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matako backstory, taking place the day after the Popularity Polls (was totally gonna add this in a chap and add some secret twist regarding her and Shinsuke, but I’m still gonna wait to tell what it is.)


It was Christmas morning as Bansai, Matako and Takechi walked across the ship on their way to the central lobby. They were ordered to along with the rest of the Kiheitai by Shinsuke, unknowingly why. The green and red festive designs on the walls and the blasting heater inside helped make the exciting but nerve wrecking atmosphere. 

“Uggh this early morning, on a holiday.” Matako rubbed the sleep from her eyes but her elbow bumped Bansai’s side, nearly spilling his Nesquik hot cocoa. He scoweled a little.

”Oh please, you take your chocolate milk like it’s a sacred thing, Senpai.” Matako laughed.

“Well it’s all apart of the holiday spirit Matako-chan. See?” Bansai smiled and pointed to his hand snitched Christmas sweater with an anapan pattern on it. 

“Quick, Takechi-senpai. Call 911. Because Bansai is losing it again. No wait, he would probably like the idea of being handcuffed and tossed into a jail cell by a cop.” She whispered and smirked, causing Bansai to scrunch his nose and frown like a little kid.

“Ok, but we are terrorists so it’s gonna take a bit of number masking to make this work.” Takechi taking it literal, whipped out his phone.

When they got there, they noticed Zura’s Jouishishi clan standing there and waiting as well.

“Senpai, what are Zurako’s men doing in this ship? Isn’t it bad enough she’s had to be here all this month already?” Matako whispered next to Bansai. Takechi was next to them as well.

“Hey I have no idea either, I’m just as in the dark as everyone else.” Bansai shrugged and took a sip of his steaming cocoa. 

“Perhaps Shinsuke-dono and Zurako-san are gonna bring up future plans for both our terrorist organizations to be alleys now. They seem pretty friendly with each other all this month. And over the past few months due to Shinsuke-dono’s mysterious return of his Sensei he’s been a lot more tame in our terrorist pursuits. So I wouldn’t doubt it if they have something thought out for all of us.” Takechi told them. 

“Oh lord please no..” Matako said with a sick look to her, she eyed Zura’s men in the back all playing on their PS3’s and talking on the phone as if they were gossiping chicks. “Working with them? They’re so.. cherry boy..” Some of the other Kiheitai men agreed and looked upon Zura’s men with disgust.

”Hey I caught a Digimon!” One of the Jouishishi said.

”But that’s Pokemon Go..” A Kiheitai man pointed to it.

”What’s Pokemon?” He asked and the Kiheitai man face palmed.

-Well you’re not exactly picture perfect either, sister.- Elizabeth used her sign and stood beside Matako. Her and the other two had confused expressions.

“Hey who’s the duck?” Matako whispered to her senpais. She then clutched onto Bansai’s arm which made him spill some of his cocoa on his weird cop obsession shirt.

“Hey jeez, what’s up?!” Bansai said a bit ticked off. “This sweater was specially hand woven in Malaysia Matako!”

“It’s Shinsuke-sama!” She looked at him as he now stood before the crowd. “Wait.. why is..” Shinsuke’s arm was in Zurako’s. Matako’s heart dropped.

“Good morning everyone. We’ve decided to bring you all here today for a big announcement and to put aside some rumors finally, hehe.” Shinsuke blushed, a sight his men never saw before. It shocked them a bit. “Come on Zurako, do you have any words?” He smiled at her, she blushed as well but then swallowed a big nervous gulp.

“I stand before you all today. You who I’ve all come to know briefly during my stay here.” Zurako pointed to the Kiheitai. “Thank you. I’ve enjoyed it all really I have. And you, my own men, who’ve stayed by my side for countless years now.”

”WE LOVE YOU ZURAKO-SAN!!” The Jouishishi loudly blubbered. Bansai and Matako plugged their ears.

“But now I’m finally admitting something I... was never comfortable really with revealing.. to anyone besides my Elizabeth. Well that is until Shinsuke came into my life again..” Zurako made a little smile. Shinsuke smiled back at her.

“What?” Matako said confused as was Bansai and Takechi.

“I’m.. bisexual. And last night Shinsuke and I, we well.. uh.. became a couple.” Zurako nervously wrung her hands, Shinsuke put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. 

The large terrorist crowd all had mixed expression, Katsura’s men cried joyful tears while the Kiheitai were all puzzled or shocked. Matako’s pupils shrunk, a look of fright and bewilderment came across her. 

“No..” She said silently.

“HA! I knew it!” Bansai said a bit too loud amongst them all. “The rumors spread around the ship were true.”

“I thought you were the one who started those rumors that those two coupled up, Bansai-dono.” Takechi commented. Bansai just sweatdropped and rubbed the back of his head.

-Katsura called me earlier this morning about it. Well, I’m not really sure about this supposed organization alliance even though he gave me daily updates on you Kiheitai while he was here for the Popularity Polls. Morally changed or not I still can’t trust that purple midget because of the past..- Elizabeth shifted her eyes. 

“Well, it’s a big change to us too now, uh, um large duck.” Bansai commented and then chuckled. “Guess we’ll have to start calling her Zurako-dono and Zurako-sama, isn’t that right Mata...ko..chan?” They looked around, she was no where in sight.

“Matako!” Bansai had ran to the part of the ship where her room was and Takechi was right behind him. But she slammed the door on them before they could enter. Bansai hit his hands against it as she started to cry. 

“Go away you two.” She sobbed out. 

“Matako! Open the door. We can talk about this.” Bansai tried to reassure his best friend.

“No.. there isn’t ANYTHING to talk about! Go the fuck away!” She sobbed more intensely and loudly.

Upset Bansai slid his back against the door to the ground as Takechi still stood there with his arms crossed and his usual blank expression. The snow outside was picking up into a blizzard storm. 

“I blew it. I really did.” Matako sniffed and cried again. She was resting her body on her bed, face first. Her mascara smeared against her sheets. “I had all these years to make a difference and tell him how I feel. And yet.. look at it now. I saw the look in Shinsuke’s eye. He’s dead set on bringing this relationship all the way to marriage. I’ve never seen him have it before with his past lovers but it’s the same look I always dreamed he would have..for me..” She shook her head and buried it in her pillow. 

Bansai didn’t know what to say, he looked like he was depressed or grief stricken, he stared down to the ground as more sobs were audibly heard from her bedroom. Takechi even looked a bit worried for her.

“Shouldn’t you at least tell Shinsuke-dono your feelings, Matako-chan? You owe him that for all these years we’ve been together as a family.”

Bansai looked up surprised at the the stone faced Takechi’s calm and collected words as usual. There was a moment of silence in Matako’s bedroom as well.

“Takechi-Senpai, why would he care?” The blonde woman rolled over on her back. “He barely notices me, talks to me. Barely anything. I don’t even exist in Shinsuke’s world. Especially in his little perfect relationship world now.” Matako sat up in bed, she peered outside the window to only see shades of white and grey from the storm. 

