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The Super Spongy Square Games

Shark Tale

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What is this, you may be wondering? Could it be, a new forum event? Yes, yes it is! This is a brand new forum event, based on the Olympics 2016. It will be similar to March Madness, so this does involve teams, but with a twist: Everybody can play in it!

Yes, this does still involve our two teams (Band Geeks and Drasticals), but you do not have to be on either to play in this event. Yes, for the first time ever, everybody can play in a teams event, regardless if you are on one or not. I decided this would be a neat way to do another teams event, but still having it be open to everyone so people aren't excluded from it, if they don't want to officially join teams. People who choose not to be on either side will represent "Independents" during the event. This will work differently than March Madness though, as you do not get just one point for winning an event. You will receive medals instead to count team scores, just like in the Olympics!

Yes, there will be Gold, Silver and Bronze medals given out to the top 3 winners of every event during The Super Spongy Square Games. For example, here's a hypothetical result for a SpongeBob Jeopardy! game...

1st place: Halibut ($5400) (Drasticals)

2nd place: Fred Rechid ($4000) (Band Geeks)

3rd place: Metal Snake ($3600) (Independent)

Since Halibut was in first, he would earn the Drasticals one Gold medal. Fred would earn the Band Geeks one Silver medal, and Metal Snake would earn the Independents one Bronze medal. At the end of the event, whichever side has the most medals overall will be the winner! So yes, this is very different, because it's not just "whoever is in first wins the game", instead, the top 3 winners of an event still have chances to win for their teams. The medals will also be iFish items, so you can put them on your fish to wear if you win any.

What events can you expect during it?:

* SpongeBob Jeopardy!

* SpongeBob Wheel of Fortune (Note: Will return later in the event)

* SpongeCraft Tournaments

* Trivia Contests

* SBC Music Tournaments

* Wiki Write-Offs

* ...and more to come!

If you want to be drafted into a team, then sign-up here. Or, if you want to wing it and want to run 3rd party, then you don't have to join either side! If you are already on a team, then you have to represent that side...unless Trophy or OpenWindowManiac kick you off for some reason. :P The games will start July 1st, 2016 and conclude July 31st, 2016, so it will last all month long like March Madness.

And yes, I know the name of this event was the same for a SpongeBob marathon 4 years ago. Sue me. :shake:


Edited by jjsthekid
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8 hours ago, flatthefish said:

Band Geeks suck, Drasticals will have their luck :D


(Idk what that meant, but Band Geeks do suck)

Booooooooooo u sucks!!!!!!



I can't wait for the event and omfg it ends on my birthday, so it's special :D

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