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Jjs Goodman

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Status Replies posted by Jjs Goodman

  1. LMAO your avatar's saul goodman with drip



  3. Ted Cruz's dumb facial hair looks like Walter White's in the final episode of Breaking Bad when he returns to New Mexico after taking refuge in super rural New Hampshire

  4. wow, i've been here for 11 years

  5. Holy crap lois, remember that time when I joined SBC 10 years ago today (still technically the 15th where I live)

    fuckin wild, mang

  6. i have covid.....but i think my taste is coming back yay! wear your FUCKING MASKS 

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      I'm sorry to hear. I truly hope you recover safely.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. Dark trooper theme. That is all.

  8. Boba Fett's theme. That is all.

  9. 8 years ago today the world was supposed to have ended, what went wrong?

  10. idk why but I love the snowfall on this sbc christmas theme. I look forward to seeing it every year since i first came to sbc

  11. i am feeling the rush of gaming

  12. Hi, im new here! 

  13. tonight's debate gonna look like the room

  14. To quote Roger, HEY! What'd I miss?

  15. tfw you're a 24 year old stalking spongebob sites

  16. tfw you're a 24 year old stalking spongebob sites

  17. I visited Home Depot today, had a case of hiccups and also drank Dr. Pepper

  18. welp i'm back i guess 

  19. Joined this website exactly ten years ago. Whew, where'd all that time go? <333

  20. Hey Jasuda-san! I've discovered this great new game we can play during quarantine. It's called Pokemon Sword & Shield.

  21. Minecraft?

  22. we gotta write a song about how we definitely DO NOT eat doritos

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