sure he's okay..right guys?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah...hopefully he made it out," Nora said, doubting it.

"That little dude can't die on us!" PJ said.

"Even if he didn't...I'm sure he'll be looking from above," Kane said.

We cut back to the remains of Senato. The beam caused a bunch of vehicles to be destroyed, and it was a mess. Argoron got up from under a destroyed Red Rark vehicle, and we see Korax injured, and on the ground in front of a destroyed Vandal vehicle.

The Vandalators all got up, and all looked around, confused.

"Hear me brothers...what has this brought us? Nothing," Argoron said. "This event did not help us at all! Korax made our issues worse..now we have no vehicles, and no home."

"Yeah, that jerk! Argoron, you were a better leader!" A grunt said and they began to agree.

"Wait what! Stop, I didn't plant that bomb!" Korax yelled. "You stupid animals, don't listen to him! He's trying to frame me!"

"Did you call us stupid?!" Some grunts said, angry.

"Korax, I don't have time for your silly fantasies, but what I care about, is our race and all involved. I will do my best to re-ignite the flames of this tribe, and no matter how long it takes, the Vandalators will rise again!" Argoron said, as they all cheered.

"Anything else to do, sir?" Crink asked.

"Yes, I think I know..." Argoron smiled. Squidstrictor handed him a spear, and he approached Korax with a smile.

The next we heard, we heard Korax's shell being destroyed and his energy signal flying away.

We see his energy signal float to the other side of Senato, at the Red Sentient hideout, and he got out of his Healing Chamber.

"That plan failed miserably. I had no luck getting them for my army, those cursed and rotten animals!" Korax yelled.

"Do not worry sir...we have some exciting news," Kordon said.

"Yes...it turns out, we don't need the Double Element Crystal to free the Red Sentient people after all," Kuri said.

"Go on.." Korax said, getting happy, and laughing.


To Be Continued...


-Area Debuts: Senato Volcano
-Shadowclaw (from Episode 16) returns, revealing the Red Sentients unfroze him.
-Crump and Planet Kornadomo (from Episode 36) are seen again.
-Kuri has found a way to unfreeze the Red Sentients.
-The Vandalator's vehicles have all been destroyed and Argoron accepts the defeat gracefully.
-Crump is presumed dead from the explosion.
-Laneld and Zelleo stayed behind at the base for both missions.

One more Season 2 episode left!

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52. Unite & Strike! (Part 2)

The episode opens with the Undersea Force in a pitted battle against the Red Sentient 5 in the Magma Zone (from Episodes 40 and 41). They had set up some mining drill, and it was drilling through the core of the zone.

"Zelleo, any idea what they are doing with that drill?" Nathan asked, as he drove through the hot path and sliced some Red Rarks in half along the way.

"Maybe they're trying to get more warmer than they already are," Laneld said snidely.

"He wasn't asking you genius, and some help would be nice!" Nora yelled, as he was clashing with Kuri in another heated battle.

"I'm not sure, it looks like they are trying to drill through the core for a powerful energy substance.." Zelleo said, reading his scanners, and smashed through some Red Rarks.

"PROTECT THE DRILL!" Korax yelled, sending more Red Rarks to attack them.

"Don't you guys ever get tired of this?" Laneld asked, blasting sonic waves at Krosis, and he dodged, but went falling off the bridge and into the lava, being destroyed.

Nathan went zooming past Korax and blasted a laser from the sides of the Splitvire, and it destroyed the legs of the drill, making the ground sink and shake.

"Uh oh, destroying that drill is causing a huge earthquake in this zone!" Kane yelled, reading his radars, and blasting a bolt at a Red Rark. "And worse, it could kill the Magmagrox."

"Oh no, my plans have been foiled! Let us retreat!" Korax said in a slightly odd tone, as he and his army retreated.

"Is it just me or did they barely put up a fight?" Laneld asked.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get out of here!" Nora said, but she saw Nathan falling through the broken ground and headed to the lava.

"Nathan's in trouble, fusion time anyone?" Zelleo asked, as he looked at Kane, and he agreed. Zelleo blasted the Fuser down to where Nathan was falling, and both fell towards it, as the SmashBolt came flying out. It was like the Crusher, but white, yellow, and orange, and it was bigger.

"So uh..what do we do now?" Kane asked.

"Yeah..I guess we could have planned this better," Zelleo gulped.

"Hm, let's try this!" Kane said, pressing a button, as it made electricity shoot from beneath the SmashBolt and it gravitated it into air, as they grabbed the Splitvire with another pulse, and managed to get back to the surface, with the zone erupting.

"Thanks guys for the save..now let's get out of here!" Nathan yelled, as all they drove through the Storm Field as fast as they could.

"But wait...the Magmagrox!" Zelleo said.

"Just forget it, I'm sure it'll be okay," Nora sighed, as they left the zone.

Back at the base, Darsun reports what happened to the crew.

"Wow, so they destroyed an entire Zone," Dash said.

"Not entirely, the zone was mainly drained of its magma and just badly damaged, but thankfully the Magmagrox is alright," Darsun said, viewing on it in its cave.

"Thank goodness," Dash said, relieved. "But is it just me or did we fall into a trap..?"

"Yes, it seems as if Korax was wanting you to destroy it..but I'm not sure why.." Darsun said.

"I knew that battle was too easy!" Laneld said.

"Wait, that explosion is sending out a humungous heat wave across my galaxy. I figured it out, Korax is planning to revive the rest of the Red Sentients!" Darsun gasped.

"Dangit..and we played right into his trap. It's all my fault," Nathan said.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. If only we could revive the Blue Sentients to combat them.." Darsun sighed.

"Yeah, it's not like we can just pull a thousand Blue Sentients out of someone's head," Laneld joked.

"Heh..yeah.." Dash said, remembering what happened in The Shadow Zone.

"I think it's time we tell them the truth," Nathan whispered to Dash, and they agreed. They went into a private room to talk, and they told them what happened.

"You lied to us?!" Laneld said, slamming his fin on the desk.

"Yes, but we had no choice. If we spilled the beans to her right now, they'd leak everywhere," Nathan said.

