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Cotton Candy
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Status Updates posted by Cha

  1. and without getting a drop paint on anything but the- FLOPPING FORESKINS WHAT’S THAT.

    1. kev


      -zoom in of dollar with smol nut stain-

  2. my life is a bad spongebob season -canned laughter-

    1. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      My Life as a Teenage Bad SpongeBob Season

  3. top sb quotes updated in prof, see if urs made it

    1. Rap Critic
    2. OWM


      whos the fat kid talkin to

  4. that’s queer

  5. spongebob can I borrow some bath beads?

    1. 4EverGreen


      Spongebob: "Go, run away like all the others. NOBODY wants a friend as UGLY as I am!" Patrick: "Sure they would! It makes them feel better about the way THEY look! Maybe a story would help. It's called 'The Ugly Barnacle'. 'Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was SO ugly that everyone died! The End'!" Spongebob: "That didn't help at all!"

  6. curiosity salted the snail

    1. 4EverGreen


      But satisfaction brought it back!

    2. OWM


      whats the matter was he stupid

    3. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      that snail is dead

  7. we’ll take four boy toys thank you

    1. 4EverGreen


      I just want to tell you that I think it's very clever and cool, how you managed to put the Four Beatles from the album cover of "Abbey Road", into the animated background of Bikini Bottom, that's VERY creative! I wonder when Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney (and possibly Pete Best) will make guest star appearances on "Spongebob Squarepants"? Enough said, true believer!

  8. and now theyre having sex

    1. sbl


      Cowboy Gay Sex

    2. kev


      i hate gay people

    3. OWM



  9. Favorite Sponfe Bob Characters:

    1. Real Live Ghost Mop, 2. Devil Donut, 3. The Good Plate, Honorable mention, Charlie the Abused Pillow and his lover, Gentleman Mattress, in that order.

  10. finally, The Patrick Committee

    1. SpongeOddFan


      Finally, theCha Committee

  11. look kid, i don’t have much time. the answers to the prostate exam are-

    1. SpongeOddFan


      where's that quote from?

    2. Cha



    3. 4EverGreen


      By the Nowhere Man! :hysterical: (Not really!) :rolleyes:

  12. you’ve been a bad girl gaga, a very very, bad girl. -eats bite of sandwich-

    1. kev


      -gaga takes bite of sandwich- -never lets go-

  13. esmeralda and meg are the hottest disney characters and that is fact.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kev


      who Is meg

    3. 4EverGreen


      Meg is from Disney's version of "Hercules". And yeah, Esmerelda and Meg are pretty hot; but Ariel, Belle, and Jasmine win it for me in my books! (Of course, it helps that the live-action reference for ALL three of them, was the same woman, voice actress Sheri Stoner, who also did the voice of Slappy Squirrel in the "Animaniacs!")

    4. President Squidward
  14. grrrrrrrrOOWEL

  15. all i wanted to do lately is rewatch tangled and moana

  16. No Please! Don’t!

  17. Cha

    pirate paul loved pirate cum

    1. OWM


      pirate paul hates pirate cha

    2. Cha


      grrrrr shout up old white british man

  18. full peepee poopoo mode

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