“Because dammit Matako, you are the heart and soul of this ship. You always have been.” Bansai picked himself up from the ground as flashbacks of the past flooded through the three’s heads. “And just because someone new like Katsura walked into our lives doesn’t change that. Even Shinsuke knows that. You’re his reason he even started the Kiheitai.”

Matako crossed her legs and wiped her makeup and tears. 

“I’m scared Bansai, Takechi. And not just because of Shinsuke-sama having a boyfriend. We’ve seen some crazy changes these few months. We’re not extreme terrorists anymore all because of Shinsuke-sama having that encounter with his teacher in a cabin the other month. It’s such a drastic change. Are we really gonna be making an difference in this country anymore?” Matako watched the snow fall on her windows.

“Didn’t we promise to follow Shinsuke-dono until the end no matter what?” Takechi commented and Bansai just smirked. 

“Until our legs give out and our body can’t take any more orders from his big mouth, if I recall.” Bansai joked. 

“You’re right, Takechi-senpai..” She sighed.

-Well If we’re gonna all work together, we’re gonna all have to take orders until every last one of our limbs fall off.-Elizabeth walked in the hallway to Bansai and Takechi which took them by surprise

“Zurako-san’s duck, I thought you were against the idea about a Jouishishi and Kiheitai alliance.” Takechi said to Elizabeth. She took a sip of a cup of cocoa she had in her flippers.

-I was, until remember hearing similar words from a long haired big mouth I know about a samurai’s word of always following their leader and fellow samurai until their deaths.- She signed. Bansai smiled.

“The name’s Kawakami Bansai. Say, that’s some fast paced sign making you have going there. Would you by chance be interested in exhanging those signs for some sticks? Our new band could always use a drummer.” He extended his hand out to her.

-Elizabeth and sure, looks like I’d barely have a role in this story if I said no, so.- She shook his hand.

“I can’t see out there, what’s going on?” Matako asked.

“Bansai-dono just asked our new duck friend Elizabeth-san to join the band.” Takechi commented, also shaking hands with her now.

“WHAT?!” Matako said loudly.


(This is suppose to be like a backflash Matako has after she quietly leaves the rest of her gang and Gintoki because doesn’t want to help rescue Katsura from the jail cell him and the other Jouis are in.)

Matako was heading to the dining room as usual for dinner. It was the largest room on the ship besides the lobby and the main deck. It consisted of several different tables, enough for a majority of the Kiheitai or Jouishishi members to all sit at. Ever since the faction merge two months ago, there was still sort of a sting between the two very different organizations because of personalities. Katsura’s men were more goofy but had very good battle strategies, Shinsuke’s men more serious but well in arm to arm combat. However, slowly by slowly the lines between the organizations was becoming blurry. You’d see Kiheitai inside Katsura’s Joui hideout or Jouishishi inside Shinsuke’s ship. And Matako was still uncomfortable with it. 

It was a huge change and she wasn’t sure if the Kiheitai even existed anymore and it saddened her. The thing she worked so hard for was being lost in all this mess. She sat down at the barren dinner hall, trying to get recent events out of her mind. That is, until he came through the kitchen doors.

“Matako-dono?” Katsura carrying out several utensils and napkins to put on them. “Are you alright? You look rather down.” Katsura said concernedly.

Of all people, of all fucking people it had to be him, right. Just Matako’s luck she thought to herself.

“Yeah I’m fine, Katsura-sama.” The sound of that sama part still left a sting in her mouth. 

“Okay. I don’t have dinner ready yet but I can make you a snack if you like.” Katsura smiled but she told him she’s alright. Katsura  looked a bit saddened. “Are you sure you’re alright Matako-dono? Your body language seems to say otherwise.” She was slouching on the table resting her cheek on her hand. 

“I’m fine.” Matako looked to the ground, her voice had no emotion. 

Katsura got up and went back to the kitchen. He came back moments later with two cold drinks. 

“I heard that Fanta is your favorite, mine too. Thought I was the only person who liked orange soda.” He smiled. Matako sighed and thanked him, taking the drink. There was a long silence as they sipped their drinks. But Katsura continued. “I know this a lot of change, our two factions merging and everything. Shinsuke improving himself into a better person which reflected on you Kiheitai as well. But seeing you sad like this really hurts me, as it would with any of my officers. Is there anything I can do to smooth things out more?”

Matako was surprised. She knew Katsura was very giving in nature and intentive to the crew individually but she just thought it was on an artificial surface level. That however didn’t change how she felt about him. However she couldn’t just outright say that she hated him for being Shinsuke’s husband or merging their factions in a big blob mess either.

“I really don’t know.” Matako could simply say. 

Did Matako really hate the collaboration though? Despite her feeling drowning in the voices of hundreds of these terrorists and in the shadow of Katsura, there was that one beacon of light, her band. At least she had them and could forget about her troubles on a tour or hanging out in the tour bus just goofing off. But she still felt empty for some reason within the organization itself. 

“I know this might not mean much to you or you might think it’s cheesy Matako-dono but seeing you as the only female in our organization was always inspiring to me.” Katsura made a little smile, Matako looked puzzled. “You see, for the longest time I struggled with being comfortable in my feminity. My whole life people always teased me for being a ‘girly boy’ or my long hair, so I always thought of being feminine as a distasteful thing for a man. I even called my old cross-dressing boss a ‘monster’ before I joined his bar due to my high insecurites and misconceptions of those kind of people. Heck, I AM those kind of people. And that isn’t a bad or shameful thing at all. But seeing you embrace adorable pink outfits while also being a strong leader was just a reminder to me that I’m not some kind of gay freak in a dress wearing lipstick.” Katsura fiddled with his apron he was wearing. “Maybe that also helped me a bit to come out. I think.. But I’m still rather sensitive about my sexuality I guess.. And maybe now I’m just rambling. Sorry.”  

She was surprised again at her boss’s genuineness. 

“It’s alright Katsura-sama. In fact I’m kind of honored you thought of me that way honestly.” She replied. Maybe it wasn’t really Katsura’s fault, it’s not like he was purposefully taking Shinsuke and the Kiheitai away from her. He was clueless about it. She sighed. 

“I’d like you to have this. I was saving it for this weekend but.” Katsura reached in his apron pocket and handed it to her, it was a coupon for a free medi/pedi. 

“Huh?” Matako asked.

“You see I go to this Edo salon with my gal pals every other week and I thought maybe.. you’d like to come with us sometime?” Katsura blushed a little and grinned. 

“A-alright..” She examined it. He gave her a big bear hug, which Matako didn’t like at first but shrugged. 


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On 10/6/2018 at 9:43 PM, A Real Live Ghost Mop?? said:

matako backstory, taking place the day after the Popularity Polls (was totally gonna add this in a chap and add some secret twist regarding her and Shinsuke, but I’m still gonna wait to tell what it is.)

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It was Christmas morning as Bansai, Matako and Takechi walked across the ship on their way to the central lobby. They were ordered to along with the rest of the Kiheitai by Shinsuke, unknowingly why. The green and red festive designs on the walls and the blasting heater inside helped make the exciting but nerve wrecking atmosphere. 

