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Activity Updates


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Hello ---

Activity certainly has been booming. Between 45-50 people are logging in daily (on average), and daily post amounts have never been better (we're averaging around 600-700 new posts per day). We are in a far better state than we were a year ago (20 people logging on daily, 100 new posts per day) and an even better improvement over our old "golden age" of Summer '11. What's even more shocking is the number of hits we've been getting recently! For example, a few days ago on the 17th, around 23,000+ unique people visited SBC. We've been averaging every day since.

And these are NOT bots. In fact... have a pi chart!


Red is for threats (anything that could potentially harm the site), the pink is bots/crawlers, and the green is regular traffic. Regular traffic = hits. The ratio of actual people to bots is wonderful, and we're really happy with the amount of traffic we've built up to. Another point of interest: SBC has moved up in search results! When you Google "spongebob community", we now are the first link, having outpaced Forumotion. When you Google, "spongebob forum" or "spongebob forums", we show up fourth on the list, a huge jump from fourteenth (which is where we previously were).

Keep up the good work guys! :D

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