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President Squidward

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Status Updates posted by President Squidward

  1. I don't know how to feel about Downtown by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis but I love the opening verses 

    1. Wumbo


      I've made the discovery that the worst part of every Macklemore song is Macklemore himself. Oh boy, is that true for "Downtown".

    2. SG19


      I like that song.

  2. I don't really pay attention to today's pop

    anymore. Anyone else feel the same?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katniss
    3. Joe Biden

      Joe Biden

      2016's music so far is soooooo uninteresting

    4. fortnitefan12


      I don't pay attention to it at all. I haven't since 2014.

  3. I don’t even know how to play a harmonica... 

    ...but I want one.

    1. That Excited SpongeKid

      That Excited SpongeKid

      when i was in high school, i was going down the stairs, and someone was playing the harmonica while going up

    2. dmandagiraffe


      One time at school I pulled a harmonica out of my backpack and started playing it, and one of my friends just so happened to bring theirs as well and we got into an epic battle

  4. I had fun chatting with you guys on music, should do it more often :)

  5. I hate being sick. Almost made it with a sick-free Winter, though I kind of made it since its March but it ain't the 21st yet.

    also fell asleep at 11:30, woke up at 4:30, stayed up for an hour, fell asleep around 6:00 and woke up at 2:50. Joy. -_-


  7. I have my very own Pictionary game going on at 6:30 PST, plus a cytube party after. Check my discord around this time for the skribbl.io link ❤️

    1. SpongeCob
    2. SpongeCob


      did i miss it?

    3. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      Yes it was Friday night. I did a little Pictionary for Saturday which you did leave a few minutes after. :(

      i promise today tho I will do a cy night. If not, it might be /r/sbm

  8. I haven’t been able to focus on shit for three days. I take meds for ocd and intrusive thoughts, but what for? Everything I do makes the thoughts stay, and I don’t want to think about any past intrusive thoughts, because all of them are the same. Awful intrusive thoughts that I just want out of my head. I want to recover again. I’ve been rocky since August and I just want to start fresh again. I’m sick of these downward slopes. I just want to be able to focus on stuff I love without stupid intrusive thoughts coming in. I have way too many and I just want them to all go away no matter what. They’re unreal. I don’t want them in my head, they’re annoying and very stressful. I keep living in fear of intrusive thoughts coming in and I feel like backtracking them give me temporary relief. But they come back. I ignore them, and the ones I ignored come back too. I just want them all gone so I can focus on staying mentally healthy and they just won’t fuck off. Any advice? Words of encouragement? I need something since I get fears just writing about this but I have to let the stress go somewhere. Fuck this intrusive thoughts. I’m not gonna let my stupid ass ocd win. I want to draw again. I want to have interests again. I want to listen to music again. I want to get rid of everything bad I don’t want in my head out of repetition and randomness. It’s disgusting. I hate all of it. Mental health is so weird man, it links all to my severe Tourette’s and ocd and it really doesn’t matter in the end. It’s awful stuff I don’t want. It’s pointless. So I just want to find a way to tell myself.

    okay stress vent over. I love you all. I WILL keep fighting this. I am not a quitter. Send me art to my P.O. Box in these dire times. :troll: 

  9. I just had the thought that if Coffee becomes King Neptune one day, the Atlantis forum should be called Dadlantis 

    1. SquiddyFace


      Weirdos on a Train skin would also be very artistan

  10. I just noticed that you can react to your own posts on mobile. O_o

    1. TJ


      On desktop too

    2. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      On laptop too

  11. I know I just met him last night, but I’m not really liking this squid guy, Jacob...

  12. I know I said this on SBM a few days ago, but my favorite cartoonist, Karl Hadrika left SpongeBob last month. Oh well, at least he got to work on my favorite childhood show for a little bit. According to Vincent Waller on Twitter, he left because he wanted to storyboards from outlines, but the show is working from script, and Karl wants to show off his skills more. I completely respect Karl's decision and hope for the best of luck in his future endeavors.

  13. I love you for reminding me of a true god

  14. i miss talking to you all. and i know things have simmered down, but i'm sorry for my behaviors I've shown on and off throughout the years. I really hate how I handled things at first with passive agressiveness, and trying to justify shit that is absolutely inexcusable. Slurs are absolutely above me, and I went way too far repeating slurs for laughs when it isn't funny. It's fucking racist, and that's something I don't want to ever be. And I'm fucking down I've hurt many friends of mine, and I understand everyone knowing I can be better than this, I will admit I got mad at Halibut for the first two months or so since I was still acting like an asshole and made things worse back in July until I finally shut the fuck up and took some time to think, but I regret it all and wish I was able to realize a lot of flaws during the riots (like jesus christ i hate how i sounded very ignorant during the start of the george floyd protests, where i was scared of shit going down in my city when i have no reason to, racial equality is a thing i support, and police brutality is something that needs to be stopped).

    I know I've also looked manipulative (especially with my own crossover interests, constantly asking friends for art, and yes I appreciated of course, but it's my own ideas that I should really stop being insecure of doing myself in fears of sucking at it. I need to learn to draw and not bother others about my own hobbies), and I hate how I've always said and among some other things, but I just want to say, THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING ME REALIZE I GOT STUFF TO WORK ON!

    I have awareness of my wrongdoings, which is good, but I hate how I have trouble doing shit about it, and I still feel stuck on what to do to improve my own self, since I want to respect and have friends who I haven't given in return many times due to my own insecurities. 

    I suck at wording my thoughts but I wanted to get this off my chest since I made myself more alone then ever and it's been affecting my online life OCD-wise where I can't keep my tweets/discord posts most of the time becuse some intrusive thought feels like it stays there until i delete it, so annoying, but that's for my therapist. 

    I would love to return to discord, but I'm anxious I'm not ready yet due to ocd. ? I hope everyone's doing okay still, and I'd love to talk because I have a lot of guilt of a lot of things and I think I just want to put it behind me and try to help myself become a better person. 

    1. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      fuck i forgot to mention I really feel like I made members like Katniss and Katie very uncomfortable and mad and I love them, but i made like half the people i know rightfully upset 


  16. I only listen to REAL MUSIC


    1. Goobz


      ok we get you like wunschpunsch :funny:


  18. I spent the past hour listening to a Minecraft soundtrack. And liked it.

  19. I think if I was born around the 1950’s, I would’ve cared little for music at the time. A lot of cooler music came around the 80’s-present

    1. ooooooofy


      personally I think 1940s-60s music slaps and 80s music is boring

      although things did get interesting in the 90s..........

    2. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      i think a certain genre will hit my tastes if i explored more 20th century music

      im more into melodic, synth-like or electronic type stuff and electronica didn't explode until the late 80s lmao

  20. I unironically enjoy brokeNCYDE, there I said it

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      down with the moral majority

    2. Burgerpants


      they make my pee pee hard

    3. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      Their music makes me want to shake it like some chocolate milk

  21. I use to like liquor to get me inspired


    1. CakeCup



  23. I wanted a Sprite, I asked my waiter for a Sprite, he said “YEAH RIGHT!”

  24. I was at Wendy's 20 minutes ago. There was a kid in front of me ordering. Their card couldn't go through after many tries. I had $20 dollars on me so I was totally fine with paying for his order. :P When the kid was leaving, he told me to "stay awesome". It feels good to do good.

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