“Uggh this early morning, on a holiday.” Matako rubbed the sleep from her eyes but her elbow bumped Bansai’s side, nearly spilling his Nesquik hot cocoa. He scoweled a little.

”Oh please, you take your chocolate milk like it’s a sacred thing, Senpai.” Matako laughed.

“Well it’s all apart of the holiday spirit Matako-chan. See?” Bansai smiled and pointed to his hand snitched Christmas sweater with an anapan pattern on it. 

“Quick, Takechi-senpai. Call 911. Because Bansai is losing it again. No wait, he would probably like the idea of being handcuffed and tossed into a jail cell by a cop.” She whispered and smirked, causing Bansai to scrunch his nose and frown like a little kid.

“Ok, but we are terrorists so it’s gonna take a bit of number masking to make this work.” Takechi taking it literal, whipped out his phone.

When they got there, they noticed Zura’s Jouishishi clan standing there and waiting as well.

“Senpai, what are Zurako’s men doing in this ship? Isn’t it bad enough she’s had to be here all this month already?” Matako whispered next to Bansai. Takechi was next to them as well.

“Hey I have no idea either, I’m just as in the dark as everyone else.” Bansai shrugged and took a sip of his steaming cocoa. 

“Perhaps Shinsuke-dono and Zurako-san are gonna bring up future plans for both our terrorist organizations to be alleys now. They seem pretty friendly with each other all this month. And over the past few months due to Shinsuke-dono’s mysterious return of his Sensei he’s been a lot more tame in our terrorist pursuits. So I wouldn’t doubt it if they have something thought out for all of us.” Takechi told them. 

“Oh lord please no..” Matako said with a sick look to her, she eyed Zura’s men in the back all playing on their PS3’s and talking on the phone as if they were gossiping chicks. “Working with them? Theyre so.. cherry boy..” Some of the other Kiheitai men agreed and looked upon Zura’s men with disgust.

”Hey I caught a Digimon!” One of the Jouishishi said.

”But that’s Pokemon Go..” A Kiheitai man pointed to it.

”What’s Pokemon?” He asked and the Kiheitai man face palmed.

-Well you’re not exactly picture perfect either, sister.- Elizabeth used her sign and stood beside Matako. Her and the other two had confused expressions.

“Hey who’s the duck?” Matako whispered to her senpais. She then clutched onto Bansai’s arm which made him spill some of his cocoa on his weird cop obsession shirt.

“Hey jeez, what’s up?!” Bansai said a bit ticked off. “This sweater was specially hand woven in Malaysia Matako!”

“It’s Shinsuke-sama!” She looked at him as he now stood before the crowd. Wait.. why is..” Shinsuke’s arm was in Zurako’s. Matako’s heart dropped.

“Good morning everyone. We’ve decided to bring you all here today for a big announcement and to put aside some rumors finally, hehe.” Shinsuke blushed, a sight his men never saw before. It shocked them a bit. “Come on Zurako, do you have any words?” He smiled at her, she blushed as well but then swallowed a big nervous gulp.

“I stand before you all today. You who I’ve all come to know briefly during my stay here.” Zurako pointed to the Kiheitai. “Thank you. I’ve enjoyed it all really I have. And you, my own men, who’ve stayed by my side for countless years now.”

”WE LOVE YOU ZURAKO-SAN!!” The Jouishishi loudly blubbered. Bansai and Matako plugged their ears.

“But now I’m finally admitting something I... was never comfortable really with revealing.. to anyone besides my Elizabeth. Well that is until Shinsuke came into my life again..” Zurako made a little smile. Shinsuke smiled back at her.

“What?” Matako said confused as was Bansai and Takechi.

“I’m.. bisexual. And last night Shinsuke and I, we well.. uh.. became a couple.” Zurako nervously wrung her hands, Shinsuke put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. 

The large terrorist crowd all had mixed expression, Katsura’s men cried joyful tears while the Kiheitai were all puzzled or shocked. Matako’s pupils shrunk, a look of fright and bewilderment came across her. 

“No..” She said silently.

“HA! I knew it!” Bansai said a bit too loud amongst them all. “The rumors spread around the ship were true.”

“I thought you were the one who started those rumors that those two coupled up, Bansai-dono.” Takechi commented. Bansai just sweatdropped and rubbed the back of his head.

-Katsura called me earlier this morning about it. Well, I’m not really sure about this supposed organization alliance even though he gave me daily updates on you Kiheitai while he was here for the Popularity Polls. Morally changed or not I still can’t trust that purple midget because of the past..- Elizabeth shifted her eyes. 

“Well, it’s a big change to us too now, uh, um large duck.” Bansai commented and then chuckled. “Guess we’ll have to start calling her Zurako-dono and Zurako-sama, isn’t that right Mata...ko..chan?” They looked around, she was no where in sight.

“Matako!” Bansai had ran to the part of the ship where her room was and Takechi was right behind him. But she slammed the door on them before they could enter. Bansai hit his hands against it as she started to cry. 

“Go away you two.” She sobbed out. 

“Matako! Open the door. We can talk about this.” Bansai tried to reassure his best friend.

“No.. there isn’t ANYTHING to talk about! Go the fuck away!” She sobbed more intensely and loudly.

Upset Bansai slid his back against the door to the ground as Takechi still stood there with his arms crossed and his usual blank expression. The snow outside was picking up into a blizzard storm. 

“I blew it. I really did.” Matako sniffed and cried again. She was resting her body on her bed, face first. Her mascara smeared against her sheets. “I had all these years to make a difference and tell him how I feel. And yet.. look at it now. I saw the look in Shinsuke’s eye.He’s dead set on bringing this relationship all the way to marriage. I’ve never seen him have it before with his past lovers but it’s the same look I always dreamed he would have..for me..” She shook her head and buried it in her pillow. 

Bansai didn’t know what to say, he looked like he was depressed or grief stricken, he stared down to the ground as more sobs were audibly heard from her bedroom. Takechi even looked a bit worried for her.

“Shouldn’t you at least tell Shinsuke-dono your feelings, Matako-chan? You owe him that for all these years we’ve been together as a family.”

Bansai looked up surprised at the the stone faced Takechi’s calm and collected words as usual. There was a moment of silence in Matako’s bedroom as well.

“Takechi-Senpai, why would he care?” The blonde woman rolled over on her back. “He barely notices me, talks to me. Barely anything. I don’t even exist in Shinsuke’s world. Especially in his little perfect relationship world now.” Matako sat up in bed, she peered outside the window to only see shades of white and grey from the storm. 

“Because dammit Matako, you are the heart and soul of this ship. You always have been.” Bansai picked himself up from the ground as flashbacks of the past flooded through the three’s heads. “And just because someone new like Katsura walked into our lives doesn’t change that. Even Shinsuke knows that. You’re his reason he even started the Kiheitai.”

Matako crossed her legs and wiped her makeup and tears. 

