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Steel Sponge

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  • Birthday 03/28/1995


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    The gnarliest stuff in the ocean

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  1. Can someone explain to me what AJR and Theory of a Deadman are doing on the Alt charts and why we're still apparently making both groups a thing?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      AJR was pretty fine at first with "I'm Ready..."

      But then they released one of the worst albums of 2017. It's not as horrifying as Spectrum Pulse suggests, who gave it a 1/10, but it still operates at least at a strong 2/10 for me. The Click is the kind of album that could've had some good potential, but yet it was completely ruined by the way it was executed.

    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      And in case you guys aren't warned, let me recap on some of the tracks on AJR's album.



      "Overture" starts off good before proceeding into a chopped and screwed drop. And when it tries to redeem itself with the emotional-sounding portion, it then creates a messy mashup with a few of their other tracks. "Weak" has those horrible pseudo-Beach Boys falsettos in the chorus. "Sober Up," the song currently on the Alt charts, entails the singer telling a girl he hasn't known since recess in second grade to make him sober and has a pick-up line that goes "My favorite color is you." In "Netflix Trip," the singer looks back on the most important times of his life (his first crush, watching his mother grieve his grandfather's death, his eighth grade graduation) and connects them to his experience with watching The Office on Netflix, which happened during all those times. In "I'm Not Famous," the singer flaunts about he has no haters, doesn't get judged so much, and that no one cares about what he does because he's not a celebrity. "Three-Thirty" breaks the fourth wall ("how am I supposed to fit this in 3:30?") and tells its audience that they should listen before they skip the song because the band is only human and they don't stay for long. There's even one line that goes "I thought I had ADHD, but that's a real thing, and I'm just lazy." "The Good Part" is one of the most ironic titles for a song and has the second-most annoying set of falsettos on the album. And "No Grass Today" has a drop that sounds like....well, something in which I can't provide a link to. (TubeChop is not working for me ATM.)

      Really, if you want to indulge in an album with a similar sound, I suggest just sticking to Jon Bellion's The Human Condition. It's not a superb album, but it's definitely polished a lot better than The Click.



    4. Wumbo


      use ytcropper my dude

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