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Fanfiction News and Announcements


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Since this a Spin Off News AND Announcements, I'll do an announcement right here, right now.

I've finished SB Community's main site.


There's the link...it's long. 428899.gif

... Pretty sure it's announcements about your spin-offs and your spin-off career ._.

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Time for the final revelation of a new character until the show returns tonight. This isn't the last Season Two character, but it will be the last one I'm revealing.

Marco: A really nice guy who's been making friends easily. Then, he gets some bad news from his doctor that will forever change his life.

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Okay, I'm new to this whole spin-off business. And between my creativity lacking and the fact that I've been busy, Tentacle High shall be a one-season wonder.

I'll do 9 more episodes to close off the first season. After that, put it in the "deceased" spin-offs, and maybe I'll resurrect it when I come back with better ideas.

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Okay, I'm new to this whole spin-off business. And between my creativity lacking and the fact that I've been busy, Tentacle High shall be a one-season wonder.

I'll do 9 more episodes to close off the first season. After that, put it in the "deceased" spin-offs, and maybe I'll resurrect it when I come back with better ideas.

Awww, that sucks. Hopefully it will come back or you'll come up with a new idea.
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Turns out the virus infected EVERYTHING aside from FireFox (no hyperbole, folks.) And well... Everything includes Microsoft Word. I'll possibly be sending my computer to be fixed tomorrow, if not then definitely sometime this week, and since I've never had a virus this bad before, not sure when this'll be done. Of course, you guys wouldn't have to wait if my anti-virus software wasn't so God awful.

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News about Bikini Top

New episode posted. Expect more soon. I'd go into detail with spoilers and stuff but I am on my iPod so I don't feel like it. I've been laying in bed for a while, but now I might actually go to sleep. Ino, teh shock valuez are outta control!!!

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News about Bikini Top

New episode posted. Expect more soon. I'd go into detail with spoilers and stuff but I am on my iPod so I don't feel like it. I've been laying in bed for a while, but now I might actually go to sleep. Ino, teh shock valuez are outta control!!!

Teh shock valuez are ovah 9000. *brick'd*

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Okay, I'm new to this whole spin-off business. And between my creativity lacking and the fact that I've been busy, Tentacle High shall be a one-season wonder.

I'll do 9 more episodes to close off the first season. After that, put it in the "deceased" spin-offs, and maybe I'll resurrect it when I come back with better ideas.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I loved that show! It's a shame it's ending....305752.gif

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NEWS About MermaidMan : The Brave and The Bold!

So some of you may or may not have seen my newest episode, and Mizzak make his first actual appearence. Now, some people noticed he acted a bit hyper and yeah, i wanted him to be hyper. Some people thought he was japaneese ( sp?) but who could blame them, his name is kind of japanish. Anyways, here is a sneak peak for titles of upcoming episodes :

MermaidMan Vs. Team Shapeshifter ( Part 1)

The Maze Of Shapes and Sorrow ( Part 2)

To Victory and Beyond! ( Part 3)

I promise they will come this week.

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Okay, so one thing: I've been thinking about the death. I've decided who will die. If you want to be spoiled, well, click on the spoiler tag.



Shocking huh? If you didn't click on it, good for you! 125508.gif You want to be surprised when it happens and that's great. You can 'enjoy' the shocking occurrence even moreso than I already guarantee you will.

Okay, more Bikini Top news.... Remember how in all the episodes it says '(Theme plays)'? Well, I don't know what the theme song for the show is, but I want one. So if you like Bikini Top, and you like writing music, then send me your idea for the theme song. It has to be a full song, and it has to have a chorus, and at least 2 verses. Other than that, have fun with it. The winner might be mentioned in one of my spin-offs, I give them spoilers, and maybe even a mention in the next Update, whenever that will be.

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NEWS About MermaidMan : The Brave and The Bold

This week, there will be a week of new episodes. 125508.gif 2 have aired so far and hopefully i will get the others up.