“I’m scared Bansai, Takechi. And not just because of Shinsuke-sama having a boyfriend. We’ve seen some crazy changes these few months. We’re not extreme terrorists anymore all because of Shinsuke-sama having that encounter with his teacher in a cabin the other month. It’s such a drastic change. Are we really gonna be making an difference in this country anymore?” Matako watched the snow fall on her windows.

“Didn’t we promise to follow Shinsuke-dono until the end no matter what?” Takechi commented and Bansai just smirked. 

“Until our legs give out and our body can’t take any more orders from his big mouth, if I recall.” Bansai joked. 

“You’re right, Takechi-senpai..” She sighed.

-Well If we’re gonna all work together, we’re gonna all have to take orders until every last one of our limbs fall off.- Elizabeth walked in the hallway to Bansai and Takechi which took them by surprise

“Zurako-san’s duck, I thought you were against the idea about a Jouishishi and Kiheitai alliance.” Takechi said to Elizabeth. She took a sip of a cup of cocoa she had in her flippers.

-I was, until remember hearing similar words from a long haired big mouth I know about a samurai’s word of always following their leader and fellow samurai until their deaths.- She signed. Bansai smiled.

“The name’s Kawakami Bansai. Say, that’s some fast paced sign making you have going there. Would you by chance be interested in exhanging those signs for some sticks? Our new band could always use a drummer.” He extended his hand out to her.

-Elizabeth and sure, looks like I’d barely have a role in this story if I said no, so.- She shook his hand.

“I can’t see out there, what’s going on?” Matako asked.

“Bansai-dono just asked our new duck friend Elizabeth-san to join the band.” Takechi commented, also shaking hands with her now.

“WHAT?!” Matako said loudly.


(This is suppose to be like a backflash Matako has after she quietly leaves the rest of her gang and Gintoki because doesn’t want to help rescue Katsura from the jail cell him and the other Jouis are in.)

Matako was heading to the dining room as usual for dinner. It was the largest room on the ship besides the lobby and the main deck. It consisted of several different tables, enough for a majority of the Kiheitai or Jouishishi members to all sit at. Ever since the faction merge two months ago, there was still sort of a sting between the two very different organizations because of personalities. Katsura’s men were more goofy but had very good battle strategies, Shinsuke’s men more serious but well in arm to arm combat. However, slowly by slowly the lines between the organizations was becoming blurry. You’d see Kiheitai inside Katsura’s Joui hideout or Jouishishi inside Shinsuke’s ship. And Matako was still uncomfortable with it. 

It was a huge change and she wasn’t sure if the Kiheitai even existed anymore and it saddened her. The thing she worked so hard for was being lost in all this mess. She sat down at the barren dinner hall, trying to get recent events out of her mind. That is, until he came through the kitchen doors.

“Matako-dono?” Katsura carrying out several utensils and napkins to put on them. “Are you alright? You look rather down.” Katsura said concernedly.

Of all people, of all fucking people it had to be him, right. Just Matako’s luck she thought to herself.

“Yeah I’m fine, Katsura-sama.” The sound of that sama part still left a sting in her mouth. 

“Okay. I don’t have dinner ready yet but I can make you a snack if you like.” Katsura smiled but she told him she’s alright. Katsura  looked a bit saddened. “Are you sure you’re alright Matako-dono? Your body language seems to say otherwise.” She was slouching on the table resting her cheek on her hand. 

“I’m fine.” Matako looked to the ground, her voice had no emotion. 

Katsura got up and went back to the kitchen. He came back moments later with two cold drinks. 

“I heard that Fanta is your favorite, mine too. Thought I was the only person who liked orange soda.” He smiled. Matako sighed and thanked him, taking the drink. There was a long silence as they sipped their drinks. But Katsura continued. “I know this a lot of change, our two factions merging and everything. Shinsuke improving himself into a better person which reflected on you Kiheitai as well. But seeing you sad like this really hurts me, as it would with any of my officers. Is there anything I can do to smooth things out more?”

Matako was surprised. She knew Katsura was very giving in nature and intentive to the crew individually but she just thought it was on an artificial surface level. That however didn’t change how she felt about him. However she couldn’t just outright say that she hated him for being Shinsuke’s husband or merging their factions in a big blob mess either.

“I really don’t know.” Matako could simply say. 

Did Matako really hate the collaboration though? Despite her feeling drowning in the voices of hundreds of these terrorists and in the shadow of Katsura, there was that one beacon of light, her band. At least she had them and could forget about her troubles on a tour or hanging out in the tour bus just goofing off. But she still felt empty for some reason within the organization itself. 

“I know this might not mean much to you or you might think it’s cheesy Matako-dono but seeing you as the only female in our organization was always inspiring to me.” Katsura made a little smile, Matako looked puzzled. “You see, for the longest time I struggled with being comfortable in my feminity. My whole life people always teased me for being a ‘girly boy’ or my long hair, so I always thought of being feminine as a distasteful thing for a man. I even called my old cross-dressing boss a ‘monster’ before I joined his bar due to my high insecurites and misconceptions of those kind of people. Heck, I AM those kind of people. And that isn’t a bad or shameful thing at all. But seeing you embrace adorable pink outfits while also being a strong leader was just a reminder to me that I’m not some kind of gay freak in a dress wearing lipstick.” Katsura fiddled with his apron he was wearing. “Maybe that also helped me a bit to come out. I think.. But I’m still rather sensitive about my sexuality I guess.. And maybe now I’m just rambling. Sorry.”  

She was surprised again at her boss’s genuineness. 

“It’s alright Katsura-sama. In fact I’m kind of honored you thought of me that way honestly.” She replied. Maybe it wasn’t really Katsura’s fault, it’s not like he was purposefully taking Shinsuke and the Kiheitai away from her. He was clueless about it. She sighed. 

“I’d like you to have this. I was saving it for this weekend but.” Katsura reached in his apron pocket and handed it to her, it was a coupon for a free medi/pedi. 

“Huh?” Matako asked.

“You see I go to this Edo salon with my gal pals every other week and I thought maybe.. you’d like to come with us sometime?” Katsura blushed a little and grinned. 

“A-alright..” She examined it. He gave her a big bear hug, which Matako didn’t like at first but shrugged. 


Matako growth is always appreciated, loved it

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so I had nothing to do while staring at church walls for an hour and a half and mostly all of this sprung about in my thoughts during it.

the glorious ozu’s halloween party 2.0 plot


Ozu, Kiyoko, Guano and Yes Man are at the penthouse right before it starts at 7 pm. A few minutes pass and Guano is nervous no one is gonna come but Kiyoko tells him to relax, as people are usually fashionably late anyways. They all briefly take a selfie together realizing this is probably the only significant screen time they’ll ever get again. Kiyoko tells Guano and Yes Man they look perfect but when Ozu asks about himself she doesn’t say anything and he scowls. 

