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Jjs Goodman

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About Jjs Goodman

  • Birthday 03/04/1997


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    Twitter's Lawyer

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  1. let’s go eevee and let’s go pikachu are the Solo: A Star Wars Story of Pokémon 

    and if it isn’t obvious I don’t mean that in a flattering way to say the least 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Man Patrick

      Old Man Patrick

      Let's Go: A Pokemon Story

    3. Clappy


      Wait how do you have the game already? And that comparison is very telling.

    4. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      @Clappy I don't have it early, I was just saying that based on everything I learned from the leaks I've been reading and I think that's a fair comparison to make after everything I now know lol (although given everything I know I may as well have played the games already)

      like I'm still going to get eevee just to see how it is on my own and of course the games are gonna do well money wise regardless (fuckin duh) unlike Solo but much like that quality wise, ehhh...I'm just not feeling this, but if you want a more laid back and "back to basics" approach and don't care about a lot of features being removed then perhaps you'll surprisingly enjoy them

      however, they're basically just FireRed and LeafGreen in HD (except no Sevii Islands oops) with a bit of Yellow/manga inspiration, Go mechanics, a few minor character/story changes and some admittedly nice quality of life improvements but even the things I like aren't really enough for me unfortunately, and I can't promise these are worth the $60 depending on your tastes

      there's gen 8 next year so I'm not really mad over the games' existence like most of the internet, I'm just mostly baffled by some of the decisions made 

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