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Best Season for Animation


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early season 4 must've had some leftover money from the movie going into it or something, because the animation has never been that loose, bouncy, or fun in the show's history, and it's never gotten back up there since. Couple that with a bunch of new artists who really brought new styles to the show and the old artists who still understood the show's look, and you've got the best season animation-wise for the show. It's a case of the boarders having done everything with SpongeBob's normal state and just exaggerating it, making him a little smaller, and pushing it to a more kinetic and expressive level. It's exciting to watch those episodes because they just have such a childlike energy to them that's so SpongeBob. It's undoubtedly the best, and it's sad watching it become more reined in as the season progresses.


S1-3 are all great for different reasons. 5's animation moved okay but a lot of the boards in the later half looked unpolished. 6 was an excercise in the animation becoming less rough from 5, but by Clash of Triton the animation was on the opposite end of the spectrum and the animation was clean-cut and cold and mechanical and all sense of life was pretty much gone. 7 is much of the same until the very tail end when the art started to improve. 8 is okay, better than 5-7, but it's still not great and while the animation feels like it's trying to loosen up, the designs for the characters at this point have become a lot harder to animate and they look kinda stiff. 9 is probably right in the middle of 4 and 8 quality wise.


but season 4 man, wow. good stuff.

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All the seasons have decent animation, but if I'd had to choose i'd go for Season 3's animation. I always felt the animation was the most appropriate for the show. While aspects of it might seem outdated by today's standards, it holds up pretty well for the most part. Probably one of the reason why it was so successful in its days.

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It's a toss-up between season 1 and season 9. I guess season 4's animation is objectively the best, but the second half was really bothersome. I don't know, maybe it's the brighter colors, or SpongeBob's design (which looks noticeably uglier than previous seasons).

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Seasons 1 and 4. I know this answer makes up half this thread, but you gotta love the hand-drawn animation in Season 1 and everything from Season 4, aside from some character models that look a little off. (Fear of a Krabby Patty, anyone?)

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