First to enter are Oboro and Poe as they live in the Towers of course. Followed by naturally are Lily and Mitsuki who are clinging onto him as usual. Oboro comments to Ozu that he really outdone himself with the publicity outside the Towers for the party but it’s really just fangirls for Oboro and Lily/Mitsuki hiss at it. Guano asks when Raj is coming, Oboro says he’ll probably be “””fashionable late””” and arrive one minute before the party ends. Ozu comments that all the lame secondary characters will probably arrive at the party early. Saitama, Genos and Shinji and Gendo arrive. Genos goes off with Yes Man in his room to one up each other as always. Saitama is constantly commented on about his chrome dome which annoys him. Shinji is dressed up as a scarecrow but people call his costume “scarecrow in a wheelchair”. Gendo just says he’s here to talk to Ozu for a few minutes because like, he totally doesn’t want to be there. Billy stays home to watch movies with Gendo Jr because he would find it lame to go and he’s basically the devil anyways, so he feels like he would be crowded by people. Gendo talks to Saitama but it’s about the unusualness of Saitama’s shiny chrome dome. Saitama is annoyed again.

Then Guano, Saitama, Shinji, Oboro and Lily/Mitsuki hang out in the couch. Kamui pops out of Ozu’s ceiling along with a tired Abuto and No Man and a chipper Monika. The crew dressed up as pirates have been working on a treasure hunt that takes place all over Lilymu Towers for 5 hours already today and No Man was ready to collapse. But Kamui hustles them to get people to join the hunt in an hour. 

Skele tries to enter the party but gets locked out of the front door every time or breaks apart from accidentally getting slammed by it. He tries to remain positive but of course the sting of people not treating his race kindly also comes to mind. Gintoki arrives in the same vampire costume he’s worn for nearly a decade and the same with his kids and dog. Shinpachi hangs out with Guano and the gang (even though Oboro finds anyone related to Shiroyasha as untrustworthy), while Kagura catches sights with Kamui and they have one of those violent smoke cartoon balls as they’re fighting with each other. Tatsuma (much to Oboro’s delight) Mutsu and Mikey arrive. Mikey joins the Guano gang and Oboro/Poe manage to break free from the girls. Skele is still having trouble entering the party and breaks apart physically again. 

Now Gintoki, Ozu and Gendo are together. Ozu has been trying all night so far to get someone to help him with a “special project”. Gintoki says he won’t do it unless for money. Umibozu arrived in the party, Kagura greets him with a hug and Kamui with a fist which Umibozu effortlessly dodges. He pulls his kids apart when they start fighting again but soon enough they’re at it again. Ozu and Gintoki see that Gendo and Umibozu are wearing matching “Alien Busters” outfits and hysterically laugh, much to the matching dads annoyance.  Ozu then brings them to the patio and locks the door. He finally explains to him he’s got big plans to ‘absolutely terrify’ everyone at the party. The other dads just give him a dead fish eye glare. Gintoki tells the old man that he’s wasting his time and that everyone there was already some sort of unhuman like being, so why even bother nothing is really supernaturally unsettling these days. (Even though seconds later Gintoki gets absolutely scared by a leaf that falls on him.) But Ozu is persistent and determined so they begrudgingly do what the producer wants.

Meanwhile Shinsuke has “””rented”””” a car (as far as they know at least) and his gang is stuffed inside of it with him on their way to Tokyo for Ozu’s house party. But the Halloween traffic is super bad, which unnerves Shinsuke greatly. The other five are in fear because who knows what will happen when their leader blows.

Abuto reminds Kamui about the scavenger hunt and he tells his idiot sister that if she wants to continue their fight, at least do it in the scavenger hunt (for a prize of 500 chocolate doubloons!!) She agrees. The straight man trio are also interested and Kamui encourages “those dork nerds” to join their conquest. Soon enough the hivemind of girls consisting of Otae, Kyuubei, Sacchan, Tsuky, etc enter the party and take most of the space in the apartment, drowning out most of the poor guys. They also take offense to when others tell them to quiet down or ask to sit somewhere they are.

Back with the terrorists, Shinsuke has finally had enough of the backseats critiques of Bansai and Elizabeth especially and of the traffic and he finally goes in Get Ready To Die speed mode. He speeds the car on top of other cars which absolutely terrify the others in the car. Sirens blare behind him but he goes even faster, Zurako and the gang are screaming now. Shinsuke shakes off the authorities and arrives at Lilymu Towers by the car to blow up right when they jump out of it for safety. Shinsuke casually walks into the Towers doors while the others are shaking from what they just experienced. 

Close behind them are the Shinsengumi who were on their way there anyways for different reasons. They follow the terrorists but when they get into the penthouse they can’t find them in the sea of costumes and the girl hivemind. They decide to just enjoy the party but still keep an eye on those criminal scums. Monika who is close friends with Tama as they are both computers of sorts invites her to the scavenger hunt. Yamazaki sees this and decides to enter it as well with Big Blue but at a distance from his love of course. That way if Tama loses he can heroically give her the doubloons prize himself. Bansai sees this and thinks the same thing with Yammy. Shinsuke sees this and orders Matako (who wasn’t doing anything anyway because without her band she tends to be anti-social) to follow Bansai around in case he does something stupid. Matako doesn’t want to babysit her senpai but agrees for her sama. Kondo tries to casually talk to Otae and “Fake Otae” but they punch/laser eye beam him when he touches their shoulders. Elizabeth dressed up ironically as a famous Japanese political figure the terrorists despise and Magic Girl Takechi hang out with the girls (as long as he keeps his distance from teenagers like Kyuubei) for the remainder of the night. Soyo joins Kagura leaving for the hunt and joins with her along with Monika and Tama in a girl’s fun team, Sougo sees China Girl and gets interested in defeating her as much as Kamui is. Kamui says fat chance police guy (“Hey, you seem familiar for some reason. (Like we met before and fought.. like in some canon non-comic book world.. No matter. HA!”) But Kamui’s whole attention shifts when he sees EGG HEAD BALDY also entering not for competition but just for fun. Sougo finds it interesting if he could beat all four of the girls on his own, the four girls reply in their own individual usual ways. Basically it’s: the four girls vs Sougo vs Kamui vs Saitama vs Straight Man Trio vs the two cops vs Bansai vs Matako (who claims she’ll give the prize to Shinsuke-sama since Bansai was just giving it to some black coat) vs Abuto (who like Saitama is just playing for fun plus his girlfriend and he’s already tired from Chief). The scavenger hunt begins, the hints given by a tired No Man. No one is sure of where the prize is, (not even the yatos because Chief had them and him all punched in the head to forget the location.) 

Piggysuke and Vet Zurako finally get some alone time and book it to the nearest closet they can find for the rest of the night for uh a medical appointment. Mutsu finally finds Skele right where he has been since the beginning, by the front door into the party. She feels bad for him, saying she’ll make the person who broke him into pieces pay. But Skele remarks she was one of them accidentally. She apologizes deeply and they both find out neither of them really care for this party. Skele suggests if she wants to just hang out in downtown Tokyo instead since he’s never visited the city before. She blushes and agrees. They have a great time and even stop at a restaurant for a quick bite. Mutsu orders something for him, saying it’s her favorite dish. However, she doesn’t know Skele was allergic to one of the ingredients in it. His bad allergic reaction frightens her so she rushes him to the Tokyo emergency room.

