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My first day of college is August 31, I'm super nervous.

I'll start college too. I'm also nervous but kind of excited.


I start middle school on the 19th. Why so early? That was barely two months.


I'm starting high school in about a month and I am so ecstatic! I hope I have a good time during my four years, and I hope I reach all of my goals.


I start middle school on the 19th. Why so early? That was barely two months.

As I've stated I'm fresh out of middle school and I'm feeling nice so why not give you some tips.


1- HOMEWORK. DO IT. Homework is a complete joke in 6th grade and it gets a little (keep little) worse in 7th and 8th (Idk about where you are it probably differs then). Do your homework. That's how you'll get good grades and stuff and as I said, homework is a joke in 6th grade (I had more homework in 5th grade then 6th. HELL, I think I might have had more homework in 5th than 8th.) But yeah you get the point do your homework. Same goes with classwork but I think you get the points. Also for studying in my opinions if you have the ability to ask yourself questions do that instead of reading over notes or a study guide 100 times in a row or something


2- Social life. Oh god social life. Everyone is pretty much finding their place the first week but then everyone will find their friends and stuff and it's middle school so there will be new people! And new people means new friends and new enemies... Hooray? If anyone bullies you I advise to ignore it IF YOU CAN (I hate how a lot of jackasses are like "just ignore it and it'll go away!" because it doesn't work for many people) and if that doesn't work tell a teacher I guess. You may have cliques where you live but where I am I pretty much have the "popular" boys and girls and just everyone else. Then there's the couples and just... yeah.. Middle school couples are some of the worst (that i know of, I'm only 14) and they're just annoying and think they're hot shit because they have girlfriends. Like, basically no middle school relationships last.


I guess that's all i've really got. If you want to know more, just ask me. 


As I've stated I'm fresh out of middle school and I'm feeling nice so why not give you some tips.


1- HOMEWORK. DO IT. Homework is a complete joke in 6th grade and it gets a little (keep little) worse in 7th and 8th (Idk about where you are it probably differs then). Do your homework. That's how you'll get good grades and stuff and as I said, homework is a joke in 6th grade (I had more homework in 5th grade then 6th. HELL, I think I might have had more homework in 5th than 8th.) But yeah you get the point do your homework. Same goes with classwork but I think you get the points. Also for studying in my opinions if you have the ability to ask yourself questions do that instead of reading over notes or a study guide 100 times in a row or something


2- Social life. Oh god social life. Everyone is pretty much finding their place the first week but then everyone will find their friends and stuff and it's middle school so there will be new people! And new people means new friends and new enemies... Hooray? If anyone bullies you I advise to ignore it IF YOU CAN (I hate how a lot of jackasses are like "just ignore it and it'll go away!" because it doesn't work for many people) and if that doesn't work tell a teacher I guess. You may have cliques where you live but where I am I pretty much have the "popular" boys and girls and just everyone else. Then there's the couples and just... yeah.. Middle school couples are some of the worst (that i know of, I'm only 14) and they're just annoying and think they're hot shit because they have girlfriends. Like, basically no middle school relationships last.


I guess that's all i've really got. If you want to know more, just ask me. 


It's also middle school. It matters the least. You already have your friends from elementary school so you stick with them because the social hierarchy doesn't start forming until 8th grade, middle school girls aren't even hot so you won't be distracted by them, and your classes won't matter that much because colleges aren't looking at your middle school transcripts. High school is when things start to take shape, and then that only lasts for four years.

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I'm almost done with my bachelor's degree in college (going on my 4th year). You guys make me feel really, really old x______x


My advice for everyone in school, speaking as someone who has been out of K-12 school for years:

  • Do your homework.
  • Get involved as much as possible in clubs, sports, groups, music, drama.. - trust me, you will thank yourself later that you were involved.
  • Study! Grades actually do matter.
  • If you can take AP/IB/Honors courses, do it, but if you can't, that's okay too.
  • Take classes that challenge you rather than the easier classes.
  • Procrastination is okay, but make sure that your procrastination isn't going to make your grade worse.
  • Friends and enemies come and go, but chances are you will only ever see maybe 1 or 2 people out of the entire school in your life again once you graduate - so don't worry about what others think. Are you happy with yourself? That's all that matters.

For college:

  • Focus on you. It sounds selfish, but you will probably meet 500 people freshman year and only see maybe 2-3 make it to junior year. It's the sad reality. Only 56% of college students finish their degrees, so there's a painful truth that some of your friends won't make it to graduation with you. So, instead, focus on you, your grades, your life, and where you want to be in a few years rather than others.
  • Adjusting to living on your own is harder than you think.
  • Bills are the spawn of Satan.


I think that's about it. :) Do well in school this upcoming year!



  • High school is the best time of your life. This isn't some old person saying. It's actually true :( Life goes downhill after high school, so enjoy it while you can!
  • Friends and enemies come and go, but chances are you will only ever see maybe 1 or 2 people out of the entire school in your life again once you graduate - so don't worry about what others think. Are you happy with yourself? That's all that matters.


Not true even a little bit. Both of those are totally dependent on you as a person. I hated high school and thought it was the worst time I could've possibly had and my life got so much better once I got to art school and the only memories I have from high school anymore are awful ones about how I looked or what people were saying about me. It wasn't fun at all. I also still regularly see my friends when I'm home from school because we're like-minded people and I've been friends with one of them since kindergarten and another since 5th grade and if you bother making a bond with people you like and have a good time with then that bond isn't going to just end once you stop seeing each other every day. It's easier than ever to keep tabs on people from high school now - if you liked hanging out with the people you grew up with then there's no reason why they should fall out of your life a couple years after high school unless you just were only friends because you saw each other in class and figured it'd be easy to be friends.



  • High school is the best time of your life. This isn't some old person saying. It's actually true :( Life goes downhill after high school, so enjoy it while you can!
  • Don't do anything that you will regret or hate later.


Mostly good advice, but I feel the need to counterpoint these two...


Termi said it best about the first one. It's all about who you are as a person, your mindset, your experiences, everything. This is coming from someone who couldn't stand college for the life of them. Just because you're done with high school does not mean "Welp, it's all downhill from here!". There's people who hated being kids and enjoy being adults more. There's people who only go through the quarter-life crisis depression phase for a year or two while others can go through it for a considerably longer time. There's people who are unhappy just because of anxiety and depression and people who are unhappy just because they're not satisfied with life. It's all random because we're all different.


As for the second one...that is absolutely begging to be reworded to "Try your best not to do anything you may regret or hate later". We're...not perfect, needless to say. Everyone does things they later come to regret. It's just life, we live and we learn.


Adjusted my list accordingly. Honestly though, a simple "this isn't the best advice for everyone" would have sufficed.


It's so sad that everyone here only has 1 week before school. Come on, give these guys more time. August is not a good time for studying.

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