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Status Updates posted by NegiSpongie

  1. I have no cable, so is there anywhere I can watch the newest SpongeBob episodes?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WhoBibbles


      @SOF you can always type and enter to see If it's real or not.

    3. NegiSpongie


      @Steel Sponge The nick app won't let me watch any episodes on the site since I don't have a cable provider.

    4. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      I see, but besides that, I don't see any other luck, as far as I know.

  2. Which SpongeBob episode would you show to a first time viewer?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Inanimate Carbon Rod

      Inanimate Carbon Rod

      Either "Help Wanted", "Chocolate with Nuts", or "Your Shoe's Untied".

    3. President Squidward
    4. Josh the trash

      Josh the trash

      the krusty krab traning video !

  3. I am crying right now. My cousin just called me and informed me that...something terrible happened to her one year old daughter which was the cause of her strange behavior and fear of being alone. How can someone be so cruel and twisted? I can only pray that the person responsible is brought to justice and my cousin's family makes a full recovery.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TJ


      Negi, I am so sorry about this horribleness that your family is going through right now. I wish you guys all the best in whatever happens next. Some people are sickos, and that sucks.

    3. SpongeOddFan


      so sorry to hear.

    4. NegiSpongie


      Thank you, everyone.

  4. A bee flew into my car while driving and STUNG MY HAND!!!

    1. ooooooofy


      that reminds me of the time a bird flew into my english teacher's car and then exploded all over him!!!!!!


      also sorry about your hand last year i was stung by a wasp in two spots including my hand it swelled up into a frickin BALLOON man hopefully your hand does not expand i will pray for you my dude! we have to STOP this aculeata brutality!!!!!!! 

    2. NegiSpongie


      Luckily it didn't. I'm terrified of bees and I've never been stung before so I was really freaked out.

  5. I always get "Slimy Dancing" and "I ❤️ Dancing" confused.

  6. Bought a Rick and Morty t-shirt and Portal Gun!


    1. Cha


      there's so much r&m merchandise at hot topic now it's ridiculously great. would totally get a morty if my family didn't question it 

  7. Is something going on here on the site?

    The chatbox won't load and I can post anything from my laptop.

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      Everything seems fine for me, it might be your internet.

  8. Sorry for my absence this week.

    I've been so bummed that I haven't been able to come here due to having no internet. Here's why? I live with my brother, so he and his girlfriend broke up. A couple days ago, she came to get the rest of her stuff and on the way out, she took the cable box and the router without anyone's permission or knowledge, leaving us with no cable or internet. I am so pissed, especially since I can't do any internet related stuff expect when I'm at work on the wifi, or connected to my bother's wireless hotspot (if he is in the house). So sorry, Band Geeks, if you're wondering about my inactivity, that's why. I probably won't be back regularly till Monday when we get a new cable box.

  9. I'm on the final arc of Naruto Shippuden.

  10. Is there any way I can watch the SpongeBob Musical online?

  11. I'm officially done with posting spin-offs.

  12. Follow my new series here... 


  13. Check out the updated version of "Interloopers Unite!"


  14. I can't PM you for some reason, but I just wanted to thank you for helping me with that problem I was having before. Also sorry for getting your name wrong. I guess I get confused with the name changes ?

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