Hijikata is surprised to see Steve and Joe there. He whispers hoping they didn’t accidentally release some monster like the Slim Man into their world again from a scary story. But Steve chuckles and says no. Joe just shifts his eyes, but Steve elbows him and he agrees with his older brother. Suddenly Pops arrives and behind him the SHO SHO SHOGUN KAI YOOOOO. The Shogun says he always wanted to attend a Halloween Festival and thought this one would be fun. Pops threatens Kondo, Toshi and Steve to show their majesty a good time or else. Only a second after the Shogun takes a step inside the party, his sumo wrestling underwear costume flings off and the paparazzi (who were already swarming the building) take a picture of his junk. Pops and the others are in grave shock and Pops yells at them to get those pictures or he’ll have them all beheaded.  Toshi, Kondo and Steve run to get that camera man. Joe felt left out as Pops literally didn’t notice him but Oboro and Poe come by with a usual “Joseph” greeting. They sigh there, bored with nothing to do. Sadaharu comes by and is also depressed, without anything to do. And then Tatsuma and Mikey as well. Tatsuma declares the guys, bird and dog WILL have the best Halloween of their lives and they all high five. In the hospital, Mutsu is waiting outside Skele’s room. When she’s allowed inside of it, the nurse tells her that he still has his allergic reaction but it is swelling a bit down. The nurse removes Skele’s head bandages and asks Mutsu how he looks. Mutsu is in absolute shock as Skele’s “allergic reaction” was him growing human skin on his face and body. Out of a state of fear she grabs a nearby chair and hits him with it, knocking him out.

The Elites arrive dressed up as funky old television series cops and give each other the longest most intricate secret handshake they’ve ever made for the remainder of the night. But they seemed to forget why they were there in the first place. Which was Nobunobu (dressed up as Clint Eastwood). “Because darn golly Ruby, if Shigeshige is goin’ the true Shogun will demand ‘em to take him too!” Nobu wonders himself to the patio where the Dads are making their “scary invention”. The invention which was mostly just a stupid cloth to look like a ghost and fake thunder noises manages to scare Nobu so badly he passes out. The dads are surprised and give each other high fives but then realize who it was they scared. They freak out knowing now he’s Bakufu royalty. The dads start blaming each other when Nobu won’t wake up and fight it out. Umibozu tries to punch one of them but the punch lands on Nobu’s face. On impact of this, Nobu’s body collaspes in the ground, 30 stories below. The dads are beyond the word for stunned. When they rush over to Nobu they are sure they killed him and do a classic Nasty Patty where they try to hide his body.


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On 11/1/2018 at 1:35 AM, Kotarou? said:

so I had nothing to do while staring at church walls for an hour and a half and mostly all of this sprung about in my thoughts during it.

the glorious ozu’s halloween party 2.0 plot

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Ozu, Kiyoko, Guano and Yes Man are at the penthouse right before it starts at 7 pm. A few minutes pass and Guano is nervous no one is gonna come but Kiyoko tells him to relax, as people are usually fashionably late anyways. They all briefly take a selfie together realizing this is probably the only significant screen time they’ll ever get again. Kiyoko tells Guano and Yes Man they look perfect but when Ozu asks about himself she doesn’t say anything and he scowls. 

First to enter are Oboro and Poe as they live in the Towers of course. Followed by naturally are Lily and Mitsuki who are clinging onto him as usual. Oboro comments to Ozu that he really outdone himself with the publicity outside the Towers for the party but it’s really just fangirls for Oboro and Lily/Mitsuki hiss at it. Guano asks when Raj is coming, Oboro says he’ll probably be “””fashionable late””” and arrive one minute before the party ends. Ozu comments that all the lame secondary characters will probably arrive at the party early. Saitama, Genos and Shinji and Gendo arrive. Genos goes off with Yes Man in his room to one up each other as always. Saitama is constantly commented on about his chrome dome which annoys him. Shinji is dressed up as a scarecrow but people call his costume “scarecrow in a wheelchair” or the more offensive “scarecripple” by some. Gendo just says he’s here to talk to Ozu for a few minutes because like, he totally doesn’t want to be there. Billy stays home to watch movies with Gendo Jr because he would find it lame to go and he’s basically the devil anyways, so he feels like he would be crowded by people. Gendo talks to Saitama but it’s about the unusualness of Saitama’s shiny chrome dome. Saitama is annoyed again.

Then Guano, Saitama, Shinji, Oboro and Lily/Mitsuki hang out in the couch. Kamui pops out of Ozu’s ceiling along with a tired Abuto and No Man and a chipper Monika. The crew dressed up as pirates have been working on a treasure hunt that takes place all over Lilymu Towers for 5 hours already today and No Man was ready to collapse. But Kamui hustles them to get people to join the hunt in an hour. 

Skele tries to enter the party but gets locked out of the front door every time or breaks apart from accidentally getting slammed by it. He tries to remain positive but of course the sting of people not treating his race kindly also comes to mind. Gintoki arrives in the same vampire costume he’s worn for nearly a decade and the same with his kids and dog. Shinpachi hangs out with Guano and the gang (even though Oboro finds anyone related to Shiroyasha as untrustworthy), while Kagura catches sights with Kamui and they have one of those violent smoke cartoon balls as they’re fighting with each other. Tatsuma (much to Oboro’s delight) Mutsu and Mikey arrive. Mikey joins the Guano gang and Oboro/Poe manage to break free from the girls. Skele is still having trouble entering the party and breaks apart physically again. 

Now Gintoki, Ozu and Gendo are together. Ozu has been trying all night so far to get someone to help him with a “special project”. Gintoki says he won’t do it unless for money. Umibozu arrived in the party, Kagura greets him with a hug and Kamui with a fist which Umibozu effortlessly dodges. He pulls his kids apart when they start fighting again but soon enough they’re at it again. Ozu and Gintoki see that Gendo and Umibozu are wearing matching “Alien Busters” outfits and hysterically laugh, much to the matching dads annoyance.  Ozu thenbrings them to the patio and locks the door. He finally explains to him he’s got big plans to ‘absolutely terrify’ everyone at the party. The other dads just give him a dead fish eye glare. Gintoki tells the old man that he’s wasting his time and that everyone there was already some sort of unhuman like being, so why even bother nothing is really supernaturally unsettling these days. (Even though seconds later Gintoki gets absolutely scared by a leaf that falls on him.) But Ozu is persistent and determined so they begrudgingly do what the producer wants.

Meanwhile Shinsuke has “””rented”””” a car (as far as they know at least) and his gang is stuffed inside of it with him on their way to Tokyo for Ozu’s house party. But the Halloween traffic is super bad, which unnerves Shinsuke greatly. The other five are in fear because who knows what will happen when their leader blows.

Abuto reminds Kamui about the scavenger hunt and he tells his idiot sister that if she wants to continue their fight, at least do it in the scavenger hunt (for a prize of 500 chocolate doubloons!!) She agrees. The straight man trio are also interested and Kamui encourages “those dork nerds” to join their conquest. Soon enough the hivemind of girls consisting of Otae, Kyuubei, Sacchan, Tsuky, etc enter the party and take most of the space in the apartment, drowning out most of the poor guys. They also take offense to when others tell them to quiet down or ask to sit somewhere they are.