Monday- Team MermaidMan Assemble! ( Aired)

Tuesday- The Clone on The other side of The Sea ( Aired)

Wednesday- MermaidMan Vs. Team Shapeshifter ( Part 1)

Thursday- The Maze of shapes and Sorrow ( Part 2)

Friday- To Victory and Beyond! ( Part 3)

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Let's see....

- Crapload of homework

- Helping my fake girlfriend babysit the spawns of Satan

- Going to a Muse concert with my friends

- Failing two classes

- Need time to learn how to ride a unicycle

Yea... Don't expect episodes of either of my shows until like... St Patrick's Day at the earliest.

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The Island Sponge hasn't aired in awhile but we will be returning tonight with Episode 11.


This show is on hiatus. I'm way too busy right now. I WILL return to it when I don't have a full plate.


I've given it thought and this show will run for only 2 seasons.

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NEWS About MermaidMan : The Brave and The Bold

Well, MermaidMan beat Team Shapeshifter. I can't really say what is in store next, but i have some surprises in store..

Oh and just a note to 70s, but i'm having trouble pasting episodes of The Misadventures of Patrick onto Tv.com due to a glitch. So if 70 is reading this, i would like to let him know there probably i probably won't paste episodes until the glitch is fixed ( That is if the mods ever decide to fix it..).

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Just realized I should do this-

It's time for the first season of The Guitar Lord... on DVD!!

FRONT COVER: Picture of a guitar that says "THE ROCKIN' FIRST SEASON" on it. Above that is the show's logo.

SIDE: The show's logo, as well as the words "The Complete First Season Collection."

BACK: "There's a lot more to Zeus than a dorky wannabe. And this two-disc, six episode collection of the first season of the hit show will teach you that, and give you comedy, and some drama! Some of the characters are Zeus and his band, Aphrodite, and Hermes. The first season focuses on their band's beginning, and the beginning of the public access show being successful. Highlights include a musical performance, the arrival of a villain, and the season finale... a broken guitar! Yes, the iconic symbol of the show, destroyed! See all this and more in the entire first season, with loads of special features, including the pilot episode of the hit show, Bikini Top."



Unsuccessfulness is the Worst (Pilot) [commentary by that70sguy92]

Auditions [commentary by the voices of Aphrodite and Hades]

Totally Evil! [commentary by that70sguy92]

Replacing Hades [commentary by that70sguy 92 and the voices of Aphrodite and Hermes]

The Very First Musical Performance [commentary by the voices of The Fishez]

Broken Guitar [commentary by that70sguy92 and the voices of Zeus and Hades]


Pilot (Bikini Top)

Scripts for Auditions, Replacing Hades, and Broken Guitar

Storyboards for all episodes

Interview with creator that70sguy92

Interview with the voice of Brianna

Interview with the voice of Zeus

Interview with the voice of Hades

Character Bios

All the songs!

Yes, all this for just $12.99! Can't be more than that since the first season is pretty short. 428899.gif

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Season 2 will premiere March 9. And there is a confirmed Season 3 which will probably premiere sometime in September or August. A new episode called, "I Can't Hear," will air tomorrow night. It is about Marmaduke losing his hearing and having to learn sign language.


The show will return Wednesday night with Episode 11 after a long break. jjsthekid will join us in Season 2.


This show is on hiatus until I'm done working on Season 2 of The Years Before Spongebob.


I said I would bring this show back, but right now I have a full plate so I will resume maybe in July, June, or May, because I'm way to busy right now.


This show has been officially cancelled.

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NEWS About MermaidMan : The Brave and The Bold!

So what is in store for Team MermaidMan? Well the next team is... *drumroll*

Team Ghoul!

lol what? Yeah that's the team who kept laughing and made some cameos and may have caused Barnacle Boy to crash.. oops.

Well they are like a scary gang and they act scary somewhat. Hopefully i will get the next episode up later today or tomorrow.

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