"Fascinating that an entire species is in her mind..but also creepy," Kane said.

"Well, let's just go and restore them now!" PJ said.

"The problem is, we forgot the zone where Laxion had the shells, remember? Our memories got wiped," Nora said.

"Not entirely, I actually wrote the name of the zone and what key it was down on a piece of paper somewhere," Laneld said.

"Wow Laneld, that's actually smart," Nora said.

"I like to cheat," Laneld said proudly.

"Alright, so where's the paper?" Dash asked.

He pulled it out of his pocket.

"Uh dude, I can barely read that..." Nora said.

"Well I never promised my handwriting would be the finest," Laneld said.

"It either says "Jellyfish jelly" or "the gray key", and I'm going with the second option," Kane said, analyzing it.

"Ah, I see the key!" Dash said, grabbing it from the tower, recognizing the gray key.

"Now we just need to put Darsun in hibernation mode," Nathan said. "This is so she won't freak out."

Nathan then approached Darsun.

"Hey there Darsun..and I apologize," Nathan said.

"For what, Nathan?" Darsun asked.

"For this!" Kane said, blasting her, and she went into hibernation mode, as Nathan grabbed her orb.

"Now, off to the Rocky Zone!" Nathan said, as he and the gang geared up.

We cut to Senato, and see the huge red and orange heat wave headed to the planet. They had the shells of all the Red Sentients set up in front of their hideout.

"It's a good thing we kept all the shells saved, eh?" Kordon laughed.

"Ah yes...momentarily, our people will be free!" Korax laughed.

Sawkus then appeared through a Storm Field, and in front of the Red Sentients.

"SAWKUS!" Kuri yelled, annoyed.

"Do not fear me, Red Sentients. I came to warn you, the Undersea Force is planning to revive the Blue Sentients at the Rocky Zone. I am only warning you, as this is in order to keep balance between both sides. You must fight them. Whether or not good or evil will prevail in the end remains to be seen," Sawkus said.

"Count on evil, Sawkus," Korax said smugly. Sawkus then drove away.

"Kyton, set the coordinates for the Rocky Zone!" Kuri commanded.

Just then, the giant beam passed through all the shells, and the heat cores in them began to lit up.

"Yes!" Korax cheered. "When will they be free?"

"They will be able to move again in approximately 20 minutes," Kordon said.

"Good..now off to the Rocky Zone! We have a war to end!" Korax laughed.

We cut back to the Rocky Zone, and see the Undersea Force racing through the bumpy zone.

"Ah, n-n-now I remember this place, and h-how bumpy it was!" Laneld said.

"Hey little dude, Laxion, come in, we have the energy signals of the Blue Sentients!" Nathan said, and Laxion picked it up from the radio in his cave.

"Ah, is that you Nathan?! You really have them!? Bring them on over then!" Laxion said.

The gang raced toward the cave, but just then, some Red Rarks appeared in front of them, as they bashed them out of their way.

"Oh no..do you think they are here?!" Laneld panicked. "But how?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions yet...maybe they were just randomly scouting here," Dash said, slicing a Red Rark in half, and Zelleo threw a grappling hook at one and tossed it in the air, and it smashed to the ground.

"I think it's time for a fusion!" Nathan yelled to Laneld; Nathan blasted the Fuser, and they both drove inside to form the SonicSlash.

"Let's grind up these metal heads!" Laneld yelled, as the SonicSlash went booming through some of the Red Rark, and they went racing toward the cave.

The gang got inside the cave, and were surprised to see Laxion tied to a rock.

"Whoa..uhh..what is going on?" Nora asked.

"Help!" Laxion yelled. "They found the cave!"

Out of the shadows, the Red Sentient 5 appeared.

"Mwa ha ha ha! Planning to revive Darsun's people, eh?" Korax laughed.

"How did you know?!" They all asked surprisingly.

"I have my ways," Korax said.

He smiled, and pulled out Flar-Dar. He began to scratch it against the shells of the Blue Sentients, along with his other blade arm, which he turned back into a hand. "You will not succeed!"

"So you think..but good will always prevail!" Dash yelled.

"Fine then..AFTER THEM!" Korax commanded, pointing Flar-Dar at them. The Red Rarks and other four Red Sentients attacked.

The SonicSlash launched powerful sonic waves, causing the Red Rark to go spinning, but the fusion ended.

"Dangit, and I was getting my groove on!" Laneld sighed, as the Sonicwave went spinning.

Dash went zooming up in the air and smashed down on a Rark, causing it to smash into a rock and get blown apart.

Nora used the Grangler to attack Kuri again.

"Let's have one final showdown, miss hothead?" Nora asked, and as she smashed off the claw of the Magler.

"Gladly!" Kuri yelled, as she turned the Magler invisible.

Just then, a Red Rark went smashing into the Splitvire and it went flying up in the air and landed to the ground, but Darsun awoke from her hibernation mode, and was confused.

"Guys, code red, Darsun is awake!" Nathan yelled.

"What the..where am I..why did you bring me here, Nathan?" Darsun asked.

Laneld blasted some sonic waves at the Red Rarks and one at Kyton, but he dodged.

"You know, some help would be nice!" Laneld said.

Darsun got out of the Splitvire.

"Nathan..why did you do this?" Darsun asked, upset.

"It's a long story," Nathan said. "Just trust me."

Just then, Kuri re-appeared on a giant rock and jumped down. She got out and approached Darsun.

"Hello..Darsun!" Kuri yelled, grabbing her.

"Kuri.." Darsun muttered.

Just then, Kuri began to shock Darsun with some electricity, and she fainted.

"DARSUN!" They all yelled.

"Oh no, Darsun!" Nathan said, getting out of the Splitvire and approached her. "This is all my fault again..I've let everyone down. You, the Blue Sentients, the team, everyone in Bikini Bottom, and really, everyone else.."

"No, do not worry. Just remember...a fist is made of five fingers..Unite & Strike!" She yelled, and she fainted, and stopped glowing. All of their vehicles flashed a blue glow.

"What the heck, the Crusher shut off!" Zelleo said.

"All of our vehicles are off," Dash said, trying to fire weapons.

