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William Leonard

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Status Updates posted by William Leonard

  1. Ha ha! Hello kids, I am the Question Hound! There is not a question I cannot answer!

    1. Cha


      when is km going to get a season 3 question hound

    2. William Leonard
  2. Here in Ireland we call SpongeBob 'Roibeárd de Spúinse Ó Bríste Cearnógacha'.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      What do you call ice cream, if you don't mind me asking?

    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      Such a foolish question, but...so, you're Irish, right?

    4. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Why of course.

      (By the way, ice cream is 'uachtar reoite' in Irish.)

  3. Hey! Hey! Shine the flashlight on that car, Man Ray.

    1. OWM


      Hey man, that's not cool.

    2. Macseed


      Ah, Makeout Reef. Good times, good times.

    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      hey i'm here. and no thank you *pops the dirty bubble*

  4. hooooly shit a comic i posted on tumblr suddenly got 1000 notes overnight

    1. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      thank god it was a comic that i'm really proud of

  5. hot damn i was away for a week on vacation and i come back to EOTM

  6. Huh. I never knew I had 200 posts. I must check my profile more often.

  7. I just swatted a fly with a ballpoint pen. That deserves some kind of award or something.

  8. I bought Portal yesterday only to find that I cannot install it on our Mac because it's like a seven gigabyte download. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Yeah I installed it on my PC and it actually runs surprisingly fast. Like way faster than I would have expected from a seven-year-old PC that takes two whole minutes to open a web browser.

  9. I call it "Rippy Bits"! You take a bunch of old ripped-up paper, and you make hentai out of it! See? You're on top... this... time. *blows away paper*

    1. kev


      how is this possible? xD

    2. MMM


      boku no paper

  10. I can't make new topics or edit my posts for some reason. It gives me error messages whenever I try to do so.

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      Are you sure? It might be an issue with your browser, because I can post just fine.

    2. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Eh, it's probably just due to the fact that I use the forums on an iPad.

  11. I don't understand IRC. I never have.

    1. SG19


      I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually.

    2. Clappy


      Well it's still new, so give it some time. :)

  12. I have always noticed that whenever your parents tell a relative about how good your exam scores are, they always say, 'Well sure, he should be a doctor.'

    1. travisplatypus


      But I don't want to be a doctor! That would be gross!

    2. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Exactly my reaction.

      I'm too squeamish.

    3. travisplatypus
  13. I have always noticed that whenever your parents tell a relative about how good your exam scores are, they always say, 'Well sure, he should be a doctor.'

    1. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Seriously, people. Stop it.

  14. I have discovered a truly marvellous proof which this status is too small to contain.

    1. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      Haha, then post it as a comment.

  15. I just got an iPad 3 yesterday. :D

    1. Ron


      Awesome! Do you love it, or do you love it? :P

    2. William Leonard
    3. TJ
  16. I just lost what I think is my last baby tooth. You're looking at a proper MAN.

  17. I put way too much mustard on everything I eat.

    1. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      honey mustard is god's way of saying he loves us

    2. William Leonard
  18. I should set up a business on Glove World making title cards for people's spin-offs.

  19. i started a spin-off over on SBFW last july, but never finished it. now that i've started work on it again, i figure i'd post what i've written so far on SBC. check it out if you want!

  20. I took in a little stray kitten the other day. She keeps jumping up on top of me and stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cha


      Awww how adorable.

    3. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      That's good karma, my friend.

    4. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      My sister named her Angel.

  21. I used to make arrow-to-the-knee jokes... before I took a projectile to the patella.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      I used to be a smart ass, then I took a foot to the behind.

    3. box


      I used to run cooking classes, then I took a punch to the face.

    4. Webizoid


      I used to spam, but then I took a boost to the maturity.

  22. I watched 'Battleship' last night. Mind. Blown.

    1. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      So it really is that shitty.

    2. SG19


      Um, he's probably thinking the exact opposite.

    3. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      My mind is still blown at the thought of Rihanna acting.

  23. I wish I stopped getting notifications about new status updates. That's just un-needed.

  24. I wonder why nobody's said anything about London 2012 yet.

  25. I'll be on a school trip to Italy from now until Monday, soooo I won't be here. (Then again, when AM I ever here?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sbl


      ik, but a trip to italy for school. lol, that's going to be long.

    3. sbl


      we'll miss you tho

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