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Halibooty's Top 100 Songs of All Time


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Well I may as well continue :P I forgot about this.

55 // CAN // PAPERHOUSE // 1971
Krautrock is one hell of a genre. For those who don't know, Krautrock is a version of prog rock that originated in Germany. Like traditional US and UK prog, it utilizes a lot of experimental new techniques. Unlike normal prog, it's a lot stiffer and less theatrical. This isn't even close to a bad thing, though. This song is fucking incredible. Can is one of the more familiar names of the scene. They're catchy as all hell, and absolutely terrifying if they want to. I chose one of their much more accessible songs, but it doesn't make it any less good. It's just a strange, awesome song. Can is an otherworldly band.

54 // THIRD EYE BLIND // JUMPER // 1998

Some people like to make fun of this song for being sappy and all, but I can't help but just love it. Yeah, the lyrics are undeniably cheesy, but it's surprisingly empowering regardless. The best part of the song is the climax at about the 3/4th mark with the guitar work, and then the last repetition of the chorus. I get why some people may dislike this song, but I'm not gonna stop adoring it anytime soon.

Black Flag are gods. Henry Rollins is a god. This song is a religious experience. If you go into this song expecting a run-of-the-mill fast hardcore punk song, you'll be surprised. This song jerks you around from speedy to slow, and it all works insanely well. The song basically makes you feel like banging your head against a wall. Also, did I forget to tell you that Henry Rollins is a god? His vocals never, ever fail to disappoint in this song, and take it to a whole other level. Black Flag for life.

It's so hard to find a song from the 60s, or any song in general, that is as insanely happy and cheery as this one. Anyone who's never heard this song before probably lives under a rock, as the entire world probably has the song stuck in their heads. The chorus is without a doubt the most awesome part with a soaring choir and some trumpet to top it all off. Try to listen to this song without suddenly feeling happy, it's pretty difficult. It's a good thing that the stuff in between the choruses are slightly weaker because it just makes you more excited to hear the peak of the song. This song is just about technically perfect. What's not to love?

51 // BJORK // OH SO QUIET // 1995
There aren't many artists that get more unfair shit than Bjork. She has a handful of really strong haters, which is pretty sad. Yes, she goes against the grain. Yeah, her voice is an acquired taste. All I have to say is so fucking what!? Bjork is an amazing, insanely talented musician. How in the hell could people not like her? This song is one of her stranger ones, admittedly. The lyrics are kinda creepy if you pay attention them, and the soft chimes with the happy swing music doesn't help. Once you listen to it a couple of times though, be lucky if it doesn't get its own permanent space in your brain. On the surface, stuff like the screaming seems obnoxious, but it fits the tone in this almost ironically positive-sounding song. Anyone who doesn't love this goddess can leave.

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OK Computer



While there are obviously some bands that have a shitton of critical acclaim that I subjectively can't fully appreciate musically, I think Radiohead is awesome. Sure, they can be overrated, but overall, they're great. OK Computer is an outright incredible album, and my favorite track of that album and Radiohead overall is No Surprises. (Electioneering comes really close.) There's something really emotional about this song. I just love every part of it, and the music video has a lot to admire as well. Just a beautiful song by a band that really deserves their praise.










You know, I like Daft Punk and all, but my days of obsessing over them are behind me. That being said, they're an incredible group, and I still love plenty of their songs to pieces. I kind of expected an older song of theirs to pop up on this list like Digital Love or One More Time, but I have to say, this song off of Random Access Memories is my all-time favorite Daft Punk song. The beat is simple yet very effective. Guest singer Julian Casablancas of The Strokes fame's vocals bring this song to the top level of Daft Punk songs for me, though. His voice is utterly incredible in this song, and this entire song is just so beautiful and brilliant. A work of art.









I have no shame in loving this song as much as I do, and I love it a lot. It's kind of strange to me too, because I know absolutely nothing about Shania Twain except for the fact that she's a really famous country-pop singer. I've never heard a single other song of hers and I think I know the name of only a couple others. That being said, I just remember seeing this song on one of those cheesy VH1 countdowns and it really intrigued me so I listened to the whole song, and I was hooked immediately. Yeah, this song is kind of cheesy in its sadness, but it works 100% for me. I hope I'm not the only one on here who loves this song this much.











Rarely have I heard a song that has motivated me as much as this one. Yeah, I know, feeling motivated out of this song would probably be a punchline by many people, but I seriously mean it. This song tells me that everything's gonna be alright (alright) and to just be brave, and I believe it. It's a bit of a shame these guys are considered one-hit wonders too, the album this came from, Bleed American is actually pretty good and should be given a listen. I don't think any song that Jimmy Eat World will make will be nearly as good as The Middle though, and the song makes me feel very happy.








Edited by Halibut
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Here are some of my thoughts on this really solid list (though there are still a bunch of songs on it I haven't listened to):

- I will never forgive you for putting I Love It in front of one of my favorite bands/albums/songs of all time. (lol jk) But seriously, what you call silly I call life-affirming.

- I like MGMT and find their second album Congratulations to be tremendously underrated. :funny:

- Have you listened to "Take Five" by Dave Brubeck? It's probably my personal favorite jazz song, coming from someone who also has almost no experience with the genre.

- lol what happened to numbers 50-41?

- Instant Crush is a cool song, respect.


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1 hour ago, SBManiac said:

Here are some of my thoughts on this really solid list (though there are still a bunch of songs on it I haven't listened to):

- I will never forgive you for putting I Love It in front of one of my favorite bands/albums/songs of all time. (lol jk) But seriously, what you call silly I call life-affirming.

- I like MGMT and find their second album Congratulations to be tremendously underrated. :funny:

- Have you listened to "Take Five" by Dave Brubeck? It's probably my personal favorite jazz song, coming from someone who also has almost no experience with the genre.

- lol what happened to numbers 50-41?

- Instant Crush is a cool song, respect.


50-41 got permanently deleted because of a mass data-loss a few days ago http://www.thesbcommunity.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12720-i-owe-sbc-an-apology

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Just now, SBManiac said:

Wow, that sucks. Have you tried just reposting them? I'd really like to know what those songs were, and I'm sure others would, too.

Nah man, I have all the writing gone and I forgot like 9 of the 10 songs i included on it. :(

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1 minute ago, Halibut said:

Nah man, I have all the writing gone and I forgot like 9 of the 10 songs i included on it. :(

Shit. Well, hope the rest of the list is as good as what you've posted so far. You're doing a real good job on it. 

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