We then see on Senato the other Red Sentients began to glow, and move their bodies. They had been revived!

The Red Sentient 5 in the cave began to glow, and this showed them their kind had been revived.

"They are alive!" Kyton told Korax, referring to the Red Sentient population, after reading his scanners.

"Yes, my people are free, Darsun is gone. THE WAR IS OVER! We have won, children." Korax laughed. "I admire your bold efforts. It was a fun challenge, I will give you that."

We then see Kane and PJ watching from the base.

"Oh no, we have to help them!" PJ yelled.

"Yes, let's use the Vobi!" Kane said. "We cannot let them down."

"Well guys, I guess this is it. For what it was worth, we had a great childhood and a weird...monster fighting adventure, to say the least," Laneld cried in the Sonicwave. "And I'll miss this sweet super powered boat most of all!"

Just then, they all heard a loud rumbling in the cave, and the Vobi came smashing through the entrance, with Kane and PJ driving it.

"Hooray for back-up!" Nora cheered. "But it may be too late.."

"We would never let you guys lose to them!" Kane said. "Now let's fight!"

"Back-up, eh? No matter, you fools are DOOMED! I will crush anyone else who gets in my way..like Dr. Skylander, Dul, and Cymtrax!" Korax yelled. "Now destroy them!"

The Red Rarks came charging at the Vobi but it ran them over and launched lasers at them, causing debris to go flying everywhere.

Just then, all of their vehicles were glowing blue again and a bunch of files were uploaded onto the scanners of them.

"Whoa..it's like Darsun uploaded her mind into our vehicles," Zelleo said.

"I can move again!" Laneld said, driving the Sonicwave in reverse.

"A fist is made of five fingers.." Nathan said, remembering what Darsun told him. He then saw a giant star at the end of the cave with the five colors of their suits and vehicles.

"Hm..guys, I think I have an idea. Head to that star near the end of the cave!" Nathan commanded.

Dash drove the Slashwind in reverse, and parked on the yellow part of the star, and it glowed.

Krosis blasted flames at Zelleo causing the Crusher to go flying onto the star, and the blue part began to glow.

"What?!" Kyton asked, confused on what was happening.

Krosis then blasted fire at the Vobi, but it launched missiles everywhere, and they destroyed Krosis, Kyton, and some Red Rark.

"Right on!" PJ yelled, high-fiving Kane in the control room of the Vobi.

"Gwah! This cannot be!" Korax yelled, as he pulled out Flar-Dar and blasted fire at the Splitvire, but a blue glow appeared around it and protected him.

"STOP THEM!!" Korax yelled.

Nora and Laneld had made it to the star, but some more Red Rarks got in front of Nathan.

"Come on Nathan, get to the star!" Zelleo yelled.

The Red Rarks fired lasers, but Nathan was protected and destroyed them with the Splitvire lasers and chainsaw.

"Kane and PJ, I think I'll need an extra launch to get to the star!" Nathan commanded, and they opened the back of the Vobi, as Nathan parked the Splitvire into it, and it blasted him across the cave.

"SHOOT HIM DOWN!" Korax commanded.

The Red Rarks fired, but the blue aura around the Splitvire blocked their attacks. Korax blasted fire from Flar-Dar at him again, but the aura protected Nathan still.

"He's getting away!" Kordon yelled in panic, and Korax dropped Flar-Dar, surprised.

The Splitvire then successfully landed on the red area of the star, and it began to glow.

"You were right Korax. This war IS over. But we won!" Nathan said, and the other six cheered.

"That's my buddy!" Dash said, happy they won.

"I knew you could do it!" PJ said from the Vobi.

"NOOO! IT CAN'T BE!!" Korax yelled furiously.

They all began to glow, and their vehicles floated up in the air as colored circles - a yellow circle, a red circle, a green circle, a purple circle and a blue circle all formed together. They flew into the air, and the gang had lost their vehicles, but they looked up and saw them clash together, as they made a giant blue wave surround the cave.

"UNITE, AND STRIKE!" The five Undersea Force members yelled together.

"What is going on, sir?!" Kuri asked.

"We..lost.." Korax said.

It destroyed the rest of the Red Rark, Korax, Kordon, and Kuri, and made their energy signals all fly away. Not only that, but the blue wave made blue glows appear inside the Blue Sentient shells...the Blue Sentients had been revived!

"Wow...it can't...be!" Laxion said, happily. Nathan freed him from the rock.

The Blue Sentients had all been revived, and put back into their bodies.

"Yes..we revived Darsun's kind!" Laneld said.

"Speaking of Darsun, where is she?" Dash asked.

"There!" Nora said, and they saw Master Daksas approached her.

"Master Daksas!" Laxion said, happy to see him alive again.

"There you are Laxion, my old friend, and thank you, Undersea Force," Master Daksas said.

"Thank you all..I knew you could do it. But never attack me like that again," Darsun said, and they all laughed.

"Sorry Darsun..but it turns out, ALL of their Blue Sentient minds were in your head! We had to keep it a secret or they'd fly everywhere with no shells to return to," Nora said.

"Wow, I never knew..that's amazing and hard to believe, but I am just glad Korax is defeated and the Blue Sentients are revived,' Darsun said.

We then cut back to Senato, and see Korax get out of his Healing Chamber, in front of a crowd of Red Sentients.

"Hear me brothers and sisters, the Blue Sentients are revived! But do not worry, we can destroy them! Just work with me-" Korax began to ramble, but was interrupted.

He saw the Blue Sentients and Red Sentients were living together...in peace. They all blended in with each other.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Korax asked, angry.

"My people and your people are tired of fighting," Darsun said.

"Yes Korax, the sides have had enough years of fighting. After being revived, we would both just love peace," Master Daksas said.

"FOOLS! You have no idea what you are doing!" Korax said, upset and out of his mind.

"I'm sorry brother, but to keep Senato safe..you are banished!" Darsun said. A machine floated above Korax and shot an ice beam down on him, freezing him.

"NOOOO!!" Korax yelled, getting frozen by it.

He was sent to the Ice Zone, frozen in a block of ice for the rest of his life, and a blizzard surrounded his icy tomb.