Back with the terrorists, Shinsuke has finally had enough of the backseats critiques of Bansai and Elizabeth especially and of the traffic and he finally goes in Get Ready To Die speed mode. He speeds the car on top of other cars which absolutely terrify the others in the car. Sirens blare behind him but he goes even faster, Zurako and the gang are screaming now. Shinsuke shakes off the authorities and arrives at Lilymu Towers by the car to blow up right when they jump out of it for safety. Shinsuke casually walks into the Towers doors while the others are shaking from what they just experienced. 

Close behind them are the Shinsengumi who were on their way there anyways for different reasons. They follow the terrorists but when they get into the penthouse they can’t find them in the sea of costumes and the girl hivemind. They decide to just enjoy the party but still keep an eye on those criminal scums. Monika who is close friends with Tama as they are both computers of sorts invites her to the scavenger hunt. Yamazaki sees this and decides to enter it as well with Big Blue but at a distance from his love of course. That way if Tama loses he can heroically give her the doubloons prize himself. Bansai sees this and thinks the same thing with Yammy. Shinsuke sees this and orders Matako (who wasn’t doing anything anyway because without her band she tends to be anti-social) to follow Bansai around in case he does something stupid. Matako doesn’t want to babysit her senpai but agrees for her sama. Kondo tries to casually talk to Otae and “Fake Otae” but they punch/laser eye beam him when he touches their shoulders. Elizabeth dressed up ironically as a famous Japanese political figure the terrorists despise and Magic Girl Takechi hang out with the girls (as long as he keeps his distance from teenagers like Kyuubei) for the remainder of the night. Soyo joins Kagura leaving for the hunt and joins with her along with Monika and Tama in a girl’s fun team, Sougo sees China Girl and gets interested in defeating her as much as Kamui is. Kamui says fat chance police guy (“Hey, you seem familiar for some reason. (Like we met before and fought.. like in some canon non-comic book world.. No matter. HA!”) But Kamui’s whole attention shifts when he sees EGG HEAD BALDY also entering not for competition but just for fun. Sougo finds it interesting if he could beat all four of the girls on his own, the four girls reply in their own individual usual ways. Basically it’s: the four girls vs Sougo vs Kamui vs Saitama vs Straight Man Trio vs the two cops vs Bansai vs Matako (who claims she’ll give the prize to Shinsuke-sama since Bansai was just giving it to some black coat) vs Abuto (who like Saitama is just playing for fun plus his girlfriend and he’s already tired from Chief). The scavenger hunt begins, the hints given by a tired No Man. No one is sure of where the prize is, (not even the yatos because Chief had them and him all punched in the head to forget the location.) 

Piggysuke and Vet Zurako finally get some alone time and book it to the nearest closet they can find for the rest of the night for uh a medical appointment. Mutsu finally finds Skele right where he has been since the beginning, by the front door into the party. She feels bad for him, saying she’ll make the person who broke him into pieces pay. But Skele remarks she was one of them accidentally. She apologizes deeply and they both find out neither of them really care for this party. Skele suggests if she wants to just hang out in downtown Tokyo instead since he’s never visited the city before. She blushes and agrees. They have a great time and even stop at a restaurant for a quick bite. Mutsu orders something for him, saying it’s her favorite dish. However, she doesn’t know Skele was allergic to one of the ingredients in it. His bad allergic reaction frightens her so she rushes him to the Tokyo emergency room.

Hijikata is surprised to see Steve and Joe there. He whispers hoping they didn’t accidentally release some monster like the Slim Man into their world again from a scary story. But Steve chuckles and says no. Joe just shifts his eyes, but Steve elbows him and he agrees with his older brother. Suddenly Pops arrives and behind him the SHO SHO SHOGUN KAI YOOOOO. The Shogun says he always wanted to attend a Halloween Festival and thought this one would be fun. Pops threatens Kondo, Toshi and Steve to show their majesty a good time or else. Only a second after the Shogun takes a step inside the party, his sumo wrestling underwear costume flings off and the paparazzi (who were already swarming the building) take a picture of his junk. Pops and the others are in grave shock and Pops yells at them to get those pictures or he’ll have them all beheaded.  Toshi, Kondo and Steve run to get that camera man. Joe felt left out as Pops literally didn’t notice him but Oboro and Poe come by with a usual “Joseph” greeting. They sigh there, bored with nothing to do. Sadaharu comes by and is also depressed, without anything to do. And then Tatsuma and Mikey as well. Tatsuma declares the guys, bird and dog WILL have the best Halloween of their lives and they all high five. In the hospital, Mutsu is waiting outside Skele’s room. When she’s allowed inside of it, the nurse tells her that he still has his allergic reaction but it is swelling a bit down. The nurse removes Skele’s head bandages and asks Mutsu how he looks. Mutsu is in absolute shock as Skele’s “allergic reaction” was him growing human skin on his face and body. Out of a state of fear she grabs a nearby chair and hits him with it, knocking him out.

The Elites arrive dressed up as funky old television series cops and give each other the longest most intricate secret handshake they’ve ever made for the remainder of the night. But they seemed to forget why they were there in the first place. Which was Nobunobu (dressed up as Clint Eastwood). “Because darn golly Ruby, if Shigeshige is goin’ the true Shogun will demand ‘em to take him too!” Nobu wonders himself to the patio where the Dads are making their “scary invention”. The invention which was mostly just a stupid cloth to look like a ghost and fake thunder noises manages to scare Nobu so badly he passes out. The dads are surprised and give each other high fives but then realize who it was they scared. They freak out knowing now he’s Bakufu royalty. The dads start blaming each other when Nobu won’t wake up and fight it out. Umibozu tries to punch one of them but the punch lands on Nobu’s face. On impact of this, Nobu’s body collaspes in the ground, 30 stories below. The dads are beyond the word for stunned. When they rush over to Nobu they are sure they killed him and do a classic Nasty Patty where they try to hide his body.



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Speaking of Matako, I was also gonna write that during their struggle in all that Tendoshu stuff, somehow Shinsuke finds out that she has a thing for him. She becomes really flustered but Shinsuke is actually really tender about it and explains to her that he never hit on her or thought about it anyway because he always saw her as like a little sister, especially when they first met a decade ago. She’s like family to him along with the others and of course the single soul of the Kiheitai. He apologizes for being absent minded from her and some of the others lately, he’s just had a lot going on with changing his himself and also his new marriage. She’s just relieved to hear at least he actually cares for her in some way at least?

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On 11/5/2018 at 6:43 PM, Kotarou? said:

Speaking of Matako, I was also gonna write that during their struggle in all that Tendoshu stuff, somehow Shinsuke finds out that she has a thing for him. She becomes really flustered but Shinsuke is actually really tender about it and explains to her that he never hit on her or thought about it anyway because he always saw her as like a little sister, especially when they first met a decade ago. She’s like family to him along with the others and of course the single soul of the Kiheitai. He apologizes for being absent minded from her and some of the others lately, he’s just had a lot going on with changing his himself and also his new marriage. She’s just relieved to hear at least he actually cares for her in some way at least?

