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Cotton Candy Blue
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Status Updates posted by WhoBibbles

  1. I'm going away until 2025. Sorry for sudden decision. Everything went shit. Sorry for everything 

    1. WhoBibbles


      My mom is angry at me for doing a shit job at my thesis (rightfully so) and she wanted me to delete my discord account which i couldnt go through with. So im logging off internet for a long time until i can sort this out. If anyone wants to contact me, i'll try to log in here with google private on my phone but other than that, i cant visit discord or here. If i dont properly come back in 2025, let me just say that imma miss every one of you. Its been a ride. Sorry im gonna miss our 15th anniversary too. You all mean so much to me. Until then, bye

    2. WhoBibbles


      UPDATE: anyone who isnt on discord, i sorted things out for now, so im gonna stay here but gonna be more discreet about it. Sorry for making people worried about me. I hope everything works out in the end

  2. welcome to the wild wild west

  3. without hope, without witness, without reward

  4. I will be back for you after I collect my milk and cookies from starving orphans

  5. I've got nothing on my mind.

  6. Another discord malfunction issues, lovely

  7. Andor and Mob Psycho 100 fucking destroying you on the same day is a huge accomplishment. thanks for amazing wednesdays

  8. yep yep yep yep yep

  9. I could listen to a Robert California podcast all day


  11. you know what? all i'm gonna talk about supernatural from now on is gonna be about cas and dean's romance. cuz queer romance is based and the best thing about any show.

    1. Danny DeVito

      Danny DeVito

      I love gay people

  12. I'm just a simple man making his way through the forum.

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      Please...speak freely.

  13.  @Old Man Jenkins and @Sauce Mama






    1. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      Please rise for the Destiel national anthem


  14. Hahahahahahaha only online member at this hour ?


  15. happy 10th year anniversary to this precious forum.

  16. I didn't wanna clog up #davent for reasons. Just wanted to say that I don't deserve anything good in my life. After failing such easy exams over and over and seeing my friends do much better than me in college and realizing I'll still continue in college when my friends find sweet jobs. I have no good reason to be a lazy, empty and pathetic asshole. Everything about me is one bit nothing. As a warning, please don't be like me. Never be me. Because If you do, you're gonna suffer through disappointment and hatred in yourself. Fuck whobob.

    1. Wumbo



      Everyone finishes things at their own pace. It's not a race; i know it may seem demoralizing but just do the best you can.

  17. Justice for Cyclops!

  18. I'm sorry Jon.

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      i am jon snow

    2. WhoBibbles


      you're jon but not my jon. where's my lasagna jon?

  19. Thot: God of Thirst

  20. G4y is a big bulli. I hate him.


  21. The only decent character in Game of Thrones is Ghost and no one can tell me otherwise.

  22. Welp D&D and Rian trilogies will drive away Star Wars fandom further. RIP.

  23. Reality is often disappointing.

    That is it was.

    Now the reality can be whatever I want.


    1. SpongeCob


      cute penguin eating cheeto - best of funny animals compilation 2019

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