We cut back again to Senato, and see the old tournament arena, with the Blue Sentients and Red Sentients on both sides of the old bleachers, no longer segregated, and can live as two equal colors. Various other people were there like some Vandalators such as Argoron, Natcher, Straus, Crink, and Squidstrictor, and Laxion was there too.

"The Blue Sentients have been watching your bravery from Darsun's mind all this time," Master Daksas said to Nathan and the rest of the Undersea Force.

"As a token of our gratitude, we make you the honorary Head of the Council of Five! My name is Daxon," Daxon said and Nathan had a red and blue armor put around him, and he cheered in front of everyone, as Darsun smiled.

"Good job, Nathan, and the rest of the Undersea Force!" Darsun said, happy.

"Congratulations to the first ever non-Sentient council member!" Master Daksas said.

"Welcome to the team," Kufon, a Red Sentient Council member said. "Thanks for your bold efforts."

"This is just a new era for Senato!" Kygox said, another Red Sentient Council member.

Nathan shook their hands gracefully, and they all cheered more.

"Peace on Senato..I never thought it would happen," Argoron said.

"We did good today, and I'm glad for Nathan," Nora said. "Let's hope we get no bad guy attacks for a while though."

"Same, I need a break," PJ said.

"Dangit, I had a speech prepared too, and yet he gets the spot?!" Laneld said, furiously. "Oh well, hopefully I can win next election."

"Of course, Senato isn't entirely restored.." Nora said.

"But at least we have our populations back, and that is all that matters," Kane said.

"Thank you all for this...and here's to peace on Senato, forever!" Nathan said, raising a golden cup in the air. They all cheered.

"All is safe...for now, Undersea Force. You may have beat Korax, but an ancient evil has awoken, beyond his power," Sawkus said from above a cliff on Senato, watching down on the ceremony. Dark silhouettes of these beasts appeared across the space sky. They seemed to represent very scary fiends and gods of some sort. "Ancient Titans...deadly beasts of horror, have awakened from their tombs. Their darkness spreads...come with me into darkness, Undersea Force. Ride with me into darkness."

-Character Debuts: Ancient Titans (mentioned and seen in brief silhouettes at end), unnamed Blue and Red Sentients, Daxon, Kygox, and Kufon
-Vehicle Debuts: SmashBolt (Fusion of Bolt Blaster + Crusher)
-The Blue and Red Sentient populations have been revived, and now live together in peace.
-Korax is defeated, but the fates of his other four henchmen (Kuri, Kordon, Kyton, and Krosis) remain to be seen.
-New villains named the Ancient Titans have awakened - these may be the "greater enemy" Darsun mentioned in "Better Off Red".
-The Rocky Zone and Laxion (from Episode 34) return.
-The Undersea Force have lost their vehicles (except for the Bolt Blaster, Ice Shredder, and the Vobi).
-Nathan is elected as the new head of the Council of Five.
-It is revealed Laneld had wrote down the name of the Rocky Zone after his memory was wiped, in cases they ever needed it again.
-Darsun finds about the Blue Sentient signals being inside her mind.
-PJ and Dash stay behind at the base for the first mission, and Kane and PJ stay behind at the base for the second mission, although later come to the Rocky Zone in the Vobi.

-The Current Council of Five:
-Nathan (Head)
-Master Daksas (Seat 1)
-Daxon (Seat 2)
-Kygox (Seat 3)
-Kufon (Seat 4)

Welp, that's all for Season 2! Do not fret..Season 3 is coming soon!

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Really good finale :D. Great action and interesting reveals. Awesome that Nathan gets to be head of council. Overall, I can't wait to see how the next season turns out.

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Time for...


Storm Racers Season 3: Recharged


53. Darkness Descending (Part 1)


We see Sawkus on a mountain on Senato, viewing the growing city and new developments.


"The Undersea Force have come a long way...they defeated the Vandalators," Sawkus said, and shows an image of them retreating through the forests.


"They defeated Korax.." He said again, and we see him frozen in his tomb.


"But...new challenges await them.." Sawkus said, and we see scenes of Cymtrax and Krumb hailing to the Omega Code. "And...their greatest enemy is yet to come..."


We then cut to Bikini Bottom, and see Undersea Force members running around Bikini Bottom with their new gear.


"Remember everyone, we must patrol our home too - keep an eye out for anything suspicious," Nathan said.


We see Nora on top of a building and she sees an odd shadow in an alley below her.


"Whoa guys, I just saw this weird dude, or some shadow.." Nora said, as she was in contact with Nathan on her communicator. She then pulled out her new green sword and jumped down from a building into an alley, and the other members met her there.


"So where did this "shadow" go?" Laneld asked, scanning the area with a high-tech flashlight.


"Whatever it was it seems gone now," Zelleo said. "But I get the feeling it isn't at the same time.."


Just then, the mysterious figure approached them in the alley.


"Uh, who are you, creepy dude?" Laneld asked, holding his purple sword his direction. "I'll use this if I must!"


The figure began to chuckle.


"I mean it!" Laneld said.


"He means it, dude," Dash said, with his yellow sword held.


Just then, from the figure's hands, a bunch of stone like blades began to grow out of them and he charged at the gang, and smashed Zelleo toward the wall, and kicked Laneld into a dumpster.


"We seriously don't have the time for this!" Nora said, as she shot an electric pulse at him, but he dodged, and she tried to attack him with her sword, but he smacked her aside too.


"Halt!" PJ yelled as he, Kane, and Dash tried to get in his way, but he smacked them all aside to the ground.


"Alright creepy dude, you can reveal yourself right now or suffer a huge beat down!" Nathan threatened, and attacked him with his sword.


The figure laughed, and just then, three other mysterious figures appeared from smoke and shadows, and all stared at Nathan with red eyes.


"Guys, I need you!" Nathan said a bit worried, trying to wake up his unconscious teammates, but it was no use.


The original figure approached Nathan and put his hand against Nathan's neck with the blades pointed at him, and we hear a large slash sound, as Darsun wakes up in the Undersea Force base.


"What the.." Darsun said, waking up, and she let out a large scream.


Nathan and the Undersea Force entered into the base.