Shinsuke can be a good dude, sometimes

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Takasugi Claus said:

when ur at Wostco and ur mom asks for help loading the basket w/ groceries but instead u bolt to the sample stands to stuff ur shirts and pockets but she catches up w/ u?



time to bolt out the store

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”SHIT.” -thud thud thud, creaking open and slam of the door. swig of rum bottle- “I’M HOMEEE.”

”Gendo for God’s sake!”

-swish of beer taken away, Gendo collasp into sofa chair noise-

“D-don’t you control me. I just let you live here you 80’s high school delinquent. HICC” -electric buzz of an old TV turning on- AHAHAHA! He got hit in the head with a coconut!

”You got drops of your disgusting ass drink everywhere Gendo.” -scrub scrub- “You smell heavily of alcohol. For God’s sake dude, go to bed.” 

“I’ll go to BEd.” HICC “When you cut that shaggy hairdo of yours.” HICC “Hahahaha.” 

-electric hum of the tv turned off-

“HEY! Buzzkill!” 

“You’ve been drinking to numb the pain from missing her again, right?” 

“Huuuh.” HICC I don’t know what you’re talking about. Gendo Ikari. ME. Lives with his twooOoo sons and uh, some chowder head. Hehehe.” 

“Okay old man. Keep makin’ up shit. I’ll just hold onto your locket of your wife then.”

-snatching back jewelry clanking sound- “....” -sound of old man crying-

“Listen dude, we go through this every few nights. You come home drunk, start chatting it up and then end up sobbing. Now you know there’s nothing you can do for your wife currently until your funds go up. So don’t make yourself and the home miserable in the meantime. Like c’mon. You have a baby sleeping next door.” 

-snapping open click of a locket-

”I know, I know that Billy. I know I can’t do anything right now.” -deep breath out- “But it doesn’t stop it from hurting in the meanwhile. I do appreciate everything you have been doing around the house and for my kids. The work you put into everything wasn’t at all expected. But if I like it or not I’m completely responsible for these two boys of ours.” closing sound of the locket- “And for the first time, I don’t want to let her down about it.” 

”Heh, it’s funny. Just a little over last year Gend, despite only using you and your robot toots to further my revenge on my siblings, we did at least bang out to some killer tunes in my conveniently-owned-for-the-scene car.” 

“I don’t remember banging out or enjoying that.” 

-annoyed 80’s man groan-

“But I remember Yui did.” -both chuckle sounds-

“Billy. W-will you tuck me in? I should really get to bed. I’m still a bit drunk. HICC And needy.”

“Heh. Sure man, whatever.”


“And will you give me that special massage that you do?”


“..Sure Gend, just don’t say it out loud this late alright?” 

“Alright. But I really need the full sha-bang. Full hand work. I’m awfully stressed.” 

“Fine. Good night. See you in the bedroom soon, Old Dude.” -scrub scrub alcohol off the floor-

“Sss. Ow. The pain in my shoulder is swelling up. Could you, Bill? I don’t think I can wait until then.”

”Fine.” -ripping elastic gloves off sound-

“Aaah Umhm Aaah. Oh that hits the spot. Aaah.”


”No wonder you’re stressed Old Man. You were luggin’ around that huge bottle. Here, remove this. It should help.”

”Ssss. Ow.. Aah. Aah.”

”Much better right?”


”Be glad you still have someone around to do this for you.”

”Aah. Ah-huh. Aaahh.~”

  • God Himself 1
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On 12/12/2018 at 8:04 AM, Mrs. Takasugi Claus said:


”SHIT.” -thud thud thud, creaking open and slam of the door. swig of rum bottle- “I’M HOMEEE.”

”Gendo for God’s sake!”

-swish of beer taken away, Gendo collasp into sofa chair noise-

“D-don’t you control me. I just let you live here you 80’s high school delinquent. HICC” -electric buzz of an old TV turning on- AHAHAHA! He got hit in the head with a coconut!

”You got drops of your disgusting ass drink everywhere Gendo.” -scrub scrub- “You smell heavily of alcohol. For God’s sake dude, go to bed.” 

“I’ll go to BEd.” HICC “When you cut that shaggy hairdo of yours.” HICC “Hahahaha.” 

-electric hum of the tv turned off-

“HEY! Buzzkill!” 

“You’ve been drinking to numb the pain from missing her again, right?” 

“Huuuh.” HICC “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Gendo Ikari. ME. Lives with his twooOoo sons and uh, some chowder head. Hehehe.” 

“Okay old man. Keep makin’ up shit. I’ll just hold onto your locket of your wife then.”

-snatching back jewelry clanking sound- “....” -sound of old man crying-

“Listen dude, we go through this every few nights. You come home drunk, start chatting it up and then end up sobbing. Now you know there’s nothing you can do for your wife currently until your funds go up. So don’t make yourself and the home miserable in the meantime. Like c’mon. You have a baby sleeping next door.” 

-snapping open click of a locket-

”I know, I know that Billy. I know I can’t do anything right now.” -deep breath out- “But it doesn’t stop it from hurting in the meanwhile. I do appreciate everything you have been doing around the house and for my kids. The work you put into everything wasn’t at all expected. But if I like it or not I’m completely responsible for these two boys of ours.” closing sound of the locket- “And for the first time, I don’t want to let her down about it.” 

”Heh, it’s funny. Just a little over last year Gend, despite only using you and your robot toots to further my revenge on my siblings, we did at least bang out to some killer tunes in my conveniently-owned-for-the-scene car.” 

“I don’t remember banging out or enjoying that.” 

-annoyed 80’s man groan-

“But I remember Yui did.” -both chuckle sounds-

“Billy. W-will you tuck me in? I should really get to bed. I’m still a bit drunk. HICC And needy.”

“Heh. Sure man, whatever.”


“And will you give me that special massage that you do?”


“..Sure Gend, just don’t say it out loud this late alright?” 

“Alright. But I really need the full sha-bang. Full hand work. I’m awfully stressed.” 

“Fine. Good night. See you in the bedroom soon, Old Dude.” -scrub scrub alcohol off the floor-

“Sss. Ow. The pain in my shoulder is swelling up. Could you, Bill? I don’t think I can wait until then.”

”Fine.” -ripping elastic gloves off sound-

“Aaah Umhm Aaah. Oh that hits the spot. Aaah.”


”No wonder you’re stressed Old Man. You were luggin’ around that huge bottle. Here, remove this. It should help.”

”Ssss. Ow.. Aah. Aah.”

”Much better right?”


”Be glad you still have someone around to do this for you.”

”Aah. Ah-huh. Aaahh.~”


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9 hours ago, Hal Moose said:

Are you a legit Satanist? If so, what exactly do you believe in?

I share beliefs with LaVeyan Satanism, but I wouldn't call myself a complete Satanist, as I disagree with some major aspects of the religion.  I do not believe in literal Satan, but the ideas of duality and some spiritual stuff they speak of.

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