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Status Updates posted by OWM

  1. I just noticed they removed the "Royal Family" group.

    1. JCM


      Being a Retired Employee sounds much less glamorous than being part of a royal family.

    2. Ron


      It's back now. :)

  2. Is that a shoutbox I spy?

    1. Cha


      nah it's just a toaster

  3. Merry Halloween everybody.

    1. naomi123


      Happy halloween to you

  4. Look at me, I'm Errol FIn!

  5. Today, my science teacher said that he was from Horseheads. I couldn't stop thinking about E.V.I.L.

  6. Whatever I see, I shall devour.

    1. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      CD-I Zelda is so cheesy. :P

  7. Vacationing in Canada tomorrow. See you in a week!

  8. Looks like Storm's revenge has begun.

  9. Storm joined SBM.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MMM


      I'm excited and scared.

    3. $WANKIN
    4. box


      Welp, this'll be an interesting course of events.

  10. I absolutely love your username.

    1. bawkaaaa!


      Haha,Oh Thanks!

  11. I need to be more active on here.

    1. MMM
    2. Spongeo
    3. MMM


      I'm verrrrrrrrry active almost 2000 posts and I'm today's top poster with like 210 posts

  12. I accidently flagged the spambox.

    1. MMM


      I'm not the only one flagged a topic by complete accident? Yay

  13. What did Idiot Boy do to get banned?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sbl


      so sad eh?

    3. So Sejima
    4. crushingmayhem


      He was newleaffan/regular spongebob, and since he was a spammer he had to be banned.

  14. I took me three months and 9 days to get 100 posts.

    1. MMM


      It took me 24 days to get 600 posts

  15. ˙ʎɐpoʇ pǝɹoq lǝǝɟ I

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. $WANKIN


      ˙ooʇ ǝɯ

    3. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Too bored even for a Triple Barfy Deluxe on a raft, four-by-four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, made cry, burned and swum?

    4. box


      ˙sɹɐןןos uoıןןıɯ ɐ uıʍ noʎ ˙suoıʇɐןnʇɐɹbuoɔ

  16. I hear SquarePants is back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1


    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      I'm allergic to Bubble Basses

    4. Cha


      JCM will be pleased with this name change.

  17. I'm on summer vacation!

  18. There is no candy in me, there is no candy in me

    1. Young Nug

      Young Nug

      I am just a little boy there is no candy in me

    2. Someone


      Nerd no piñata

  19. May the 4th be with everybody!

  20. R.I.P. My glasses

  21. I'm in the process of acquiring issue 347 which will give my fourth complete set.

  22. Haven't been on here in so long...

    1. OWM


      By so long I mean a week.

  23. Cowboys couldn't afford cannons.

  24. Arm-Fall-Off Boy! He can rip off his ams and use them as clubs.

    1. OWM
    2. Internet


      Hmm. What if both of them just fell?

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