"Yo, what happened?" Dash asked.


"Ugh, nothing, I had a terrible nightmare," Darsun replied.


"What was the nightmare about?" Zelleo asked.


"Don't worry about it. Anyways, the Senato Council is definitely very pleased with your efforts in defeating my brother," Darsun said.


"Yeah, it sure is an honor to be on the Council," Nathan said.


"They have planned a special party at the tournament stadium today, and you'll notice Senato has been under heavy construction. Be sure to check out the new gear and vehicles I have for you though, in case of any dangers - Korax's cronies are still on the loose," Darsun said, and she showed them their new armor with swords and laser shields.


"AWESOME! I've always wanted my own sword like Nathan's," Laneld said, swinging his purple sword around and poked it into a computer screen.


"That's on me," he said again, and Nora groaned.


Zelleo put on his gear and he looked like a knight.


"Awesome, galactic knights!" Zelleo said, swinging his sword. "So where are the new vehicles?"


"Oh yes, here they are," Darsun said, as she pressed a button and behind the steel door appeared the seven "new" vehicles, but they were the same as the old ones.


"Wow, the new ones look so much like the old ones," Laneld said, amazed.


"That's because they are the old ones! Well, copies of them anyways," Darsun said. "I knew having files of all the vehicles would come in handy."


"Whoa," Nathan said, getting into the new Splitvire, and it was redder and seemed upgraded. "Wow, the seat feels new and so do the controls!"


"I made some small upgrades to them," Darsun said.


"This is rad!" Dash said, as he was on the new Slashwind, and moved it forward a bit.


"Well, let's get going!" Kane said.


"Load your vehicles into the Vobi - unfortunately the five Sentient ships through a portal rule still applies, so it's easier to carry them all in the Vobi," Darsun said.


They all parked their vehicles into them and got into the control tower, as they got the key for Senato and went into the portal for it.


They arrived on Senato and it was quite different - the Blue and Red populations were living together in harmony and they had set up buildings like a city. The Rark Empire had been demolished and most of the savaged parts of Senato were replaced by highways and cities.


"Wow...it's beautiful," Nora said.


They drove the Vobi through the highway which had blue and red lights on the sides, and saw Blues and Reds cheering for their arrival.


"It feels great to be famous on a planet in another galaxy, I'd never be famous in Bikini Bottom," Laneld sobbed.


Just then, we saw Kuri, Kordon, Kyton, Krosis, and Red Rarks dashing down the highway in their vehicles and blasting fire everywhere, as they hit buildings and pieces fell down onto the road, as the Vobi immediately stopped.


"What the heck...them again!" Nathan said.


"No worries, we kicked their butts at least 20+ times before, so we can do it again easily!" PJ said, as he went down to where the vehicles were stored.


"Do not get overconfident, cockiness can be a weakness," Darsun warned.


"Don't worry about it, we got this," Nathan said.


They all drove out of the Vobi and began to attack. Laneld blasted sonic waves at the Red Rarks and it made them spin out of control and smash into buildings, as Red Sentients and Blue Sentients cheered.


"Thank you, thank you!" Laneld said, blasting more sonic waves at them.


"Just because you fools think you defeated our master, doesn't mean we will stop!" Kuri laughed, as she made the Magler disappear.


"Oh of course, you and your magic tricks again," Nora said, and Kuri appeared and attacked her, as Nora slammed the Magler into a building.


Kordon began to ram through the Bolt Blaster and Crusher, as they went flying off the highway and went smashing into fields.


"Ugh, they are still annoying as ever too," Zelleo said, as he drove the Crusher up and it fired lasers at Kyton, as one hit him and his energy signal flew away.


The Ice Shredder went grinding onto the pathway and it rammed right into Kordon as he went tipping over and smashed over some Red Rarks.


"Time to fuse it up!" Nathan said, nodding to Nora; he blasted the Fuser and both their vehicles went, to form the Razor Claw.


"Take this!" Krosis yelled, as he fired heavy magma blasts at a building, and it went falling in the area of some Blues and Reds talking, and they screamed when they saw debris falling.


The Razor Claw jumped to where they were and it managed to hold up the debris.


"Thanks, our heroes!" They said.


Zelleo jumped out of the Crusher and he saw a flying Red Rark, and it went charging at him. He then pulled out his blue sword and sliced it in half, and another one approached him from behind but he sliced it in half as well.


"Dude...that was awesome," Dash said.


"Well, you did teach me those skills," Zelleo said. "Watch out!" He then threw his blue shield at another flying Red Rark and its head went flying off, and its body went smashing into the ground.


"Nice save," Dash said, as he went zooming away in the Slashwind and rammed into Kordon.


The Razor Claw then threw the debris at Krosis, which destroyed him and it destroyed the last of the Red Rarks as well, and their debris went flying over the highway.


"We will not quit!" Kuri yelled, as she and Kordon went charging after them in their vehicles.


The Razor Claw's fusion ended, and Nathan went zooming toward Kuri with the Splitvire, and he saw a button.


"Hey, an eject button..that's new. Let's try this out!" Nathan said, as he pressed it and he went flying out of the Splitvire and it smashed right into the Burner.


"Where did he go?!" Kordon asked, confused.


Nathan went flying into the air, and went falling down and jabbed his red sword into the cockpit of the Burner, and it destroyed Kordon.


"Ooh, let me finish Kuri off!" Laneld said.


"Hey, she's my rival," Nora said.


"Oh come on, I never get to defeat the bad guys!" Laneld said.


"Fine fine, just don't mess this up," Nora said.


Laneld blasted a heavy sonic wave at a building, missing Kuri.


"What the heck was that?" Dash asked.


"Look again," Laneld said.


The top of the building went falling over and began to fall on top of the Magler.


"NOO, NOT AGAIN!" Kuri yelled, as the debris crushed her and her vehicle, and her energy signal flew away.


"Woo, we owned them!" Zelleo said, swinging his blue sword around, as the other six put their swords in a circle, and rose them up.


"Undersea Force forever!" Nathan said proudly.


"Thank you Undersea Force for saving us again," Daxon said, who was pushing pieces of destroyed Red Rarks aside. "But we have a lot of cleaning up to do now.."


"Hey no worries, we can help clean all this up in no time before the party starts!" Dash said.


"I'm proud of you again," Darsun said, approaching them.


"Ah Darsun, I've been looking for you...we need to talk in private," Daxon said, as he walked away with her.


"That was weird.." Zelleo said.


"Eh whatever, let's clean this mess up," Nathan said, as they all began to pick up the debris and load it into the Vobi. The Red Sentients and Blue Sentients helped them, too.


Meanwhile, we see Darsun with Daxon, Master Daksas, Kygox, Kufon, and Sawkus.


"I see 4/5 of the Council is here...and Sawkus," Darsun said. "What's going on?"


"We have some concerning issues, as Sawkus told us," Kygox said.


"What is it?" Darsun asked.


"An enemy we thought would be forever gone has re-awakened...the Ancient Titans," Sawkus said.


"Oh no..not them," Master Daksas said.


"I feared the worst from your previous warnings," Darsun said.


"Do the kids know?" Kufon asked.


"No, I figured they would not be ready to battle them," Darsun said.


"Apparently Terramos has escaped from his tomb, and is raising an army," Sawkus said.


"Well, they are still cursed, right? It shouldn't be a huge issue," Kygox said.


"It is a problem, they could send their army to Senato..and if the Shadow Warriors get to Senato..." Sawkus said.


"Let's go to the Shadow Zone to investigate," Kygox said. "But with our soldiers."


"But what about the Undersea Force?" Darsun asked.


"Leave them be, we'll handle this ourselves," Master Daksas said, and they went to gather soldiers.


We see the gang again at the part of Senato where the battle occurred, and they had cleaned up the mess.


"Alright, I'm available for autograph signings!" Laneld said boastly to the Sentients.


"Laneld, don't get too happy-go-lucky," Nora said to him.


"Oh please, there's nothing to worry about!" Laneld said.


"Wait, what is going on over there?" Dash said, pointing to the Red Sentient Soliders and Blue Sentient Soliders with the Darsun and the others.


"No clue, but since we finished cleaning up the mess, let's check it out," Nathan said, as they all walked over to where they where, which was in the new tournament arena.


The gang entered the arena, and saw them opening a portal to the Shadow Zone.


"Are they having a picnic or something in another zone?" Laneld asked.


"Whatever is going on, we better follow them, I get the feeling something bad has happened," Nathan said, as the seven quietly followed into the portal after them.


"Wait, I need to get my autograph from those Sentients!" Laneld said.


"We don't have time for that right now, we can go back and get it later," Dash said.


"Alright fine, but if we don't make it out alive and I don't get my autograph back, there's gonna be trouble!" Laneld said, annoyed.


They entered the portal, and it closed.


"The Shadow Zone...so we finally see this place you guys kept telling us about," Kane said.


"It seems like we're in a kingdom or something.." Nora said, as they saw a giant dark castle on a mountain, surrounded by dull gray and black clouds.


"Here we go again..." Dash said.




54. Darkness Descending (Part 2)


We see the Undersea Force trudging through the Shadow Zone, after the previous episode.


"I don't remember this place from my two Shadow Zone visits at all," Nathan said.


"Oh yeah, and a warning to you guys: Watch out for any Shadow Warriors, they can turn you into shadow demon things if they corrupt you with too much shadow," Dash warned.


"Lovely," PJ replied.


They began to walk up the shadow stairs of the mountain, but they heard some noises.


"Whatever that noise is, it better not be those shadow demons or whatever they are," Laneld said.


"Be on guard everyone," Nathan said.


Just then, from the top of the mountain, six Shadow Warriors came flying down on their Shadow Speeders, and three cornered them from the front and three from the back, as they began firing shadow blasts at them.


"Oh come on!" Laneld yelled, dodging them.


"RUN!" Nathan yelled, and he sliced one in half with his sword, dodging shadow blasts.


The Shadow Warriors fired some blasts at Laneld's arm, but he destroyed them with his purple shield and sword.


"Ugh..they got some of my new suit dirty!" Laneld said, trying to rub the shadow off his armor.


PJ destroyed the last few, and thankfully nobody was severely turned into a shadow warrior, but there were a few shadow marks on their armor.


"Let's hope we don't run into anymore of those," Nora said.


Meanwhile, we cut back to Senato and see the four evil Red Sentients had upgraded their Red Rark army to be stronger and more deadly. They had guns on their steel arms and stronger armor.


"Those brats will never stand a chance against these," Krosis laughed.


"We will avenge Korax and redeem ourselves for our failures!" Kuri yelled.


"They will perish!" Kyton yelled.


We cut back to the Shadow Zone and cut inside the dark castle on top of the mountain, with Red Sentient and Blue Sentient guards cornering the mysterious figure from Darsun's dream.


"Fools...you sick little creations of mine may be more evolved, but I can still do heavy damage," The figure said, ripping open stone blades from his shadow hand.


"Your chaos ends now Terramos, we know you've been building a Dark Mutant chemical," Sawkus threatened, with his hammer aimed at him.


"We won't let you mutate everyone on Senato just so they can go back to the primitive age," Darsun said.


"You truly think you can stop a god like me? Granted I may be cursed and slightly weak, but you don't stand a chance," Terramos laughed.


"Just stop this, you do not have to continue hating us, because in a sense, we are your children," Master Daksas said.


Terramos then grabbed Master Daksas and held his blades up to his neck, and grabbed a bottle of the dark mutant chemical.


"W-What are you doing?!" Master Daksas said in panic.


"Don't hurt him or we'll fire!" Kygox threatened.


"Heheh...this can go either way. We're going to be playing a game of Russian Roulette," Terramos laughed. "I'm going to drop this chemical on you if you don't leave me alone - you could end up turning into someone handsome like me, or someone ugly like the Shadow Warriors."


Just then, we see a green sword go flying right at the chemical bottle and it smashes against the dark walls, leaking to the ground, and Master Daksas was free.


"Don't mess with them, shadow dude!" Nora said.


"Or you will face the wrath of...us!" Laneld said.


"What are you doing here?" Darsun asked them, a bit annoyed.


"We saw you guys discussing stuff and open a portal here, so we came to investigate," Nathan said.


"You shouldn't have come here.." Master Daksas said.


"He is right, you cannot defeat me, and I had a nice slicing of the red leader in Darsun's dream.." Terramos laughed, as Darsun gasped.


"What the heck are you babbling about, and who is this guy, anyways?" Dash asked.


"Fine...we'll tell you. This is Terramos, an Ancient Titan," Darsun said.


"A what?" Laneld asked.


"Ancient Titans were the first gods of any galaxy in space - they were the first ever spawns of the Space Creators, and they created Senato and the Sentients with the four basic elements - Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. However...as the Sentients evolved, the Ancient Titans remained primitive and they got cold-hearted and moved to the dark sides, and tried to overthrow Senato numerous times, but we ended up sealing them in tombs in the Shadow Zone," Sawkus explained.


"Yes, thank you for the backstory," Terramos said sarcastically. "But there is so much more you don't know..."


"How did this joker even get out of his tomb?" Laneld asked.


"I have made a telepathic connection with the Shadow Warriors...I called to them to release me from my prison, and they did..they dug up my tomb and set me free not too long ago," Terramos said.


"Is this guy really a threat?" Dash asked. "He's just a walking shadow with fancy symbols and stone stuff in his body."


"He is cursed," Kygox said. "The four Ancient Titans were cursed for their misdeeds and cannot ever leave the Shadow Zone, even if they are freed."


"Haha, so how are these dudes a threat, then?" Nora said.


"I told you to not get too over-confident, they can still be a threat," Darsun said. "You don't know who you are up against."


"Right she is, come on at me, I dare you," Terramos laughed.


"Fine!" Laneld yelled, and he went charging at him.


"Laneld, stop!" Daxon yelled, but it was too late.


Terramos stomped the ground and it made a pillar lift up Laneld and smash him out of the castle.


"LANELD!" They all yelled.


Laneld then came flying down back into the castle, and a Red Sentient soldier grabbed him, and fired their staffs at Terramos, but they did nothing to him.


"Darsun was right, none of you stand a chance against me!" Terramos laughed.


Nathan charged at him and tried to attack him again, but Terramos stomped the ground, however, Nathan dodged the pillar blast.


"Not bad...but can you take this?" Terramos asked, as he made dark rocks appear in his hands and he shot them at Nathan like a gun, but Nathan used his shield to deflect them, and as Nathan put his shield down to attack, Terramos punched him right through the wall.


"Oh no, Nathan!" Master Daksas yelled, and he got out of the wall, and his armor was dented a lot.


"Are you alright?" Darsun asked.


"Yeah...but my armor is a bit damaged," Nathan said.


Just then, a bunch of Shadow Warriors began crawling from everywhere and began to attack.


"We must flee back to Senato, we are no match for them!" Sawkus said, smashing through the Shadow Warriors with his hammer.


"We can't quit now!" Nora said.


"We would look like cowards," Laneld said, slicing through another Shadow Warrior.


"Sometimes, we must make decisions others don't like, and we are not ready to fight the Ancient Titans," Darsun said.


Sawkus threw the Shadow Zone key in the air, and he jumped through the portal.


Just then, we see a few soldiers got caught by the Shadow Warriors and were turned into Shadow Warriors themselves due to too many blasts.


"Oh no.." Daxon said.


"Don't worry, just keep going," Master Daksas said, and the rest went into the portal.


"Here is one last gift from me," Terramos said, looking into the portal.


He shot a giant purple blast through the portal and it went straight across Senato.


"DUCK AND COVER!" PJ yelled, and the blast went flying straight to Korax's old hideout. The portal then closed, with Terramos laughing.


"Whoa, is that some shooting star?" A Blue Sentient said, looking in the sky.


We cut to Korax's old hideout and the four Red Sentients see the purple beam.


"Uh..Kuri, what is that?" Krosis asked, as the giant blast came their way.


"Oh boy.." Kyton said, and they all jumped as it made a huge explosion, and magma bursted everywhere. The Red Rarks then began to turn..Purple!


"Take over the planet..spread the Dark Mutant Chemical.." Terramos commanded to the Purple Rark army, which emerged from the destroyed hideout, and we see the magma had stopped flowing.


"New orders..commencing Operation: Mutation," a Purple Rark said, and they began to move out towards Senato, with flying Purple Rarks, Purple Rark Scouter robots, walking Purple Rarks, and of course mobile Purple Rarks with weapons ready and everything!


"You all disobeyed my orders," Darsun said. "I am slightly disappointed in you - I told you to not get cocky and you all are in no condition to fight Terramos or the other Ancient Titans."


"We're sorry...we just wanted to help," Nathan said.


"Sometimes, it's best to leave it to the professionals," Sawkus said, trying to cheer him up.


"Well, it looks like we know what Terramos's gift was.." Nora said, pointing toward an army of Purple Rarks charging toward the Senato City.


"Oh my.." Darsun said.


"Please let us take them on, they are just Rarks, after all," Nathan said.


"Yeah, we can destroy any type of robot fools!" Dash said.


"Well...fine, but we will all help you, we are all a team, not just us," Darsun said.


"Alright everyone, we're going to take down this army...as a team," Nathan said, and they all went charging toward them in their vehicles.


We see Master Daksas get into his Blue Sentient Vehicle, which was the Hydro Splash.


"Are you sure you can fight?" Darsun asked.


"Yes, I'll be fine," Master Daksas said, and the Sentient Soldiers, Master Daksas, and USF went charging toward the Purple Rarks.


"Let's divide and conquer, agreed?" Nora suggested.


"Yup, and I think if we fuse, our strength could be enough to destroy these new Rarks," Zelleo said, as he blasted the Fuser, and he and Nora went into it, to form the CrushClaw.


A bunch of Purple Rarks began to storm the upper highway on Senato, and they were terrorizing Blue and Red Sentients driving across them, causing a huge traffic jam.


The CrushClaw jumped right in front of a ton of them.


"Operation: Destroy Large Vehicle has commenced," a Purple Rark said, and the walking ones began to fire at it with their machine guns on their arms.


"Yikes..don't let them hit us too much, these bullets could really put some heavy damage on the CrushClaw," Zelleo said.


"I'll keep note of that," Nora said, as they made it smash some of the Purple Rark vehicles and tossed them onto the walking ones.


We then see Laneld directing traffic on another road.


"THIS WAY, THAT WAY, HALT, STOP, GO, STOP, GO!" Laneld kept yelling, as he jabbed a Purple Rark behind him with his Purple Sword.


"Good job..sort of?" Nora said to him from the CrushClaw, and it went flying down to the other road to stop some more Purple Rarks.


"You know, it's a shame I don't have control of these Purple Rarks, I am purple and all," Laneld said.


"Yes, I get it," Dash said, as he went zooming through the highway and knocked more Purple Rarks off of it.


We see Kane, Nathan, Master Daksas, and PJ on another road, and they rammed into some Purple Rarks, and they went smashing into each other, and falling off the road, and into the fields below.


"Woo hoo, let's demolate these Rarks!" PJ yelled, as he began to scout through the road and the Purple Rarks were ramming into the front of the Ice Shredder one by one, and he launched them all of the road, and the traffic of the Red and Blue Sentients kept moving.


Just then though, Purple Rark Scouters and Flying Purple Rarks began shooting lasers at the roads.


"Don't let those hit the pillars holding up the roads!" Master Daksas said, and he blasted a water blast from the Hydro Splash at some of them, and they were disabled.


Kane blasted electric bolts at them all, and it blew them up.


"Good job!" PJ said, and he rammed into another Purple Rark, and it grinded in half.


We then cut to the fields below the roads, and see a Purple Rark walking through them. Some of the Mutant Chemical had spilled all over the crops and sentient flowers due to the crashed Purple Rark vehicles.


"It seems that the chemical has spilled all over, now commencing - Operation: Cleanup," the Purple Rark said, and he stepped into the chemical.


Just then, the chemical began to react weirdly and the weeds and flowers began to cover him.


"ERROR: Unidentified substance infecting systems...." It said, and we see weeds popping out of the Purple Rark and it began to grow bigger...


Back on the road, we see everyone had cleaned up the mess of the Purple Rarks, and they were pushing them off the bridges. A clean-up crew was cleaning up the purple chemical that was spilling, and the debris.


"What is that purple chemical stuff, anyways?" A Blue Sentient asked to Master Daksas.


"It is a highly unstable chemical that can mutate anything it touches with another substance," Master Daksas said.


"Well, hopefully nobody got caught in that stuff," Nora said.


"Oh right, I need to ask for more autographs, I did a stunning job of stopping those Purple Rarks and directing traffic," Laneld said.


Just then, we see a bunch of steel weeds began to cover the bridge they were on.


"For goodness sake, can we ever get a break?!" Nora yelled.


"Hey, that rhymed," Dash said.


We see a giant purple plant monster that was covered in iron and weeds, and it had Purple Rark eyes. It began to shoot lasers at the bridge.


"And that's what happens when something is mutated!" Master Daksas said, panicing.


"Don't worry, I can trim this weed with the Splitvire," Nathan said.


"And the Ice Shredder...but we can't fuse sadly," PJ said.


"Oh well, at least we can split up," Nathan said. "Guys, get the Sentients and everyone else off the road."


"Will you be fine?" Nora asked.


"We've got it handled, and I'm not getting too cocky," Nathan said, as he began to zoom up and sliced some of the weeds.


"Good luck against Iron Weed," Laneld said.


"...Iron Weed?" Dash asked.


"Well, I figured he deserved his own name," Laneld said, and he drove away with the others.


PJ began to blast ice at the weeds and sliced them all, making "Iron Weed" smash into a pillar, slightly denting it.


Nathan blasted a laser at it, but it didn't do anything, and he tried to slice it with the chainsaw in the Splitvire, but it smashed him across the road.


"Time for a ramp launch!" Nathan yelled to PJ, and he made the back of the Ice Shredder deploy a ramp.


Nathan went zooming off of it and fired lasers at well and sliced through the weeds of the monster and he went flying off the road, and landed on the grassy ground below.


The beast's weeds began to crack and fall apart, and it went falling to the ground, and it seemed to have died.


"You guys did it!" Nora said to him, as PJ drove down from the road.


"You did well, and you stopped a potential takeover," Darsun said. "Even thought you slightly disobeyed me earlier, you have redeemed yourselves."


"So..party time?" Zelleo asked.


"Party time," Darsun said, and we see everyone at the new tournament, with people dining at tables and people partying.


Nathan was at a table with the Council, and he seemed upset.


"What's wrong, pal?" Kufon asked to him.


"I feel like we didn't save anything...Terramos is still on the loose, and who knows what he'll do next. Plus, he badly beat us up.." Nathan said.


"But..you still defeated his army. You cannot win every battle. You lost one of many to come," Master Daksas said, re-assuring him. "The Ancient Titans aren't as easy to beat as simply slicing a Rark in half."


"He's right, and you are still a great leader in our eyes," Kygox said.


"Yeah, I feel better now. Let's party, people!" Nathan said, as fireworks blasted everywhere.


We then cut to Terramos's castle in the Shadow Zone, and see him sitting on a throne, with a portal viewing the party.


"So they think they are safe for now.." Terramos said, and he stomped the ground, causing some cracks in the ground. "But not for long...soon I will free the others, and they will regret ever messing with me," Terramos laughed.





-Character Debuts: Terramos, Sentient Soldiers, "Iron Weed", Purple Rarks

-Area Debuts: Senato City, Senato Highway, Shadow Castle

-Vehicle Debuts: Hydro Splash

-The gang gets their old vehicles back, and they get new armor along with swords and shields.

-We learn about the Ancient Titans - who created Senato and the Sentients, but turned on their own kind when they started to become primitive while the Sentients evolved. They were banished to the Shadow Zone, and have been cursed; they cannot leave the Shadow Zone.

-The Ancient Titans represent Earth (Terramos), Fire, Water, and Air.

-Terramos has invented a mutant chemical which he plans to use to mutate everyone on Senato back to a primitive state.

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